n. HOAiOiE i-ii. TIIUUSDAV, OCTOBER 4, 181H. THE EXPERIMENT STAII03 AT KALKIOH, WORTH CAROLINA. Whjr Pull Your cor. rodderT turln. C o. r Vlnm-v.lu. of Corn and fob Meal-Cultivation of Onlona Bad (Juaatlona and Kepll... Haptaoibr IHII4. Tha Esp.rlui.nt Station Hull.lina. The Btan.lin(r offer is made toscn.l the state who really desire t,i receive tl,,.,,, lhousandsof farmers have nlna.lv ta ken advantage of this offer. Inles v really want to be benefited bv then, ,....TOU u"i apply for tlieni, If uuotiv m read men earn to Dr. H. II. lcig-h, N. C. could but cou.iider tills soil ly improve,!. A (Treat quantity of seed has been prown in heieware this year and .-row-era are advertising it f,,r .sale .1 very moderate rates. V. K. Kmerv. Auricui turi.st, North ( uroliiiii Kxperiinent Station. ..Una During Th Weather In orili tar 1 Ku.'l. The North Carolina r:periiiiciit Sta tion bus just published the seventh an nual report of its luuteoroloirieal di vision constituting t. .vr,, Carolina state weather service for su:t. This re port (fives, in details, the various meteoroloifieiil conditions in various parts of North Carolina ilurimj INU::. suujecis trcaled cuibrace: list of '111.- Voll leni, write on nostnl llattle, llirector, Ra ti". 1-a.a lh.n,d. V h P, '" ''"lletllin of the ..... ... .,., ngricnltural Kxperl T" """" na t.een loinewhat I T 1 .1 "Hl'enranee. the sul j.-... ..... iMii.orailoii la ifiven the .... ... ,..r.,M,ri so mat the renders e easily see what the bulletins contain Tha be.lnut and In VY.vll. - anown fact that the weevil unmakes to a great eatent the chestnut ... ", un.p. 1 nia is made the sul: i...,. ouneun mo of the North Carolina f.ouon. ine life history , '," described. in th. '-v"."y W . uu or Durr 01 tile nut when still on the tree. The eKs hatch and if the nuts remain upon tlicirrounil the worm, in about ten .lays bore their Anally Into the adult atate durinir the !Kn.;,prI,"f-. " "irether impos stole to prevent the beetle from laviinr her egg. n the native chestnut trees in the forests, but in cultivated orchards "y" Japanese chestnuts the ...... Uuiu ne me same as for the plum curculio. FW t...... .1... . ; the following plan successfully followed c.ueneucea correspondent . ....urauunl: tc&ia the placing a bushel or ao In . enough boiling water over them 'u7o, er one or two in,.n... sin. , , allow to remain about Ave minutes, and the weevilly nuts come to the surface and can be akimmed off and destroyed or fed to hogs Put the good nuts in nests by I.., k.la . V"" ."". " --a- .,.. ,un, ana dry in the sun, drying-. The kernels thu. treated re- uu uo not gel uinty. Tha Array Worms. TV. ,..!,. .1.1 . - . v.ns year nas la-en ex- r""jj ivoraoie to the armv worms of whloh we have two ireneral namek. Ilapkygma frulperdi, the aoutln army worm, and Heliophila urnpunctata, the .orthcrn army worm 1 his year the latter genus is the more common but both are troublesome These worms prefer soft green millet corn, small grain, grass, and clovers.' 1 he southern worm eats fruit and veff etables. They do not molest cotton cow peas, peanuts, or tobacco; nor can tney riamarc drv c.im,i i.i.. .. ripened gram shocked or standing held, iliey never damage fodder grain in nam. Kemmie: When damage fmld. these worms at tack a nu r. 4 a - i . . . . ;, luge neia cut the crop at once and haul into barn or rake un into windrows ns so.m as cut. Have a man follow and spray or sprinkle with kerosene emulsion, or pure kerosene 01 or boil ing hot water upon the worms which will be found L..i.. .... ground The forage may then be cured as usual In field, fo prevent advancing worms from getting into a Held, plow a oug. wide and deep furrow across their 7"' '""'en. o or 0 feet outside the Held to be protected. The land side j V "Jivarua me protected Held and should be cut under if practicable.' '. " a.ivanclng worms