THE ROANOKE NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1894. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, J. SLED3E, Editor k Proprietor- D E. STAINBACK. Associate Editor Entered at I'utt Office at W'rblon as Setwml CIiikx Matter. KATES OK 8l'H8('RIIT10M IS APVANCI. One Year (by Mail), Postage Paid 1 . ;i Six Mouths . . 73. A Weekly Democrat! iourmil devoted to the material, educational, political ami agricultural interest of Halifax and sur rounding counties. lasAdratising rates reasunahle ami furnished en application. TalmaiH has reconsidered, at the urgent request of his congregation, and will Dot ruaign as pastor of Brooklyn Tabernacle, RoiuiiT E. Lke, the soo and nonie sako of the great Confederate general, was married io Washington last Thursday to Miss Juliet Carter, of Virginia. So frequent have been the marriages of young American Sunday School teachers to Chinese pupils in their classes in Chicago that an association has been formed for the purpose of fighting off such matrimonial unions. Tiik oountry is getting into pretty bad shape when the Attorney General of the United Stales draws his sulary from the Treasury with one hand and receives pay as the trust attorney of gigantic corporations in the other. The New York Nation says : "Any one who has investigated the subject knows that there never was a census of American slave-holders, but that the estimates of their number even by their own partisans did not exceed 350,000, including the hirers of slaves." 4 If taxed sugar, taxed coal, taxed fruits and taxed iron and wool are retorms, as the Senate believes, then all we have to say is that the Senate needs reformation and the couotry needs Senators who are willing to look after the interests of the i: V - w jpeopie instead oi mat oi trusts. i The Rev. A.C. Dixon, of Brooklyn has begun "a campaign against evil," as be calls it, in the City of Churches. He has the support of many pastors, aad the work has been inaugurated by holding noon prayer meetings. Much religious fervor has been aroused at the gatherings. Tue State of New York since 17S9 has been continuously represented in the Supreme Court, except from 1792 to 1796 and from 1843 to 1845 a lapse of three years only, a record which no other ituto can show. Pennsylvania was for long time without representation. Neither Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, or North Carolina has had a representative foj-juany years. Ml v a ! 1 iv A Washington correspondent of the ! Richmond Dispatch says: Another letter just received from J. Senator Vaoee states that he continues ' to improve in health. For the past two i weeks he has been at Suwanee, Florida. V jTe does not expect to return to Wash lagton until about the 1st ot April. March is too variable a month for weather here, and his physician thinks the Sena tor should take no chances. Governor. Foster, of Louisiana, has accepted the resignation of Senator E. C White, and has appointed as his successor ' 3loo. Newton C. Blanchaid, who, by Iduaou of his long service in Washington, is oue ef the best known public men in 5 the S'ate. Congressman Bluuchard has J served longer in the bouse than any congressman elected from Louisiaua since tbe war. He is now in the fourteenth year of his service in the lower branch of ?',' utitiiml assembly, Judge hlaui uav 'log ivea his predecessor. T the recent meeting of negro a colored Z . 11 I t I . r I ip J J- rnierai ius.e"rce, aiu. J Jand owner who was born a slave, made I t apeech in the course of which he said: ! I "A mortage ii a thiug dat don't sleep. , ai'i lyio' in wait and she's growin' t-ii dou t ihiuk. lou see the Iita walking in at the door, an' 'What you gwine do?" an' "I'm (iwiue to sweep you out." od work. After you've got k V V' Put bottom of your Juud save it. You iiu cottoo and ', Vun't wear it. How you expect Vll ever be a price ou it of its own -U nrn l',-Hr-d of it?" "ii Democratic party oppose a high Y 'ive tariff and is pledged for a tariff Jfuue only. Then in the uauie of f. ,:ty, in the name of the people and ', a' imoo aenae