THE ROANOKE NEWS t &; ft 1 r 1 v . i - v ' t - THURSDAY, FEP.RU AUY 21, 1895. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY J. W. SLEEQE, Editor Proprietor. L. E- STAISBACK. Asscciats Editor- Ehtl'1 dot J oft Ojf'ite tit Wrttti'it us Second Chn Mutttr. RATK3 OK SVnxi KII'TION IN ADVANCE. One Year (by Mail), Postage Paid $1.50. Bix Months 75. A Weekly Democratic journal devoted to the material, educational, political and agricultural interests ol llalilai and sur rounding counties. glAdvertising rates reasonable and furnished on application. Washinuto.n is on the eve of the greatest convention of the Woman's Chris tiun Temperance union of I lie world. Till Senate Committee reported ad versely on the House joint resolution to elect Senators by the direct vale of the people. Wlare truly gladly to hear that the mills are coming to tho cotton, for the cotton's getting so low dona now it's too weak to go anywhere. The Norfolk and Western 11. R. is in the hands of a receiver. It owes its em ployees $350,000 and was also expected to default in the interest upon '27,000, 000 worth of bonds. Senator Grant wants to turn out one hundred orphans from the ( Ixford Urphan Asylum in this cold weather to starve by withdrawing the appropriation, That's reform for you! Gold has started from England to the United States in a large stream, and the treasury reserve will soon begin to increase. Let us hope that this is the last time that that fund will go down to low figures. Nepotism is going to strike Burke heavy. Col. Georg Thomas Walton is to be a Director of the Morganton Hos pital, and bis son Stanley Walton is to be a Director of the Lieaf and Dumb school. That is the prcscut programme. Conflicting reports come from Flor ida concerning the effect of the second cold wave in that State, but it is certain that great additional damage has been done. The second crop of early g arden truck that had been plauted and was doing well has been destroyed. Col. J. S. Cark, of Durham, presi dent of tho Durham Tobacco Company, Durham, N. C, 1ms subscribed 810,0011 to the American Uuiversity, which is to be erected in Washington by the Meth odist Episcopal Church. Colonel Carr is the first Southern man to contribute educatioual enterprise north of the l'o tomic since the war. Hon, Isaac P. Gray, United States Minister to Mexico, died at the Ameri can Hospital in the city of Mexico last Thursday, of double pneumonia. He was bnn in Chester county, Pa., October 18, 1828. He moved to Indiana and was elected Lieutenant Governor by the Democrats in 1S7G aud was made Governor in ISSt. He was mentioned as a candidate for the Presidency at the Chicago conven tion, and was nominated to be Minister to Mexico in March lSOll. He was the first man to receive diplomatic honors in the resent Administration. Intei.lkikncs is received of the sur rendir of the Chinese forts and warships at Wei llai Wei. The surrender is com pletc, and the Japanese are in full pos session. The Chinese war ship Chen Yuen was suuk by shells from the torts held by the Japanese. She bad been badly damaged the previous day, and was uuablc to ue her guus All the torts on the mainland have been taken by the Japanese. The iron elads Tiug Yuen and Lai Yuen and the cruisers Chin Yu en aud Wei Yuen have been sunk, and thirteen torpedo boats either destroyed or captured. Oue Japanese torpedo boat was lost, and two were disabled. The President will be urged to ap point Senator M. W. Ransom to be Minister to succeed the late Minister Gray, of Indiana, whose death was an nounced last week. Senator Ransom's term of office as a Senator expires with this Congress, and it is said that the President will be glad to tender him the appointment. A petition to the