WW.! 4. y . - ' i ' A- v?''"' I ?! ' f.f ;''f: : ' 4 i THE HOANOKE NEWS THl'RSDAV, OCT0BK1U, PUBLISHED EVKRV THURSDAY J. W. SLED3S. Edit:r & Frourietsr B- E. STAINBACE, Associate Editor. Entered at I'utt Ufiv at MW... , Mutter. RATK.S OF SI'BSC Rtl'TION IN AIIVAXCB, due ir (hy Mail), Postage I'nid f i.rnl ma luontns I M-.-l. I.. T. . . ... i rcm.v vemooratie journal devoted to me material, educational, political anil Kiicuuunu intere-sts ol Halifax ami sur ruuuuing counties. , 'Advertising rates reasonable ami mruisiiea on application. DEMOCRATIC NOMIMCKS. for cniEr ji .sin e , James K. Shepherd, of Beaufort. FOR A.SSOl'IATK JCSTIl'tN: Walter Clark, of Wake. James C. MacKae, of Cumberland. Aruiislcad Burwull, ul Mecklenburg. "Oil STATE TRKASI HKR : Samuel McD. Tate, of Burke. FOB. SIM'KIUOU COURT JI DHES . Third District Jacob Battle, of Xxsb. fourth District W. K. Allen, of i a j nc. Eighth District B. F. Long, of Ire. dell. .MDth District W. N. Mebane, of RookioL'haui. Tenth District W. B. Council, Jr of Watauga. iwellih District II. B. Carter, of Buncombe. FOR CONllItKSS : F. A. WOODARD, Of Wilson. MB 8rMCIT0R SECOND DISTRICT: W. E. DANIEL, Of Halifax. One hundred dollars is the price for kissing a lady against her will in Sew York. Hers was one will the court failed to break. When a Populist tells you that the Democratic tariff bill was framed in the interest of the Supir Trust and oilier special interests, ask him how it was, then, that two Populist Senators voted for it as it finally passed the Senate, and that seven PopulU Representatives voted for it and none against it when it got back to the House ? The next boom will be in the south; so tay many northern papers. The efforts this section has been makinj; are bearing Iruit already. The estimate, based on letters of iu.uiry received at various poiuts, is that there are in New England and the north generally 25,000 people who contemplate moving south 1 ne cheap living and the open winter tempt them. Mohammedanism has a history ot thirty centuries. It has won I'nO.lHiO, (Mill followers, and its degraded and wretched niyraids ore confined to .South ern Asia and Northern Africa. Chrlati unity, alter nineteen centuries of life, has won 400,11(10,11110 followers, and, with me ejcejiuon oi Ltiioa ana Turkey, its happy and enlightened people rule the worm. A yuun,: lady iu 0.-'. h, WU.vesii. j F.v. It.-. V,'. i. ? ho broke her h-,; w.i, J.u.iu.-. has Ta:.entb. i.i P. br u.-lit suit a.-aiDst lkr turui r ia the ' ruiiieu: ' v -.u.y. i dance 1 r coutnbutary ui.u.Biv. lie :-h the pre-! ieney Ji'iu : inee up to her uSL-wotl), at it ! c.-!!.-.'-. .re. iv enenuut'.r the ceiiinl'iiui I.t-.y. and heueo the break. There was au cu lavement klwita i li.-n which was brnken, says th.1 Wiiiuin.'t m Star. . ..,'a. R,v. . i;. ' I . 1 P-.aek .ue i i:i cone ti n ul ti.-viiteivro li iu .'.c Al'VKIlTiStOlKNi: W tai M.-e'r.iy. wh nh.oi A-lleb.ro The women ut'Topeka. Kansas, have recently vrgauiz 4 for thorough di.-- re I'orin. The new dress 1s to .MtL-i-t of Turkish trouser, covered by a skirt reaching to the fold, a close or loose waist, aslheweaicr may prefer, and cloth legginsto match the trousers. It i. the iuteiiti m of the women to organic into r-lief sipud so a uu:ub.