i I I THE ROANOKE NEW& TIll'HSI'AY, OCTOBER 4, 1894. COUNTY TICKET. ron Tlir t:NTt. : r. I. K, (iHEKN. r,.n Tin: : .1. M.(iKIZZARD, J. A. IIOI'HK. r,,irl lKK MTIRICH Col'llTl H. M. (IARY. roil surttlFF : S. J, CLARK. y,,K HMil.lTEa OF IiKEIM I J, FRANK ItltlNKl.KV. I oil TKF.AaVIIF.H : H. r. I'AUKKIi. iiR (OIIONKR ; II. F. 1IAKY. 1MB Nl HVKVOIl : W. R. NKVIM.K. nil Intclpcc. A KXCELI.ENT El AMPLE A lady ilicl llio oilier ilny in KnlnnJ, m in her will it was found that ."lie bciiuiatluil the whole of lior fortune, amounting to over $:ll,n:)lt, to the eJitur of a uuw paper, the jn rusal of which hail given many hours of pleasure. This excellent example sliouM be universally followed. llAi'i'Y New Year to the Jews Hush Ilashana, the JtiwUli New Year, began at sunset last Sunday and ended at sunset Tuesday. In accordance with their custom this event was sacredely ob served by the Israelites everywhere. Our Jewish cilizcus here closed their places of business Monday and Tuesdiy. A happy New Year wc wish our Jewish friends here and everywhere. Cheap Uatf.s to Uktiimo.ni. The Atlantic Coast Line will sell round trip tickets to Richmond on account of the Virginia State Kiposiiiun Oct. to l'Jth. Tickets on sale October 8:h to ISth in elusive, ill following rales, including one admission to'Kxnosilion: I Wcldon, :i.70; (.jry.shurg 8:1511; Pleasant Hill, :i:S(l. Tickets good to return until October liSth inclusive. Viuiikiii sCaiii'ahin. Halifax coun-j A Good Oral. We still ofTer to ty i Inluv.-' more si..:ikers during the the people of Halifax and surrounding present camp ii,'n than she has had beforu c mntry the Hoashk e News and the in years. Already, Henry, Ayejek , I Weekly Atlanta Con-titulion lor only id others have deliver- $1.50. This is an opportunity which every subscriber should lake advantage of. You get both pajiers for the price of one. Hordes this you have a guess at the offer made by the Constitution pub lished last week. The numbers of the note an; as follows: .")-!! 1-0 1-0 V-S. Vou must rearrange the numbers and the one coming nearest gets a cash prize. And then all the way down to the six teenth. Sec offer on fourth page of last issue. Coke, Wool nd e l splendid speeches in the county. Re sides this, llanicl, (Irizzard and others have spoken at several places and they will keep the ball in motion until election day, Chairman flrccn is working night and day to achieve a great victory and there is every reason to believe that the people of Halifax county will vote for a continuance of good government. Just received a fresh lot of fine candies. P. E. LYNN. llfTllllKU. (In register today. The leaves are falling. Cotton 51 cents to day. IIrinii out your blankets. riiEiiiliTS incieasing daily. And now the mosquito can go. There will be no fair here this fall. Pay your subscription to the News. The weather yesterday was very fine. The turkey's days are now numbered. Every voter in tho county must regis- Am exchange says: "A subscriber found a spider in his newspaper. The reader was superstitious. lie wrote to tho editor asking whether or not it was a bad omen. The editor said the spider was looking through the Columns of the paper to sec what merchants were not advertising, so that he would know what door to spin his web over without fear of disturbance. Millinery Opkninh. Mrs. 1 A. li.-wiswiil have her fall opening of hats, bonnets, etc , at her beautiful uiihiucry emporium on Washington avenue next Thursday and Friday, October tho 1 1th and 12th. The people of Woldou and surrounding country arc well acquainted with the establishment of Mrs. Lewis, and they know that at her openings are displayed the most arlistie designs, latest shapes, and most elegant goods that money and taste can buy. Her opening next week will be no exception to the successful ones of tho past, but it is her aim and object, with the valuable assistance of the Misses l'urnell, to make this one of the most beautiful displays ever exhibited here be fore: The ladies arc most cordially invited to make a note of the dates, visit Store aud iuspeet tho exhibit. I cr. Si'eakinii at Jackson. Hon. . A. Woodard was in town Tuesday, en route to arrenton, where he spoke yesterday. He delivered a fine speech at Jackson Monday. A large crowd was present and the speech had a good effect. Captain H. R. Peebles, State Senator Mitchell and Mr. 15 S. Gay also made good speeches. Several Third parly men present announced their intention of voting the Democratic ticket. this Northampton court in session Week. Jack frost will soon niako his appear ance. The schools Ibis year arc liberally pat ronized. 