t T'W I!P jEtZ W. SLEDGE, PROPRIETOR. J VOL. XXV. A. IT "W SP APE ar OK, T HE I JP E O 3? X-jE . WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1895. TBBMS:-'1-50 per annum in advance. NO. 43. i n ' ' a aa TT I i Good Newspaper A Good Article AGooil Al THIS COMBINATION IS PKETTY SURE TO WIN. THIS IS THE $ BEST MEDIUM. A KA1XHOW IX THE SKY. NKW ADVKKT18KMENT3. WAl BIOBT. Of COCM. It's bard to tell what's coniin' to this country, but it's plain If we don't have any sunshine we must be resigned to rain ; The times is out o' joint, an' the song conies with a sigh, But I reckon' there's a raiubow that's a- reaehin' round the i-ky. So, never mind the blowin' Of the xi mm that's swecnin' by; You kin almost see the glowiu' Of that rainbow in the sky ! It's hard to tell what's eomin' to this I n.iunt.v Kilt It IPPmi Still happy with its singin' birds an' all it. rmn in HtrpumH: The times is topsy-turvey, an' the storm is liowlin uigh; i But I reckon there's a raiubow that's a- reachin' round the Bky ! No use in repinin' When the roses droop an' die; You kin almost sec the shinin' .Tit.-! .:nkn.M It. tllA.Vtrf " The Women of Corea. THEIR L 0 TNO TAN ENVIABLE ONE-FA MIL Y LIFE OF THE COIl FANS. No Place for Smelling THIS TOURIST KNEW OF ONE THING IT WERE WELL TO OMIT. -When she advised him to go to the- -JlEXCELSIORr rain WELDON, N. C. where printing of every description U exc cnted with neatness and dispatch. Letter Heade, Packet Heads, Bill Heads, Envelope!, Statements, Hand Bills, Programmes, Tickets, Etc, Etc Kte. fjf WHU for samples and prices. E- L. HAVWABl), I'lloPBtKTOB. Tf souths PETERSBURG, VA. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. ELECTRIC BELLS ACCOMMODATION 300. C. BNODCRASS, Proprietor, late o( liutlcr, Pa. The only first class hotel in the city. Commercial rates, tft. to 2 50 per day. O COUGHS ) 1 LAXATIVE X a tROIulO g QUININE r ? Moves the Bowels gently, relieves the cough, cares the teverish condition end bead c ae and prevents pneu- monia. Cures in on aay. rut up in tablets convenient lor taking. PRICE, 23 CtS. rot tut tr tu cHueeisn. CO a o o o 3 3 )cOLD9 WABANTU AND FOB AL Br A.S. HARRISON, ENFIELD, N C oct 4 6m. '" PROFESSIONAL CARDS. .naY.10.DA!Cltt,HT- C. HABBISOM . v. Woldon. . 0. tidon. w,u. uiii wl ' ' . uiniiiiinv. PAT, UAHIfcx- ..-.I-,-,---. 1TTORNEY8.AT.LAW, .. ... , a. r Halifax and Wimn coniliee, and wherever their aer- Tisrhrfiwmb.inii.iif.. well Monday. 1 l- N. Y. Herald. The women of Corca are better look inL' than thoe of many Oriental couo tries, but their positions is nut altogether an enviable one. A hih Irerinau om cial who recently returned from Corca, savs that the education of the women is of the simplest and most primitive char acter. "Like all Oriental women," he tys, "they are taught that it is their chief duty to please uieu and be subject to them. 'Woman is a flower, says a Coreao orovcrb. The women, therefore, perfume themselves frequently, bathe several times a day, cleanse their teeth and moth at least a doieu times in 24 hours, with a Chinese stuff which colors ike teeth t lijzht blue. "When aCorean girl is seven year o!d she is separated from her brothers .n,l her dava in tho women s i , . , rooms practically until she is married Wliin once we ddad. she hardly sees a masculine person save her husband. This delusiveness prevails, ol course, only .muni! the upper classes, the poorer class ex hsiuL' unable to separate the sexes so -,.,lt..l Th marriage of tho chil- WlMpiVli-.J " C dmn is an affair of the parents, the