I ly- lJl 1 H ins! lV M 11 1 Hgt iir1-5f nil ii ffm& u?mm iff mi pxii rn jqSIT "W. SLEDGE, proi-iuk VOL. :tor. A. NEWSPAPER EOIR, THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1896. TEEMSH1-5'1 ANM'V TV PVAN("E. NO. 39. yEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AVER'S THE ONLY Sarsaparilla ADMITTED READ RULE XV. "Articles Si that are i n g any way dan- o ftoroui or of- fenaive, also S patent modi- o cinei, noa-JJ trumi, and empirical preparations, whose o: ingrodionts are concealod, will 0 lition." 0 Why was Aycrs Barsnparlllu admit- o! toil? Because It IsnotapiUPiitnioiilcini', o not a nostrum, nor a secret prqviratmn, not dangerous, not an cxpfilnifitt, and o because It is all tliat a family medicine j should lie. At the WORLD'S FAIR Chicago, 1893. Why not get the BestP o eaoooeeooeooooeoooooooo iei:ny JI ifcfcmti .-sen TASTELESS CHILL TONIC ISJUSTASCOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. G ALATIA, ILLS,, NOT. 16, 1693. Paris Medletao Co., 8fc Louis, Mo. Oentiemen: We ld laM yonr, 600 bottlos of SUOVK'K TAHTKLEWS CHILL TONIC and have UKht Lhrfto kfom ai ready tbii jtp ar. In all our ex (X'riiMice of 14 years. In tho drug bimlnoiw, bava never aold an article that gave men universal Mil IkUub a your Tuolo. Yuun truly, ADNXr.CAUJt C SOLD AND WAR BANTED BY Dr.A.S.Harrison, ENFIELD, N. C. F FINE GROCERIES Grocfirifi CHEAP GROCERIES. S FRUITS & CONFECTIONURIKS. COME AND SEE. Come one, come nil, both large anil small, Examine my stock. More buying at all. For my stock is complete anil prices low, To compete with the products tbe fanners grow, I thank my kind friends for the patronage of the pant Ami assure them all I'll be true to the last. And guarantee them in every respect The goods purchased from me they'll never vegict, Therefore come all, both large and small, For I will deal honestly with you all, Do not delay, come tight away Ami make yonr purchases to day. J. L. JUDKINS. dec 131 y. ft 'J.2lBi DR. Tfce Neutral Policy. MOUNTAIN SKETCHES BY M. QUAD. In answer to my "Hello! the house!" the tnountaiouecr's wife came to the door and uttered a "Howdy?" and as I asked for lodgings for the night she looked me OTer and finally said: "Stranger, ar' yo' much of a hand to mix in?" "How do you mean?" "Wall, kin yo' sot by and h'nr two people jiiwin' without (akin' sides?" "Yes, I think so." "Won't take up fur neither one?" "N." "Jest mind yo'r own bizness and let 'cm fout it out?" "Yes." "Wall, then yo' kin git down and stop fur the night. Put ycr boss in that shed and the old man will take keer of him when ho cuuibs home." "I can't exactly make out what you meant when you spoke about quarrel ing," I said after entering the house and seeing that she was all alone. "I kin explain in about a minit," she promptly replied. "We hev two sort o' religun uround here Methodist and Baptist." "Yes." "The olo inau 8 a Methodist but I'uj a Baptist from top to bottom. Shan't be DUthin' but a Baptist if I live a thousand y'ars." "I see." "Reckon by the looks of yo' that yo' ar' a Presbyterian. After supper tho olo man he'll begin to praise tho Methodists and run down the llapli.-ts. That'll Ore me up, aud I'll begin to praise tin Bap tists aud run down the Methodist. We'll jest make things hum nrlur wo git to goV." "And I don't come in? ' "Not if yo've any scusj in yo'r head! If yo' sl.ou'd go fur to back up one of us t'other woiiid pilch into yo', and if yo' should gu fur to dcclar' that the Presby terian religun beat all uthersTis holhr we'd both riz up to dowu yo'. D'ye see?'' "I do, ma'am, and my policy will tic to stand i.eilral." "That's it sorter between us, and sayin' nuthin' not if yo' want to stop yerc ull night!" We had scarcely gotten our pipes alight after supper when the old man threw out a hut shot and was speedily answered back, and for half an hour things were more than lively. I stuck to the neutral policy, though it was the ardest kind of work, and when the couple had finally cooled down tho hus- aod said: "Wall, bless the Methodist aud durn the Baptists, and let's entertain this yero stranger the best we know how in both "I admit," she said, "that women look ko perfect flights in bl.omors, aud I oan't understand it. It' you'd only Icl1 me how to avoid it I'd be only loo glad to- "Loosen your b. brother. "What! Wiiy tin uiw w..uld Lu..n hat a little Lit of a w.iH I hud if I did that.' "Can't help it. That's the only way." "Well, I won't do it. I don't waut to be a man bad enough lor all that. Chicago Evening Post. Old Bullion "Vthai! In" wti-h to marry my daughter" the is a wcio school till vet." Suttoi "e, sir. I oame early lo avoid the rush " H. 0. HYATT'S SANATORIUM' KIN8T0N, N. C. Diseases EyeSGeneral Sunery pjTl'Ktientj Jtonrded at $1 per Day. Jpt f ! 