5 , v i. THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY, FKBIU'ARY 21, 18U5. THE LITTLE WOHN SHOES. A mother stood hy au open drawer, "These now arc loo small to use," And she laid tlum away, with a careless haad, A little, worn pair of shoes. X EW ADV ERT ISEMENTS. i V1 II MUU 111 Then i ttndi r she took baby up in arms; She knew 'twas- lur lijjhtlul place, And the mother imprinted a !u inj; Itiss On the upturntd baly face. Little soft golden lios of hair, And blue ejes open wide, A sweet little mouth and n dear uoso A habv who never ciictl little But tired of luuejiino; uml toys and fun, And tired of tryini; In ereep, The liltlo head dropped ou the mother's arm And baby was fast asleep. A veal rolled on, and the mother's heart Was chastened beneath the rod, The bouse was still, with no baby voice, l'or the baby was home with (!od. The mother tried to forget her grief, But she did not attempt to pray, "She could not love God," she bitterly sail, 'Who had taken her child away." Apain at the drawer the mother stood, With a worldly and careless face, liut at something she saw a tear dropped down And hid iu the folds of lace. The little old shoes she held in her hand, As she stood in the twilight there, "I must see my baby again !" she cried, And she fell on her knees in prayer. Id a sobbing voice she softly said, "0 God, thy way I chouse I" And she tenderly kissed, and she clasped them close The little, worn pair of shoes. CASH NKW .VI VI Tie Dead Wife. GRIEF VERY OFTEN COMES TOO LATE. The hour set for the funeral had come. The hearse, with its black plumes, stood at the farm-house door. It seemed strange and foreign thing among the bright-colored hollyhocks, the common place sunshine, the lowiug of cows in the barn yard, and the chickens that movatl about upon the green lawn before the house. The Jersey wagons oftheneiuh boring farming filled the road, for the Garretts were much respected. Mrs. Garrett, who had ju-t died, w a ''home body ' and aw but little of h neighbors, but her husband had grown rich by ureal industry and ol.'ss savin; and had pushed his children on in lb world. John, his only son, had been to college and the girls to boarding school, and they were so improved that they seemed to belong to quite another elajs from their mother. 1 hoy had stood with their lather at the coffin to look for the last time at the woaau who lay there. 'lour mother was a pretty Woman when she was young," the farmer had aid. It had startled him to see how thin and withered her taee was under the white hair. "Sarah's only fifty," he oontinued "She hadn't ought to look so old." he aid. lie had not thought of her look when she was alive. 1 here was a certain sullen resentment under his Brief that she was dead. How was he to do without her? She was master hand at cooking, butter making laundrvwork and sewing He had never thought to ask her if she needed help She had never complained, and to com plete her work she hail risen at four an had zone to bed late at niL'tit. Ihingt nlway ran suiooihly. She never spoke of being ill. It stunned him when she took this cold and sank under it in two days. The doctor said that all li strength was "one. "Sarah had the strength of ten wonum," the husband aid. "Where had it gone?" He was