President has been circulated asking him to nominate Sena tor Ransom to that place. The petition has been sined by every Democratic Senator in Washiogten and sent to the President. The many friends of Senator Ransom in this lection will be glad to learn that in all probability he is to be honored with the nomination of Minister to Mexico. Tiichk is auother turn in the wheel iu the distribution of the patronage the Fusionist think they can control, says the News and Observer. The present plan is to rnakeS. Otho Wilson Commis sioner of Agriculture; W. II. Kitcbin, or "some other good man" Riilroad Com missioner, and give the Republicans all the patronage at the Peniteutiary. The Elgiu watch company of Elgiu, III., and the Waltham Co.. of Mass., will consolidate and pass into the possession of a British syndicate. The valuation of the Uo properties is 8l0,0ili),tl00, ol which amount $'.1,01111,000 goes to tlu credit of the Elgin company and 87,000 000 to the Waltham concern. The El giu and Waltham factories turnout about 85 pet cent, of the total product ol movcineuts ij the United States, m ire than halt of that amount bciog produced by the Elitin works, which employs about 4,000 hands. The members of the Judiciary Com mittee stung to resentment by the lash of Mary Ann Butler, the self constituted dictator, gave expression to their feelings last Thursday. The News and Observer says : Mr. Ewart started the ball. He called the Overseer and his associates "penny a liners and scribbler," and said they could not "intimidate nor bulldi'Z-;" him. He declared (bat he would not be ''driven" "under the whip and spur of caucuses" or deterred from doing his duty "by these brutal expressions in the Caucasian.'' "I don't iutend." said Mr. Campbell, "for any man to put tho whip on my back and make me do what I think is not risht . A man should represent his constituents unless they are crazy when he should vute on his owu judgment.' .'ir. i.u.Hi, wno lias "tieasureu up wrong" Butler did him iu promising to make him Speaker and failing to perform his promise, got even with the Overseer. Tho committee had decided to report the bill, he said, Butler being in the caucus and knowiug it waj to be done, "and th-n he penucd that article charcing the members of tho committee with crim anl I hurl it back iu his face with all th i vengeance that inspired it." Mr. Pctrce said the Caucasian editorial wis "not only unjust but ungentlemanly Mr. White said "we are not on R sian soil and are not here to do the bid ding of any sclt constituted Czar." Mr. Cox "resented the dictation of the Caucasian. I denounce as false any statement from him that I have affiliated with the Democrats " The sawmill of M. K. Gray, wiih its entire contents lias been destroyed by fire in Davidson county, causing a loss of $0,500. Augustus W. Graham, of Oxford, has been appointed Judge ot the Superior Court, 5th district , vice K. W. Winston, resigned. The Tate family, colored, at Charlotte, consists of father, mother, sixteen girls and fourteen boys. They all live under one roof. A beautiful memorial window in honor of North Carolina's lamented Senator, Zebulon It. Vance, has been placed in Saleui Female College. Dr. Pricbard advised his congregation in Charlotte to trade with Baptists to the exclusion of members of other denomina tions, other things being ejua!. The two Methodist Conferences have arranged for a school to be held at Trin ity College June 1 1th to 19th. Dr. Kil go is to be president ot the school. The cottou acreage iu Eastern North Carolina will; it is estimated, be reduced at least 25 per cent. This will be made up in the acreage in peanuts and tobacco. The Fusionist intend to retire all the Democratic Directors from the