13 ly. JViOFESsJoNATcllipS. OWAltirAUT()f, H Attorney-at-Law I1ALIPA3(, N. C, ortW lj. HM . NOILIN, WALTER 1. Datlltl ATTORNEYS T UV, Wkldon, N. C. Practice In theoourta of RllttndNorthmw i iia In the Supreme and Federal couru. Uol' WUommaaulii lliuipl.nf Mnrth ramlinA. rU(iBoloetaUhi,N.C.,oiiPBverT Mon. W Jn7 1y Jlt. T. T. If OSS, DENTIST Weldoo, N. 0. POfBca OTtr Emry h Pierce's store. jOj9-ly. W.J. WARDijf"'"' SiHeVnViieiitisl, ElfFIFD. N. 0. GuOffloe over Uarrlaon'iDrag Store ASKING TOO MUCH. i!t," interrupted hr Freei By a Fiddle. WHY (iOVK HXOIi BOB TAYLOR TAK DOXED A TENNESSEE CONVICT. One of the most r'markable political contests of modern days was that between Bub aud Alt Taylor over the governor ship of Tennessee some years ago. The brothers are both violinists in Tennessee they are known as fiddlers. All' is the superior performer. Bob plays left handed. Neither one is a liniihed mas ter of the instrument, but they both play tho mountain melodies to the queen's taste. During their uniquo rnco for governor, Bob and Alf did not actually carry their fiddles with them, but in al most every town the people would hunt up a couple of violins and insist on hear ing them play. When the election was over and Bob was occupying the highest office in the gift of Tcnnessceans, a convict in the penitentiary one day sent him a fiddle. It was a home-made instrument, the couvict being its author and finisher. He had made it while serving out bis sen tence in the "pen," and designed touch ing a tender chord in tho governor's hoart by tho presentation. Tbe story is best told in Gov. Bob's own way : "One day just beforo Christmas a state official entered my office and said : 'I have been implored by a poor, misera ble wretch in the penitentiary to bring you this rude fiddle. It was made by his own hands with a penknife during the hours allotted to him for rest. It is absolutely valueless, it is true, but it is his petition for mercy. Ho begged me to say that he has neither attorney nor influential friends to plead for him; he is poor, and all that he asks is, when the governor shall sit at his own Grcside on Christmas eve with his own happy children around him, he will play one tune on this rough fiddle and think of a cabin far away in the mountains in which is a family crying fur bread and listen ing for the returning footstep) of their csuvicted father.' " Who would not have been touohed by uch an appeal? When Christmas eve came the governor sat at his own fireside, surrounded by his own happy family, and, s ttiog there he played one tune on the rough fi Idle. F ir up in tho moun tains there was another hearthstone bright and warm, the pardoned convict was there with his children on his knees and his hoart re-echoing the strains which the governor played on tho home made ti Idle : Be it ever so humble, There's no place like home AX ANGEL, IN IHSGUISE. THEREFORE HIS FOLLOWERS CALL HIM THE "MODERN CHRIST." ADVERTISEMENTS. 'ft mm ASSIST INATUKU a ItUie IIOW Il.llf t - til II ilhtvinjf ull !' jiiK m.Uici ti'im t and yntt lln u ;y avuitl u tmiliilii'i' rituut'iiituK find ! ttixt-N. inn) will liuv lena fuotu'iil lui.' of vmir doeloi h aetvice. or all Known RiiiMiU lr I it lnr- mc, In. I'iricc's t'irHrtu! reijt-U hiu the brat, Onw uhii lu I .IV II i Their aceotnlHty ef fect la to kfp the boweia open ami regular, t.ot to fur thcr constipate, a is tlte cade with other Dllla. Hence, thetr (treat populauty iit. i.tTir fioni habitual tonslipntimi pflea and thctf aUeutUittt jlwcoiifurt ami ar purely (tetanie r"""' . in any condition 01 me sysicm. requirr4 while w tlimi they do not mierrert wim ui mim. --i -tlon. and nrodiicc no pain, aiipliin or sliock to the nystern. 