11 E.U) all our adverlisements and prof it by ibem. The recent rains did not affect the Roanoke river. The watermelons continue to linger in the lap of fall. See that your namo is on the newrej islration books. "Will vou bo my Sweetheart," is the latest song out . It is a duty vou owe your family to register and vote. Sheriff Green advertises some land for taxes in today's paper. The registration books are now open N. M. Lockhart, registrar. TnE streets have dried out nicely since the sun made its appearance. Cotton pickers are busy this week gathering in the fleecy staple. Don't be like a mule, and wish this world a wilderness of "'vlioa !" The notice of W. C Thorne, executor of Anna Alston, appears today. The circus gave in the go by, mudi to the disgust of the small buys. See advertisement of K. f. Clark, ad tuinistrator of Mrs. M. K. Wood. Squirrels are s-ii 1 to bj extremely abundant. Acorns and nuts arc scarce, Owino to tho heavy rains during the week cotton rcoeipts Saturday were light, Hon. F. A. woodard will speak at Halifax Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock Saturday at Scotland Neck Hon. W R. Henry will speak. Go ye out to hear him. TllE persimmon crop is short, but somehow or other the 'possum is as fat and froljesoujO as over. THE faith thai removes mountains is not creatcr than the faith which adver tises for a lost umbrella. People cry hard times but the excur sion trains which have been going through don't appear to point that way. Read the new advertisement of Groves tasteless chill tonic. Sold and warranted by Dr. A. S. Harrison, at Enfield. There is always room at the top of the ladder, but there aro mighty few people who can do the balancing act when they get there. No fair, no circus, no nothing, re marked a sad looking boy as he stood watching the circus oar attached to train 211 which passed through last Sunday, Storms and cyclones, floods and fires Still this country baoim ! Rattlesnake and other liars Still this country booms I In the backwoods, in the town, No matter how they try, None o' them can keep hor down; Gits thoro by an' by I WWITUH TORN UP. several care jumped the tract in tho yard of tho At lantic Coast Line here last Friday night and demolished one of the switches. Bo- yond this there was no further dan and tho oars were speedily put back on the rails by tho efficient yard force. State Pensions The State Audi tor says that tho increase in the number of pensioners this year will not exceed 30. Tho exact number of pensioners cannot yet be given as a few applications are to be acted on. The total number of pen sioners last year were 4,iij. im amount derived from the pension tax has not yet been reported, but wo can siy to tho Halifax county pensioners that they will certainly receive as much as ihey did last year. Ksxai'eii and Recaptured. A colored convict at the State farm, of which Captain W. J. Rradsbaw is Super intendent, made a desperate break for liberty ooo day last week and after an exeiling chase of about two hours was captured and returned to the stockades. Tbc convict is a ten year man and has only serve! a few years of his sentence. He stated after being recaptured that as he plunged through the swamps trying to evade the dogs that they seemed to say as they came howling on his track that he could not escape that way. Critically III Mr. James N Judkins, the popular an 1 well known restaurauler, is dangerously iil. Mr. Judkins has b;en in feeble healih for several months and a few days ago his mind began to wander and he grew worse. Friday he was stricken with paralysis and since that time he has been in