j-ohidt w. sledg-e, riiorRUTOit. Ji. NEWSPAPER E O K THE PEOPLE TEIZVTS: 150 pl:l1 ANNUM IN ADVANCE. VOL. XXIV. WELDON, N. C., TIIUltSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1S.'J3. NO. 34. NEW ADVERT1SKMENTS. ONLY THE SCARS REMAIN Hi P I Ml 0 AMD A Lively Remembrance of THB HORRIBLE SORES Which Caused Them. Traveler Henry Hudson's Experience "A mutin (lie niiitiy tt'Ht iuioitialH wlilt'll I bit in ri'Kiiril ti) certain nieilleliH'ii pc-rf Drilling cures, cleansing the blond, etc., none impress 1 1 1 1- inort tlian my own ruse, mill 1 niimcii'iitiously be lieve it to In- my duly to lot people know it. Twenty yours iiro, nt tlio ago of 18 years, I had swellings on my legs, which broko and beeiime running sores. Our family physician could do me no good, and it was feared that the bones would be affected. At last, my Cood Old Mother urged me to try AYKU'S Sarsapa rilla. I look three bottles, the sores healed, and I have not been troubled since. Only the scars remain, and the memory of the past, to remind me of the good AVER'S Karsaparilla has done inc. J now weigh two hundred and twenty pouuilH, and am in the best of health. 1 have been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed AYKlt'S Sarsaparilla advertised in all parts of the United States, and al wuvs take pleasure in telling what good It did for me." Henry Hudson, of tho James Smith Woolen Machinery Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Man. Has cured others, will cure you MY CROSS. Why is it that J etuis given mc JiiHt thecrotw I dreaded no? In the "aflcrwurdij" that's coming Khali I uuderftlaml and know? Huh niv Master wrnifl wine reason Kur the jmiu he given tome? Will the helping come In stunun? Even ho, Lord, let it ho, I Let therroHii he note mid heavy AM my v oiihled son I can bear, Only let me fil, dear Saviour, That thy hand Iiun luid It there. Only let my frith grow ntronger; Take me clomT to Ihy lide, lift me tear and donliL no lunger, And I nhi.ll heNiitistled. It! t D GARWOOD'S K.TKACT NACES THIl'LE, VIOLET WATElt, TER, AND SACHET POWDER. New Line of -sta;tionery Just ReceivcQ "50 Linen writing T K'cls, which I'll sell ac a small PROFIT. ACCURACY H PS 0. W A '7, O l-H H 2s 5 8 w Oh X 73 & I? P CD PURITY! THE PLACE TO GET EDRUQS asb fJEDICIflES - -AT THE- LOWEST PRICES, IS -AT DR. A. 11. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVE. OPPOSITE R. K. SHED. "Staff, t.'mi Prepared I A Large, I 1 aints. I Stock uf Pure White Lead .l Linseed ojj. i LANDRKTU'S I'll soil paints at a X GARDKN I very small margin. SEED. SIGNS OF A MILO WINTER. KVIDENl'S liltOltlllT t'OUWAItll 11V A I..VCKAWANA VALLEY WEATIIEll l'ROl'IIEI. I notice that some wise men ia various parts of the couolry arc prcdic'.ing an uncommonly severe wilder," said the old Lacluwana Valley weatlitr prophet, "but they are all wrong. A II the signs poiDt to a uiilj and an open winter. When you see caterpiKars crawling on the ground all through October, as they did lust month, you may set it down as a fact that the temperature will be unseasonably high throughout the winter. Catcrpil lars don't crawl up to election time when a cold winter is ahead. "Robins were thick in the sumachs tod laurels on the" hillsides on All Saints' day, and that is a sure ijo that there ill bo no real cold weather till the sec ond or third month next year. On No- reuibcr 2nd, I picked a basketful of dan- delon and crow's foot blossoms on the highest hill in Lackawanna county. never :;uw the like of it beftre, although I have searched for such indications. of a mild winter at about that time in the yeir every fall sioce 1837. I also ran across some boneset and ferns that hadn't been touched by frost, and that is anoth