have half .u.row pne straw or dry pine tags unon tlvsm and lire; or plow an other furrow just inside the last, throw ing the dirt upon the worms. Holl or stamp this hard. Kepeat furrows as -. u. necessary. when crossing roads or bare ground the worms may be crushed by driving a heavy roller over or Kerosene may be sprayed up,m .1.. piiniicauniis .luring the vear; the annual meleoroliigii-al siiuima'rv for the state land the sixty-six separate sta tions whose reports were used for com piling it) nicliidiiigoKservationsof pres sure, maximum and minimum tempera ture, precipitation, slate of the weather wind direction, crop condition niiscel- lalie.nis pl,,. ,.. ,.,, fr North (arolina: list of meteorological stations .observers, mid crop reports; work embraced in the monthly meteor ological bulletins and the' weekly weather crop bulletin; also weather an. teiupeiature forecasts, cold wave and frost wimiiuus. d list of stations receiving the,,. , valuable feature of he report ,s the table of comparisons between principal (sent in North Caro- ...... .1.10 proiinticnt places I nitcd Stales and abroad. Th !.. is.. ns emu race normal ami temperature for the ior eu. n ot the four i.e. in n 01 uic year. The pamplilct enil.r ,., ,is a wen prepared table of contents and ni.lc,. ,i is replete with uluiible information weather comli tions in North Carolina. It can be pro- tie. llirector. Kaleigh. . c. inemselves eoir.p;ei. ,v uroun, a ..,. of bone in the soil. T, fertilising in gredients of tankage arc !l per cent of ammonia, and 1 1 per cent, of phospho ric a.-id, of nhieb :.; ,,ut .-, per , I i, available; coiup,,,;,,.. ,,,,,,, ils a orduiary fernh.v,-.. ,,:, u,mla (,,iill ........ ...... ,., ,. , ,,,uli, on the farm c. ilh acids to dissolve tie .s u'ti ituvisai.ic occausc of th AhVKK I'l.-iKM KNTrf. avvenoiiigiiie operation. A olan fil hgaile the COUl- precipitutiou whole year. seasons, and each sixty-three ilitngc successful is the following: I ......... 01,0 1 not name t I,.,,,-!,, then 1. a layer ot broken bones a inch or two upon this lay similar laye -....wiiiuuiiii wooii ashes, repeal .".: ', 'V "-"ing ine layers .... . nit irencll is niied. It would be ... a. so ,0 nave stakes ut certain points in the uuxtuie so that they can be ith.lravvn from time to time and water poured ,n the holes. This will tend to "u' nones, nut rive or six ............ 111 ne ucenen. As the decom i-.s ,10 , vviii uepeml upon the quality of the bones, after this time if the Isme's ...- .,.., uo, u, e thoroughly deem ...sc . .vou can 10,11 over the material my. own again vvitli more uh,, u, ... v .in-uii.Miiro unit allow time. longer ucring froin ' is nut briltv and hollow horn.1' hollow tail." It .since the N.'ir-Snclilnv (owa. cor- proven ef n at least Issue of urn. '....;...... bull. .tin n .1.1. ...... I. . 1 7 V"'" . '. "..".n-ci, several coin- raunications have !.,. received and ...oi-uics proposed which our " sp.noems are sure In, flcient in curing the habit "..v cuse ior me ouussia m..tl..i j Bi'vcral for Uieslitted tongue Ho,l a handful of ,,nassia chips (can be found at any drug store) for several hnrs m about one gallon of water. Vv ash the cows teats in this after every milking for ten days. Always was), every time before milking, using gallon of c can water in which a spoon Jul of pcarline has been dissolved. If the milk tastes of quassia feed it to the ,-t,-- . .. "...vi ues 01 me quassia re mains in the cow's memory and prevents .u. ...v. vnois at sucmug after fho ten days. the other method consists slitting the tongue near the point used to draw up round the teat in the act of sucking. Fasten the cow securely, and drawing out the tongue sjit it a little to one side of the middle l to -1 inches out to wards the front and near the point. 