and deceucy why don't '(epreeentatives at Washington throw y their uulutinating atrocity, patohed rk tariff bill, and do what they were lit to do, nauie'y, to relieve the country f burdensome taxes? If the Demo ratio party is to be judged by its sup seal representative at Washington -there does it stand to day? The country ' J Jisgaated with the dilatory tactics of .1 law makers and it is time to let them know they are supposed to be tho ser ranta of the people. But, then, unless we) ait q uietly aud submit to be troddi n 4owo and walked npou wo are all "kick- ML" . The beat way tn avoid diseases, bair failing out, aud prematura baldness is to aw the best preventive koowo for that 'poM Uall'i Uair Reoewer. A 1I1E sugar lrust declared a J per cent, dividend last week. It declared a 3 per cent, dividend three months ago and another throe months before that. In brief, the trust is paying 1 2 per cent, per annum on its nominal capital, which is three or four times the money actually invested. Yet this monopoly is besetting Con gress to save to it the privilege it has of taxing every human being in America on every pound of sugar used. And wurte sli1!, Senators have granted its greedy demand and consented that the people shall go on being taxed for the beoefit of a trust whose stock holders are doubling their money in profits every three or four years, even io these hard times. The 'uited States Court of Teias, has decided that a negro eaunot ride in a Pullman ear if the company objects. The suit of N. W. Cuucy, ex collector of customs and republican politi.'ian, against the Pullman Palace Car Company for $5,000 damages for refusing to sell him a berth in one of the sleepers hauled by the Iuternntiumil and Cheat Northern Railway was decided it the U. S. Ceurt at Galveston last Friday against the plaintiff. Notice of nn appeal was given. Tho case of Samuel McCoy, iudeniical with that of Cuney, and the same amouut of damageB, was dismissed. The ground of contention was that the Pullman Palace Car Company had no right to discriminate on account of color. The jury held to the contrary. The Washington Post represents Sen ator Teller as taking rather a gloomy view of the situation. "We have," soys the distinguished senator, "reached a point in the history of this country where it is almost ccitain to make a retrograde movement and to take a downward course. General prosperity is likely to be a thing of the past." The couotry will go stead ily to the demnition bow-wows unless we "dispel the baneful influence of a single gold standard." This is indeed discouraging, became we do not believe Senator Teller has ooine to this conclusion because be repre sents a silver constituency. Certainly everything seems to be out of joint. We all expected congress to do something, but somehow they arc very slow. We hope for better times, but we have few evidences of leturning prosperity. It is something more than the single gold standard; but who can suy what it is, who is wise enough to suggest a remedy? TIIIOTAHIKt-' HIM.. The Wilson Tariff bill which passed the House of Representatives in Febru ary is still hanging fire in the Senate. Tho Senate committee hits seen fit to take many of the necessaries of life from the free list and place a duty on them. The poor man must pay 1 cent a pound tax on the sugar which goes in his coffee; molasses shall pay a duty of two cents per gallon, iron ore forty cents per ton. Coal is taken from the free list and made dutiable also at forty cents a ton. and coke goes at fifteen cents. Raw wool is left on the free list. The whiskey tax is raised to $1.10. Lumber remaius on the free list. The income tax ptovisiou of two per cent, remains on the bill The waolen schedule shows but little change. No changes in tbe cotton schedule Collars and cuffs are increased from 35 to 45 per cent, ad valorem. No change is made io the rates fixed in the bill on imported tobacc.i. A tax is im posed on cigars, and cigarettes weighing mori than three pounds per thousand, $5 per thousand; on cigarettes wrapped in paper $1 per thousand, on