i! - V:' t y V. IS . - - n THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY, DKCEMBKR 13.1S04. CHRISTMAS Ii Anat Halj's Lo. Cabin. i'.M Hungry; whar us wine git5uuii' sho' 'nouf t'eat ?" v J 11 The questioner swallowed a last Lit gingerbread and arose from the crowded bench in front of Mr, Keliey's store wheie the greatest number uf colored country folks bad cunrofiaied. A bi-; h blue felt bat was tilted forward over hrr bang arranged in infinitrMinal pla with bushy ends and at the same time allowed a good view of her back hair, which had been divided off iudl squares and so tightly wrapped wiili red curd that each little cue stood out stiffly, afte r a fashion that is very popular, because such treatment is believed to result in a much desired lengthening and straihteniuf; of the kinky wool. The maiden smoothed bcr variegated costume coijuettislily and turned to her companion, a youth in jean, with a head ceverintr, ingeniously fash ioned by neatly sewing a circular top into section of trousers leg. "Owine git sump'n t'eat at a rusty-rant, uv cose," declared the latter individual, leading the way towaid Aunt Ceely Cloff'a eating house. "Dat whut make tncsay what I does," observed a dusky listener, watching the pair. 'Caio't nobody upon 'low a nijger got to be rale holler 'fo' he tech vittles, caz; ef hitlef wid him, he gwine stuff hisse'f 'twell he lectle mo'n bus'," "Trouf, too, Sis Tenipy," agreed an old man with a venerable white poll; "en furder mo', de young race, dese days, ain't wuth 'how come dey in dis world'!'' "0, shucks, Unker Poliaui," interrupted a fat colored woman mildly, "you battel ricklec' dis here's Chris'mus, en ev'ybody boun' to take dey swing den." "tome to study bout dat, dar two folksei I aiu' hear tell er tukin' do swiog ner buyin' no Chris'mus, nutber; en dey Brer Primus en Sis Haly. Enny you all seen urn?" inquired Unker Poliam, ad dressing the crowd at Urge. "Lawd, no !" declared Sis Tampy, taking her snuff brush from behind her ear, and reaching into a capacious pocket fur the little tin snuff box. "Las' time I laid eyes on Brer Primus he wai all ricketcd up wid takin' turkentime fer de rheumatii, en I upon 'lowed, right den, 'Brer Primus, you done collapted now you better let turkentime 'lone, er you'll be double collapted I" "Ku dat place er dern," commented another of (he group, "hit de numbes' lookiu' place in creashun; na' er chicken, ner pig, ner nothin' to make it himesome. Dey pi' cs Job's turkey, yit dey hoi ueyse t gyeartea up same like dey was quality niggers." "Dat don't fojl nobody," averted Unker Poliam, taking his corncob pipe from his lips to re arrange its glowin: contents with a callous forefinger. "Hit don't inquire uo turble lot er senee to spresify dat dey done reach de eend Uey row, sno a you tiorn; en l knows pintedly dat dey has not got de needces sary cash to lif dat moggigc, de which gwine sell 'em out fust day er Jinowerry." "Bless Gawd !" interjected Sis Tempy, gjaiog down the street. "Talk bout de oon, en dar you gwine fine de tracks Kfyon'er ain't Brer Primus en Sis Haly wid all de gragchillco piled up in dey convenience, sanier en millious in watcrmillion wagon I" The conveyance sighted advanced with squeaks and groans, as u bewailing lis own approaching dissolution or that of the work worn mustang which ITuker Primus found no dif&jully in halting t ie outskirts of a crowd of vehicles that b'ocked the thoroughfare. Aunt Haly proudly resolved to bide her misl'urtune from prying acquaintances, briskly alighted, and, wending her way among the stubborn-looking mules, ancient na and heavy yoked oxen, was soon engaged in greeting the tide walk assemblage with II the