fu lure couple learning nothing but decision as t the dav. Every man must get married, that, too, when very young. It is the dutv of tho parents to discover a good and trustworthy young woman U iVir .nn. Her dowry consists only oi good qualities she brings her husband no money. Although polygimy is al lnw.ul bv law. it is rare. "The marria-'e takes place in the houso of tho brida before a red draped .Intli which e ivers the altar the picturo of a gojse betwoen two .i,..Ui is du oted. the symbol oi nuenn in marriage.' Tho husband and wif.-, hn ...u.llv soe each other at the cere mony for the 6rst limo, hand each other a goblet of wiue, and thus seal tncir com "The life in the family is patriarchal Th. vounz wife lives with her latnor in law, and dire not re marry in case her husband dies. The father has the ngni . j;.i,.hrii his children. The true Co rean pisect about half his lll'o literally on L I u. Whnn M MUD " " nut auccn. - - f.tt,.. n mother, he falls on his ke ,. hu the tretttst p sildo respei- P.., hi. Barents. Even il he is .ouiewhai . x ...r it iii ai ill his duty t QVaovvu i j -, ' i.j .k,m i,. il,ir ruiinis at tilsfnt, ire l emu lupin u " - . . . i i .L... in avfiv nare their beds ami ihtvb - ' Th ...n mnei.ts the pun- . ,J v:'k -.. k.. doalt out to hit uumem wuiu , , . ii..L La ika AiilirlM. But criminal ten iaiu v, , tenoe cannot be pawu uu - i ..i. bmn nlil nr over. I did not make my trip among the peaks and caves and ravines of the Cum berland mountains before being 'coached' a bit by an old friend at Bristol. He told me of several things I must not do, and on several occasions I bad reasons to very grateful. One day when I was up among the moonshiners I suddenly scooted the aro ma given out by a still, and at tho same instant discovered a long haired, rough looking old mountaineer seated on a road side rock with a double barreled shotgun across his legs. I saluted bin, removed my pack and sat down for a imoke. When he had lighted the cigar offered him, I asked: "Is there much wild game in these mountains?'' "A rii-bt smart of eame," he replied. "I suppose you kill a bear now and then?" "Yea, reckon I do." Then I iiueslioued him about the . i . , furms, the crops, the schools, tno cnurcu as and other thioss, and he not only an swered me briefly, but I could not fail to sec that he was closely watching me By and by he askod my business, anu when I told him he seemed to grow cveu .i p. more suspicious. I wanted some iuiur- mation about the route and wanted to get him in good humor, and so I kept ti.tilinir on for a nuarter of an hour. I finally spoke of Bristol and my friend down there, and the old man turned on mo with "What! D'ye know Jim down thar at Biittol?' Why, cirtainly What sort of a lookio' man is he?'' A large man, red faeed, light hair scar on his chin; keep a grocery That'll thn critter. 1 o had a talK with Jim befo' comin up ycre, I rcckou? "Yes, a long talk. "Him told yo sumtbin, I reckon? Yes. many things. Ooe of them was that I shouldn't smell anythiug up here until I had mentioned his name. "Strauner, gin us yer paw!" said the mm as he extended a hand almost as k;.. . . .nthlmnnl. "Did vou know I Vltl .a " was watchin yo'? 'I suspected it, 'Yes. I was watching yer nose. Tb bovs have got a purly hot fire under the still, and the smell comes up purty strong. I had an eye on yo', and it yo d ncv stuck up that nose and suirted and snun el bcl'or yo' mentioned Jims name i nhnuld hev turned loose on yo' for a rev- enoo spy and taken my chauees ot bein ri"ht. (ilad to see yo'. Mighty glad. Come over to the cabin and bring jo r ,.l.,ni and irita bit to eat. Detroit in." M,""o O Free Press Eeei as A Caniate. 