THE OLD NORTH STATE. THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1894. POINTS PERSONAL A RIFT IN THE CLOUDS. PICKED UP AuOUT TOWN AND BRIEFLY PUT 4 NTO PRINT. CRISI' TAR HEEL HAPPEN JNGS FROM CHEROKEE TO MANTEO. The Gingham mills at Haw River are to be doubled id capacity. A training school Tor nurses in to be established at Fayettcvillc. Itll T I . ine jewisn congregation at new Bern mg. have purchased a lot and will build synagogue. Wilmington trucVcta liavo been ship ping ouliliage, lettuce and radishes to New York (or sntno lime, Near Durham Tom Foster cut Sam Lawrence ao tbut ho bled to death. Roth colored and drunk. North Carolina has twenty judges and fifteen attorneys for tho Commonwealth which costs her $82,000. High Point last week had a 85,000 fire. Two residences were burned; they were only partially insured. A '" gallon illicit still has been seized in Richmond county. It is supposed to be property of Jumcs McQueen. The Shelby Aurora Bays that Mrs. Kdwur I Howell, who lives C miles from King's Mountain, is 101 years old and baa the grip. 1'iesident Cleveland and Secretary Grosliiim havo returned to Washington from iheir fishing expedition in North Carolina waters. Tim Society of Friends in New York have deuided to build a oollege for color al Deoolo at Hiiih Point, N. C. Work will begin at once. There are fifteen murder oases on the criminal docket of Madison oounty court, which is in session this week, Buncombe county has eleven divorce suits, A now paper, the " Whito and Blue," has boon started at the University of North Carolina. It is non fraternity and la in opposition to "The Tar Heel." The Pearl Cotton Mill, a new factory at-Durham will start 10,000 spindles April 1st. This makes the third mill started in that city in the past twelve menths. A colored "Udy high flyor" at Pine ville sued a negro school teacbor for breach of promise, and was awarded $3.75 damages as a soother to her wound od affections. It now seems quite probable that the next cmcampmeut of tho State Guard will be held at Wrightsvllle Sound, where it has been held for the past several years until last year. One of the oldest residences in Raleigh is now being torn down. It is near the aouthwest corner of Capital 8iuaro, aod was built about 1710. It i quite Mo small borne in the country. Tho Farmers' Alliauoo have perfected arrangements for tha establishment of tobacoo faotory at Stuneville, Rocking ham oounty. There is also talk of a oigaretto faotory at Lexington. Two negroes recently became involved in a dispute at Ropor, Washington coun ty. One drew a pistol aod shot the other who died in a few minutes. Ike uiur dererisnow in jail at Plymouth. A Greensboro man last week re ceived three cents from an unknown psrty who said it was due on a box of Tuit'n Liver Pills bought in 1873. The letter contaiuing the money was written from Richmond. Stato Geologist J. A. Holmes, in an interview in thoCharlotto Observer, sayB oftheMooro county coal that it is by all odds the best ever takcu out of this State, and that the outlook for it ii very promising. The White man, Georgo Brown, wboBe arrest in Florida on the charge of wreck inn a train on the Seaboard Air Liua at !;. ni,,ff IihI December, made a full confession and haa been seut to the poni tentiary for ten years. Near Favetteville Lucien Herring and John Green quarreled about religion and Green cut Herring in several plaoes with a knife, ao badly that the wounds may cause his death. One account says Green did the cutting in self defense. John Waoasscr, the 13 year old boy who killed a little girl playmate, lria cilla Hudson, aged 11 years, last Novem ber, was tried at Newton last week, plead ed guilty and was sentenced to six months in jail. He shot tho gill accidentally with a pistol he was playing with. Dr L. L. Sapp, of Winston, who allot and killed James Lamar in Kerueraville, Dec, 24th last, was tried for murder last week and was acquitted. Judge Whita kor who presided, repremanded in strong language the crowd in tha court room for heartily cheering the verdict. Tha Stateaville Landmark gays: Rev. B. F. Dixon, M. D., late pastor of tho Methodist church of Stateaville, writes . nf his friends he"-that he is busy praotioiog medicine at King Mountain, and that bis "o'i patients are returning to him like doves to the windows. I have use. Ayor'a Huir Vigor for a number of yor'n, and it haa always given me Mtiafacti'V U ia an excellent dr-sina.nre is the hair from turning nay. insure vigorous