7 QTOHIIT W SLEDGE, proprietor. VOL. XXIV. A HEWS IP .A. P E 12, IE? O !R, THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1893. TBIiMS:-1.5 PER, ANNUM IN ADVANCE. NO. 32. NKW advertisements. . V . ... ifmj Rfl A ll A Well-known Lowell Grocer Debilitated by over work, makes use of DEAL GENTLY. AVER'S Sarsaparilla and soon feels Strong and Well. i y y "A year ago, my partner died, ),).. ' ji and tin- whole burden and responsi- - AprtlKj '''"'y of 11 lilrK grocery business " I,, 7wiiiiiriiyTifiPl fell ir.ion me. The increased care 5ffc7:.7T" lgSSSCM I mid hard work, in connection with ' fWjjp - - f f11!' severely taxed my strength that I - ' li.fiii.e all run down, had noappe- titej was weak, nervous, an I einii:vil all '.lie torments which headache, Indigestion, general debility, and toiai loss of energy could possibly in. Met. The medicine recoiriinciitl.'il me iiy my physicians did no more good than much water. AYEtf'S Sarsnparilla being favorably brought to my attention, I d ied it, ami, in a : li'irt time, began to feel better. I continued to lake this medicine for two months, at the end of which time I felt like a new man. My uipt ! ite, energy, and strength returned, my food digested perfectly, and nil traces of headache and nervousness disappeared. 1 am convinced that if 1 had not taken AYEH'S Sarsa parilla, Instead of being strong and well, when the warm weather set In, I should have been eoiilined to my bed, under the doctor's care, and totally unable to attend to business. I am a thorough believer in the merits of AYEIi'f! Sars.ipnrilla for restoring to healthy, vigorous ac- ttQ""ie vital organs of the body, when l!:ey have become weakened rvAfiausted." William II. Iliimvv, S3 t'.orham St., Lowell, llass, v AyePs arilla ! Si i , '. Prepared by Dr. J. 0, Ayor U C;., Lowell, Mass. lias cured others, wiii cure you IKf ILlSwoOWTEXTTiAl'F," NewLioeof TRIPLE, T A T I 0 N E R Y) ' ; VIUET WATER, JU8t Hivcd 150 Linen writing WOODWOllTli's FLOBIDA WA- Tablets, which I'll sell TERi, at a small AND SACHET POWDER. PltOFIT. ACCURACYI r C 0 M a tr. e K fee b Q 03 bug lirind Prepared J'n.aie Pur 'Tiito Lead & Liosced oil. I'llscH paints at a very small margin. A Large I Stock of LANDRKTH'S GARDEN I SEED. r St . THE PLACE TO GET EEWfWS sis fJEDICiriES - AT THE LOWEST PEICES, i": : . .. . is a.t DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, ; WEST BIDE WASHINGTON AVE. OPPOSITE K. R. SHED. WELDON. N. C. Deal gently with a loving heart, Let no rough touch be given; Hemciiiber that its minor chords Will send their notes to Heaven. Remember that a loving heart Can soon be sadly broken By cold neglect and cruel deeds And bitter words oil spoken. Deal gently with a loving heart; There comes not from above A purer, richer, nobler strain Thau the melody of Love. Then gently touch its every note With Love's own sweet caress, And music low aud soft and pare Will ever come to bless. Deal gently with a loviug heart Whose thoughts arc only thine, And o'er your path throughout life's way The starol Love will shine. Let no cold thoughts or cruel vows Hy loving hearts be spoken; Kcmcmber that a fond true heart Can be by coldness broken. Oh! take a fond truo loving heart As a treasure rich and rare, And consecrate it with thy love Upon the wings of prayer. Ask God who reigns and gorernsall From His bright home above, To bless two hearts, two loyal hearts, With His most holy love. ANUUE, 11E1KU MODEST ALSO, SPENT THE NIUUT ON THE HACK KTA1US. GHOSTLY YET HEAL. a ghost listeners Toccoa News. "The Coloocl" recently told story to a crowd of iutcrcstiDg lie said: "I was going by rail from Goldsboro to Wilmington, N. C. It was on a beauti ful moonlight night, and I happened to k out of the window by my sent just as something white came out of the woods. It followed right along by the side of the train, and I called the ntten. turn of the other passengers to it. Eveiy ouc saw it just as plainly as I did, so it could not have been an hul'ucinatioD. 'The specter lept pace with the train, and, wonderful to relate, would some times run a little ahead, cross the track in front oftho engine, and run along the other tide. Then it would disappear al. together for a while, but to return again after a few minutes." "Was it the spirit of some poor wretch who had lost his life on the railroad?" asked a young man. "No, sir," replied the colonel. It was nothing but the white sandy road in the woods." And then the crowd dispersed. NHW ZI1ALAX1) WOOING. The Maoii girl generally begins the courting I have often scca the pretty ittlc love letter fall at the lect of a lover it was a bit of flax niailo into a half knot; yes was made hy pulling t lie knot light; nuby leaviug llieniatriiui nial noose alone. Sometimes in the whare matoro (the woong house), a building in which the youth of both sexes atseiubhd fi piay, songs, dances, and so forth there would be at stated times a meeting; when the Grcs burned low a girl would sluud up in the dark and sav.