cigarettes wrapped io tobacco 50 o-;nt8 per thou sand. Uncut precious stones are on the free list. Apples, bananas, dates, olives and pineapples are taken from the free list au 1 taxed M per cent, ad valorem. Plums, prunes, ngs, raisius and currants are all taxed 30 per cent ad valorem. Peanuts are changed from one cent to 20 percent, ad valorem. And the Senate is supposed to legislate io the interest of the people. Is the above schedule io the interest of the masses? We think not. A BOY GIANT. Wythcville, Vs., L 'ite r to the Rich mond Times. Wythe county numbers within its population the greatest man in the commonwealth, if one considers his dead weight, Melvin Grubb, whoso wondrous girth and ponderous limbs make him the daily wonder ot his neighbors. He was born something more than fifteen years ago, and has ever since that kept his neighbors wondering at his growth. Each year since he was ten, has seen from fifty to one hundred pounds added to bis weight, until now he is believed to be the heaviest youth alive; and should his avoirdupois appreciate at the same rapid rate, he will soon break all the heavy-weight records since Adam. At thirteen years of age, he weighed 410 pounds; ut fourteen, 450 pounds; and now at fifteen, the scales creak at 535 pounds, and the end is not yet. G rubbs is not merely a mountain of flesh, but an active and intelligent boy. He can follow a plough all duy without unusual fatigue, and is a bright and intelligent pupil of tho public school near his father's furm at Walter's Bridge, about two and a half miles west of Wytheville. WELDON MARKET. CORRECTED WEEKLY KOR TIIK. 1IENKMT V OI K COUNTRY FRIENDS. C. R. Sides, per lb, Shoulders Bacon, per lb, Hams, S. C, per lb, Lard, refined, Flour, per barrel, Patent, " " Straight, W, I. Molasses, per gallon. Syrup, per gallon, Granulated sugar, per lb, Light brown Sugar, per lt, Butter, per lb, Cheese, per lb, Green Coffee, per lb, Poultry, Eggs, per dozen, Shot, per lb, Gun powder, per lb, Tie. Tie. lie. 10c. 8150 $3.25 20 aud 40c 30c 6 5 25-30 15 to 20 22 to 27 15 to 25 10 10 25 to 40 Coal oil, white, safety 150, per gal. 15 Coal oil, red C, per gallon, 15-20 Apple Vinegar, per gallon, 30-40 Beeswax, per lb, 20 Tallow, per tb, 5 Hides, flint, per lb, 4 green, " 2 ' salted, " 3 Salt, per sack, 1 25 'ro, per bushel, 50 Meal, " " 00-70 ;ice, " " ii-8 as. black, ner bushel. 50 'eas, black eye, per bushel, 05 'eanuts, per bushel, 35 to 5(1 'otton. tier nound. tii Buggini;, per yard, 2 1-4 lbs, (! Ties, per bunch, $1.15 ADVERTISEMENTS. KtiWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter tlian others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, tiy more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced iu the remedy, fyrup ot rig It excellence is due to iti presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing ami truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; rll'eetiiiilly cleansing tho system, iiiH'lliiig colds, headaches and fevers auj eniiiiiiciitly curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid lie v a. Liver and Bowels without Weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and lieing well informed, you will not accept any substitute if ouercd. mar 2ti ly M. COM HX, SON &CO., rKTEKSIU lid, VA. Wholesale MI GOODS and zstotious. Manufacturers of Shirts, Drawers and over alls. Price guaranteed against all North ern markets. Orders receive prompt per sonal attention. nov 2 ly. KK K4V Of LIGHT. Senator Brice, of Ohio, struck a sug gestive note the other day, when he said to bis Democratic colleagues in caucus, "if you are going to ignore the revenue- only principle of the natiooal platform and admit into the making of this tariff act the principle of class discrimination, I shali claim for my particular locality what other Senators are claiming for theirs.' Here we have, in a single sentence, the whole error. No unselfish, thoughtful Democrat can believe that tho Government has any constitutional right to tax tho people eicept to raise the money needed for its own support. It would not