THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1894. BILL JONES' LITTLE BOY. I'm jest cnm back from Jones', An' mj old ejus nre dim With tears, for I wns prwent Wen dentil cum aftor Jim, Yer know he bud the fever, An' how the doctor snid !Ie neter could recover Yes, Martliy, Jim is dead. V'eu I got thar his mother, Wns kueolin' by hisimh, n' both her hull's held his'u. She watched his lace an' cried ; , dimly burnin' candle Throwed light about the room, u' ull wui still exccptin' Her wails of grief au' gloom. he preacher au' the milium Stood weepin' 'roun' the bed, a' Rill, the pool boy's father, In sorrar hung his head, is heart was almost broken, 'Thus bleediu' sore an' sad. t wits the hour o' pnrtiu' Wl' the only child he had. lis mother rU an' kissed hies, Locked In her warm embrace, lie moaned. "Oh! kiss me; kiss iue'." An' tears fell on bil face; le oped his eyes au' nhi8)ored, Is doin' ter heavin, mumma, )otum up after 'while. he preacher aed: "God sayeth, 'Ter all of setch cz he, ' 'Vou suffer little chil'ren Ter cnm up here ter me, ' " 'he nabers gathered closer Around that bed and cried, Wen little Jim aed: "Mamma; Dood bye Pap!" an' died. ?oorBill! I'll tell yor, Marthy, My eyes with tears got dim, .V'eu I teed Bill 'er wcepiu', My heart went out ter him, '. told him that "in heaven Jim's life 'ould be a joy." 'I know," said he, "but heaven Won't give me back my boy." left Bill's wife in sadness With sorrer iu each breath, la' tryin' ter warm with kisses The lips sealed cold in death. . left them In tbar trouble, Shuck ban's with her an' him, lu' cum away a thinkin', God wanted little Jim. (Veil, let us read our Bible, Ad' kneel in pra'r ter Him, in' ask that He will welcome The soul of Little Jim, Ka' trust sum day in Heaven, I The parents' heart with joy, Will meet a white-winged angel Bill Jones little hoy. Wills. Hays. RAM'S HORN BLASTS. BNI1CI1 NOTES CAU.INU THE WICKED TO HKVENTANCE. Whon a good man goes wrong, God j0M a witness. . The world is full of religion that did lot oome from Christ. Every man who lead men, oui;ht lo ie a follower of (Jurist. Tho fetters of sin are riveted in fire, burn as well as bind, othiog but sin makes a man get mad u the truth bits him. iS i Every spark of mercy in us comes fom the fire that God has kindled. ; Every good man is a monument to the act tbat Christ has lived. )f we hinder God's work in our own rls, we rob the whole world. lose who trust most in God are the est people to please on earth. The strongest people in spiritual life re those who praise God most. I The meeting is very often shut the ightest, just as the leader declares it 1 tveryWy knows that a snarling oh member is a stranger to Jesus o ? mail's HZ) in Heaven depends upon f fiuuch liu weighs lor G'td on earth. I hd't rewards to us will depend upoo t Suionnt of heart we put into our Diffiuulli may discourage, hut they it overcome the man who truslB in b ' fiu't think that God has forsaken ,0, j'it because things do not appear to m filing right. fk Christian ever has an anxious yjile he is believing that God Vi. ? - . ..... . fl 'flock or Ltirut needs is not Lusts that only point the I JiitnhorJj who will lead f Iu heavuuwsrd. ,i who pleases God will always I i.iJerable trouble with men. J jj;iiue of God is hardly ever help- "5h by what a lung faced man has iln ohurch. Vreacher who nets the biggest P sot always the one who opens le the widest. tj a you pray for the Lord to bless j people, don't insist tbat it shall be your way. Quel puts mniiutains before us, it is we way obtain nearer views of hear from their summits. Vhat do you suppose angola think of preacher who i trying to pleas all ' i and save none? Hueklen's ArulcsHalve. 