Deaf and Dumb school except Mr. N. B. lirough ton. Many of them favor a clean sweep. Mr. Anderson Cates, of Orange coun ty, is 85 years old, yet he is as active as most young men. He is a good workci and cau staud flat footed and jump up on his horse. Chief Justice Faireloth is 00 years of age; Justice Furches is 01, and Justice Montgomery 50. Justice Clark is still I the youngest justice on the bench, just as be was in tht last court. The only two North Carolinians that have ever occupied the position of Prcti dent pro tern, of the Senate are Nat Macon and Matt Ransom. It is singu lar that both were uatives of arren county and related. The Asheville Citizen learns of a woman in this State who gave birth to her 17th child a few days ago. The remarkable thing about it is that the woman is only 33 years old and h is been married but seventeen years. ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW Al ERTISEMENTS What is The fusiouists are still hammering away on cuuuty goverument. The Uo publicans are h jldiug out for a reeu ict nient of the old law under which incoui petent men were put in control of the Eistern counties, binkrupting the time. The credit of Halifax county under tho old regime was not good for a pound of nails. Today the ounty scrip is as good as gold. The Legislature should cert tin ly take all these things into considera tion before changing the best system of county goverument North Carolina has ever known. O.N I of the greatest considerations in favor of t reduced cotton acreage accord ing to the plan proposed by the Jacks m convention, sjyi the Atlanta Journal, i the encouragement it would givo to the diversification ol crops. The farmers of the South must have learned much by tlu-ir experience last year, and, as oir eiute uporary remarks, if they will think for a uniuent what their cooliuou wjul l bo if th-y did u t have an abundance of com and meal they will determine, to pursue always ihe policy ol r.,i-iu r i , J crops. butlir appears to Do getting it in the nock. In the House last week lie was denounced by his fellow R-'p'ibtican-Populists and dei ar d to ; 1. A liar. 2. Asel omsii uied Cur 3 A Hu:ldoz r. 4. A Peony a liuor. 5. An Intimidate r. 6 A Brutal Scribbler. 7. A Falsifier. 8, An unjust aud Uugeutlemanly fe!- Viiv'5r' FINE TAGS. BWLEDGE Bring comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, v ' live bet tor than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's K -I products to the needs of phy-ieal Iving, will atte-t the value to health nf the pure liquid laxative principles (iiibi';ud iu the remedy, Svrup of Figs. Its excellence is due t. its presenting in the form nn-st aci-.ptaMc mi l pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial roierties .f ;i - i tV t h.x ative: clnvtnally cl.nii-ii'g tl"' m -ii in, dispelling cMs,' hcidai l. ui-d leen unci ieniia!iciitiy i-urim: iviMipalii'ii. It has given sati. faction to uriliein and met with the approval of tin medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, l.iver and Imuv'.s without weak ening them ami it i- perfectly free from everv objectionable Syrup of Fi.-s i f. r -ale by all drutr gists in Ode and f 1 billies, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup t'o onlv, whose nam'' is printed on every p ickaL'i". also the ii.. 'io. Syrup of l-'iir-s. and licing well inferno-1. y.m will not accept any substitute if uttered. mar 20 ly Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants mid Cliililrcn. It contains neither Opium, Morphiuo nor other Narcotic substance. It Is n harmless substituto for Varegoric, Props, Soothing Syrups, ami Castor Oil. It is Pleasant, its ;uiirautce is thirty years' use by Millions of Slot hers. Cast oria destroys Worms nnd allays feverishness. .Custorin prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrha-a and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria nssiniilates tho food, regulates tho stomach nnd bowels, giving healthy unci natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's l'anacea-tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. mm i ' W&i mm TT7 m .I, ,'..'