it I j G()OI RESITS in advertising tell the storj lor AnnA advertisers better than big circulation claims or great promises. ;; . "... v,i i A Good Newspaper A Good Article A Good Ail.- THIS COMBINATION IS PKETTY KUKE TO WIN. THIS IS THE BEST MEDIUM, JOHN" W. SLEDGE, puopriktor. VOL XXV. A. USTEWSFA-IPEI?, H? O IR, THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1S94. TEElvS:-1-50 PKR ANNUM IN ADVANCE. NO. 36. r SKW A DV EUTISKMENT3, UvV".1",k,tf , . A(!vfri1tv has ubu tweet. And IhU one I do dcolaro, H you've a bald head, soft and neat, Your wife oan never pull your hair." 33 TJ T She cm make you happy by advisiug jou to loud all your orders for printiog to EXCELSIOR PRINTING COMPANY. WELDON, N. C. w w W tetter Heads, F.n.Wet Headii, Hill Heads, Knvelepes, Statements, Hand Hills, Programmes, Tickets, Etc., Ktc. Etc. THE 1W0 PRODIGALS. The lollowiog poem win written by Cecil P. Pool, t gifted young North Curuliniin, now residing in Lynchburg, Va. It appeared in some of the Virginia papers, and was highly complimented : When the rosea of summer were budding and tihinmini And ripening wheat bent 'ncath its burden of gold, Came a prodigal son, world weary and tattered, To the place where his footsteps had echoed of old. TI,o Muncr tn his earinents with tears and caresses, Till the cup of his welcome with joy was o'er run Aud the flowers of lova and forgiveness wero woven In blossoming ciown for the Prodigal Son. When icicles hung from the bare, fruzen branches, And winter winds moaned round the dwellings of men Forsaken and homeless a prodigal daugh tcr Creeps back to the home of her child hood again. But they drove her away in the storm aud the daikness And the icy cold winds, with their chill piercing breath, While the pitiless curses that followed her footstep! Were keen as tho tempest, and cruel as duatb. i!4 lis- H?" Write for samples and prices. E. L. HAVWAUU, PltOlMllKTOB. A f tE SOUTfJEflHr PROFE350RALB ON 1895. II IS AXXOUXCEMEXT OF THE CRITICAL DAYS FOR- THE COMIXG YEAH. PETERSBURG, VA. hl.KCTRIC LIGHTS. ELECTRIC BELL? ACCOMMODATION .UK). r svnnr.RARS. rronrictor, late ol Butler, !' The only first class hotel in tliocity. Commercial rates, i. to 2 5u per day. ERDVE5 TASTELESS 0 1H H La Baa TDNIC UJUSTASCOOO FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50cts. Giutu. Iua. Hot. 16, Has. Psrt,lldtotiisOo., 8t. iiouii. Mo. 3BOVBS TA8THLESH CHILL TONIC sud hlM airajhl turn nu ltlT thl 7r. In ll or of It T". 10 druf 6"rillt!; LNr.u ,rri!fiHMrtiHVu mS u(itfl" feuoa a foushs 2Mol kC WARRANTED AND FOB SALE BY A. S. HARRISON. ENFIELD, N. C- oct 4 Cm. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. i. liAY.'.'i O. PANIKl., We I C. HAHBftoN Joii.H.C. HUlotoB, . C. WcWon.N.O. DAY, DANIEL IIABHISON, ATTORNEY8.AT.LAW, .i i. nn.i.ia r lri.lirni and Warirn counties, and wherever their ser vices are needed. Oneofthe firm will be in Halifai on tacit Monday. 1 IH-It. Jtws. a. HULLS, wstvsa a. iSisL IfOLLIM s f)AMIL, ' ATfOBNfiyS AT LAW,, N, 0. l.4otislU.iirttorHliiandHoFUt tin ud In tlnHuureroe slid Fodnrsl eonns. l lertloniintde tn sllparuof North Carolina. roch offlci u Hallbs, N. C.,opM sverj Hob, 1" 'T JJK. T. T. U089, if T J B D , Waldoo, M. 0. IOOoe over imij & fieroa'aKtrf. tu-19-ly. T. W. HARRIS, D. D. S, LlTTI lTON. N. C. TeaQ) Bitraoted without fiaif. 