- 'I love , and I wont him for ay hu.barel." If he coughed or said yes, it was well if only dead silence answered, she covered her head with her robe and was ashamed. This was not often, as she generally man. aged to ascertain, cither by her own in quiry or by sending a friend, il the pro posal was acceptable, On the other hand, sometimes a mother would attend and say: "I want Blank for my son." If not acceptable tin. re was a general mocking, and she was told to let tht young people have their house to them elves. UNCLES JONES. 8TOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. vJSrFBJBCEIPTJOW DKPA.RTMRNT FILLXD WITH THE BEST SELECTED MATKXU&L.-VV S?EESOKIPTION8 COMPOUND AT ALL IIOUKfi WITH GREAT CARE. V K A' g-f ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND 0IOAH8, r -"at. 4 .VO f y FT RfiAPR nifimnra jc air Rcucwut. LOCKED OUT. Guests at tho Kennedy House were in good humor all of yesterday over an oe- urrencc which had transpired the night before. Wednesday there arrived from Florida a bridal couple who had come direct to Chattanooga imoiediatcly fol. owing tho ceremony. Bride anil groom gave every evidence of refinement, and uter developments proved their good breeding and modesty was most marked. The gentleman is a prosperous merchant tho land of flowers, and his bride one of the brightest and most winsome buds in the garden of female loveliness. The couple reached the hotel late in the evening and were immediately usher ed into the briJal room of the hostelry. Shortly following tho disposition of the gage the groom reappeared in the office of the hotel, where only tho night clerk remained. That courteous official, noting the nervousness of the stranger, made bold to inquire if he could provide toward his comfort. The young man's blush was akin to scarlet when he thank ed the clerk and confessed ho merely sought tho office while his wife retired, and would himself retire a littlo later. Some time elped, when the clerk sug gested that tho stranger appeared sleepy and possibly the bride was exercised over long absence. Again the Floridian's modesty painted his face a bright red as he arose and said he belie.ej he would turn in." In fivo minutes ho was again back in the office. "Mr. Clerk," ho said, "I must ask your advice. Tho modesty of both my wife and myself is developed to an cxtraordi nary extent. While she was making her toilet for the night I withdrew. It seems she feared intrusion, and to guard against it locked the door. She has evidently len asleep, for I cannot awaken her. What shall I do?" Tho clerk who is a man advanced in years, is of blunt archi tecture, and readily responded: "Possibly your knock was of the timid character. Try it again, and with inc.ro demonstration." The groom acted under instructions, but cither the deep sleep of the bride or extraordinary modesty denied tho hus band's ndtnitance. The clerk retired from the hallway to conceal his mirth, and the groom, thinking he was not de tected, lost heart aod quietly tipped down the ball, took a seat upon the back Hsir landing, and remained there thoughout the entire night. Yesterday morning lie made Lis toilet in the wash room joined the bride at the breakfast table, and, when hunger had been appeased, settled his bill, und the couple look the first train foi out of town. Chattanooga Daily Tiroes. IIARItTO CONQlOlt. Sam Jones preached lojently to the darkies at Dyersburg, Ky. After the ser mon, a good old sister onuie to him and said: Brother Jones, God bless yon; you is the preacher tor me; I understand every word you say. You preaches just like a nigger; you has a while skin, but thank God, you has a black heart." Al another service for the colored people the preacher who prayed the opening prayir the Lord to "bless Brother Jones, and help him to preach; and, 0 Loid, when he standi before thee a wretch undone, have mercy upon him, and take his feet out of the miry clay, and plaoi) them on tbe rock, where hope nor mercy oan never reach him." Detroit Tribune. There's the girl who's stuck on fencing und tho girl who's just commencing to be somewhat interested in the art of self defence; There's the girl who's good at riding, and the girl who takes to striding over