- THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, MAY 25. 1893. IN EXC1IH1R OF SllKN .. maters I I7 , ....... - J.1JUI T AULiiX AD (ii'XXJJ.l -1 VJt 1 I llll I II II X ', Well, what are you thinldng Tho shoemaker, kneeling to measure the foot of Charles Vane, looked up as tho gentleman asked this question, and turned red to ma oars. "Well, sir," said he, "I was lumKing promiscuous like." And no wtnii on measuring. "You've got a, high instep," he said, after a pause. "Ain't it singular how providence favors some and makes others as flat us turtles. I suppose you'd like a heel this height, sir; you're, I should say, six foot." "Six feet one." "Lor'! an' I ain't quite five." The little shoemaker stood up as he spoke und pocketed his mea sure. But tho young man still looked at him with a puzzled air. "What were you thinking of, Glint?" he said again. "1 never Saw your jolly face so solemn." "Well, sir," said the shoemaker, V "sinco you want to know, if you'll excuse the liberty. I was a-wisning l was you. "Win-:"' "AVell, sir, you are rich, you know, and can do as you like all uay; ana you are six toot one, and good lookin' to match." "And I have wished often that I were you." "You are making game of me, sir." "Xo I mean it. I have often said were I young Glint over there, hard at work all day, en joying coarse fare, taking plea sure in cheap pastimes, luxuriat ing in his Sundays and holidays, what would I not give? I have too many leisures, I have a surfeit of all things. It isn't good, for a man." "I'd like to try it, sir." "And I should like to try ,the daily toil the happy restthe sharo finnetite the unii-it. tlmt. sends you whistling to your work. I'd change with you, Glint." "Ahem!" muttered somebody behind them. The shoemaker and the gentle man both turned. In the door way stood a crooked little old man in black, with a weazen, yellow face. He bowed and entered. "I over-heard your wish just "Come till vez. mat!" vnllvl ! me servant oi trm hrmun "M oma sez ye'ro makin'the other boarders wait," and down went tho last land boot with alacrity. Led by some queer instinct, tho new shoemaker Ktnmhlnd tiffVion. ward, and saw at a table nine men, three women and a girl. Charles Vano remembered hav ing envied lilmt his interchange of kisses with this damsel at tho shop door of moonlight nights, and to have written a poem on humble love. ( Alas! ho now knew also that tho brassy ring with a glass stone upon tho damsel's finger was his engagement ring. The damsel was not ugly, but she was coarse, i tor finger nails were darkly rimmed; sho had her hair tucked into ix net, through wmcn it poiced its ends at inter vals; her apron was dirty, and her waist a yard about. The Htfonies of that dinner could never bo forgotten. Even his workshop became a paradise. He rushed thither. Alas' Waited a laborer with his hod who wanted his browtn mtehml At-. this, soul rose sunorinr tr sah ivlr. Vano conquered the cobbler tn i SI JIIMj in Whip OordBengalines. French ft k 'man Novelties. now," said the little man. "I over-heard also that wih nf vnnr shoemaker yonder, and am here in consequence. "I can, if I choose, gratify this wish of yours at once. It is a whim of mine to do so. Come now. were you in earnest?" "I was," said the gentleman, "Of course, I was," said the cobbler. The little man in black drew from his pocket a parchment. "Append your signature," he saiu. "inis compact will accom plish all that vou desire, but. nv member, it is irrevocable within the year both desire it to be broken at the same instant." "The old gentleman is mad," thought Charles. "I'll sign to numor mm. "It's I don't know whn " onid the shoemaker, "but I'll sign for an mat. "Done." fiaid the old o-fintlomnn "And now, remember you have now cnangea souls, but you have ioces, voices, apparent knowledge. Watch the clock ten minutes," and pocketing the parchment ne wniKca out oi tne room. Jive minutes