brjad b-inhomie and quint chceri ness of the true Southern negro. "Howdy, Brer Poliam ?" culled she to the patriarch, who by reason of his age nd ecclesiastic tl pnaiio'iojj merited first notice. "How you comin' on?" "Wull, Sis Haly," answered he," to ink u twd 1 m so to bi here. 1 am nuver been right smart senoe I taken wid dat cowbuoker on my oaik, yistiddy wui a moot' ago. How yo' folks, Sis Haly' "Sorter slow, Brer Poliam, sorter slow ' "Lawd, dat you, Sis Haly," iuterpiacd Sis Tempy, ai she waddled up to shake hands heartily with the new comer. "Dat who I 'lows hit is, chile: least ways I ain't heard teller n chan; pusson since 1 lef h ;uj," declared Aunt Haly with gay laugh. i 1 riser rnmui ama lu lur bis mare of welcome after ha had hitched the pony til helped out the children, and then the family party marched into the t re first, Aunt Haly iu an antique Ipaci and a long mintlo th it was green ish with aga and very bald as to ill fur trimmings; next, linker Primus buttoned up to the chin in a rough overcoat, the origin il fastenings of which had been replaced by little oak sticks secured with twine; and last but not least conspicuous, the four children in motley garb, their eyoa and mouths wide open with delighted wonder at the fascinating display of Christmas goods. But in all the bewilderiug array noth iog received Auut Haly 'a approval. This "wa'u't filten for a dawg," that "wa'n't ekel de money ait," and much mora t . the iimo intent; for, if the truth must be told, the trip to town was but t ruse, '. designed to ifforrlhe children the Dora Christmas cheer which the old couple's depleted exchequer could uot provide. Consequently, there fullowed uo stowing away id' mysterious brown bundles under the wagon seat, as had been the custom at previous Christmas times: jot so exu berant is youthful hope that even this fact failed to check the little darkies' happy anticipations of the holiday. "Cose Sandy Claws cuuic to ev'ybody house," they assured cue another, "en dey ain't no 'seuse te-r skippiu' ourn, eaze de chitubty mighty big en handy es a hoss rack for hitehin' dem deers er hisn onto." Great, then, was the dismay when Auut Haly announced uext day that Midi expectations were vain. Mie was seated on the doorstep in workaday home spun and plaid "heiidliau'kereher," and ner lianas, sliming wit ti the tirass rings which she wore as preventives of cramp, industriously twined holly and cedar into wreaths. These were for decking the graves of h- r "white folks," according to a yule custom prevailing in many families and now maintained by this quondam retainer. Tcs, chillcn," she confessed as she wrought, "granny mighty sorry, but hit "I jes' like I tell Sandy Claws don' th'ow off no time foolin' 'longer dirt ro' folkes like we all, ner nobody else don', outlier; 1 done had de snc'unce er dut. Kn us wussen dirt po' dey ain't no cof fee, dey ain't no meat, dey ain't skaccly nuthin' 'tall to eat in de house; en Gawd knows dey ain't na'er dollar ready ginst dat moggigc juc de fust day or Jinowerry, de which gwine turn us outeu dis house er ourn." The old woman turned sorrowfully toward the rude cabin, built with such hopeful toil, and set with the humble treasures of a lifetime. Faded lithographs, magazine cut9 and instalment-bought cbruruos decorated the walls; a loud veiced clock towered above several very precious china pieces on a shelf, and a small table upheld tin large family Bible, the spiritual comfort of which probably emanated from its uiero presence, since none of the household could read. A four post bed stead, furnished with a puffy feather "tick" and adorned with a bright hued patchwork quilt occupied half the room, and