111S FLA TFORM IN 1888, WHEN HE CONSIDERED HIS CAN DIDACY AS A JOKE. . i .cn DDccinrWT ATI ANTA (fiA.l EXPOSITION . ' . . i,... nt .him Mr. Collier ts the head, will epen a Atlanta on pa MtlnD OI IDf urtrUUVVD VI uu T V. . . v. i.l..,t tltxaa niivarninlint la-.WM a rS , ...ilblt the" on. mad. kaaadM imm rpr . K" " VBViulwln ib. ol.n of tho eiposltloa n..a- ti i;nioi . ' k..,,TiT uT.Tut fl.ur Ivts the hclaht from noor tocormco: U.n IDClUOe. IDO.HO Ullu.iuai uu..".-. .m.su. - i 111 .... kn M nil lOUIiOV ,Mnul.cturf s nd Liberal Arts 'IJ'JiS Trrn.y.r..tion .V USSitHiM Woman's building- Floe Arts Nflfro bulldlns Tobacco buUdititf Maoalnory bull ..lt0i2S0xS looxamu . .Size Dot determined til.a anl 1IJIPTT1 1 H.ll looiwoies 1 uitasii.iteiii.aji, WiLtaa a. s I iota M OILIP DAIIU ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WBLDOat, M. C. r. B. T. T. MOSS. V ' Weldon, N. C. MtTOffloe ever Emry $ Piepje'estortv, t, W. HARRIS, D- D. 8. V I I . , ItRTUTOit, N. C. TeeUiExtawUdwithoat fi--. Iience u r , , , family who is seventy yeart old or over. la unequallea lor -" ,,v. j Rheum, M,piES HaodT Itching Piles, Burr tfoi B" For sale by arugg'sw. - i TO BOMiToWlllBi. For putting ahorse 1 a fine heUhy cotv Aui,.n trr lir Oadv s Uonumon r'- fidrJy Orders ui deetroy JJ . iffe to an old or "er-workl I hone . jaou per pa age. " For tale J. N. Brown, Halifag, and r. A. 3. Harriwn, Knfleld. Bbe'i dreeeing for the ball to day; Wise girl, u well as Tair, I For ihe't beireelf four houri To fii d " h"' . ..... ahn haa been troubled with frequent eolds, eo.cluded I ... n hi remeav m a " "-ji - Tec. dingly took . tablesooful four She usual of Chamberlains t D i foii eoina to bod. WUgn WlrYi th.t hot Tbe next morwog buo parinu th, d.? .b. dr of the reraeay ou wr - la j Ia trt ina UU lUSiWIvnifi Bowing awoke fro. from all wmptoms of the coin, oil" in'H -'. - . I " . . . j il. mntv in like fft"i il nuoh elated ovw -quick wet of oaring ood. I A. 8. autmt, MBeiu. BVTIIHETEttNAIi. Snmi-bodv wants to know bow it was ih.tn.neral Andrew Jackson got his sobriquet of "Old Hickory." It wat thualv: burioe the Black Hawk Indian war Oen Jaek.on. one ooldand rumy night, was asleep by bis camp fire and one oi hU soldiers sltimwd the bark Iron an old hickory tree, in the back ground and 0 ivered him with it hence tbe name ol "Old Hickory," by which, ever after- W.rds be was beat known to his soldiers "By the Eternal" waa Jackson's favor ite n ode of making a "swear." That waOid Hickory's bark. frL . ,;.,n ,,f OiNiri'e A. Abi:ar. of German Valley, N. J , Is wel wmth rememsmbering. Me was irouo.tu -..u chronic diarrheal and dootoron ir u.c mom lis and was treaijd by four different . .iik.nii h..ti, Ni. lie uieu oeeau using Chamberlain's Culic, I holera an. Uiarrhwa lleuiedy, -1 wnieii ouo . L...i. .A' ..I .. ....i.M.l.itu uure. Dqtue CIII.-VICII fl v , Kar sale by J. N Brown, Halilax, Ir A, 8. Harrison, Kiiti' lJ. 5 m 8 o 2, 0 10 UEQl'ESTH OF A UOKSF. back. 1, Talk to Die kiudly. 