1 hen feed on soft bran mashes for a few days until the wound heals and it will !e impossible for the .. ....... ... that. One correspondent tried chair frames and side burs moil .l.i desperate, when the mutilated to,,ue cured the bub , Still we should spend little ti..... .... any cow we do not know to be a irood 1, ,! "c "'"e L'1"1 ''e belter enililoved L. hlnerv. Affric.ilt.iri. v.... lina Experiment Station. Advanced Summary of Mateoraloglral lt- vr.. .or norm Carolina, A.ie,i.l 1SIII. The North Carolina stnt.. service issues the following advanced summary of the weather for ,.i.-.i 1W. as compared with the correspond- g 11,0,1,11 01 previous years I'EMI'KIIATI UK -The m.... I . month was 74.7 degrees, which Isl.l de grees below the normal. The highest iniiTltlilv rnniin llta "y .11 . 1 ....... j ..a. (r,.ltm.1rm.ifu, 1 u. -'avis, uir llle,. IIKIIlTIIll' ill...... - WKIITS HI II trn Hill I ri.. 1. 1.. I a teniiHTature was Won the Mt hat sUnii on the 10th at Kockiiiirham: th.. tNuri tht-.r)th ut Ulowinip it.u.h i... ut ntiriersv l i'j. It.. "..k uuiiiiK un- past twi-ntv-ont- j cars was in lss8, muanTH.5; the oldest ... 1 -is. ..i.-.vii i... a. I'KK.'tl'ITATIOM Aver...-., month a. 1:1 inches, which . 11 w S 4 fa", o""' ib'r,Snlnt """""" as I4.t, at l'antego: the least amount. U.-.. at M. Airy. The wettest August . average ll.;i'.l. duest in Issi average a. 111. .. ..s, --, revauing direction, north east. Ihe normal direction for August is sou bwest. Average hourly vehwitv , s...wi imi iiu ut -lIM('KI,I,A.NKors enee. to eoin- llollow Horn ami liniiow Tu, HI V . ki .. . ... 1 1". 1 !'"' '""'"-'' "' oiattU- According tothe popular idea. cow. have only two a (lection, "hollow horn," and hollow tail." . 't'lle method of diagnosis between the two is simply by exclusion. If th,. cow .s.i ninny, ,,, ihe cause I t f,,,,,, ,,,, sue is suit noiiow horn, f she ine cans.. 1 it,,t f, she is sull'el-ilig fro "' " as 11 1 111- disease was ... ii.-opwoii , me diagnostician ("1 cither ' hollow horn" or ' hollow tail " I he popular trcntincut of these popu lurclisciiscs is simple, but radical. If your cow is siiircring win, hollow horn, cut off the horns, she will ev-cr have hollow horn " again. If she at the mercy of her would-be helpers' is said to have "hollow tall." the,, it , that one more cow is doomed to be a b,.b.t,i" without the means to defend herself against the flies ami insects that pester in the spring und fall- lol- ow horn." oil with the horns! -II,,. low tail." ff with the tuii ! The diair uosib is simple; the treatment secures ,,. 1 V 1 " 1111 " ennuce of recurrc c cue two cases lu lllustrati. snow me incorrectness of these mon notions. Case 1, October nth, isii;i, Patient - ..... ..Kv- uunnown. Appearonee un- thrifty dry staring coat, pulse small, quick Breathing accelerated, tempera ture elevated. Had been running i oak grove several days eating large quantities .of acorns. Man i chaix-e was unable to decide whether she was ........ in nun, -noiiovv Horn or "h,,l . .. ... it was plainly a case of -...... iu. a,,u a purgative dose was ad- .ooovvcu oyiugestive tonics. 1 ne patient made quick recovery. ase ', April, ism. 'aticn't Jersey cow, age not known. Mad been treated for "hollow lair some tune before by a friend ('.'1 of the owner. (Icneral unthrifty appearance, -. mi'voms. j-111 on tomes vomica mid iroui is doiiiL- well I hat 11 impossible for the tail of a cow-to suiter from many diseases that Icsh and bone ' is heir to" (caries of the bone, inlliiniinatiou of tlic soft tissues. slim oiseascs 01 many 1c 1 in Is,. ,i me nairan.l lolliclcs) vv in i,e away iroin a p,K. ,UlmU L","1'' ''V defence shehas against a troublesome inset world lorn fancied cause that has no existence in reality Is certainly unjust, if not barbarous ' ' - I'" ine norns, it is probably u.oig io laue liicin oil. if pr Many dairy men have their dchoriicil. as thev clitim .... of clomestieatioii 'have 110 u. linn e o 1 ..f....... . I.... I . , ,,. . , ..o, ns ouiy cause trouble by wounding udders and other ao't Ii.