be a free or a jur iloverninont if it p. ,..,) aUrn right. It has, undoubtedly exercised it, legislating through its levenue raising power money out of one man's pocket into another man s pocket, and thus rob biuu Peter to pay Paul, After ten yours of incessant agitation it was distinctly repudiated by the Dem ocratie party in National Convention as aembled, and ou that reputation the Democrats swept the couotry. Th Democratic Ways and Means Committee had nothing to do but to carry out the orders of the party ratified by the people No party ever oame into power with to great an oppoitunity, and no one ever put a great opportunity to such a base use, or cut so pool a figure. "What's in a nime?" Well, that depends. For iostioce, the name of "Ayer" sufficient guaraatee that Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a genuine, scientific blood purifier, and not a sham, like to niuoh that goea by tba nana of "aanaparilla.', Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the standard. When Baby was slek, wo jravfi h Cutort. When fchu was a Child, sht cried for Outorla. When she btcm Miss, she cIuuk to Casturla. When she had Children, she garetbeni Cwturia. F. I Stainback (J. T. (looeh's old staudj WELZDOILT, it. c. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. What is ' i ..i mil. in S i :2 I "all 1 r ti II I I I ' Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infuut nud Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, ond Castor OU. It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms aud allays feverlshness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures llorrhaa aud Wind Colic. Castoria relievos teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. CastorU Assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria Is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. ' CutAria Ii m eieUent mnllclnn for chil dren. Muthrn have ivpcfttMllr told me of 1U good tfvct upon Uiulr child ro." Da. O. C. Oboooo, Lowell, Mam. CMtorl Is the bent remedy for children of which I am acqualDtixl. I hopo the day Ii out far distant when moth en will coaitUlcr tho rout Interest of their children, and line Cantoria in iteod of the various quack nostrum which ara destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing lyrup and other hurtful agents down their th routs, thereby sending them to premature graves." Da. J. F. Kimcbiloi, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It asiuperiortoany prescription known to we." H. A, Aocbih, X. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Our phyalclans tn the children 'I deport meat have ipoken hiRhly of their expert t-uce In their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical lupplles what is known as regular products, yet we are free to ooofess that the mortis of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." Unitsd Hospital and Dispkmsary, Dos ton. Mass. Atxxj C. Smith, Pre., Tha Cantanr Company, TT Murray Street, New York City. NOTICE. IHTir CAROI.1XAA FAX COUNTY. ) STA TK OFXOllTIf CAROLINA. HALIFj IN TUE SUPERIOR COURT. Dealer in- General III MERCHANDISE The monument to Mrs. Ilenjauiin Iliiriison, just erected io Crowu Mill Cemetery, InilianupotU, is of Burre granite. Ita plainueHu it in said to be iiu chief charm. It is seven feet square at the bane, about ten I'eet iu height, and tho only ioHcriptioa which it bears is the word "lluriison," engraved in lan;e letters directly above the base. A circle of graven oak leaves surround tbe shaft about a loot frum the top, and short Grecian columns are at each corn er about two feet above tho founda tion stone. The distance between the uiounment and the gravestone is about rive feet. The latter is a plain stone inscribed with the words, "Caroline Scott Harrison." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Mother's Story i Her Boy's Suffering After Diphtheria Hood's Cava Cood Haalth and ' trangth. C. I. Hood Co., Lowell Mui.: I "Hood'i Sariaparllla has done so much for1 toy boy that I wlih to say a few words In praise of this wonderful medicine. Clifford was very 111 with diphtheria and It left blm suffering with Blight's disease. He was very weak, poor Ut flesh and could hardly walk. Malaria fever toon overtook him and together with trouble with his liver. He Wn In Much Misery, At last, almost discouraged, I decided to hava htm try Hood's Harsaparllla. Rt has taken only a few bottles, and yet It has dons him mora good than all the previous medical treatment HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES mt madlelDM aomblnad. Ha kaa kkImI Mrraftk ana Inh aa4 took qslto kaalnir. II will alwara (lv u ptoanra t tell Mhwi what a Tilubl untleuM la Hood's aaraapwIUa." Mas. O. W. MAaLarr, Cafrolttoa, Ktatuakf. V. B. It you atom to Ukt Hood'i garupa- nna ao noi Dt inauesa so ouy any oioer. I Mood' PHIO aura Mm Ills, audio, tu- wunwM, ilek baaaach and constipation. Me. Just received lull line Dry Uoads, Notions, lioots, Hhoes, Mats, Caps, Groceries. To bacco, Cipirn, SinilV, Furniture, Cooking Stoves, lluggies, Wagons, Koad Carta, New Home aud Domestic Hewing Ma- cnincs. HafZicglcr'saud Buy Stute Shoes for Ui' dies, Men and Children. These celebrated shoes are alwuys reliable and I guarantee every pair TO GIVE ENTIUE SATIS FACTION. I invite inspection of my stock, leeliiigaitsiired I can please both in QUJiUTYirH'CES No trouble to show goads. 8uek before Buying. Look at our WOODEN AND METALLIC ICOFFISS AND CASKETS PeterJW. Squire, of Northampton cuu ty ana Hurvey L. Hines. of Halifax roun ty are wltii me and will be pleased to see and serve their many friends. Thanking my friends for their liberal pairoaage iu the past and Soliciting a ron tinuanccof the same, I am yonra to com Band, P. N. STAINBACK. it 4 P. N. STAINBACK,; DEALER IN COOKING k BEA TINO STO VES Manufactured by RICHMOND STOVE CO. WeliaMte particular attention to the imwoVed NEW LEE and NEW PATRON. They are the best made. Call on or address all orders to P. N. STAINBACK, Weldtw, V. ft To the Chuinnan uf the Hoard uf ('nummi'mim f llalifnx Comity, N. C: Pursuant to chapter 580 l'ullic Laws of 1891, I liavc the honor herewith to submit the following teport of all public funds reuiuiuing in my hands, on the 1st Monday in December 1893: REPORT: c-g- S S C i 3 'Z 7ti 125:! State Mahogany, etals tl K Phillips k Battle, J T Bellamy, 73 80 83 85 80 832 G5 1 101 07 Dee. 1893 Kx: Kdwards, Pago and wife. Slate, TLKuiry&wife S E Peebles, Kx. Mason, J H Jones & wife, W II Kitchin, R&GRHCo B'dCom. Hal. Co J II McGce, Abram Tillery, $3 30 Ned Hill, 3 30 W W Fisher, 3 00 Berry King. 2 80 J S Mitchell, .30 (1 J Scott, 1 00 Geo Williams, 1 70 J R Rogers, h'ff Wake .00 J II McGce, 1 90 19 10 By cash paid to W. F. Parker, County Treasurer, 19 10 The above amounts are in the hand of the county treasurer and will be paid when proper application are made fur tbe same. The funds embraced in the foregoing, having remained in the hands of the cleric for three years or more, are payable into the Treasury of Halifax county, unless called for on or befarc the 1st day of Jan uary 1S91. (See Clerk's Report submitted to November term 1893.) 100 3 Dec. Statu Henry Richardson J E Mabry, 100 3 " " " " A F Shenrin, 107 403May 13,91 S Ward, M Smith, etals 373 Apr. 91, J T Bellamy Phillips & Battle 112 It 116 116 118 119 U 120 122 111 125 II 128 20 M y 14,91 State, M K Borden, 464 " 30, 91 NiCRRCoJ G Shields, 398 J'y 20, 91 B A Pope, W IWRK Co 448 Oct 5, 91 Hackney Bros Parker & (.'loss, Margaret Smith, RH Ricks, Sheriff W T Knight, " R E Hardy, Frank Ballard, J 11 Grant, Knnis Bellamy, " " " " V V Ulark, 302 Octl891 NBJosey&CoFSRoyster&Co W T Knight, Sheriff, 27 Nov 30 91 Stato Sol Williams J W Thompson 375 Apt. 7,91 J C Carlisle, K G Hales, J C Flowers, 375 Feb 2 92 Basil Derereux M McMahon ct all A II Ricks, sheriff, " " " " J R Green, sheriff, 499 Mar 14 92 Pat. Guano Co J R Tillery, Lee Shields, " " " " " R II Moore, Patapsco Guano Co. Jno Jackson, M F Stancill, sheriff, R A Hardy, 753 May 8 93 Eaton Solomon R & Q R R Co 129 601 " 14 92 L D Hancock J R Tillery, 129 47 " " E N Peterson,ex W H Hughes, 133 49 May 92 State Jackson Ward 134 12 May 92 State, M K Cousins, 136 1150 Junel 92 F.mry & Ca Rat Williams etals Madison Williams 138 48 Aug 27 92 R N & W P Co T L Emry k wile Frank Moore. 