THE ROANOKE NEWS THURSDAY, DKCEMBEH21, 1S93. PUBLISH KD KVKRY THURSDAY. J. . SLED3S, Editor D- 2. STAINBACK. Associate Editor- Entered at W Officr at MWttW ix Srfumf ( n Matter. KATKMOK SCBSVHIPllON IN ADVAN'CK. Oo Yearly Mail), Postage t'aid $1.'0. Bix Months 75. A Weekly Democratic journal devoted to th material, etlurutun;it, political ami agricultural interests ot Halifax and sur rounding counties. THE OLD NORTH STATE. CRISP T.ill HEEL IIAPPEX IXO.S FROM CHEROKEE TO MAXTEO. t6TAdvei tilting rates reasonable furnished on application. anil Ex Secretary of Agriculture Musk, rc oeotly deceased, made when a member of the Legislature uf Wisconsin one uf the shortest speeches on record. In opposion a bill be said: "Mr Speaker, this thing's a ileal." Ho then sat iluwn anJ the House sat down oo the bill. Im Chins when I man it particularly anxious to pay a liinh compliment tu a woman be gets, il married, a divorce I'roui his wife and marries her. A report comes of an old feiluw who was so given to com plimeniii ' them that in bis siity fifth year has just secured a divorce from his twenty sixth wife, to compliment the twenty seventh. Rauui Leon Harrison, one of the leading Hebrews of St. Louis, has created a commotion in that city among his core ligionists by asserting that Judaism can learn much from Christianity. He stated in an address last Sunday. that he recognized Christianity as the child of Judaism, as America is the child of Eng land, and that Judaism should unite progress with tradition and not scorn to take many a lesson from its offspring. Tiioi uii the cartoonists all represent Queen Liliuokalaui of Hawaii as a woman having negro features, the features of the African, she is a totally different looking woman, says the Boston Traveller, and does not possess the negro features. She is, of course, dark skinned, her cheek bones are prominent, her face is broad, hi r nose is a tariff flat, the nostrils largo, and her lips not so much more promincul ilian those of the Caucasian. Si ill she does not possess the negro type of features, fur she is a typical South Sea Islander. JrjbUK Siuionton of Charleston, S. ('., has been appointed to fill I he vacancy the circuit c urt Judgeship caused by the death of Judge Bond. Judge Simonton is CI years of age, He wis born in Fairfield county, S. C. but removed to Charleston when a lad and has since resided there. He held the rank of Colonel in tho Confederate army during the war. He h is been active in Statu politics and was onn of the IV in ocratic leaders in the State Senate 1' yean. JOHN Boyd Thacher announces that the medals for the World's Fair awards will bo cut from "0,0(10 to '.'ti 01 Ml. In the first place, there is not money enough to pay for all the medals, and in the se cond place no valuo is attached to the medal, because nearly every exhibitor wa awarded one. There were 90,000 exhihi tions at the Fair. At the 1'aris Ki tion there wero .12,01)0 exhibitors and 32,000 medals. Under the new order nut quite 30 percent, of the exhibitors will receive medals. IT CONCERNS YOU. AN ACT TO FAII.l KES ARV 1ST. lMt K ex r OO H 1XTI FB.Arnri.EST EM'El'T JANT- TllE New Yoik Advertiser says: l'co pie throughout the couotryare complain ing of the "trip," In some sections uf the nmawefct it is violently epidemic again The disease is a miserable one an I its ter effects are iu many instances quite -e riojs. The medical fraternity has din-ov erjd no prophylactic as yet, but cartful I 'M in dress, diet and habit is a good protection agaiust tbo malady. Keep the system well toued up. driuk only purv water avoid colds. That's about tho best advice that anybody can obtaiu eveu from the skilled praitiiioneis, who kno no more about the "grip" uow than when it first put iu its appearance. Judjje Rynutn was criticized for hold ing court at New Bern on Thanksgiving Day. The Baptist