THE ROANOKE NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBKR 13, WM. WHERE THE PREACHERS GO. I' UB LIS UK I) KVRR.Y TIIUHSDAY J. W. SLED3E, Editor & Proprietor D. E- STAINBACE, Associato Editor- Entered at J't (Ifur at W'rlJtm u. Secuntl Cl'tM Muttt r. KATKK OK SI'BSCIlll'TION I.N ADVASl'K. Oue Year (by Mail), Postage Paid $1."0 Six Mouths 7". A Weekly Democratic journal devoted to tbe matenul, educational, political and agricultural interests of llahtax aud sur rounding counties. Advertising rates reasonable furnished on application. and COMPTROIXIH Kckei.s says there cud be do permanent prosperity in tins country without currency reform. IT 19 Generally adtnittod that no change in the tariff law will be mail by Congress before the adjournment od March 4th next. "I. IT us have a currency commission exclaims the .Vw York Herald, tine us the currency aud we will ail be satin- fie J down thil way. Tut Republicans defeated Hon. V. Ii. Wilson in West Va., but they didu'i down him. A West Va., father has just Darned a pair of twins after him. Irini House, a Trenton, N. J., wo man who hai hid tiiue husbands, one of whom she iliot and killed, has been ad judged insane. That waa enough to run any woman crazy. Miss Kate Field says it is all a mis iaxe aDout msn and woman being one. But what does Kate know about it? She never was won. She is still single and threatens to so continue. Miss Essie Wist, an actress, bringing an action for damages against the Starr Dental l'arlors in New York lor $20,000, claiming that she is serious ly injured through unskilful dental work Till President says that unlets Con gresaprovides a better plan for preserving the public credit, he will issue bonds for gold us often as it ia necessary. This statement ought to stimulate Congress to agree upon a measure that will obviate all necessity or excuse lor the future issue of bonds. AITOIXTMEXTS OF THE COXFEREXCE. X. C A bill has been introduced in the Legislature of Georgia to prohibit the sale of intoxicaiiug liquors as a beverage. It provides that in any ctuuty where there is not already complete prohibition, or where there shall not be some future time, "a vendor of intoxicating liquors for other than beverage purposes may be appointed upon pelition of tho majority of the freeholders who are qualified voters." There are various guards and penalties. Til E Washington correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch says: The prominent part played by Senators Daniel and Ransom, in the Democratic Senatorial ctucusses this week has caused much comment among national legislators of both parlies. Many of the North Carolinians re;;ret that the greit speech of Senator Ransom could not have been made publicly in stead of behind closed doors io a party caucus. He was very effective in his opposition to applying gag-rules to the Senate, and what he said had much to do with bringing about the final result in the caucus. One of the North Carolina members of the House said: "The people of our State will ever have the highest admira tion and regard for Senator Ransom, sod Democrats down my way will never cease to regret that the rucent landslide will re tire him from tho Senate. The liili praise accorded his remarks before the caucus will greatly please his friends in the State, and you will find that the peo ple of the South generally will applaud General Ransom for insisliug on standing by a aide uf rules which defeated four years ago the Republican force bill." Tm Pains ok Rheumatism Ac cordiog to the best authorities, origiuaic io a morbid condition of the blood. Luc tic acid, caused by the decomposition of the gelatinous sod albuminous tissues, circulates with the blood and attacks the fibrous tissues, particularly id the joiuts, and thus causes the local manifestations of tho disease The back and shoulders, arc