s j j Brief Summary of Bills Passed aid Inlrokefl For the Week Mm the 2011i. i SENATE. The President anuouuced the ratifica- . i- .k.. r.llnwin.r Ititla unit reanlntmti' J HOD 01 1'IC lunu-'ufe f0 incorporate (ho Southern Mauu 1 unrri'i Fire Insurance company. l.v--- - Tj display 'he stars and stripes from the Capitol. Hy Senator Farthing To prevent double aud unjust taxation in North Carolina. t! ........ Wl,;u nf lumon... Tn prevent tho working of female conviits en the public roads. The bill to allow judges to limit speech- of counsel io trials was tabled. To incorporate the Girls' Training ichool at J'ranklinton. To prevent prize fighting in the Stato. To amend section 28Ili 14 of The CoJo relating to the stock law. To aid public schools by local assess ment. The resolution authorizing tho State Treasurer to pay the expenses of the committee to the Morganton asylum passed its second and third readings. Tho bill for tho better protection of railway employes was tabled. Tho bill for relict of the North Caro lina Firemen's association and the North Carolina Volunteer Firemen's association was referred. The bill for compulsory education for tin blind was tabled. Tho resolution to appoint a committee to select additional trustoes of the Agri cultural and Mechanical ccllego was passed. The bill to require railroads to redeem Unijaod tickets and to abolish railroad ticket scalping passed its third reading. The bill in regard to the failure of rail roads to forward freight came up as a special order and on motion of Senator White, of Alamance, was deferred. The following kills aud resolutions were then introduced and referred: By Senator Cook To change the narqe qf (he Great Falls company to lloanoke Rapid Power oompany. By Senator Hoover To provide for an insurance law for the State of North Carolina. The bill to withdraw tho appropriation from the Oiford Orphan Asylum was tabled. The bill to amend the law so all Supe rior courts'shall open Tuesday was tabled The bill for relief of the North Caro iina Fire association aud tho North Car olioa Volunteer Fire association was ta bled. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Bills were introduced as follows : By Mr. Ellis To provide for the elec tion of the eominis'ioocr of agriculture. By Mr. Bernhardt To require execu tors to give bond. By Mr. Mayes To remove the State normal school from Franklin to Oxford. By Mr. Gentry To require clerks of oourta, sheriffs and registers to keep in the offices books belonging thereto. By Mr. Griziard To create lloanoke township in Halifax county. The bill was tabled making May 30lh legal holiday. The bill passed incorporating the Southern Mutual Fire Insurance company. The bill passed, giving Buncombe county the convict road law, the judge of the Criminal court power to appoint i superintendent of convicts. Tho bill to require county commission ers to take bonds in security companies came un on its third reading. Mr. Hay offered an amendment, giving the commissioner! power to decline any bonds if they found the security oompany WM composed of non residents or was not solvent. He said under the proposed jaw a,ny company which deposited $10,000 in the State treasury could do business. Mr. Ewart said the DUrposo of this . was to defeat the bill. Mr. Fronoh offered q amendment providing that the security company be one, the bond of which would be acoepted by the Uiited States, and which has com plied with North Carolina's iosurance lawi. Mr. Ewart said that be would accept ihii hut ihnuclil it unnecessary. Mr. Ray asked if an official defaulted was a company liable for over the (10,000 deposited io the treasury? He thought 1U1 rniintici would bv the clause be but to expense, lie doubted the oon- Ililuiiou.mV of the bill od said Mr. French's amendment did not improve it a particle. Mr. Ewart demanded the previous question. The call was sustained. The ayea and noea wero demanded by Mr. Ray on his amendment. The vote was -aves 48. noes 54. Mr. French'! amendment was adopted. On the final passage of the bill the Tote was ayea jjG, noea 43 Mr. Peace offered a resolution direct ing a eommjttee to investigate the Amer ican Tobacco, trust, this oommittee to be the special joint Committee on flection Law and County Oovernmeat. Bills were introduced as follows : By Mr. Rcinhardt To provide for the meeting of the Legislature every four years. By consent Mr. Lineback tent in resolution to raise