OL. XXIV. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER It. 1893. ISO 24 jVIARKED BY LIGHTNING. COLORED MAN'S STRIP Ol' WHITE p FROM THE Til' OF It rs FI.NOERS TO ju& iil.i- ur ma ruin. ouiona Progress. f Charles E. Thorpe, ol O.'egoo, tells a V ry rem irkable incident which happened i t seotly when he was ging from Yuma t Tucsjn, A. T., on the Southern Pa ct lie Railroad. Said he: 1 ' I happened to take a seat in the car ' it it u.:-j . .1 i .i juo muiiiuu u jfidimj un:03Uil uut iiou looking colored man. The train had nearly eachod Tuscun when the colored man jappened to throw his right arm over the J Back or the seat with his Hand in plain ''Jaipur nnil T wns nlinn.4t tlinniler-Mlrnelc nt hat I saw. I could scarcely believe my es, and eagerly leaned forward to get a lloserlook at the hand and be sure that was not the victim ot'an optical illusion. satisfied myself that there was no mis ke. The third and fourth fingers of le colored mans nana were as white as l lady's and a white streak over an inch wide rau back of his hand and up his arm fur as I could see. ''1 was sure i had seen that hand be 'ftrc I went to the front end of the car Iter a drink of water siaip'y that I might gt a look at tho man's face. Every doult wis then removed. He was George Wald- ron, the man who had been my coachman in l'hiladelelphia for over five years some twenty years ago. Though paid him well for his services, in an evil huur he Vstole over S30U from in j and fled to parts 'unknown' I never madoauy effort to find ' him outside of the tity and had never ?en (jr heard of hiui until that day. When litced him he reeoguiz.'d me and fairly bathed through his black skin ut the re ..fu: : i : il.. i . 1 1 . I bij'tuoo in ins crime aim lugrauiuuc. nu uie that he is now liviug an honest in Texas, where ho has a family and I fie and a small tract of land. it f Though I have read stories of similar er jes, I don't believe there is another hijn in the world marked in the same ' Wty that Waldron was. My house was on J, a til'i and he wis standing in the barn 'owing a severe thunderstorm, with his lf" ..MUM uitivt4 ODJ i(.iUq optimal. t fsida of the building, when lightning s fck the barn on the side where he was ai. passed down bis arm and body. It oy feu tus clothing wherever it touched hi ody, and tore the shoe from bis right tn ,ind threw it nearly across the barn. ' jf course, the shock knocked him do. j and rendered him insensible for i fju. jcut, though he suffered no lasting in- im-But if there ever was a scared darky, :ao tut uue. lie was too irigiueueu 10 pray, ana as iooks halt scared even now, He will always bear on his right side, bnj thfl tips of his two outside fingers, fhich were next to tho building, to the la of his foot, the white streak which mrks the track of that flash of lightning. ' J is the most remarkable oase I have i ier heard of, and I have asked physi ios and scientists how lightning oould roduoe such change of oolor in the skin, ithive never reoeived a satinfaotory ex- I i!anati0D. KINGDOM OF THE ORIENT. u EXCITING TIME, TUB IIO.MK (F lll IIDIHS.M C1I L'LULONO KO.M, THE ASIATIC AKTOCUAT AN INCOME OF 27,775 A IIAV. HISTORIC MISSION RIDGE. A BRILLIANT I'EN-I'ICTrRE-THB SHADES OF NIclIIT AROL'.VD LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN. :ler- utV kJ liail me-" 0H- at and it I m, J v ilkesboro Chronicle. Up on Stony Fork last Sunday while e ministers were engaged in the solemn remony of immersing several persons, e lady tho got too near the edge of the eek fell in whore it was pretty deep and it wet all over. Thi so excited ono of a candidates for baptism, a young lady, Lt-tt6 fhtuted. Her best fellow was Lire, and he took a notion that his girl (nit about to die. The doctor was on the jber side oi the creek. Not waiting to down by the foot log, the young man plunged in the creek up to his waist, udea overanu earrieu ine aocior uacK 3 his shoulders. The girl soon revived i a pleasant smile ran over the young n's face, although bis "best Sunday like lloUinty's, were njt very ft 1 - il's Hair Renewer contains the loud and color tuaiti'f for hair Jtediein.il her'M for the sei'p, curing .ss, bilJQi, dandruff, and scalp Siam is one of the best known of the great countries of Asia. It lies at the lower part of the Peuinsula of further India, and it is cut up by the Gulf of Sl um. The mighty river