-r of them nuy be on the streets all day, and thus the com munity will become familiar with the re form. The Democrats of New York in con vention at Saratov las: week nominated Senator David II. Hill for tiovertior by acclamation. Daniel J. Lickwuod for Lieuteliaut-tlovcr'ior aud W'iili.im J Uayuoi for Judge of the Court of An peals. The Democracy of New York, after sirefully looking over the field, believed that Hill was the only man who ejuld lead theui on to viuory. A liih coin plimcnt to the distinguished Senator, and doubtless a Well deserved one. The Democrats of North Carolina can win iu the approaching stru.-.'le bv a united and determined effort. It would be well, however, to caution them not to underestimate the strength and the purpose of the l! -p. Pop. combi nation. It is best for us to look the is sues siuarely in the face, r.euguiz' the fact that we are confronted by a danger ous conspiracy, put every Democrat upon His mettle anJ then victory will bo ours. We can lose nothing bv overestimatio" the strength of the "co-operative limited" but we can lose by indifference and a be lief that wo have a walk over. The Democratic standard bearer of this Congressional district is Hon. F. A. Woodard. He has cnteied upon the campaign with energy and zeal. He will make a brilliant canvas.- and will stiike some telling blows in the iaterc.-t of the Democracy of North Carolina. Every Democratic voter in the distri.t must remember that he i.- now our candiJate and must be our choice. Lay a.-iie all personal feelings au j like ratri.ts aeca t the candidates of the nartv and ,.!r. them a hearty siipp,. it. The iKmocwtK parly is wi-;r than itJivj.JmU and ivuy good, true an J loyal l;,rat wii! h l.i d ity and suri-.rt Wo.sLw at-I the other candidates j.:u up by the parte. THE OLD NORTH STATE. -d I'.-. .1. M. :ira ! lite .d -lii'.j" sf burglary in the seeoiel degr c aui w.,, ..0: t.' the p.uitvDtijry l'-r thir ty y.ars. Gl -ig.-.lone,. e.lereJ. lifted a larul of fish at the S. uiln-ru depot at Clur Iotle. falling iu-eii-iblc alun .-t iunikdia'.e ly alurwar Is. He was carried home and died lr'lu his ileuiies. A few days a.-o othcers l'itts, Vander ford and Means raided the distillery ol J. A. Ilasiii.-ei, in Stanly county. Th.y di-e-n-ered a good ihal of crook. iln. ss in the affair of the coucirn. The Southern Railroad i- still cutting down its f,,ree. In the past wetk the freight ir. w between Charlotte and (ireeu-b. i i h.i-, ti redu.'ede. n-idirably lourtreti men have hivu di.n.i.s,.,! I he North Carolinians in TiXa-, tsti mated at filly ou.iimiI, have I'-rimo the I'.x is Tarh, ,-I A-s .ei.ui on." An eti-thu-i.i-tic to vliiig was r-ccutly h J 1 at Waco to p rlct lie: org iniition. The jury in the murd.-r trial of E. .J. l'ulhr. at R.'ekingh.iiii. aft-T being out twenty minutes, r 'turned ;, v, rdiet of uot gui'ty. A f.r:u,rjiry at Fayetteville brought in a v-.rJi-t of murlx iu lirst d..rc. A I'as.