a joint committee of five to make nominations to fill vacaociea on the board of trustee! of the white Agricultural and Mechanical college. It was io amended as to include the colored Agrioaltural and Mechanical oollege and teas adopted. The bill to reduce the fee fur rtpslra uuu oi i-mp uena io .in rents, was on motion of Voung of Wake, tabled. The 0 per cent, interest bill came up, with a report from the Finance commit tee. Mr. Kwart said that the bill was or dered referred to the Judiciary commit tee. A motion was made that if the record shows that the bill was referred to the Judiciary committee, it be taken from that committee and laid before the House. It was said that the (I per cent, bill had never been distributed. The Speaker said the bill was now being distributed. Tho vote was taken on this motion and it was lost 10 to V.K Mr. Bay made a motion then to refer the bill to the Judiciary committee and Mr. Bagwell made one to re refer it to the Finance committee. Mr. II ill-man called the previous ques. tion on Mr. Ray's motion to refer. Mr Flaek made a motion to table Mr. Raj's motion to refer but there was a big laugh when he was told that this would table the bill. He then withdrew it. The motion to refer it to the Judi ciary committee prevailed 44 to 38. Tho bill to put to the credit of the school fund the $20,000, now io the State treasury, the balance of tho direct tax, came up. It provides for thirty days notice, tho money to be transferred July 1st, next. Mr. Ray offered an amendment that the money be equally divided among all the counties in the State on the basis of school population. Mr. Winborne's motion to refer was lost ayes 15; noes "5, and Mr. Ray's amendment was adopted. The bill pass ed its second reading, and a motion was made to put it on the third reading. The bill to prohibit the tiking of free passes by officials was tabled. There was a debate on the bill to re quire county commissioners to accept bonds of security companies. Mr. Smith, of Gates, attacked the bill nd Mr. Kwart favored it. The latter said it would enable peoplo to give bonds easily, and that word had gone out that county commissioners would not accept bonds from a person not of their own political faith. Mr. Ray took the grouod that the bill was a bad law and was not io the inter est of the people; that the present law was ample and that the bill would tie the hands of commissioners. Mr. Kwart called tho previous ques tion aud the bill passed ayes, 43; noes, 31. Committees to nominate trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical colleges were appointed Lineback and Young as hairmen. By Mr. McCIammy To amend chap ter 7, volume 2 of the Code, io regard to building and loan associations, relieving them from aoy usurious contracts and permits to issue policies of iosurance. By Mr. Bagwell To encourage and promote agriculture by appropratiog $5,000 instead of $1,500. By Mr. Harris To require schools, colleges, ohurches, etc., to be incorporated before clerks of Superior courts. By Mr. Smith, of Gates To regulate the compensation of solicitors, to pay them $2,000 io lieu of all fees and com pensation. (This bill is the committee's substitute.) This bill does n it apply to criminal or inferior court solicitors. Mr. Hileuiau, chairman of the Financa committee, reported favorably the 6 per ecut. interest bill, which yesterday was re referred to that committee. The ti per cent interest biil has bei n passed by the II. iusii and no becomes a law. Criuiiual court bill informally passed over, The special order was taken up, tl.i being the bill on its thirl roadiua, to pin to the credit of the public school lund llie balance of diroct land tax fund io the treasury. Mr. Turner, of Mitohell, called! the previous question. Mr. Whit;, of Bladen, aod others aaid tht bill was in violation of the aot of Congress. Mr. Smith, of Gates, effered ai amend ment, making the amount $20,000, but he was the only one who voted for it. Mr. Winboroe offered an amendment, making the bill take effect in 181)7. This also was lost and the bill passed ayes, 32, nacs 3. 