1 best salvo in the world far euts, ' Sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever 'i r, oliapped hands, chilblains, d all akio eruptions, and posi res pile", or pay required. It hHl in give pctrfoot aalisfaetioa, ) relltadcii. Prion 25 cents per era bj Wui, Coheq. ,v . , HELPING THE POOR. A REMINDER THAT "IT IS WOR BLESSED TOOIVETIIA.V TORICEIVE. Tho Outlook compiles many nay tags. nf il, I.nrd durioir His earthly ministry showing his attitude toward a problem now anilatioe the public mind. Perhaps His emphatic declarations may be helpful lo those who arc Keeking to know their right relation to the poor nnd needy: The firht of all the cuuiiuanduscnts is, Hear, 0 Israel; the Lord our God is one Lord; And ihou shalt love the Lord by God with all thy heait, aud with all thy mind, aud with all thy strength; this is I lie hrst commandment. And the stcgml is like, namely this: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater thai these. Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so lo llicin: for this is the law and the prophets, A new coiiitnaudiueut I give unto you: That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. Hy this shall all nun know tliatyo arc my disciples, if jo love otic another. Greater love hath no man than this that a mail lay down his life lor his friends. Vc have heard that it hath been said: Thou shall love thy oeiglibor aad hate thine enemy. But I say unto you: Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good lo them that hate you, and pray for them which desnitcl'ully use you and persecute you; that ye may ho the children of your lather which is in Heaven; for he uiakelh Ike sun to rise on I bo evil and on the good, aud sendeth rain on the just and iojust. If ye love them which lovo you, what thank have ye? lor siuncrs also love them. And if yc do good lo them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinuers also do eveu the same. And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again, lint love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest; for He is kind unto the unthankful, and to the evil. It is more blessed to give than to re ceive. Give, and it shall be given unlo you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and moiling over, shall men give unto your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal, it shall be measured to you again. Give to him tbat asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away. Sell that ye have, and give alms, provide yourselves hags which wax not old, a treasure iu the heavens that I allot h not, where no thief appioaehetli, neither moth corrupth. If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou bust, and give to the poor, aud thou shalt have treasure in Heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow me. When thou does! thine alius, do not sound a truinphet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues aod in the streets, that tluy may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their toward. Hut when thou doest alms, let not thy left band know what thy right hand ilocth; that thine alms may be in seerect;and thy Father which sceth in secret, Himself shall reward thee openly. When thou makest a dinner or a sup per, call not thy friends, nor thy breth ren, neither thy kiusiucn, nor thy rich neighbors; lest they also bid thee uain, and recompense be made thee, lint when thou makes a feast, cull