a very critical couJiti m. His family was notitbd and h'n wife, daughter and son came up from Portsmouth, where they reside, anl have been with biin ever since. He is rapidly sinking and no h ipe is held out to his loved ones of a possibility of recovery. Da. T. T. Ross. Dr. T. T. Rosa, dentist, who has been in Nash oounty for several weeks on account of sickness in his family, has returned to Weldon and resumed his practice He may in future be found iu his office in Kiurv's brick building. Dr. Ross is considered ouc 1 1 the best dculisls in the Stale. Pe oph come bore from Petersburg, N irf ilk and other distant points to have work don. by Dr. Hiss. He has done considerable work sin;e he o,n n 1 his offue here, al of which has given ihe most perfect sat isfaction. He is a clever ge illem in, doc fine work an 1 at tin n.o-tt reasonable fig ures. Ji liv List. The followin; were drawn last Monday for the fall term of the Superior Court, at Halifax, beginning November 13th. first week. G. W. Gay, J. J. Johnston, C. II. Willcox, V. M. Lind, T. R. Bobbin, T. H. Neville, U.S. Harrison, L.T. Garner, S. T. Rrown, J. A. Johnston, C. Rras well, C. B. Green, Jack Keel, W. 0. Vinson, A. P. Kilchin, J. R. White head, II. R. Harrcll, S. W. Morrisettc, C. II. R. Howcrton, R. L. Bennett, C. A. Williams, W. II. Williams, J. F. Staton, J. M. Rrowoing, M. S. Ilocka day, Rug Parker, J. J. Cullom, Jr., W. C.Smith,, GiJ Alston, J. II. Alsbrook, II. D. Allen, J. R. Weeks, II. G. Jones, J. II. Burton, C. II. Hale. SECOND week, J. V. Cobb, Ben Daniel, Joshua Bell, J. W. While, J. A. Noifieet, J. II. Da vis, C. J. Bartholomew, J. II. Raker, W. 11. IIux, J. L. Moseley, J. L. Freeman, J. W. Norlbington, J. I!. Dickens, J. A. Whitehead, W. K. Fisher, K. II. Ilite, J. L. Shields, W. D. Wilcox. A Great Criminal Lawyer. Capt. W. II. Day's reputation as a crim inal lawyer extends from the mountains to the sea shore, and is reaching out be yond the borders of North Carolina into other Slates. So great is the faith of the people of Ibis comity in his abilily that when il became known that he had been engaged as counsel for the defense in the celebra ted Fuller murder trial, which was moved from Faycllcville to Rockingham, Ihose who arc acquainted with his wonderlul success in past cases of that description, said at once, "Fuller will now be acquit ted," notwithstanding the fact that at his former trial at l'ayetteville a jury had found him guilty of murder in the first the ' degree and he had been sentenced to be hanged. . sure enough as toon as t'apt. fay jurors . . . , Htaie oniieared to got into t no case tnc stale nppen lose heart and lor some reason they made a weak effort, while on the other hand so ably did the learned counsel for the de fense manage tho case that a verdict of acquittal was rendered in twenty minutes after the judge placed it in their hands. Further comment is unnecessary, Bill Day, of Halifax, was in it and that was sufficient. At the same timo wo accord to tho other lawyers of counsel for de fense their just pioportion of credit. Commissioners' Cnncr. The Coun ty Comuiis-mniT-s met in regular so.ssiou at Halifax Aloiiuaj, all numbers i,l Ihe board being present. The following bus iness was transacted : ACCOUNTS allowed, J. Frank Urinkley, recording orders, Geo. Lynch, repairing biidgo, 21). C. W. Dunn, con. pris. to jail l! 20. W. B. Tillcry, goods county, l.'l 75 Emry ( Pierce, " " -tfi 4G. P. A. Spruill, repair, bridge, f ;V). R. G, lleid, jail account, 70. L. D. Browning, co. home, 15 2'2. II. L. Tillcry, building bridge, 150 00 West Faulcon, " " fiC 00 Ilarrcll's P't'g House, printing, 1 90. T. W. Fcnner, work counly, 1 01) W. R. Shaw, work county, II 00. John M. Browning, cuflin pauper, 2.00 W. M. Cohen, drugs eo. home 2.'i !)0 P. N. Staiuback, goods eo. 22 45. C. W, Shields allowed ton tail liijuors at Fnlield. A. J. l'illuiau allowed lo sell liquors at licathsville. W. S. Biggs was appointed tax collec tor for Conoeonara township. C. W, Dunn was appointed lax collec tor fur Scotland Neck township. PERSONAL MENTION. Mothers Friend. What is it? Much has been said and