church aud nine stores were burned at Morganton on the 13th iost. (July three new Masonic lodges have been formed iu this State during the pns.'iit year. Business is said to be far better in the Kastcru and Northeastern part of the State than clsi where. Charlotte has added to ill manufactur ing enterprises a new mill, for the weav ing of towels anil counterpanes. The Noith Carolina Conference meets next year in Putnam, the Western North Carolina Conference in Charlotte. A 50 gallon illicit distillery, aud 500 gallons of beer was seized and destroyed near Carhonton, Clutham county. The trustees of ihe Agricultural Col lege recommend that the college arrange for a special short term of instruction t r farmers. The Concord Mining Company got out eight pounds of amalgam lust week from five days' work, worth something like SU'OO. Lr J. L. Edgertou, of Hendersonville was bound over to court, charged with conspiracy to burn his drug store for in surance money. Thirty kegs of whiskey, ulllaxed and unmarked, was seized day before yester day at Ijreensboro, on a train, by the revenue people. John MeKeuzie, ol Sampson county, has deserted his family and eloped with L mise Holland, a young girl They arc said to have tied to (ieorgia. Forty per cent, has been paid the di- po-itors of the broken First National bank of Wilmington, and it is thought thev will get -Oper cent. more. The Durham Furniture compauy has gone into the h.inls ot a receiver Lia- biliti.s about 85,1100; a-eis 8:1,000 in stock and S1.IW0 in accounts. The Sanford Kxpross says Meure coun ty Populists are telling it that this gov eminent is to be turned into a monarchy and that Mr Cleveland is to be kiug. I R. II. Khyue, of Wadesboro, sues that town for 810,000 damages, alleging that his son, while being arrested, was so roughly treated as to cause his death. Judge P. M. l'urches, who was Re-1 publican candidate for goveruor la-t elec tion, aui Mrs. Susan M. Corpcuing were married at Slatesville Tuesd ly ol last week. The Southwestern Air Line railway has been sold. Cleveland couuty has been sold. Cleveland county voted it 850,000 in bonds. These have been re dded aud cauceilcd. The New Bern Journal reports auoth cr shipment of dressed bears last Thurs day from Havel iek to New York. .Mr. C. C. Cannon killed two that weighed about lillil pounds each. J. 11. Ilarrell.a youug man uf Rocky Mount, shot himself in the head wiih a pist .l Saturday. Expected to die. Uusi. nesi is the supposed cause. Been mar ri rd less than a year. While the court was getting ready for bisiness at Robiusville, Graham county, t -.e court house began logive way, rcudci in; it hazardous in the extreme. The c'mrcli was used tu hold in. The Lexington Dispatch arises to rc mirk: The man who refuses to pay an honest debt to a poor, country editor or a poor preacher, will get a low berth in the ' hot regions" in the great hereafter. Afic-r January l,the party who wants to make an assignment in Noith Carolina will find mire stringent requirements than is now the case. A new law governing assignments goes in effect on that date. It was passed by the last Legislature and is known as "An Act to 1'reveut Fraudu lent Assignments." Upon the execution of a voluntary deed of trust, alt debts of the maker thereof become due and are payable ut on;e. The assignor will be re quired to lilc a verified schedule of pre ferred debts in the office of the clerk within ten days The clerk of the Superior court is given jurisdiction to remove an insolvent true tee, under certain provisions. The assignee cannot sell any ol the property within ten days from the reg istration tlureol, unless the properly or sotue part thereof be perishable. Every three months the trustee tuu.'t file with the clerk, a verified account of receipts and disbursements, and must file final aeccuiil within twelve months. Creditors must file a vetilied slateliient ol their claim with the dirk. The creditor who knowingly swears falsely will be guilty of a misdemeanor, nd the trustee failing to fi'ean inventory will also lie guilty ot a misdemeanor. 