leagues of dale and mountain wilh energy intense; There's the girl who worships rowing, and the one who's fond of showing a markmanship astounding iu a per son of her sex; There's the girl who's' always ready, wi.h a nerve both true aud steady, when wyfiil dangers threiteu or diffi culties vex; But despite the many carriage and the open scorn of marriage, which the independent ladies seem to think so very i.ice, You may, perhaps, have noted that they are very seldom quoted, as having I at completely their inherent fear of mice. IX) NOT DRINK. See the World's Fair fur fifteen Cents. Upon receipt of your address and fifteen cents in postage stamps we will mail you prepaid our Souvenir Portfolio of the World Columbian Exposition, the reg ular price is fitly cents, but as want you to have one, we make the price nominal. You will find it a work of art and thing to be prised. It coutaini full page views of the great buildings, wilh descriptions of same, and is executed in highest styles of art. If not Batislied with it, after yi u get il, we will refund the stamps and let you keep the book. Address H. K. Buck lea k Co., Chicago, III. Many Persona are broken NS?.rfcv,wnfk Cf houMbold cares. OrtaaKJKSa,B.vttera Rebuilds (be '.1UL 11.- lie Kcmilufc Ifyi u have not alrcndy bc ouie accus tomed to drink, and if you are caicful in the selection of your fii 'nii snd asso ciates, the temptation to think will be slight. You will see a saloon on tho cor ner, but uo oue will compel you to enter. Men enter suloons because they desire to drink. You may bs occasionally invited to drink, but in any case the quiet state meat that you do uotdrluk will be accept ed ai final. The young men who arc urged to driuk and are ridiculed because they do not drink (in the temperanee stories) have put themselves in bad com pa. y. It goea without sajing that drink and CRACKED KERNELS. The poorest song ii always the longett one The best BingerB aro not generally good looking. We prefer Hamburg steak to Hamburg cholera. It's a queer policeman that isn't stuck on his uniform. Nature's paint is the prettiest ever put on a woman's check. To call a man a liar is generally a kuock down argument. Every person has an idea what some other person ought to do. One half the world doesn't know what the other half had for dinner. It is only a step from an auburn haired sweethcat to a red haired wife. The fit at of the month has no terrois for tho man who is not in debt. A boy from 12 to 15 years old always I'u'ls in love with a girl taller than be is A person who keeps a diary may be ashamed to read it out a year hence. An inquisitive boy on a passenger traiu is the clown to the traveling circus. The boarder who is tho poorest pay. generally does the most kicking about the fare. Eating tenderloin on a chuck steak sa lary is what is biinging tho country to bankruptcy. The cru-t ou a sour old bachelor thicker than the weather boarding on a restaurant pie. Some women waste (heir affections on a Spitz dog, while a nurse is hired to atten J to the baby. I like a man with enough stiffening in his neck to hold bis head up and enough honesty in his character to look you in the face. A kiud woid poured into a friend's heart, is worth more than the contents of a whole conservatory planted on bis grave. A person would have to come back from the dead and read the lines on his monument, to know how really good he was. Dave Hill may be n Democrat, but he is not the kind who receives invita tions to thrust their legs uudcr Glover's mahogany table. If you will be as attentive to your wife after marriage as you were before, ym will never have to call on a divorce law ycr to untie you. The man who stands in an umbrel'a a:ore until the shower is over, is a mean oriuau than the one who hoirows yotr umbrella and never brings it back. Girls A man may be so cross eyed that when he weeps the tears will run down ihe back of his neck, and still be w.irth more as a husband than 40 dudes. Thcsly, stealthy tread of the dog cater er does not disturb the person who does not own a dog Can anybody give a sane reason why he should support a dog any how? I could never sec why a real sweet young woman wanted to tie liersell to a ease of inflammatory rheumatism for life, just for the sake of a few paltry dollars. But occasionally one is erected on those specifications. The crussest thing on earth is a disap pjinted old maid. She is cro5scr than a sawbuck,and a wouuded bear will give her the road every lime. The more pee vish an old maid becomes, the thinner her upper lip is and tho tighter sho tics up her back hair. A girl may