er good sign of a mild winter. "In a piece of beech woods I knocked a chipmunk over with a stone on the afternoon before Hallowe'en and found that it hadu't a single bceohnut in its chops, although the nuts were plentilul that is a sure sign ot warm weather up to tho holidays. On October 28th I sa v a woodchuck sitnug 'on a stone wall mat is the Dent open winter signs as woodchueks hole up three weeks befor that time when the winter is going to severe. "Toads are stilt bopping on the dead leaves in moist places, and meadow moles are rooting up little mounds of dirt in in rich so'.l, unfailible indications of warm weather for weeks and of a green Christ IT'S. The loads saug sixteen days later than usual, another good sign of a mild winter. The fur of skunks aad coons is thinner by half than it was a year ago, uoj that is another reason why I predict a very light snewfall before groundhog day. Rabbits are lean to what they were last year, although food is abundant, surd sign ot wild winter weaiher. All in all, I have never seen in sixty vears so lanyfavorablo indications of an open yinter, and lkcrforo I predict that the sales of fuel, sleighs, and cutters will be small tu what they were a year ago." CAUGHT SOMETHING HOT. A 1'IIARLl.TTE UTNNKU TELLS PRETTY r'KIIIT BETWEEN A AND CAT. 01' A HAWK COLD BOILING WATER. WUY AN ANDEAN TRAVELERS S POTATO WOlt.D NOT COOK. A Charlotte hunter who was in Steel Creek township yesterday, brings the News a readable Moiy if a light between a hawk and a eat. If there is anvthinc bird hunters like to kill or see killed, it is ii hawk, fur this bird, going ahead o( them on a limit, can cheat them out of a ly'sspot. The guuncr in iuestion was passing by Mr. S W Raid's house. lie say: "It was oarly morning and the air was cool and criip. As I turned in by Mr. Iti-id's, I saw a big hawk, stationary in the air ubuiit ten feet above a stubble field, Happing his wings rapidly, as they do just bjfore swooping down. 'Good bye for that covey,' I thought. My gun was in its case under the buggy seat aud my fingers were numbed with cold, and I am glad it was so, else I might hare miss ed a good deal of fun. All at once, the hawk elosed bis wings aud darted down. Then he came up again, and it was easy to sec that ho was in trouble. The air was full of feathers, and there was a long continued 'wow-wow wow waw!' that could have been heard a mile. It was the in dignant protest of a Toamie cat. The hawk swayed up and down in the air for a few times like a kite with too little tail, and then cat and hawk fell to the ground. I hurried up and found a big gray cat trying to walk of through the stubble with the hawk fastened to its hack. The claws of tho hawk had been sunk below the skin of the cat's back, and had closed there io a death grip. The hawk's breast, throat and back had been lacerated by the claws of the cat and ne f its wings was broken. I took out my knitc and sawed off the hawk's legs below the knees. That released the tendons and I easily palled the claws out of the cat's hide. Then the oat, with its fur in a ridge from the tipof its tail to the base ofitsback, walked off, stopping once in a while to look ba.