1 lie clerks of coutts are to receive the same fees for their services that are allowed by law upon inventories, accounts and pro ceedings ol'ixecutors aud administrators ADVERTISEMENTS. 'jr.- . . . a u NEW n n if ADVERTISEMENTS. i mi) T AUK SIHiWlNi; KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort nnd improvement and tends "to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than, others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the vnluo to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced iu the remedy, Svrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in llio form most acceptable and pleas ant t the taste, the refreshing nnd truly beneficial properties (it a perfect lux ntive; cl!'cctu:illy cleansing the system, di-iidling colds, headaches and levers Hint permanently curing cousupiuion. It has given satisfaction to millions nnd t with the approval uf the medical rofesHi.oi, because It nets on llie Mo neys, I.IV'T :lnl 1IOWC1S Wliuouv wen- euing them nnd it is h rfectly free from every oliicetionaWo substance. Syrup of Furs is tor sale by all drug- gi-ts iu .iOc anil $t pottles, nut u is man- iilaclurcci uy mo laiiiomm rig ciiup Co. onlv, whiise inline is printed on every paeknge, also the inline, byrup ot rigs, and ln'ing well informed, vou will not accept uny substitute if offered. li) ly Hop-Sackiags, Broadclothes Screes, Henriettas, Klunncls, Fancy Novelties, all New DRESS FABRICS, trimmings to mulch goods. tin) I'orMKX, l'.llYSan,l('llll.l'l(i:N. f-i;Jlt-nl liisnl lils. sl lisk and cliiup us linyolie SKI.l.(ilHII) (i(K)llS. Mr. Voorliec", chairman of the Finance Committee, has introduced a bill for the coinaue of silver dollais, the relircuient ol" small denominations ot gold and paper money, itc. NEW ADVEHTISEMENTS. JlTr. Chat. ar. Hauer Of Frederick, M.I., suffered terribly lor orer ten years with abscesses and running sores on his left leg. Ho wasted away, grew weak and thin nn.i w4 nblliTpd tc me a cane and crutch. Everything which could 1mj thouglit of was dona Hood's Sarsaparilla whMi cflected a nerfect cure. Mr. Hatier is now in the licit of health. Full particulars of His case will fifiii nil wno anuress L I. Uhu & Co., Lowell, Mass. Hooo'8 Pills beit f t dino puis, uiat digeitloo, care hesdacb and iiiUousawa. MRS. IT. A. YICK, llasjust reeeiveda large sorlmcnt of nnd varied as- Tai Wilson tai iff bill, acc.rding to tin Chicago Tribune, shows great sectional ism "A great parade is made becaus West Virgiuia, Tennessee and Alabama content to free coal and iron ure Iu re turn fur this the South gets about every thing else that it wants. The classification of the cotton schedule has been desltoyed completely wiih a view to transferring cotton mills from the North to the. South. In thil schedule, too, specific rates ar retained so that ihe importers von't b able 10 gut the advantage orlhe South era co'.loo uiaoufaolurcn'. Tennessee's marble ii protected. South Carolina's rioa ii cut slightly compared with the reductions o the staples raised by the Northern farmers. A doieu similar in stances oan be found, but they are not worthy recounting. The majority of the eommitte) is made up of Southern men, and in spite of their protestations of fair neat it is to bo ex peeled that they would how a little favoritism to their own see tiona." Ask You a Fhikxds Who have take Hood's Sarsaput ilia what they think of it, and ihe replica will lie poaitive in ita favor. Simply what Hood's Sarsapa rilla tUea, thai tells the story of ita merit. Om has been onrwJ of indigestion or dys pepsia, aootlur finds it indispensable for sick h. adache or bid lusaesa, while