beyond, through an open doorway, was visible a stout pine table, a lofty shelf sustaining a water bucket and drink ing gourd, an ironing board, a spinning heel, and, in the yawning fire place, a pot and three legged skillet, hobnobling among the ashes. Taiu't much, Gawd knows," ac knowledged Aunt 1 1 illy pathetically, "hut hit's all i urn, whut us done sweat en wrasslc for, en look like hit jes' tear out de nachel heart strings to gin hit up. Lawd! Lawu!'1 And big li ars fell anions the "lims oi holly heiri-'s, as Aunt Haly gathered up her w r- :itli and started for the lonely t-urial pint. After a while the children, who had remained at home, decided to build a fire. " 'tiiiist gran'piw come from luok in' alter he traps, den granny mout make some coffee, bein's es bow dis here Chris'mus Kve," Pa'uiyre, the second girl, suggested. "I'm sustonished at you, Pelimy, well es you doue beard granny say us ain't got no coffee 'tall," corrected Jinsy, the eldest. "Wull, den, a hoe cake," said Palmyre retrenching; "dat's lilliu', anyhow, en I'm des holler es a gode, I sho' is!" By this time Jin-y, Palmyre, (phonet ically, "Pelimy") and their brother Tom, nicknamed "Bud Chug" as a contraction of "sugar," had sprawled before the hearth, where the newly lighted pine knot blaze threw weird glints upon their pudgy, good iivtured features; but Patsy, the youngest, sit silently in the shallow. "Whut you study'n 'bout now. Patsy?" asked Jinsy. "You de cu'ou-es' human being in creashun, anyhow!" "I aiu' no human being, I'm del folksei like you all is," cried Patsy, indig nantly rejeciing her sister's term as one of sus cted approbrium. "D.. iile same thing," explained Jin- ly; "bin whut is you study'n 'bout, dar in de d ik? You look like you done fell off ue roos', chile" !'I des turnin' over in my mine whut granny done 'low 'bout Sandy Claws," confessed Patsy, rubbing a tear fiom her eye with a grimy fist, "en I des study'n ef all un us wui to git toge'r cn pray. seetu like de Lawd mout Sen' ole Sandy Claws to wo all house alter he d one wint de round. Unk' Sampson, over to R bevel, low i iu sos anus got to pood on de Lawd. He lay dat how come de buuard aiu' pestered 'bust nothiu' like tur' beast e-se- ii, case he alius lo kin' to Gawd," declared the little creature with all a child's simple faith. "Luipli, now at? inquired the more skeptical Jinsy. "He say, de buinrd cq de hock 'greed to jioo panluers for vittles. De hock mighty bradi, cd flawed back'erds and fot'ards, wid his eye sot for a squ'l or chicken, whilst de buuird, he des sail round sorter sleepy, with his eyes half shot, like he ain' kecrin' to bother his se'f 'b iut nothin'. Do hock up'n 'low 'Brer Bunzird, look like you aiu' husttliu yo'sc'f 'bout dis bisneis.' 'Dan' hatter Brer Hock, says de buzzird. 'Vittles don' never bees no bothermcnt to me, for I'peo'e on dt Liwl, I dxii ' 'Dat mout do for you, de bock Bay, 'but I looks to myse'f for all I gits,"eo wid dat do hock tuck'n drap down into Mr. Man's chick en yard, en grab holt er one of de fatte' Dominicker pallet. Den de man runned out wid a gun en kilt de hock. Alter while, here come de buuard. En time he seed de buck layin' dar in de fence oorner, lie tuck'n lit, on he hop up de cyarkise, en he 'low, 'Po' Brer Hock, you'd better 'peoded on de Lawd, like I .i".'