-euger train on the Carolina Central r.a 1 ran iut o an open switch uot Llmrlotte Wc-ln.sJay and was ,i railed and badly wrecked. No one v. c -pt the ei-gin, , r w .s luitt, hi- injutii being -lijhr. Humor has it that there arc a lot of families at (Ireensbero, recently moved ia and boarding, who arc not bona lide residents, though they arc fending their children to the graded schools. The Record -ays the jrcbalility is that the matter wiil be investigated. '5 (.:.,) v! Nl.W AD r.UTbKMKXT.S. KXOWIiEDCE r.riiiL" coniftti t aiitl iniprovomrnt nnil tii'ls t ihtsiukiI tnjnvnu'iit when ri'!rJy il. 'J'lie many, who live iVt ti r ;hanilh.T- :uul enjoy litV mure, with i x''ii"!itnrt hy lnon irnnplly ii'liiptiiit: tin Wtirl'l's Itost jtnuliK't-t lit t!u iut Is nf !hy-ic:i1 Itring, will atte-t tin- tfiilne to In;It!i t-f tlit1 jMirc li'iiiitl l.i:i'sivo riiu'ij!i' (mlt;ucd in the n m -tly, Syrup itf I-'iir I:-; cxirll"tKT is 'lilt1 to i'-s prc-niting in the f.irm m -t accept. iliU- aiul pica.--ant to the U, t!ul rtf rt'liinr and truly K t d'ui.il pmp-Ttif id a 'rTtvt liix ati'' : r!!''i tu;i!!y rln-iii: t!u" hystcin, di-pcllini,' r-ihK ht ailacht'H and fevers an 1 pcriuaiieiitly turinj: i-nriitipatiun. It ha- pivi-n Mtiofaetiou to iiiiilitiri! ami nit', with th-1 appnna! d tliO iii'dical pn fi -simii. ht catw it acts n the KM id y , I.iver and ltowelt witlmiit weak fiiiiiir them and it i p- rh ctly free fr-in every uhji'.'ti.iiialile Miltaiiee, Syrup uf l'"iir in fur sile by all drujr-j:i-t iu ''e and I U'tth-i, hut it is man ufactured hy the CaliftH'tiia Fijr Syrup t'v. Hilly, tthiM name i? j'rinted tn every .i- kaL'e, aln) the name, Syrup of Kigs ati 1 Ixiu,; well inftTincih y ui will iiyl accept any juUtitutc if ollercd. luar 2)! ly WELDON MARKET. COnRKlTEH H EKKLV Kelt THE IIENKF.T t'f ol'It Cct NTltY Kill KM'S. crisp r.n heel iimii : .y;.s' from cm:ii,KEK ro MAXTEU. The Iiads. and Pops. Greene. have I us C.K. S'Jes. p r lb. ShoMl.l-.r--llaeon, p. r lb. Hams. S. (', .,.r,, Larl. r. lined. l'io ir. p. r l.iir.l. I'at. nt. tralght. r gallon. Tile men to admire arethe m.;o who aro what they arc from principle and not lor the sake of office. We admire Democrat, a Republican or a Populist who is such from principle. Hut the man who is any and everything for office is to he pitied A true, patiiotic Democrat will not refuse to vote on account of personal reelings against the nominee. This campaign in New York must be lor David H. Ilill the last throw of the dice for 18!tC. He declared in his addnts t the convention that the state could b) carried for the democracy. He aspires to the presidency. Cleveland was asked if he had anyihing to say concerning the nomination of Hill for York and replied : "I am not in touch with the political situation in New York, but no doubt the convention has done the best thing possible." WliENthelameiilcdand In-loved Vance was a candidate for (iovcrnor, ia 1S" iieiiuu Jiidge l-owleweru not even on speaking tirms, yet that great orator and lover of constitutional liberty slumped the State Tor ance, and all the way down from the lofty peaks of the blue ridge to the sandy beach of obi necni) h splendid vuioe was heard in favor of Vance, Democracy aud constitution: liberty. Let every Democrat in the State go ana