THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1893. STATE ITEMS. THE NEWS PROM ALL OVER THE STATE IN A CONCISE FORM. McDowell county is to have a prohi bition election on the 12th of June. A j f C1 V M n a. party 01 -:a Mormons trom near Greensboro have gone to Salt Lake City, The fruit crop in and around Winston promises to be abundant, says the Senti nel. Professor S. B. Weeks, of Trinity College, is writing a history of North Carolina. The commissioners of Morgnnton have imposed a tax of three dollars por head on dogs. John Harris, of New Hanover, is the . proud possesser of a mule which is 38 years old. A great many scuppernong grape vines have been killed by the extreme cold of the past winter. The valediotorian at Yale this year a North Carolina boy. The class consists of 125 members. Bishop Duncan will preside over the North Carolina and the Western North Carolina conferences this year. farmers report tne small grain crop as promising well and unusually forward A large corn of orop will be planted. A school is to be established at Pilot Mountain, which will be under the man agement of Trinity College. It will open June 1st. Several gentlemen from Maryland are prospecting at Fayetteville for the pur chase of lands for trucking on an exten sive scale. The Argus says that Mr. Will Hunt er, ot uoiasDoro, nas a cow three quar ters Jersey which daily gives from four and a half to five gallons of milk. 1 1 l r . mm 1 T 1 Acacneoi ! cruae Indian arrow points was found recently in Alexander county, N. C, packed in a circular hole nine inches in diameter and thirteen inche's deep. Governor Carr has published an order in which he thanks the First Regiment for its prompt response to the order to go to New Bern, and for its excellent conduct while on duty. What is to bo known a the Niagara Falls Grape and Fruit Company, has been chartered, with headquarters at Southern Pines, to cultivate and can fruits, etc. The capital stock is $50,000. The Hermitage Cotton Mills have suc ceeded the Reidsville Cotton Mills, which were sold sometime ago, and $100,000 stock has been taken in the new enter prise, which is working both day and night. II. A. London, of the Chatham Rec ord; W. W. McDiramid, of the Robeso- nian; and Thad R. Manning, of the Hen derson Gold Leaf, have gone to Chicago as delegates to tho National Editorial Convention. The Mooro county people appear to be enjoying a real sensation. It appears that a wild man is in the woods near Carthage. He is a negro, and is wild enough to satisfy the most ardent admir ers of wild men. It is announoed that the Asheville Democrat will be enlarged to an eight column sheet and the name changed to the title, "The Commonwealth." There will, however, be no change of purpose or politioal policy. Secretary Carlisle has awarded a silver life saviog nindal of honor to Benjamin Hewlett, of Wilmington, N. C., for res cuing two girls from drowning on the 18th of August 1892, on Wrightsville Sound, N.C. Hewlett displayed excep tional courage, taking both girls from the umuuu where the water was twelve feet THE ROANOKE NEWS. BY HALL & SLEDGE. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION IN ADVANCE. One Year (by Mail), Postage Paid $1.50. Six Months 75. A Weekly Democratic j ournal devoted to the material, educational, political and agricultural interests of Halifax and sur rounding counties. JAdvertising rates reasonable furnished on application. and THURSDAY MAY 25, 1893. HOME AFFAIRS. Agent at Enfield. Mr. S. Meyer is the authorized agent of the Roanoke News at Enfield and vicinity and any business with the paper can be transacted with him. He will receive and receipt for subscriptions and attend to any other matters entrusted to him. He will also take new or renew old subscriptions. Farewell May 1893. The dull season is upon us. Straw hats quite numerous. Beautiful moonsbiny nights. This is the season for picnics. Warm days and pleasant nights. Use lime freely in your back lots. Last Saturday was a legal holiday. . The summer girl looks quite sweet. Now for lemonade and milk shakes. The strawberry season is about over. Cold enough for overcoats last week. The early peaches will soon be ripe. The mocking birds are singing sweet- It seems to turn off cool after every the growing bever- Suit has been brought by S. F. Bryant, of Florida, to. recover possession of all that portion of Wrightsville Beach south of and including the "Shelter of the Sil ver Cross" to Masonboro inlet. The Ooean View company, the Wilmington Sea coast railway rompany and the Wil mington Savings and Trust company are among the defendants. The vast facilities of the J. C. Ayer Co., of Lowell, Mass., enable them to place the superior Blood purifier Ayer's Sarsaparilla within easy reach of the poorest invalid. Don't be induced to take a "cheap" substitute. Always re member that the best is the cheapest. &3ind all sick watobes to Grady's Horolooioal Sanitarium, Halifax, N. C. 10 13 tf. The weather is fine for crops. Buttermilk is again on the age list. Merchants everywhere complain of dull trade. We take less pains to be happy than to appear so. No thoroughly occupied man was ever yet miserable. The girls are looking nobby in their sailor chip hats Garrets are being ransacked for last season's straw hats. TnK cold snap last week gave cotton a black eye for a few days, The crops have improved wonderfully within the past few days. vacation will soon gladden the hearts of the school children. Everything points to a sweet .girl graduate of unusual sweetness. YV E can safely predict no more real cold weather until next winter. 