the parts usually affected by rheuuia tUui, and the joints at the knees, ankles, hips and wrisis are also s imetimes attack ed Thousands of people have found in Hood's Sarsaparilla a positive and perma nent euro for rlieimiaiiim It has had remarkable success in curing the most severe caws. The secret of its success lies in the fact that it attacks at once the cause of the discaw by nu'rs!izing tho lactio acid and purifying the blood, as strengthening every function of the body. RAI.EUIH district. Presiding Elder K A Yates. Raleigh, Kdcnton st J N Cole. Central Church D 11 Tuttlc. Cily Mioioti and Brooklyn K. II Whiiukcr. supply. Cary ct A Sharpe. Clayton et J M Ashby. Suiiilifield itati..n S I'ool. Piinci'iou ct U A Bruton. Kcoly ct N A Cruyton. l!u eville ct K l Holmes. Youngsvillc ct J T Draper. Franklintou ct N II D Wilson. Louishurg staiion J A tireen. far Kin r ct V B McCall. Granville ct 11 0 Aired. Oxford sta J I! Hurley. Oxford ct G B Perry Editor C. Advocate W L Grlssoui. l.ouisburg Female College J A Green, Prcsideut. DURHAM DISTRICT, l'rcsiding Eldei ,1 A Cunninggim. Durham, Trinity B It Hall. .Mam t , West Eud and North Durham Missiou V B Doub, R W Bailey. Carr church L L Johnson circuit C W Uobiuson, J W Jenkins. Hillsboro et D N Caviness. Chapel Hill sta L S Massey. Leasburg ct R H Broom. Roxboro circuit M II Tuttle. Mt Tirzah ct N E Coletraio. Burlington sta L E Thompson, ct J M Rice. Alamance ct M J Hunt. Miltou ct W at Moore. Yaoceyville et J II Shore. Colporteur T J Gattis. Trinity College J C Kilgo, Pres , Olin Boggess, Prof. FAYETTEVILI.E DISTRICT. Presiding Elder W H Moore. Hay st and Oampbellton Mission R A Willis, T H Sutton. Cumberland ct II W Whilaker. Cokesbury ct D A Futrell. Sampsom ct B B Culbrelh. Lillington ct W K Craven. Buckhorn ct B Ii Holder, I W Avent. Dunn ct C W Cain. Newton Grove ct W A Jenkins. Capo Fear ct W F Galloway. Pittsboro ct W W Rose. Deep lliver ct W J Crowson. Haw River ct II G Stamey. Siler City ct E C Sell. Carthage ct A MeCullcn. Jonesboroct L J Holden. ROCKISOHAM DISTRICT. Presiding Elder ,1 T Gibbs. Rockingham sta J T Lyon. " ct-J M Lowder. Richmond ctT W Guthrie. Mount (iilead et J E Thompson. Pckin ct-J P Pate. I'roipecl ct J W Wallace A-bouryet J li Hinmpsun. Aberdeen et .) 11 I'age. St. John sta W S Davis. L'luringburg F M Shutuberger. Maxti-n A Caledonia M Bradahaw. Maxtun ct C W Smith. Lumberton ct J D liundy. Robeson ct E Pope, R Y Townscnd, sup WlLVUNilTclN DISTRICT. Presiding Elder W S Rone. Wilmington Grace, church V C Nor man. Wilmington, Fifth st W L Cunuinggim VVilminutun. Bladen st J F Butt. " ' Market st M T Plyler. Scott's Hill ct A R Raven. Onslow ct D Reid. " Mission supplied. Magnolia D C Geddic. Kenauville et Supplied. Clinton ct J G Johnson. Bladen ct L M Chafnu. Elizabeth ct G W Starling. Whitevilleand FairUuff W II Town send. Columbus ci T J Browing. Waccamaw et sup by J M Marlow. Brunswick et R F Taylor. Soulhport Oliver Rider. Carver's Creek L S Etheridge. Williauiston and Hamilton, J R Sawyer. Scotland Neck, II N Jackson. Battleboro and Whilakers, G W Fisher. Chaplain C. S. Navy, W E Edmonson. ELIZAIIETH CITY DISTRICT. Presiding Elder R li Johns. Elizabeth City ct, J II Hall. Pasquotank ct, J M Casscll. Camden, J Sanford. S Camden, S T Movie. Currituck, C 0 DuKant. Gates et, C R Taylor. N Gates, G G Hurley. Perquimans ct, J D l'egram. Hertford, F A Bishop. Edentun, N M Watson. Plymouth, J L Kutuley. Roper station, W C Merritt. Pautego, W E Ilocut. Columbia, J II M Giles. Dare, R L Warlick. Roanoke Island ct, J D Langston. Kennakcet, J J Porter. Halteras, C H Galloway. W B Lee, transferred to Brazil Missiou Conference. E 1. Pell, transferred to Virginia Con ference. WELDON MARKET. COIllUVmi WKKKI.V WR Til K 11KNKIIT tP lit II COUNTRY FRIEND, C. li- Sides, per lb, Shoulders Bacon, per lb. Hams, S. (.'