do likewise. TllEltE is a great deal at stake in the coming election. Democrats must present a solid front. We cannot forget the days ol llepublican rule in this county when tier script was not worth ten cents Iho dollar. Today, under Democratic rule, Halifax county's paper is worth dob lir for dollar aud is just as good as th gold, bhall we continue to have good government 1 L t every Democrat ask himself the question seriously, and then vole according to the dictates of conscience. It is important to keep the liver and kidneys in good condilion. Hood's Sar sanatilU ia th romivttf fnp : r .----V juriuoiiiuux .uoou vi gnus. A four leg in Win.-ton. 1 chicken has bun found Two Mormons are preaching in Ca well county. A driving club has been organized Wilmington. -VI students at the A Th ere arc now and M. College. Five British steamships arc now at Wilmington to take cargoes of cotton lo Europe. Mast,, J.jcl S. White, U' years old of Ft. Barnwell, killed a small bear last Thursl.iy. The Waldcnsian colonists near Mor- gnuion are said to be in a very destitute condition. The Supreme court granted license to practice law to fifty-livc yuUng men lastwek. Chtiokoc county is ju-t now snendino juite a .uiu of money in public buildin'- and in '.rovi-tucnis The Villi, lie. t,,n Kni .1 i- ..f W. I. Molassv vr:p. f r n. liraiiuiatcd -agar, j...r lb, I.'ght brown Sugar, p,r II U nter. pir lb, Che, ,-e. p, r lb, 'Ire.n Coffee, p, r lb. 1'. i -ry. Eggs, per di. n, Shot, per lb, (iun rowder. i..-r lb. loal on, white C mil oil. red C. per gallon Apple inegar, per gallon, Beeswax, per lb, Tiillnw. per lti. Hides, flint, per lb, ' gri'en. ' salted. Salt, per sack. Corn, per bush.. I, Meal, ' ' Bice, " " I'cas, black, per bu.-hel, Peas, black eye, per bushel, IVatfnts, per bushel, Cotton, per pound, Bagging, per yard, 2 1 I II Tics, per bunch. l.'c. l.'.c. lie. fl."iii s i ' J " M and in.. g"-.",ii I.'j to Jll 1'-' to L'T 1.1 to J.I 1.1 111 -Ito In W. M. KABLISTON & CO., Wholesale ami 1,'et.iil m illers iii CAUl'KTS, STOVKS, and Mattresses, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, 1IAI;LI.ST().N& CO., No. in N". Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. 10 -2(i ly. Rr -..lf. rfM gSS-SS S-VXS.' ,VaA y? 1 II B n NEW ADVEUTISE.MEN'TS. hinniPliOTnIIAUllinrmi for Infants and Children. lUIOTHERS, Do You Know tint l'njv,:uru Wl IIt'iii.-m's I'mps, (imllri'va tunlml, many t i-calk-tl b-vthilik; Syniis, aiul ii:-ts.t nii.f.iics fL-r eliil-Jrt u are fs.iuiin.wd vl npiuui ur itnTiibiut-f P." now tiul t'l-iuuiaiij luorjiljliK.- are Muj- fyifj iiarcolic jK-isuimt Jin Yon Know ihat in niyst cuautrius Jruijtii urc iiit X'ruiittitl lu stll norcotiiH witli.411 htU-niifr iiiPtn Jh.isuls t Dn Yon Know that you slmnUl net vjvnnii any midicino to bu nven j-our cMU utilt-ssj L'ii or yur I'fiysicion know f -n Iwtt il i- cmi"-..