i i THE ROANOKE NEWS. TI1UBSDAY, FKBRUAHY 7, 1895. TIIK UNSUCCESSFUL. Have jou thought, in your monienls of 0 Jou tint are high in the tree, Of the la)s snd nihts that are bitter So hitler to other. nnd iu? When the rfforts to do wliut is elm r Ittsult in a fuiluro so sad, And the cloud if dtsfondruoy gather And dim all the lit j m tliut we had? Huve you thtuhl, when the world was sp laudinj; Your ftreaint'M. whatever il lie, Of the tears that in silence were fallini; Yea, fallioj; frt.ni others nod lue? When the hariktt eul latest endeavors Appeared to be only in vain, And we've eurtuined our ev 8 in the uilit time Indiff'rfnt to waking n:aiu? For it wants but little rtflittiuD, And you'll be the 6r.t to uree That the favors in which yuu are basking Are darkness to others and tne. And it's hard when you lie iu the sun shioe Of for me so smiling iuJeeJ, If you have not a thought for the many Who'll never can never sueceed. "HOT MUSIC ON TUE HALF SHELL FOR TWO." Jud Browoin, when visiting New York, goes to hear Rubinstein, and gives the following description of his playing : Well, sir, he had the blatuedest, big gest, cattyeorncdest pianneryou ever laid eyes on; somethin, like a distracted bil liard table on three legs. The lid was hoisted, and mighty well it was. If it hadn't been he'd a tore the entire inside clean out, and scattered 'em to the four winds of heavon. Played well ? You bet he did; but don't interrupt me. When be first sit down, ha 'peared to keer mighty little 'bout playin,' and wisht he hadn't come He tweedle leedled a little on the treble, and twoodle oodled some on the base just foolin' and bozin' the thing's jaws for being in the way. And I says to the man sittin' next to me says I: "What sort of fool playin' is that ?" And he says, "Heish !" But presentyhis hands commenced chasiu' one anothor up and down the keys, like a parcel of rats icampin' through a garret very swift. Parts of it was sweet, though, and re minded toe of a sugar squirrel turnin' the wheel of a candy cage. "Now," I says to my neighbor, "he's showin' off. He thinks he's a doiu' of it, but he ain't got no idee, no plan no nothiu'. If he'd play me a tune of some kind or other I'd" But my neighbor says "Heish 1" very impatient. I was just about to git up and go houie, bein' tired of that foolishness, when I heard a liulc bird waking up away off in the woods, and call sleepy like to bis mate aud I looked up and see that Ruby was beginning to take some interest in his business, and I sit down again. It was the first peep of day. The light came faint from the east, the breei.'S blowed gentle and fresh, some more birds waked up in the orchard, then some more in the trees near the house, and all began singin' together. People began to stir, and the gal opened the shutters. Just then the first beam of the sun fell upon the blossoms, a leelle more, and it teeht the roses on the bushes, and the next thing it was broad day; the sun fairly blazed, the birds sung like they d split their little throats; all the leaves was moving,' and flashed diatnouds of dew, and the whole wide world was bright anil happy as a king. Seemed to me like there was a good breakfast in every house in the land, and not it flick child or woman any where. It was a fine morniu'. Aud I says to my neighbor : "That's music, that is." But he glared at me like to cut my throat Presently the wind turned; it begun to thicken up, anl a kind of gray mitt came over things; I got low spirited directly. 1 hen a silver rain began to fall. I could set the drops touch the ground; aouie flashed up like long pearl ear rings, uud the rest rolled away like rouud rubies. It was pretty, but melan choly. Then the pearls gathered llietu- celves into long strands and ncckUuit atid then they melted iuto thin silver streams, running between golden gravels, and then the streams joined each other at the bottom nf the hill, and made brook that fl.iwed silent, except that you could kiuder see the uiutic, special y wnea i no uusnesoa tne nanus tuoveu as the uiusiu went aloux dowu the valley. 