2, Uou't overload we. 3, Don't pound or beat me. A. Don't stand me in a draft 5. Don't drive and nuder feed, me. fi. Remember that I have feeliugs 7. Cover me when, I am too warm or 8. Don't oompe) mo tq work wneo 1 .m .i,.V. 9. rWt ot1 mJ t '0 wuch '1,n T am .hml. 10. Treat me as you would like to be treated if you "eM HE GOT HIS RECEIPT. "What are vou waiting for?" said a Cherokee lawyer to an Indian who had paid him money. "Receipt, said tbe Jndian. "A receipt! What do you know about receipt? Can you understand the na 1 . tt ture of a reoeipt? Tell me tho nature 01 one and I will give it to you, replicu the young lawyer. "S'Dose maybe me du; me go to nea ben; me find the gates locked; me see Postle Peter; he say, "Jim, what you want?" Mo nay, 'Want to get in." "You v A that money? What mc do? I r-v .. .,. hab no receipt; hab to huut all over nc to find you. lie got his receipt. r.x. Sow Try Thl. Ti ;n ,mt vou notliini! and will surely do you good, if you have a cough, cold, or any trouble turoai, vi.w.. lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is guaran teed to give relief, nr money will bo paid I tr Sntl..n rs Iroru a urnnie louuu 1. just the thing and under its use had t speedy and pcrlecl recovery, i.j sample bottle ai our eipeunc u -; for yourself just how good a thiug it is. . . . 7. .Ill 1. 1 ' Ar.t.w Trial bottle tree ai n m. i oh.u. u.uS Large Mscauc ana M J L Where are tie Toilers At TllIC SPOILS ARE PARCELLED OUT TO HIE VICTORS BUI HAS COTTON GONE VP1 store. HE SAW IT, Buekleu'a Arntea Salve. Tk.Wa.lve In the world fer outs, bruise., Sore., ulcers, -k rheum, fever tetter, chapped bands, eni.nia.o., ..A .11 .kin eruptions, and poet- tively oaire. piles, or u. pay required. U !. Mi.rantMKl ta BT. PertOOl aaaaey refu.ded. Prle. 25 oU P X.Firal.byW.C Ralefgh Vistor. A seatleman from Hockingham tells good story about a colored man who came from that place to Kaleigh in scarcn 01 a job from tho Legislature. He saw the neero the other night and asxca nim n"w he was getting along. "Well, boss, said he. I didn't get no job and 1 lost JU by ik. irin tmt 1 am skd I oome. I have .... ... seen what I always wanted to see. "What is that?" asked the gentleman a ahita man working unaer a umutr, tk. H.rlmv. Ha sDoke of one of "Abe" Middleton'a white assistant.. I hardly know whiob way to turn, For sad is my hard lot; Whene'er I talk of love she laughs, And one. when I do not. Th. Iiarirain made bv Butler with Richmond Pearson and Jeter Pritcbard -l.inh ik. Pnmiliet vote was to be dnlivered to the Republicans in exenange for a senatorial seat for Butler and a few of ihe loaves and fishes for the leaders in tbe Populist ranks, has been carried .ut in r?ood faith. Pearson has been elected to Congress, Pritchard get a the abort tfirm in the Senate, and Butler gets the long term. All the ifliccs in sight have been parcelled out; and the Legislative mill has been set to work to create places r... . i-nm or so more of the faithful. So far, a good. But what about tbe toiling masses," " poor farmers," the "downtrodden laboriug man?" The k... Iw. mra Inn husV 0W tO tlliuk of things of such minor imK.rtauee. "Plow Oo," uh ye faithless and unbelieving. Two years from sow, about election time, :,! J..-, limkni oft'T airain. But mil then Tata l Adicul Aurevoirl Cood bye I Sayo nara I l'sbcw I Scat ! Skip the guttoi I tilt I "Some day they u wanuer uao agatu tbe fellows who luld you they were goiug to make cotton bring twelve cents pound and oorn a dollar a bushel, and who were going to distribute fifty dol lars "per capita" all over this land of the free and home oi tn. orave. Rut the? are busy now very busy, ...1 .nulla must. Wall uu ju - , Timn enouch to attend to you when there s nothing else 10 ao. Wait, till the othoe socitcr ures, Wait, till the century expires, Wait, till you tlnna an men are nam Butler and all his band. "Plow on I" Morganton Uorald. Kr.Sneaker