4-30-6a. ' Professor lludulf Palb o( Licpzic, the discoverer of the " critical days," in giving their number, older anu dales for I ho coming year in the columns of The Deutsche Kaiser Kah ndar for 181)5, stales that observations begun in 1863 conviuccd him that the influence of the attraction of the inoou and sun upon the waters of the aeaa had a similar effect upon the ocean of the earth's almost phere us well as upoo the liquid and volatile masses coutaincd iu the interior of our globe. Ho discovered that great atmospheric disturbances, shocks of earihiuako and iiplosious in mines were surprisingly nficu colucidi-nt wmi the days upon which the mst extensive tides ami oilier oceauio toininoliona were caused by the influence of either moon or sun, or both. These periods Prof eisor Falb distinuuUbed by the nome of " ciiiical days," because they mark on .!, the one side pnodeal " iu.rn.i02 poims in tho .iuililirium ot the ncptuuio, plu tonic and atmipheric masses above lueiiliuni'd, and ou llie other side afford the measure and means for couipuling the degree aud effect of lunar aud solar forces upon our planet. The individual oonstellationa affecting each for itfelf an increase of these forces are: First, the perigee that is, the time when moon aud earth are nearest to one anether; sec.nd, the moon's equatorial position; third, (he perihelion, when oui globe is nearest the auu ; fourth, lb. mn'a ciiuatorial pjsiiiou ; fifth, thesji. gies, or new moon and tun moon , sum the lunar or solar eclipses, The coining year will be especialy notable for the fact ot its three nio" critical days being acenmpauied b :0ins. In mentioning the dates i. their different orders auu graues ui m dividual effectiveness Professor Falb Ukea care to etale that the remit of the strongest ittraotiona often precede their -.iiil J.vs." as theoretically computed, ' . . ., ..v.. .n L -n. nr Ion davs. WMie tnoso oi mm import may be from two to three d.ya later than periodically flied. Th. latter .. .1 be the caae at the lime ot critical daya of the first order whenever long continuing and extensive amo. phcris r"ure at eaitera Itlndi tra vailed previous tQ tbcae datei. The fol lowing are the "'critical days" for 18S5 : Of the 8rat order, Hept. (ts, marcu u, Aug.80,F.b. , Oct. 18, April 9, July 22 d Jan. 11. Of the second order; May 9, Nov. 16, March 26, April 25, Deo. 31, Oct. 14, Fob. 24, June 22, Bept. 4, and Not. 2. nr A. order. MaT 24, Deo. 2, VI m ...- . - - Dee,ia, .Jun. 7, Aug. 5, ?n Jylj .-.tmittmowuq. M, Irm P. Wetmore, a prominent .....l seent of San Angelo, lexas hu need Chamberlain'l Colio, Cholera ..a ni.hms KemedT m hu lamily lor everalyoanaa oooaalon required, and tlwaya with perled auco . . -j-"I find it perfoot ,u (ot "' UhJ when troubled wilb eol'o dysentery. v r1 l,.t mv outht u lot oompieie Ii HOW ic without i bottle of this Remedy ,( 06 ...v from noma. vr sai by J. N. Brown, Halifax, and Dr. A. B. I Hirriaoo, tlaSeW, aruggists. BEWARE OF PNEUMONIA. HEALTH COMMISSIOXEIt ED SOX OEXEW YORK TELLS HOW TO WARD IT OFF. Although more or less prevalent throuehout the year, pneumonia is pecu liarly dangerous during the opening months of winter. With the first fiosls a very narked increase takes place in the uumber of cases, and during this cold, damp weather extra precautions should be taken. Pneuraouia is proba bly produced by an earth microbe, and when frost prevails the soil beneath the bouse is the only ground which is not frozeD. Tho germ gradually works lo ward the warm, moist earth, and the house really nets as a sort of fine, which forms a ready mode of egress for them. The proper ventilation of rooms is there fore an