eight ten. A sort of convulsion shook each of those men. An agony impossible to describe, was repeated twice in eacn breast, ana tor ten minutes more neitner fcne.w anything. "A pretty shoemaker vou, asleep on your bench. I say, are nuM nhctnn rlnnV" Mr. Charles Vane heard those words and opened his eyes. He seemed to remember, ahmirrllv enough, to have mended a pair of shoes for a Mr. He put forth his nana ana arewtnem from beneath the table. "A ahillun." ssi.1 Iia The bov took tho Twito unl placed a filthy 10-cent stamp and a greasy two-cent piece on his palm. Charles Vane dropped both with "Ain't over your spree yetP' he said, and went away leering. Charles Vane arose and looked about the room. It was the cob bler's shop. Pah! how is smelled of wax and gin! t - He looked in. the glass. There was tho cobbler's face and five brief feet of stature. He glanced over the way and saw himself stepping into a little natty turn out. "The old man spoke the truth," he said. "1 am about to taste humble happiness." He was conscioas of a queer feel ing never experienced before. After a While he began to believe it was.hunger. He began to remember, also, that he had had no breakfast ex cept a piece of bread and an onion. He looked around for a bell to ring for lunch. There was no belL "Bo shoemakers starve?" he I mentally. Just then the "Do VOU exnpct, mo t.n rnnnil cnnli dirty shoes as' those?" he said. "Dirty, be jabers!" yelled the man, and flew at him. In vain did Mr. Vane strive to remember the lessons in the manly art of solf-dofoiise acquired from Mr. Punchemflat. He was pound ed to a jelly ; and Abigail Sprat, hearing the disturbance (Abigail was tho damsel's name), flew to his rescue, wept, over "her ducky," and plastered him with brown paner and vinegar. When it smarted, Mr. Vane against his will said : "Ouch ! ain't it tart though ?" "You poor, dear ducky,'" said Abicail Sprat. -'But T'll'L-mo W. and make 'em well." And she did. At dllsk Ahifn.il Srvrnf timrnool a walk. He treated her to ginger wer. rie oougtit peanuts, au.i they ate them out of his handker chief. He returned in a state nf WIa. peril table desnair and sonn-h garret. There he stared across at the hotel, homebody at its win dow hulked also at, tho mnnn "H., )DV dor !" thonrrht Vano "He will never change back nain. x in nxcu ior nie. un ! wliat a tool I've been wlmr, :i. fnrl !" Somebody on the other side of iue street saw, in a taint voice, audiblo by some miraculous means : "Oh, what a fool I have been ! " Who's that ?" caller! Vnnn " 1 used to be Mr. Glint, now 1 m .Mister Vane," said the voice. "Oh, ain't I wretched ?" "You are laughing at mo," said Vane. "I ain't. Oh, I don't wonder you got me in for it. It's awful." " What has happened to you ?" asiceii vane. "First place the dinner," said lilint. l had soup, and before I could eat it they took it awav and gave me fish, and that they graooea anu gave me meat, and I hadn't nothn to eat but. swnota and things, and my digestives is so nurt i m sure i shall die. " Then I ain't got nothin' to do, and I have to be as stiff as a post, and I am afraid of the horses they prance so. And then oh you wretch! That's why vou did it. 1 kruTw. I'll kill vou !" "What?" asked Vane. "Abigail Sprat!" "Hev?" " I saw her kissiu' you. And you n mary ner: "Hansr me if I will." mini Vm, "Oh, Abigail Stfratt!" moaned the wretch across tho street " I don't think of giving her up. You Jj. I . . 1 " i a .... won i cnange oacK, ot course? ' "Will you?" cried Vane. "Yes." At that moment, pncli uaw in - . n ' " ' ill the street below the yellow-faced, crooked little man in IiIhpL- H,', shook his finger at each and leered and wugirud his head. Then he took the parchment irom ins Dreast ana tore it in two. At that moment the two fnw.ru from the opposite windows under went tho sumo pugo of unutter able acronv acrain anil fnnnA ul! t O ...... 