-,. 11. ., P. S. Stainbac (J. T. (biocli old sland) WELEOIM. IT. C. lU-.'ih r in General U KKTISKM KNTf. THK NKW VOl.'K- Racket Store. WKI.1M)X, N. C. 1 ci:nt autk u:s. Ac ,) ii1 re.... .., I .'..II !:.. . ..... ,. 1 "K. Hats, Caps, Cincerics, T . 1 'Kins. Sllllll, 111 ill 1 1 1 v'""' ; buggies, wagons, l;lW( t-.lr,. ... inline anil lluluislic Si cliiuc.x. M mi -Nic mux eases oF ' readily iidmit: a good opcrly done, entire herd s in state d for this a7 .icgici Sllllll Hay State rlliaea for 1 'lies, McniuidChiblr,.,,. Time celebrated noes arc always reliable ami I guarante every pair TO r.IVE KNTII.'K KATIH- I.' V,"CI,.vr ..... . ..S.11W... 1 invite inspection of mv , iccnng assured 1 can nleiise laith in Xotiuublcb, show goods. SbH-k before lluv ing. Look at our to see for the 101 inchc it Noses; Eves. Ears, Chins, Mollis, Elc. The 1 lie snuli M11.-C is icculi.ir to liussians, !s.iiiiiiaiix, Tarlars ami Africans. A mouth exactly twice as troail as tlic eye shows dullness of aoi.r. Ii..,,.l.,n 11 "arts on Hie chin cr neck indicate FII.:Vovil'v . L' Thvm.k. ...1 were freiiuciit csi.n,.in.. .i'.V..L., ,K" . by l'aris a-reen. but thl. ,..C . "" tcr part of the m ,,i. V"'"r "" mve. ati"uine pcrsuti; j i .. . . in u.,. 1 , - -.- ".. ...is iicran .; " j crop is to be utilized ".."',,- , pp,rsiy. Thunder -,i ...Vi " ''v,'rv '.v '-xcvpt .th. -Jd. a.kl. and -J4th. Hail iH'curr.'.l mi. .1Mb and mi,. l.er.l :, ''I ' solar halos 1 1th and Wth. Twieobservl 1.... .... aurora early morning of as forage. As soon an full grown the worms will enter the ground ami L - E ""rmant pupa state wincn inev will rema n ,...,11 1. Fields in which the worms have worked tins fall should be deeply plowed and rolled heavily or stumped as soon as the worms aro gone. This will bury the f" " "eepjy tney will not reach the -u. mce in spring, j ail crops mav be sown as soon as the worms begin m' dis appear, lierald McCarthy, Eutomolo- .. laroiina Experiment Su- era rer 30th. CHmam t'lovar In lam. A orop of seed H1.91 acr arre.l It is worth while to spread the fact 1, J" , r "lal ''lover can and will bring dollars to him if he will but K",w o. TI.I. . ....vi.iuBuirii nno i-rnw, inf.i turityand dies between August and the ....... ,.. cue. 11 win startamong corn cotton, or other eroos and nee, 1 n, terferc with the crop for the latter part of tha Unmn In 14 r ,.. is sown. When the summer crop is gone, crimson clover takes the soil and provided it is not Urn poor, covers it with verdure and increases its fertility while preventing . -.. un which ireiiuciit- ly occur, without its presence. It only 101 is me ground lor a short time in " .. -s."sv omer crops, n grazed no delay need be experienced in plowinr for early crops but we woi.bl i. .1, other ground first, as the later this is Uiiesllnni anil Krnllra. Mie station will be n-l.,,1 .... usefulness by answering, as far po? sible. oiiestions on nri....l...i sent he ..n I- V .r..L V." . .... . in 1 aroiuia vhi may desire to ask for information. ..d- ... ,,sv s to me ".North Caro- K.Ti.,f v i- o ,-.xP'rinient .station, Kaleigh. . ( . Ken es win i . ' as early as possible by the n,c,l.r of the station staff most competent to do will ulso appear id these c. '' ty K"ii"rrnaBft Can lie I-rnnad. nihnktened bf your fnrraer kindness iJ'" .""" ''"""stlon iiiuctTiiini, Ihereuansliandoand vineyard near au.ouw imn.ireu scupiicroearf -"ii s.oims Quuim uil lliesa vines have la most inslaaeoa iu 010 aecuyoa trellises anil he In .I- .1. 