written about il but Ihii hall' has not been told. It is a rem edy which if used by Kxpectaiit .Mothers robs the ord al llirou-li nhi 'li liny all liliio amount of recjvery more ive to pass of'ari iuer suffering and makes her pid. If a price can be placed on pain, Mother's Friend" is worth its weight in ;old a an alleviator. My wile suffered more in len minutes with either ol ln-r ther two children than she did allog'-th- wilh ln-r la-t, having previously usi-d four bottles of "Mother's Friend." It is blessing to any expectant in oiler, says eii-tomer." Henderson Dale, Druggist, Caruii, III. any lady who desires to investigate iu merits of Mothers Friend will send their address we will mail to her flee id' haigc our little book containing valuable iufonuatiou and voluntary testimonials. The Bradficld 1! egulalor Co , Sold by Druggists. Atlanta, Ga. Til K man who "loves his neighbor as himself" generally lias a first mortgage on his neighbor's property. LOOK ON THE LIST AND SEE THE MOVE MENTS OF YOUR FRIENDS AND AniUAINTA-'cKX. Mr. W. T. Shaw left on a business nip into Texas last Monday. Miss Annie Cohen left last Friday on a i.-it to relatives at Enfield. Miss Annie Bell, of Ralei; several days in town last week. Miss Daisy Crump, of Tillcry, loft last Monday for Nashville, Tcun. MissSahicM. Hale, of Halifax, visiting relatives and friends here. spent Declined tub Honor. Mr. R. W Brown, of this county, who was recent')' appointed a director of tho Insano Asy lura declined the honor ooulerrcu upon him, and Mr.C. Q. Latta, of lluleigh was appointed in his stead. Mr. Brown is chairman of the board of county commissioners and at tho cam est solicitation of his friends heoon jludcd not resign his services to the counly fuVor of oven a more mW position, Mr. Rrown makes ono of the best chair men Halifax county has ever had and the citizens generally, irrespective of party. will be glad to know that ho will conlin, uc to preside over tho affairs of the coun A Treat in Store. It affords muoh pleasure to announce to the people of Wcldon and its vicinity that Mr. J as. Young, the eminent and well know trage dian, supported by a firstclass c impany, will appear hore the 19th inst. This will indeed afford to our peoph a rare treat as such actors aa Mr. Young Catarrh in the Head. I took two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla for catarrh rarely over visit small towns, and it was id the head, and think it did mo great only alter much trouble that Maj. hairy deal of good. I contracted a very bad induced him to consent to give the poo cold and grew worse, then I bought a pie of this section an opportunity of wit third bottle and air now imnrovina ran. nessintt a Dcrformanoe composed of first I O r I w m .... idly. Hood a Sarsaparilla u the best olass artista. Mr. Young has in hu rnodioino I ever used, and I recommend pertoiro Hamlet, Richard III, Rjobeljcu it eepeoially for persons troubled with and Lady of Lyons. One of the three oatarrh and that tired feeling." Mrs. E. first named will be played. Tho town il. JNanta, Dallas, N. C. wjll be billed and a more extended notice uoou a run ouroa tick headache. I will be given next week. Forty Three Years Service Tho citizms of Wcldon learned with sin cere regret that the seaboard Air Line people had decided to dispenso with tbc services of Mr. J. L. Bass, on account of old age, and have substituted in his place a younger mau. For the past forty three years Mr. Bass has served the company well and faith fully. Iu sunshine and in rain, in tin trvins heat of summer and the fierce storms of winter he has for nearly half century been promptly at his post of duty. We do not pretend, of course, to die tate to the company, the road knows its own business and the efficiency of its uiployees, but it does appear to mti b.i rather hard on the old man to be put down by the company simply because ho has worn himself out in their service. We are pleased to learn that there are no iharges against him whatever, and that the company recoguizy the fact that he has always been faithful to duty, but owing to old age only is the reason