other report remarkable . u ea of scrofula, ca tarrh, rheumatism, salt rhiuui, etc floods fills are puie j vegetable. Sh riff I'owell, of Vance, wins the Treasury Dopariiu'nt honors this year, as beino ihe first to mike complete set tlement ol Male taxes. A numbir of sheriffs have made partial settlements. Raleigh correspondent Messenger : Commercial travellers say they find by far the best business iu this State this year east of the Wihuinio i and Weldon railway. West of that line it is very dill. a many The Chronicle says there never was time when Wilkes furniirs bad no a irplus rattle, I orses un 1 mules lo sell. It estimates that there is about $2,000 worth of surplus sioek for sale iu one township and as it is that way about l" our the county. B. L. Duke, 'resident of ihe Pearl Cotton Mills, alurge stockholder in ihe firm of W. Duke. Sons tc Co., a branch of the Americun Tobacco Company, and the largest real estate owner in Durffani, made an assignment of all his property on the 13lh iost , preferring creditors to the amount of $145,000. Rev. VV. L. Grissom haa bought a half interest in the Raleigh Christian Advocate. Dr. U. A: kins will continue to be in charge u editor. It is stated that a joint committee of ten, appointed by the two Methodist Conferences', will meet in January to take into consideration the consolidation ot thii paper and the one at Asherille. DRY (JOODS OF MVKHY KIND. .... . n i i.' ....I St., ii U onion ei Son and full notions nuo iicins r uriu.soiiis, v.iiiiii-is. ,. ,.i...s , stock orr.oOTSund.SADEHofull grades. STIFF & FELT HATS, iu latcs shapes. Nice line Ladies L'loaksnf the newest designs. hi ii. O nnlir ivn will sell I'lu' iner Ilian vol! e.lll L'l't UOOlls by Ordering. lilVC US a shurc of your patronage, please. THE M. F. HART CO., l'er M. 1 . Hurt, Secretary, oet ail ly. M, t'OHKX.SOX & CO., PKTKUSWIMi, VA. Wholesale I DS aui IIOTIOILTS. Maimtiu'turcrsof Shirts, Pniwers and over- nils. Priei-nLiaruuteeriujJ.iiiist H North ern markets. Orders receive ptoinpt per sonal attentimi. nov 2 ly. Ho Bio Talkia Pe.iile who want good llai ness, Saddles, Collars, Undies, or auvtliing for Horses will go to P. F. JOHNSON 4 CO., i:!ti Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. for them. They keen noml stull, and sell cheap. And now is a good time to buy Call at the TliUNK STORE, nov 2 1 v. Palace Saloon CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES & FANCY GOODS. You will liml many tilings to the little oui-s, sut h iu Wjjjdih, (in us. Magic Lanterns, Yiolins, Drums, Dolls, IKjII Carrinnes, Khootly horses, Children.! swings, silvirwts, Crockery sets, IMnnos, Toilet sets, Vase, etc. lie sure to call and see before purt'lusing elsewhere. FINE FRUITS Conlcetioneries, Cigars, Tobacco and Ci garetts. Cheap and Standard Hooks liy best iiuthors. MRS. II. A. VICK, l'i-14-lru. Weldoll, X. C. H. FENCHEL, PROPRIETOR Kvans' lirick Itloek, corner store. FINEST WHISKIES S BRANDIES for medicinal purposes. Old Sweet Mosli Mountain Corn, Sole agent for ANHEUSER BUSCH BEER " DRAFT, A delightful beverage. Cigars, Tohueeoes utul Kruita, o"t 1!) (im. INDUCEMENTS OFFERED" r & Co's, EN KI Kid), X. c. FINE FAMILY CROCERIES, Tobacco, Snufl anil Oonl'ectionerics. OTJBBAB is stocked with Choice Liquore and Wines. Sole agents for Phil Baker Whiskey, C.OMli'.N AtiE 15 year old Liquors, Stumns Beer and Sahoroso Cigars, the finest "i cent Cigar made. 10 19 ly. HEAD QUARTERS FOE PANTA 0 CLAUO, 0 THE LAh'aESTAXI) HEST SE LECTED STOCK OF TOYS Kver brought to Hulifai cjuntjr. Have also a fine line of Candy, Apples, Oranges Lemons, Raisins, uud In fact everything that is wanted for the Holidays. Just received Car Load ol Flour aad car load ofRalt, all lower than ever. ef Come and ace the Negro Dancer and the Aerabata. Performance every hour in the day. PRfJE TO ALL MY CUSTOMERS. S. IMETSTER, Agent, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Confec tioner, Enfield, N, C. Bunte ESTAIII-ISHUI) 1M:!I. S. H. Marks Co. PETERSBURG, VA. WIIOLEHALK CONFECTIONERS AXD FRUITERKItH niaiiufuitnrere of plain und Fancy Candies, Cakes and Crackers. Dealers in Fine Oil KWIXG TOBACCO CKiAUS&SNlFF. ta?Your orders solicited, which will have our personal attention. 