1 i- ....j i.ninc.i peculiarity ot counte nance iuJicale.i sotne peetiliaiitv uf mini A .rijeclitig neso ami moulli slim sen couiidence, independence anil rash ncss. fu ii 11 J i Old twi Jiiiu'n. f.ill.11 f. s . : .icb fl ii.k'ris- Dn-V t.i uttnla i,a ..u.ti.. 1 as malum Is. ot course, al.sorbed bv UU LlrJ?" ""t-the. Old Vinos nurliii. i,iv r J : , pramui; and ma- iiri.s.s ..r iirurt 10 advaauuie u. vy. s. witoiia IAllsvv,rcil h w a .. . N.;r,.,,aroi,aEir,a;r,rMa,vurru'luru'- me notion still preva ent that lb. "-"I'm 1 in 11 1 it LrrHnn nint mi 1 1... -..a j left the more good it will do stock and fulia L'las's wilJ. ""' "Jure any pruning, "' ,nu lnc Uetler " wl he for the 1 7 ' ' ,r' 1 ou ma Pru"f and get the ... i- " "P "n 1 horizontal ....... vvunoui much n.sn, mt it -u , found that the br..,.l...u 1 . , - - ......,0 u,r rooie.l I "wi !' ' i''?!""1 "' '""ctions. and it will probably nav bell.., ... ...1. ... .......K .i iuiiK Mi.H.ta with masses of roots and detach then: as independent .. '1.1 i'"'"""K. miner man bother ...... ine 010 stems. In such a .. ....c n .-on oescr ... ...... .... n ..... Thiol I 1...1-. . . , ie-uiaiiy arched, ovn 1.. , ... . J urons always indicnie ..,! . ....... - " " juujjvuieut. TI .. K.... .... "oris always show cuncav iv 1. . .. . . . uenvcen t ie nose nm 1 1,. r.,r.,l,.,.,.i No-.es wliicli w, inkle ea.ilv oro ......u j .,VPJI men el good naltircl disposiiioD ery small, thin ears are usually nnsn. fisuu with -real dc icacv an.l r,.fi...... II- I 1 '"r" " buneii always indicate gtcat lurce of character in some ,lireoii I'ullncss of ihe tcniplis is sut.nosed m snow POWiT.so mni uMnntifml vuiimmiuu, urst iiiiiireasiuDH in die study of ouotcnatKcs arc always tl,e IU0, ri:,. tic. Rrcater greater followinircroD. 1 , . . V. "a1 ny the last-f April "in see 11 narTBsTmi ml ikn , deed, it may well be questioned if It' would not be better, for a cotton crop, to IU tnil LTOVHr Mr lltaar .. cut at the time when cotton has usually hardly atarted In sickly yellow growth and then turn th. 1....1 .. " . plant the citton. The r.M,ts and stull ,,,ln,lrt,'' ' "trong young plants. bte Will hnva n..,ll,..uu.l .u.. .0 .1 more rapid growth and if1 it is not I ul e " 7-. "ffi '"navo", Ji H " S "" " Kver, House. J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay t., Sharpa burg 1 a , Rnys ho will not bo will L The Roman nose shows die character; the (ireclt iiohu die taste. Half shut eyes livv "real nalitrul slircwilnew, Ingeiher v.ith a lack of sio- eerily. A man whose Icniplcs are full in die lower part is apt lo lie a great lover of csling. A long, (hick chin is ciiniinooly found WOODEN AND METALLIC COFFINS AND CASKETS I'clcr V. Squire, of Northampton conn yami iiarvey I,, llines, of Halifax cotm ty are with ineand will be pleased and serve their many friends. -I'l i.i.iiihingiuy mends fr their libera pairnuage 111 the past and Soliciting a con- iiiiiiaiiccot the same, I am yours to com in. mil, P. N. STAINBACK. How To Invest Small Amounts. ' m" I" ''' that puzzle more than I ', ' I' ,' """"" Irlion ol his salary. Ihe billowing lettcrgives the result of an mvestnicnt in a Tontine l'olicy of the Equitable Life. I'.Nto.v, S. C, Dec. 2(1, ISM. W. .1. ltoddcy, Ksq., Agcnl. Hear Sir: Your invor enclosing check f the Kipntablcl.ile Assurance Society in settlement of my policy, No. i!,:ililcanie duly to hand. The settlement isa liberal one, exceeding uiy expectations, and I am pleased with it. Yours truly, Wim.iam Mixiio. There is no form of investment to-day hat oilers such alLsoltile Kecurity and such liberal div ideials as the motier turn, f lib '" , , " " mailer on winch every lliill Nhim 1 . imi 1 11.- . . . J , i""-.v... vvesenti you nn- tircsand particulars without cliaree W. J. liOllIiKY, Manager, Department of the taroliniw, A-1- Staixiiack, Agcut, Weldon, N. 0. omit books, t'ai'iiciitcr's neiu-ils. yard lace, liux ol tacks, Paper pins, ringer ring, a lead pem-ils, Ikix blacking, Hall sewiug cotton, pafH-r umllcs, yard riblxm, 3 pup, rs hair pins, card hooks and eyes, 2 pen holders. a CKXT AKTICI.llS. l'mkagc cuvcloi'3, Money l'urse, dozen brass head tacks, dozen pant buttons, srki1 good cotton, cake toilctsoap, ipiire writing paper, Hanjo, (iuitar and Violin strings, iM'KXT AKTK LKS. Y.ud garter web. M l rice buttons, g.Knl machine collou, ilocn dress buttons, big Inn blacking, package good envelopes, bot tle ink, handkerchiefs, bull knitting cotton tin plates, best lead pencils, tiles, combs, 5 knitting nccllcs. 