.;,TJ Hillsbera has a citizen who never drinks water straight aud has not for years. Lemonade is his favonte drink summer and wiutet. lie is a!was well and hearty and is in the neighborhood of 7d years of ai;e. A. J. Lyman, a lawyer of Asheville, has been arrested in New York on suit brought by n s of Mrs. Katherine L. Youuiuru, Connecticut, on the charge ol imbezzlement ol 8:14,1.11. He is a son of the late Bishop Lyman. WELDON MARKET. CORRECTED WEEKLY FUR THE BENEFIT OF Ol tt COI NTRY KKIENDS. OR. H.O. HYATT'S SANATORIUM. K1XSTOS, X. C. -0ISESES Of THE 111 MB GENERAL SURGERT N S ly. When in Need uf anything in the ; K KKY LINK ple.iHi- miiriul't-r tin! I .mi -.'ill nl (.' I. Clurk'f si mill mi il c.iiiil it joitimnt uihI wit! ' I... -tf u y ninny iricmls. (.'.in urn un'iin niin.l Hiols in my It tit;. I . in .tp nt iir it i r.i "Hti i iK- which I niiiinuiti to he tht' hot on the nuikel Put up') not ill nuke pruTf sutHiaetory. A lull line ol Km it-. Coil I'm tlollt lies, ( 'l.lP-, Toh.ll't'n on h:Unl .it all times. M i . J . I Shearm U -till with me ;iri will Ik linl to see lu- m.uiy fiiuitU. liive mo a enll. Yours tiulv, P. E. LYNN. "OaMorla Is on excellent medio! n tor rlnt drvn. Mothers liiive reiN'titeiJIjr told me of it piKt etTt-ot n v. 'it Uu'ir cluldreu." 1k. (j. (.'. Osoofn, Lowell, Miw. Castri.i fs ttie l'st renihly for cliildren of which 1 urn tiiNtiuin:vl. 1 lmp thi't;i.v is not far distant v. molli-TS willconsiiter tlie rral interest t th :r tliii Inn. a ad CiLstorui in Head of the in.' is.i:ek nostruniB whifluir" destroy uii; th. i. i.tvt-,1 ones, ty forciutf iiii:ii. niorjihuitf, ftOi'tluit.T syrup and t ther htirifi.l agents down ti.t ir tlirout.t, theretiy seuding them to premature graves." lui. J. F. KiNrnsLOK, Ct'Oway, Ark. Castoria. " Castoria is no well Adopted to children that I n iiimeiid it osu()eriortoaiiy pnwcriptiun Luowu to tne." II A. Archir, M. D , HI So. Oiftrd St , Hrooltlyn, N. Y. "Our physieiiuw in tho children depart nient hive siHilit-n highly of their experi enee In their outsid practice with Castoria, ai d altlioupti wo only have among our itiedieul supplies wuat is known aa nkuUir pi .xlucts. yi-t wo are free to confess that tlie n.i-riu i-f C'iLstorta has won us to kwk with timir ii"n it" I'MTKU HOSTMTAL AND DtSPKNUARY, Boston, Mass. Ai.lxs O. Smith. Vei., NKW ADVKKTISEMKNTS. ' Better Crops result fr.-m u-o of fcrliiL. is rioh in pnt.Hi. Most fertilizers sold () coiU.iiii Sufficient Potash to iii-u o t'' 1' . re.:'t. I ho nsniH ol the latent investigations i.ftii i, e' .... 1 e of ji..t i. is ar-.; loUl in our books. "i .i. -in f .. 1; nil . i-t e, .,, r I t lli-en. ami tlior will ;.,vc )ou ilel .u-. I.! KM V K.M.I UoKKS. ej Na;i Slrcel, Nt... y0lki I.eV 1 lilll. cE. CLARK"- 4" n JLI Ul The CenUar Company, Tl Murr7 Street, New York City. 8 1 L L I N - T H E - L E A D .