." o he' ' ettin' wid dat." "Nigger, you slio' is gut staca like a mule," declared I'a'uisre a-lujiririLrly, up on the story's con l-t-i u. "Com1 us kin pen on ile L itiiI, but us den' know huw to lil' no prayer." I does.'' cried Patsy eagerly: aud plumping upon her knees, she began. "Lawd, sen' Sandy Clawi to ." You aiu' got lo go bodaciously iulo prayer like dat," iulcnupled llud Chug authoritatively. This young peisen, wilh an aim for fuluie miuisteiial honors, had devoted much thought to such matters, and hud stored his memory with chuicc culliogs from the negro pastor's perora tions. "You commences, 'Mussyful Father cn glorablc Gawd, us po' sinners is 'seuibled here dis' night to ax en ex plore yo' probesringness for our back slidiu' cn oncliristianness.' Dat de way Brer Brown make a start over to Mt. Zion." So instrueked, Patsy began anew, and progressed smoothly until she entered the field of individual wants "Send Pi limy," she prayed, "a ncwcalkcr coat-" "Slnieks1" broke in Hud Chug, "yon cain' conic ai de l.awd so fauiilious like I done tuld you. You cuhter say, 'Grofsious Gawd, funis yo' incouulenanec onto dis po' sinner, Pelimy, in de low grounds er sorrow.' '' Along this line the player continued down lo the final clause, when Patsy, having set forth the family needs to her perfect satisfaction, suddculy ended. "Dat a turble onrespccll'ul way to oend," remonstrated Bud Chug severely. "Ax for whutsomedever you wants, mighty perlite, en den drap off wid plain 'Aiucd!' You hatter slope 'long sorter easy, like tiror llrown does. ties say, Kn now. homni-presents Father, us have ax yo aetention lo dese humble words of ourn, dough us ain' crackin' ourselves up to 'serve nothin' of thee, 'cent'n thoo do 'd of de Lauib.' Dat kin' of cend jrter like hit ought to bo." (TO in co.NTisruO NKW ADYKUTISKMKNTS. A A CASH ADVKllTISKMF.XTS. I'VE PAVED THE WAY for the biggest season I have ever known bv di.-plavinc.an lliiliiene stoi k of Cf!N LK.VL MKKCIIAMUSE forj NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EMRY ii PIERCE bio The good things of life always come singly. We can't have the oyster and the summer girl both. Of all conquering nations Spain has treated those subjected to her rule most rshly. The largest egg is that of the ostrich, which usually weighs about three pounds. Bavarian radishes are a new fad. They grow like large cucumbers and are served cold, cut in large thin slices. IB i'A WHOLESALE and KETAIL DEALERS IN- To those who luhhiug oner. take advantage of our The Roanoke News I have (lalheied ill a varietv uf b.iigains and will sell at "LOW TA IIIKK UATKS." Fine line of nothing, lleniltilul Drew Tat terns, Shoes of every description. (JENTLEMEN'S FURNISHINGS. ttsXPri('9 to correspond with th low price of cotton. I am always pleased to show goods and guarantee prices. W. B. TILLERY, Weldon, N C. THE NEW YOKK QEfJERQL WRDHMIDISE, New Goods for Fall And Tinier. RAILROAD SCHEDULES, S. A. L SEABOARD AIR LINE, Absolutely the Shortest and Onli-i,... Koute swum, only 15 Hour to Atlanta. SCIIKDI I E IN EFFECT SI SDAY Al'CtST 12th, 18!M. NORTHBOUND, l 3 I 402 i 2.15. 4.40 5-47 5.14 6.24 6.8 7.IMI. ; 6 05 1 In 8 IS 1 41 I ioT P Lv Weldon, Ar Boykins, Ar Franklin, Ar Suffolk, Ar Portsmouth, Ar Norfolk, Ar Old l't Comfort.steamer 7.00 SOUTH ROUND. AUV KHTLSK.MKM'fJ. (Sl- f -3 DR. H. 0. HYAn'S SANATORIUM, K I NSTi IN'. X. ('. -DISEASES OF THE EYE ADD GENERAL SURGED -.' lv. 'a YtT v;--V.lriISMIi IT 19 ABSOIUTELV GAV? (1; I lib U'yJl s:u."m8 uirumr vr. OK Ol'll DUAI.rRSI can sell y.m i.:ae!if urn clienper ihun yon can fet rlovliero. TlioIiliW HIIItB 11 our Jarc, but wo mitke cbeapr klDda, Miitl ci th! I.1H , IDEAL ond ,.l ,er i:li:.. Arm Full Nickel Plated -wins nsacliliKS lords. UOantnp. r:,:i oa our i,:eut or n-rlto ui, We v.-:!:il jour trade, unci tf prlcee, terma Hquaredcallji will win, we will '. at 41 it. V.'e chntlt-ntro the world to ..-udiico a UE'rrni o-.oo siowinz '.arhlne for $.'U.OO,or a better 0. 