for his removal. Mr Bass is one of our most highly esteemed citig.'ns and is n gentleman of unquestioned Christian character and integrity. Mr. Wade Pearson succeeds Mr. Bass. Poll Holders Appointed. A good crowd was at Halifax Monday when the county commissioners appointed the poll holders for the eleelion to take place No vembor Gth. Three lists were presented Mr. W. K. Bowers offered a list, Mr. Mae II. Furgerson presented another and Mr. M. II. Clark offered one. Tho list ffered by Mr. Clark was appointed, at follows : Briukleyville-W. B. Drewry, J. R. Dickens Henry Harrison, Thos. Williams. Ruttcrwood Thomas Newsoin, Olive) Keetcr, Lewis Harris, Mack Alston. Conoeonara J. T. RidJick, J. Noifljct, Exum Capehart, Ridley Pur ker. h.uucltl 3. rone, I.. It. Wliilakir, Hubert Parker, G. W.Gibbs. Faucetts E. C. Sliearln, R. I). Brick ell, J. W. Dickens, Isaac J'lhiison. Halirax-H. L, Trivis, C. II B Howcrton, W. R. Shaw, Dallas Alston. Littleton James II. House, Henry Clantun, J. W. Johnst ill, Fred Price. Palmyra C.V. Andreas, I'. H.Ed mondson, Daniel Fagon, Frank Staton. Rosencalh M. T, Savage, J. W. Butts, Hardy Worscley, John Worsham Scotland Neck T. W. Fcnner, Joseph Stem, Solomon Alexander, Jacob Hill. Weldon-W. W. Wiggins, A. S Al len, Jr., W. C. Hill, Wm. Pierce. Catarrh Cannot he Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood an 1 mu cous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Curo is not a nuaek medicine. It was prescribed bv one of the best physicians in this country for yeors, and is a regular pre scrintion. It is composed of tho best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combin i- tion of the two mgredieuts is what pro duces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. F. J. CIIUNEY k CO., Props Toledo, Ohio. t&.Sold by all Druggists, 75o. Testimonials free. The OcTOtiEtt Heavens. In Octo ber the calm mornings of sunshine will visit us occasionally and appear like glimpses of departed spiing amid the wilderness of wet and windy days that lead to winter. We now are beginning to sec the difference between having the sua on our side the line and seeing him hurrying away to the southward. Our lengthening nights, while they afford ad ditional opportunities to enjoy studying the starry map, deprivo us of just so much sunlight and make us long once more for the beautiful days of early sum mer. Eleven degrees of southern decli nation are added to the sun's record, so that at the end of October ho will be beyond the dividing line that halves the distance from the equator to the winter solstice. We spoke of tho September nnon as the harvest moon, but for Oetober wc bavo it as the hunter's moon, its mission being to lengthen the day for the benefit of the sportsman. Tho diffjrenee in successive risings of the hunter's moon is less marked than in the case of the harvest moon, but is considerably less than tho moon's daily average, which is some fifty-one minutes, -or thereabout. While science throws to the wind the idea of the moon adding to the length of the day for the sole benefit of the hunts man, and solves the phenomena by the aetiou of physical l;iw, it reverently re tains the name made sacred by Ihe mem oiies of the past, when astronomy was young. A Huiie Wild Turkey. Mr. Jim Wilcox in Halifax Monday exhibited to our admiring gaze a beautiful trophy, one that is calculated to excite the wonder and envy of every hunter and lover of woodcraft. It is the spur of a gobbler he shot last March, which he has just received from the north where he sent il on to be mounted in some nrlislic and enduring form. Tho artist was no slouch himself and as a result of bis hunter's imagination, tho evidence of Jim's sylvan skill is an ornamental handle to an eli gant silk umbrella. Resides being pretty and unique it is useful in several ways. It is finely polished and sharp as the typical gaff itself. This end Jim will me for his Sunday tooth pick, and during the week will prod dogs and pick out walnuts with it. The other end is hollow with a screw top. This receptacle is intended for four fingers straight, or small lunch, matches, or