po"'". ni Easter almost here. Now for rock and shad. Sweet violets everywhere. The nights aro now lovely. Last Sunday was a lovely day. Hoo and hominy say the faimers. The Easter bonnets are almost ripe. The weather is very line for garden. Japanese magnolias are in bloom here, March has only two more weeks to blow, The early bird has to hustlo this spring. Foster, the weather prophet, missed it on March. The shade trees will soon begin to look beautiful. IIaseiiai.L Park should have a neat wall uround it. New spring goods are now displayed in the store windows, Hard lines do not effect the walking gentlemen on the road Next week is known in the Church Calendar as Holy Week. The baseball season is about here. Let us have a good club this year. Sl'itlNU work oo the farm has begun in earnest and ploughs are going in all the fields. The only thing in tho world that is prettior than a pretty girl in moonlight is a prettier girl. The ense of the Stato against Walter James, for murder, has been postponed until May court. While failures are being reported all over the country Weldon has boon exceed ingly fortunate in that rospoot. Several young men in town were initiated ioto the mysteries of the Knighti of Honor hero Monday night. Hood's Sarsaparilla, the king of nied ieines, conquers scrofula, rheumatism aod all other blaod diseases. Hood's an only Hood's. We have a postal from Panacea Springs, but as tha writer failed to si; his namo we could not use it. All anon vinous communications aio rejected Died. Mist Mancrva Thomas, a well known old lady living near town, died at her homo Tuesday, aged 75 years. Her remains wero laid to rest yesterday in the family burying grounds. . M. FftEDLANDER.-Mr. Fredliiudcr has just returned from the noith with a full assortment of new goods for spring trade, He is always oo the lookout for bargains and gives his customers the advantage of the great bargains he is enabled to buy for spot cash. - Pai.m Sunday. Next sundsy is Palm Sunday, the Sunday noxt before Easter; so oalled in oommemoration of Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem, when the multitude strewed palm branches in his way saying "Hosanna, Blessed U he that conieth in the name of the Lord." Mr. F. S. Spruill, of Louisburg, was in town Monday, Mr. John J. Long, of Jackson, spent Sunday in town. Mrs. Lee Johnson left Monday on a visit to Richmond. Mrs. J. T. Gooch spent a few days at Halifax this week. Gen. W. H. Anthony, of this county, was in town Tuesday. Mr. S. G. Daniel, of Littleton, was here few hours Tuesday, Col. Sterling Johnston, of Littleton, was in town last week. Captain Tom Arrrington, of Raleigh, was here last Tuesday. Mr. Paul Garrett left Tuesday on business ttip to Asheville. A SMALL STREAK APPEARS IN THE EAST WniCH MAY BRING U8 FROM DARKNESS INTO LIGHT. There aro sorao rumors afloat which may mean something or they may turn to ashes when touched by the finger of hope. However, we givo them for what they aro worth. It is said that a rich firm contemplates leasing a site for an extensive agricultu ral works at this place for the manufac ture of all kinds of fanning implemeuls. They will rent water power front the R jauoko Navigation and Water Power Company, if satisfactory terms can be made, and provided they decide positive ly to locate at this place. And why not ? Ia there a better place fur such an enterprise to be found within the borders of the Soulh? We think not. Weldon offers every advan tage for manufacturing of every descrip tion. Here wu have a climate mild and burg, was in town Tuesday. Mr. P. N. Slainback made a business trip to Richmond this week. Mrs. Dr. A. B. Pieice spent a few days in Richmond this weeks. Mr. R. O. Burton, of Raleigh, came down lo attend court last week. A DRUMMER NAPPING. TWO CONFIDENCE MEN ADMINISTER IIRLUS TO MR. SETH P. HAltTIN NEW YORK AND RELIEVE II I M OF Ills VAL UABLE JEWELRY. ENFIELD NEWS. ITEMS OF PERSONAL AND GENERAL INTEREST. Fruit trees are blooming Mr. Willie P. Arrington, of Peters- healthful, the opinion of ihose unac quainted with tho place to the contrary notwithstanding, and our railroad facili ties arc second to none. Labor is cheap aud abundant, tho soil is adapted to the cultivation of crops of every description and there is a growing demaud for im proved farming implements. Tho liinJs are well timbered, and oo section of Mr. T. W. Hawkins, of Littleton, was among the visitors hero Tuesday. Dr. J. E. Shields has returned from a visit to Baltimore and