important factor in guarding a"ainst pneumonia, oue, howver, which is often overlooked. Lack of personal hygiene is the chief predisposing cause of the disease. Ir regular hours, insufficient nourishment, dvsnensia. excessive faliuue or some Uis- ease which has lowered the general tone of the system all weaken the power of resisting tho pneumonia germ. When the system is run down, a sudden ex posure to cold may prove fatal, while in a normal condition of body it would DC thrown off. There are three periods during which the sasceptibility to pneumonia is great est. They arc early childhood tbat is, up to 7 years of age, between the agss of 20 and 40 and after 60. The power ot resistance ajjainst pneumonia grows much feebler after 60 years of age, and nine tenths of the cases prove fatal. Cold, damp weather is favorable to the contraction of "cold" and the subsequent development of pucumonia, and still ex ists to some extent in a modilied torin. This is the disease with which pne imo uia most readily, but it is found iu com bination with diphtheria, typhoid fever, measles, scarlet fever and many others. When a severe or sudden chill has been contracted, the main thing is to act quickly, and many a serious illness can ho averted and valuable life saved by a itile intelligence coupled with prompli tude. If rstfsible, send for a doctor im mediately and take ten grains of quinine and five drops of spirits of camphor in a little water or ou a lump of sugar. These . I. loan ara fur nn uliilt. Then soak the feet in hot water and jump into bed. Siuinle as ihese remcdios are, they have nipped in the bud many prospective cases of iineumoola. While soaking the feet the body sliou.d be warmly wrapped in a blanket, which .i,..,,u I, irai.i ,, until some lime after the person has entered the bed in order ,l,..i IV-.. lir.iiiin bo continued and not cheokud. A L'nod thinn to prevent "colds" is lo w,r wool neit the skin. When this is n.l.. i.f rim irritation 001 UUSSIUic uu . - - . .p I --.I ni. r... ttnur nf vnuthful 10V ! sometimes caused, a mixture oi woo. uu , .. V , , :,,. .ill ..,,n. h. found satisfactory. . "I '."?ut 6tU W"? ' ' , .. ' I'd rather lauth, a Migm-naireu ooy form for uuderwear, as it (a frequently LAMAR AUD COELING. A BITTER QUARREL TUAT MAXY THOUGHT WOVLU EXD1XA TRAGEDY. HON. AUGUSTUS O. BACON, OP GEORGIA. Nominated tor United States Senator (or the Inns term y the Democratic leul.jatlve ca. eus. Mai. llnecin was burn In llrvau cciimty. Ua.. I let. SO. 1KW; iiruiiuaie.i ir.nn wio Ot" eors aln lBM: .erved In tho funtedoraw nrmv truni May. l-l. In Ism. adjutant ol the Ninth !eorl reslment; was I'lccled nvenldeullul elwlor In iws; wua Muker ol thn Ooorala $w e il 5r!sE..(lv. Irom 1ST0 to ISS2. will, the eieeptu.,, ol two terms; was a can. Id. u lor iovernor In 18S3. hut lalled to net tho nomination. Ills cuiniulun for the Uul i d Slate. Sjonule ietM early In Juty and was vigorouilr pushed until the cuueu. hud vutod In am lavor. kg New Orleans I'icnyuue. Tho late Judge L. Q. C. Lamar pos .,.. ,1 . ramnrlcnlilit neculiaritv. I'n- DUMCU m i-."" i . usual excitement seemed to act upon liia nerves like an opiate and put him to sleep. This was strongly exemplified fter his remarkable verbal encounter with the great New Yorker, Mr. Conk- linff. Mr Lamar, after scarifying conn lint' for life and leaving him with burn ing, yet deferential resentment, closed as follows: "I apologize to the Senate for this swminJv unparliamentary language. nn tin. New Yorker