-- PICKED Ul'llERE ASD THERE AM) CAREFULLY CULLED ASD COSDESSED EOlt BUSY HEADERS. dispto- Fra I'tliasville u to hive a telephoDt systtiu. Tl k lJuldboro C 'ton Mill hasrenumed o,iera;i.D-). MorauioD ha abiudjueJ its sary scheme. J. L. Hose, general merchant at Clin ton ha assigned. North Ciirolinj rjoi next l Kentucky as a to'iacto ioin Slate. Colouel Julio Hobiii.jD, Coiuuji-niontr of Ariiu'lur.', resigned. In Ashe lo ioty bi week tht mow wai ail to eiht feet deep in places. (lender-cm two buuk.i have con-wli. dalel uo Irr (he muie of the Cilifna hank. The I'tRee and eoutenta uf the Caruli oiau at Kliiibctb City haa been deatroyed by fire. The jail at Albemarle, Stanly county, wua Gred by prisoners and totally destroyed. Klcotric lights and macadamised streets are Ojtulemplated improvements at lieaktville. A Duplin aounty colored wotuan ;ave bin b to four living children, two main an I two famales. The U. 8. Fish OjuimimioQ has re cently stocked a uu.ubcr of the state streams with game fi.h. W. 15. Fleming, populist, of Warren county, has been elected to succeed the late Or. 3. A. Williams. The Topic says that in Lenoir the ...... I. n... ... n I.,.B .. W t . . . . .. . ri- T C. K. Sides, per 11), 7o. Shoulders Bacon, per lb, 7c. Hams, S. (V, per tl). luc Lard, relined, 10c. Flour, per barrel, Patent, 11 00 " " Straight, 811.00 W. I. Molassea, per gallon, 20 and 40c Syrup, per gallon, 3ttc Granulated sugar, per tb, 5 Li"lit brown Sugar, per lb, 4 Butter, per tb, ' 25-110 Cheese, per tt), 15 to 10 (ireen Coffee, per It), 18 to 25 Poultry, 15 to 25 Kgg, per doien, 15 Shet.pertb, 10 Gun powder, per tb, 25 to 40. Coal oil, white, safety 150, per gal. 20 Coal oil, red C, per gallon, 15-20 Apple Vinegar, per gallon, 30-40 Beeswax, per lb, 18 Tallow, per lb, C Hides, flint, per lb, 5 " green, " 1 ) " Halted, " 2 Salt, per sack, 1 25 Coro, per bushel, 50-55 Meal, " " 70 Rice, " (1-8 l'eas. black, per bushel, tiO I'eas, black eye, per bushel, 75 Peanuts, per bushel, 35 to 50 Cotton, per pound, 4i Bagging, per yard, 2 14 lbs, 7 i Ties, per bunch. .85 Cheap :: Qoods -AT A. L. COfllliAN'S.- AUVEKTlsKMKNTd. k: ii Mliiiiiwiniiii '' "iiiii i,L.jJ if re, JU A. italney Worth DanTllls, Vs. Nerves Unstrung Weak, No Apptlt-Hod'a tarsa parllla Restored Health. "Three jears ago I had the trip, which settled In my head. It continued to (row worse and there we no rest tor me. Mr limbs felt numb, my nerves seemed to be unetrnnfind I had no appetite. Doctors' treatment end other medicines failed to avail me relief. I obtained two bottles of Hood's Bersaparilla, which Restored Me to myself. Last July I began to hare bad symptoms, and I at once resorted to 8ar$a Hood's l ivtv partita Cures BriiHler,cler,, V ... "jlbi Hood's Sersaperllla, I eontlnaed antll I had '. , three bottles. Bar aaaaa , r:i.- . - ' w Mr restored imv health bet CllCwrsb of bneh and did t EKirrt I have a nice ami I'rcsb lint ot all kind of tiro feri' at to suit t lie hard turns. CONFECTIONERIES ol' all kinds ut the lowest prices. Call ami exam ine my stoi k ami priors. Your fiiriul. A. L. COCHRAN. uov 1 ly. nsroTicE. Tlie nuleriKtu-l li.iin tlii-il.iy ual fivt a e.vct utor ot tin- w ill and trotainea? ot" Cornelia It KnuOich l"lore tlH'Snprrmr court of llalii'ax ciiiiniy linvliy uutiiin all persoiiM hoiil.ttjE clamir aifiiinst tin. ftatf ot In? twtatnx to pre-nt them to In mi on or brfore the tirt dav t Ki-ltruarv, ImJ. KKKI'LlilCK KKOKLIClf. Kir. ot Conlia li. Froelicli Halifax, N. C. January !, 15. jan 17 tt 1- FINE GROCERIES i amily ; Grocerie fs - CHEAP GROCERIES- KJ KRVITS & L'O.M'Kt'l KINKKIKS. t'OMi: axi si:k. Come one, eonie all, laie anil small, Kxumine my stoek, lielore Imviu lit all. For my atock is complete nnd price low. To compete with the prnUicts tlie liunien I! row, I thank my kiml fiiewls lor the patroiiiige nf the fimit Anil assure them all I 'll lie true to thelaxt. And auurantee them iu every respect The goods purchaaeil 1V0111 me they'll never regret, Therefore ennie all, both hir. anil snuill, Kor I will deal honestly with you all, l)o not delay, eome light nway And make your purcbaaes to-day. J. I.. Jl'DKlSH. dee 1111 y. Jjh W. J WARD,'-,:- ENFIELD, 1ST. C. And you will find us "right there" when it comes to