have luir as read as the rooster you wore on your bat last Fall. and still be pleasant enough to melt a cake of country butter. It is not always an indication of a storm to meet a white horse. Give the strawberry blonde chance. Since the silver question has been trans ferred to Congress and the bakiug powder quisiion has been settled, tbe great qucs tion that is at present ripping us up I lie bock and tingcing our temples with the silver threads of care is: "Why are the buttons on a man's coat oe the right hand side, while on n wouiau's cloak they are on the left?" Wo have freo trunsporta tion to Euiope to anyouo who can satis- laclouly settle tins great national ques tion. fhe Kaw's Mouth. Sacrifice appears to bo the preduininn- tiug clement in u mother's nature. Hho willing to deprivo herself of aetual ne cessities fur the sake of giviug to her ildron, and when taxed by others with the too great self denial will plead as her excuse that it is for the children. l'areiits save and kiini ihcni-klvci of any comforts They toil from morning until ulght with hut one object iu view future liappiuuss of the sous aud glitcrs (iod has given thorn, but in ow many eases docs their sacrifice re suit in fostering in the hearts and minds of those for whom they slave a selfishness liat causes them to accept all that is done for them as their due, and complain be cause greater favors ore not iu the power of the parents to bestow. We know how the great mother heart has no boundary in its loving desires and earnest wishes for life's best gifts to be showered upon the children that lisp her name; but, after all, is this continual ubjugatiou of self the best training f'n those that in time are to be turned loose upon the world and light there the battle for daily bread and earthly preference? The children who have been aeemtom- d to get all that they desired, even though they crippled the purse of father and mother iu the accomplishment of their wishes, will Bad that the gre at world is not willing to bond to their slightest whiui, and strangers are not prone to gi e up the best places and greitest good to them as father and mother have always done. Life will be much harder fur ilieiu if hey have been spoiled at home, and the :llish nature which has been encouraged aero will materially work against them when they come iuto contact with all sorts and conditions of men. Remember this, all ye dear kind hearted fathers and mothers, when you next feel tempted to forego some personal benefit aid plead that tho sacrifice is made fur the sake of the children. RATTLESNAKE WEED. Li Monterey, as well as Santa Clara oounty, there grows a weed called the rattlesnake weed. It is so named from ihe story that when rattlesnakes get to fighting and bite each other this vced, if success do n..t go together. A drunken j eaten by them, will prevent death. It gambler may possibly win high (takes, but in order to succeed in legitimate business one must have a clear brain. The big merchants, financiers and kings of oomnierco are ut least temperate in drink. Most of tbcm are total abstainers. You cannot make a worse mistake than to say, "I will drink or let it alone, just as I please." Almost always men starting io this way finally chooi-e drink. No fact is better established tbau that alcohol weakens the will. Let tbe stuff alone if you want to succeed. Yoice. f grows about six inches tall, has a red stalk and slender leaves. On tho top of the stalk comes a head of flowers, and the seeda of these flowers aro said to be very annoying to one in passing through tnas of them, as they aro furnished with sharp barbs, commonly called stickers. The early settlers, who had herds of sheep alw iys made their herdemen keep with them a bottle of strong tea made of rattle snake weed, and when any. of the sheep were bitten they were drenched .mb. this tea, which always saved theui. : , THE MOTHER'S NATURE. ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. WoYal Absolutely Pure A cream of tartar baking powder, Highest of all in leavening strength. Luti'xt U. S. Government FihhI Jieitort. Rovai. Bakino Powder Co., 106 Wall St., N. Y. THECOUPER MARBLE WORKS, I III, lis 1113 Rank xt., Norfolk. Va. Large slock of gMiinitmctttH and liiaresttHti'S, rtc. Ready for immediate shipment. Designs free. 1121y DJVISf CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS No. 4:.' Sycamore st., Petersburg, Va. TOBACCOS. Our special brauds of l-'lour: GOLD MEDAL FANCY PATENT, DIXIE PATENT, (JEM PATENT, HAKVE5T yl'EEN, SNOW DKOP. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. y J. WARD, Enkiklh, N. C. SURGEON :-: DENTIST, Office over McGwiguu'a eton . 