4 CKXT AICTIU.KK. Tin cii)i, yard calico, yard guild luce, tin funnel, fuijM-r brass pius, gmid cotnb, large slate, (I sjiootis. rtii:XT AKTKXKS. tlciils' and ladies hose, mouse Imps, Mark handle dipper, slave shovel, pocket kiiile, ipiirc best paper, I hook hat rack, lamp burner, lin. 11 coll.us, liueu handker chiefs, -j;, cent cull' buttons, hair oil mid cologne, large wash bowl, padlm k ami 2 keys, 2 cakes soap, Swiin-iluwii lin e pow der, pair suspenders, hasp and staple, yard wide cloth, box writing uiier. 11. C. Sl'IKIi.S, Manager. Augustus Wright -WHOLESALE- Boots,Slioos,Trunks AND LEATHER, 10 Sycamore St., PETERSBURG, VA. All orders receive prompt personal atten tion. 10 19 1v ET. CLARK. ATTORNEY-AT-LAWi AND Real Mate ipt WELD0N. N. C THE WAGE ARNER so fax advanced when l-.ll. i.., . . . F..I .M.. . 1 . . "K' 11. A '"u nuguni, it nuiy be as W.U for the otod. At any rate i, .ru can 1 planted after crimson clover has r , , , or seed, and will rind . , .,.-.i-iopineni after such a crop. .sow .. te lime to purchase seed and . - tnis valuable crop, f eed is cheaper than for years In-fore. e would advise those who start to o ineir own see,l. 1 show some of the possibilities t il. crop, . statement is appended of the croD im.w., . k Lr: .... . .. , ' v'.c cAuernncnt sta- tionfarm in 1H04. This is only what any farmer may equal or exceed, but it shows a profitable use of land for the winter months. Of four acres in clover ii? . ""rJU 1" g-uod order while ere siorm-ocaten when rine, a no yiem of seed in hulls on the unhurt a.....u ,,,, pounds per acre, " 11 a C01 Pr pbund. a total of nArtlX-Ti , . j "n 1116 t"rm-licaten portion the yield was 581 pounds per .1 , ,. 1 ms uera iea just aa though It were prime hay. and teams have worked a. usual on It with usual cmP the Und Is now better because clover has been grown uiere. After the clover was cut off. the i'S oU. Hhough elwwhere H waa rather too dry to plow. The soil was darker colored UmnV-foreand har rowed cssUy to tine seed bed. We ...V bulletin, vou may h.v0 on ,er,lh",'"r,i''i ion much Menslw.ia Iln. one y,,J . ,Zli Hon on the follnwliui ooluls S '!! ",a -,fkr " MmV "L Grippe," Zb - a ui vuuauai ii, v....l .1 n 1 1 .." . . . . r irVw.wI3Vvtmi!laA,,!f" ar'". 0,.,";, refficiii';9 '""1 veral phy nu nluut niaeea near each vin. X .Z.. "-'iau Uad done her nn l.on.1 H,J., ..l,m,.l,.l... :' .''-. n...L.. r. . " O"-"-' wii,. 7 ;.. . " -"'' i"rnii- withR..M.hn, ,...,..,..u1y ? wann bones more frnnil thn r..,,1.- . , WiluiiiiKtoa, North AtlNWfT-fWi htr II I ... Carolina E.perlment slullon j ""'"" iwne meal is a very valuable fertili ser for Branca, as w..ll . . l-.n,,,. ............11 ""'er iruin. irnniio i Z T Xj l"lre it and can be h:h.7r,i IT -I' applicatbn. 1 he phosnhoric ac . n...... .T 1 . .. tcrial m.t .utilised by the roots there is some nilroo-ei,.,,,. ..!. .'. Icrl .ls.,,esn.,eially-inf;eshXm',tPurd ''.?? P.er. Z ZheJ"l of turne henee some of the Vao. iT.'S" 5!? same action res nil. , f to i .u. u"urJ? left n- nuyuuog no nas ever use,, ior lAtng Troubles. Nothing like it. Jreo trial bottle nt W M . uruj-siore. iiargo bottles 50c. and SI (111 H P. N. STAINBACK, - IIEAI.KII IN CO OK IX (1 A HEA TING ST0 VKS Matiulartureil by RICHMOND STOVE CO. We imiie imrlicular atlrnlion to Ihe mipiovrd NKW LI'.Eaud NEW 1'ATHON, i m y are uic iiesi made, Call on or address all orders to V.N. HTAINIIAC'K, Wcldnn, N. U Without dnnbt Ilia n..A.f i.,bi;,.;nM. . . . - v, i.iuiuiiu