Washington. Mrs. W. C. Riddiok, of Raleigh, is visiting Mr. and Mrs W. K Daniel. Mr. J. M. Mullen, of Petersburg, at tended our Superior court last week. Mr. William Holmes Davis, of Rocky Mount, eamo up to Weldon Saturday. Hon. T. W. Mason, of Northampton, was among tho visitors here this week. Our old friend Mr. R. J. Allen, of the Littleton section, was io town last week. Mr. L. L. Joyncr, of Garysburg, was among tho welcome visitors here last week. Captain D. L. Fillyaw, a popular Coast Lino passenger coD.du.otor, was bore Saturday, Mrs. R. T. Cochran returned home Tuesday from a visit to ftiends at Kooky Mount. Miss Elian Purncll has gone to Balti more, to select Mrs. P. A. Lewis's spring millinery. Mrs. Dr. A. It. Zollicoffer returned home Monday from a visit to relatives at Heodcrsoo. Miss Kate Joynor, ouo of Garysburg's most popular youug ladies, was a visitor ere Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. D. B. Zollicoffer, of Northampton, wore among the visitors ero Monday. Mr. M. F. Hart has returned from the Northern markets where he laid in a new stock of spring and summer goods. Mr. J. A. Duke, who has been yard engineer of tho Seaboatd Air Line here for some time, has been transferred t Raleigh and is succeeded by Mr. Mark Allen. Mr. R. C. Lassitcr left for Baltimore, Monday; for tho purpose of laying in a new stock of spring goods. Mr. Lasaiter expects to buy on attractive stock and ill open in Brown a store on the corner of First street and Washington avenue. lovely country on the earth can offer such a A Knife wasI'sed. Elijah Burton and another negro man got into a diffi culty hen' TuenUy night and engaged in a renular knock down. Burton received a scalp wouud inflicted by a knife in the hands of his antagonist, and then the battle ended. Dr. Green alleuded to the wound aud the pugilist is no-f all riitht again. A S-MALt, I! i.AZE. .V gentleman walkin' ovoi the I ridgi list fuuday discovered that the oM -lore house, for.uely i ccupiod by the lute J.W. Moore, at the Nonliampiii'ii Hid of the bridge, was on fiie. The alarm was jiiven aod the flames were eitinnialiod before very niujh dauiauu had beeu doue. The building U not .iceiipiud uow. It is sup- nosed a staik 'nan a passing enjiue orginated lb firu. Bishop Cheshire. Ut. Rev. Joseph Blount Cheshire, Jr., D. D , will mak his first visit to this pari.-h next Sunday aod will oonduct serviooa at Grace Epis oopal church morning and evening at the usual hours. Ushers will be at tho doors to seat all visitors and a cordial invitation is extended lo all. The Bishop will be the tuost of Mr. aod Mra. D. E. Stain back and will em hum Saturday after noon on the train from tbe South. Mr. Vann Injured. We ate sorry to learn that Rev R. T. Vann while out hunting a few days ago with a party friends near Scotland Neck, had the misfortune to receive a atray shot over tho eye from the gun of one of friends. Mr. Vann haa no hands, aud nses a wire and a strip of leather to tiro his gun. He is a splendid shot. We aro glad to learn that Mr. Vann a injury wu not serious. marvelous combination of advantages with so few disadvantages. Where nature has done so much, it only remains for the people to do tho rest in order to bring Weldotfup to her high destiny. Now in order to attain the best results the ieal estate owners here should not take it for granted that manufacturers come anyway, and place exorbitant prices upon their lands. Offer induce ments aod sell factory sites at reasonable prices, utlier towns in ine state wnn not one half the advantages wo possess are opening wide their gates and giving lo all a welcome Let us do the same. We have waited long and patiently for the utilization of our resources and now that a small ray of hopo appears , don't jump at conclusions and say wo have held out falso hopes, and stated rumors for facts. We only wish to remind you that capitalists are looking this way and it remains for you to help bring them here. Time and again we have pointed out the great natural resources of this section and we have also shown to the world that the death rate here is much lower than io many of the so called health resorts. It remains for tho citizens of this town to put forth a littlo effort, then wc will sec the wheels of commerce begin to turn and prosperity will perch upon our walls. DR. W. R. WOOD. he tenders his resignation as su perintendent ofthe insaneasy- LUM. Dr. W. R. Wood has tendered his re signation as Superintendent of the North They Said "Oh!" Two young ladies made a beautiful rush down Third street last Monday to get a glimpse of some friend they wero expecting on what they supposed to be an incoming WWl. ' I - . .t passenger tram, iliey arrived at tuu crossing just hi time to see an engine go rushiug by with a baggage and express car attached. They looked at each other, i.iked at tho ceitine, and theu said Oh !" with a very big 0. TUB MODUHJI WAY Coiniueuds Itself to the woll-loriucd, 10 do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest manner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the system and break up oolds, headaches nd fevers without unpleasant alter ffects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. i Think a' out the good times You met with long ago, And never mind the weather Wlieu the wind is on the blow. , World it keep s a turniii' 'round, ltriuiin' joy an' pain; Good time L!it to turn with it Bound to oomo again! gray.tnsura f. l keepi IN "p " white and clean. Mm. A Crank Is constantly turning tha world, keeping it in commotion. Its vigorous exercise keeps tho whole body active. But It s the constant going tnai wears. You've no lime to rest no time to eat, and hardly time to live. It'a miserable living at the host. Constant Indigestion, Biliousness and Constipation, Tbe body crank needs aitention. Keep the Hvert.actiTO with Simmeni Livtr ReeuW Tou oan go as much as jou pie Mr. Oliver Altaian, of Ml- Pleasant, Westmoreland Co, Pa, cures a pain in ihe back of ten years standing with Salvation Oil He says: "I was troubled with a pain ill my back for ten years, and n,mi tnnncv to cure nivsclf. At last I was pcrsuadid to ue Salvation Oil, a half bottle of which effected a cure." Say, mainiua, why is it papa alwaja speaks of money as 'cold caahf "I guess because it gives him a chill to pari with it." It is with some men as it is with some fences; they amount to little until they get a gate on them. Minnie Which would yuu rather be awfully good or awfully heautifu,? Mamie I'd rather be awfully rich. - A large lot of wall paper just received prioes from 4 lo 10-cts per roll. II. C. Spiers. Carolina Insane Asylum, at Raleigh take effect Juue 1st next. Personal considerations pertaining ex clusively to his health prompted the doctor lo resign a position which he has filled with so much credit to himself and In his county and State. Dr. Wood will return to his home at Scotland Neek, and we gladly welcome him back to his native county. In accepting his resignation tho Board of Directors udopted the following pre ample aud resolutions : "The personal considerations which havo caused the resignation of Dr. Win. R. Wood, superintcudeut, present a barrier to the retention ot his services overriding the inclinations of this Board of Directors, Io receiving his announcement our regrets are mingled with the pleasant ,. . .i . i i . ,.i.:lli.l recollection inai tinuer mi wmiui man agement tin condition of the unfortunates committed lo his charge has been vastly improved, the percetituge of cures largely increased, the fn ances of the institution honestly expended, Ihe houses aod grounds vastly improved and the Bourd of Director havo labored with him liar- mouiuosly, inspired by his enthusiasm aud charmed by his constant courtesy; therefure Resolved, That we regret the circuni seaueos which deprive the Stato and the North Carolina Insauo Asylum uf hi valued services and express a dosiro that the "lilies may fall to him in pleasant places," coin mendiug him to frequent re flections upun the past five year speut iu the service ot humanity as well spent and for which partial reward may be found in retrospection. Kesolved, That I his expression bo npr d upon ihe minutes uf this lloanl." Dr lie. 1 Kirhy, of Gohlsboio, was elected NiiorinioinicM tn ini lii" uuv pired term of lr. Wood and will assume the duties of his officii on or about June 1st, IS',14. The following from the New York Herald of the (ith explains itself. Mr Hart is u brother of our townsman, Mr. M. F. Hart, and is one ofthe most pop ular travelling salesman in this country. His many friends everywhere will sympa thize with him in his loss: "Seth P. Hart, a travelling salesman iu the employ of Eliel Louchhciui and Haas, wholesale clothiers, is popular among the down town drummers, and is considered as "one of tho boys." It has just leaked out that he was "buncoed," that, in fact, he was given a "knocker out" drink aud relieved of money and jewelry to the value of 81, 500' by two