10 lit ly ifOhristiatiCo. 13 FALL AND IJjJWINTER J.J. Enfield, N. C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TO IF YOU WANT OEA A CHAIN, GOLD mm H. J. GORDLE'S JEWELRY STORE, Litt'tion, N. c. Mr. Cordle is one of the lxst watch repaiitrs i North Carolina- EMT& PIERCE, WHOLESALE nnd RETAIL HEALERS IX- mm i rv ill n Ull II Yes, Fall and Winter Stock now complete, and I hear the busy hum of traffic through my store and the comments of pleased customers. Merit wins every time. I allow no misrepresentations. The satis faction of the customer is my first consideration. I sell only reliable i mi i gooas. mere is no eaten penny business - about - my - establish ment. I carry a fine line SOLID SlfOES and sel1 at close figures. Full line DRESS GOODS, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Staple Groceries, and goods of every de scription usually found in a general store. When in Enfield drop in to see JOE WHITAKER, 111,11 mm HIH. Hth st., and 1 A 3 Christian's Lane, RICHMOND, VA. Flour a Specialty. Proprietors following brands: REX FANCY PATENT, DIADEM, EDGE HILL, KENWOOD, RIVER EDGE, C C- CHOICE EXTRA. Mannfactnrera and sole proprietors of KEX BAKING POVVDER. oct 10 ly Hew Goods for Fall & Winter. EVERY department brimful and XTTn -ir, vsv.TT i u.ii 111115 uvcii nc- ksclx 1 y - iiic largest stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and GROCERIES of any house in Hali fax County. Our immense store is FULL of BARGAINS for all. We keep every article needed on the farm or in the house. Visitors to Weldon should visit our store and inspect our stock be fore buying elsewhere, WHO? WHERE? WHAT? WHO? SYDflOR 4 fjUflDLEY, WHERE? 711 & 713 E. miOAl) ST. ItlCIIMONI), VA. WHAT? Our 8 floors are filled with th liiti-.t nnd host fuiuiture ol all grades. PRICES KUt-lv HOTTOM. Mud orders have our itcrsonal attention. MATTRESSES of all kinds a Specialty. HI IB (Jin. DAVENPORT & MORRIS, 17th and Dock Streets, Richuioud, Va. IMPORTERS OF COFFEE Direct from Rio aud Santos, Molassee from Cuba and Torto Rico, Sugar, Irish and En glish Porter Guinness Sout Bass Ale. Agents for J. A F. MarteH'e fine Cognac Brandy and Carenon and Tur of Zarogosa Spain, Finest Licorice Paste. Also Distillers' agents for Fuleher, Beaore, Wysor, Phil. Baker, Jacob Orover Summer's Nelson ooHnty, Ky. Fine Rye Whiskies, and I 1H1 III .ffk t t&'Particuuu attention paid to filling orders,' ll-16-3m. GEO. J. MORRISON. J. E..WH1TEHORNE. JNO. S. NORTHINCTON. GEO. J. MORRISON & CO., FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 126 Sycamore st., PETERSBURG, VA., Fall and Winter Stool NOW FULL & COMPLETE, Black and Colored Drees Goods. Our stock of Flannel Underwear is full and com plete for men, Ladies, and Children. Laces and Embroideries. Cassimcres and Domwtics. Mattinns, Luce Ctnliiiiis. Velvets aud Smyrna Ruga, Table and Household IjnfiM. Jtj nd 13-4 Wool Blankets. Hosiery, Gloves, Etc., Etc. PROMPT ATTENTION TO ORDERS. 8AMPLESSENT ON APPLICATION. a.Our Phcea are as low as any house South of Baltimore, Ohas. O. Alley, KB PETERSBURG, VA. Mr. W. M. Warren xeprnents the firm and will visit Weldon and ita vicinity reg nlar'y. octUly. SCHOOL BOOKS -SCHOOL ; SUPPLIES.,' 8uperiBtendenbi, teocaera and merchant will find it to their interest to write to MITCHELL & CO., Petersburg, Va. ' Blank Books and Printing of every de scription to order Send for samples and estimates. Finest work and lowest prices, IMO-ly.

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