'IV mnoev is to bo divided pro rata acootdiug to ecliool population. THE CEMETERY. ARRANOIMI.NTti MAD TO OIVI DBIDt TO THE SQUARES. We, the ladies of the Memorial AM ciatioo,bejog anxious to apaloae and other wise improve our cemetery aud having no way of doing this except from the tale of lota have made all the arrange mentsly which Mr. W. fi. TiHery is empowered Io make an unquestionable deed to said lots. All persona boldiog lots that have not been paid for will please oall on him aud get a deed by payiog tho regular prioe for a lot. After a reasonable time all lota that are not paid for will be told to any one on appli cation for same. We want to give the ooniract for fence riuht away and all pirtiea are urged to attend to this at once. MR. Ida Wilkins, " Pres. Ladies M. Association. Weldon.N.Ul T"HE ROANOKE NEWS, j Wiu. Sr.u. at CW.-Mr. P. N. , Staiuback announces today that he has I IH'HSl)AV,l'KHi,l'ARY 21, 18'J.r. l'uri'bacd the entire stock of general merchandise of Mr. M. C. Pair, and will tor the next tuirty days oner them at cost at the old stand. Ml IntclliM. SPECIAL NOTICE. ()u and after this date the RoANOk'E News and the Atlanta Constitution will be furnished one year for $2.00 for both papers. The News alone will be as hi retofore, $1.50 for one year; 75 cents for six months, and 25 cents fur two months. This places it within the reach of all. 11 1 you get a valentine? A snow year, a rich year. Infeuiiir court this week. The kite season comes next. The cry of bad roads is heard. Have you bad snow enough 1 TliE snow is rapidly disappearing. Sknd us the news from your seation. Winter finds what summer lays up. Some good weather is now predicted. February nearly gone. Let 'er go. Do not plant all cotton this year. Di versify. The ground hog is tired of newspaper criticisms. After a rainy winter follows a fruit ful spring. Little things that tell little brothers and sisters. It is now proposed to make sausage of the ground hog. The farmers are backward and no work can be done. But little guano will be sold in this section this season. To morrow is Washington's birthday and a legal holiday. Winter thunder, Poor man's death and rich man's hunger. The Tuesday before Ash Wednesday is known as Shrove Tuesday. Sunday was a beautiful day. A lit tie sloppy under foot, however. Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten season. It's cold now, but tho festive mosqui to will be as lively as ever this summer. When is a young lady next to ooth- ng? When she is walking with a dude. Don't forgot the appointment of Dr. Kilgo at this place tho second Sunday in Marh. It takes away the pleasure of the first Dit. Kil.no. This wonderful pulpit orator will preach two sermons here Sun day March 10th. Everywhere he goes the people flock to hear him, all denomi nations and those of no particular creed. Come out to hear him at the M. ft. Church, Sunday March 10th. Polk Miller Cominq. The ladies of the Memorial association have made arrangements with Mr PJk Miller to give one of his incomparable "Dialect Recitals" at Entry's Hall on the evening of March 4th, for the bentflt of the cem etery fence. This is something that ev ery person io the town ought to be in terested in and besides the pleasure of hearing Polk Miller,can by availing them selves of this opportunity assist in a good cause. Inferior Court. HALIFAX INFFVlORCOUttTOl'KNED MONDAY. Fast Disan'Earinu. The snow and ieo aro fast disappearing and if I lie weather remains open for a few dav, The February teroi of Halifax lnfiri T court bepun at Halifax last .Moi.d y, Judpe T. N. Hill, and Associate Justices S. S Norman, and J. J. Robert jon, pre siding. The following grand jury was drawn: T. II. Taylor, foreman; P N Hamill, W V Bobbitt, W II Melvin, L M Alston, J H Summerell, J II Clark, T M Parks, W T Morecock, G T Massio, J R Johnston, M J Webb, W L Stain back, V, E Norman, A W Thrcewits. Judge Hill's charge to the grand jury was, like all bis former charges, clear, forceful and comprehensive. The following cases have been disposed of: State vs George Lynch, carrying con cealed weapons, satisfied. State vs. W D Herbert, failing to list, nol pros. Stato vs Hardy Whituker, failing to list, nol. psos. Slate vs John White, failing to list, nol pros. State vs J J Myriek. failing to list, nol pr Mate vs John Kurt, tailing to list, nol pros. Nate vs Ulhe Jones and lorn Riipoou Locals. CAREFULLY (1 A Til El! El) FOR THESE COLUMNS HY Ol'li REG ULA R CORE ESI 'OX HEX T. affray, continued. State vs l.ei non imams Williams, L ti It nol. pros. State vs Adam Wilkius, not Snow, and Dud to be longer no signs of either will remain. The genial rays of the sun for the past few days have been inspiring and people who fuuuj. tj,,ri.j ' have been housed up for so