such little things for which a handy man usually has calls. By a cuto piece of niechauisui, drop nieklc in a slot and it at once becomes cither a dog, lurkey or duck call, or a fox horn, to suit tho hunter's convenience. It m ay also be used as a drinking eup funnel or combination tool chest. Jim was explaining how it cuuld be used lo an advantage by the fusion folks, when some boy allowed it was a cow's horn ho thought, whereupju Jim gaffed to the hilt. In our hurry tn escape, wc caught on to something about the turkey's weighing s;venly five pounds lie reckoned and ho killed hi ill up a tree a full hun drcd yards, and when it fell in a pond, it sloshed all the water out, and he liked to have been drowned. Wo never caught tlu size ot the bird, but presume it was about the sizi of a small hill. Anyhow it should be. Jim's veracity has hereto lore sto id the test, and ho was never kniwn to haudle tho truth carelessly when narrating incidents of the gun and rod, and wo are compelled to give ercdcncc to tho umbrella yarn, especially since was backed up by thoso noble vets of fun Lunse Alston and John Daniel. Jliss hilhan iaylor, ol Petersburg, is here on a visit to Miss Kato Allen. Mrs. Al)iio Allen and Eon, Master Tommie, visited Norfolk last week. Mrs. T. II. Chavassc returned hom last Friday from a visit to Norfolk. Dr. T. T. Ross has returned home after several weeks visit to Nashville, Master Carl Pope left for Morgauton, where he will enter school, last Monday Judge T. N. Hill, of Halifax, wcut up to Raleigh this week on legal business. Mrs. Ida Wilkins returned home last Friday from a visit to the sea. Miss Irene Allen, of leave for Greensboro lb school. Mr. T. C. Harrison spent Monday and ami Tuesday in Raleigh on professional busiucss. Mr. Frank Moore, who has been Raleigh, for Ihe past few weeks, has tnrned home. eily by the Littleton, wi week to attend NEW ADVKKTISKM KNT8. In Poor ! Health means no much more than you imagine serious audi fatal diseases result from trilling ailments neglected. Don't play with Nature's greatest gift health. Brown's flron Bitters NKW ADVKRTISK.MENTS. fllll!)) 1, SAIL, flit ol sorts, wea. ;imI pt'tierally ex-liaiisu-i), nervous, have no appetite and (Util wtnic, la-fill atOtucClk- injV (hemoxt rdia- J nn-iiit im.,whirli is lih.wii s IH'ti Hit !pI3. A U'W uni ties cure-benefit tnnn-n ft" in the v ry I'.rs! dose i ,!;' t stain yeur tclh, a ml it's (t:u..ialil tu lAe, It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidnev and Liver Neurnlviia, Troubles, Constipation, Bad lilooj Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's coiiiplamts. ,.!,!, 11"- (."iiie- - il li.i. !:. fl 10.1 in tl:,- m;ii,;, r. M "Om ,m sub- , i,t ...-'ilul World's liiieinll tl -.IKlili', II. I:alr Vltv ji. I b:,- lite BROWN CHEMICAL CO. p M. . 'r-fe, MO. THE LEADING CLOTHIER, 203 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. Takes this method of becoming bet ter acquainted with the good people of Weldon and surrounding coun ties; we want to do more business with you, and as you may not know our method oi gaming and holding customers, we beg leave to present to you Our Declaration of Principles : We do a strictly one-price business; we always ask the lowest price first; we ask you to return anything you don't want to keep; we warrant all our goods as represented. If these principles suit you trade with us. If you can suggest a more honorable way of doing business, we will discard our plan and adopt yours We carry the largest ana most styl ish and most complete stock ol uen tlemen's,boys and children's clothing hats, caps and Furnishing Goods in Southside Virginia; quality consid ered, we are the cheapest merchants in the State, but remember we do NOT handle common grades of goods. Mail enquiries and orders solicited and will receive prompt attention. THE LEAmNCLOTHIER, Petersburg, Va. Sep 1-1 till. july I'll ly. Til AT JOYI-III, t.'I'.ia.INd With tlio exhilarating sonso of renewed health and strength and internal cluauli- nom, which follows tho use of Syrup of Fiiis, is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old timo