-,! J Yon Know Quit C'astcn.i U fi yuvAy vi-;,MttU- irfparatinn( and tlmt n iist o( ite IiTcdicritM Is jtuMiH'd witli every ntk T To Yon Know that IVioria h U in-..Tip'i..n .f M fnnviw It. S.unu.1 Viu-hn. Thnl It has bt't'L in usv fur u.'ftily thirty yearn, and lUm nurv Cantorm l.t iiuw Kold than t f all i ( Iiur n-iuttlifa fur tlilldrrii I'oml.jncd f pa Yon Know that the Patrnt UlTnv Ih'p'innu'nt cf tho Tnltrd Suios. ami cf oth-r fount ri'-, me Unucd cxclihiw rlr:lit tt lr I'iU-Ii-t and his assigns to uru Ihv word ' CaitoHa " and il formula, and that to imitate th-m In n utato prison (iffcnm- non Know ihnt one of tl, reasotH for ntiiiirijr thin coverniucnt prftwdoli was U'pause Cattoriu hnd hevn proven to lw obknlutely harmletfe? Po Yon Know t'unt 35 avoragu dud t-f I'astorla an fiiniisL. J for 35 cents, or oue cent a dosp f Po Yon Know tlint when rnvsspd of this pcrfti pr'jiaff.tion, your (.hlldrpn may K- kept wi'll, and that you may have unbroken n-st t XVell, thfto tiae uiu wui Ui khOBihg. 'lVy aro facta The fnc-tiimlle KjM wrnppor. Children Cry for Pitoher's Castorla. AM 3 fell S. MET SAVE-.. Vlt, alety l.ill, perejil. 1,1 1.1-Ji) MOll yo .I IV.: Uil e!.. inn Li-.- t oil- III Jll i Tll-MI .111 i;.i !.1 to .111 IT I!) AE50LLTELY The Best eew'sq MACHINE MADE u fiLii Hv-tr.rns can sii i :. "vt:vrr llimi inn ..nit tll.cr.,. Tiie M:V 1III.11E I. !;it 1 1 e mi: l:c rhpani-r Llna.. .in : in i:io (ISH.ix, IDK 4I. and i.tlicr lliL s.rui full Nickel l'laled ts """i lilui's lur $ I . 'i. no and up. atl mi . . ? o.-ciit or write us. W leant vonr IrnJe, uiid U prlrcn, tcrim n.l .iiiare dc.-.llaa u III u lu, uc mil lmie It. We , hnlli'iige I li e world la JirudiHOIl HI Ti t le ifSO.OO Selling .H.-u liInc for S,'o.t.o,or a bvttrr U1. Bcwliis; -Hat tiiiii! I..r $20.00 than jrou ran liny trinn u.l, or our Auellta. TUG RCW UOHS SCWIHG KiCHIHE CO. Ohusor. Vim. ti,T.,if ,Mtn M t'vion Hen in, N.TL GOOD NEWS! HARD TIMES GOING AWAY.-:- BETTER TIMES COMING, -(iOTOTlll'Si'nl.Eiil'- BR, Agent, Enfield, II C. 7t,X .v '. itas' i -id, iM. atimi, ju FOR SALE BY P. N STAIN1BACK, ACT., W'EI.Iion, N, r. Xew lierti lias mattress- -1 1 1 ft i n a new acliine. invi titioti- I'iliias to erect have oil loot a st-lu four-Moiv buililin The liriTUsbiiM K,,. ,r,l s.,,s ,i. , roaj.s nill not allow their i.iiil..vi wearrmsct shoes vvtiil,- uB ,1..,.. The tiovemor has u iir .intc.i Mr (' 0. Lulta dire-elor in il. tn.-an,. Asvl... vice Hr. V. K. Vo0,l resi-m J The liouse ol Mr. II. ', l!r,lWn .,w destroyed ,y fire in Niirili.n,,,,!,,,, P,IIlt laKtwoel. I.-..H $::oilil: iiisiiMii.s,. ill -,mii Two meu ill Cllerukei. eiiiihlu midedealhlv sjeUy ,v JrinLi, ti.. ; which an nar-wi- had been acciilcnmllc boiled. ' The reunion of'lhe Coiilcderato V... ranHol Wcsic rn Nurtli Carolina will m. curat Hryson CiljonOetoWr lllili, llih mil 2th. TIlC UoT. l'on. MartiDBUVS ho firmlv believes tho Lord lias called hiiu to be tho next representative in Congrono from the Sixth district. It is said that Judo Dick, of Grcenp- boro, will vote for Judge Shepherd for Line! Justice. lie can't Bwajlow Fair cloth, the Pillion candidate. The grand jury at Greenville failed to nnda true bill against Couductor Jones whose train killed a drunken colored man near Wintervillo several months a"o. The class in Knlisb at Wake Forest will Ibis year bo reouired to wrlto i,n the legends, traditions and historical ii. cidents wiat belong to North Carolina. Genuine emeralds havo iust been