long are glad State vs Lou Vincent, iiflrny, couliuued to get out and stir around a little. The Stato vs James Hilday, larceny, guilty 1 1... I..... ... ...i:ji.. .,. ... Stato vs Henry 1 otiii'' iMiiai nan uicu iiu.uu ouiiuiv uiti uuo , .. . . . for the past two weeks and those who of istiirliing re ligious worship; not guilty Mate vs A t) Kt'eter. dlsnosint? enjoy me pieaaam sensation oi siiuiunug mortage property, continued. the smooth surface of the ice on steel State vs Helen Owen, assault, pleads runners have had fun enough to last EUllty, 20 days in jail. them until next winter. Even the skaters S,1,,e v- VerKe Bra ikJ L lt R Pleads are beginning to grow weary of ice and snow and they join with the rest of man kind in wisbiog for fair and pleasant weather. THE TIME TABLE. IN WHICH YOU WILL FIND CORRECTL Y SCUED UL E D THE ARRIVAL AND DEPAR TURE OF YOUR FRIENDS AND ACQUAINTANCES. sweet kiss to find that she has been ing onions. eat- The girls now sing, "meet me at the grate love." The blizzard suggested "grate" for "gate." Snowy February means a big crop, the wise ones say. If so, what a crop we will have this year I Sunday next is known in tha Church Calendar as Quinquagesima Sunday, or the Sunday before Lent. Sunday, March 10th, ur people will have an opportunity of hearing tho dis tinguished pulpit orator, Dr. Kilgo, at tbo Methodist Episoopal church. De groun' hawg cotch er chilblain, He's nussin' it to hum, He won't be out a visitin' Fob seb'ral weeks ter oome. Mrs. Eva Davis, of Riogwood, is visit ing relatives here. Hon. F. A. Woodard, of Wilson here last Thursday. Mr. W. E, Dauiel went up to Wake Forest last Thursday. Mr. Charles R. Emry, has returned home from Chapel Hill, Miss Annie Garrett came down home from Littleten last Friday. Bro. J. A. Thomas, of the Louiskurg Times was here last Friday, Capt. W. B. Tilghman spent last Sat urday night in Portsmouth. Mr. M. Fredlander left last week a business trip to Baltimore. Mrs. II. G. Rowe, of Richmond, V is visiting her parents at this place. Captain J. M. Grizzard came down guilty; 4 months in jail. State vs John Wesley Morriss, assault, guilty, six pence and cost. Mate vs 11 A Dickens and W t row- II, affray, pleads guilty, judgment sus pended on payment of cost. Mate vs Kobert fehaw, L & lt, pleads guilty, judgment suspended on payment ot east. State vs Joe Pell, Will Pell, Fred Wal ker and W II Clark, resisting officers, submitted Judgment snspended on pay ment of CO:.!. State vs Henry Jenkins, assault, sub mission, $5 and eosis. state vs John Mitchell, disorderly and riotous conduct, pleads guilty. Judg ment suspended on condition that de fondant leavo tho State. He left. Enfieia Letter. iV ISTEHESTIXU STRING OF PER SONAL AND SOCIAL ITEMS. Snow, sleet and raiu fir several days ast week. We have had the worst spell of winter weather in many yens. Blrb. in numbers are found dead in ihe woods. Mr. W. H. Williams whose illness lias been mentioned, died on Wednesday night of last week, aged about twenty five years. He had been sick with that dreadful foe to human life, consumption, for many months, yet kindly and tender ly nursed by his father and friends. He bore his sufferings unmurmingly and when death came ho did not fear, and no doubt rests well in the land of the blessed. A cutting affray in town last Thursday night came near proving fatal. Jim Nicholson and Ileorv Myriek, two young colored men, had imbibed freely of corn or lug juice and became involved in a fight. Jiai gave Henry several severe slashes in the face and scalp, just missing the jugular and corolids. He bled freely, but his wounds were attended to by a physician and he is now doing all right. two charming youn ladies, daughters of Rev. Mr. Ball, of Greensboro, arc visiting at Mr J. E. Hunter's and other friends of Briukleyville. A certain young gentleman iu particular, and many others will try mm make their visit a pleasant one. Several of our Essex eiti. ns are sum inoned to Halifax this week as partici pants or witnesses in the Christmas free fight. Mr. Demiisy Odoni and Miss Nannie Shcarin were united in marriage at the home of the bride, near Areola last Thurs day night, Rev. A. (1. Wilcox officiating. Many menus were present and a tine supper served. G. E. M. It's Aktonisiiino how Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription acts upon nervous women. It's a marvelous remedy for nervous and general debility, Chorea, or