1 eould smell the flowers in the meado But the sun didn't shine, uor the bird: sing. It was a foggy day, but not cold. 1 ha most curious thing wan the little white angel boy like you see in pictures, that run ahead of the music brook and led it on, and on, away out of the world, where no man ever was, certain. I eould see that boy just aa plain as I see you. Then the moonlight came without any i unset, and shone on the graveyards, here some few ghosts lifted their hands aod went over the wall, and between the black, sharp top tree splendid marble bouses rose up, with fine ladies in the lit up windows, and men that loved 'em, but eould never get a nigh 'eui, who played on guitars under the trees, and made roe that miserable I eould have cried, because I wanted to love somebody. I didn'l know who, better than the men "uitarf did. a got up then and there aud preached a better suuiuo lliau 1 ever listened to. There wasn't a thing in the world left to live for, not a blatno thing, and yet 1 didn't want tbc music to stop one bit. It was happier to be mis rable than to be happy without being miserable. I couldn't understand it. 1 hung my head and pulled out my handkerchief, and bh wed my nose ieud to keep me from cijiu'. My eyes is weak anyway; I di'lu't want nnyh. dy to be a gazin' at Uie a snivliu', aud its nobody's business what I do with my nose. It's mine. But shine several glared at rue mad as btz 'S. Then, all of a suddeu, old Ru bin changed his tune. Ilo ripped out aud lie rared, he tipped an 1 he tared, he pranced aud he charged like the grand entry at a eireus. Peared to lue that all the gas iu the bouse was turned on at otiee, things got so bright, and I hilt up my head, ready to look any tuan in the lace, and not afraid of nothin'. It was a eireus, and a bra.- band, aud a big ball all a L'oiu' on at the same tiuie He lit into I Imu keys like a llmusund of brick no gave em no rest ilay or niglil; he set overy livin' joiul in me a guin', and not beiu' able to stand it no longer, I jumped spang onto my seat, and hollered: "(io il Rube !" Kvery blamed man, woman, and child in the house riz on me and shouted, "Put him out I put him out I" Put your great grandmother's grizzly gray greenish cat into the iniilllu of next month!" I says. "Tech uie if you dart! I paid my money and jest coino a nigh me I" With that some several policemen run up, and I had to simmer down But I could a fit any fool that laid hands on me, for I was bound to hear Ruby out or die. He had changed the tune again. He hop light ladies and tiptoed fine from end to end of the key board. He played soft and low and solemn. I heard the church Veils over the hills. The candles of hcaveu was lit, one by cue; I saw the stars rise. The great organ of eternity began to play from the world's end to the world's end aod all the angels went to prayers. Then the music changed to water, full of feeling that couldu't be thought, and began to drop drip, drop drip, drop, clear and sweet, liko tears of joy falling into a lake of glory. It was sweeter than that. It was as Bweet as a sweet heart sweetened wilh white sugar mixed with powdered silver aod seed of diamoods. It was too sweet. I tell you the audience cheered. Rubin he kinder bowed like he wanted to say, "Much obleeged, but I' rather you wouldn't interrup' me " He slopt a moment or two to ketch breath. Then he got mad, Ho run his fingers through his hair, he shuved up bis sleeve, he opened his coat tails a leetle further, he drug up his stool, he leaned over, and sir, he just went fur that