plausible strangers, who havo since disappeared. That Seth, who is supposed to be "up to all the tricks of the trude," familiar with all the "dodges" of "bunco" men and "sharpers," should have fallen a vic tim astonished his friends, but it was true, nevertheless, He told his story in the lobby of a Broadway hotel yestct day. It was noised abroad, and throughout the day many salesmen from various Broadway stores called on him and made him repeat the tale until he felt that life was a burden ti... u,.,.,i" L;n. ! i!,',,, l.n .,.;,) I "7 ""i "v o could make him feel any worse lhan he did over the loss of so much personul property, and iu such u manner. DRUOtlED HIM, HE HAYS. This was how he says it happened: He strolled into tho Broadway Cenlral Hotel Saturday evening at seven o'clock. He wore two diamond solitaire rings, a diamond scarf pin aud a handsome gold watch and chain. Ho carried but a small amount of money with him, about 830, having left his "bank roll" at the Colon nade Hotel, where he lives. Ho was approached by two well dressed middled aged strangers. One of them seized his hand and exclaimed: "Why, hello, Seth, old man; how's business these days?" Mr. Hart did not recognize cither of their, but supposing them to bo custo mcrs he had met in his travels, did not like to appear forgetful, so ho remarked: "Oh, business is so-so; are you doing anything iu our line?" The plausible stranger was, of course, and so the party adjourned to the hotel bar. They continued to chat freely on various lories, Mr. Hart wondering, the while, where he had met them before. The party then went into the barroom of tho Now York Hotel next door. There the plausible strangers ordered an other round of drinks. After that Mr. Hart's mind was a blank for several hours. He heard strains of music and strange voices and was dimly conscious of wandering aimlessly about in unknown localities. The night clerk and porter ofthe Col onnade Hotel discovered hira at ten o'clock thai nicht sleeping peacefully in the lobby of the Lafayette place entrance to the hotel. They took him to his room and, after much difficulty, succeeded in restoring him to consciousness. "Great Scott, buncoed!" remarked Mr. Hart, with his returning consciousness. Hi watch. ring and scarfpin, valued nt 81,f00, were missing. His money was also gone. Ho reported his loss to Inspector McLaughlin at Police Headquarter yes-i terday. "It was a pretty toiijih deal," he said when I saw him yesterday, lie describ ed the affair, as lold above, and exhibited a massive gold wuteh chain, ut the end of which dangled a buneh of keys. "What puzales mo, he soul, "is that the thieves did not take my watch ehaiu. It's worth 80. They relieved me of ev erything else, though." Mr. Hart haa given an accurate de scription of the men who robbed him to the police. They wero both, he said, very well dressed, suave of manner and plausible in their speech. nd Farmers say they will use very commercial fertilizers. little Miss Annie Borden, of Wilmington, is visiting the Misses Curtis. Bishop Cheshire will preach in the Episcopal church here Friday night. Messrs 0. W. Garrett Si Co., of'Modoc, have discontinued their ware room here. Miss Lena Hiutou,uf Petersburg, who has been visiting Mrs. K. If. Patterson has returned homo. The Enfield Ltnubet Company having its principal office iu Baltimore, has sold its large Iraet of piue timber land situated on the Wilmington fi. Weldon HailioaJ in Halifax and Nash counties, lo Mr. Wilbur F. . Jackson, ol Iho firm of E. E. Jackson & Co,, of ftaitiinori', The whole Intel includes uIhoi! 'JII,IMII acres and is estimated lo cut lllll,IMlll,llllll let of tiiue, with iiuiintilies of oak, cvitc-m and poplar. The controlling interest iu the Enfield t.'ompany was held by Dill it IWhlnndH. M. Ilarriiuati, of Balti more. LITTLETON SCREEDS. ADVERTISEMENTS. CATCHINC THE MAKES ooo MILLLIONS P'JY. EXCELSIOil PKINTLMJ COMPANY, WELDON, N. C. J.