and "llunn throwing his index finger full in hi face) language that no good man, iWrvea. and no brave man will wear. Immediately Mr. Lamar walked to ihp cloak room on llie Democratic siu lay down on a sofa and in three minutes was sleeping as calmly as a babe. There was treat excitement. It was belicveu Mr Conkling would not submit to the lanmiar-e applied to him, and that proba bly would not challenge Lamar, being nn athlete he would meet him ou the streets nnd assault him. ti... Knnotnr 7h Vance, a Her- ules in stature, who was devoted to Mr Lamar, without tho knowledge of that gentleman or of any other human being, shadowed Mr. Lamar l'or some days, exnlainin" afterward that if Conkling ever struck Lamar be intended to beat him to death. Mr Vance, however did not know what those intimately acquainted with Mr. Lamar knew. In all proDa bility, Mr. Lamar could have whipped them both. He prided himself upon his muscle and has often said to the writer, "I believe I am better tilted for a tic-liter than I am for a Senator." It was apprehended by some that Conk- would challenge Mr. Lamar, conk was known to be an expert with the sword. Mr. Lamar said to miimnii- friend in discussing the matter "If Mr. Conkling had sent roe a cbal i T .l,nl.l have chosen short swords." "Why. Mr. Lnmar," replied his friend 'Coukliog is an expert with the short Did anc is like iuar cane. The frost that withers the leaves makes it all the sweeter Hit dan tck cr politician long ter discover." said Uncle Tom. "dat he kain't make de 'fective kind ob campaign musie by drummin on er empty bar I. "It sutn'v seems," said Uuda Kben dat de Norf Pole am mos' el hah'd ter reach lor a while gem'man ex de 'lection poll wus fob me, oncst pon er time. 'This is a bard world," said the baloon ist, as he dropped out of the basket and lit in a stone quarry. VttH OVER FIFTY YEARS si.. WliwInVa finnihin" Svrunhasbeen ,,..,,,1 f,,r nv.i, tlliv vrari bv millions of mothers for children, while teething, with pcfect success. It soothes llie ennu, ... r,.,0 il,a m,,a nlhiv all 11310. CUTCS wind colic, and is the best remedy for n n,rh.n, it. wi i' neve me Door ntiio sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists n ..... r.r! nt Mio WOr fl. L,l CCI 13 it botlle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth. er kind ADVKHTISKMKNTS. Skin Eruptions and similar annoyances re caused by an impure blood, which will result in a more dreaded disease. Unless removed, slight impurities will develop into Scrofula, Ecze ma, Salt Rheum and other serious results of Bad Blood If do hard times wero ever known, We couldn't friog a song, Or hbout a hallelujah When tho ood times come along! Of course we've got to have distress. An' no one kin destroy it; It's jest the lack o' liappioeM That makes us all enjoy it ! I have (or some tin been a sutterer from a Bevere 'blood trouble, for which I liiolt many remedies uiai i;t mi oruvl. I ha VP 'now takfii four bottles of withtiH! niosiwinaeriuiresunB Am enjoying tlw best health I r ever kiicw, iiic l ii"" "t ipounasani. my menus 3d lie as well. 1 am frthnit qmie like a new if iiiv' t: h'f tl?l In "'a"'co..nitr.l r,imioi.VW,ii,t'i. 1). C. I Our Treatise n Mood and Skin Diseases imi'V A frt to any address. SWIFT S!!f.CIFIG CO., Atlanta, Ga tPEEDY iua lASTSSa RESULTS. .FAT f fcliKLfci No mconveniencf. bimplc, I sure. abmljii.h ... f,m-inuinv.riniSiit)itanra. tilin. , ,aa iDTSUVkld ft Sttaa prtoe 3,(M) mt buttle. Send 4c. tor treafiie. mfcttONT