di. coverea in Mitchell eounlv. about 15 AUVKH'IL-K.MKM'rf. I Was Weak. Tired ami iiirv,,,,,. ,,, ,, , ' i ".ism ,c 1,,1,1, norjtiy. i iia.l to slerp l'l "..e.l U.ii lied to t.ieathe eailly at i.ibl.t. I had tlia Kill' ami alterwardi a sevprp rimgli. I f'liinil relict in lleod.. Sariaparilla. I liave taken seven Ix'ttlrj anil ran tat wliat I f leaje. sleep soun.lly and feel rested unlesi I over ' w o i k. I feci as Toung as I did at U wlien I uia Judg ment In my dally m erclse. 1 cannot be- I mm AfIS In. 1. t. tVallac la to eipresi my tuanks snmcUnt lor such great aooiliing, iiealUi restoring mediclnt Hood's Sarta-parilla u nood'i Sarsaiiarllla. Hill. CUB1 J, WiL- tVallact, clerk ot Blood rrf River Association ol Baptists, Calvert nty, Kf. Cures MflAiCa ftllla mivm nnlMl .tif.rinI. Ttrjwop Vj i;, . jot Ml (.0,, IlWell, HM1 E. CLARK. Dealers In -Wicn In Want of- Fami WOW At the lowest iiiees lie sure to eiainine j -i"ck, nu n is complete iu every department, of tho lievt quality nt the most reasoniililo prices. All "kinds ot j.iyt nun always on hand. K. CI.AItK, Weldon, N. C oet 20 ly. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, 111, 113 & 115 Bank M., Norfolk, Va. Large stock of Jtonumenti ami Gravettonei, etc. miles south of Bakerat il r. . mr ' L,;i.e ,1 . 7, 2 , : iui' immctiiate ahipmcnt. Designs miles from the crest of the Blue Ridge. free. 1121; COM WllCie VOll nan hnv TTTTTl nTTT7.AT EST and BEST GOODS in the town. T .i ii . 1 invite ail Ol HIV tn finds nnH flio J s tiAJ, VIA V trading public to come and look at my immense stock of GENERAL MiUKUHAJV-DISE. FLOUR BY WBHRREU I sell it cheaner tha n if. "has pvav A v V W 1 I . ueen snm sinro Ariom orH tf.tt v,ca v veAlA UUU JJ V C IAO li- - . u 10 maKe Apple Dumplings. I have T i TL.i ft m j the Largest, m x uneapest Stock of Goods ever brought to this section ol country, consisting of DQY QOODS, ftOpOflS, BOOTS, Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, and everything else that is kept in a first class store, and T i - j u.wvuva. DU OtXl. OiU. of my Goods at very low prices for ,1, T J. vtiou ui xa,i wt. Truly your friend, S. MEYER, ACT, S.mtitl.-s mility Wig one s .(!(". Init yo;i in" t ioM atiyli xly uith rjii- hsluiT, w)cu 0ne OLD JOE WHITAKER i:ntii:i.I), n, c. ilois nut claim to have Hie ali.nc, lhirdoes hcallciniit (o "lake" von . . The main tliinj; is to haw what you want, then, like in v. Hie ii,. .,.i .. ... ." He oilers .iu a new stock of ' BOOTS, Drv Pidfifls Mm J m99mV SHOES hats, mill n spccii "f MEN'S FURNISHING COODS.eic. Carpets! Carpets!! Carpets!!! Ladies Coats and wraps in the latest, lli-li trade clotiiin.? mmU i .. ... i lits jtuarantccd. Yes .sir, lic'll itive vou lits. Try him. IE GLOBE STOVE CO., r isrcci:ss(ii;s to iiowakd a opf.s'iiad 37 EAST MARKET SQUARE. NORFOLK, VA. W hull-Kile and llelail Dealers In Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Lamp CIKIDS, AND IIOI'SKITUSISIIIXUS. METALLIC ROOFINC, CUTTERINC ANDSPOUTINC. ftdf Kutimutra jien on application, t'orrespotdence solicited, scpli tin sep C Ira. a CRIND Votlr own Hone, M. il, oyster Hhells, - "in, ic, in me nit hraied t'orn $5,00 HAND