amnz"d and indignant. Huh I bit the justice of God, to take anay woman so usetul in this w rid.' It was Dot jtisi! Her daughter sobbed vehemently She had tUoys been so tenderl She did 0 much for them! They did not, it true, reel well acquainted with her ince they grew up. But batween their music and iheir studies and their young com panions, an I other social occupations, their lives had been filled! The smooth ed ihe folds of her m-iino gown, a little ash j in nl that the neighbors th ul' see that she had no silk dress. She hud in sisted that each of I hem should have silk gowns, and had helped to make thenv Jack, her ion, like his fa! Iter, was shocked to see how tired and worn his mother looked. He had talked for a year or two of taking her to New Yolk She had never seen a great city. But ht always had some engagement. He remembered now that (he had made enough in the dairy to keep him in spend ing money at oillege Ho wished he had contrived that little holiday for her! They all felt now how good and unsclfi-h she had been, and how dear to them. "Why should sh betaken from us?" the old man moaned bitterly. "It i cruel. W by has God done this thing?" And the dead woman lying there, her lips closed forever, could make no answer lave that which toil bad stamped upon the thin, worn fae: that seemed pleading for rest. Youth' Companion. II RTISI'MKMS. Mb m hm a v A V K-U.i:h;i;, X. ('., Jan. 4, 1895. It. NEW APYERTISEM ENTS. (it'll! usi'il il. suitl. Hooik- Will ! urn, rt - V. V e;tr T Sialt- Semite To those who stubbing oiler. take advantage of our The- Roanoke lews, -AND- Atlanta CONSTITUTION Sn.ni City. . . ;.., I'ltion: 1-" i r lilt ' flu. l.ivt'i-y slalilts Mm ai.i:ii;i;, X. ('., f... r..yi, . r. liltii : 1 use .Mexican Mustanz Lin- imetit in my IniMitrss all tin' time. It is ttif liiuvt thing in the woiM for sprains ami niacin's, al.-n r u t s and Imnis. I Ikino l"ti if ia my hoi!i' t mil in null y lor general Use. I I'liioim'inl il t ; i i 1 who have never I ll llst . KllilV, I.1KTON. Ili'idge t'tiiitraetor, Pee. U, 1 SO 1. - u N. C. i, X J u niiiiiW (if vear.s I Mevliaii Mustang Liniment till ami in nu l.nnih . ami timl il the In li-'1 ir sprains luith on Yerv tnih iiiii's. A. ('. JOKOAN'. ';. (ientle have ih mv Inii'si very I't'M Ihiiii man anil lica-t 11 T.i x MorvT.MN-. X. ('., Ie .I-.. v., . A v i. .v. r. "ntli'i'H mi : nc.ican Hustang Liniment e !t'-! tiling tii :!ie wurlil for it horse a sme .-InniMrr. cr any other harness lU'.-lit'eUiiilv, (I. W. WHITAKEU. Yith V. Doyle, (Aueral Merchant. as I Iuiyu St'-JS2ft4 Display -llF- -FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. -Ont'lyerti, hoth pain-rs for- r.VNC Y IIOOHS and NuVlXTI l'.S. ft Hum tii k's 1'atteMls. w. k (i. cousins, j 8X.l 'rift' h ill In? ih.mIi- ti-uit hv times. : II tls :uul luinuiw ni.ulf ami tiinttncd t I ortlt-r- I MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Wel.lon. N. f. 