the poor, th maimed, the lame, the blind; aud thou shalt be blesM'd; for they can uot recouipen-e thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just. FOH OVKK MI'TY YKAm Mrs. Winslow's Southing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success, It soothes (he child, soficus the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, aud is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sutferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty live cents a bottle. Be sure aud ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,'' and take no oilier kind may 125 ly moor i oaiiivE. 4 n 4.o i III Minister Tommy, what is happiness? Tommy (promptly) It's when you are calin'. FOR DYRPGPUA, Indigestion, and Htomscn disorders, Uk iittowN a mux uittuks. AU dealers keep it, 91 par bottle. Geoulae hat trade-mark ana enmd red lines on wrapper. HIS miEAM CA5IR TUCK. IlE.MARKAlll.R KL'l.r'tLI.M ENT OP THE WONIIKim i. I1REAM OF MR. DAVID HASS, Or' UNION COUNTY. Wadesboro Messenger. We have just learned the particulars of the partial fulfillment of a remarkablo dream recently had by Mr. David liass, who lives near Beaver Dam, 1'nion county Mr. Bass is about 75 years old aud has been almost entirely bald forever 2D years Indeed, we are told that his pale was us slick and shiny as a newly scrubbed (in bucket. Some time ago he dreamed that he would live lo be IOC years old, and that before he died his head would be cevered with an ample growth of new and beautilul hair. The dream was so vivid that Mr Bass awoke from his sleep greatly impressed, full jr beliving that I he vision would piuve a true one. So great was bis faith in the dream that he at once began te examine his head for tho appearance sf a now growth of hair and most wonderful to relate, it was only a few days until his anxious search was rewarded by the appearance of a soft fui a'.l over tho bald pan of bis cranium, and now we are assured that his head is almost entirely covered with a lui niant growth of hair, and we are told, tho hair is still growing. We get the above facts from a reliable soutee and have do doubt of their truthfulness. It is needless to say that Mr. Bass has do idea ot passing id Lis cheeks until he bas lived out his allotted 1U6 yeais. If you ' feel eak and all worn out take BROfN'S IRON BITTERS " ; His Honor What'a the charge, offi cer; drunk? Officer Mctjurk No, sor; crazy. His HonorHow do you know? Officer Mcgurk Well, sor, he it proprietor of a daily paper, and I heard him tell a mini that the paper probably had the hiuallcst eireulatiou in the city, and so His llouor The padded cell, quick! -Life. TIIK Kl llUIIIliK DID IT. Pan i'asey Ycr sweiiri'tl ye'ilbe true to me, Aimstasiu Pooley- Anas t asm Diwlvy oi hut the u.iuL'l.ttT uv t'r man wot's a pc rleei'e ossilVr uiitl u intltMimn cunt walk whin she taUts lu-r turing'. It's the kwriiltfi' wot ki'U'htMi nit1. .Imlje. STAVINti HIM OFF. ! S fJi i KS' .11 Miss I'inkerly I Uopf you will hm me in a new (fowu when you call aain. Younp Tuttir Wlit'n do ymi cxieet to put it. Miss riui-u? Miss I'inktTly oh, not for several weeks! i'ui'k. UfcTTF.K THAN MtlUt INK. ill i . V rfk !"