JHEIJICAL CO., Boaton, Maw VbSUI thin. can ttiyl CAS I OBTAIN Jl PTNT t TOM! II N N A t il.. lio have lind noarlr T rears eiperlenoelnthe patent Duaini-M. ArannaniOM NEW AD VJJKT1SKMKNTS. experience In the paieni. uuaiu.. .V"u,-'l A llundbooka Un. tormatlon concennnii I'atenla and now W 00. tain them aent free. AIM a catalogus Ol mecliail leal and Kientinc books ent free. patents taken tbrouah Munn a: Co. recMva paclal noticetn the rtrlrntilic Anierirnn. and tlua are hrouaht wiilelr hctoretbe public wltb. out cost to the Inventor. This Kijendld Paper. I..ued weeklr. elcoant It UIMtrated baa br tar th laraeat circulatloa of any scientific work In tb world. i a rear, tiample enines aent free. Bnl dlhi Edition, rnontblr. 'i.6U a year. Blnsla copies. a5 centa. fevery number oontalns beau tiful platea. in oolora, and fliotoarupha of new b 'mieS. wltb plana, enabling Wider, to abow tn latpst deslans and secure contra'-t. Addreaa Grand Display -OF- short t POWDER Absolutely Pure. tartar bakin" oowder. Highest of all in leavening strength. tfsf U. S. Guvernmenl rood Keport. 1. T, I IVOYAL tiAKINd l OWDEll tu., 106 Wall St.,N.Y. DOES SHE LIKE IT? Sb talknl o well on wunian'a r'H11" Tbat all the iWIms X raw and WW. And now. nUs. -sbu tin bor aji, ndplleHljwauu loriu lor uuuci .i , 1 i t!ie cause of a dangerous cold Ly beoom Off with the spoils of wrinkled sgo 1 . . .1 a ...... A allk loarnincv'a ftrnwo I THE OLD NUN DREAMS. OLIVIR WMDILL HOLMES. Than reign a gray-beard king I iiigwanna leeping too mapi o''the skin below the normal. Care should be taken that the feet do not get w-i or if ao that prompt measurca are taken to dry them aud a change of hose mad The care taken of the outside of the body must be supplemented by the saiua mre ..f the linidu. A mod, rate diet wholesome food, pleuty uf rest, regular hours, will keep the whole system in good order aud enable it tu throw off the germs nf disease, which cn ooly obtain s foot ing wheu debiliiatiuu aft ids an intrant r . .i.. .1;.., ., .,,! a - ui I'ol soil for i lor mo u,Hi, ri, . , - development (') K !" ' 1. Louia rust Dispatch. For rheumatism I have found uoib in lo Chamberlain's Taiu U.ihu. It re .. ., . .,l J. W leves l ie nam """-" -i i -. r tri... Innlr m aulilthird 1)1.0 V WW Lbertv. W. va. i ne u h" . K uunai iifU affurtl- is alitne worth lruiupt man. time the coat, 50 cenls. lis conttn ued use will effect a porioauent cure. For sale by J. N. Brown, llalilaj, ana vt. A. 8- Harrison, Eufleld, Uruggw. A an with learning's crown I Tear out life's wisdom-written page, And dasb its tropnica aowo : One moment let my life blood stream From boyhoods luUW ' ima Give me one giddy, reeling dream 01 life all love ana tame i My listening angel heard the prayer, And, calmly sn-iung, saw. "If 1 but touch thy ailver'd hair, Thy hasty wish ham apeu. 'But is there nothing i thy 'tk T hi.l ihnn londlv IliT. While the swift seasons hurry back . . . a t l I "l"l To Bad llie win a tor uay r "Ah, tiuest soul of womankind I Wiihout thee what w life? One bliss I cannot leave behind I'll take my precious wnc i Any oue who haschildicn will rejtico niib L. B. Mulf'ord. of rlainficld, N. J. His little boy, tivo years of age, waa sick with croup' For two days and nights he Iried various remedies recommended Ik frinmla nml ncit'hbors. He save: "I , 0 thought aure I would lose him. I had seen Chamberlain's Cough Romedy ad vertised and thought I would try it as a lit hnne and am harpy to aav that after two does he slept until morn ing. I gave it to him ueit day and a cure waa effcotcd, I keep this remedy in the house now and as soon as any have nmim I cive it to them and that is the last of it." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by J. N. Brown, Halifax, and Dr. A. S. Harrison, druggists, 'How old are you, Uncle Jim? "Well, suh, I was a young m in when freedom come in, en I ain' gray yet!'' Iolk Miller, tho genial Virginia humor ist, telle a story of giving an old negro i Ua.on on the banio. After I'mk bad "picked" several lively aira the old nan amaied at his deft manipulation oi me einliinied in rapture: "Uood I with you wui a nigger!" I know thai," replied the Senator but I took some lessons with llie sin rt sword myself when I was in Paris the time that I was sent by the Confederacy on a mission lo Husaia, 'Whv. Senator," the friend replied. "vi'U have n,.t had a short sword iu your band in twenty fio years. "1 know thai," coolly replied the Sen t.i I ehmiM have choseu short iwords." Kicciuieu Cases. S. II' Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he wus terrioiy reuueeu .u fl,h and slrenoth. Three bottles of Klectric Bitters cured him. Kdward Shepherd, Harrisburg, III., had a runuing sore on his leg of eight years standing. Used tkree bottles a) Klectric Hitters and seven boxes ol Bucklt n's Arnica Salve and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker Catawba, 0., had five laugo fever sores on his leg i....... h ni incurable. One UOClOia nni bottle of Electric Bitters aud one box ol Bucklen's Arnica Salvo cured mm en tirely. Sold by Wm. Cohen drugist. W.LDOUCLAS S3 SnOt"""""" FRtNCMo. trwicLu-""-"- 4.,J5J'FlNECAlf&lfieAmi 3.5? P0LIUt,3 SOUS. 2.I.7-5Boys'Schooi5hoe3. .1 AD1ES- , SEND t UK tAi huajuc ui.i .noucLAS. BenrHTDN. MASS. y.a can save .wion'T ''J".chal,,, W' U Tiiuui .... t....- ,,,.m aoiQ cvciy- wearmlt. qna"""-, " f, the value given than where at lower )'"- - .ul),,Uute. If yoifr iT."m . vie can. bom dy " w. B. TILLERY, Weldon, N. 0. nov lo 6t. FALL ANDiWINTER MILLPN:ERY. FA NCV (10OUS and NOVELTIES, liutteriik's Patterns. R. & G. CORSETS, Misses nt 50c., Ladies 75c. to $1. Prices will be made to suit the time. Hats and bonnets made and trimmed to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. Chas. M. Walsh," South Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va ESTABLISHED 1829. S. H. Marks Co., PETERSBURG, VA. strl"P, Lawdt A,l in ralubow dew : ' The man would be a boy aitaiu, And be a. hmUud, too I A farmer ain't apt to think about cot ton during bog-killing lime.. And Is there nothing yet unsaid Before the ohange appears r Remember, all their gifia bav fled With those dissolving years i j "Why, yci fo' memory would recall My fond paternal joys; Ioould not bear to leave them all I'll take my girl and boys t ,.t. !. . i...r. tn axil Chamberlain's "U is uii., nemedv." saya Sttckney Uent vuurju ' , , . n.,..hli Ohio. "Because lor, o'uggm., - i customer after once using it, anno.. Th (Bili)(? tngel irovfti his pen . . ti e - l. UAn ...airt in need 1 ..itruM vill n.f.r aln I certain to oan tor n -e, - ---- - uj, "" of aucbi medicine. We sell more ol u The man woivane .ooy than of any other cough medicine w. A"- handle, and i alwayi gives Mliii.ot.OQ. inl Uu ,leaB, Uugbter woke . t 1.1. m-A M-nnn it la with-1 .. . l 11 Lor oougnu, wuiu. v.r, , 'u, nousenoia witu iu uuuo out an equal. For aaU by J. N. Brown, And ,toWmy droam, when morning ' I,f,dbo,1. OhamberlaJa'a y Md SWb Olntmant Is unemialled