mm .iu aoso nitely safe means ol investing his savings Riiiiraniee mat tliosis .Irpenilitig on 1 earnings will lie amply provided lor his demise r.l... 11. -r ..!:.. of the 1 ' Equitable Life he is also provided with a safe-gmnl against misfortune besides receiving a much larger amount of iiisiinnce for the same amount of premiums paid in. It is better than the savings hank, better than the building association, better than gov- """ oouos. jsetier lor the wage earn er, or for anyone than any other method ever originated. For facts and figures, ad dress W. J. JiODDY, Manager, r or the Carolinas. Hock Hill, B. C. A L. Stainback, Agent, Weldon, N. C. TILLEItY'S Special Notice- SOSai When Baby wu wo gave h.r Castorts. he he u a Child, ah. crtod for Caatorla. When d,. bm, M, clmg to f, ah.haildrea,ah,v.thmcruv w oieacn in the sun. It would nav 1 to "octora say tha v. i '.e e. " ne. 8 . bHon" healthy," said tl.o voun. vine KB". -.b.tdo,hiokof ar "I llnd mots Of the o-rona ...,, L.1J..L . ... . . ... that kissioz is un. man to bis girl; i 9" 11T nnd roots ,ac gra7enT,vi I h,d in LZT ' I " HIS. Mth st., and 1 A 2 Christian's Lane, RICHMOND, VA. Flour a Specialty. Proprietors following brands: REX FANCY PATENT, DIADEM FDflF HILL, KENWOOD, klVEll KD0E n n ' v. u ujiuiuE EXTRA. Manufacturers and sole proprietors of HEX BAKING POWDElt. oct 19 ly All Hummer Moods trill now he sold at IIREATLY REDUCE) I'HICES. Urge liawnvl SAMPLE GOODS just opened at wholesale cost. Handsome Dress Patterns. to the pattern And no two alike. CENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Notions and fanry goods for the ladies. CLOTHINC for men and bnvs. HOES of every description for every i-ricos on all goods toenit the limes, 1 am always glad to ahnw nH. ..j guarastce Ivrwest prices, rV. B. TILLERT, Welilw, N, C. NEW ADVKKrii'KMK.STS. BHBT ft PI EECE -WHOLESALE and UETAIL HEALEKS IN- I Li HAILKQAl) SCIIKIH'ijfa " S fl I SEAB0ARrj W Ml Li AIR line Aliululcly the Slmritsi a, . Hume Wuutli. ny uJr. m to Atlanta, SdlKDri.EINTIIMTHx,,,, AnirsT lath, lHiu. NOUTIIIIOUNI). I as Lv Wchlon, ' .w' Ar Iloykins, 4 jjjj Ar Franklin, 4 40 Ar Huffolli, 514 Ar Portsmouth, ft ;,u Ar Norfolk, d.n:, Ai Old PtComfort.stcamer 7.IHI Hdl'THIlOUNI). Tir I ll.filam. p m. :- 47 p.m. 3.211p.m. f.4 p. 111, . p.m. 1 U p.m. Mil p m. II. 4 "1 p.m. New Goods for Spring 8; Sumir. P V E R Y department brimful and running - over. We - carry - the largest stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and GROCERIES of any house in Hali fax County. Our immense store is FULL of BARGAINS for all. We keep every article needed on the farm or in the house. Visitors to Weldon should visit our store and inspect our stock be fore buying elsewhere. UIMD D ifll GARWOOD'S KXTKACT, NACh'S TRIPLE, VI0LKT WATKR, WOODWORTU's FLORIDA WA TER, AND SAC1IKT l'OWDKR. New Line of STATIONERY Just Received 150 Linen writing Tablets, which I'll sell at a small MtOFIT. W a 'a o H Oi o w w oi Oh t X ACCURACY a PURITY! s b p 09 Le Weldon, Ar llciidcrHon, Ar Urn ham, Ar lialrich, A r Sunt li. rn Tines Ar Hamlet, Ar Charleston via Hamlet, Ar Wiulolioro, Ar Mnnroe, Art'liarlolle, Lv Monroe, N. C. ArCWr.S.C. Ar Clinton, H. C. I5.m .',' Ar Orecnvrood, H. C. 1" 4s ' Ar Ahhcville.H. C. I lan m Ar Lllierlon, (In. o nl '' ' Ar Athens, I ia. 3.'l Ar Atlanta, Union depot, 4 nu p B Ar Mania, (la. via Athcus, No. III.') Vestihnlo Limited Train. No extra faro Weldon to Atlanta, rullnuu, .Sleepers Weldon to Atlanta and Macon (ia. Connects directly at Atlanta with V, and A. U. Ii. for Chattanooga, Nashville and all points west. Connects with A. .t W. 1". K, Ii. lor Mobile, Montgomery New Oilcans ami all points Honthwest. ' Fur tickets and hacgane checks to all points Houih and .Southwest, sleeping ear reservation and general information cnllon T. I'. ANIIKIfSON, Agent, Wehlon, N. C .III1IN II. WlNDKIi, (len'l Manager '' J" A N I KliKtT, On'l Tassenger Ag t. W. 4W.R. R. BRANCHES AND FLOItKNCK RAILROAD. Condensed Hcliedule. TRAINS (I0INU BOUTH. DA'I'KII July sill 1WI. 1 3 V. V. tr, I' M. I' M. I' M. Iave Weldon, 11 f 9 J7 Ar Rwky Mount I In 111 Ar TartK.m '2 41) Leave Tarboro, 12 I.', I.v Reeky Mount, 1 14 10 0 .. umni, s c 11 111 i.v WIDTH, Lv Fiiyrttevllle, Arrive Klurcnce, Lv WIIhoii, Lv (inLlHUiro, Lv MiiKlii'lia, Ar WilialliKU.il, H M 1 :r. li M 1 !.'