Reed seems to be more seriously a candidate for the presidency than ever before. In 18H8 he regaruea such a possibility as a joke. That year a New England paper declared tbat me most available men for the Republican nomination were Congressmen Meed ot Maine, Hiscock, of New York and Long of Massachusetts. As soon as we saw this," said Mr. R1....I at that time. "Lone and 1 assem bled oui selves together, held a caucus ami nursed tbat the announcement, so far as wo were concerned, was both time- lv and iudieious. but we decided by a j , - unanimons vote that lliecoca was not a-ailable for reasons tbat must suggest themselves to every thougbtlul and pJ tnoticman. inis acnou uu.ug u.. rowed the contest down to Long and myself, I suggested, with the kindest atid most disinterested motives, that fur the alte nf harmony he oui;ht to withdraw. He demurred to the proposition and did not appear to take much interest m ualil I offered to make it an object to him. I volunteered to pay aim fa in lawful money if he would agree to retire aud make a speech nominating me in the presidential convention. Ho replied tbat ho was not a $a man, whereupon 1 raised him to $8. If there is anything I despise, it U avarice. He replied that he would not withdraw Irom the canvass and make tbe speech for less thai $15 and was willioa to let me write it or would submit it to my appoval. This was pretty Bteep, as Long hadn t the slightest chance of getting tb. nomina tion and isn't much ot a speaker, uui I aereed to pay him $5 down and th k..l.ni if I mit. the nomination. But L002 said ho never did take a contingent and never would. So there the mat-1 tcr bangs. If he won't agree to share tbe risk, bo shan't have any of the iches. I'm runninsr for tho presidency," con tinued Mr. Reed at that time (ibis was in the winter of 1887-8,) "upon a broad and comprehensive platlorm, and it l don't get the nomination it won t be oe eaiisa I'm not willing to give satisfaction to the people of all colors, races, religious and political views. I believe in giving everv man enual rights and a fair show. I believo that it is the duty ot tongreBs in rasa a iudieious silver bill and am in i . favor of such a revision ol the tann as ahall ive the capital and labor employed O . in the manufactures industries ot the nmintrv every protection they ask, and at the same timo place tbe luxuries as well as the necessaries ot lilo within me reach of all. I believe that every man woman and child should receive a pension who is entitled to if, that every just claim upon the covernmcnt should te promptly and duly paid, with interest to Ai9- tbat sectional strife snouiu oe smothered by fraternal love, and that the dead issues of tbe war should be decenuy buried at the government's expense. I am . . . 1 -f inf,,vorof applying the principles oi civil service reform to all the offices of tho ..nvfrnnieot. so as to give entire satu- faction to those who are in as well as those who are out, and that all legislation inteuded to promote the prosperity of the ahou d be promptly enacicu oy Congress. On the labor question I am as sound as an oak saw log, and urge up on Congress the passage of a bill that will settle forever and set at rest an con troversies between the employer and the .mnloved. I believo that the surplus in the treasury should remain unimpaired .n r,.r as is consistent with the nnanciai welfare of the country, and that Congress should take such action in reference to the finances as will bring tho greatest good to the greatest