mcdi clues and tho cheap substitutes offered but never accepted by the well informed. Mr V. K. Daniel siiokn at I.iltleti yo-lirilav and will speuk at Aureii: Springs today. Mks linolah (I raily, of Halifax, left last Saturday for Mini City, where t-lie will tench school. Mrs. 1 A. I, 'wis nnd Miss Klizi l'ur nell have returned Iiijhio from a business trip lo New York and liallinmre. Miss Annie Whitehead, of Halifax, who has been lu re on a visit to the Misses Piirncll, has returned home. Hon. Oct. Coke, f ltiilcigh, spent Tuesday night in town and spoke at Lit tleton yeslciday. lie speaks at Aurelian Springs today. Messrs. Louis Pay and Joe Higgcr- stalT, two Weldon boys have opened a restaurant at ltoeky Mount. They have our best wishes. Messrs. Walter Wiggins, W. L. Slain- back, and Misses Kva Hutchiusou and Adule 1 ouns had a delightful visit to Mr. A. F. Shcarin's last week. Mr. and Mrs. 11. F. Tillery and Miss Camp, of Tillery, spoilt Weducsday night of lust week in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kvans. They were en route homo fiom a visit to the mountains of Virginia. Mr. W. D. Coclnan, lato of Swift Water, Miss , who has been hero on visit to his former homo, has gone north for the purposo of buyiug a sloek of mods. Mr. Cochran will embark into uicreaulile business at ltoeky Mount Wc wish him much success. Misses NiinuieLong, of Henderson, anc Mildred Iladger.of Haleigh.passod througli towu Tuesday en route to their respective homes. Curds are out for tho marriages of these two fair and accomplished daugh (en of (he Old North State, at 3D nr'y day. Sim Didn't Takk with tus ,Jbn ti.emen. She was rellucd, intelligent. and not bad looking, but somehow she never seemed to take with the gentlemen They didn't like her listless way-; they said she hadn't any "snap" about her, Poor girl! she was sulTerin from functional irregularities, and it was tuallv impassible for her to take modi interest in anything. Hut a chango came Ono day she hcaid of Dr. l'ierce's Fi vorile Prescription. She procured a bot tic, and she had not taken half its con tents when she lelt like another woman Now she is in the enjoyment of perfect health, and has suitors by the score. No woman ueed suffer from functual irregu lariiies. Tho "Fuvoute Prescription a safe and certain cure for all the weak ncssos to which women are peculiarly sullied. Dr. Pierce's Pellets euro constipation biliousness, indigestion and headache. One a dose WIAJr fie : SKT TASTELESS CHILL NIC WANTED- A few jiooil, iuilusliious, iieiwtcrinx men who can lurnisli llorsp, can liive boml loi J.iiki, ami can tiivc all their tune to our business to malic sales anil collections Tor our Company in llcrtloid, Hertio nod Northampton counties. Uooil pay will lie 151 veil. Amlress A. .11. M.' I lUrt, IMSl. AH 1., The .Singer M'I'b Co., Weldon, N. C. ii'OMm. N OTICE. ESTAItMSIIED 1829. S. H. Marks Co., IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. ti it. ati a, n i.a., Not. 10, im. arln Modlrlne Co., Ht. l-uuls, Mt. c.tiiimn: We wild bud year. 000 bnttloa of 3UOVK S TASTI5LKSS CilllJi TuNK' and hnvo oniiKht lhrrn ttruas JilrcJtdy tills your. In all i.itr ! pciit'iici ft 1 ywirs. In tho druji bnitiniN. hnvo tx'rtTHt'M -m nrticlti tllutuiivo nui h uuivcrbdi ftulu). ttuliuti uu your lulilC. luurs inny, A S, ,et 4 l!i J'tlH SALE UV HARRISON. KXl'IKLl), N. C -umi'K i TAX COLLECTOR C WKI.UOX TOWNSItir. October 'J, Ml On Ihe 1st Holiday in November, 1 !!!, I will expose lor sale at public and ion lor .mil, at the court house iloor in naiiiux, tile lidlowinn real properly silllate in the towushipol Weldon to saliily laxcsiliie on same: Tons. . I. l'icld, I house and lot, tax and osl, -(!.:! I. II. (lai v, I l"l, years 'ill, II.', 'H-l. tax iiml cost ir'J.Y 17. .Inc Lone HI lu res lanil, years !!.' !i:l, tax and cost, $.i-M. Cieeu Smith, 1 home and lot, !l,l, tux and cost $-.1K .1. I!. Ciilloni, 1 lot, IKI, lax anil cost, in.