Menaiu runs through it from north to south, and the whole country is a network of canals. In the winter a largo part of it is covered with water and the people go from house to house and from place to place in boats. Siam is about four times as large as the State of New York; it contains about 10,000,000 people, and the coun tiy aud the people, body and soul, belong to the king. The Ling has the right to every man's labor, and any woman whom he calls upon must enter his harem, lie has the most arbitrary power of any king of the East, aud he is one of the world. His palace in Bangkok is a mag nificent structure, with golden elephants, guarding its entrance. It has twenty five acres of ground about it, and it is said that 5,000 people live within the palace walls. The king is said to have oOO wives, but the (tieeu, who is the chief of these, is his majesty's half sister. She is a very bright woman, aod has made herself noted for her charity. She rules the ha rem and smokes cigarettes Siaui is I lie home of Buddhism. There are 25,0110 Buddhist priests in the Sia mese capital, and these are of all ages, from 10 to 80. They go about with shaved heads and strips of cloth wound about their half naked bodies, aud they chew the bethel and smoko cigarettes as they go begging from house to house. Chululoug Kom, the king, is one of the brightest of Asiastic rulers and has done much to advance civilization in Siam. He has put telegraph liues throughout a great part of his kingdom. There is now a street car hue iu Bang koktand the city has electric lights. It used to be that the money used in Siam was cowrie shells, or silver or gold buttons. The king has adopted a coin- ago, making money much the same as ours. He has a mint of his own, and im ports Mexican dollars and recasts their into coins for the use of his people. The unit of value iu Siam is the tecal, aud the chief silver coin is about the siz ; of a half dollar. There is a postoffice department, and Siam belongs to the international postal union. The king talks English, and he is thinking of building a railroad which will open up the interior of rich king dom. Siam is full of valuable resources, It has mighty forests of teakwood and its mines contain the finest of gold and sit ver. The king has an immense income of about 10,000,000 a year, and he is said to have about $50,000,000 stored away in his coffers. He has his own secretary of tho treasury, but he signs all the checks himself, and is said to be a very fine bus incss man. He has his cabinet, just as our president has, and he has a war de partment, state department, interior de partment and agricultural department. The country is divided up in forty-one provinces, presided over by governors and runs things to suit himself, making such appointments as he chooses. E. Gilliam in lleidsville Review. The city of Chattanooga with its beau tiful aboriginal Indian name, is situated within the bottom of a great natural ba sin, the walls of which are lofty mountaiu ranges. In the cool and thrill of the even ing air I boarded a street car for a su burban hotel situated on the crest of the Mission Ridge, fronting Lookout Moun tain and overlooking the lovely city spread out below our feet. The ride was one of those exhilarating experiences which ever remain as a fragrant and fruit ful memory. The pulsing bree.c was as soft against the cheek as thislo down. The slantiug rays of the dying sunset fell ath wart our way, and the golden lances were shattered to pieces amid the emerald rifts of the trees on cither hand. From the emioce I gained I beheld a prospect of unparalleled splendor, It was like a revelation l'atmos itself. I stood on the veranda of the hotel and watched where the daylight died. The sun's blood red disk dropped over into the open space beyond the horizon's verge, splashing the molten golden spangles of light and dap pling the sky with glowing color- The dark vault overhead was becoming inky in its blackuess, aud the silent stars stole out one by one and took their places in the vasty sea of space. IMrectly in front of me Lookout Mountain loomed up iu the gloom like a ghastly death's head its awful beauty, with a siiijjli- illumina ting tower arc light like a great Gorgon eye. Far in the distance the boom of an iron furnace could be heard, and the con flaration it sent up through its smuko stack stood out iu