112 ly. Is Life rtis Livina? That drpnil.. upon tho Liver., If tho Liver i.i iuiii tivn tin! v. liiilo pyi torn is out of order tlui liroitth i.i bad, digestion jioor, head dull c." ueliing, I'niTjyr und hopefulness pono, tho ppirit is do prpBsed, a heavy weight exista after eutinp;, with general despondency and tho blues. Tho Liver is tho housekeeper of tho health; and a harmless, simple remedy that acts like Nature, does not ronstipiitj afterwards or rajuire constant taking, does not interl'era with business or pleasure dur ing its use, makes Sim mons Liver Regulator a medifa perfection. " I have trMcd it personally, and know that fbf Dys'pij, I'.iln'iMiess and ThnibbinK Headache, il ii the liest medicine the wwtld ever law." H. H Junks, Macon, Lis. Take only the Genuine, Which has on the Wrapper the red SS Trad, mark and Signatnrc of J. H. Ziill IN A CO, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Grocc Scientifio American I R Tl'J W CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS. 0, For information mid free Handbook write to 11NN CO., ail MuiAixt'Ar, Nr.w Youir. Ohii'pt Intreau rr securing patuntB in America. Kvcry imo-nt laktm out by tin la brought before tbe pubuu by a uoliuo given free ol cluirge la tli Lnreest rfmilaflnn of any neinntfflc paper In tho World. ttpluixliOly til nut rattjd. No Intelligent man ehould bo nltliuul it. Weekly, Tciirt fl.Wnil months. Aildrenn St INN A CO ttttUbULitd. iiiil Broadway, Now Vork City, Chas. M. Walsh, South Sycamore St., lV'ter.shurj I. L I. B. I uow oeeupy the Briik St ro between H. C. fiPIEKSuml C. L. CLARK'S. I mil rect iviug und opening a full line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. 1 will Vecpon baud a selected stock of Groceries, Fruits, Confit'tioneritM, Cigars. ToWci,, Snuff, Wooden and Willow, Ware, Crockery, (Mass, Tiu Ware, etc , etc. I will sell at the I also return ray aiuccro thanks to my many Iriemli and acquaintances for their kind, liberal patronage in tbe past and solicit a ion tin nance or the same, with guarantee to please. Very Kcspectfolly, J. L. .1UDKIN8. Wcltlon, N. C. octlHAin. THE I ff'Ii GOOD 0001)3 at LO-W! JAKES H. MOLUU, WA.LTKR B. DAH1BL U L L K N A DANIEL, . A TTOHNEYS A T LA Wt Weldon, N. C. Practice In thecourti of Hnltffti MdNorthami ton and iti the supreme aud Federal courta. uot Itscunniniaae in aiipnruor nona Carolina. Brauch office at Halifax. N. C. open every Hon day. jan 1 1) jyt. T. T. KOSS, hi DENTIST Wcldon, N. C. JfcOflicc over Kniry & I'iurce'sstore. 10-19-ly. T. W. HARRIS, D. D. S. 9 'aim? Littleton, N. C. Teeth Extracted without pain. 4-3aCm. iCct cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satistactory. C1IAULES M. WALSH, oct 11 ly. Ilsl Lt,1 ' fc. C A : V It f ;! ir ym vra ta nlsdaw mil inUlliswi .m Lit ion suggM irite lo-day. ' rr.-n.iss you hit Htinj, penon) leitiike ro bilvflj ion u ti tuy lull j uiciiikcuL pariofi f tttlierm, wbo on (ad and 'Miit. mil who, -fur liitiructiua, vill work li.dw. ILIlllUlj-, bow U aru Dim IhM. mui Ualltn f -ra in tbtir Own -w Uify tW. ) Miu o ntrulM tli aituattoft m cmpUlHMttl, it wMih ju eu rani IhalMiioanl 1 obaia-a Bjothlna Mid tit-air kvtbr iiir It It eiatVl, abova. Voiding dlKUull to Irani, ac Knit rMutrai much tuna, i atun but mm prison fruai oxiiiljr. 1 bar a. tvailr Uii1il uh rm Med wuL ni lloynit M a Urm itmiilwt whm ara iit.i u.. liar a , i, fo.k. Allta nw, IiTC, Art 9-m aiww all, U fv k V linerjf. -0 MY STOCK OF 0 FALL And hi i WINTER winery. m, an-l I wn!4i(ily H; ",nt Kne ot i U arriYljjK, ?ooaaover Hi NEW STYLES. COME AND SELECT THE NEW ' EST NOVELTIES, ? MRS. P. A; LEWIS, oet41v Wriiku.N.C. (rrTCull early and avoid tbe rush." ( II. C. SPIERS, Manager ' FALL GOODS! ...i-.i -Grand Display at-r TILLERY'S. FALL DRESS COODS. (witb trimmings to mateh.) ' la Black and Colo's. Fancy weave and Xovcltiet. Full line of CLOTH 1NG. If von can't cet a fit la stock we can have them made to order. It takes only 5 dayato make a suit. - ' ' Abinlineof HATS. All Mie Utest nobbiest styles. iotj ?m fH"K?ofrTx flc3cript!oa for every body. GENTS' FURNISHING GOOQS iu endless variety. I am always glad to. show goods and guaraute lowest price. W. B. TILLERY, , The Reliable House,- Weldon, N C. i All l lililliu I Pais .MANUFACTURING CO. . i( . -i it;.- ' ;(! 1 -1 ' '''" -i.i t ' j ,,jyC3lfENa'Sqif, lhtlirletora, hi tin ,.... ... . , Car. Sjoajnoje naif talUnKbroikk atrceh, '. Fnair.: Va' ' t!4 Solicit trade of Easte'ra' Carolina- - V" ISTWe make pants In all grade. ' ortWly.

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