! il Mm n "You and your mother-in-luw seem to be on excellent terras. When you were sick I aaw her sitting" by your bed." "Oti. that was because the doctor had proscrUu'd a sweat bath." Flicgendc lUaettcr. OF hOMK imifi, Old (lotrox Uo his fasliiuiiitblai son) You and your set thoroughly disgust roe. lou could tret ulonfr as well with out a head us with one. Alyy Aw fawther how weilicu- lous! Why, wheah would a fellah weah his hat? 1'uck. ADVERTISEMENTS. Manifold Disorders Are occasioned by an impure and lm povemhtxi condition of tlw blood. Slight not corrected, develop into i aciiuui iiuidiiies, sukii SCROFULA. ECZEMA, RHEUMATISM an other troublesome diseases. To cur thjie Is requlntl a safe and reliable rem- a eav iree trom any nartntui ingremnts, an j purely vegetable. Such ,sts Ji,; It temoves all imtmntifsJ (ron the blmtd .ind thorouiih---- 1v cleanses the svslem. Thousands of i cases oi the worst tormi of blood dis , eases have been Cured by S. 8. 8. Sen J fur our Tfc-iuic iii4ikl lite tokny dtlrtt i SWIFT 81'('IF1C CO., AtlauU,Ga. . JACKSON "AT TUE KNI1 (IP lltH HOPE." Jadfr. "Vl'lml it nniy luu'k llial utiiii WuiiiuB has." "Yes; she married tbo man slid wanted," NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VoungWives Who are for the first time to undergo woman's sevorest trial wo offer "Mothers Friend" A remedy which, If ned a directed a few wctks before confinement, robs it of it PAIN HORROR AND RI5K TO LIFE of both mother and child, as thousands who hat used it testify, two bottles of Hothfhs FmiNnwith marvoloua rosulta, nd ih tvery woman who ha to pas through the ordeal of child-birth to know i thev will use Mothik FstiNOforalew weeks It will rob confinement of mm and mfritr, and i h turf imfttf I0 lift tf motJUr mnd thuAP Vl as. Smc Hamilton, Uoaigommj LUj,U Rent by tnma, charfM ptrid, oo receipt of perhnttli Soid by all druggisU. ilook YoMothorasHaftodfrta. fisADViii.0 KaGUUTOK Co., Atlanta, Ca. OFFICE FURNITURE COMPANY Jackson, Term, Manufacturers ot SCHOOL, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. n ,1, Ull, THE BEST COMPANIES ROYAL, with assets of $45,000, 000, and over $12,ooo,ooo surplus. Virginia State, and Southern, of New Orleans. lltn Slots 9t iwillilli a specialty. Will visit any section of Halifax county and inspect your - property and give you a safe poli cy. Address D. E.STAINBAOK, General Insurance Ag't., Weldon, N. C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Spring Announcemcn t! W B. TILLKKY, Hasjiist Ofcmi a full line of Nw SPRING The Bet Shoea c lvat Money, 7. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CHURCH il OFFICE FURNITURE SCHOOLS u& C HUH CUES SKATIMIIN THE BEST MANNER. Otlu-ert luruished. td?Sfii(l for catalogue k for the Lvukt Money, in """MWrlii., .,, IfcT Sfc- nov 23 6m. lion ranis (l imiiiii MANUFACTURING CO. J. COM EX A SOX, Proprietors, Cor. Hycamoie and Bollingbrook streets, Tctersburg, Vu. SolicitH trade of Eiistern Caroliuu. ftWe make pants iu all grade, oct 111 ly. Augustus Wright -WHOLESALE- s,S ri AND LEATHER, 16 Sycamore st., PETERSBI RO, VA. All onlers receive prompt personal atten tion. 10 19 ly l'KOFESSIUNAL CAMDS. W. H. IIAY.IjM. CI. I)AS1K1,,;T. C. HAKUIHOX Wfldiin, N. C. Littleton. N. C. Weldon. N. C. 1AV, DAMICI. A HARRISON, ATTO R N EYS-AT-LA W, l'ructices in the courts of Hulifnx aud Warren counties, and whererer their ser vices are needetk Oneof the llrni will be in Halifax on each Monday. 1 lH-ly. 7 .1. WARD, KNriKl.ii, N. C. SURGEON :: DENTIST, (MBit over M((iiau'i store. 11 3 ly. JAHUH.MI'LI.IN, W1LTI1 1. S1XISL UUK 1) A M I I L, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wklhoh, N. C. Pru'tire In theourt.or R.HAii sndNortbsnpt tonsndin theSnpremesnd Federal count. CuU lecuouB uisue iu supsruol nurui Carolina. Branch utiles at llttllkx, N. C. open every Hon dr- Jn 7 ly D U. T. T. UOSS, DENTIST, Weldon, N. C. HOffice over Emry it Pierce'aatore. 