'KEDY Rntl T.ASTINCJ RESULTS. .FAT PEOPLE, S2.00. Tlit' Constitution has pliinil in a seultd -ti t-io.e a If n) tt mler nute, the numlrer cinipit'd ot'ein'iit lij-urcs ainl on t he ar raniicnit'iit f tlioe tiurcs ilt-pemh tin (ii.strihution nf The following figure comjKiNe the nuniher of the not: ------ Though of eotire ttiey are not Wen htre in the order in which they appear on the notii To those sending in their pair BACK DDES Tut 5- --':i.'i. uuil $2.1)0 in advanee for both papers, eau re-arrange these figures as thiyr think they are on the note. $1,000 in cash to the one who give the nuniher of the not. $.VM) in cash to ti e one who cornea near est giving the ejnet arrangement. $'2M to the one coming second nearest. $100 " " 3rd " M " " 4th " and $.10, $15, $10, $5 to those coming 5th to 16th nearest. Kemember, the gnem costs you NOTH ING. You only have to pay np and renew foroneyeflr in advance, if you are an oU 1M V.. ' " 100 thin. lf,v.. ..,..-.. ,.. .. V thin. las:: iS:::t: 2t:r::2 We GU'lttalt E n CURE or frtund ioit money. Vrirv .KO p. r h.nilr. Srnd 4r lnrlreatiH. llil MOM M1JIII .VI. I'O., H-,.1,,11, 1 1 How To Invest Small Amounts. Thin is ii piohlefn that jhi.U'h inure than one man whoNiv.a portion ot' his salary. 1 lie following letterivfs the nvsiitt of an inveNtnu'iit in a Tontuit Toliry of the Equitable Life. Union, S. C, lhi W.J. liixlilt-y, Kmi-, Agent. lh-iir Sir.--VtMir lavor eiii'ltwinut rhei k of the Kinitalilc late Av-urance StH-iety in settlement of my jhilu-y. No Jun,;ilii eame duly to hand. The seltlojiiciit liberal oue, exceeding my expectation, ami I am pUued with it. Your truly. Wm.Uam Ml XKO. There is no tnrm of investment to-day that oilers .such absolute senility and nxu h liberal divitlemN as the pmpcr furm of life assurance. It's a matter on whieh every man should In-posted. We sent) you titf U res and p;irtiolars witl out ehare. W. .! liOlfl'KY, Manager, hepartmeiit of the l.'arohiuis, liock Mill.S. C A- L. STAIXItAl K, Audit, Weltloli, N. C. 137 Hyeamoiest., !' tershurji, X&. If living -meet-eded J. W. Young I would 1e pleased to ttf hid nU frieiidn- I.Ar-jetit tK'k of DIAMONDS. WATCHES, JFWri.KY und CTT iiLAHA iu this eiy. John V, Stewart, who was with Young Hro. for ;t" years is at the head of my KepuirinK Department. V.AI1 work and order receive prompt attention. ort 2) ly. ESTABLWHKD lH'-'9. S. H. Marks Co., PETERSBURG, VA. WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERS AND FRUITERERS uiauuf.irtureri of plain . .V. niW,. 1(1,11 Brin Her, elerlr. CriK'kt'anrJ Candies, Cake and UlfcWr rv"A Fine are n.'p. , 1 1 " . " ' rjTf ..vk,. ...... " rr-wiiffii..i.f? f ii ii -,rr " " I t vr ".'!''b ! Mk-' h will I'VE PAVED THE WAY tor t lie ItiL't'St .soa-'on I li;tc liv ilipl;ivini:;oi iniint'iise stm riiai. m'i:i;( iiAXiusi- i,.r I'vir known k of tillN- 1'.'. I have iintlii'ii'd in a vai'u tv ot'harKaina ami will s. ll at "l.ttW TAKI KK HA'l'KS. " Fine line of t'lttthillj;. i'.catitirill Ilrcss Patterns. Shoes ol evety tli-.n-iiption. (iKXTLEMEX'S 1UUXISILINGS. BUXa-l'ricen li I'orreflpnml with the low niec ut cotton. I am always phased to how oods and miarantee prices. W. B. TILLERY, Weldon, N. C PETERSBURG SEED HOUSE" -nn f .r kai:m .vi.akdkstkstui.iu t,ur K.irui. 1'lanln. Krnit Tr-, Keitiliers, Oil Cakf Meal. c. Senil for eiii tilarsto V. tiRtKSMAN, Seedsman tiiul Market lianlener, rKiHintirook Ht., reterslnirg, Va. h'i 1:! I vr. W. L. Douclas dl) wrlWCj rir ro a kins. CORDOVAN". riltNCH A CNAMELUO CA1T. 43 V Fine CaiIKamami 3. V POUCE.l soles. a ' 2.1.T BOYS'SCHOOlSHOll ' LADIES 9OC RTOICMJU4 . Ovtr Oh Mllttoa Pwpl ww ilw