., per lb, Lard, refined, Flour, per barrel, Patent, " " " Straight, W. I. Molasses, per gallon, Syrup, per gallon, Granulated sugar, per lb, Light brown Sugar, per lb, Butter, per lb, Cheese, per lb, Green Coffee, per lb, Poultry, Eggs, per dozen, Shot, per Iu, Gun powder, per lb, ADVERTISEMENTS. mi re Me lie 11c. gton $:i.(io '-'0 and -Die 3Uc C 5 25-30 15 to 10 is to : 15 to 25 13 to 20 10 25to-10. Coal oil, white, safety 150, per gal. 15 Coal oil, red C, per gallon, Apple inegar, per gallon, Beeswax, per tb, Tallow, per lb, Hides, flint, per lb, " green, " " salted, " Salt, per sack, Corn, per bushel, Meal, ' " Rico, Peas, black, per bushel, I'eas, black eye, per bushel, Peanuts, per bushel, Cotton, per pound, Bagging, per yard, 2 14 lbs, Ties, per bunch, 15-20 :io-iu 18 C 5 11 O 1 25 50-55 70 ti-S tin 75 35 to 50 41 7 .85 When Others Fail Hood's Sar- sapanlla builds up the shattered system by giving vigorous actiou to the digestive organs, creating and uppelite and puri fying the blood. It is prepared by mod ern methods, possesses the greatest cura tive powers, and has the most wonderful record ot actual cures of any medicine in existence. Take only Hood's. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and do not purge, pain or gripe. 25c. The library of Goettingen, Germany, lias a liible written on palm leaves. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The inuiiywho live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, ly more promptly adapting the world's best products to lh,. needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Svrup of Figs Its excellence in due to ils presenting in the form most acceptable und pleas ant to the tasle, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties uf a perfect lax ative ; elleclually demising the system, di-polling colds,' headaches mid fevers and permanently curing constipation. It ha- given satisfaction to millions nnil met with the approval of the medical pmfessi oi, because it nets on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gist's in .'sic and 1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig yrnp Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name. Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if tillered. mar 20 ly I OTIC 1 I Iu pursuance of an order of the Supe rior Court ol Halilax county, 1 will on the 2uTH DAY OF DECEMBER, 18H I, SELL -For Cast!; One of the famous "big trees" of Cali foioil is conjectured to bs 4,000 years old. Excelled every poisou and impuri ty of your blood, by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Then there's a clear skin and clem system Tetter, Salt rheum, Essoins, Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Enlarged (jlaods. Tumors and swelling, and all Blood, Skin, and Scalp Diseases, from a common blotch or eruption to the worst scrofula these are perlectly and permanently cured by it, In building up needed fle.h and strength of pale, puny, scrofulous chit dren, nothing can equal it. Delicate diseases of cither Bex, how ever induced, speedily and radically sured. Address ii oonfidancc, World's Dispensary Medical Awoeistioo, Buffalo, P. 1 V r. rr- l'l V:. NEW HERN DISTRICT. Presiding Elder F I) Swindell. New Bern, Centenary L L Nash. Haucock A D Bats. Goldsboro, St Paul, R C Beatnan. " St J,.hn J E Bristoe. ct M M MeFailand. Mount O'ive M Jurney. LaGr;.'i;e ct G T Simmons. Snow Hill et D Ii Earnhardt. Kinston J O (luihrie. Jones et H E Tiipp. Craven et A I, Ormond. Vance'- ro el J A House. Paralioj et J C James and Ed Kelly. Carteret et P Grecuiug. Morehcid sia E C Gleun. Beaufort sta R F Bunipass. Strait's ct VV V Everton. Gril'ton ct E B Wilcox. WASU1NUTUN DISTRICT. Presiding Elder G A Oglesby. Washington sta R J Moorman and W II Call, supernumerary. Washington et Sam Letters. Aurora et J J Barker. Swan y-iarler D A Watkius. Matlamuskeet