1 TTT T1 O . iuh. vv.a. oprlill nas been ap pointed postmaster at Littleton. A large snake was run over and killed by a train under the shed here Monday. That tired feeling has had but little hance to get in its fine work this Spring. The health statistics published in our ast issue opened the eyes of a great many people. There is one consolation for our busi ness men, when Weldon is dull it is dull at other places also. vo you wish to learn how to give nything ? Then fancy yourself in the plaoe of the receiver. Hot days and hot nights are needed now, so do not complain if it gets a little too warm for comfort. We desire to return th; nki to our oung friend Mr. R. T. Daniel for an in- vvntmn to attend the commencement exercises of Wake Forest college. Dandruff is due to an enfeebled state of the skin. Hall's Hair Renewer quick ens the nutritive functions of the skin, healing and preventing the formation of dandruff. Examining the Farms. Messrs Leazer, Young, Armstrong, and Dr. Green, of the board of directors for the penitentiary, have been examining the State farms near here. These gentlemen louna evcrytning in most excellent con dition and the work going on smoothly. The visitors were guests of Dr. Green while in town. The board loft Mon day for Castle Hayne to inspect the State works at that place. Model for a Town. Weldon would go up tho scale of progress one hundred per cent, if the following observations were closely adhered to by all of our citizens : A perfect town is that in which you see the farmers patronizing the homo merchants, tho merchants patronizing home printers, the laborers spending the money they earn with their own trades men and they buying their things at home instead of going abroad. The spirit of reciprocity between business men and mechanics, tradesmen and laborers, the farmers and manufacturers, results every time in making the town a good one for business. Death or Mr. Ivey. Mr. R. W. Ivey, Jr., for the past few years a sales man in the store of Mr. J. L. Judkins, died at his room at this place Monday morning after a painful illness, aged 33 years. Mr. Ivey had been in delicate health for some time prior to his removal to this place, and the immediate cause of death was a tumor on the liver. The deceased was a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal church, was a young man of most excellent character, and possessed the entire confidence and estcom of all who knew him. He leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to lament his death. His remains were taken to the family burying ground, near here, last Tuesday and laid at rest. The afflicted family have our sympathy in their sad bereavement. This is Good News. Welearu that a meeting of the stockholders of the Roanoke Navigation and Water Power Company will be held here about the first of June and that matters of vital impor tance to Weldon will be considered. It is stated that the company will consider very many applications for water power for factories of various kinds. It is also learned that the company will in a' short time begin work on a large cotton factory, that a knitting factory and other manu facturing establishments will follow. Doubtless very many of our readers will say there is no such good news for us. They may rest assured, however, that this is no item to fill up space, nor a "boom," but plain facts. There is now every reason to believe that we arc indeed upon tho very eve of prosperity. It stands to reason that no set of business men would allow a fine water power, costing about $200,000 to develop, to lie idle. The company is composed of gen tlemen of large means and it is their in tention to place here one of the largest lactones in we ooutn. When tni is' done families will begin to move in and wen we will see real prosperous times ahead for our business men. We stated last week that factories are the life of every town. Agriculture is all right and cannot be dispensed with, but no town can grow wnicn draws its entire support from the farming community. We must have cotton factories, knitting factories, oil mills, furniture factories and various enterprises. It will then pay to farm near Weldon. Every article raised on the farms will find here a ready market, The merchants will have a brisk trade, the schools will be filled with bright, happy faces and general prosperity will smile upon all. G artsburq Victorious. The game of base ball played at Littleton on last Thursday between the Garysburg and Littleton clubs resulted in a score of 16 to 17 in favor of Garysburg. WORLD'S COLUMBIAN TION ex pogi. Will be of value to the world by illus trating the, improvements in tho mechan ical arts and eminent physicians will tell yon that the progress in medicinal agents, has been of equal importance, and at strengthening laxative that Syrup of Figs is far in advance of all others. The Mayo Case. The