W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our Jhoet ir equally MtUfactory Thr t'v tht bt ) tor th ioimt. Thtv equal cuftoa lhoa hi atyla aa4 n. Thtlr wMrlnf quallllM ar nirtw4. Th price ar unMora,-iaaio4l tola. Prom $t in l.i mvMI avvr thf aikH. il your (k-iUr unnot lupply you caA. bold bf W. B. TILLERY, Weldon, n. c. C. E McGwtan, Kntieitl, X. C. jail :i Sin. THE SUN. Till? FIKHTOI' AMRRK'AX KKWfi I'APl.H-.. CllARI.Eli A. Pana, 1'ilitor. The American Constitution, the Atnri (o) can Idea, the American Spirit, (o) These first, last, and all the time, (o) forever. Daily, hy mail, Daily k Sunday, ll mail The Weekly, , IC a year 18 i year, ft i year. THE SUNDAY. SUN in the greatest Sunday Newspaper in ,the world. Price 5c. a eopy. By mail, 12 a year, Addrem TIIKSI'.V, H i York. THE NEW YORK Racke t Store WELKIN, N. C. 1 CENT AKTU I.ICS. Aeeomit lxxiks. Canwuter'niieueils, yard laee, ttx of taeks, Paper pins, Finger ritii;. ;i leail )H neils, lwx lilaekiiiK, Hall sewini; eolton, palter needles, yard ribbon, :t papirs liair jiius, card hooks and eyes, 2 pen liohlers. UCKNT AKTICXKS. l'aekace envelopes, Money Purse, dozen brass bend taeks, dozen pant buttons, spool H'Hid ration, cake toilet soap, quire writiiig jtaper, Hanjo, tluitar and Violin strings. .'K ENT AltTK LKS, Yard garter weh, 144 rice buttons, good iiiaebine eotton, dozen dress buttons, big Ihh biai kiii. paeka(ie motl envelopes, bot tle ink, haiidkerebiels, ball knitting cotton tin plates, best lead pencils, liles, oomta, a kuittm needles. 4 C ENT ARTICLES. Tin cup, yard ealieo, yard good laee, tiu tunnel, paper brass pins, good comb, large date, (i spoons. 5 GENT ARTICLES. Gents1 and ladies host, luouse traps, black liandle dipjier, stove shove, poeket knile, tUire best paper, 4 book hat rack, lamp burner, linen collars, linen liandker ehiel's. 'i" eent cud buttons, hair oil and cologne, large wash liowl, adoek aad 2 keys, 2 cakes soap, Kwan-down lace pow der, pair suspenders, hasp and staple, yard wide cloth, Itoi writing paper. II. C. SPIEICS, Manager. P. SAI.i:, Proprietor. WM. LINN, Manager, MANSION HOUSE. - - - BOTH ON - - AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. I'nion Street, NOKFOI.K, VA. owj. CLARK. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.AND WELDON. N. C THE WAGE EARNER Is, without doubt, the greatest beneficiary of lite insurance. It affords him an abso lutely aa! means ol inTasting his mings and a guarantee that those depending on his earnings will be amply provided lur at hi) demise. Under the Tontine policy of the Equitable Life he ta alio provided with a aafe-gtiard against miitortnoe beside receiving a much larger amount ofinannnee for the ameamonnt of premiums paid In. It ia better than the savings hank, better than the bnilding association, better than gov ernment bonds. Better for the wage tam er, or for anyone than any other method ever originated. For farts and figures, ad dress W. J. KODDY, Manager, For the Caralinaa. Rock Hill, 8. C A L. BTArniAcr,At9nt,Feldii1N.C. MRU PIERCE, WHOLESALE and HETAIL liEALEKS IN- QEflEML filERCHMDISE, RAILROAD SCHEDULES. S. A. L. SEABOARD-"" AIR LINE, Absolutely the Shortest ami Ouleke,. Houte Muuth, only is nuu to Atlanta. S( I E IN EfFKCT SLM)AY DEC. 23rd, 1891. Hj i iinT P.M. A.M. 3-S3 4.M. 4.0B 5.04 4.40 8 5.14 6.44. 