1 "f y ln w"r natural wur nd-there is no resction after wrd. Their help MiJ. Tho relicts cure WMoiisness, niric sun blllou, hMdavha, diine, cotivene. or coh'tirsti, sour stomach, loss of appetite, ctnted -lonirne.1 jtidiwttion, or dyspepsia, windy belchiiifi "liearlbimj," Pin d distress after eating-, snd kindred 1 demure menu of th Hr, stomach nd bowels, In proof of their superior escelleiics, t cn hi truthfully ..Id, tU.t they r alw.y. tdopted as a household remedy .fter t it first trial. Put up in se.led. ls i i, therefore .lw.ys frli and reliable. (iit little " Pellet " i. a lai.tive. two are mildy nthartic. As a ' dinner pill." to promoia 4itatitHt. or to lilJ ditrM Um fiJ, Jatltf; Uke W Mt dinlier lhej ai tiny. .sar coled jtanules; any child f"! readily take tliem. Accent po aMhM!tiite thatm.r he rfrorn mended to be ")iit a. tood." It may ba belter for Ihr dealer, because of paym Inm a bett.r profit, bat ki U not Ult out who UNO kalp. ., The propri- (or of a large store on High street went to his place of business at an unusually early hour this morning; in fact, the sun had not yet risen when ho turned the key in the door. On entering, he was surprised to find a man trying to open tho door of bis sufe. lie stout ami watunsi him tor some time, apparently deeply interested in the proceedings, wheu finally the burglar swung open tho door of the sa'o with a dcle'hlful chuckle; hut happ -niug to turn he saw ih it ho was ili0"V.To 1, and bo puio vc.y ui'joli alarnso:!. lie jum ped up and was about tomiko his escape through a baek window, when tho mer chant called to hill,: "D u't be iu a hurry, my friend; come back and sit down a while, and smoke a cigar, while I straighten things up a bit and then come homo to broakf'jst with me. You have done mo a great favor. "Why, how's that?" asked the burglar n great surj rise. 11 Well, you see, I hail the combination of the s.l'e on a Lit of paper, and last rjight I accidentally locked it in the safe and forgot ho.? to work it; I spent most qf the night trying to gctthe thing open id came in curly lhl morning to have another Irv t it. West Medford Windmill. THE COUNTRY WEEKLY. Tho moruin papers lay on the seat besiic b in tho o'evnted trntn l! was reading with eagerness an awkward crumbled little sheet. Tho printing of the paper was uncouth, for itjpuked as though half tho letters were sm.whed, o fhe impression ol the type was dull an blurred. It was a welly pnpor, printed in th little lowo where thi pr wpcrous, woll dreased New Yorker lis 1 boon born and bred. Many a man who has ourved h fortune in this oity, hails tho little ooun try paper evory week as a welcome mes . ii t .i a senger. u tens now me orp ru rour ishinff. how the "eioos are beinij w"o-; washed ovcry spring, und, porhiqn, onoe in while thoro is a paragraph about tli dear old mother, who has got Into prli bv entertaining the sewing circle. And the prosperous New Yorker rcsdi it entire, while the metropolitan sheets lay beside him unheeded. New yort Bw t-LIJS I - U" "A" "Py George, if I wore in jm plee, aid the officious friend, "I'd apply for diToroe." "I'd like to." admitted Mr, N. Pook, "but she won't let me." Tlis Man Sees Visions. DIFFERENT IDEAS AS TO THE LOCA TION OF THE INFERNAL REGIONS. At Underdid, N. J., there have come new tenants for a bit of farm land whose presence is bound to give a world wide publicity to the place. They aro none other than tho "Lord's People," led by anson T. Huntsman, an avowed "Son of God," or better known to tbo country ilk us "Tho Modern Christ." Ho is a mi of striking personality with long lir and flowing whiskers, who could not fail to attract attention wherever he ht go. His powers of eloquence, his visiuns and revelations have caused his band of faithful followers to look upon him as a veritable second Messiah. The community has known this "Mod ern ChriBt" for sometime, but it was not until lately that he began to make felt his remarkable powers. He is of the Meth odist faith. Nothing daunts him or makes him afraid. When he first began to see "visions," he produced a perfect turmoil in the social life of the surround ing villages. Theso "visions" greatly disturbed tho young men of tho district, as they chiefly related to tbe personal mpcrfections and vices, large and small, of those of them who had ostensibly "re nounced the devil and his works." So correct were the preacher's "visions," that a reform movement resembling the Parkhurst crusade was soon under way. Much opposition was aroused against the ipn and the demijohn with unceasing valor, and declared also against the pur ple and fine linen and small besetting vanities of the women. Just as the Saviour of Men suffered untold indignities at tho hands of the populace centuries ago, so did