goods and prices. GROCERIES a Specialty. One car load flour and one car load salt just in. Dry Goods, Shoes and general merchandise for all. jan 17 tl' Snmeon Dentist, ESFIIXD, X. C. iOtlice over Ilurlisou's Drug Store, dee -20 ly. Sirs. II. i tid Has just received a fresh lot of CANDY, plain and fanry. Also raisin, mixed nuu-. eheatnuts, cocoannts, apples, bananas, Florida oranges, plain and fancy cakes Large assortment of HOLIDAY GOODS. slieii fly bones, wagons, oarte, dolls, clocks, ehamer sets, books by best authors, fine bos paper, cigars, snuff, tohaoce and many fame: oolaous too numerous to men tion, not 1 ly. MB Are Easily Mado.but Often Broken I have resolved to break the record on low prices. I want your trade, and if fresh seasonable goods COUNT IN THEE ACE I will get it. J. J. WHITAKER, Enfield, N. C. tfjiiii$'DiLHrD tfiiDwjiE Co., 13 Sycamore Street, I'ETEIiSIIl'KG, VA., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Buggies, Carts, Carriages, Harness, PLOWS aud CASTINGS, BINDERS, MOWERS, llayrakes, Threshers, Engines and r ft 4t am,- SH.Stt" Bk JXK i, IS it J r ;. tx w as c . ... .... . r. MJ&Wl- LLJA Agent, for UUNTER'8 Farmer's Friend and Starke's Dlsie Plows nd castings. Uuqnmttouably the largest boose of the kind in either Virginia or North Carolina. Exclusive stents in this territory for the famous STL'DF.liAKEIt and TENNESSEE WAGONS. Orders bj auulgirea prompt persoaaJ aUention.,' C. A. Ef E Vanager. The llcl nl'cvi rylhiiii! kept iu stock. l'rcsh m iiMitia hie gmiiN lilt Family ne. (ienerul supplies fur the I'll!, lie. Full line HARDWARE. FINK BAR. BMV.Mv leu h is bu n moved from niv nlil si. mil to the new store room next door ami is supplied with the most choice V1I1K1IS. liKANPIES, WINES, CIUAliS mid 'lull U'CI). POLITE AT I I.STHiN and PlfUMPT DELIVEKY. j.iu il ly. THE ALE. HA ET CO., Are making big reductions in C 1. 0 T II I N G Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Gents S is and Hats In Fact in Everything. These GOODS MUST BE SOLD. KWWIMWWWJilA-WWJVlAWrfJv s Low Price of Ootton has Forced us to this Step. ort 2fi ly. M. A- HAMILTON & CO., jUMiuluij 1U1 1 11 ;1 n miui II, 29 SOUTH FREDERICK ST., BALTIMORE, MD, ftafCunsignincnls sulicilcd. Sjccial attention paid to tbe sale of PEANUT9 and BLACK KYKD 1'KAS. no? 8 3m. ACfOoofiuyNE IDEA. SHOE. (ferN) Vou Trpsurci or 90 fay t)ic3 4 Se3, T5r5ALC AT HALE BROTHERS, Halifax, N. C. THE GLOBE IWl CO, vsrfCKSS(iRS TO HOWARD & ODEN'HAL.) 37 EAST MARKET SQUARE. NORFOLK, VA. Wholesale aud Retail Dealers In Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Lamp (iOODS, AND HOI SE Fl'RNISHIXGS. METALLIC ROOFINC, CUTTERINC ANDSPOUTINC. lSrljtiiiiate(ivcn on application. Corresotdcnce solicited, sept! 4m CHARLES C. ALLEY, CONFECTIONER, :pete3sbu:rq-, ya. Mr. W. W. Warren repriKciit the firm and it ill lalt Wcldon and Its vicinity reg nlarlr. octl91y. J. B. WHITE & CO., (fEiEL CoW.llSSIOfJ .lEffCMflTS II AND 13 ROANOKE DOCK- NORFOLK. VA. We handle Dressed Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Live Poultry, Game of all kinds, snch SS Vuail, Kaliluta, Pheiisauts, Wild Dueka, all kinds Produce, Potatoes, Cabbsge, Apples, White Beans, Dried Apples, Chestnuts, llickorys, WalDuts, Florids Oranges, ery largely. Lemons and all kinds of other trnits and Vegetables. We bare an elegant freeser, for butter, gameand poultry, also1 handle all the ahoe on commission or bny outright. MTCorrespondencc Solicited. tug. 16 ly. CRIND Your own Boss, Heel, Oyster Shells, Cora Orahftui Flour, Ac., in the celebrated $5.00 HAND MILLS? 100 per cent, more made in keeping poultry. Also Pow er MUla and Farm Feed Mills. Circulars sent on pnli ation. WILSON BROS., o, I1.

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