10-19-ly. T. W. HARRIS, D. D. S. Littlitoii, N. C. Teeth Rxtraoted without pain. 4-306m. FOR GENTLEMEN. SB, 84 and $3.60 Dress Shoe. 83.90 Police Shoo, 3 8oles. 82.60, $2 for Worklngmen. 82 and 81.76 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES, $3, 82.60 82, $1.76 CATJTION.-ir aay dealer offers you W. L. DourlM hoes at a rmliieeil irlr, or nay. he has luein wlch out cue uitine slamiNHl oa uie ootiom, pot mm aowa asairaaa. W. L. DOUCLAS Shoes are ttvIKh, easy fitting and give better uiihiucuun hi uie pi icci uuvcruscu man any oiiut make. t ry one pair and ne con vinced. The stamping of W. L. Dounlas" name and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to Increase the sales on their full line of goods. They can adord to nil at a less profit. au wv nil,, jwu rau mt. mmnvj OJ DOJIBf ll JOUr TOOIWenr Of BDO Oeai.r BQVU- U.v4 balow. Cataloguf (raa ttpoa apulleaUoa. W. X. UOUCJLAIt. Brocktaa, Mass. -I'dK SALE BY- W. B. TILLERY, 0. E. McGWIGAN, WELDON, N. C. ENFIELD, N. C. Till S M. F. HART CO., -ARE SHOWING- Pop-Sackings, - Broalclote, Herges, Henriettas, Flannels, Fancy Novelties, all New DRESS FABRICS, trimmings to mulch goods. For MEN, HOYS aud CHILDREN. DRY GOODS OF EVERY KIND. ?f 3D S m Cimxl tits. stvliHh and ehean as nnvone ran SELL UtXJU liUODS. Notions and Gents' Furnishings, Carpets. J. Faust andSon, Hunnon & Son and full stock of BOOTS and S AOES of all grades. STIFF & FELT HATS, in lates shapes. Nice line Ladies Cloaks of the newest designs. Do not order we will sell cheaper than you can get goods by ordering. Give as a shareof your patronage, please. THE M. F. HART CO.. I'er M. F. Hart, Secretary. oct 2(1 ly. l'ETERSBl'RG, VA. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. ELECTRIC BELLS ACCOMMODATION 3(10. H. C. LASH LEY, Proprietor, late of Ev erett, Pa. The ouly first class hotel in the city. Commercial rate, t2.'0 per day. O. W. HOLLINOSWORTIf, Chief Clerk. FOR SALE. All of the real estate of 3. h Fryur iu tiie town ul Wel don. Also nil of his brewing outtlt, bottles crates, etc. FOR TERMS apply to ED. T.CLARK, Seal Entate Agent, Weldon, N. C. II nrixT.15i.Tl I in rill IMllMfll WW 1 J.D.I AND U.S. VTIiclccalo 111 S. 14th at., and 1 A 2 Christina's Lane, RICHMOND, VA. Flour a Specialty. Proprietors following brands: REX FAKCY PATENT, DtA DEM, EDGE 1HILL, KENWOOD, RIVER EDGE, C. C. CHOICE EXTRA. Manufacturers and sole proprietors of REX BAKING POWDER, octltly E. CLARK. -When in Want of Fan y Groceries At tbe lowest prices be sure to examina HIV stock, which is eoiunlete in .v.rf department, of the best qiuility at the moat rranouable prices. All kinds of LIIJUOKS always on hand. E. CLARK, Weldon, N. C oct M ly. Ohas. C. Alley, PETERSBURG, VA. Mr. W. M. Warren represents the firm ana win visit weiaon and its vicinity reg ularly. oct 19 ly. THECOUPER MARBLE WORKS, 111, 113 4 lit Bank tl., Norfolk, Va Larga stock of 'jfonumrnii am Gravetkma, ttr. Read; for immediate shipment. Deaifni free. 1121' GOODS Handsome Dress Patterns, only one dress to the patlern and no two alike. GENTLEMEN S FURNISHING GOODS Notions and fancy goods lor tbe Indies. CLOTH INC for men and buy. SHOES of every diwripliou for every body. Prices on nil goods to tint I he times. 1 am always glad to hIiuw goods and guarantee lowent priceit. W. B. TILLERY, Weldon, N. C. NEW ADVERTISEMK.VT8. ASH t'LOKKNCIt KAll.K(Hl). Condensed Hcllcdule. IIATFII Uer. Ird TKA1NS (IOINU SOl'Tll. 1 ? s v v v s a a a I' M. KM. P.M. II C7 M i..avp W.lilon Ar KiH-sy Houni 11 . Ar Tartwmt 'i M LesveTsrboro, 12 07 l.v KtH'ky Momit.ll as 10 Iiive Wilson, I 'A 11 11 tv Helms, l.v Ksyi tlFvllle, 4 I 11 Arrive Florence, 7 Oft 3 17 No. 4" l.v Wilson, I l l.v (iolil.boro, l hi MsKiiolla. 