St, Yitus's Dance, Insomnia, or Inability to sleep, spasms, convulsions, or ,;fits" and every like disorder. Even in cases of insanity resulting from functional derangements, the per sistcnt U9c of the "Prescription" will, by restoring the natural functions, generally effect a cure. For women suffering from any chronic 'female complaint" or weakness; for wo men who are run down or overworked; at the change from girlhood to woman hood; and, Inter, at the critical "change of life" it is a medic'io that safely and certainly builds up, strengthens, regulates and cures. If it doesn't, if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. What more can any one ask ? Is anything that isn't sold in this way likely to be "just as good?" N E W A D Y E R T I S E M E N TS . SHIP YOUR EQQS, BUTTEH, P0UL TRY -AND OTHER PRODt'CE TO- avis, Hill & Co. 3U8 10th Street N. W. WASHINGTON, D.C. You will receive highest Cash Prices. We huy outright or handle on Commission. "Quick Sales and I'ronipt Returns." Commission for h;imilni! goods, five per cent. sBuHend for our 'rice List- I'elj7 lm. ESTABLISHED IN 1865. Design unit lo uny whlrefw FREE. In writing fur lliein pletiae give uge of deecaised und sonic limit (is to price. AH work warranted STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS A N II 05uEN"riKKI.Y SATISFACTORY. Work Delivered At Any Depot. ot 1 1 1 y. H. J. COKDLE, Watch - Maker - and - Jeweler, Littleton, N. O. LEtiANT WATCHES, FINE CHAINS, l'LAIN UOl.u A-JJ linn Rings, Clocks and Silverware. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Mr. uoraie equipped with the finest watch ranking tools aud guarantees all work. Prices low. jan SI ly. Our lawyers are at Halifax this week. Its no use to say that we are tired of snow. Mr. I.ee Whitaker spent a few days in Raleigh last week negotiating in the horse busioess Miss Annie Whitehead, nf Halifax, and Miss Lucj Pjrnoll, of Weldon, are visiting Mrs. J. W. Cuthrcll. Mr. V. D. tiryan baa bought the old hotel and will move in one day this week. I wish him success. Sleighs of all sizes and designs have been maiking up tha town during the past week. I he young people nave been havin pond some people never learn how to keep out ot debt until after they lose their credit. timn skater. to .:.. r .I..:. - I... vynuiK It, UUD Ul IUCI1 I1UIUUCI UCIUU Comedy Co., Will Look Aitebtii Sick. Dr. A. S. Harrison, of Kufield, will have oharge of Dr. I. E. Green's practice du ring the absence of Dr. Green in Raleigh. Dr. Harrison can be found at Cohens drug store during the day, and m the front room over the store at night. .--t - As Editor Mahriku. Mr. H. A. Lilhaiu.l he genial editor of the Washing ton Galeiie, was married last Tuesday, the lDih inst , to Miss Ella Osmonia, the lovely and accomplished daughter ul Mr. and Mrs. MarkL. Reed, of Fanelhea mi Swaouanna, western N. C. Brother I, n ham will please accept our warmest ougratulations and best wishes for him. self aud bride. big time skating on Beaver pond the from Raleigh last Friday for a few days cold snap. Mr Sara l'ierson is tho chum Mrs. W. B. Tilghman went over Garysburg Saturday and returned home 8jt. t,e 'Meyer-Thome' Sunday. stayed here over a week ..,,. ii i While out bird bunting one day last We had the pleasure of a call last w , h . , . d -,b N , sho. Thursday from Mr. R. J. Allen, of Lit- wa8 accidentally discharged by one of tleton. the party, the load entering tho side . . ,, , shoulder and face of Mr. John Rick n... n i T.nn n n v l. .... ... ...... i. jjuB, x,. v. ifl ctiii2 Daiutul it not serious iniunes Springs, Ohio, spent last Saturday night Que of the shot lodged in the eye Dr. Whitaker promptly administered medica ai l and be is nnw Uuiog well. John is well known here and has the sympathy of this community Where were all of our amateur photo grapbera Sunday ? The ' sleet on the TUg IJESUINE JIEK1T Ot 1100U.S Sarsaparilla wins friends wherever it is airly and honestly tried. lo have perfect health, you must have pure blood, and the best way to have pure blood is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla the best blood punher and strength build er. It expels all taint of scrofula, salt rheum and all other humors, and at the same lime builds up the whole system. 