bold relict atratust the dark background where mountain and sky miugled together. We stood on historic ground. Oa these mountain sides Bragg and Graut met in mortal combat. Only a few feet away was the spot where the rebel line was formed, which resisted so long the onslaught of superior numbers. Here was the scene of one of the most memorable battles of the great struggle. Here on these green and gentle slopes rose and fell the red tide of war. But now the cannon have beaten iu to plowshares and the swords into prun ing hooks, and the spirit of peaee swells up from the valley. As the twilight shad ows lengthened the lights of the cily be low appeared in the dusk like myriad fireflies twinkling amid the leafy closes of the sylvan aisles. In the distance be yond the range of vision one could ima gioe the bended arm of the Tennessee river encircling the city a great artery of trade throbbing amid evergreen slopes and pleasant savannahs. As I stood and watched and thought myself a part of the picture in this scene of Edenio beauty, whilo the clear throated birds poured out a choral swell of airiose musio, the quaint conceit came to me that in the dim aeons of the past. ere the foot of man had profuued this pri mitive garden, this amphitheatre was be loved of the gods, who made it there fav orite haunt and trysting place. Thus uius ing over past and present, and reveling in the high carnival of fairy-like sights and sounds in upper aod subtler atmos phere, I hung my head and dreamed Passenger elevators were in use Paris in the 17th century under the name of "flying chairs." During the settlement of New England the white man's smallpox was more fatal to the Indians than the white man's gun Don't you Know That to have perfect health you must have pure blood and the best way to have pure blood is to take Hood s Sarsaparilla, tbe best bloed purifier and strength builder. It expels all taint of scrofula, salt rheum and all other humors, and at the same time builds up tl' whole system and gives nerve strength. ' Hood's Pills may be had by mail for 25c. of L. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass, A SEDENTARY OCCUPATION. plenty of sitting dowu and uot much ex ercise, ought to have Dr. Pieree's Pleasant Pellets to go with it. They absolutely and permanancntly cure Constipation. One tiny, sugar-coated Pellet is a corrective regulator, a gentle laxative. They're the smallest, the easiest to take, and most natural remedy no reaction afterward Sick Headache, Billious Headache, Indi geslion, Billious Attacks, and all stomach and bowel derangements are prevented relieved and cured. A "cold in the head" is quickly curei by Dr. Sago's Catarrh Retm "ly. So Ca'irrhnl Hpnlach, and every trouhl caused by Catarrh. So is Catairh itself. The proprietors offer $500 for any caso which they cannot cure. BARROWING TROUBLE. ANCIENT DOG WORSHIP. llOUIILE l-S TO 1SE HAI IN EVERY MAKKET AND EVEIIY MAN CAN TAKE AS MUCH AS HE CHOOSES. EDIFICATION OF THE CANINE IN EtIYl'T, 1IAIIYLON, NINEVEH, (JREECE AND ROME. Reformed Church Messenger. It has somewhere been said that a business house which does not borrow money eannotbe prosperous. In other words, a growiug business necessitates a certain amount of borrowing, and in such a business, borrowing is not only safe but commeudable. On the right basis, bor rowing means progress, advancement. enlargement of enterprise, and possibili ties of greater profit. But there is one thing which ought sever to bo borrowed under any such circumstances, and that is trouble. Every man and woman under the conditions of life has a sufficient capital of trouble without adding to it by the process of borrowing. The chief business of the successful man or woman is to diminish trouble by meetiug is courageously and dealing with it strongly. There is neither wisdom nor wit in adding to one'e stock by borrowing it, and yet this lack of wisdom is so wide ly diffused that the people who refuse to borrow in the market of trouble are nota ble exceptions At this instant, when ominons clouds hang on the business horizon, the business men are few who are not wasting strength and energy in anticipating possibilities of trouble against which theycaonot in anywise provide. To foresee trouble and get ready for it, is not to borrow trouble. The foreseen trouble actually comes to us; tho borrow ed trouble is unnecessaiily