-k at me, as if unable to make up its mind whether or not I were a friend. There is one less hawk to sail around Mr. Rcid's chicken yard, and if Mr. Rcid happens to come across a Surcbacked cat, he ought to tako it in and care for it. Of couise the hawk thought the cat was a rabbit." Charlotte News. WAS SOKKV IIELIKO. ADVERTISEMENTS. When water boils ordinarily it is be came great heat has separated the liny particles of the water, f'oreiug upward and ti'iward in lively bubbles the air which is contained in them. This is dune in spite of the downward pressure if tliu atmos phere. After the water has become but enough to boil it can get no hotter, because the air escapes as fast as ii is sufficiently heated to do so. There arc places on the earth where the pressure of the atmosphere upon the water is so .light that it requires but little heat to push apart I bo particles anil set free the air bubbles whiuh are confuted in the water, so it begins tu boil before it becomes very hot. It ought hardly to be called ould water, perhaps, but it is cer tainly far from being hot as ordinary boil iog water. This state of things is found on all high mountain tops, as the atmos phere grows weaker and its pressure less as one aseends. A gentleman traveling at agtcatoleva- tion in the AuJi'S Mountains put some potatoes in a pot of water over a hot fire. The water b'-gao to boil almost immediate ly, but the potatoes did not cook. All the afternoon aud all oiht the water bubbled and boiled, but still the potatoes were not cooked. The boiling water was not hot cuough. WIIERK WOMEN PROPOSE, THIS IS A GOOD ONE. From the Puiliim Sun. Jim Crow ran across a fellow who had bought an overcoat from a Hebrew deal er a "eheap chiding man," and when be was trying it on, the seller had grabbed him iu the back to show the front, and grabbed (lie front to show the fit of the back, so that the fellow thought he had a perfect Siting coat. When ha got home and tried it on for himself it was almost large enough to go around him t wice. II e didn't like it so ho can led it back and made complaint. It did not fit and he did not want it. "Vat you gifts for dot coat, mi friendl?" inquired the dealer. "Seven dollars and a half." "Who you gits him from?" "You, or your clerk." ''Vher is dot clerk? Show me dot k-'eik, mind! frieudt. I discharge him omeditrtely. Dot karvoat dusli cos' me von twelve dollar and I ha'f. It vash i dead lot' to me." The fellow thought he was getting I great bargain, so he bundled up the ceat and left. In tua Ukraine, Russia, the woman does all the courting. When she falls in love with a man, she goes to his house and inftrms him of tho State of her fe;lings. If he reciprocates, all is well, and the formal marriage is duly arranged. If, however, he is unwilliug, she re mains there hoping to coax him to a bet ter mind. I he poor fellow cannot treat her with the least discourtesy, nor has he tho consolation of being able to turn her out, as her friends in such a case would feel bound to avenge tho insult. His remedy .therefore, if determined not to marry her, is to leave hiahome and stay away as long as she is in it. On the Isth mus of Darien either sex can do the court ing with the natural result that every one gets married. A similar practice to that in the Ukraine exist among the Zuni tribes of Indians. The women docs all the courting, aud also controls the titualion after marriage. To her belong all children, and decent iu lit r Hance, is also on her side, 1 ha same custom prevails among the Nigrees, tribe in Cabul, and the Nairs of Malabar. Among the race tf Assam, iu Nurth East India, it is not ouly the privilege, but even the duly of the girl there to speak first, any infringement of this rule beii g summarily and severe'y punished. Hi: WASN'T DRINKING. WELDON. N. C. 8T0CK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. rPRKSCKIPTION DKPARTMKNT FILLED WITH TBI BEST BILKCTKD IIATIRUL.fjt PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS WITH GREAT CARE, PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Girls ought to make good soldiers fir they are used to bare arms, and are fond of powder and balls; and besides they are well up in the tactics, and know how to protect the breast