old pianner. He s!apt her face, he bmed her jaws, he pulled her nose, he pinched her cars, and he scratched her cheeks until she fairly yelled. Ilo knoekt her down and he starupt her shameful. Sin bellowed, she bleated like a calf, she howled like a hound, she squealed like a pig, she shrieked like a rat, and then he wouldti t lit tier up. lie ran a quarter stretch down the low grounds of the base, till be got clean in the bowels of the earth, and )ou heard thunder gal loping after thunder, through the hoi lows and eaves of perdition; and then he fox chased his right hand wilh his left till tie got away out ot the treble into the clouds, whar the notes was finer than the pints of cambric needles, and you couldn't hear notliin' but the shadders of 'em And then he wouldn't let tin old piinner go. He for'ard and two'd, ho cr st over first gentleman, he eh; sade right and left, back to your places. he all hands' d round, ladies to the right prouicoiidc all io aod out, hero and there back and forth, up and down, perpetual motion, double twisted and turned am tacked and tangled into forty eleven thous.nd double bow knots. Byjioks! it was a mixtery. Aod then 1 i wouldn't let the old pianntr go. He fe hed up bis right wing, he feehed up his iul't wiug, he leclicd up his centre, feehed up his reserves. He fired by file, be fired b? plalooos, by company, by regiments, and by brigades. He opeued his cinnon-seige guns down thar, Napo leons her", twelve pounders yonder big guns, little gum, middle s zed guns round shot, shells, slnrpnels, grape, can tster, mortar, mines and magazines, evety livio' battery and bomb a goiu' at the same time. Tin house ireiubltd, tin lights danced, the walls shuk, the 0 come up, the eetltn conn; down, the sly split, the gr iund rnkt heavens aud earth, creation, sweet potatoes, Moses ninepences, glory, ten penny nails, Samp sou iu a simmon tree, Tump Tompson in l tumbler cart, roodle oodlc oodle-oodle ruddle udle udle-uile raddle addle ad-die- liddle-iddle-iddle iddle reddle ecdle eedleeedle pr-r-rilang! Bang I ! II lang! per-lang! prrr-r-r ! Bang! ! ! With that bang! he lifted himself bodily into tho air and he come down with his knees, his ten fingers, his ten toes, his elb iws, and his nose, striking every single, solitary key on the pianner at the same time. The thing busted and went off into seventeen hundred and fifty teven thousand, five hundred and forty two henii douii semi quivers, and I know'd no more'. When I come to, I were under ground about twenty foot, in a place they call Oyster Bay, a treatin' a Yankee that I never laid eyes on before, and never ex pect to again. Day was breakio' by the time I got to the St Nicholas Hotel, aod I Vledge yon my word I did not know mv A MK1UTY I.OXli TK.Uir. . , 6 R AVE r Dcmorest's Magazine. STILL IX PO'SKsaiOX. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. tl CASH ADVERTISEMENTS. I'VE PAVED THE WAY fur the biggest season I have ever known bv displavinRan imnieuse Btock of GEN ERAL MERCHANDISE for ML ID Jess How do you argue that men axe naturally better than women? Jack No man ever had seven devils cast out of him. Jess k; they've got 'em vet- Truth. l'erdlta Were you ever kissed tn unnel? Penelope Yes. Pcrdlta Were you frightened? Penelope Yes; I was awfully afraid no one would see us. Brooklyn Life. OATI1ERINO IP KVIUKMB. fll To those who lobbing offer. tule advantage of our The- Roanoke News, -AND- IHOUF.XGS I'F TO DATE. "Hello, Diogenes! Why aren't you at home In such a rain?" "You forget, dear friend, this is washing day, and my tub Is In use." Life. THOME CHILDREN OF OIKS. 1 "Lome, hlale, and give Charley a nice kiss. He Is crying because yon don't want to play with him." "A kiss? Why, mamma, what does that stupid child know of a kiss?" Fliegende ltloetter. AT THE COl NTt FAIR. Farmer Pumper (In the milk bual " What kind of an animal U Uwt? -St. Louis Krrjahlle. Specimen Cases. 