added. At this moment, when so many are unable to borrow money on what would ordinarily be considered good security every man finds himself able to borrow trouble with oat putting up any collateral. Tronbli is to be had in every market, and every man can take as Tiuch as he chooses. The more ho borrows, however, the less likely they will be able successfully to deal with what actually come to him It is a fact of experience which we arc slow to learn, that the trouble we borrow never would have been ours in any other way. Wo appropriate what would never come to us otherwise. The real trouhl of this life are numerous and hard enough, but tluy constitute a very small portion of its trials in comparison with imainarv troubles To deal successfully with tbe real troubles we must refuse to cousider the imaginary outs. TO THE WORLD'S FAIR VIA K.& O GOING VIA WASHINGTON AND RETURN ING VIA NIAGARA FALLS. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad has placed on sale at its offices excursion tick ets to Chicago good goiog via Washing ton or Baltimore via Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and returning via Niagara falls, with tbe privilege of stop over at each point, these tickets are valid for return journey until November 15th, and are not restricted to certain trains, but are good on all B. k O. trains, Besides the opportunity of visiting Washington, privilege afforded by no other route tourists via the Baltimore and Ohio Rail road will traverse the historic Potomac valley, the theatre of the war between the States. At Cuiaberlaud they will be off, red a choice of routes, via Pittsburgh or serosa the Allegheny Mouutaius, 3,000 feet above the level of the sea, and via D')er Park and Oakland, the fa-onus sum mer resorts. The scenery along the Balt imore and Ohio route is the most pic turesque in America. Address for further information Arthur G. Lewis, Passenger and Ticket Agent, 76 Main St., Norfolk, Va. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The very first pages of human history, the annals of the Egyptians, record the act that the progenitors of our race were worshipers of the dog, says the St. Louis Republic. Sirius (the Baker,) the guardian of tho Nile, was one of the prin. cipal deities in the country to the south of the Mediterranean at the time or before tbe building of the great pyramid. This mythological creature Sirius which was supposed to give warnings against the periodical inundations of the Nile, and which finally became to be regarded as the genius of the river, was alway figured as having the body and intelli gence of a mao and the head of a dog. This dog god was glorified in all the chief cities of Egypt, and Cynopolis "The City of the Dog" was subsequeii tly built in order to more grandly honor his canine and godlike virtues. From Egypt dog veneration spread in all directions, and after assuming various forms, may be distinctly traced into Greek and Roman religious rites, as well as of other nations of tho north and east. Long before the so-called fire worshippers bad begun to pay divine honors to their dog god, the Romans and the cnlightened(?) Greeks had instituted sacrifices to their canine deities, and were daily and hourly bowing before huge images of mongrel curs, to which were imputed diviue attri butes At Babylon and Nineveh the religious taste was of th same order, as is proved by the many beautiful sculpt ures of dogs of all siz?s that are regularly brought to light by the excavators among tho ruins of the cities mentioned. It is related of Vulcan that ho mado a brazen dog of ghjanio size for Jupiter, which could eat, run, bark and playj in short a dog animated by all the functions and qualities of a living one. Further than this, the giganio breed of dogs com mon iu Epirus (Molosia) at the time when Herodotus wrote were said to be descen dants from the brass automation fashion cd at the forxe of the first treat metal artificer! By the time when Moses appeared as tho deliverer of his people tbo reputation of the dog had sadly degenerated; this lor several reasons, duct ot which was that he was an "uuelcan"animal. By rcadiog Deuteronomy, xxiii, IS we find that the feeling against him was such that even the "price" received for the traiisferral of the ownership of a dog from one to another was not to be accepted as an offering to God. How this was to