for fxiema, itniwr, - J , , l,,lpK. t banned ttlieum, rxnm sic".., rr-i ,V Hands, Itchins; lils Hums, rroat lliie, t'liromcSoro Eyes and Granulated LyeLids. t or sale by uruggisis v l' TO HOBSB 0WNBB8. For puttinR a horse in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. Cadv's Condition Ponders. . ' ... .i Inn, rlimMition. cure inev tone up ure n,ov., . . : t loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked home. unt. TW.P nadune. For sale by witcgUU. r-r- , ,, For sale J. IN. mown, name, anu it. A. 8. Harrison, Enfield. When Baby was alck, we ve ber Oaatorla. When aba was a Child, aha orled for Caatorl. When she became Miss, she clung to Oaatorla. When she had ChUdrea, aba it them Oatorta, Splitting raila makes a boy just as strong as a gymnasium and Us a neap more profitable. An oi ain't as atylish as a fast hone in a carriage, but be'a belter in Irout of a plow in the new giound. New Try This. It will cost you notliiug aud will aurl y do you good, if yon have I cough, cold, or any trouble tiiioat, tbo.t or lungs. Dr. King' New Discovery for cousumplion, coughs and colds is guaran teed to givo relict, or money wm uc .,.u back. Sutlerers irom lanrippo iouuu just the thing and under its use had a speedy and penoct recoicr.. ... sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it ta. Trial bottle tree at Wm. Cohen's drug store, large sise one ana 1 1 w IP vnu wait till the chestnuts drop, the fellow who climbs the tree will get them all. . - - llucklen'a Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world fer cuts, bruises, Sores, uloers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, nnrm and all skin eruptions, ana posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It i ruaranlced to wvopoiiect latintaotioo or money refunded. Prion cents per ' box. ror sate ty y m. unu. WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERS AND FHL'ITEUEHS manufacturers or plain and Fancy Candies, Cakes and Crackers. Dealeis In Fine CHEWING TOHACCO nifiAUH A SNUFF. txT Your orders solicited, which will have our personal attention. m ly 1 y.kutcifcack, Lrwt cash prices guaranteed. All work warranted satisfactory. CHARLKS M. WALSH. ootll ly. Hard-Times SSsI Fertilizers. w-T.Mi Wilt Mil vOlwillwn '"l- ouh, .d Frrllll-w-rn lajT OvTtl UrtU tvntl PmiiuU. bV 1 3. AO itliM TiilrauMMi mil KruiU 1 A.Kf tltjo Mrtfit. .! P.-)h. HulUlV.Boipj 137 Sycamore nt., rctewbnrg, Vft. .r..: ...oflsinl .1 W Yoiiim I would be pleiiHttl to ace hit old lrienrfa. UrgCBt tttK'k ot DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JKWKLKY uml Cl'T GLASS in this city. John W. Hawaii, who wus with Young A Uro. ftr 115 years i at the head ..c ,.r tanuiriiiiT lpiiartniPllt. TMA All work KDtt order receive prompt atteution. . NllraM N.aJtV. in stUfl tVlid ,wv -.1 wtnniTM itw vin. V V.K. T fcort.liw MftnulMlnwit, IfnlllMOTO Jld. flUklllitMW SCOTLAND NECK im m worn, Express paid on packages. Send for price list. Address, STKAM DYEING CO., Scotland Neck, N. C. .1. isil Cheap Book Store, Petersburg, Va. Sell the Celebrated Standard Patterns. Fashion KbeeU tree tn all. Handy catalogue 5c. Note paper lire, per pound. Envelopes, 50 for 5 cent. m l 11. in nihluM far Aj Pen points 12 for 5c. 1'ure linen note paper tav. piuuu. 3 packages sqnare envelopes to match 190. SCHOOL BOOKS School Desks, Globes, Charts, Blackboard slating, ate , - Bibles, Hymn Hooks, (lospel Hyiu Blank Hooks, Printing, Hte.

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