C P Jerome. Fairfield ct II II Anders n. Jaiuesville et It T Wychc. Greensville Ha (1 V Smith. Greensville ct L H Joynsr. Beihel sta W A Forbos. Tarboro sta J A Lee. Tarboroot L Leach. S Edgecombe W J Twilly. tn,-cy Mount a&J Maiioii Chapel J . Underwood and H A Humble, Nashville ct S A Col ten. Spring Hope J W Gibson. Wilsoo, T N Ivey. rrcuioot ct. W H fuckett. Ocracoke and Portsmouth, J W Martiu. WAIIRENTON DISTRICT. Presiding Elder W S Black. Warrcnton ct, P L Herman. Warren ct, T J Dailey. Ridgeway ct, J A Horoadny. Henderson i'.alion, M D Hicks. Littleton ot, E H Davis. Weldon station, R P Troy. Roanoke ct, J H Frixielle. Halifax ct, E Rose. Garysburg ot, J R Tillery. Northampton ct, Z T Harrison. Meherrin ot, A J Parker. Murfreesboroats, J II McCall. Harrellsville ct, C P Snow. Lewistoo ct, Rufus Bradley. Bertie ct, A R Goodehilds. Littleton Female College, J M Rhodes President. ADVERTISEMENTS. At public auction, at the GRAHAM FARM, near Weldon, a large quantity of PERSONAL PROPERTY, be longing to the estate of Charles J. Gee, deceased, consisting of Plows, Wagons, Carls, Planters Hoes, Shovels, Axes, Harness, and other Farm Implements, two mules, 2 blood ed horses, !2 head of Hogs, 1 mule Colt, 2 blooded Horse Colts, 1 bay colt, two IllUl VW !! U U U VU Mr: M. T.. ad Stonewall, Tno. A Helpless Invalid Kidney and Liver Trouble and Nervous Debility IO Yeart of Suffering Ended by Taking Hood's. "C. T. Honcl & Co., Lowell, Masi. : "Tito effcoU of Hood's Harsaarilla In my cm liiivu bet'ti truly marveloui. It far lurpaises any other medicine 1 have ever taken. For 16 years I waa troubled with torpid liver, kldaey trouble and nervoui debility, and wai A Helpleet Invalid. I hTO been taking Mode's Saraaimrllla for tbre mfinUis aud 1 feel tbat I am cured. I feel better now titan I have for stitfeu yean. I thtnlc (mmI lirnt. for uiy licultli, ami ('. I. lwx.l & Co., aei'ttud, for HHi.l'a SrsMiHrllla. I liaTe recom- Hood'ss,; Cures nteiidoil it to all my neighbors and lereral of tlu'tn are usliiii Hixxt's Samaparllla with food results. I am "J yeai t old and ieel lietWr than 1 did at 40." Mhs. K. Wahe, Stouewall. Teim. 1 lii Kettle, and tho interest of said Charles J, Gee in 1 Kn;ino, Cotton tiiti, Cotton l'ress and Saw Mill, and a number of other articles. This No vember 2Ctb, 1SU-4. PATTIE W. CEE, Administratrix ot Charles J. Gee. In iPoor Health Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly aud tfflckutly, on the liver aud bowels, ittc. LAND SALE. liy virtue of s decree of the Superior court of Halifax county rendered in the special proceedings therein pending en titled Samuel l'iersnn, Administrator of J. W. l'liillips deceased against W. II. Melvin and wife Mary Melvio and Sarah S. I'hillips, I will on Monday the "Hi day of January IS'.)."), at the court house door, in the town uf Halifax, sell to the highest bidder at public suction, all the undivided interi'st, right and title (which ia about fifty eiirht anro") o the raid J. W. I'htllipsin that tract cl land in Hall f,n county, known as the Weldon K. Robertson land and bounded on the north by Heaver Dam Swamp, on the cast by Lemuel Ncvill and Anna Alston, on the south by road leading from Halifax to Warrcnton and on west by J. II. Parker and J. K. Robertson, containing 275 acres more or less. Tkkms ok Sale Ono-half cash on day of sale, balance in six months, with six per cent, interest from day of sale. Title retained until all the purchase mon ey is paid in lull. SAMUEL 1'IEIISON, Adrar. of J. W. I'hillips, deceased. ' dec t 4t. EXECUTOR'S SALE. Co Friday, Dec. 21, 1894, 1 shall sell fur cash, on the premises of the late Iter 11 O. Burton, all the personal property belonging to his wtate, embracing his miscellaneous and theological library, household and kitcbin furniture, etc R. O. BURTON, Executor. Nor. .10, 1894. dec 6 