numbers. I hold it to bo the duty of the president to protect the nr-rn,.atives of his office, and to band them down unstained to his successor dune un in tissue paper or in a silk hand kerchief, and I will further say that, if I have omitted to declare my position re garding any interest representing a eon .;.l,.rl,l number of votes, it ahall be my earnest endeavor to amend and enlarge my platform accordingly. TLa motto cn niv escutcheon is, "I strivo to please," and my aim is to merit tho approbation and secure the support ot all llcpubii oins, Democrats and Mugwumps. 1 de lire to be considered a non partisan can didate and would prefer that my nomina tion should be unanimous." W ashington Cor. New York Sun. l-oii ovi:u 1'ii TV y ears 'a Snniliin!? Svrup has been used fur over fifty years by Millions of mothers tor children, winie teeming, .u. pefect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colie, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists : .,ri f tho world. 25 cents a bottle, liesure aud ast lor-Lira. " low's Soothing Syrup," and UVe no oth er kind. ;ooi) RESULTS They were not fitted quite, and yet This girl he tried to court; Becauso her figuie was immense, And be was very short. NEW ADVEtU'lSEMENTS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. A .-..am nf turtar haliin" Powder Highest of all in leavening strength. Latett U. S. Government food ICepori. TI 1 ,. HOTAL UAK1N0 rOWDKH W, 106 Wall St.,N.Y. in advertising tell the story for shrewd advertisers better than big circulation claim or great promises. Yc-t-t in tho Ai. Ai W '11 do ths Rest ADVERTISEMENTS. IPF.FDY and 1ASTINO RESULT'. ... h, I No Inconvenience. Simple, I m ,t,y 1 L tWS. J r,,n y ,, .,,. ..ih.l.r..:.. V It. m . ..ku.iiii ..nn-.n lk Wo 0URurt6 o CURE or rotund I toil' Prim SS.OO -r nii.i.r. atnos TBKMONT MKDICAL CO., Boaton, EKTAH1.IHHED 1829. SX Marks Co, fin jpoor I Health : PETERSBURG, VA. WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERS AND FRUITERERS manufacturers of plain and Fancy Candies, Cakes and Crackers. Dealers in Fine CHEWING TOBACCO . CIGARS & SNUFF. larYour orders solicited, which will have onr personal attention. 10 1 ly mean:; so ir.n trltltnvailm.-:r. w Don't phy greatest git t- h ir.ore than -serious and : result from '.t." nt'crlected. . iih Nature's -health. Brown's Iron Bitte T5 If vAimrpfcclilie oui of orta, wealc i am! Reneraily ex hausieil, neivous, have no cjipetue 11. rl rnll't WOflt. jbeiu al cnceiak- iiiKtlic mosi relia ble strcngtheninjt mtdirii.e.whichts 'Brown's Iron Bit ters. A lew t)0t- ties cure-benefit ... frnm Ihe wry first duse it -.von ! ttain jour teith. mid it 'l jj Vacant tu take It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, irourocs, Consii:ition. B.'.ii iilood Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's complaints. Get only the f .null-.- --it has ,-rnssed red lines oil im.- wi.i -i'i- , - . . .. r . to t. i-iiiin. we smiiits .mi iT '- . Si- will srrul svl in iij-i i.-iiii - Fair Views Ulul Uwk liet BROA'N CHEMICAL CO. BAU'ilRE, MO COPYRIGHTS. Vr WvTs . who bavo bad oearlr J Tftf tlnna atrlctlr onnaaomm. , " d how tb Ob- iM.B?B-- out onst fotb. mvontor. T bli o worl" ti .rear. 6mnl crintea aont "J; M Bui aii? Edlllocv monthly. l50a year. BIMW .ft oonta. KTery number contains hoao t?iul plot "n color., and p.lio.oiin.pb. ol I n.w ktrnaea wuh plana, onablina builders fo show SS!t do. ani i and I iecuro contracla. Addreaa WMUHN S SrW VOKK, 3lil BaoADWAT. C. F. Lauterback, 137 Sycamore st., Petersburg, Va. Having