be determined without prying into people's private affairs is not stated. Probably the high priests bad aright to ask the regular Sunday contributor "Is this dog money?" and to refuse to accept it if the answer was in the affirmative. However, we are left in blissful ignorance as to how a great many old time hair-splitting cere monies were carried out. Is Life Worth Living? That depends upon tho Liver. If the Liver is inactive tho wholo sys tem is out of order tho "breath is bad, digestion poor, head dull cr aching, energy ana hopelulness gone, the 6pint is de pressed, a heavy weight cxistB after eating, with general despondency and the blues. The Liver is the housekeeper of tho health; and a harmless, simple remedy that acta like Nature, does not constipate afterwards or require constant taking, does not interfere with business or pleasure dur ing its use, makes Sim mons liver Eegulator a medical perfection. " I have tested it Dcrsonallv. and know that for Dyspepsia, biliousness and Throbbing Headache, It is the best medicine the world ever saw." H. H. Jonks, Macon, Ga. Take only the Gamine, Which has on the Wrapper tl - red 25 Trade mark and signature "1 ii. : i ii.jn & cOi HE CURSED GOD, AND HAS SINCE BEEN UNABLE TO RE PEAT ANY OT1IER WORDS A STRANGE TALK FROM SOUTH CAROLINA. In all that goes to strengthen and build up the system weakened by disease and paiu, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the supe rior medicine. It neutralizes the poisons 1,'ft in tV system af:or diptheria and .-earlet lever, tin ! restores tin; debilitated pati'int to perfect health and vigor. Mr. C. A. Mathews, while on his weekly visit to Winnsboro, S C. Sunday, picked up an item who h sounds a bit strange. but which he vouches for. A farmer by tnc name ot Jos. uarnson lives near Winnsboro. When the storm swept over his crop, prostrating his cotton and flooding it waist deep, Mr. Garrison, standing in the water and looking over his ruine products, cursed God, swearing that xniifi was a a n scuutuirel. since ulteimg these words he has become inenp- able of uttering any others, and tosse side to side on bis bed, mumbling tli words over and over 'ike ono devoid retson. Mr. Matlicv.jaays be saw tl, man and that he was in just the condition d.'ocribed. TO THE LADILS OF WESTERN HALF OF HALIFAX CO. I know Dr. J. A. Md'.WYn ORANGE BLOSSOM ,0 bo a VC17 K11 klessiBS t( our sex. We have long needed some thing which we could use ourselves and which could conquer the stubborn forms of chronic inflammation and congestion which lie at the foundation of all female troubles. That Dr. JeG ill's treatment meets the demand of this long felt want s shown by tbe fact that many cases which have bafHeil the skill of our best physicians, nre being cured by it. I have pledged myself to let my suffering sisters in the above Counties know of this simple, entirely safe, yet wonderful cure, lo iiecoiniih.sh tins 1 must have the help ot some good Christian lady in each township. There are not less than one thousand ladies in t ai-h ol' the a'-ove Counties to whom this cure would he of inistimahle value, mam" of them mothers who need strength that they may train their little ones; then there are so many voung jsirls whose trouble is not considered serious, hut nevertheless need attention, as only a little time will be required lor it take the color from tho cheeks and all the joy from their glad young liyes as it lias done in thousands ot cases. Write lor mtorinatioii. l answer all questions. I will also send Township's Agent s Terms to those who will assist me. A11S.S L1..1U K. JJAV1S, Areola, Warren Co., N. C. t-'.m-ly r THE TALK OF "Wi 1ST THE TOWN "a 86T NOW is m Have YOU Seen The pretty goods at erys Store Dress Goods of all Kinds; And trimmings to match. EVERYBODY says they are the prettiest in town. A nobby line ot UentB furnishings A large line of sample goods to be sold at NEW YORK WHOLESALE PRICES, and if you can't get a suit of clothes in stock you cau select a pattern and the fit is guaranteed; it takes only five days to make a suit. TT A rPC. A big line of the XIxjl. L Ot Newest styles straw and felt hats just opened. I am always glad to show f4t and prices shall compete with tie that good goods c;.n be sold at. Respectfully, W. B. TILLERY, Wcldoi, N. C. 0 29 tf. 11 l I'M t-5afei,

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