the idol of tho faithful of tho '.'Lord's Farm." They dispersed his meetings. They doused iin in cold water; they mobbed him His long hair and beard they shaved half off. Then they hustled him aboard train for Jersey City, threatening him with even worse treat men t should he re turn to preach what they called "detes table doctrines." But the mob reckoned without their host. The "modern Christ" did return. His was a courage oapable of coping with any foe. IIu was welcomed to the home of one of his most sturdy converts, (jar red StoruiB. It was not long beforo many crowded to his standard. But persecution broke out ufresh. All the county formed itself into a vigilunoc committee to inquire into the practices of tho "Lord's People." One Sunday morning a watchful neighbor, who presumably staid home from church to watch, discovered four of the "Lord's People" openly and shame lesaly husking corn, and swore out war rants for their arrest ss Sabbath breakers. Tho so-called Christ and his followers really husked corn on Sunday and rt fused to pay their fines, accepting throe days' imprisonment without a murmur of resistanoe us persecution for conscience sake, declaring that the laws of God Were mora holy in their ryes than the aws of New Jersey. All aro men of education, of broad ideas and evident refinement. They till the soil uf the "Lord's Farm," claiming personal revelations from God, and have an abiding faith thut their reward will come because of works well dono. AX INUIAV VAK-IANCE. tsishop Whipple, ol HUonosota, says that the Dakota Indians onco held a war dance near a mission house. Ho went to Wabasha, the chief, and said : "Waba sha, you asked me for a missionary and teacher. I gave them to you. I visit you, and the first sight is this brutal sealp dauco. I knew tho Chippewa whom your young men have murdered, His wife is crying for her husband; his ohildruu arc asking for their father, Wabasha, the Great Spitit hears Hit children cry. He is angry. Some day He will ask Wabasha: 'Where is your red brother?" The old chief smiled, drew hjs pi frou) his mouth aud aahl: "White uitm go to war with his own brothor in th samo country, kill moro men than Waba sha can count in all his life. Great Spirit Biuilcs; says 'Good White man! 11 his my book. 1 love him very much I have a good place tor him by anq-by, The Indian ma wild mat), lie has Ureal spirit book, lie kill) one man has a scalp daoce. Great Spirit is mail and anvs: 'Had Indian! 1 put him in bud place hy-and by,' Wabasha don't be hove it! A MISCAIXULATOU. Wife "Amos, why don't you speu moru ofyour, ti,uie null pjei Husband "My angel, I just count the hours that keep mo from your side! Wife "Then thoro is something wrong with your arithmetic." WMa (Uby hi tick, gave, bur OMtorta. Whm ilia was a CWW, aha cried tor Oaatorla, Wrwa abe bwamH MK aha olunc to OMtorta, Wkea aka had Chndraa, aha an then OMtorlt. Where is Hades? The ancient philosophers were of the opinion that the infernal regions were located at an equal distanco from all parts of the earth'B surface, which may be the foundation fur the modern idea which locates hell at the center of our planet. This belief in a centrally locat ed p'ace of torment or utter annihilation appears to have existed among tho Jews at a very early dato also. According lo icir belief, there were threo passages ading to it tho wilderness, by which route Dathnn, Kornh and Abiram descended; the sea, bcoause it is written that Jonah cried to God out of the belly of hell, and a third passage, which last was at Jerusalem. This third and last idea of the mouth of hell being located in the capital of 'alestine is founded upon the Biblical passago which says, "The fire of the Lord is in Zion, and his furnace is in Jerusalem." The Mohammedans, who are noted lor their superstitious regard for the number seven, declare that hell is provided with seven gates, each in tended fur the followers athe different religions. The first is for recreant Mus sulmans; the second, very wide and with shutter always standing invitingly ajar, is for Christians only; the third, located near the second and almost as wide and roomy, is reserved for Jews; the fourth gate is the one through which the spirits of the Sabcans will enter the land of torment. Like the last two, it is wide enough to do a wholesale business with out crowding. The fifth is a small loop hole of a gate intended for the