5 5(1 7.3n. 6.00 1 rj. 7.20. NOUTllliOUND. Lv Weltlon, Ar lloykins, Ar Franklin, Ar Knliblk, Ar Portsmouth, Ar Norfolk, Ar Old Pt Comfort,8teamer 7.20 SOITHBOUND. 41 403. New Cools for Fall And Winter. Lc AVeldon, Ar Henderson, Ar Durham, Ar Kaleigh, Ar Southern Pines Ar Hamlet, Ar Charleston via Hamlet, A r Wudetiboro, Ar Monroe, ArCharlottc, Lv Monroe, N. C. Ar Chester, H. C. Ar Clinton, 8. C. Ar llrecnwond, H. C, Ar AblM-ville, 8. C. Ar I'.llicrton, (la. Ar Athens, (!a. 11.54 a.m. 1.52 p.m. 4.12 p.m. 3.60 p.m. .27 p.ru. 7.25 p.m. 2.4H.a.m. 4.10 am. . 10 a.m. 5.17 a.m. 710 a.m. 7.54 a.m. MO p.m. 8. 11p.m. H.37 a.m. 9.00 p m. 0.22 a.m 10.00p.m. lU52a.ni! 9 20 9.37 a.m. 10.50 10.51 a.m. 12.10a.m 12.04 p m. 12.57 12.4H p.m. 1.20 1.15 pm. 2.31 2.01 p.m. LIU J.U.1 ii. m. P VERY department brimful and running - over. We - carry - the largest stock, of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and GROCERIES of any house in Hali fax County. Our immense store is FULL of BARGAINS for all. We keep every article needed on the farm or in the house. Visitors to Weldon should visit our store and inspect our stock be fore buying elsewhere. a r .viiunui, 1 iiiou uep. o.-t' 4. nil p.m. Ar Macon, (la., 6.50 p.m 6..'i0p.m! No. I(i3 Vestibule Limited Train. No extra tare Weldon to Atlantic Pullman Sleepers Weltlon to Atlanta and Macon, Ua. Connects directly at Atlanta with w! and A. K. Ii. for Chattanooga, Nashville and all points west. Connects with A. & W. P. U. li. for Mobile, .Montgomery, New Orleans and all poiuts Southwest. For tickets and baggage checks to all points South and Southwest, sleeping car reservation and general information cull on T. F. ANPFIiSON, Agent, Weldon, N. C. JOHN H. WINDER, Oen'l Manager. T.J. ANDEliSON.deu'l Passer ger Ag't. w! A W. R. R. BRANCH ES AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. Coiidensed Schedule. TKA1NH (iOINU 801HH. riATKI) Ji.lt ITlll IS'Ji. i i is K ie P.M. F.M. I'.M. Iave Weldnn, 11 IU 17 Ar Kneky Mount 11 111 to Ar Tsrlmro J 11 IavcTarbnrn, 12 til l v Km ky Mount, 1 09 10 10 U'sve Wllgnn, Its 11 u:l l.T Selms, 1 St Lv Knyettevlllc, Arrive Kloreeee, AM. UO 6 Si I i T D K Itlll I (JAKWUUUS EXTltACT," A'AWS TRIFLE, VIOLKT WATER, WOODWOBTIl's FLORIDA WA TER, AND SACHET POWDER. New Line of -$;rSTATIONERY Just Heceivcd 150 Linen writing Tablets, wLioh I'll sell at a small PROFIT. ACCURACY o 'A O IH E-i a o tn W fn to .a w PU RITY!,1 b w Q 0) Lv Wilunn, Lv (toldKlmro, Lv MsKttolls, Ar Vt'llmlugton, 1 30 11 M 7 15 S 00 No. 47 I IM I St i l 6 3(1 A.M. P.M. 15 7 III s h io ixi TRAINS UO1N0 NORTH. Lv Florenre. s 15 Lv Inyettevme, 10 J.i Iave Selma, It M Ar. Wilson, 1 AO. 48 9 ) 10 iii 11 OA 1 III No. 7S A M. A.M. P.M. 1 i d s 15 is l.'l 19 11 II Lv Wilmington, Lv Mfti 'ilia Lv (litlL.ooro, Ar Wilson, Lv Wilson. 