succeeded J. W. Young I would be pleased to see his old friends. Largest stock of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY and CUT GLASS in this city. T..1... TIT Uion-nrr hn WAR witU Young & Hro. for 35 years is at the head of my Kepairing ueparimcuv. HjAii worn ami uruen nxciio yiv.r. attention. oct 25 ly. july 2G 1 y. W. L.Douglas v . . . mm ,.iur .a.T 9lJ OflUC ,mroKiN. t, tOKUUVAn, tBIUCH a.tMAMlllu CAL. '43.9 Flirt tAlf IlKMHAIM 3.VP0UCE.9SOLU. 2.17B0YS'SCHISH0tl LADIES- ncrraimill. a M Mll Dunlsi raT I mm W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally aatWactory Thar lvo tha boat "r Tk.(r wa.rl. ,u.1IUm ""Ti. Th pricM or. anno.. - From ! to ,j M. , I 11 jour dealer cannot upp. j j W. B. TILLERY, Weldou, N. C. C.E McGwiftnn, KnfieM, N. C. jan 3 5ui. ( i: . Hi V w aAJ Bran. Display -OF- FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. FA NCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Butterick's Patterns. K. & G. CORSETS, Misses at 50c., Ladies 75c. to $1. Klricei will he made to suit the time. Hats and bouneta made and trimmed t order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C. M Kmilv Thnrne. who resides at Toledo, Washington, says ahe hai never Ku,n .his tn nr cure anv rueuiuiuo .ion. ih.i rnliTa the Daio i H i j I. - i , , , , i l J -ar.-i...ll mm PK.mh.rl.lll a quieaij anu encutu.nj - Pain Balm and that ihe baa alio used it (or lame baek with great aucoe. For uleby J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr A. oi Harmon, inueiu. O. W. 0 Hardman, Sheriff of Tyler Co., W. Va., appreciate! a good thing A A..m nn hii.ln to anv ao. He was uu uwo ii u . u j almost prostrated with a cold when he procured a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He lays: "It gave me prompt relief. 1 find It to oe an invaiuauie nm 1. f.,. imnnha and colds." '.. i . r it ti u.i:r-- n Kor sale Dy 4. a. Drown, niu, fi A. 3. Harrison, nUeld Mrs. Beacon Have you found mat vlao-A a failure? Mri. Wabask-Jfeo.ailewiiol oC I(,t yea- Tf"""' THE SUN. TlliSI'IKSroP AMKBICAN NEWS. PAriHH. CiiAtihts A.Dana, KJitor. Tho Amerioan Constitution, the Ameri- rm can Idea, t'ue AtBCrttsn Hjiint (o) These fitst, last, and all the time (o) forever. Daily, by mail, C ye Dnllv A. Sundav. bv mail , 8 a year The Weekly, l Je" THE SUNDAY SUN is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the worm. Price 5c. a copy. By mail, 2 a year. Address THE SUiN, New lorn. "SCOTLAND NECK mus bye mil. KKxpresa paid on paokagei. Send for prioelist. Addreei, How To Invest Small Amounts. This i r.ts at. la in Hint nUXlleS tOI- ibftD one nniu who twveAa portion of bis ulary. 1 he louowtug iciwr ijiw n iwui w h liivestinent in a Tontine Policy of the Equitable Life. Union, B.C., Dec. 20, 18M. W.J. Roddey, Esq., Agent. Dear Sir; Your hivor enclosing check of the EiuiUhle Lite Aasurauce Hociety in settlement of my policy, No. 809,310 came duly to band. The Bettlameat is a liberal one, eiceeding my expectations, and I am pleased with it. Youra truly, Wn.l IAM MUNBO. ml 1. a lmm nt In.Wm.nt tyi-lluW lutro. uvimiu vi lull..".. tbat offera such absolute security and inch liberal dividend! aa the proper form of lit ansnrance. H'a a matter on which every man should be posted. Weieuo you ng nreeand particulars without charge. W. J.UODDEY, Manager, Department of the Carolina!, Rock Hill, 8. C. A. L. BTAINBACK, Agent, Weldon, X. C. Hard Times Sig (Ma4ili.wAai S U ol riiUm. a -oil nni.a.1 w Soda, u. Ww. aa4 0" atajatn-a. r: . 4 1 X i I i M.a.litan- r Mill- KMrS'