11 cod s rills are prompt and emcicnt, 5c. id town. Miss Sallie Allen, of Littleton, passtd through town last week to visit friends at Halifax. Mrs. H. L. Harvey, who has been vis- te in llle ,,;,, ,un pre8entcd iting friends in Virginia, has returned gorgeous scene. Mr D. Bell's yard pre home. sented a beautiful spectacle. J ne glis- . I temog snow and shinning icicles which Mrs. Ann Cohen and daughter, had weiahted down the evergreens and Kate, left last luesday on a visit to rel trees shone with the brilliancy of mil lions of diamonds, etc , etc. I can t des cribe it, but you can all irnagiue about alives at Enfield. Miss Lelia Alien attended the exercises of tho Literary societies at Wake Foreat college last weak Mr. T. J. Rook, a prominent merchant and farmer of the Oastoi section, paid us a welcome visit last Friday. Mise Pattie Summerell, of Winston, who has been visiting the Misses Ed warJs, left for home last Monday, Miss Irene Sheario, of Brinkleyvil'e, spent Thursday night in town with friends and left Friday morning for Washington, D. C. how it looked. No harm clone." JU'HJ -. .' i 1). Panacea Springs. OUR ESTEIMED CORRES PONDENT REFUSES TO DIS CUSS THE WEATHER, AND GIVES A FEW ITEMS OF A PEHSONAL AND SOCIAL NA TURE. A O I S A P 1 l NTMKN P Tw week aci we atitel that w w ul I send out i htndsoiu i S'lpplem ml ab u tin niiddl' of March. Thd pu'ili-hers wilh whom w arranged to furnish it, now infirm us that the pisul lawi .vi I interfere wi h the mailing out of tint i'lcioenl in llu form tbey eipiolej in ue. aud diet habii withdraivu th- pr ip .siiiun. We regret not being ah'e to send out the supplement as wa cxp -c'. d to dj. Unclaimed Lktterk The follow ing is a list of unclaimed letters reniaiu ing in the Weldon pnstoffioe : M. K T. Waikius, Mr. E. C. Wheeler, Leasy Whujakar, William While, Mrs Clara Williams, C. Thomas, V 0 Landis, George Wilkee, Miss Miuuio Thompson, Wua. Taylor, J- J. R Shaw, Cora Smith. A. P. Robiqson, T. P-earoe, Hardy Piig gins, Nat Pearson, Miss Julia Moore, L Mottley, Willie Long, Jeff Jones, Charlie Johnson, J. Q Jonot, Mis Maggie Johnson, Mrs. Martha llarriss, W. C Hall, J. T. Hawking J. Qolotubeek, Mrs Rebeooa Gay, M. Day, W. F. Djuoo Nancy Carter, Delia Cad dell, M, A. Best, Callia Branoh, Stephen Bennett, Fannie Bradley. I will not write a word about the weather, for every one knows that tht earth has wrapped in a white cover four or five soowi deep; that the mercury has. been dancing around rero tor days and Judge W. A. Hoke, of Linoolnton, that the vrind hits blown harder and spent Saturday night in town and left for colder in ths country than ever beloie When to many people are taking and, deriving benefit Irem Hood a barssDartl- i- .1 ii ' i'l it !i im t I, 'Why don't you try it yolirael igCly recommended, Ifr 'Jtia Clinton Sunday, wliere he is holding Sampson Court this week. Mr. L. O. Anderson, who for somo time hat bctlq a polite and popular sales- uiiii with Mr. J. L. JudLius, has return- l to his uume near Aurelian spring Mr. J. I). Shoarin has returned to to n fmrn a visit to his mother near Au known, even by the "oldest inhabitant." I have heard of ne great siirfcring among the people, doubtless our domes lie auimils have keenly felt the intense cold. They have come through so iar all rutbt but "feed is gelling scarce One of my neighbor's had his mule killed ilnl windv r idiy, the tup of the tiahli was blowi OD it. A trieud writes me Iroiu away down lo Alabama that thay wcr.i having "real r-lixn Si riogs, and may be found at his cold N. C. wnihui J.,wn there." old headquarters with Mr. P. E. I.vnu I received a few daya fo a beautiful . card ot tnyitaiion tome marriage ot .hiss miM .uau.o oucau, oi riuvanna coun Ella Osuinni. dauijhter of Mr. and Mrs ty, Va , who has been here oo. n visit lo Mark Reed, on the Swaunauoa, in wos her sister, Mrs. W. hj. Daniel, left for tern North Carolina to our youug friend home last Thursday, going via Wake Mr. Heber A. Lamar Latham, editor of l'orest, Kaleigh and other pointa. the Washington Gautte, on tho 19th inst. Also a card to his reception iu U'o.Sinol.inflii lltA V'ml Matt n.M . L . . . . " v ..... --- K ror oaurrn ,n con.am mercury aa mer- ppine9, ,j prosperity be with them , through their luture tile smeu anu oomp.eie.y uerange ne whole i h8 Dot Kea Mr. Vnl. Thorno for system wnen entering it through the ,8Tera, d,V9 bui he th h, a im.,rov ing slowly. muonus surface, Such arlioles should never be used except ou pie scripilona iron, reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possible derive from them. Hall a t'tianh Cure manufao tured by F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, The wedding bells will, in a few days be ringing in this neigubo rhood. A MODKHN INVALID Even the poorest enough last week people had ice Hon. David B. Hill has been invite by the literary societies of Wake Forei college lo deliver the address at tho mxt commencement. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .jTTottle YS VERMIFUGE RE Libel Notice. " The old -fashioned and al waya relialilc remedy for stomach disorders. One has killed 614 worms, ii.ni i:ils'il people m.uR '-uuy -.c llr ir life t-i this uicvicine, '1..C s.Mtio tl'io-l liHMlicinJ FOR CHILDREN thst it was fifty years ago. U votir .IninKlHt 'ir sti.rfkwk?r dofi not ke u 11. -n.l 'J.te. for on hotll. lo IE. & S. FREY, Baltimore, Md. Feb 7 ly. US COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, RALEIGH, N.C. NOTICE is hereby given of the seiz ure for violating of the Internal Revenue aws of the I'nited States of the following property: One Copper Still aud worm, five packages containing about one hundred and twenty gallons coin whiskey, eight fermooting tubs, seized from J. H. House, Littleton, N. C. Any person having an interest in the above property will file claims at this office within thirty days or the property will be forfeited to the government. F. M. SIMMONS, Feb. 10, 't)5. Collector, fob 21 4t. NORTH CAROLINA. HALIFAX COUNTY. ENFIELD TO WNSHIP. I,. T- Whitaker 1 NOTICE of SI MMON'S a'Minst V and warrant 01 J. liriienton ATTACHMENT The ileicndant ahovo named will take notice that n sunimims in the above enti tied action was issued against Raid defen dant on the It I at day ul January ISM by John J. Robertson, ajiisti'-e ol the peaee of Halifax county, Nerlh Carolina, for the sum ol twenty-eight 'ii l(iiui(iiinrs,i?'-t.-a; clue said iilaintill by a-eonnt which sum uions is returnable before mid justice at hieolliceut Enfield, Halibut county in aaid township on the 2oth day of March 18!l.i. The defendant will also lane nonce that a warrant of attachment M issued by said John J. RoImmUoii, a justice of the pence ou the ai st day ol January IBO. aiminst the Dronertf of said defendant and thesherill has levied upon and attached a note of jf&iu due 5011 by (ieo. B. Curtis A Co., which warrant is returnable beloie said instice of the neace. ut the time and place above named tor the return of the summons when and where the defendant is reciiired to appear and auswer or dtmnr lo toe complaint, or the relief deinaudcd will be mauled. This lilh day of Febru ary 1NM.I. JNO. J. KiMir.Kisui, feblllit. Justice ot the Peace. FOR SALE OR RENT. A good 3 room dwelling with about ii acres of land at Littleton, N. C. For terms apply to JNll. H. VINSON, . feb 14 lm Briukleyville, N. C. NOTICE. Having qualilied beloi e the Clerk of the Superior Court of Halifan county aa ad ministrator of the estate of W. B. Hux, dec I hereby notify all persons holding claims against his estate to present the same to nieor my attorney, Edward T. Clark, within twelve moutns noiu llie puDiica tion of this notice. I will plead this notice inbarofarecoveryagainst those failing to present their claims within said time. Those owing the estate will oblige me by settling at once. W. 11. n L A, Aitminisiraior an 31 6t of W. B. Hux, deceased. O., eontainsno mercury, aud is taken io Ilaa t,,tM medicinally, io keeping wi,ih ternally, acting directly upon the blood other luxuries. A rerutdj tauit be and mucous surface, ol the avstem. Io pleasantly atjceplabld in form, purely buyinog Hall . Catarrh Cur. be .ur. you J,,. in oin itioD) lru, bL.ncfi get the geouioe. It is takca tnternally. ... . r . . ' v 1 nriKunv : ,,, t eial to effeot and enuroly free from every . i. till KN NY ft CO.. Prop. ....... .r ... ... Toledo, Ohio. oujewiuuai ijuamy. xi many 111 ne con. MaUSold by all Druggists, 75c. t estimomals tree. suits a physician; if constipated be uses the gentle family laxative Syrup of Figs. HAVING PUR- chased of M. C. Pair the stock of goods at a great discount, -1 - will sell at Mr. Pair's old stand for the next 30 days, FOR CASH AT COST! the entire stook consisting of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Etc. Call and be con f h ". 3 !. f "''f,andarweordm'tothcon.pl'-, w&uwvt, v uinintin .CfrUr NOTICE. OF SALE. Bv virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Halifax county rendered in the ease therein nodding, wherein Tinner I'nee is nhuutill and Josepn A. noose administrator of Jesse Carter, deceased, deleudant. 