its' r m . h m 11 lie i l V:UW I . ' -" ana- STUf- 4 'mmmmmmmwmm i mN . . ,H. -w nr.. .iM - i - - j "feW ADVERTISEMENTS. L. XXIV. WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1893. NO. 11 Is Life Vorth Living? That depends upon the Liver. If the Liver ia inactive the whole sys tem is out of order tlio Ireath is bad, digestion poor, head dull or aching, energy and hopefulness gone, the spirit is de pressed, a heavy weight exists after eating, with general despondency and the blues. The Liver is 1 the housekeeper of the iiealtn; and a Harmless, simple remedy that acta like Nature, does not constipate afterwards or require constant taking, does not interfere with business or pleasure dur ing its use, makes Sim mons Liver Regulator a medical perfection. I have tested it DersonaNv. and know that for vspepsia, Biliousness and Throbbing Headache, f the best medicine the worm ever saw. H. JeNU, Macon, Ga. Take oniy the Genuine. rhich has on the WrapDer the red Trade murk i id Signature of TO THE LADIES OF iSTERX HALF OF HALIFAX CO. know Dr. J. A. JcGill's ORANGE iDSSOM t0 he a vcr' Sreat blessing to . We have Ion" needed some- g which we could use ourselves and h could connuer the stubborn forms chronic inflammation and congestion ich lie at the foundation of all female ubles. That Dr. JcGilPs treatment ets the demand of this long felt want ihown by the fact that many cases ich have baffled the skill of our best Jsicians, are being cured by it. I have flgcd myself to let my suffering sisters he above Counties know of this simple, jirely safe, yet wonderful cure. To jomplish this I must have the help of kegood Christian lady in each township. re are not less than tme thousand ladies ach of the above Counties to whom this would he of inestimable value, many hem mothers who need strength that may train their little ones; then there so many .young girls whose trouble is considered serious, but nevertheless 1 attention, as only a little time will equired for it take the color lrom tne s and all the iov from their clad ng lives as it has done in thousands of a. Sends two-cent stamp for free nple Box. I will alsosend Township's leut's Terms to those who will assist me. i MISS LIZZIE Ii. DAVIS, Areola, Warren Co., N. C. 4-20-ly J6T THE TALK OF " ir THE TOWN "a m now is Lave YOU Seen The pretty goods at illery's Store! ess Goodi of all Kinds; And trimmings to match. EVERYBODY s they are the prettiest in town. A bby line of Gents' Furnishings A large e of sample goods to be sold at EW YORK WHOLESALE PRICES. 1 if you can't get a suit of clothes in ck you can select a pattern and the is guaranteed; it takes only five days make a suit. T'A HPQ- Ab'8 lin ZLii-X D. Newest sty line of the tyles straw d felt hats just opened I am always glad to show goods, and ices shall compete with the lowest that bd goods can be sold tt. , Respectfully, W. B. TILLER Y, Weldon, N. 0. 9 29 tf. SHE'D BEEN TO A FUNERAL. UOW THE GIRL IN BLUE MACKINTOSH ENJOYED THE OCCASION. The girl with the blue mackintosh was sitting pensively in the corner of a Niag ara street car late one afternoon, says the Buffalo Express. At the square a girl with a puffed sleeved coat got on, and the girl with the blue mackintosh wel comed her effusively. "Where have you been?" asked the girl with the pulled sleeves. "To a funeral," replied the girl with the blue mackintosh. "I didn't know anybody was dead." "Nobody is. That is, nobody who is anybody to us, but Charley and I went to a funeral just the same." "Tell me," said the girl with the puff ek sleeves imperatively. The girl in blue mackintosh snuggled up to her companion and said: "You know, since papa found out that Charley only gets $10 a week he won't allow me to have anything more to do with bim, but I don't intend to give him up just because papa says so. He and I have been meeting each other afternoons for a month and taking lovely long walks on the side streets. "We took a walk this afternoon and wo went on a lot of little streets over on the west side. We were strolling along by a house that hud a lot of carriages standing in front, when Charley caught sight of papa coming round the corner in a buggy. He is awfully smart, you know, and he didn't propose to get caught, so he just pulled me into one of the car riages, and we sat there until papa got by. Before we thought it safe to get out the funeral services were over and some body got up on the carriage and started off. i " He stayed iu and wero driven to the cemetery aud played as mourners. Then the man drove us back to town and we had a lovely time. It was so much bet ter than walking, for he could put his arm around me, and there wasn't aDy chance of anyone hearing what we said. I never had a nicer afternoon. "Whose funeral was it?" asked the girl in the puffed sleeves. "Oh," said the girl with the blue mack intosh, "I haven't any idea, but it was perfectly lovely, and I'm awfully obliged to the corpse." FLOORED HIM.' The merchants who sell dry goods and what not in the country stores have some odd experiences. One of them, a live fellow, was buying stock in Richmond and he told a good many stories of the flow of trade up there. "A bright, healthy and somewhat fleshy woman came into my store t'other day," he ' said, "and asked for garter elastic. 