703 Dec 0 92 B & A M Co R Burwcll k wifo Sheriff ol Vance, 746 Jan 18 93 J R Herring N C R R Co F M Johnson, 725 G B Curtis & Co J J Draper T W Gaskins, 759 Bunch Williasas WR R Co Geo Lucas, W H Hardison, 750 Mar 15 93 EC Biggs, W k W R R Co J 8 Wright 832 Apr 18 03 T M Staton NiCRRCa PX Smith, " " " " Jack Sherod, " " " " L F Savage, " " " " EdLudwig, " " " ' " WMMartio, J E O Ilearn Peter Pritchard, " J fc Johnston, T I. Emry wife R Ml R H On, W K KUeh-r " " Blake Day ' " " F J Anderson, " " Daniel Powell R N 4 W P Co T L Emry k wifcC W Watson, " " Harvey Wills, " " Isham Joyncr T J Fields, " . ' Edmund Richards " " J R Rodwell, aheriff, W T Knight, " E C Biggs Then R Ward, B F Gary, G W Lamb, Samuel Woodruff, J B Tillery, Edward Wilkerson C A Gill, 140 143 144 145 II 146 151 151 II lira 9119 2 05 5 00 .30 .00 .60 2 00 3 00 .30 .85 .90 1 2 30 9 05 .90 .60 2 10 2 30 Oil .50 1 20 30 4 00 8 90 2 90 1 3 80 1 90 18 50 7 GO 2 50 1 14 6 00 6 10 11 30 1 10 16 50 5 60 3 90 155 676 157 160 789 W P While N C R R Co TLEmryitwifeRNA WPCo 163 849 164 156 947 62 J B Tillery J R Tillery ii TL Emry & wife M FPope Stile, 168 957 J R Neville, Johnson & Spiers Win Jonea, " " Cooper Morriss, K Branch, Robt Parker 20 4a 70 80 10 10 45 90 90 .60 .60 60 .30 .60 9 00 1 90 1 20 4 20 2 30 1 95 1 95 .00 $205 49 The above amounts are io the hands of the clerk of the 8uperiar Court and will be paid upon application for the same. There arc small smouoti, due aundry persona, with whom I hvo rnnning accounts which are not included in this account or report. John T. Gregory, 0. 8. 0. 1 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHARLES LEONARD, PETERSBURG, VA. -Wholesale Dealer In-- HARDWARE, Sash, Door and Blinds, Saw Mill Supplies. We ke, p the largest sto. li in the Wute and guarantee p,i. W rite for q.i. laliona. '---- i.. I, ..i. u the dlrwt wall ot helnic bi'-U , OlHl li mtu " ' ""' .-.... . very Mii'.a m Noiitln u. knolas.'J u l ' .i... .....i rf nai-.t. n. frm or flell. Hand fur ' ...I .S.r.l ltiMth. It l ii"l n i calahiKIlt , r,.l..reli.u liOi'il f Hi BIWlll'll ViilllO. 1 ... ...(! Iulriiiiiiill liulli lor lli Irm liiT ,.;..ulur. luuolllCI' llll Hill I'imiriimr i.-i..u. THE lARGESt (SHED House ' INTHE , South ., it i,.iuiur, lotuuar "iiu inn i'"" WOOD'SSEEDS ,., ';il ii..iiiirn fur HH Hie full itlrwllimn (or CMWIIIS " "' Ml"ai linle rll lions ot llh) riu Kylvertrli, ml Invaluable'O plant, uuil oil t lio InU-st novltl.- tor l lei. unit dirm. Wrlli'lor II, ami eorrf ut prleosof iuiv (ini., Clover, or oilier Klelil hmmIs ruiulreil. s,.; your nnlers (llrei'l, If your Ilien'hauL llom not liunilli! Wootl's Hrcili. f. W. WOOD I SOUS, Stiitmen, Richmond, fa. IF TOU WANT to -v- OR A 111 1 X U -THka- is y y -.. .-r4',;vv.', A CHAIN, ..WiiSi-'Jw" -r. (jrU WATCH 'JfTT" to H. J- GORDLE'S JEWELRY STORE, Littleton, N. C Mr. Cordis is one of the hfst Kiitili repairers iiiNorth Carolina. CRIND Vonr own Ilono, Meal, Oystiir Shells, Corn, (inilinm Flour, Ac, in the crlclirntcil $5.00 HAND MILLS lllll per cent, more made in keeping poultry. Also Pow er Mills mid Farm I'eed Mills. Circulars sent on appll- WILSON miOS., Easton, Pa. caiiuii. Euan FIERCE, -WHOI.ESALKand HF.TAII. liKAl.KliH IK- New Cools for Fall & Winter. p V E R Y department brimful and running - over. We - carry the largest stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and GROCERIES of any house in Hali fax County. Our immense store is FULL of BARGAINS for all. We keep every article needed on the farm or in the house. Visitors to Weldon should visit our store and inspect our stock be fore buying elsewhere. WHO? WHERE? WHAT? WHO? WHEKEf SYDfJOfl 4 IWIWLEY. 7J1 & 713 E. BROAD ST. RICHMOND, VA. WHAT? J LEVELS Itf fUIlltJUlE. Our 8 Doors are filled with the latest and best lurnitura of all arl. vaifva BOCK BOTTOM. Mall orders have our personal attention. mm m wmwaama . . . .... mai neiaiiiuBperiaJt7. , luioem. .'J kr I? .0 1 3 4 ' P Ms