5. II- tliltord, New tassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism his stomach was disordered, his liver was a If eel ed to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Eleelrio Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Ilarrisburg, III had a running sore oo his leg of eight years standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bueklcn's Arnica Salve and his lee sound snd well. John Speaker Catawba, 0., had five laagc fever sores on his leg doctors said he was incurable. One bottle of Eleelrio Bitters snd one box of Bucklen's Arniea Salve cured him en tirely. Sold by Wm. Cohen drugist. Zf. Tatft., .i-PW J" s"w my L.msil Whs lUbr was akk, w awn bar Caatorta. Worn was a Olid, d oris! tor Ckstoria. Whw uha becama Mm, aha ohinf to Cajtorta. Atlanta CONSTITUTION -Onejyear, both papers for 12.00. The Constitution has placed in a sealed envelope a lepal tender note, the number composed of eight figures and on the ar rangemeut of these figures depends the distribution of $2,000. The following figures compose the number of the note I have gathered in a variety of bargains and will sell at "LOW TARIFF KATES." Fiue line of Clothing, lteautiful Press ratterus, Shoes of every description. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHINGS. ojuPrices to correspond with the low price ot cotton. I am always pleased to show goodB and guarantee prices. W. B. TILLERY, Welden, N C -THE NEW YORK- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EMM & FIERCE, -WHOLESALE aud RETAIL DEALERS IN- QEfiEIML .mCHMIDISE, RAILROAD SCHEDULES. S. A, L. SEABOARD AIR LINE, Absolutely the Shortest anil Qui,i,., Home South, only IS ur, c"" to Atlanta. SCHEDULE IN EPPECT SUNDAY DEC. 23rd, 1H94. NORTHBOUND. 38 Lv Weldon, Ar Boykins, Ar Frunklin, Ar Suffolk, Ar l'ortumoutb, Ar Miriolk, P.M. 3.2v! 4.06 4.40 S.14 660 800 Ar Old l't Comfort, steamer 7.20 402 "or 4.33. 6.24. 6 02. 6 44. 7.30. 7.50. 7.20. SOUTHBOUND. 41 403. Each Store Hew Goods for Fall M Inter. E WELDON, N. C. 1 CENT ARTICLES. Account books. Carpenter's pencils, yard luce, Box of taeks, l'aper pins. Finger ring, 3 lead pencils, box blacking, Hull sewing cottou, paper needles, yard ribbon, 3 papt rs hair pins, card books and eyes, 2 pen holders. 2 CENT ARTICLES. Package envelopes. Monev Purse, dozen brass head tacks, dozen pant buttons, spool good cotton, cake toiletsoap, quire writing paper, Banjo, tlniur and Violin strings. !l CENT ARTICLES. Yard garter web, 144 rice buttons, good machine cottou, dozeu dress buttons, big box blacking, package good envelopes, bot tle ink, handkerchiefs, ball knitting cotton tin plates, beat lead pencils, files, combs, 6 knitting needles. 4 CENT ARTICLES. Tin cup, yard calico, yard good lace, tin fuunel, paper brass pins, good comb, large slate, 6 spoons. AGENT ARTICLES. Gents' aud ladies hose, mouse traps, block handle dipper, stove shovel, pocket knife, quire bent paper, 4 hook hst rock, lamp burner, liuen collars, linen handker chiefs, 25 oeutcutT buttons, hair oil and cologne, large wash bowl, padlock aad 2 keys, 2 cakes soap, Swan-down fuce pow der, pair suspenders, hasp aud staple, yard wide cloth, box writing paper. H. C. SriKRS, Muugef. Le Weldon, 11.64 a.m. Ar Henderson, 1.62 p.m. Ar Durham, 4.12 p.m. Ar Raleigh, 3.60 p.m. Ar Southern Pines (.27 p.m. Ar Hamlet, 7.25 p.m. Ar Charleston vist Hamlet, Ar Wadesboro, Ar Monroe, Ar Charlotte, Lv Monroe, N. C. Ar Chester, B.C. Ar Clinton, S. C. Arlireenwood, S. C. 12.67 Ar Abbeville, H. V. 1.20 2.48.i.m. 4.10 am. . 10 a.m. 617 a.m. 7'lOa.ra, 7.64 a.n. . 