OL. XXIV. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1893. NO. 10 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' A FAMILIAU OLD POEM. CONSTIPATION Is called the "Father of Diseases." t is caused by a Torpid Liver, and is generally accompanied with J.0SS OF APPETITE, SICK HEADACHE, BAD BREATH, Etc. To treat constipation successfully rem.. It is a mild laxative and a tonic to the digestive organs. By taking Simmons Liver Regulator you promote digestion, bring on a reg ular habit of body and prevent Biliousness and Indigestion. "My wife m sorely ditreed with Constipa tion and coughing, followed with Bleeding File. After four months use of Simmons Liver Regulator the is almost entirely relieved, gaining strength and flesh." W. B. Lisrn, Delaware, Ohio. Take only the Genuine, x the red IB Trad. Which has on the Wrappe: mark and Signature ol J. H. Z EI LIS A CO, TO THE LADIES OF TESTERS HALF OF HALIFAX CO. t i.- Ti. t i rr.;n'. nmurr 3 X hUUIT A1. 11. ,S, .iUlVJ.U UnnllUL BLOSSOM t0 be 8 verJ" ereat blessing to jur sex. We have long Deeded some $)ing which we could use ourselves and Tthich could conquer the stubborn forms jf chronic inflammation and congestion Which lie at the foundation of all female 'troubles. That Dr. JcG ill's treatment ccts the demand of this long felt want shown by the fact that many cases Which have baffled the skill of our best hysicians, are being cured by it. I have lodged myself to let my suffering sisters the above Counties know ot this simple, mtirely safe, yet wonderful cure. To tccouiplish this I must havo the help of tome good Christian lady in each township, jfhereare uot less than sue thousand ladies n each ot the above Counties to whom this nre would be of inestimable value, many I' them mothers who need strength that hey may train their little ones; then there e so many young girls whose trouole is iot considered serious, but nevertheless eed attention, as only a little time will ie required for it take the color from the heeks and all the joy lrom their glad oung lives as it has done in thousands ol cases. Send a two-cent stamp wr iree Sample Box. I will also send Township's IAgenfa Terms to those who will assist me. MISS LIZZIE K. DAVIS, Areola, Warren Co., X- C. 4-20-ly t& THE TALK OF "W THE TOWN -m NOW IS Have YOU Seen The pretty goods at AiUViJ M WW "Oh why should the spirit of mortal be proud ? Like a swift fleeting meteor, a fast flying cloud. A flash of the lightning, a break of the wave, He passes from life to a rest in the grave. The leaves of the oak and willow shall fade, Be scattered around and together be laid ; And the young and the old and the low and the high, Shall moulder to dust and together shall lie. 'Tis the wink of an eye, 'tis the draught of a breath, From tie blossom of health to the pale ness of death; From the gilded saloon to to the bier and the shroud, Oh why should the spirit of mortal be proud ?" DRAMA OF REAL LIFE THAT BRINUS IN ASHEV1LLE. Dress Goods of all Kinds; And trimmings to match EVERYBODY savs thev are the prettiest in town nobby line of Gents' Furnishings A large line ot sample goods to be sola at r HEW YORK WHOLESALE PRICES, j I and if yon can't get a suit of clothes in I stock vou can select a pattern and the i fit is guaranteed; it takes only five days t to make a suit. 1 tt A TQ A bis liDe 1 JXXX X Q. Newest styl and felt hats just opened. of the yles straw I am alwavs clad to show roods, and i trices shall compete with the lowest that "? good goods can be sold at. I Respectfully, W. B. TILLER Y, Weldon, N. C. 9 29 tf. STATE BANKS, THE PRESIDENT AND THE LEADERS IN CONGRESS GET TOGETHER. The Atlanta Constitution, speaking of Mr. Cleveland, says that he favors, among other things, the repeal of the 10 per cent, tax upon the circulation of State banks. The Washington Star, giving what it declares to be the bases of an reement which has been made by the President on the one hand and the lead ers of the party in Congress on the other, includes in it the repeal of the Sherman silver act and the substitution for it of un act repealing the State bank tax. Some weeks ago Secretary Carlisle was credited by the paper last mentioned with a finan cial scheme under which the State bank tax was to be repealed and these institu tions allowed to become again banks of issue, the securities upon which their notes are based to be passed upon and and approved by the Federal Treasury Department. If Mr. Cleveland, conservative as he is about financial matters, has consented or does consent to the repeal of the State bank tax, it may be taken for granted that this consent involves some such con dition as this. With this safeguard provided, there is no apparent reason why btate bank bills should not be as current as the bills of national banks. Two years ago a supposed widow in Michigan applied for a pension, claiming that her husband had died in a Confed erate