- r Letter HcuiIh, Hill l,-a,U, Statements, Programmes, Ktc, i:tc racket Heads, Kuvclopivt, Kami Dills, Tickets, Kir. ADVERTISEMENTS. NERVOUS m oprii itv ytsr tmm Cm.7 J afea si MUNSCN'S HoDiiEopalliic Kenedy, No. 93 ii CURES -'ik UrMlilMtt'C m ill ii me vii Ic-H II MlliJ. Jf lO lltj lo till M t'oiitiiinii i fnplt nd ri'l.ii viliiiil lie chiim!. A h.m miii-ntni limni IKS riiuillit-l tur y itlvn uijiilf fn iJii It? Mir vdU iet lite lieii' 93. "iff Xf it1. At )oui iimilou, prej.tii't, on rtH.tipt ill i!4 EDDINC nVITATIONS A SMALL HATCH I-'IMIM NKAIt TUB LINK, A Specialty. Nothing of interest to note. Farmers are busy preparing land for another crop. Drummers are numerous but merchants are curelul in placiug orders. Mrs. J. P. Massenburg came down Friday on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. C. (J. Moore. Mr. Stallings has moved his family from Brunswick counly, Va., lo this place. He married a daughter of Mr. Joseph Mason. Mr. T. C. Harrison, assignee of J. C. Scssoms, has completed the inventory of stock. He finds that the assets aro about $,800, with liabilities of about 83,000 Fire on the cotton platform created some excitement here last week . A spark from an engine set tho cotton on firo and a big blazo followed. Seventeen bales were burned over belonging to Browning & Hon, aud Mr. Miles lost three bales. The damage was about f 10 a bale. S,Tue Roanoke News and tho At. lanta Constitution one year fur $1.50, Subscribe at once. Till: KXCKI.SItllt EXCELS all oili er printini! limiscs in (IIMIU WtlliK, HINT MATKM.U,, iiiol li - LOWEST PRICES- VISITINII CAIilW IS TIIK I.ATKST SI'YI.KS. 5lay"Vrite forsutnjiles untl prices. K- I.. IlAYH'AKI), I'ROI'ltlKTOK. itnut-rniia itiln iiit-. uplc f,,r No Iriiionx!', or n Hi I, Nutu name Mutioii In second with the Irltef B ' iiti.1 Unit out U iiCu oiui ii iu on ..vury liluel. lunsun's Muni'i'"r-Mliie Co., 2jo Arch Mi-til, I'tiiluOflphla, Pa. RHEUMATISM CURED. Mrinnotl'l Hlu-umttiivm llriwtty. No. AT, un-a HtuMinmtmm, Acinic I'i""". A 1'romi't, ale, Hurt Hfiiiftv. Ti v u Imsilc and hu con itiwd. Frice 2.V bnllie Wk To I'iri vurtrtfjrtnn wntl.lrn Kinf.ifiVfV -i-.fror No 67i ni acerjit o nWr''( . A t y. ir il i nifuit'ii, or 'ill lie mttileil. n-Mll. t ymir idiln-wt. A wmiitlt'le 1t-1 -.1 Mimihihi HmiiaiopBtiiic :i-imnll-. l-.t'"tli ' n-iili Med tint Publlcu un, "The Futility DimHm ." will be iiuitlad to Any it 111 cm ly muii'iy dii-pping u ft uittttl cnnl. Muman'i Humatip'i(hlc Medicine Co., ia,ti Arch StrcU, PhlUtlclptiia Pa. One ond wuy oCgi'ttin out of a scrape is to lot your board grow. NKW ADVKUTISKM KNTS. WARROCK-RICHARDS01M ALMANACKS. lor 1HIM. Cueap Hook Store, Petersburg, Va. Wholesale aud Retail SCHOOL BOOKS School Supplies at the State cou tract prices. Books, Writing Paper, Euvtlopes, Pen cil, Ink, Hlates, etc., way down pricea. PRINTING & BLANK BOOKS The 1 urgent book and printing hoase in South side Virginia. lKlO-ly. NOTICE. In pursuance of an on! r of tin) Htiperior court ot lloliliix couiilv, oudom the case cnlillcil W. I,. 1.. Hall, mi Itil.iut under twenty-urn-1 cum of n, h.V .luiucs T. I Hindi, hi" i o.niliiill. " i . in I" It. Hood, Klleil W. I):i..icl, v'illic . I'.iueitl, Aa ron I'rescoli .iiol Sallicl. I'reseott his wifl j Jiiiiio, T. i .icli and Kuu y I. li-i c'i, his wife, and '1 oo S. Hill mill Alur.v A Hill his wile, Kx Parle, 1 will on Monday, llicNceond iliiy in April It'll! sell to the highest hiildcr ut pulilie unction nt the courl house in Halifax Ihe land described ill the petition ill said causa as follows, 10 wit: Lot No l; on map ofthe town of Wcldoniiiiidi! A. L. l'ieree. June 1, 1S5, and lies ut comer uf 'I hild street formerly Walnut and Walnut street formerly Mc IIouoiil'Ii street of said t.iivn, the Millie lie- ine, the lot on which the late Miss Maria M. Ijiu! rcided prior to ner oeuuu TKIiMS tlK HALK. One-third of the purchase uiuiivy to he paid on the day of sale, Ihe residue at twelve months thereafter and to he evidenced by the note ofthe purchaser currying eight per oeut. interest from slid day and payable twelve months thereafter. J. T. GOOCH, Guardian of W. L. L. Hall. Weldon, N. C, Feb. 20, 1894. 3-1-tds. . COMPOUND. A roeont discovery by an phyHU'liin. .Smws.v'wll! ti.ea itirs. lHtlltionly IKTtoetly Bat. .! vollnlihi noHllfltto fll.COV en-tl. lli-wnroof unjirlnclploj druKKl.1. who olTur Inferior medlclnoB la pttooof this. Auk for Cook's cotton hoorOoMPOusn, lalvn, 6 cut. In poitau. In teller, and we wlllauDd, auali'd. by return malL full sealed Imrlluular. tuplalu envelope, U ladles only, v .tamp.. . Address Voni Mlv Company. No. 3 i Lliur Ulock, ileirult. Mich, IfcjrSoM in Weldon by W. M. Cohen, druggist. niy 11 ly 01- TIIK CONDITION OF THE BANK OF WELDON MADE TO THE STATE TItEASUKEli AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS FI'.BKUAHY SO, 1S04. RESOUUCES.