40 p.m. 8.37 a.m, 8.22 a.m. VERY department brimful and running - over. We - carry - the largest stock . of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and GROCERIES of any house in Hali fax County. Our immense store is FULL of BARGAINS for aU. We keep every article needed on the farm or in the house. Visitors to Weldon should visit our store and inspect our stock be fore buying elsewhere. B. 11p.m. 9.00 p. m. 10.00p.m. 10.52 in. 9.20 9.37 a.m. 12.10a.rn 12.04 pm n Km ... " i.sn p.m. 1.15 n. m Ar Klberton, Ua. 2.31 2.04 p.m. Ar Athens, Oa. 3.40 3.03 p.m. Ar Atlanta, Union dep. 5.20 4.09 p.m. Ar Macon, (la., 6.60 p.m 6.50 p m. No. 403 Vestibule Limited Train. No extra fare Weldon to Atlanta. Pullman Sleepers Weldon to Atlanta and Macon, Ga. Connects directly at Atlanta with W. and A. R. R. for Chattanooga, Nashvillt and all points west. Connects with A. & W. P. R. K. for Mobile, Montgomery, New Orleans and all points Southwest For tickets and baggage checks to all points South and Southwest, sleeping car reservation snd general information call on T. P. ANDERSON, Agent, Weldon, N. C. JOHN H. WINDER, Gen'l Manager. T.J. ANDERSON, Gen'l Paasei gsr Ag't, W.iW.R. R. BRANCHES AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. Condensed Schedule. TRAINS CiOINU SOUTH. DATED Jan rth ISM. 1 3 Leave Weldon, P.M. P.M. P.M. 11 M 17 Ar KiK kr Mount II .'7 le 10 I li J Ar Tiirtmro Leave Tarboro, I t RocIct Mount, Leave Wiliou. Lv Helm a, Lt FavetteTllla. Arrive Florence, iT WlUnn. Lv (lohiiboro, Lv Mafruolia, Ar Wilmington, P ETERSBURGSEEDHOUSE. HEKD for FARM & (iARDKS TKHTKhnn nnr Firm. Plants, Fruit Trees, Feitilixers, Oil Cake Meal, Ac. Hend for circulars to W. GROSSMAN, Seedsman and Market Gardener, Bollingbrook St., Petersburg, Va. sep 13 lyr. . P. SALE, Proprietor. WM. LINN, Manager. MANSION HOUSE. - BOT1I ON - AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. Union Street, NORFOLK, VA. ET. CLARK. 5-3-M-l-0-.il Uck. . Though of count they are not given here in the order in which they appear on tbe note To those sending In their B BACK DUES 3 and $2.00 in advance for both papers, can re-arrange these figures as ther think the are on the note. $1,000 in cash to the one who give the number of the note. $600 in cash to the one who comes near est giving the exact arrangement $260 to the one coming second nearest $100 " " 3rd " $50 " " 4th " and $30, $16, $10, $5 to those coming 6th to 16th nearest. Remember, tb guess costs 70a NOTH ING, Yon on have to paj np and renew for one jear in advance, if 70a are aa aid subscriber, and all sew one subacribors have only to send $1.60, get both papers and hare a guess at the great cash distil bution. Now is the time to begin. Send all orders to ROANOKE NEWS. Weldon, N. C. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. AND Real Estate Apt WELDON. N. C THE WAGE EARNER la, without donbt, the greatest beneficiary of lite insurance. It affords hi m an abso lutely safe means ol investing his savings and a guarantee that those depending on his earnings will be amply provided for atnisaemise, under tbe Tontine policy Equitable Life he Is also provided with a safe-guard against misfortune besides receiving a much larger amount of insnrtnos for the same amount of premiums paid In. It is better than the savings bank, bettor than the building association, betterthan gov ernment bonds. Better for the wage earn er, or for anyone than any other method ever originated. For facts and figures, ad dress W. J. RODDY, Manager, Forthe Cartlioas. - Rock HilL 8. C. A L. Stausace, Agent, Weldeo, M. 0. mm 11 GARWOOD'S EXT1UCT, NAtL'S TRIPLE, VIOLET WATER, WOODWORTIl's FLORIDA WA TIB, AND SACHET POWDER. New Line of rSTATIONERYfc Just Received ISO Linen writing Tablets, which I'll sell at a small PKOFIT. ACCURACY o & m O Z &n PS o tn W rt ft. s H w 3 M s 0 Stag Brand Prepared Paints. Pure While Lead k Linseed oil. I'll sell paints at t very small margin. A Large