prison. She was entirely honest. Nevertheless, it was found on searching the records that the man was not dead. On the contrary, he was living near Asheville, N. C., and was himself drawing pension for disability. He bad been conGned in a Southern prison, and during his incarceration he and other captive Union soldiers were visited by charitable ladies in the neighborhood. Among the latter was a susceptible young woman who fell in love with him. After his release, instead of going home, be deci ded to begin life again on a new plan. He stayed where he was and married the girl. Ou looking the matter up it was found that the delinquent was one of the most highly respected people in the vicinity. He had a hat store, did a good business and was looked up to by everybody. The pension bureau could not stop his money allowance. It simply notified the former wife that her husband was alive and told her where he was living, leaving the drama to work itself out." Mrs. Harriet A. Marble, 'of Pough- keepsie, N. 1'., was for years a martyr to headache, and never found anything to give her more than temporary relief until she began to take Ayer's Pills, since which she has been in the enjoyment of perfect health. JAMES CITY. Soon after the James City war The Free Press published a report that Mr, Bryao, the owner of the property listed it at only $ 1 ,000 . We heard the statement repeated time and again and took for granted that it was true. We were shown the original of the following and take pleasure in publishing the same : New Bern, N. C, May 13, 1893. James A. Bryan, Esq. Dear Sir: Tic tax list for 1832 shows that the James City lots are assessed for taxation at 20,G13. There is other real property adjoining the said City listed to you at 52,400. Very truly yours, James W. Biddle, Keg. of Deeds, The Free Press hopes the papers that published the statement from the Free Press that this property was listed $1,000, and commented on the same, will do Mr. Bryan the justice to make a cor rection. The Bottom Is WI-&16. The Tyler Desk Co., of St. Louis, Mo., have ust issued their Manimotn uesic ana Bank Counter Catalogue for 1393, show' ing New Goods, New Styles, with a cut of oear'v fiy per cent, below ad former lists. A nundard oak roll curtain desk for 116, should satisfy every one that thiy mean just what they say. Cata logues free. Postagt 12o. WAS NOT DEAD. N. C'S. DEAD IN BATTLE. North Carolina voted but 112,5000 when doing its best in 1860. It sent to war in four years certainly more than 120,000 men more in fact than any other State sent. It is no wonder then that its dead are scattered from Gettysburg to the Gulf of Mexico. That more North Carolinians fell at Chicamauga and Missionary Ridge than from any other State but Alabamma is very remarkable and confirms all previous reports as to the number and excellence of its soldiers. , They lie there in un marked graves in neglected cemetery of heroes. Will North Carolina permit this to continue? Shall her faithful and gallant soldiers who fell on that bloody field lie uncared for? We , hope our people of 1893, will say that this shall not be. If all the States had done their part in the great conflict of 1961-05, as well as North Carolina performed her part, the independence of the South would nave been secure and the pains and penalties of the last twenty-eight years would have been avoided. Let the North Carolina of the gen orations shows of gratitude, admiration and patrotism to mark suitably the graves of North Carolina's fallen heroes. V llmington Messenger. DREW THE CURTAIN. He tried to kiss the maiden true, For fear that be would fail She did as we had better do She gently drew the vail. To day is Moccasin day. They will live a picnic on Beaver Pond, and you can see by the happy looking faces of the boys, that they expect a good time, lhe cue is ou the hre and the appetite ot the moccasin is very good. Beside the bar becue they will have plenty of fish, cake, pickle, &e. Everybody knows what the &c, means. Miss Mary Dennis, the pretty daughter of Mr. F. J. Dennis, returned last Moo- ay from Oxford High School to spc id vacation with her parents. Miss Maggie Capes who has been visit ing relatives in Virginia, returned home yesterday. The lelephone trom hero to Mcdoc is completed. It is said that it will be ex tended to Biorwood. Dr. F. M. Move, Eminent Grand Com mander of K. T., Geo. J. W. Gotten, of Tarboro, Mr. W. H. Applewhite, Mr. tt. Blake, of Raleigh, were in town last Thursday and organized a Commandery of Knights Templars. I he masons will give a picnic in f ar- ker's grove on the 24th inst. It will be nice affair and they expect a great many of their brcthreu from other towns to be re. Mr. S. Mitchcl is in town. He is one of the Moccasins. M. From Friend to Friend Goos the story of the excellence of Hood's Sars.i parilla and what it has accomplished, and this is the strongest