5. win K.Hnrblns for $20.00 tUnn yoa can huy trutu ua, or our Aieeuta. THE HEW H0H2 SEWING HACMNE CO. l i:L.in,Ii! m. Iai mi, Mt. lMi.ua, ltuuN. -AND- Atlanta CONSTITUTION , botli ini-is for 1 K( The Cotii-titution mn jilui-i-d iu a seated envelope n li-eul k-mli-r note, the nutiihcr composed of eight (inures and on the ran iff m cut of tin Be liuren depends tbe distiibntion of f2,t.m. Tlie lu I lowing fitireH ioinpose the number of the not: P. N for sale er STAINBACK, WEI.iMiN, N. C. AGT. How To Invest Small Amounts. This is a problem that puzzles more than one uiun who Haves a portion of bin salary. The following letter giro the result of an investment in u Tout me I'olicy of the Equitable Life. UN IOK, R. C.,n'. 20, l!i. W. J. Koddoy, Kj., Agent. Ih-ar Sir: Your tavor enclosing cheek of the liitalleLite A mm ranee Hoeiety in M-tUeiueut of my policy, No. '2i!((:(10canie duly to hnnd. The settldiuut in a liberal one, titui-tliitK in v espM'Uitions, and I am pleaded with it. Yours truly, Wll.LUM MfNBO. There in no form of invextmeut to-day tliai after such abftolute Hecurity and ouch liberal dividend) un the proper form of lift Rwarnnce. it's a matter on which every man should be potjtd. We Mend yon fig urea am! particulars wit fa out charge. W. J.KODDEY, Manager, Department of the Carol imia, Hock Hill. H. C A. L- Btainhack, Agent, Weldon, N. C. Racks Store WKLDON, N. C. 1 CENT AKTICLEB. Account lk)k, Carpeutcr'n pencils, yard lace, lloi of tacks, 1'aper pins, Finger ring, 3 lead pencils, box blacking, ball sen ing cotton, paper needlefi, yard ribbon, 3 paptrit hair pins, card hooks aud eyes, 2 pen holders. 2 CENT AHTICTKS. Package envelopes, Money Purse, dozen brass head tacks, dozen pant buttons, spool good cotton, cake toilet soap, quire writing paper, Jianjo, (-nitar and lolin strings. iU ENT AHTKXES. Yard garter web, 141 rice buttons, good machine cotton, dozen dress buttons, big tmx blacking, package giMHl envelopes, bot tle ink, hamlkercbielH, ball kuitting cotton tin plates, best lead pencils, hies, combs, 5 knitting needles. 4 CENT ARTICLES. lineup, yard calico, vard good lace, tin funnel, paper brass pins, good comb, large slate, o spoons. ft GENT ARTICLES. Gents' and ladies hose, mouse traps, black handle dipper, stove shovel, pocket knile, (pure uent paper, 4 book hat rack, lamp burner, linen collars, linen haudker- cliiefs, ''i cent cuff buttons, hair oil and cologne, large wash bowl, padlock and key a, a cakew sonp, !swau-down lace pow der, pair vuspenderv, hasp undiifttple, yard wiue ciotu, box writing paer. H. C. SPIERS, Manager. EVERY department brimful and i uuixiiig - uv cr. vv c - i;tu i y - tuc largest stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and GROCERIES of any house in Hali fax County, Our immense store is FULL of BARGAINS for all. We keep every article needed on the farm or in the house. Visitors to Weldon should visit our store and inspect our stock be fore buying elsewhere. nETERSBURGSEEDHOUSE. SKKtl f..r FARM ,V l.AHDKN TKSTKDon our rarlu. Plants, Fruit Trees, Keitilizers, Oil Cake ileal, ite. Send for ciieulare to W. CHOSSMAN, Seedaiuim mill Market Hardener, liollinglirouk at., J'eterabnrg, Va. sep l.l lyr. B. 1'. RALE, Proprietor. WM. l.IN.V, Manager Le Welilou, 11.54 a.m. Ar Henderson, 1.110 p.m. Ar llurliam, 3.47 p.m. Ar Kuli igli, 3.2(1 p.m. Ar Southern Tinea 5.49 p.m. Ar Hamlet, ti.45 p.m. Ar Ctmrte-Hton via Hamlet, Ar Wadetilioro, 7-44 p.m. Ar Monroe, 8.4(1 p. m. Arl'hiirlotle, 0.45 p.m. I.v Monroe, N. C. ArCliester, H. C. Ar Clinton, 8. C. Ar (ireenwood. S. C. Ar Ahheville, S. C. Ar KUiertoii, tia. Ar Atliena, (in. Ar Atlauiji, Union depot, Ar .Mai-on, (in. via Athens, J.O. IOJ Vestibule Limited Train. No extra fare Weldon to Atlanta. Pullman Sleepera Weldon