- Loans and Discounts, Oierdralls, Due from Hanks, Cash in vault, Current Expanses, Furniture and Fixtures, H Z PI D O O PI 9 in t n (A H O 9 PI fliil3!).42 ;m.:w 2it,l 111-04 tl, 1117.24 i.o7 1,(1110.00 f2,r(i3.ll5 $10,11110.00 l,:si 79.92 r.i.irau:) Q o g. 03 P 03 03 GO o 03 w p 03 Urri TiniPQ tium'h n Sri, w. nCll U I HUGO will null oub, Nood lrt.liz.ern tonil 70rc tLiini,owe.tvhiiif rClllllLCIO. I'rlco. perton. for Ootra, Cotton nd PunuU. it !$ Tmciting Crop and PoUtow H.fill i.n TiWoi Jid Fruit 16.00 AlioMurUte of Potiwh. Ktlnit. Sulphate P.twh, BoiM l&ck. Nitrnw S"d. in l o and wno,ll quanUtiiw. itoiw Slack. NitraW Soda, in laro FerUluer Uaouftuituren, a. o -it utamiM fr cire'e. W.K. I'OWFIJ, I O., JtUliiiuurv inu Z m z o c VI s ? 5 ii a O cr- o p o 5' U O 3 HOW TO MAKE MONEY Go to Buchanan Bros., the Jewelers, aud they will tell you j how they do it, and remember, you can it, too. When you are in ineir siorouou i fail to look around at their beautiful stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, WEDDING aud ENGAGEMENT RINGS, etc. etc. Then if your eyes net tiled and need some glasses, remember you can get fitted rigjit ' there, without extra charge by a practical optician. BUCHANAN BROS., 1 II! Sycamore at. , Petersburg, Va. oet. HI 'ly. W. M. HABLISTON & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in NOTICE. tsrtw Roanoke News and the At lanta Co " i j ' 1B0, Bttbsctibe HOWS THIS! WeofTorOno Hundred Dollars lie. ward for any case of Catarrh that canuol bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. If. J. CHUNKY & CO., l'rops. Toledo, Ohio We the undersigned havo known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and bclicvo him perfectly honorable in all business transao.ion and 6nnncially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West&Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Waldinp, Kinnan k Martin Wholcsalo Drujtj-ists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrli Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. tm.Sold by all Druggist., 76. Ttitimcaiali free. let it run, aud yout coujjh may in something serious. It's prctly sure lo, if your blood is poor. That is just the time and condition that invites Consump tion The seeds ore sown and it has fastened its hand upon you, before you know that it is near It won't do to trifle and delay, when the remedy is at hand. Kvcry disorder can be leached through the blood yields to Dr. I'ierce's Golden Medical Discov. ry. For Severe Coughs, llron chial, Throat an 1 1.uug Diseases, Aslhuia, Scrofula in every form, and even the Scrofulous afl'ei'iion ofthe lungs that's i-nlleil Consilium ion. in all its earlier stage, it is a positive and complete cure. It is the only blood-cleanser, and flesh- builder so effective that it cau be guaran teed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in every ens you havo your money back. Perfection is attained in Dr. Sage's Catarrh Hemedy. It cures the worst oases. Only 50 cents; by druggists. LIABILITIES :- Capital SUm-U, Shi plus, I'nilivided l'rolits, Deposits Subject to cheek, $iU,5li'.9l I, W. I!. Smith, Cashier of the Hank of Weldon, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl edge and beliel. W. K. SMITH, Cashier. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HALIFAX COUNTY. J Sworn lo aud subscribed helore me this tbe UltlulttV of March, lttt'4. Ii. S. TRAVIS. Notary Public. Attest : W. E. DANIEL, 1 .1. T. UOOl'H, DIRECTORS. W. M. COHEN, i Has made many friends. Why? Because it is the best ana cnoapesi urn mentsold. It kills pain f SALVATION OIL S is sold by all dealers tor 25c Substitutes art mostly chsap Imita tions ol Root! articles. Don't take thn. Insist on ellin Salvation Oil, or you will be disappointed. In puinuuuee of an order niade by the elerk of Ihe Superior court of Warren coun ty, 1 shall 011 the llllh day of March IK',11, ut tbe court house door iu Warrenton, Warreu county, N. C, prm eed to sell for ..,.-). mill iu the highest bidder, nt public auction, all the lands whereof the late Johll W. Hepunstull was seized ut the time of his death situated in Halifax und Warren counties in the Mate ot North Car olina, and whic h were devised by his hist will and testament, described us follows: The Mureeock tract, containing till acres, situated iu Halifax county and Fnueetts township, it being that tract whereon J..T. Snipes lives; and iidjoiniug tho hmda of ,1. ,1. Collins; J. AloreeocK ana inunome place oftho late J. W. Johnston. The Bulls tract, containing 77J acres, situated in Halifax county, adjoining the audsol J.O. Ilcutmstall, W. W. Butts and James Morriss. The Jenkins tract cuntuiiiiug 7 11-10 oeres. situated in or near the town of Lit