1,1, darkness for awhile. With dawn Charles ane iruwA at himself reioiciii'j- in t lit ll.llTur and Peter Glint rushed down stairs to embrace Abigail Sprat, who was makiiiL' th kitchoi. Hi,' with redoubled affection. Bran don Eunner. Florentine and Japanese Silks. Everything new in Dress Fabrics Of all Kinds with Trimmings to match All Goods. Complete stock of Gents' FUKSTISHING GOODS- Wash Goods The Wear on Rails. Takinir the length of tho nor- manent ways on the surface of the globe ut nearly 00,000 geo graphical miles, with a daily aver age of ten trains, it is Mt'imatJwl that the total loss by wear and tear suffered each day by the me tallic rails cf the earth is about COO tons. The COO tons are lost in the form of a fine nowder. nrl nr carried bacK to the earth in tho shape of soluble iron salts. Corks warmjd in oil make excellent substitutes for glass stoppers f BE WARE OF IMITATIOHS. NOTIONS 22? GOODS. In fact most anything you want. Stylish and Good Fitting Clothing for Men lioy s and Children. We have the best cuts and atvles to suit you. BSTCoine see for yourself. lSTOR"R"r TT A TQ All shapes and styles. Ladies Ties " ' L-t.j -- 1 ana nuppcrs ull colors. Geut's Russet and Patent leather Shoes. First class line of Shoes of all Grades. Do not nrripr frnnrio Hi o n .-CI Ml n Bv..... v,,0 iiihi, uuu we win save you money. Respectfully, THE M. F. HART CO., SALESMEN: BY ll F.HART, SEC. & TREAS A. S. ALLEN, H. D. ALLEN. IB 4- fill UAKWOub'SEXl'KACT, NACBS TRIPLE, VIOLET WATER, WOODWORTH'S FLORIDA WA TER, AND SACHET POWDER. Mew Line of " -JS T AT I ONER Just Received 150 Linen writing Tablets, which I'll sell at a small PROFIT, H w o S5 O i i H Sh t i PS t w 05 ACCURACY 1 .3 H 2! 5S PURITY! Q Stag Brand repurell Paints. Pure H'hite Lead k Linseed oil, I'll sell paiuts at a Very nwail ujarin. A Large Stock of LANDRETH'S ,;i tiAKUKN SEED FREE Trial. W hy suffer from the bad effects of the Ln Grippe, Lame Back, Kidney and Liver disease, Klieumatism, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, any kind of weakness, or other diseases, when Electricity will cure yon and keep you in health. (Headache re- IieTPd in nnAtninntn 1 T At.:- t DR. JUDD'S ELECTRIC BP. T t " " ' rZ " 1 f 10 and $15, if satisfied. Also, Electric Trusse. and Bos Batteries. ' Costs nothin to tr them. flnn a,lnlA .H s ...... ft -... buii, nun gnaranteea to last lor years. A Belt and Battery combined, and produces sufficient Elwtriritv n f . j.-. n. .. . . . - j m. i lucuicui an vice. rite to-aay. Oive waist measure, nrice and full ' - IT "wuiuo IT AIM J. KuUt. Address: MEN AND WOMEN war . t i ,i w. . tv 1 i 1 w LOOK YOUNG Pit. CAMI'IIKI.L'S SAFE ARSENIC WAFERS piwmws nuiKtmnrkoil nnil snrprizlnvrvirliii n In pre sorvliiit Youth, llcaltli iiml Homily. Tlu.v uru t lie onlynubtitmice known tlinUvill prcvt'iit tetnliMii y to wrinkle Hint acini; of the skin. T.k .v nnwrvc thi! tone, liiV' und tr!iiiHn,ti;nt ;.;luv 'of vinth Tliey pri'vi-nt withcrhn; nftlie skui nnil c'lrvmi! u I' of llio lluuli Thi'y lint fimplv wondt'il'iif lor ren'ovliiK hnrklo, Wrinkk.s, Motli, lilncklii'inls, I'lnipk. Vuliiur Uratnc8, lionuh, Villow or Mnckly skins nnil other liiolnl rlistlnnrciutnls. If yon di siri' h ir,oiniri'iit. rh nr, livsli com plexion, frue from oloU'h, hU'inlsh, roughness or coiirKfni-'b, nnil lsh to pviwrvi! yul TH mul Hl:Al"l'V, mi- III. se VI1NIH:FI' MAIilCU. AMi.UI;VKl.I,'M'.s Hit. CAMl'llKI.I.'S 8AKK AKSKMI! WAKEItK. REMEfVIBER ALSO THAT Kvery Skin iUkchw, whi'thor tortnrln;.', ilislh;- Ul'imr. humiliating, itohimr Imrnimr V,l,lii,v wnly, pimply or hlolohy hi fm t, from 1'implfs tothf inosl ilistrt'sKliifr oceniiw. urn) cvi rv hn inorofthi' hloo.l, hHthtrimpi., nT"fuldni. or hcre'lihiry-ispi'c(lily, IVrniuiK'ntly unci ecu iioinlcnlly enroll hy 1K. CA.MlISi:i,l.'S BAKU AI!l?ir COMPLEXION WAFERS. TllCSP WOllill-rfill Wllfom liro rt lHon.l Pn,-illi. himI skill llfinitiUcr. They nru the jrreutest ol Hiiinor Kouiwlies, whuu tlui best