4 13 ArWIUulliiton, 6 5(1 7 Oil 7 A.M. 7 96 S IS 9 IS II IW r. m. P.M. TRAINS GOINO NORTH. i i Groceries A.M. A.M. Klori'iipe. ' Kuy. ll. vUU-, III I" ,VH feiiiin, I. iw Wilson. I ISO. 1P II III Hi 4o il II Ml No. 71 I IA P.M. 7 no V in n A.M. wihiiluicioii, Mssnol.a liol.l.iMiro, WllN.ll, Wllu.ll Hoi'kv Mount. I 117 Tsrlsmi, I .16 II R.kv Mount, 1 117 Weldon, l i . i. II t vi or. S 37 II 4 III .v III 40 II 16 P.M. r.u II M II M A. M. P.M. I. 1 1. B. I now occupy tbe Prick Store between H. C. SPIERS and C. L. CLARK'S. I am receiving mill opening u full line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. I will let pon hum. u !.t-ctiil Htix-k of (nx-eriei, FruiU, Cunfwtiuiirrir, Cigars, Tubum), ISiiuff, AVoiHk'U ami Willow Ware. Crockery, (.lass, Tiu Ware, etc, etc. I will sell at the Dtllreicefit SumitT. TrtlnonHpnlUnilNwk ftnnrh Hold lfT Weill on at i. ill. lUlifix 4lXi,rrlveHcotliDd Neck au 1 iMnJirct-nvilie IH p iu Klmloo 7:M)p.m. Returning lotvw Kiimhui 7 W,. m UireiivlUr kk2k in. Arriving fit lUllfn MWi, a. n., Weldon diilyficeviKundijr. Trainion Wihhiiigton brinrh v M ushing ton "i im a in. arrived l'lrrnele 8 h. m. TrU)ro y Mi: returning leaves Tar-torn 4 in. I'aimele 6 ni..arrivrp Waihingifi ' ui Dally fii-eptsiiiulrijr, I'lmnciUi nitli trHina on tfeot land Neck Hninrii. Train leaves TartMiro N. C, via All t-marlt aid RaleinliR-R.laily except Huuday ft m P. Buuday p. m.. arrive Williiinfi. ii N. d 711 n. m.. 4 m. Mvmmitb Vtoc'o- Mp. m. Upturning leave f'lymouth daily eirept 8unday 5:io a. m.lSumlay pi uu a. m. Willlaniiton. N. C, 40 a. m. .ilLin, arrive Tarburo lu 15 a. mt 11 to a.m. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leavea Onldi bum N. C, daily etrept Sunday 00 a. m , arrlTi Bmithtleld.N. C.,7 :i a. m. Returning Ihtm Hmlthileld, N.C., 8 00 a. in., arrive (.ioldsboro. N t, VWp. ni, Train on Sanhvltle Branch leatca Rock 7 Mount at 4 :-0 p. m., arrives at Navhville h & p. m.. Horttir Hie -S-d. m. Retmninr Itavca Spring Hope Htm a. m., Nashtllle tt 3S a. ar Rovky Mount 9 in a, m. dallyeicepiHuuday. trains on iaii nrancn rmrence . n. iear IjittaH IW p. m.; arrive lhiul-ar o p. m. Re tuniiiiK U'ave IniuliHr & ; a. in., arrive Latta7 00 a. m. laily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for ainton. dally exeept Sunday at 7 tw p. m. and Il w a.m. Keturiiing leave t union aiju a a and 4 "ft p. m.,runiiet ting at Warsaw with Noa. 40,41. : and 7ti, Train No. 78 makes rloae connection at Weldoi for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond and daily except Sunday via Hay Line, also at n'M'Ky MfUini iiauv Willi Mrioi aim rarouna Kailroad for Norfolk and all poinu North via Norfolk. J.K.I. KNIT, J K. IHV1NK, h un t Trans. General Hud 1. T It. KMkksiON.Geu'lPaiaenger Agent. I also returu my sincere tlianks lo niy many friends and acquaintances for their kind, liberal patronage in the past and solicit a continuance or the same, with guarantee to please. Very Respectfully, oct ID Gm. J. I.. JVDKIX8. Weldon, N. C. TO THE LADIES OF WESTERN HALE OP HALIFAX CO. I know Dr. J. A. Gill's ORANGE BLOSSOM t0 very S16' blessing to our sex. Wc have long needed some thing which we could use ourselves and which could conquer the stubborn forms of chronic inflammation and congestion which lie at the foundation of all female troubles. That Dr. .tcliill's treatment meets the demand of this long felt wail is shown by tho fact that many cases which have baffled the skill ol our beet physicians, are being