tleton, N. C , and mljutimig the lands ol W. V. Jones, L. W. Baiilcy, aud Miss Mnrv A. Ileekhum. The Jueksoii lot, continuing; j ol an acre, situated iu the towuol Littleton, N. C, and adjoining the lamlsof E. A. Jackson, J. Boblntt, and lying lietweeu turger Mini mid Moore streets. The Spiuill lot containing J aero, situa- sed in the towu ot Littleton, N. C, and adioiiiimi the lands ol W. fc. King anil J 11. Bohhitt and fixiuting on Furgenxm and Moore streets. The Motley lot, containing one acre, situated ill the town of Littleton, N. C, and adjoining the hinds of J. P Leach, Frank Heptinstnll aud A I", llobbilt, anil fronting on Kailroiul street. The Leggett lot. containing ll acres, sit uated in tbe town of Littleton, N. C, and adioillinii Ihe lands of S. J. Stallings, J. J. Myriek and W. K. Spruill and fronting an Mosebv avenue, It Iwing the lot where on C. II. Moore now lives. li the nrecediiui hinds and lots do not sell for a sullleient amount to satisfy the debts of tho decedent, then, I will sell tin lands of Mrs. C. II. Ileptiiistiill as per said judgment direetoil. EDWAKD T. CLAKK, ronnniiwinnr. IlSlilllii? CAUl'KTS, STOVES, ; aud Mattresses, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HABLISTON & CO , No. 20 N. Sycamerc St., Petersburg, Va. 10 2(1 ly. lolelfc! People who want good Harness, Saddles, Collars, Bridles, or anything for Horses, will go to P. F. JOHNSON & CO., 1311 Sycamore St., Petersburg;, Va. for them. They keep guod stuff, and sell cheap. And uow is a good time to buy. Call utthe TRUNK STOKE. nov2 ly- ADMINISTRATOR S HOTJCE". Having qualified us administrator of vJ Brunch Alston, deceased, belorethe Bur rior court of Halifax county on the 17t! day of February 1S04, all persons are here by notified to present their claims dul; verified aud authenticated lo the undei signed on or beforo the first day of Marc 18115, or this notice will be pleaded in bt of their recovery (pursuant to section 1425 and 1428 of the Code.) And all wi sous indebted to the estate are requirej 1 settle at once. C.A.COOK, Admr. of O. Branch Alston. ; Warreutou, N. C, Feb. 24, 1HH4. THE NEW YOUK Racks i Store He I want lo marry a women who T know knows more than I do She Well, if she is wise slie will never let you know it. The childish prattle is hushed, the happy haunts of baby's toddling feet are deserted, tho funeral bells loll farewell dirge, home is desolate. Had tho young mother not been indifferent to tho warning of that little cough, when she rocked the baby to sleep; but given it ono or iwo drops of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, tho relentless croup would not have appeared. t&Tui Hoanoka News and the At lanta Constitution one year for $1.50, Subscribe at onoe. PltlCS. Th treat Toilet PrtctlOCU. ataUSulara. rurUf lNCE PLU0S, Tat raal loiiwa until antidotal- ESTABLISHED 1829. S.H. Marks Co., PETERSBURG, VA. WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERS AND EKlilTEKEHS manufacturers of plain and Fancy Candies, Cakes and Crackers. Dealers in Fine CHEWING TOBACCO CIOAlt8 48Ni;FF. 10-your order solicited, which will have our personal attention. 10 18 ly FOR SALE! At Caledonia State Farm nearTillery, and Northampton State farm near Halifax, Corn, peas, forage aud wheat. At both above fainis, also at Halifax Stilts farm near Weldon, Apply to Supervisors of Farms. Ten cash, ot will ncbang for oatue aaa i WELDON, N. C. 1 CUNT ARTICLES. Account books, Carpenter's pencils lace, Box of tacks. Paper pin. ' rum. 3 leud pencila, box bluckina. sewing coltnu, paper needles, yard r 'A piiH re hair pins, card hooks and e( pen holders, 2 CENT ARTICLES. Package euvelopc, Mouey Puree, d brass head tacks, dozen pant buttons, sp good cotton, cake toiletsoap, quire writ paper, Banjo, (luitar and Violin strings a CENT ARTICLES. Yard garter web, 144 rice buttons, g machine cotton, dozen dress buttons, box blackiug, package good envelopes, 1 tie ink, handkerchiefs, ball knittiug col tin plates, best load pencils, filoa, cou 5 knitting neadlea. 4 CENT ARTICLES. Tin cup, yard calico, yard good lace, funnel, paper brass pins, good comb, li slate, 6 spoons. 5 GENT ARTICLES. Gents' and ladies hose, mouse ti black handle dipper, stove ahovel, po knife, quire beat paper, 4 hook hat I lump burner, linen collars, linen Unnd chiefs, 25 cent cuff buttons hair (uf cologne, large wjsh bowl, padlock a keys, 3 cakes soap, Swan-down fate ' der, pair suspendore, luisp and staple, wide cloth, box writing miner. , H. C.teriLTi3, Manager