works in oase of an attack. Remember that a hearty welcome always awaits you at ZOLLICOFFER'S. FOR OVER flKTV VGAR9 Mrs, Wioslow's Southing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething with perfect success. It' soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, euros wind colic, and ia the best remedy for Diirrhuja. It will relieve tho poor little sufferer immediately. Sold bv Druggists in every part of the world. I Twenty five cents . bottle. Bo sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Sjrup,' ' and take no other kind. may 25 ly That usually intcrestiag and original figure in this city, the new member Congress, has agaiu said something amusing. He was enjoying the hosj irui ity uf one of the most amiable and attrac live women, and . was doing admirably as a conversationalist until she led him into trouble with this remark: "I am afraid you fiod Washington rather dull at present. There is very lit tie excitement, excepting what you tiud in the way of duty at the capitol." It is rather mnnotonoui," hcaaacrtcJ. "No doubt yon have an occasional mauvais quart d'heure?" "No," he replied, and then leanin; over confidentially, "I haven't lasted any thing stronger than tea in a year." I.a Grippe. During the prevalence of the Grippe the past seasons it was a noticeable tact that those who depended upon Dr. King's New Discovery, not only had a speedy recovery, but escaped all of tho trouble some after effects of the malady. This remedy seems to have a peculiar pokir in effecting rapid cures not only in cases of La Grippe, but iu all Diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungrand has cured eases of Asthma and Hay Fever of long standing. Try it and be convinced. It won't disappoint. Free trial bottles at W. M. Cohen's drugstore. LADTVJt MMdlUf a tonic, or children wba want beHoV Org up, ihotild taks HKOWS'CIHOK aUTTKHS. It Is pleasant; cans MiUrla, IndiftesHon, tHUoumws, Liter CoBaluIa a&il rtcural! A IlaveMraw brickmaker named Pcr wclz was walking along a street in New York the other day, when he was ap proached by a polite stranger, who asked whether he had not dropped the pocket book which ho held in his baud, l'orwelz was about to disclaim all knowledge of the prep"rty, when the Strang' r opened it aud showed a fllHI-bill inside. ' Y," hesitated the brick maker, "it is mine." "Don't I get hallTor finding it? asked the stranger, l'nrwel. felt iu hit pocket and drew out S:!l, all that he had, and hand el it to the other, who delivered the pocket hook, and walked briskly away. I'orwclx was not l.ni' in finding out that the 8100 note was euiiiilcrfcit, but by this time the slick stranger was nowhere to be seen. The p ilicc managed to Cud him, but the $' i was gone. "Gadsby, the evangelist who went out West, was shot dead recently." "How did it happen?" "During a camp mooting he turned tud denly ou a cowboy and asked if he was prepared to die." THESE ARE ALL GOOD. TO BK READ AFTER Sl t'I'Ell, 11UT BEFORE (10INII TO BCU. ADVERTISEMENTS. A dentist ought to mako an excclle.' ' river pilot, having made a study of snags. In bread making as in base ball game there is nothing like a good batter in ha hour of knead. The woman who uiaketh a good pud ding in silence is better than sbo who maketh a tart reply. Tryiug to drown sorrow in drink is bout as wiso as cutting off a sore finger to make it stop hurting. Woman leads the world. She used smokeless powder for ages before men ever thought of adopting it. You m ly give a deutist just as much joy as you please and ho will only look a little down in the mouth. There is nothing under the face of the sky that can be quite so stuck up as a sheet of postage stamps wbou it tries to. The way to sleep is to think of nothing says a scientist All an editor has to do is to ruminate over his bauk account. Of all the dark traits that disfigure the human race, that of wishing to be little or drcradc the character of another is the lowest. There is a certain corset factory that turns out two c irsets a minute. 