1 au ll o AT KiK'liy MOU11I, s m vi o ArTartiuro, I is l.v TsrlMim, 11 80 Lv Rix ky Mount, Xi i ot Ar Weldon, 9 43 ,S4 r.M. P.M. A.M. 7 00 8 :1 0 40 10 T 10 "I 11 15 c.t A.M P.M. P.M. oug DrauU 1'rejiared l'aiutJ. Pure Hike Lead t Linseed oil. I'll cell psluts at a very small margin. A Large Stock of LAXDRETH'S GARDEN SEED. The Place to get Your -At the lowest price is at- DR. J. R. ZOIUCOFFER'S, West side Washington Avenna, Opposite R. R, Bhed, Weldon, N. C PERFUMERY, STATIONERY. f FANCY SOArS, BRUSHES, TOJ3ACCO . AND CIGARS. rjym Stock kept complete by frequent Arrivals. Hf I'reecription Department tilled with tbe best selected material. sW"-' Praacriptiona oom pounded at all boon with great care. K em ember that a beartj walooca alwayi awalta 70a at Kollicoffer's, Daily eicept 8undsv. Train on Seollnd Seek Brtneh Ruad Im.m Weldon at Jt p. m. ll.llf.i 4, arrive SeoUiuid Nwk ti4 5Tt p. ni.eireeuville 837 p. m. Kiiutoo 7 . m. Kelumlnir leaves Klniton 7 10, a. m .vv... ...... .... nimiuiH uuiHI 1 1 UO, a. m Weldon 11 it'a m.dsllyeieepltiundsv. I'rMlnantt Wm.liifit.tmi ..ai,..K ii'-li.i..- ' u d t. .nii,r. ton 7 (tea. m. arrives 1'armele 840 a. m., TirU ro il 6": rtttirnltiK leaves Tarbomt top. m. 1'aimele 0 111 p. m.. arrives Washingnm 7 sftp. m. Itally eli eil Sunday. Conueeu wilb trains on Scot land Seek Branch. Tram leave, Tartxiro N. (' via Albemarle and RalelKliK. K. Uaily cieept Kuuday 6 oo p, a Sunday .1 on p. in .arrive Wllllamilon N. C, 7 It Lm., 4t p. in.l'lvmimth Don p.m., 6 ao p. m. turning leaves Plymouth dally eieepl tinndav sons, m.dnnday ll SO a. m. Wifllamston, N. C . 40 a. m. 58 a. m. arrive Tarboro 105a.ni, 11 in a. as. Train on Midland N. C. Bran, h leave, Onlda boro N ( ., daily eveepl Sunday 1 06 a. m.. arrlv, HmllhlleM, N. (,'., 7 an . ra. Kelumlnir leave, Hmlilnlcld, N.C., 8ima. u., arrive Uoldaboro.M C, u sti p. m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Boekv Mounl at 4 K p. m., arrlvca at Nashville 6 06 p m.,Sprlnllojie .'i3p. m. Returulnir Itavca Hirln Hope fcuoa in..Nahvllie s &5 a m. ar Rovky Mount o W a, ni. dallyeieeptsundav lralm.nu ljilla Branch Florence It. H. leave Ijtia ti is p. m.; arrive Dunbar 7 .'i0 p. m R tiiriilnv leave Iniulmr f. j a. ui arrive Lll7 50 a.m. Daily except Sunday. Train on lintun Branch leaves W'anaw for Clinton. daily cscept Sunday ,14 10 p. m. an4 ouoea.m. RcturutuR It-aiet'llnum at 7 to a as and ii Kip. m.,euoneelln at Wanaw with Not 40,41. Maud 78. Train No. 7s makes rlnae cnnnwMon at Wel4l,a forallpoinu North daily. A II rail via Richmond and daily escept Sunday via Bay Liue, aiw at Rocky Mount daily wuli fcorfola and (,-olna Rallnd fur Norfolk and all points Sorth Via Norfolk. J.R.KKN1.T, J. F. DIVINK. fup't Trans. iu , ii.ii., uenen T.M. EMttmo.N.Uon'1 PaaMnier Afeol. Ueneral Sup't. TLANTIC COAST LINK, PETERSBURG b WLLDONR.R ndejuwd tteheaule. TRAINS GOI NOBOUTHr Dated Jap. 2, 1S9H. Ko. 23 Daily. No 403 Daily. Leave Petersburg, Leave Stony Creek, Leave Jarratts, Leave Keltielil. Arrive Weldon, 0. Wlam 10.37 am 10.54 am 11. (Hi am 11.48 am 1.06 am 1.48 m 8.1" a in 3.48 an Nn wninaKntill. H.l 1 at 7.46, p. m., arrive at Weldon 8.2(1. TRAINS COINO KOKTU. No. 3S No. 78 Daily. Dily, lave Weldoq, UBelfleld, I Jiirretta, Le Stony CfBf, Arrive l'eterabur. 12.54 am 3.31) a. m. 3 40 p. m I 45 p. m 4 4'Jp. 4 f.Hp. m 4ilp. u No- 4U-J, going North leaves Weldon dt. ly at 4:16, rrive at reteraburg S S3 a. ta. rl T. D. MYERS, T. M. EMERSON, Jlen l Superintendent. Gen.rasM-nirar af M. COHE8o& "ttrT PETER8BTJR0, TA. Wholeaala dry hoods id iTorioisrs. ManuutctnmaorBhirta, Drawera and ovsr alla. Price ruaran lead aplut a.11 NbrtL' naurkata. Orders recelv pvonpt per. eotutl atteotioD. aorSly. 4