-!!. A. ii. (:i:i:i:n. Tax, Collector lor Welilon township. OTICE. The umliTsijiiiul having nui1itW'il as ail- mi mst nit or ol the estate ot Mrs. m:ry Mia Wooil, drcraseu, hereby wives noli to all iiei-sons hoUtitiE "hums against the said estate to present tho same to him within twelve months Irnm the pumiea. tioiiot tins iintiee or it will he plrituril har of a reeuvery. Those owing the estate will please set lie. KDWAIJDT. CLAlilv, Ailmr. Mi's. Mary K. Wooil, dec'tl. oel 4 (it. EXECUTOR'S NOTICED Having tm1ificd an cxeeutor of the last will and testament of Anna Alston, de ceased, late of Kali fas comity, before the clerk of the Superior court of said Co. ; this is'to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to me for payment by tho loth day of October, lHi,"i, or this uotice will he plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate wilt please mako immediate payment. This the and day of October, isiil. W. C. THORNE, Ksecntor. oct 4 fit. The itndrtvignt'd ha ing iii:tlilicd before the Superior Court ol Halifax comity as Administrator ol the estate of Henry T. Pope, deceased, on the U'lstday of Septem ber, l!it, hereby notifies all persons hold ing chums against, his saiil intestate to incscnl I hem to hi in at his office in Weldon. N. C.dnly verified within twelve months I from date of this notice or the kuhc will be pleaded in bar thereof. All persons who are indebted to the es tate are renested to make immediate pavment. This the 'J.'tli dav ot Septem ber, lsiK. .1. T. (iOOCH. Adiui. ol Henry T. l'ope, dee'd. cep. 7 Uw. NOTICE. llaviou illalillcd as administrator ol' Weldon I'arks, ilc ceased, late of Halifax comity, Noi th Carolina, Ibis is lo nolily all persons havinii claims iiuiiisi i lie es tate of said deceased to exhibit Ihein to nn on or before the IM, day of October 1-!i."i, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons luileiittst to sum tote will please make immediate pay ment. This lint day ol October, !!!. S. tl. DANIEL, Administrator. Day, Daniel & Harrison, alt'ys for udui'r. sept b tit. PETERSBURG SEED HOUSE. SI'KI) f ,r I'AllM ilAltnr.S TKSTKIiuii our K.irui. Plants, l'loil Trees, l-'eililizers, Oil Cake .Meal, oio. Send lor eiieulars to V. tdiOSSM AX, Seedsman anil Maikct (iardeucr, Hollinc,biook st., l'etersbllii!, Va. sep 1:1 lyr. No Use Talking! l'eople who waul umid Harness, Saddles, Collars, lb idles, or aiivthini; for Horses, will go tu P. F. JOHNSON 4 CO., i:UI Sycamore St., Tclei-shnr, Va. for them. They keep gooil shift', ami s cheap- A ml now is n (rood tune to buy. Call at theTliUNK STOKE, nov 2 ly. PETERSBURG, VA. WIIOI.HKAJ.E CONI'IX'TIONKIiH AND Flil'lTEUKIiH manufacturers of plain ami Kaucy Cuudies, Cakes unci Crackers. Dealers in Fine CHEWING TOliAC'CO CHiAlW&SNIU'F. fiiaJTYiiiir orders solicitisl, which will ive our personal nitenlnm. HI 111 ly ENGINES FOR CINNINC. Most economical and durable. Cheap est ninl best in the market lor eush. A KIAIII.K FIUCTION l'F.l'.D SAW MILLS AND STANDARD IMPLEMENTS (JEN EliALLY. Send for Catalogue. A. It. FAKOUHAIiCO , Ltd., Pennsylvania Agricultural Works, nun 10 It. York, Pa. SCOTLAND NECK Sffi.Express paid packages, for price list. Address, STKAM DYKINO CO., Scotland Neck, N, C. Send DR. H. 0. HYATT'S SANATORIUM. K1NSTON, N. C. DISEASES OF THE ETE AND GENERAL SURGERY- 8 2 Iv. Cheap Hook Store, Petersburg, Va. Sell the Celebrated Standard Patterns. Fashion Sheets free to all. Ihtndy catalogue .V. Note paper l.tc. iter pound. Knvclopes, fiO for 5 cents. Lead pencils, Vi with rubbers Jor be. Pen points VI for 5e. 'ore linen note paper v.k. pound. t packages square envelopes to mnU'h l!)c. SCHOOL HOOKS School Desks, lilobi'fl. Chart. Klackloard ulalinn, etc. Ih'dt, llvinn Hooks, (impel Hymn, lllank Hooks. I'l'iulinir, Ktc. U-iia-lv. P. SAU' Piopiiftor. WM. UNN, Manager. MANSION HOUSE. - IV'TIl "N AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. I nion street, NOIiPOl.K, VA. Ohas. C. Alley, coirain PETERSBURG VA. Mr. W. M. Warren rrprnmnhi ihe Una and will visit Wohlon iindit vicinity reg ularly. t 19 ly. ANTED Hy yonng lady of some experienee a situation as teach er in a private family. Will teacb asual English branched and unroiie. Thar question ot wilary, not of as much impor tance m a good, pleaxant home. Addrenv MISS A., care of R. Nsvrfc