1 will on Monday, the ISth day of the March, 1HU' expose to public sale to the highest bidder at the nturt House dooi in the town of Halifax, 111 Halifax eountv. N. C. at one o'clock, p. m. tin following property: Ono Iran 01 lanil known as the Jarrelt land containing one hundred cighly-Mx acres bounded by the lands ol 11. I. Freeman, rab Mug, W. rl 'arson, lr. Matt Whitaker, and Broom field Miller situate lying and beiuv in the aloresaid Slate and eounly. 1-or lurtliei information reteienee is here iniide to the complaint uow tiled in the oflice of the Ivrk ol the Siiiii nor court ol II mi 1 la x couu ty. N.C. Terms ol sale CASH. n. II. DANir.i., loiuiuisxioncr, feb Hid. NOl'ICK. A'orti ( iiiiii'hii, ) Inthr W. C. Daniel, Plaintiff, vs. B. II. l'ollard, trading tinder the name and style of It, G. l'ollard A Co , defendant. The above named def ndani, will take notice that the above named plaintiff has instituted action against In in in this court lor the recovery ol $U.ri7. till with interest on tjH'Hi.lKj from Ibc first day of January, lHUr, claimed by In ill to be nisllv due and owing him by said defendant for the pur- ehaseot a certain saw null, enginonnd boil er and all thttachuu-nt8, etc., thereunto belonging now located on the lauds known as the Nancy Boacman tract situate in this couuty and three bogies, and two lumber trucka now being used ill connection with aaid mill ; and has applied for and obtained a warrant of attachment in said action against the property nf said defendant. This is therefore to notify aaid defendant to be and appear before I ho Judge of our Superior Court at a 0ui.1t to be held for aaid county at Ibe court house in the town of Halifax on the first Monday of March NOTICE. Having qualified before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Halifax county, aa exec utor ot the estate ot tfeuj. w. nawaina, deceased, I hereby notify all persons hold ing claims against his estate to present their claims to me ormy attorney, Edward f Clark, within 11 months from the pub lication of this notice, if they fail to do so within that time I shall plead this notice n barol a recovery. JAM ICS T. HAWKINS, jan 31 tit Executor. AM) SALE. J By virtue of a decree of Halifax Sum-rior corirt made at March term 1887 in the cause cutitled David Bell, trustee, against I. C. Thrower, nnd others, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash in front of the court house door ill the town of Halifax ou Monday, March 4th, 18U5, the tract of land described in the pleadings in said ause located in Halifax county, adjoining the lands of Mary T. Perkins, the Bailey tract aud others and containing one hun dred acres, more or less. This 2."ith Jau. 1895. S. S. ALSOP, jan .11 td. Commissioner. SAKE OF LAND. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Halifax county, rendered in the cause therein pending, wherein S, L. Smith, administrator C. T. A. of Eveline Pittiuan Smith 19 plaintinand W. Ii. Parka anil wile, liosa Parks and Emma l'ittiuun, are defendants, I will ou Saturday the 2nd day ot March, 18!l.i, expose to public sale t i the highest bidder, in thetnwn of Ea lield, at 12 o'clock M., that house and lot in the towu of Eutield, coun'y of Halifax and State of Norlh Carolina, fronting on Franklin street and bounded on the weal hy Jainea 11 Denton, on the South by 8. S. Alsop, on the East by Enfield Collegiate Institute, containing half an acre more or less. TERMS OF SALE:-Ooe-tbird cash eo daynf sale, and the balance in eight and twelve months, with eight per cent, inter est from day ot sale on the deterred pay ments, title retained nntil all the purchoao money is paid. This thc2ilth day of Jan uary, 18o. DAVID BELL, jau 111 td Commissioner- THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, 11 1 , 1 13 1 1 IS Bank it., Norfolk, Vav Largo atock of m J I.. .(. and Uravettmr$, tte. Headyor immediate shipment. Deaigna 're 1121y RELIABLE SEEDS FOIt TUK,- Ull AUD GARDEN. -ELY'S ARE THE BEST. - Fresh, reliable aod warranted. Grown by 'A. Do Forest Kly Oo , Philadelphia. For sale in Weldon by P. E. Lynn. mer sjn' ir am -DR. SHADE'S DISCOVERY FOR CONSUMPTION JUST GIVEN TOTHE PUBLIC. Write at once for particulars of lh news paper investigation going on at tbta time Uj Washington. Doctors aid ol" m' A W bat phraictane arCX v -t 'iheGn"..

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