'How much ?' I asked. 'How much will it take?' says she. I was floored. I didn't know what to say to get out of the dilemma. I had to say something in a hurry, and blurted out : 'How should I know ?' 'Why, to be sure,' says she, and I'll be hanged if she didn't step to the rear and measure right there, and she bought a yard aud a quarter." Richmond State. IN GLASS. That's the way Dr. Tierces i'leasant Pellets come. And it's a more impor tant point than you think. It keeps them always fresh and reliable, unlike the ordinary pills in cheap wooden or pasteboard boxes. They're put up in a better way, and they act in a better tay, than the huge old fashioned pills. No griping, no violence, no reaction afterward that sometimes leaves you worse off than before. In that way they cure perma nently. Sick headache, bilious headache, constipation, indigestion, billious attacks, and all derangements of the liver stomach and bowels, are prevented, relieved and cured. They're tiny, sugar coated grauualB, a compound of refined and vegetable extracts the smallest in size, the easiest to take, and the cheapest piil you buy, for they're guaranteed to give satis factiuu, ur your uoney is ret irned. You pay only for the good you get. There's nothing likely to be "just u good." MUSTACHES FOR WOMEN. A PROFESSOR OK I'HVSIOLOUY SAYS THAT THEY" WILL BE FASHIONABLE. A learned German who has devoted himself to the study of physiology, an thropology, and allied sciences, makes the rather startling assertion that mustaches are becoming commoner among the wo men of the present day than iu the past. He tells us that in Constantinople among the unveiled women that arc to be met with one out of ten possesses an unmis takable covering of down on the upper lip. In the capital of Spain, again, the proportion of ladies with this masculine characteristic is said to be quite equal to that observable in the Golden Horn. An American medical man states that in Philadelphia fully 3 per cent, of the adult fair sex are similarly adorned, and probably the proportion would be still larger, but that many women take the trouble to eradicate the unwelcome growth by tho application of debilatory prepara tions. Is this increase in the number of women with hair on tbeir faces to be regarded as a sign that the human race is improving ? Very few men, at all events, will be disposed to consider that a mustache adds to the charms of the opposite sex. En glishmen, indeed, only a generation ago, had such a detestation or mustaches and beards that the practice of shaving all hair off the face down to their mutton chop whiskers was all but universal. From one extreme our clean-shaven fathers plunged into the other, and beards and mustaches rapidly became tho fashion. The fashion has of late years again been modified. Beards are less common, but the mustache is cultivated in England as widely as on the continent. But why should the fair sex be visited by this infliction? Some writers on ethnology hold that the higher races of mankind are always the harrier, and Mr. Mott thinks that in a few centuries men and women will all be clothed with buir. But we do not believe Mr. Mott, and we certainly should not care to live to see the day of bearded beauty. London Standard. CHEWING GUM IN t'EVEKS. "The salivary glands play quite an important part in continued fevers, yet they arc not considered in the treatment of the case. "One of the first and most important restrictions in the patient's dietary is to drop all solid food from the list at the physician's first request, and just then the salivary glands begin to lapse into a torpid condition which very olten results in an inflammation, and, finally suppuration, and that disagreeable dryness of tongue and fauces so uncomfortable to the patient. "For the relief of this trouble 1 have found nothing of so much importance as some nice form of aromatic chewing gum, which relieves the thirst and dry mouth, improves the appetite and digestion, and restrains nausea, if any," Medical Re-cjrd. SEVERAL COMPARISONS. SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE. THE FAMILY THAT DON T TAKE NEWS- PAI'EItS. "Money is like women in ouo respect," said Mr. Darley to his wife. "That's so," she replied. "It's a good thing to have about the house.' "That wasn't the resemblance I had in mind," Mr. Darley went on. "I suppose not." "No; money is like women becauso money talks." "Well, money has some well known masculine characteristics, too, retorted Mrs. Darley. "It gets tight. More than that, it requires the same remedy as its human exemplar in that case." "And what is that?" "The gold cure." Puck. A gentleman, under forty years of age whose hairw as rapidly becoming thin and gray, began the use of Ayer'g Hair Vigor, and in six months liii hair was restored to its natural cu.ur, and eveu more than its former growth and richness. R. P. Hackney, one of tho pupils at the Durham Male Academy, made a speech at the Academy about a month ago, and selected for his subject the following: "The man that don't take newspapers was in town the other day. He brought his family in an ox wagon. He still believed that Milliard Fillmore