1 his) is a striking illustration of haste uiakin waist. A coat tail flirtati in it the latest. A wrinkled coat-tail bearing dusty toemaiks means"! have spoken to your father." grain of sand may be the germ of a new world, but a button in the right place docs more good in the rushing present. Is there any rest on eaith? plaintively asks an exchange. Well it m ist be ad mitted that there isn't much especially in lly and mosquito time. Concord Standard. Absolutely pure A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Lnlnt V. V. Government I'uod llemirt. Royal Bakinu Powder Co., 106 Wall St., N. Y. THECOUPER MARBLE WORK9, 111, lia ill.'. Bank st Norfolk, Va. Large stock of Monument and Gravestones, etc. Ready for immediate shipment. Designs free. 112 1y Augustus Wright -WIIOLKSALE- TIIIS 15 EATS PREACHING. Ifil! the churches in the land were to turn out members who refuse to pay their debts there would be fewer members, but the world would have confideuce in those who were left in Zion. The membership in the church would b; a bailee of dis tinclion worth more than gold and rubies, It is a good sigu to sec the religious prcs aiitating the subject. It is a theme for tho pulpit and for the prayer meeting. I i honest men should have their place with scandal mongers and blasphemers and should wear a c ilhir or badge of criminal. A healthy sentiment is growing against dishonesty. Oneol thochiefcausi of uisliunesly is extravagance and an at t mtit toflv high, wlii'u your wings aie too short. Asheboro Courier. MATRIMONIAL ITEM. Mr. Morris Parke How arc you and your wife coming ou? Mr. West Side I caut stand it much longer. She is the boat. Well, uiv wife only demands three things." "What aro they?" "She insists on having the money, the the latch key and the last word. Texas Sittings. Among the sentimcntals recently pub lished is a ballad which begins: "Who will come above me sighing, When tho grasi grow over me?" We cau't say pjsitively who, but if in rural district it may probably be the cow If you rfeel weak and all worn out take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Boot&Slioes, lranks AND LEATHER, It! Sycamore st.. PETERS lit litl, VA. All orders receive prompt personal atUn lion. 10 1!) ly Your Liver? Is tlm Oriental salutation, knt iw i ng tli at. p M ii M mnl til riinimt r.xi.-t without a lioulthy Liver. When tho Liver is torpid tho How flu nro elufxgish ami con Ftirmti'il, tho food lies in tho etomacli tinJi copti'il, poisoning tho liloml; fnsriueiit lieiulacho ensm-'s; a iWilini; of lassi tude, despondency and iicrvotipncss indicate how tho vholo pystem ia do Tanged. Simmons Liver Kegulutor has been tho menus of restoring ir.oro peoplo to health and happiness hv giving them a healthy Liver than any ageney known on earth. It acts 'with extraor dinary power and efficacy. H,.v I; P. Wutim. Princeton. N. L.sav: "t Ini l ii' ihin le li. so min.h to kctu me in working Loniiiiion as iniimms Liver Regulator." See that ioit get the Genuine, with red 21 on front of wrapper. PUKI'AKKU ONLY BV J. 11. ZKIL1N I'D., I'hlUdellrhlla, Pi NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Scientino American Aoenoy for A TN- a. BBC Bin. n. wfew I. L 1. L I now or upy the Urit k Kt ro betweon II. C. SriKW.Suml (J. L. CLARK'S. I am rtMi iving a ml of ning ufiill line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. I will Im-pon (mud a selected stock of Gruoerius, Fruits, CoufectioncrieR. Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff. Wooden and Willow Wuru, Crockery, Glaus, Tin Ware, etc , etc. I will sell at tho I also ret'.iru tuy sincere tlmuks to my many friends and acquaintances for their kind, liberal patronage in the past and solicit a continuance or the same, with guarantee to please. Very Jtespectiuiiy, CAVEATS. TftADK MARKS. DESIGN PATINTft, COPYRIGHTS, mto. or imnnna.mn aw, True 1 inn tj book write to MI NN A CO.. 3U1 HuuADtVAY, NEW YoHK. Oliiustlnirenii far securing patents In America. Kvcry jutti-nt talion out by uh In brnuRht before ttie publio by a uoiico given free ot charge la Um Lftnresk clrculutlrm of rut fldflntlflo paper In the world. fileinlidly UlurtraUul. No liiteilinent mm should be without. It. Weekly, $3.00 a j i-ar: flJiOnix montiiH. Address J1UNN A CO ruttUbULuj, 361 iiroadwuy, flew YouCUj. Chas. M. Walsh, Soutli Sycamore St., l'etcrsbur, Va. j CD 0 CD u ti CD DJVIS $ CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS No. Syriininro si., l'tti'labuig, V. TOB.A.CCOS. Our sii'i:iat hrntHis ot'l-'tour: COM) MEDAI. l'ANCV PATENT, DIXIE PATENT, I, EM PATENT, HAKVKT yl'EKN, SNOW DROP. Lrwt'st cash prices p;uar:intocd. All work warranted satisfactory. c'ii.u:u:.sm.vai.sh. oct 1 1 ly. , L. JUDK1NB. WeliloD, N. C. oct 1!) Gin. THE X GOOD G00D3 at or LOWEST PRICES JtrJ" Call early and avoid the rnsl(l H. C. SPIERS, Manager. m o rKOFUSMOKAL CARDS. J. VAKI, w. Enkiki.ii, N. C. SURGEON :-: DENTIST, Otlicc over McUHiKiiu's store. 11 2 uie a. nfu.nx, WALTKR a. BASlIl Tyj- VJ L L E M DANIEL, A riVHA El o A T LA rf , Wki.hon, N. C. Pn'lrp !n trrfirtr rt !!.!' fti sr.JNortliarriti toil anil In the Hupreiue anil Ketleml eiiuru, Col liM'tlonnmaile In allpHru of North Carolina. Hraneh office. At Halifax. N. C.otieu every Mon 4aj. Jn 7 lj D" T. T. UOS8, DENTIST, Wolilon, N. C. JOflice over I '.mry & Piece's store. 10-llMy. "MB i SEff naki.it: .. i I Hi. iii -.1 illi-llutaaVitii t.M - I "I rli..,l.,l- f 11 1 . A I i'i . k V i i ou wrtn i If you JVC.lt, MUdtW iilniiun tincV in- to-dur i prraontvl it iLr In bikfit 'h ny fail It ntNliffM.t prraoo f ciilirr tf , wbJ ii rvatl sad iiir( and wba, fiix liiatraotUn, ill w.'ik. IiiJu- 1 '), fclMV It uh Hum ThM. nij Iul1ftrf I tr in thcLr own 'Maliiii'i, wktct. rr liny Uv. 1 till !o Ibrnlrf .the Bitiinlioa si inplt. nu-nl, 1 hti Ii d eau ni (hulamniinL 1 cfirvn Nullilii un rp.Moi uiS niilssi tu. M, S Dhov N.iiliin drtnouK .to Irani, or thai qulrei murh 1 1 in. I ili-aka tut i lie u nn,, -ch dialrirl t rimuiy. bniaal. Iraily lit ii hi and K'Uiil'ilrtltlinn. ilnvii.ia bift . AUttyit all. If v llox i'iit, Ai(iini, ilulia. llilmcry. -0 MY STOCK. OK 0 FALL And WINTER T. W. HARRIS, D. D. S. LlTTLKTON, N. C. Teeth Extracted without pain. 4-30 Gm. Millinery Ir nrrtvlng, and I will display the finest line ol Roods ever shown iu this town. Come and gee Wo NltV STYLES. COME AND SELECT THE NEW. . EST NOVELTIES, Mrs. OCt i 1 P. A. LEWIS, Weldc, N.C. Graud Display at TILLERY'S. FALL DRESS COODS. (with trimmings tomato)).) Id lilauk nnil Colors. Faacy weavaa aad Novelties. Full line of CLOTHING, If yo ciui't net aflt inatock w eati hare tlieru made to arrler. It takes only 5 days to make a suit, A liia" line of HATS. All' Hie latest nobbiest styles. , t:. , , . n . IliKlTS and SHOKJtofevtiyJ4HwlplioilJ for everybody. G ENTS' FURNISHING GOODS '" iu enillem variety. I am always glad to show gomls and guarantee lowest prices. W. B. TILLERY, The Reliable House, ' v' Weldon, N. C. MANUFACTURING CO. J. COHEN SON, Proprietor, Cor. 8casare aad IlolUngbrook atneta, Petersburg, V. Solicits trade of Eastern Carolina . 9"We make pacts in all grade, octlftly.