sect of the Maji, a sect so insignficant that the Mohammedans' hell idea apparently grudgingly allowed a separate opening for their spirits when en the way to eternal punishment. The sixth gate, the only circular opening in the walls of hell is the gate by which the pagans will enter. Why the pagan gate is believed to be circular I have never seen explain ed. The seventh gate In the walls of the Mohammedan hell is reserved for the hypocrites of all religions. Strange to say, it is one of the smallest of the gites. Whistou, the English astronomer, be lieved hell to be located on a comet, and that one moiuont the damned were suf fering in the blistering rays of tho sun and the next in cold hundreds of degrees elow zero. The Christian idea of hell, old as it is, gives but a very dim outline of tbe probable location of tbe "lako which burneth forever and ever:" also there a controversy as to whether it really burns "forever and ever" or only has effects which aro everlasting in their nature. St. Louis Republic MAJOU SMITH ANI QUEEN. THE Bill Arp, in Atlanta Constitution: But the idea of war with our old mother. God bless her and her noblo queen, who for over fifty years has been a model woman a noble hearted lady of th olden times an illustrious example of gO)d, old fashioned, hoocat, motherhood had nine children right straight along and nurs-d them in tho old fashioned way and gavo them castor oil aud salts and sung to them to sleep just like we do. I have groat respect for any one who has raised nine children, and I havo 10 per cent more respect for a woman who has raised up ten, like my wife has; but I'll be ding dongci if Johnny Bull or any other bull shall put a chip on our hat. We arj going to. investigate. Our commit tee will go over there and report and may be by the 4th of July wo will know somothiog about this business, and then we will let it fret along for a yoar or two and fix up an arbitration, and by the year 11)00 the dispute will bo scttl That't the wuv c did the Alabama claim and the Burring seal fisheries. V needn't be in any hurry about righting, In faot, it looks like sacrilege for Chris tian nations to talk w ir during Christmas times. We ought to have waited until the 4 h of July that's the time to orow but old Johnny liu.ll had better mind how ho atcps over our hemisphere. The old Hobs havo had their disabilities moved they haven't forgotten how Eug land 1 rested us S3 years ago. BAD PRACTICE. We- "What is tho matter with Gus tern's tongue?" "Oh, he's cm rt ing a, B;ostna girl and has been praojiuing kissing a froien trol ley pole The ilootor thinks he oan patch him up." I'D It OVI'.H PltTY VUARS Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup hashoen used lor over ally years by millions mothers lor children, while teething, with perteol success. It soothes the child. softens the gunn, allays all pain, cures wind ooliu, and it the beet remedy Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 coots a bottle. Ito euro tod ask for "Mrs, Wins- low't Soothing Syrup," and take do oth M kind. Treatment Of La Grippe. MARYLAND PHYSICIAN TELLS HOW IT MAY BE CURED QUICKLY AND WITH SIMPLE REMEDIES -CUT THE ARTICLE OUT AND SAVE IT. Dr. Thomas II. Buckler writes to the Maryland Medical Journal as follows: When, iu 1S!I2, 1 published in the Maryland Medical Journal a paper of ten pages on the otiology and history of influenza (la grippe) nothing was said about the treatment, which is, after ull a simple matter, and is here given in the following brief words, whether the dis ease is ushered in tho usual way, with courbature (muscular aching ail over the body) or primarily as a rheumatic sore throat (tonsilicis) converted rapidly by metastasis into endocarditis, of which Bishop Brooks died, or commences as a rheumatic bronchitis, which, transferred to the heart, caused the death of the poet Browning at the Palazzo liczzonico, on the Grand canal, at Venice. Influenza is always a rheumatismal isesse and as such must be treated. Therefore give at the instant of the seizure our old-fashioned Dover's powder e active ingredients of which are one grlio of opium, one grain of ipecac, with eight grains of sugar of milk, to give bulk. If the seizure of this malady is during the day, put the patient to bed as soon as possible and give the Dover powder. After a sleep of six or seven hours give dissolved io water, fifteen grains of lalicylate of