lit. means so much more than you imagine serious and latal dist-ast'S result from trilling ailments neglected. Don't play with Nature's greatest gift health. H yriu ire (eeUnr cut ot sorts, weak jutl Ktnerally vx- l..msutj. iicivous, Iidm no appetite 1 i an I wont U'gni at oticetak in k trie most Telia I le Mi ciiyllienniE Itiftlirnie, which is Hi own Irou bit lets. A few hot lies rure benefit man's tiom the very lirst dose it :t l naim four Itrtk, and it's pleaaanl to take. I Brown's Iron : Bitters trtrtft ire ub' On rt'Lvu-l o( i (i n stJiiux w : Ten li-r'llul WorW i NEW ADVK11TISKMENTS. What is Custoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and C'bildrcu. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years9 use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Ittarrluea and AVind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. "OiiNtnrk Is an oxa-llcnt medicInA fur chi! dron. MnUient have rt'iKitelly tltl meot ite ijtxxi ttlTect unm llii'ir cbiUlrcn," D;t. (. C. Osnoon, lat)Wl.'ll, MilKH. Castoria Is the lft rt'mot.y f'tr cliiMreu of n bir-b I am acquaint.. 1 hope tho tiny is uot far distant when mothers willcoosi.ler th. real hiteroBt of thi'ir cbilJren, ami use Castiria in Bteadof the various qua-k nostrums which ai o dfjjtroyftig their loved ones, by forcinj opium, morphine, soothing syrup ami other hurtful agents down their throats, tbereliy seuding Ihum tu premature graves." 11UJ. F. KlNCRELOB, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " f'astnria Ih bo well adapted to children that 1 reeommciul ItMiuperiortoany pruscriptioa known to me." II. A. A urn in, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians in tho children's depart ment have spoken highly of their ezperi' enc in their outside practice with Castoria, ami nlthongh we only have Among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the menu of Custoria lias won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital and Dispensary, Boston, Hast. Au.N C. Shuts, fVe., NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THEM.F.HAETCX) -Arc matin" bit; reductions iu- C L 0 T II I iT G Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Gents liniiK Sloes Hats and In Fact in Everything. These GOODS MUST BE SOLD- By January 1st. Low Price of Cotton has Forced us to this Step. oct 2(1 ly M.A- HAMILTON & CO, Th Centaur Company, TT Murray Straat, New York City. GOOD NEWS! HARD TIMES GQING AWAY.-:-BETTER TIMES COMING. tW I J u .1 ...I ii I 29 SOUTH FREDERICK ST., BALTIMORE, MD. -HOTOTllESTtlKKOF- 1 METER. i;est, Mi, H. C. Where you can buy THE CHEAP EST and BEST GOODS in the town. I invite all of my friends and the trading public to come and look at my immense stocK oi uiSJNlijKAlj MERCHANDISE. It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, f Constipation, Dad Blood Malaria, Nervoua aliments Women's complaints, Ot only the cruuln' it iTntsed fed Imp. nit Hi.. MTitiiiiff. A siiiutv 011 rri. will lend of V View, anil lHMk-liet I BROWN CMlMiCM. CO BALTIMORE, MD. july'Jtf ly. h.m.v. ()!' "i:xi ii:i.n motel, nyutuvui'i ,ltfri-e of the Huneriot tourt of llulitax county, rendi'reil in Ibe cam thi'niii pending, wherein K. B. Kritt is phiinlill :iinl C. I., luirlies, et nli., are tetVuditnttt, I wilt on Thursday, the Itrd day ot' January iHDj, expom to pnlilin nnle tothti bmlieHi luilder, ih the town of En licld. N. C, at one o'clock, V. II., that valuable hotel proporty nitQated in tho town of Enfield, in said county of llalifa? known m the Enlield Hotel, containing four acre?, more or lew, and fully set out and described in the pleadings in said can Re TERMS OF SALE. One-third cash the day of sale, balance in one and two vears. with interest at eiuht percent, on deferred payments, title retained until all the pun-linne money iB paid. Tbis4th day 01 December, 1894. DAVID UK1.I., Commissioner, dee 6 td. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, 111, Its ii 115 Buik it., Norfolk, Va. Large stock of Mvnumnitt and Oravetttmet, tic Kedyfor immediate shipment Dcsigoi free, SConsignuient8 sulicitcd. and BLACK EYED PEAS. Special attention paid to tho sale of PEANUTS dot 8 3m. THE- jiuuliM ijlUliiV Uli M m 111 Sounds mighty big, but you can't loot anybody with turh stuff, when oue can see ones self. for FLOUR BY W BARREL! I sell it cheaper than it has ever been sold since Adam and Eve used it to make Apple Dumplings. OLD JOE WHITAKER ENFIELD, N.C. docs not claim to have the above, nor does he attempt to "fake" you about the tariff. The main thing is to have what you want, then, like money, the price aud uuulity talk. Ho offera you a new stock of BOOTS, 1. 111, 1 mix a.imvuM, SHOES, UATS, and a special line of MEN'S FURNISHING COODS.etc. Carpets! Carpets!! Carpets!!! Ladies Coats and wraps in tlie latest. High grade clothing made to measure, and fits guaranteed. Yea sir, he'll give you fits. Try him. I I Mil 1 in 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 x I have the Largest, hi i Cheapest Stock of Goods ever brought to this section of country, consisting of Off Q00DS, flOJIOflS B00JS, Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, and everything else that is kept in a first class store, and I intend to sell all of my Goods at very low prices for Cash or Barter. Truly your friend, S. MEYER, ACT. wp C 4m. CRIND Your own Bone. Meal. Ovster Shells. "r'f tlrahnm Flour, Ac-, in the 11 Minted a 1 NtVV. Corn M $5,00 HAND MILL; (Frank Wilson's Patent.) Iimi per neut. more made in keeping poultry. AlsoPow er M ilia and J'anu Feed Mills. Circulars sent on appli. cation. W1L8UH UKUH., Kaston, Pa. iffS'Uillo HDtrE Co., 13 Sycamore Btreet, l'ETERHIIl'HO, VA., WHOLESALE AND HETAIL DEALER IN Buggies, Carts, Carriages, Harness, I'LQWa and CASTINGS, BINDERS, MOWERS, Hayrakea, Threshers, Eugines and SAWMILLS, Agents for HUNTER'S Farmer's Friend and Starke's Dixie Plows and eastings. Unquestionably the largest house of the kind in either Virginia or North Carolina. Eicluiire agents in tliis territory for the fiiMusSTpDEWltER and TENNESSEE WAQQNS. Orders by mail girea pnunpt partaaal atteatinB.; C. A. CfE8 Htuager. vygyp sap - HE E STOVE 0 (SL'CCEfiSOIB TO HOWARD & ODEN'HAL.) 37 EAST MARKET SQUARE. NORFOLK, VA. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Lamp (100DS, AND HOl'SE FI RNI8HINOS. METALLIC ROOFINC, CUTTERINC ANDSPOUTINC. UoirK-Hliiiiuk given on application. CorrNpqtdence aolipited, sep (I 4m J. B. WHITE & CO., QEflEHJlL CopfjissiofJ .tericiHflTS II AND 13 ROANOKE DOCK. NORFOLK, VA. We handle Dressed Poultry. Ebb. Butter. Live Poultry. Game of all kinds, such ss Quail, Rabbits, Pheasants, Wild Dutks, all kinds Produce, Potatoes, Cabbage, Apples, White Beans, Dried Apples, Chestnuts, Hlckorys, Valnntf, Florida Oranges, verf largely. Lemons and all kinds of other Fruits and Vegetables. We bare an eegnui freeser, for butter, game and poultry, also handle all the shove on conininjsjon or buy outright. PB7 Correspondence Solicited. aug. 16 ly. STILL GROWING I A look through R, C. LAS8ITER '8 stuck will conviuce you tbat liis busi ness is growing. He carries a well selected line of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, DRESS GOODS, LADIES', CENTS', aud CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR Huts, Pauls, 1 1 urn (lood Etc., Kip. -S HOES He has added to his large and well selected stock of shoes, the Eagle Shoe, the Wm. Dorscb & Son's Shoes, the Surry Shoes and the well known E. P. Keed & Co.'s Shoes. I respectfully solicit the patrouage of all. 3 29 ly. R. O. LASSITER. IF YOU WAFT OEA BUY sli gold CHAIN, U Jt J VjrU C V " H. J. GORDLE'S in NortB Carolina- TO JEWELRY ITPItPi uhmvu, p.' lb. Cordis Is om of h best watch repair