to Atlanta aud Muron, loniiecta directly at Atlanta wiiliW. and A. II. K. for Chattanooga, Nanlivilla anil all points west. Connects with A. & YY. P. K. 1!. for Mobile, Montcomerv. New Oilcans and all points Southwest. ror tickets and Xtauiinae euecks to all points South aud Southwest, sleflpiug ear reservation ami general imorinatiou call on F. ANDEItSON, Agent, Weldon, N. C. .I01IN H. WINIiF.K, (len'l Vnauta. T. J. ANItKKSON, tien'l Passei Eer A(! t. 2-IB.a.oi. 4.KI am. .l"a.m. 5.17 a,m. 7KI a. ra. 7.54 a.m. 9.:mi am. H :i7 a.m. .' a.m. 11 '-'" am. K.:i7a.m. 10.54 am. 12.(14 p m. 1S.4H p.m. 115 p.m. 2.(14 p m. 3.03 p-m. 4.(Hip.m. 7.30 pm. W.iW.R.R.f BRANCHES AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. Condensed 8rhedule. DATED Nor IbUl lB'JI. I'M Iave Weldon. II fir Ar RiK-ky Mount I IK) 10 10 Ar Turboro 2 II Leave Tarboro, 1' to I.v Korky Mount, 1 OS 10 to Leave n lUoil, .v Si'luia. .v Fayettevllle. Arrive Florence, .v Wilson, v (iiloitb(iro, iv Mafftuills. Ar WilmlUKton, mwm GARWOOD'S KXTltAtX RACES TRIPLE, VIOLET WATKR, WOODWORTH's FLORIDA WA TER, AND SACJ1KT POWDER. t New Lino of -STATIONER Y Just Received 150 Linen writing Tablets, which I'll Bell at i small PROFIT. MANSION HOUSE. - - HUTU ON AMERICAN AND EUROPEANIPLANS. I'niou Slrect, NOKFOI.K, VA. CLARK. ACCURACY Though of course they are not given here in the order in which they appear on the note To those sending in tlieir ATTORNEY ATLAW. AND 5-3-4-0-1-07-BiiealEstateAgent uir BACK DUES lot W. M. HABLISTON i CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CAKPKTS, STOVES, and Mattresses, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HAHUfiTONACO, No. 20 S. Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. 10.2 If. and (1.50 in advance br both papers, can re-arrange these figures aa they think they are on the note. f 1,000 in cash to the one who givea the number of the note. $500 in cash to the one who cornea Dear est giviug the exact arrangement f J50 to the one coming second nearest. $100 " " 3rd " $50 " " 4th " and $.10, $15, $10, $5 to those coming 5th to 16th nearest. Remember, the guess costs yoo NOTH ING, Yon only bare to pay np and renew for one year in advance, if you are an old subscriber, and all new one anbtcribera have only to send $1 50, get both papers and have a gneaa at the great cash distri bution. Now is tbe time to begin. Send all orders to ROANOKE NEWS, WUdun, N. C. WELDON. N. 0 THE ; WAGE EARNER Is, without doubt, the greatest benelciary of life insurance It affords him an abso lutely safe means ol investing bis savimrs and a guarantee that those depending on his earnings will be amply provided for ai uis aemise. under tbe routine policy oi me Equitable Life he is also provided with a safe guard againai midoriune nesmea receiving much larger amountof insurance for the same amount of premiums paid in. It is better than the savings bank, better than the building association, better thao gov ernment bonds. Better for the wage earn er, or for anyone than any other method ever originated, ror racta and ngures, ad drew W. J. KODDV, Manager, 1-or the Carolina!. Rock Hill, 8. C. A L. BlAUBACK, Agent, Weldon, N. C. 5 w s -s 1 2 -s x o w OS .a w S3 M O l-H w o w Slag Brand I'repared Paiatn. Pure VVhite Lead k Linseed oil. I'll sell paints at very small margin. A Large Stock of LANDRETH'8 GARDEN SEED. The Place to get Your all Xtmm AStiQlDO TRAINS GOINO 80l'TH. 4 4 s" ' 6 6 R IS Km. Km." 9 17 I (is ii u;i I Ml 4 SO II M I IS 5 Ifi i 1 S 15 6 00 e s.1 P. M. 1 10 S III TRAINS GOINU NOHTH. i i i i hK i 3 I 3 il f " 8" S" & 6 6 6 6 'Z 't. ie . 'ok A.M. A.M. I' M. A M Lv Florence. 