case of R. J. Mayo, colored, charged with robbing old man Hardy Hines of about two hundred dollars, was heard in the Superior court last Friday. The jury, however, after being out forty-eight hours, notified the Judge that it would be impossible for them to agree upon a verdict, and were therefore discharged. The prisoner was represented by Capt. W. H. Day, E. L. Travis, S. G. Daniel, and W. A. Dunn. Clark & Lillington, Capt. J. M. Grizzard, T. C. Harrison, and Solicitor White ap peared for the Statu. The case was summ ed up ably and ingeniously by counsel for defence and for the prosecution. It is to be regretted that the jury could not agree, as mistrials are very, expensive and should be avoided whenever possible. The jury, when discharged, stood 8 for conviction against 4 for acquittal. Does Advertising Pay? Hois t slow man indeed who affirms that judi cious advertising does not pay. Let the skeptic look around him, in any city or business center, and note the most sue cessiui Dusiness men mere, woo arc they? The careful and judicious adver tisers invariably. Some raiso the objection that every thing is now sold at so small a margin of profit that they cannot afford to advertise. why they should advertise. Where is the advantage of selecting par ticularly cheap or offering especially great bargains if the people are not made aware of them ? There is no questioning the fact that there is an immense amount of money wasted, positively thrown away, in so called advertising schemes that are abso lutely worthless, and that fail utterly to bring the investor in them any returns whatever for the money expended. All the experienced advertisers avoid them, using only the standard, long tried, relia ble mediums the newspapers, the best and the cheapest. As it is known that tho most success ful business men are the greatest adver tisers, so is it a fact that all successful advertisers are firm beiievers in the units-paper. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Southing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, oures wind coliu, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of . the world. Twenty five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. may 25 lv The mercury is on the rise, but Mey er s prioes on ail kinds ot groceries are below aoro. Call for bargains, prioes no object. Remember Meyer's grocery,' Enfield. When a bank buys a time lock it gen erally makes a good safe investment. Bridoers-Tilqhman. The Metho dist Episcopal church was the scene of beautiful! marriage ceremony yesterday afternoon at two o clock, the contracting parties were Mr. R. N. Bridgers, a popu lar express messenger and Miss Zuleime, the daughter of Mr. J. B. Tilghman. The church was beautifully and profusely decorated for the occasion, and long be fore the appointed hour was well filled with the friends of the happy young pair. Miss Laura Powers presided at the organ and at the appointed time the sweet strains of Mendelssohns wedding march floated giandly through the sacred edifice under her accurate touch, as the bridal party entered. The following is the order in which they came: The ushers, Messrs. James Barton, Maurice Pittman,-M. S. Mountcastle and ChaileB Northington, first entered, walking down the right and left isles and were followed bv tho at tendants, the ladies marching grave fully down the left isle and the gentlemen using the right isle. The bride, beauti fully attired in travelling suit, walked slowly to the chancel with her maid of honor, Miss Alice Anderson, and the bridegroom entered leaning on the arm of his brother, Mr. Henry Bridgers. The pastor, Rev. J. A. Green, stood within the chancel and in a most impressive mauuer performed the ceremony. The bridal party then retired in the following order, Mr. aud Mrs. Bridgers, Mr. Henry Bridgers and Miss Alii Anderson, Mr. O. W. Pierce and Miss Bessie Edwards, Mr. C. G. Evans and Miss Rosa Tilgh man, Mr. J. II. Stephenson and Miss Carrie Howell, Mr. F. A. Fetter and Miss Ella Cheek. The newly wedded pair were tendered a reception at the home of Mrs. J. A. Bridgers, (the bride groom's mother) last night and to-day they will leave on an extended southern tour to Atlanta, Macon and other cities. The bout wishes of the Roanokk News attend them, in their journey through life. The Dead Chieftain. Halifax county sent her quota of brave and loyal men to the front, when we contended for a cause which we believed was right, and the blood of her noble eons and the sacri fices ot her devoted women has rendered the "lost cause" dear to the hearts of all North Carolinians Next week the sacred ashes of ex-President Davis will be taken to Richmond, the beautiful capital city of the Confederacy, for reinterment. Ar rangements have been to have the funer al traiu to stop in Raleigh, where the remains will lie in state at the capital. Popular interest in the arrival and cere monies attendant are very great, and the people, without regard to race or politics, should render all the honor possible. In honoring our dead Chieftain we are none the less loyal to the Union, now cemented by the blood oftheheroio men who wore the blue and the gray. But in honoring the remains of the great statesman we do but honor ourselves and the noble patriots who died for a cause which was dear to them. As many of the old soldiers, and tizens generally, as possible, should at tend the ceremonies at Raleigh next week. The rates on all roads havo been greatly reduced and it is to be hoped that Halifax county will be well represented on this most solemn occasion at Raleigh. It is the last oc casion which will be presented of honor ing the remains of the head of a govern ment which died in its infan cy, and it is therefore very meet and right that all honor should be paid the grand old man who has erected in the hearts of the people a monument more lasting and durable than bronze or marble. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PURELY PERSONAL. brief mention of the movements of your friends and acquaintances Good old times will come again if you will buy your groceries ofS. Meyer, En field. The Professor What is happiness ? The Philosopher The condition of forgetting that you are unhappy. The old reliable (iroeety store of S. Meyer, Eufield, is still holding out at the old stand and is pleased to see all old friends who want lowest prioes on all kinds of groceries. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . COMPOUND. A, recent dlaooeerr fcr u oM physician. tfHooMtStny ae4 eumJAly hi ttunuaiul of La die. It theonlr perfectly aefe and reliable medlelne dleooT- red. Beware ot unprincipled la ptamot tale. Auk for Coort Cottoh KdOrGuimitn InbMMhiillNtAfirhuilAMllinil i seat In noela In latter, and we will erad. eealed, f return aoaiL ruU aaaled particular lunula. BTatope, to eaaiea obit, a ttampa. roaa i.ny vomaaay. Jta, S t-teaer Mock, Detroit, Mica. HVSoldin Weldon by W. .VI. Cohen. druggist. my 11 lv Mrs. R. W. Brown is visiting relatives in Richmond, Va. Prof. W. C. Riddick, of Raleigh, spent last Sunday in town. Mrs. W. M. Bishop, of Manchester, Va., is visiting relatives hero. Mr. W. H. Brown, who has been quite sick, we are glad to say, is up again. Kev. f.ri. Stainback will preach at Smith's church next Sunday afternoon at 3:30. Mr. Arthur Whiteley, editor of the Mount Olive Review, made us a pleasant visit last Monday. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a con stitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is tbe only cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a tcaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Proprietors, Toledo, O. B,Sold by all Druggists, 5o. Testimonials free. Joe Whitaker Says, when you see an "ad." in big head lines GREAT -- --REDUCTIONS! Slaughter Sales! And SOUTH OF NEW YORK. That it is a "fake." TO MY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC.' I SELL goods to make a living, but claim that my prices are right and the same to all. No "baits," no "mon keying," no "selling at coat" with 25 per cent, added to original. Yon are too well informed. Prioes and quality talkt When a man sees that he is being driven to despair he ought to get out and walk. The man who owns a rich marble quarry may be said to have a blasted fortune. There is no need to worry over an aching tooth. Just drop into some den tist's and it will come out all right. The pleasentest way to take nod liver oil, says an old gourmand, is to fatten pigeons with it and then eat the pigeonst The oolored base ball clubs of Halifax and Weldon played their second game at this place last Friday which resulted in a victory for the Weldon club by a score of 26 to 21. ADVERTISEMENTS. 114JIM1 Cure Oowmptln, Concha, Croup, Mar Tliront. So'd by all DrtiRi.te na a Giuraate. Kara Last Side, Back or Chert Bhlloh'i Parous flatter will jire tre'teaiitfactiea. 1 etnta. SHILOH'S VITALIZE R. Mn T. S. HnwkliLChttanoo,Tenn.,eiiy)l! "iiWft Vttallur' HAYED JtT LI FJS.' I trmtUterit the best rented or odr'-tJllaledri'ra Jewueed." For DtitI, liver or Kidney trouble It exoels. Frloo WcU. CATARRH REMEDY. Hum-roil Catarrh? Try this Remedv. ItwIU powtlewlr reitove and Cure you. Price 60 eta. Tbla Inrrctor for It mirremrul tmtlmwnt if fiirntabed frew. Bmmrr,8riiloh'arlm(Ua Mid ob suantuv. j tn tiya aatutfaction. For sale by W. M. COHEN, jan 12 ly. Weldon, N. C. 'HILOH'S Dress Goods I Henrientta, Chashmere, Bedford Cords. T m ' ... beiges tinevrous, L'nalues, etc., eto. Wash Fabrics, Zephyrs, Cham brays, Ginghams, Cords, Sat teens, Crepes, Outings, Flannels, etc., etc. White Goods! In great variety un necessary to mention prices of different kinds of Domestics, eto. GENTLEMEN'S Furnishings! Embroidered, Pique Plaited Dotted Swiss and Shield bosom shirts. My line of Negligee shirts is unsurpassed fot beauty, quality and price. NECK. WEAK. The most "utter" and "out of sight" ever brought to Enfield". Four-in-hands, Oxford Bows, made-nn Goods and Windsor Ties to suit all, at less than city prices. Standing and turn-down collars in the) latest spring and aurnmer shapes, caffs, &0. UNDEKWEAK! UNDERWEAR! Sloes! Slides! Of all grades and kinds to "it tbe trade. Examine my prices. E. r. Keed & Co-'s fine Snoes. HATS! Far, wool and straw. Don't buy nntil yon have seen my straw goods. The nobbiest on tbe market. "So say w all." Furniture, Family Groceries, Crockery Glass, wood and tinware, etc-, etc., eto. JOS. J. WHITAKER, ENFIELD. Na C

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