cured by it. I have pledged myself to let my guttering sisters in the above Counties know ot this simple, entirely safe, yet wonderful cure. To accomplish Ibis I must havo the help of some good Ulinstiau lady in each township. There ar not leas than sue thousand ladies in each of the above Counties to whom this cure would he of inestimable value, many of them mothers who need Btreunlli that they may train their little ones; then there aie so many young girls whose trouble is not considered serious, lint nevertheleaa need attention, as ouly a little time will be required for it take the color front the cheeks and all I he joy from their glad young lives as it bas done in thousands ol cases. Write for information. I answer all questions. I will also send Township's Ageni s lerms totnose wno win assist me, MRS. (iEO. W. DAVIS, Areola, Warren Co., N. C. 4-20-ly 5 DOLLARS to PER DAY 20 Easily Made. W want many men, woman, boyi, and girls to wora ror m a lew Hours dally, rid lit In and around their own homea Tlio bmluesa Is esiv, nleaaant. itrirtly honorable, and pays better than an) other unerttl agents. You Iiava a Hear llrlil and no enmprtltiun. Kiprrirncr ami special ability a. neeetsary. No capital required. We equip ym will) evt-othiii dial you immhI, treat )uu wll, and liflp you to earn ten times ordinary wages. Wmneu do aa will ai ini-n, and iHtys and (tirli make good pay. Any nne, anywhere, can do tho work. All Mieceed who follow our plain aud sim ple direction. K.arnrit work will surely bring you a great di al of money. Krerythlug la MW aiisl In Kfat ilmiaiMl. Writ for our parophlal rlreiiiiir, and rrecive fidl Inforraatloa. No harm doiiti if you conclude not to go on with tbo business, Ceorcc Stinson&Co., Box 488 PORTLAND, MAINE. DJVS$ CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS No. 42 Sycamore st, Petersburg, Ta, TOBACCOS Our special brands of Flour: GOLD MEDAL FANCY PATENT, DIXIE PATENT, ' OEM PATENT, HARVEST QUEEN A TI.AXTIC COAST LINE. PETERSBURG & WELDON R. S Condensed Hchedule. TRAINS COING SOL'TH. Dated July 2nd, 1893. No. 23 Daily. No. 27 Daily. Leave Petersburg, Leave Ktony Creek, Leave Jamitts, Leave Hrlheld, Arrive Weldon, lU.lOain 111 M am 11.11 am 11. Mam l'.M.'ipiu 3.51 p i 4.23 p 4.53 pi 5.28 pi No. 3.V going South, leaves Petersburg at 8.18, p. in., arrive at Weldon 9.52. TKAINH GOING NOHTH. No. 14 No. 78 Daily. Dally. Leave Weldon, 1.01a.m. 3.27 p. m LaBelfield, 4.10 p. m 1 Jarratts, 4.34 p. n Le 8tony Creek, 5.00 p. a Arrive Petersburg, 2.32 a-m. 5.43p.m No. 134, going North leaves Weldon dai- E. T. D. MYK11S, T. M. EMERSON. Gen'I Kuperiuteudeut. Gen. Passenger ag TO THE PATRON8 OFTHg ALBEMARLE STEAM NAVIGATION CO o OUICK TIME B"""" NORFOLK aod yui-vrt lime kahtkkn n. cakuum On and alYer Mnn,tuv Tl-.v j , vmwnI uu. and until lurther aotice, the Stetmai CHOWAN, CapUin Withy, will LEAVE FRANKLINon Mondays, Wed- nesdnysand Fridays for EDENTON PLY MOUTH and jll in(..n.ll.. il.. arrival or mail train from Portsmouth, sav in-i r. i c ' RETURNING ihe "Chowan" will reach Franklin on Tnwl... n.i .... ' J and Katnrdays at 9:15 A. M., In tinia it connect with Fast Mail train from Raleigh toPortsmontnandwith Eipresa train for the Houth. Passengers, by this amngement, taking thcHteamer Chowan at aiy point oa tat river, will REACH NORFOLK bv 11 oeloek 1 u and thus have tht entire day for tha ban GIVE THIS KOUTE A TKIAL, Kespwtfnlly, v , v , J- H. BOtURT Iranklm. Va., Dee. 15, le. 8npt T.CLARK. inORNEMT-IJW.tllO Real late ten WHiDONA N. 0.

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