7 s 7 15 I.v Fajreltevllle, 10 10 la Leave Selma, 11 M Ar.Wllnon, IHI II II No. 4S Lv WllmliiRton, s on t so P.M. Lv MaemiHa 10 31 B Ok Lv GllHlKro, 11 .H.1 9 10 Ar Wilson, II i V ji No. 7S Lv Wtlaon, It-' I II o 10 00 Ar Rocky Mount, 1 M U ul 10 10 ArTartHtro, I 11 Lv TurlKiro. II 10 Lv Rocky Mount, I ''.'I II 01 Ar Weldou, I !0 II 5.1 I". M. P. M. A.M. P.M. Day except fiundav. Train on Hcotltnd Neck Brnni-h Road Welilou at 340 p. in. Halifax 4 On. arrive arotlia Neck sm r.r p.m. lirectiville o 37 p. m. Kiiuion 7 3.'. p. m. Ki-luniing leave Klnston 7 10, a. n Greenville hiss in. Arriving at Halifax n oo, a. m., Weldon 11 Ina.m.dallyexeeptSulnlav. Iraliw on vtatllnKtoll branch leave Wanhlnr- ton 7 Hi a. m. arriveH I'arroele H id a. tn.. Tariu.m 9 :0: rflurnhia leaveti Tarboro4 Pop. m. Faimela a iv i. in., , n tiaMiingtnu I on 11. m. Ilally ciceplKiindajr. CoiinecU wllh trains on 8eo land Neck Branch. Irani IfHYi larlioro N. C. v a ilbejiaia a.id RalelchK. It. Hally except Hunday 800 p. m., .i p m . arrive illlauuton K. 0. 1 i Sum! )- m..4 tup. m. rlvmmilh Wft'p m., Mop. at. eturuiiiK leaves IMvmouth dallv exceotKunda a. m. Sunday 9 30 a. a. Wiluaasion, N. c. 4e a. m. via a. m. arrive larooro 1016a.m. 11 4,'i a. m. Train nn Midland N O. Brain h leaves Golds- ....... umij i-w, .-.i .-.uiiuay a uo a. m., arnvs Kmlthileld.N. ('.,; a. a. Relumlni leaves Hmlllilield, N, t:., SUla. m., arrive Goluaboro, N v., 9 M p. m. Train on Nanhvllle Branch leavci Rockj Monnl at 4 30 p. m., arrlvea at Nanhvllle tti p. m.,BpriiiHop s:p. in. Kurnln Itavta Sprint Hoik sou a. la., N ;hvije i ,l a. arRockyMmnit 9 f. a, m.'(lBiWexcplgutiaFi I Iraiaann uiu Htamh Fli rriiceU, K. leave Utta r, .'4 p. m.; arrive Imntur s oo p. m. Re turuiuii h-ave Iiunluir a 311 a. ui., arrive Lattas at a.m. Pally except Sunday. Train on ('Union Rraiich leaves Wanaw for ('Hilton, daily except (Sunday al 4 10 p. m. an41 (KKsia.m. Rctiiriiinc leave Clinton at 710 a a and 0 i(l p. m., connecting at Warsaw with Nos, 40, 41.13 and 71. Train No. 7a makes eloae connection at Weldan forallpolaU North dally. All rail via Richmond and dallv except Sunday via Ray Line, alan al Roi ly Mount .lajly ,ylth Ni folk and larolina Railroad for Norfoir and alV Wills .,! Via Norfolk. "r J.R.KENI.T J. F. DIVINE, . ..."up't Trans. Uenenl Sup't. T. M. ZMKR80N, Uen'l Paaaenier Afeul. TLAKTIC COAST LINE. PETERSBURG Sc WELDON R. R Cendenseal Schedule, ''A WMfoTiitJloUTHr Dated Nov 16th, 1894. No. 23 Daily. No 403 Daily. Leave Petersburg, Leave Ktony Creek, Leave Jamais, Leave Belleld. Arrive Weldon, 9. RO am 10.37 am 10. Mam 11.11 am 6jsm 1.05 a m 1.49 am No. 35, goinirPouth. Iravca Peterahurl at 7.46, p. m., arrive at Weldou 9.28. TRAINS GOINO NORTH. No. 32 No. 78 Daily. Daily. -At the luwest prices is at- DR. 4, ff. 10UIG0FHH', West side Washington Avenue, Opposite E. R, Shed, Weldon, N. C. PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. ia..ft..ir.rM i.r ,, yu,,.,, ny w wv , Eaa5B Stock kept complete by frequent Arrivals. S L 1'rescripUoa Department filled with the beat selected u sWaiiaar PrescriptioM compounded at all hours with great cart, Bauentber that a heart; welcome always awaita yoo at ollicotTer'i, Iave Weldon, Le iieitield, Le Jarratu, URtooT Creek, Arrive Petersburir. ia.Mi.ra 9.31a.m. S!5p. B 3 66 p. a 5.2p p. as No. 403. toina North Iduvm WIton Al. ly at 4;18, arrive at Petersburg 5.6i . , E. T. D. HYEUS, T. M. EMEKHOH, uen-i Bupennteudent. Gen. Passenger a M, COHEN, SON & CO., PETERSBDRO, YA. - Wholesale- DRY GOODS and Manufacturers of Bhirta, Drawers and over alia, Price guaranteed again, all North ern market. Order receive prompt per KinalattenUoa. not Sly. JaaSW-laV, J- - s-'-i

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