MILL; I I'niuk Wilson's "1'ateut. ) loo per cent, more made in k.pinK poultry. Also Pow er Mills and Farm Feed Mills. Circular aVnt on appli cation. WILSON BROS., Huston, Pa. urn, PLASTER CEfJEfT. Richmond, Va. jy 1113m. Hwis-DiLLw Hwdwahe Co., l;l Sycamore Street, l'ETEKSP.niO, VA., WHOIXSALF. AND ItKTAIL DEALER IN Buggies, Carts, Carriages, Harness, PLOWS and CASTINGS, HINDERS, MOWERS, llayrukes, Threshers, Engines and HAW MILLS, Ajrents for HUNTER'S "7' ' 1 'l "? w' Ww. and casting,. Unuueatiouably the largest liouae of the kind in cither Virginia or North Carolina. Exclusive agente in thU territory for the famous STUDEBAKEB nd TENNESSEE WAGONS. Orders ojr marl given prompt perianal uttcaUon. C. A. EPEt' Manager. QeeL UOMUISSOfl fJEftCMfjjS I! AND 13 ROANOKE DOCK NORFOLK. VA. We hanillc Hres.-..-d Poultry, Eggs, l'.utler, Live Poultry, Gaum of all kinds, su.li as Oiiail, .aliluts, Pheasants, Wild Din k,, ,,11 kinds Produce, Potuloes, Cabbage, Annies, lute 111 ans. Dried Annies. (IhsI mils lli,L.,riu ui vi.;.i ...'.'. I irgcly. Lemons anil all kiwis ol other Fruits anil Vegetables. We have nil elegant lriiv.iT, for butter, game and poultry, also handle all the above on eomniission or bur oil I right. J Jr l'iirresiHindence Solicited. aU(, , v STILL GROWING ! A look through R. C. LASSITER'S stock will eoiiviuee you that his busi ness ia growing. He carries a well selected line of DRY GOOIK, KOTIPNS DRESS IHXJDS, LAD1KS', OENTS', and CHILDREN'S I'NDERWEAIt ' Hats, Pants, Gum Goods, Etc., Etc. -B HO E S :- He lias added to hU large and woll selected slock of shoos, the Eagle Shoe, the Wiu. Dorsch & Soli's Shoes, the Surry Shoes and the well know il E. P, Reed & Co.'s Shoes. I respectfully solicit the patronage of all. :i g I- JEl. C. LASSITEB. IF YOU WANT TO BUY A OEA GOLD CHAIN, mm,, WATCH " H- J. GORDLE'S in it miii v-arumia. TO JEVVELRY STORE, Liitltttn, N. C Mr. Coidlc is oue of the beat watch repaiiers II Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots 1 Ol Si 7 ana &noes, Uall and Examine our immense FALL STOnir M. latEDLANDER I5o(tom Store, Wbldoh, K. C. NEW - CAEPETS! " LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND LOWEST PRICES EVER OFFERED IN THIS LOCALITY. We are nlwnv nnvinno in ,,ir..j .. . ..... . j ..,, uur lusioiuers an opponumtv o! LuviDB such goods as they may retire to the beat advantage. .We havo long been convinced Of ID lOinoSSI II Itv nl' Innn nn h 6 iutiui Adequate Assortment of Carpets, i!.S'1LeSO!'al'low.nn!,c.fou,r'nl'1'' To ovcrcomo this difficulty m have Ait An7 r n K i 7 m" ca.rr,et,h0U9e of 1'hiWelphU lo net as tlicir Kxolu mvc Agents for the sale of carpels in this place. Wo aro. tll.T,.f,,rn n,., .H. .1 . . . . mlv.ni. .. V i " Muro Jou 11101 yn can "uy to tho best possible frl . 8 i '!'e ""'I''08' rtmont of stjIes-Carpcts of Kvoryle, Iroin ,l,o l.,ost AimiDutn to the Cheapest Ingrain, and that your order, will be executed nroront v and niiJ-u,.in,;i.. ' We lUVttl Vftll In nnll . . l . I ... .i V . . " :uiiuo our assortmeai 01 siyies, and defy compar ison with those offered in any city in tho y nion, oct 86 If. The M. F. Hart Co., feiJS. F. Harl, Secretary.