advertising which is done on behalf of this medicine. We endeavor to tell honestly what Hood's Sarsaparilla is and what it will do, but what it has done is far more important and far more potent. Its unequalled record of cures is sure to convince those who have never tried Hood's Sarsaparilla that it is and excellent medicine. EMItARASSlNO. An exchange tells the story of a tramp who rang a doctor's door bell and asked the trim, pretty woman who opened the door, if the doctor had a pair of old pants he was willing to cive away. "I'm WW- the doctor," replied the plump and pleas ing young woman, aud the tramp fainted "Brace Up." Is a tantalizing admo tiition to those who at this season feel tired out, weak, without appetite and dis courazed. But the way in which Hood Sarsaparilla builds up the tired frame an gives a good appetite, is really wonderful So we say, "Take Hood's aud it will brace you up. . For a general family cathartio we con udeutly recommend liood s nils. ENFIELD. 'NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GEO. J. MORRISON. J, K. WHITEHORNE. PANACEA SPRINGS. The commencement at Littleton Fe male college occupied the time and at tention of the Littletohians and the peo ple living round about for the greater part ot the three last days ot last week. attended only Wednesday evening, when I made the acquaintance of the Rev. W. R. Lambutb, D. D., and heard his splendid address before the Y. W. A. The Dr. is about thirty-hve years old and comes from preaching stock, his father went as missionary to China in 1854 and died there about three years ago and the Dr.. was born in that coun try. I lived neighbor to his grandfather during my five or six years sojourn in the far South. A more sainted minister never pleaded the Master's cause with a sin-stricken world, than old father John Lambuth, oi Madisoo county, Miss., and his blest memory will ever be an abiding benediction to his few old friends now living. Our handsome young lawyer and mend Frank Spruill, of Louisburg, who repre sented Frankliu county in the last Leg islature with great credit to bimselt and constituents and his brother, IK E. Jr., who is conductor of the Jacksonville and N. O. railroad, have returned to their posts after a short visit to their parents. A neighbor told me a strange accident that befell his cow a few days ago. He found her dead with her hind loot se curely fastened between her skull and horns, which grew out straight and then turned until they nearly met, thus form ula: the lata! loop. He said she was ot the Crumple horn breed. Capt. Tom Wiggins, is having a pretty cottage built at the one mile post on Bell avenue in Littleton. Crops of all kinds are doing well and prospects are bright for an abundant har vest, but the "root ot all evil has disap' peared. JNO. S. NORTHINGTON. GEO. J. MORRISON & CO., FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY - GOODS, No. 126, Sycamore st. PETERSBURG, VA. Spring Stock - Q Now Full and Complete. BLJCK JlflD COLOffED DffESS QOODS. CHINA SILKS A SPECIALTY. Laces and Embroideries. Cassimeres and Domestics. Mattings, Lace Curtains. Velvets and Smyrna Rugs, Table and Household linens. Ladies' and Mens' Underwear. Hosiery, Gloves, Etc., Etc. PROMPT ATTENTION TO ORDERS. SAMPLES SENT ON" APPLICATION. I&Our Prices are as low as any house South of Baltimore. (i-8-3m. TO BRACE UP the system after "La Grippe," pneumonia fevers, and other prostrating acute dis eases; to build up needed flesh and strength, and to restore health and vigor when you feel "run down" and used up the best thing iu tho world is Doctor l'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It promotes all the bodily functions, rouBes every organ into healthful action, purifies and eu riches the blood, and through cleanscii, repairs, and invigorates the en- lirts system. Fur the most stubborn Scrofulous, Skin or Scalp Diseases, Dyspepsia, Bil iousness, and kindred ailments, the "Dis cowry" is tho only remedy that's guar anteed. If It doesn t beiietit or cure you have your money back. Can you think ot anything more emi vincing than the promise that is made by the proprietors of Dr Sage's Catarrh Reuiedv? It is this: "It we cm t cure your Catarrh, we will pay you 8500 cash." in 11 U il JJ u V J. A new Stock of Goods, consisting of Dry Ms, ROTIONS, Sks, Hats, Furniture, Buggies, Road Carts. Changeable silks are brought out many Dew designs, and are particularly suitable for blouse waists. The surahs with changeable surface and raised figures are especially liked for thoso garments. That you will never have a friend if vou mut have one without failings. That to have what we want is riches, but to be able to do without is power. P. W. Squire, of Northampton, is with me and will be glad to see his many friends. Call and see me. P, hi STAINBACK, At J. T. Gooch's old stand, "Weldon, N. C.

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