Stock of LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEED. li to 1 03 10 to I OS 11 US I ss 4 80 II SI 7 15 S 00 No. 47 I IIS I M 4 5 30 00 li A.M. S5 7 10 8 ts ie oe P. St. P.M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. I f f I li r n 4 '! i . s -I r, sr. x a -on A.M. A.M. P.M. Lv Florence. I IS 7 li Lv FareUevtlle, 10 SS a lt Leave Heliaa, 11 31 ar.Wluun, 1 so nil HO. 4S Lv Wilmington, si 1.T HBKUUlia IV 38 Lv (loldnboro, II 05 ar niijon, 1 mi no. is Lv WIlK.n. 1 so 11 0 Ar Rorkjr Mount, II) 12 of A r Tarboro, I is Lv Tarboro. II 10 Lv Rock? Mount, I aa It 01 Ar noiaou, s a ll 54 700 I !1 ju 10 17 10 81 11 IS P.M. P.M. P.M. A. M. P.M. Dally eicept Similar. Train on Scotland Meek Rranrh HnA u Weldon at its . ni. Halifax 4 Oo, arrive teoiuuJ iUa 1 leaves h...h 1 ,K n n. lit...... Ill- ... T 1I3 I p.ii. neiunnuf ivavpi Ain&Lnn 3Q, S. (ireenvillestla m. ArriVlhf St Balltti 11 a. m., Woldou II oa.m.aallrexceptttuiiaaT. as p. m. flail; trains on Soot eicitsiiunar. rouuetta wltb trains on lana isees aranm. Train Iravei Tarboro N. C, via Albemarla sad Haieixii n. k. iiauy eieepi Sunday a eo B. ai.. Sunday 00 p. m arrive Wllllamalon N. C. 7 II up. ni rirmonin simp, m., a tup. ai, is leavee Plymouth daily aacepi liiaikl Suurlay So a. a. wmiamiion. N. if.. Returnlns leave) 40 a. m. tH s. m. arrive Tarboro lu!6a.i 11 41a. n. Train on Midland N. C. Bram h leaves Golds boro N.C.. dally eicept Hunday 4 06 a. m arrive Kmllhfleld.N. C.,7 .Hi a. m. Relumlur leaves Smiihneld, N. C, S00 a. m arrive Uoldaboro, M CSlWp.m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky ".fiivnie Retdrhiv Mountat4Up.n.,srrlrtat Ntihvllla sodi m..lipriniHopa 6p. to. Retttrhflif Itavea SprlnaUopa S00 a. m., Naihvl)lert II i, jo". arRoaky Mount Sia.m.dallyaioaplHuiuIay. H ralna on lalla Braneb riomioa k. R. bawa Lalta ft 40 p, m.: arrive Dmitiar 7 50 p. m. Re turning leave DanbarS sn a. m., arrive Latta7 oS a. ui. iuy vAtvpisuuaar. T rain on t.'liulon Rrain-n leavea Warsaw for Clinton, dailf except Hunday at 4 IS p. u. and wvwa.ai. neiunilRg leave llinuin Si T BV S SB aud 0 imp. m., connecting at Warsaw with Kaa, 40,41. 13 and 7S. Train No. 7S makes rloae connection at WeKaa for all point! North daily. All rail via Richmond aua aaiir ezuej Roeky atoujit Railroad for Norn Norfolk. J.R.KKNI.T, sup't Trans, !Pt Hunday via Ray Llns, alao at daily wltb Norfolk and Carolina Norfolk and all poluta Nona via T.M.IMKKcON. uen'l Paisenger itiCf J. F.DIVWf, urneriupt TLANTIC COAST USE. PETERSBURG & WLLDONR.R CaaSanaed Sehedule. TRAINS GOINO SOUTH. The Place to get Your -At the lowest prices is at- DR. I. Q. ZOWCOFFEQ'8, Wrst side Washington; Avenue, Opposite B. R, Bbed, Weldon, N, C. PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Stock kept complete by frequent Arrivals. Prescription Depart man t filled with the best selected material. PraaoripUou com pounded at all hours with gnat care. Etstaaaber that hearty welcosne alwajri awaits yost at Zllicoffsr'a Dated Jan. 27, 1885. No. 23 Daily. No 403 Daily. Leave Petersburg, Leave Stony Creek, Leave Jarratta, Leave Belneld, Arrive Weldon, 9. 50 am 10.87 am 10. M am 11.08 am 1148 am 1.04 am 1.48 m 9.18 am 3.48 Mo. 3fi, KoincSonth. leavea Psterabnri at 7.46, p. m., arrive at Weldon 9.S6. TRAINS GOING NORTH, I No. 39 I No. 78 Dally. Daily. Leave Weldon, Le Belneld, Le Jarratta, Le Stony Creek. Arrive Petersburg. 13.54 a.n 9.38 a.m. 3.48 p. ra 4.95 p. m 4.43 p. m 4.58 p. m 5.43 p, aa No- 403. coins North leaves Weldon doi ly at 4:18, arrive at Petersburg 5.53 a. am. E. T. D. MYERS, T. M. EMEItSON, ' Gen'l Superintendent, Gen. Passenter af M, COHEN, SON $ CO., PETERSBURG, IL Wa-Wholeaal DRY GOODS and NOTIONS. Uanatactnnra of Shirts, Dnrwers and over alls. Price inu3tlaiiistaNa eranwkess. Orders receivs prosopt pt aossatteeUea, MTlly.