. 11 iv N... 47 I IS a a. 4 in s 60 0 00 r. m. A.M. 6 li 7 SO K ill 10 HO TRAINS) UOINU NORTH. Lv Flnrcnce. Lv Inyi tti'vlllc, Leave Scliuii, Ar. WilHun, A.M. A.I III Si li W I Ou Lv Wilmington, u 01 I.v MHKiiulia 111 411 Lv llnl.lslKjro, II ri Ar VYllxua, is ill Nu. 7S Lv Wilson, 1 111 Ar Rocky Mount, S la ArTarlMiro, s 411 Lv ThfIkim, s Si Lv R.h ky Mount, s la Ar Weldon. 8 Hi 1'. M. P. M I'M. 7 Si II nu ; 00 k mi i (11 10 IT 11 S7 IU III 1-! 05 11 15 1J on P.M. II Oi II 5s A.M. P.M. Sutg Brand 1'reparoJ l'aitits. Pure HTiite Lead St Linseed oil. I'll sell paints at very small margin. A Largo Stock of LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEED, Tim PLACE TO GET " -OqUGS h f.lEDICIfJES - AT THE LOWEST PEICES, IS jT DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHIKGTON AVE. OPPOSITE R. B. SHED. WELDON. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FBEQUENT ARRIVALS PRKBCRJPT.fON DKPARTlfKlfT TIVL1B WITH THI m BILIOT.D MAWRIAU PEE8CRIPTI0N8 OOUPOTJNDED AT ALL HOURS WITH GREAT CASK. PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, FANCY fAPS, BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Bonembe. that . heart, welcome alwsv, .wait, joust ZOLLICOFFER'S. Dally except Sumlar. Train on Scolland Ne k Branch Ruail leaves el.loi, a l in ,,. m. Hall fa 4 1.1, arrive taS Neckntl,..!,. m.iirecoiville 6 117 p. m. Klii.iou , .1. . m Ki liiniiiut leave. KiiXn 7 la a m UrcciivllleKSS, m. Arrlvliut at HalllK' 11 Jo. a. m. ,el.n imia.m.dallyeic ciatm ndav. ' lraiiiaonWai.hlii.ti.il branch leave Wa'hlna. .'."S,7 ' .' ' T- ".rriv''' rmele S10 a. m" Tarboro J Mfcrctunilnij leave. Tartar,, 4 Htp.m ti'mel!, 6 10 , .1.1.. arrive. Wa.hlniitou 7 sin m. 'fi' ! Sunday a on p. m arrive Wllliam.ton N d.' 7 J Keonalualcave .e R' 6"' !! S,.,."'! Wlnln,,ton?N u' n i'sro 0 T"rll0ru l5a. m. SSiVa n1i-.1T::i'!.s""'i";,';,0S',?'' Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rock? spri,,, 11, im7mZ Kh,nS"ri? a n arRoky Monni 0 oi a. m. dnllveicema.m'a.. 1 nun unijiiu Branch Kli.rein-e R. H Teiite littail asn. in.: arrive lim.l.,.. u ,,r, 5' lurnlnit leave lninl.ar II :i a. ui.. arrive LTiuJ ta a. 111. In.llj- c.,.,,i Himday. ' V Train on rum,.., n......L . ... In,?, no n "''"'"""Kh'sve Clinton arSl a m J.Hi.airt.'KliL"? ..... . .ii "..j. nu mo via Hicnmoua u blH'Jc,''''Vl s"'"ly via Bay Line, alio at Surf Ik """"" ana all point. Norih via J. K. KESI-7 J. F. DIVINE, T. M. EMKKWN; U', rumnte, ft? "UP TLANTIC ( OAST USE. ljRSIWRaJ9ELJ)0N R. H londaiued Schedule. TKAIN8 GOINO SOUTHT Dated July Sth, 1894. No. 23 Daily. NolU.1 Daily. Iave Petersbnr,;, Leave Stony Creek, Iave Jarrntta, Leave Helgeld. Arrive Weldon, o. do, going South, leave. Petersbnic " 7 "4' P' -. rrive at Weldon 8.2U. 10-fjO am 10.115 am 10. fm am 11.11 am 1162 am IP5 n 1.35 a w 2.05 a m 238am TRAINS COINO NORTH. No. 32 I No, T8 j DHy. Dally. 12.6Ua.rn 3.37 a.m. Iave Welilon, m oeiuein, U Jarratts. I.C fltol,y Creek, Arrive l'etersluirg. No. 4(12. flnillff Vnrth lAn Ti,.u ..1 l . " . " "" Tieiuonaai- ly at 4:16, arrive at Petersburg 6.62 a. m. E. T. D. MYERS. T. M curuiinii Oen'l Snperinteudeut. Oca.Passppgif'ag P. m 4 .'nl n. wi 4 60 p. m 6.36 p. m M.COIIEN,SON&CO PETERSBURa, VA. Wholesale DRY GOODS ii ITOTIOlsrS. Manufaclnrersof Shirts, Dmwera andover- " Price iuaruutwd against all North rn markets. Orders receive (uoupt par. onlttentitm. hot Sly.