was President, and wanted to know if the "Kamcbatkians" had taken Cuba, and if so, where they had taken it. He had sold his pork for six cents, when he might have got ten. One of his boys went to a blacksmith shop to be meas ured for a pair of shoes and another mistook the market house for a church. He hung his bat on a meet hook, and patiently waited one hour for "meeting" to begiu. Oue of the girls took a lot of "seed onions" to the postoffice to trade off for a letter. She had a baby which she carried iu a "sugar trough," stopping occasionally to rock it on the sidewalk; when it cried she filled its mouth with a a cotton handkerchief, and sung "Barbara Allen." The oldest boy had sold two "coon skins," and was ou a bust. When last seen, he bad called for a 'sody and water,' and stood soaking ginger bread in it, and making wry faces. The shop keeper mistaking bis meaning had given him a mixture of sal soda and water, and it tasted strongly of soap. But he'd "hearn tell of sody water," and was bound to give it a fair trial "puke or no puke." The old man had. a tea kettle ho wanted "fixed up" and he carried it to tho millioner shop. . The clerk thought he was crazy, hut noticing the hole iu the kettle, politely told him that Charley Taylor could mend it for him. He then took an old plough to the jew eler's to have it "pintcd and sharpened." We told the old fellow he ought to read papers, but he would not listen to it. He was opposed to "internal improvements," and he thought "larnin" was a wicked invention. HE WAS A COMFORTER. It was in an English hospital. The chaplaiu was making his morning rounds when he met a porter. "How's Robinson, this morning?" he asked. "Ee's dead, sor," answered the porter. "Dead I" "Yes, sor." "But why didn't you call mo ? I might have been able to comfort the poor fellow a little iu his last moments. "Hi comforted 'itn myself, sor." "You? Indeed. And what did you say to comfort him ?" 'Hi said to 'im, 'Robinson, Hi suppose you know you're very sick ?' " 'Yes,' says 'ce." " 'Robinson, Hi suppose you know you can't last long?" " 'Yes,' says 'ce." " 'Robinson, Hi suppose you know you've been werry wicked ?" " 'Yes,' says 'ee." " 'Robinson, Hi suppose you know you cuu't go to heaven ?" " 1 Yes,' says 'ee." " 'Well, Robiuson,' tny TT i . 'you ought to bo werry thankful that there's a place provided for you fellows to go to.' ' -Yes,' says 'ee " "An' then 'ee turns 'is face to the wall an' died vithout even thanking me for comfortiog 'im." RELIGIOUS PARLIAMENTS, GREAT CHURCH CONGRESSES ARE TO GATHER IN THE FALL. THE BUILDING IN WHICH LINCOLN WAS SHOT FALLS IN RUINS. Amid all the grandeur of the Colum bian celebration, religion is destined to play a mighty part, and Chicago is to be the seat of the first religious gathering of its kind known to history. Considering the time, place, and occasion it is much to be deplored that the coming parlia ments of religions is not better under stood than it is. But some people will not see anything in its right light, there by justifying the time-worn saying that there are none so blind as those who won't see. A brief explantion, then, of the aims and purposes of the religious congresses of tho World's Fair will no doubt be acceptable to many as a means of acquainting themselves with a move ment which promises to he the most phe nomenal event in modern history. When tho Columbian Exposition was first mooted, it thought that a valuable accessory would be the holding cf various congresses for the consideration of thoso questions which were of the greatest im portance to the welfare of the whole hu man family. And of all the congretsei- which will meet in their turn, none are of Buch universal interest as those which will treat of religion. Nearly all of the great church bodies in the United States have on foot arrangements for the hold ing of individual denominational gather ings, and the whole series will culminate in a world's parliament of religions, to which have Leen invited representatives of the great historic faiths of the world, For this occasion Christianity the broad minded and liberal Christianity of Amer ica will assume the part of hostess, and under her patronago will bo welcomed with open arms those who worship at the shrino o f Buddab, Mahomet, or any sect known to history. While Christianity assumes for the time being this all important and very human roll, it is not to be supposed that 6he abates one jot of her own faith in Christ. Neither is it to be supposed that because she consents to sit in relig ious equality with the representative of other faiths that her own purity is be smirched. Not so, for if Christianity cannot withstand the searchlight of com parison wherein lies the claim for her ever repeated superiority. This parlia ment, then, is for the purpose of discuss ing in a friendly spirit that questions which have particular reference to man's welfare here upon earth, aud his condi tion in the great hereafter. There is picuijr VI uuiuumj IUI rum a uiui;iiu, for man is but man, and God is God, whether He be so styled by one name or by a hundred. The governing body of the parliament is a general committee comprising the representatives of the worshipping bodies in