physicians mul olherri'ii t'diofi full. Ihe iihovo Is stronit ImiiriiitKc, but, true.. Thou- saiii ol itmtofnl ti'st'inouinls from liiuh, low rich und pooriiltest ilieir Wonderful, I'nfailiiiR nnil liK'ompHinhlc i tllciif v. i no niiienara lor men us well ns women. By MhiI.SI 00: li Hom'k. SI nn nnn i u Avenuo, X. Y mid nil In-iiiririsl n. Hr, t.nniiilK!ir WiiforKiim tha onlv f;, .,, ,,),,, Arsenic Wafers made. il-lT-fim When orderlni; meullmi this papernnil receive (Eratis) a vi ry pretty steel money purse. L IQUOUS AUD OKOCERIES I have a oomple stock of Family Gro ceries of all kinds which I will sell chea for Cash. I have also on hand and am constan ly receiving a large variety of LIGiUOBS. Such as whisky, brandy, wine, beer le, porter, carbonated waters, &o. Call and see me on Washington Ave. nue at the -old stand of R. W, Daniel- W. D. SMITH. ootl81y . . UfIHIOHT8. atoj For infomaUnn a.-'Z lo" MUNN & CO. 8til BbJadwI,Tyots. Oldwt bureau for securing pateiu In l A. Brery potent taken out by a U broSht toe puCltg by a nouoo glvei tree ol ffirga to S yeart ll.Wirtt months. Artrtre MCVWTCo? y.inn, DEALERS IN may 19 ly. 1DJEI. JTJJDID, Detroit, Mich. THE WELDOW RACKET STORE T. C. SPIERS, ZEJLlTa-EI- ; COAL, RICHMOND, VA, s. H. HA wes & co ADVERTISEMENTS. j i 1 1 1 1 i'',v'11 '-.'' '?"' 8""'" '' Thou. JSF-!F. ' " " " ' ' ' ' Jvi,,,rln Uu lr own 'iirzrZ!r-jrfa...'Hr- ! ii iii.irin lWrK?9ir"lv4 i" 1 '"'" ...vIf I !1, -I c., i fi'iy ti'iuiii ant .nnil II..1' 1 hail ii!lit,uiT. I'til) inrtii'iih i:, V. At.t !r a V'-tir. rm-U, It new. !it, by, ii liiti'i' l tlMlif. . 11 VlIU Mulue IK FOR US a few ilayii, and you will he tilartled at the unex-pi-eteil siiueeiis that will reward your elfortB. Wd lio'itively have the best husilienB to otrer an iipent llntt can' he found on the fecc of thi earth. SJj.OO pnilll on MTfl.OO wnrthnf bllainesii is hein' easily ami honorahly iiiinie by und paid to hundreds oi' men, women, boys, and irh'ln in our employ. Vou can make money faster at work for us than you have any idea of. 'The, business is so easy to learn, and iiMrurlton.s so simple mid plain, that, all succeed from the start, Those who take hold of the business reap the advantage that arises from the sound reputation of one of the olilest, most successful, and largest publishing houses in America. Secure for vourself Hie prolils that the business so renililv nnd handsomely vields. All beginners succeed cruntilv, und more than realize their greatest expectations. Those who try it lind exm tlv as we tell them. There isplenty of rnom for a few more workers, and we urge them to begin at once. If you are already em plove.l, but liuve a few spare moments, and wish to use them to advantage, then write us at once (for this is vonr grand opportunity), and receive full particulars by return mail. A'ddresn, TRUE CO., Km No. 400, Augusta, Me. SCOTLAND NECK STEAM DYE WORKS. The dveine nnd rlrv cleaning of garments by French process done with" NEATNESS and DISPATCH. Woolen and mixed goods dyed at from one- iourth to one-third and cotton one-halfless than City prices. For con venience of town and vicinity articlesnecd mg attention may be left at the store of Mr. E. W.HYMAN. In terview or correspon dence invited. Ad dress, STEAM DYEING CO., Scotland Neck, N. C. jy 21 tf. E T. CLARK. fa ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. AND Mate Ipt, WELDON. N. C. THE S U N HAS SECURED W. D. Howells. George Meredith, Andrew Lang, St. George Mivart, Eudyard Kipling, R- Louis Stevenson, W. Clark Rnssell, Dealers in- LIPE, PLASTER CEfJEfJT. Richmond, Va. my 5 ly DURING 1802: H. Eider Haggard, Norman Lockyer, Connn Doyle, Murk Twain, J. Chandler Harris, William Black, Mary E. Wilkins, Frances Hodgson Burnett ' And many other distinguished Writers. THE SUNDAY SUN Is the greatest Snnday Newspaper in the world. PRICE FIVE CT8. A COPY. Address BY MAIL $2 A YEAR, THE 8UN, Hew yft, N. Y, i" - 9 i if