Chicago. In connection with the parliament of religions, and a part of it, will be the presentation by tho various Christian and other denominations of their history, doc trine, outlook, etc. The programme fur the parliament is still iu a tentative form, and must remain so until it is definitely known what part will bo takeu by the representatives ol the faiths, many of whom lire purposely making this visit to Chica go to attend the parliament. Dandruff forms when the glands of the skin are wcakeued, and weakened if neglected, baldness is sure to follow Hall's Hair ltenewer is the best preven live. Are You Nervous, Are you all tired out, do you havo that tired feeling or sick headache? You can be relieved of all these symptoms by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which gives nerve, mental and bodily strength thoroughly purities the blood. It also creates a good appetite cures indigestion, heartburn and dyspep sia. Hood's Pill's are easy to take, easy in action and sure iu effect. 25 cents a box. US-Send all sick watches to Grady'b Horoloqical Sanitarium, Halifax, N. C. 10 13 tf. A MATTER OF DOUHT. Mrs. Whitetie What are you think ing so hard about? Rev. Wliiietio-I am wondering wheth cr a woman who wears crinoline can pots- sibly walk in the straight and narrow path. Truth. Happy duys and restful nights result from u-iug Ayers Sarsaparilla. It so regulates all the h -lay functions an strong; iicus the ue. . uus system that wor ry and fatigue are comparatively unknown and life is certainly a wonderful medicine. OVER A SCORE KILLED, With a crash and grinding roar a section of three floors of tho old Ford's Theatre building, at Washington, occupied by 500 clerks of the record and pension division of the War Department, fell through to the collar at 9:10 o'clock last Friday morning, carrying down to a horrible death over a score of men, and maiming or otherwise injuring at least seventy-five more. Careless excavating under the insecure foundations of tho old building was the immediate cause of the catastrophe. By a strange coincidence this frightful disaster in the building where John Wilkes Booth assassinated President Lincoln occurred on the day and at tho hour when the friends of the dead tragedian, Edwin Booth, wero bearing his body to its last resting place. Oue hundred and fifty clerks occupied the sections of the three floors that gave way. They were busily engaged with their daily tasks when without warning the crash came. Tho third floor fell to the second, the combined weight of the two carried way the first, and the whole mass thundered down into the excavation that had undermined the building. Tho tremendous shock was felt for blocks around, and in less than a minute the street in front of the building was filled with horrified men and women, who, though unable to appreciate the extent of the disaster, knew by the cries of the njured and the great clouds of dust that burst from the windows that there had been a frightful accident. The work of rescue began almost before the people outside the building understood what had happened. Indeed, the clerks who occu pied the sections of the floor that still remained in place ran to the aid of their comrades, without regard to the imminent danger of being buried beneath the tottering walls that threatened to fall at the slightest shock. The firemen, tho police and volunteer workers quickly burst in the doors and windows and came to their assistance. Tho work of rescue was speedily systematized and all day long they toiled in the stifling atmosphere, pulling away the debris and tenderly carrying out the dead and injured. Repeatedly, within the past ten years, Congress has been urged to eomo to the relief of the GOO hard working clerks confined in a space inadequate for half that number, and just such a catastrophe as that has been prophesied repeatedly. The extent to which the almost price less records of the War Department have suffered cannot now be estimated. Com pared with the awful loss of life this matter seems of little moment. Yet it may iuvolve the providing of thousands of pensions due deserving veterans whose service and disabilities cannot otherwise- be shown. The total casualties as near as can bo ascertained are as follows : Twenty-one dead bodies arc at the morgue and the cuergency hospital. Four more persons are repoitcd dead, whose names were probably confused with those of the victims or their identity confused with some of the bodies through physical re semblauce. Two persons whose names were iucluded in the earlier list of victims taken from the ruins escaped uninjured. The number of injured reported io about fifty but many others who wero able to proceed to their home were hurt more or less badly. Years of study, experiment and scien tific investigation have given the world Hill's Chloride of Gold Tablets, the only sure cure for the tobacco habit kuown. . They have proven a great blessing to the thousands who have found health and new life through them, and the testimo nials received breathe the sentiments of grateful thanks. They arc sold by all leading druggists. AFTER THE HONEYMOON. She (sweetly) What would living be without me? lie (gloomily) Cheaper. Judge.