sodium and repeat this dose every six or eiht hours; and to facilitate the sweating caused thereby, cover up well with warm blankets. Four of these powders arc usually sufficient to sweat and stamp out the disease, and thero is an end of it, but if further required, the salicylate may be continued without stint at regular intervals, as already stated. Both in Paris and horc, I have never nown the most violent case of this dis ease to detain a patient in bed longer than two or three days at most. The above treatment was adopted at the very beginning, and fearing the seizuro might be at night, the above simple remedies were always kept in the house. But when this treatment is not adopt ed at once and carefully carried out the morbid elements may fly to some vital organ, causing detention in bed lor weeks and not infrequently loss of life fterward, or months or years of more or less suffering. The use of Dover's powder, followed by salicylate of sodium is so wholly and entirely the proper mode cf treating influeozi that no other method need for one moment be entertained or mado subject for inquiry or experiment. The Dover-salicylate is not only the best trea'mont for complicated influenza, but the best for the visceral rheumatism which in many cases attends or rapidly follows it, and as no time should there fore be lost in giving the salicylate, the first dose of it may be given contempor aneously with the Dover's powder and the other single doses continued at the intervals already stated. The most usual visceral complications Woshington first of the President stauds; Next placid John Adams attention com mand?; Tom Jefferson's third on the glorious score. And square Jimmy Maidson counts num ber four. Fifth on the record is James Monroe; And John Quincy Adams don't ye know? Next Jackson and Martin Van Burcn true blue, And Harrison ninth, known us Tippeca noe Next Tyler, tho first of tho Vices to lisc; Then Polk and then Taylor, the second who dies; Next Fillmore a Vice, hikes tho Presi dent's place, And small Frauklin Pierce is fourteenth in the race, Fifteenth is Buchanan, aud folluwioa him The great name of Lincoln makes all others dim; Next to Johnson comes Grant with the I laurel and bays, And next after Grant comes Rutherford Hayes. Next Garfield, then Arthur, then Cleve land the fat; Next Harrison, wearing his grandfather's hat Adroit little Ben, twenty third in the train, And last in the list, behold Cleveland again. Ram's Horn. are rheumatic nephritis, rheumatic or gouty inflammation of the gall duels. fibro-broochitis, iucipicot pneumonia and incipient endo and pericarditis, the two last beiog most generally preceded by rheumatic bronchitis, and the outcome usually pronounced "heart failure" by those unacquainted with the pathology oi rheumatism. THE 24 PKESIOENTS. A D V K HT I iS EM K N TS. PIGEON MILK THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. t'nres in 1 to 4 days, Im lodjate in elfeot ; quick to onre. t an Im earned in feet tMlfknl. nil I'llllinll.tn In na mull pw;kim. Bfmt by mail, jin-pnni, plain package, on receipt of prion, f 1 per boa. For sale by W. M. COHEN, I)ruu'ist, 5-9-ly Weldon, N. C. PETERSBURG CIREC10RY- SASH, IILINIIS, and DOORS. CHIMNEY PIPE, For Riileut 1IOTTO.M PRICES HY PLUMMER & WHEELER, 1'KTKIt.SHI'ltli, VA. my !:i ly. KlMiAItorUKIKK. T.H.l'NIiEltlllLI. CURRIER & UNDERHILL, BOSTON ONE PRICK c nig : lust, Wholesale aud Retail Dealers In PLENTY OF STUDENTS. For bachelors and maidens, too, A leap year manuel is due; A drill to practice lover's charms, Instruction in the use of arms. JUST THE SAM K, "How do you suppose tho new woman will use her latch key?" "Precisely as the old man did. Sit on the step and wait till the house comes round." NATURE STILL AHEAD. The rose and gold of the sunset No paiutcr yet has woo; And the crucible of science Has ne'er evolved a sun. THE AVOMAN OK IT. FINE CLOTHING, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goodn, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Etc, Cor. Sycamore and Bank 8ts., Petersburg, Vft, my J:( ly. W. E. ARMSTRONG & CO, Wholesale aud retail DRUGGISTS, 225 Sycamore st-, Petersburg, Va. 85, A II mail orders receive prompt per sonal attention. my 23 ly. E. H. PRITCHETT& CO., PETERSBURG, VA. Successors to Mitchell Co.'s BOOK STORE. STANDARD PATTERNS. FASHION SHEETS FREE. Give us a call. my231y ALLIANCE EXCHANGE, Sells o n commission Tobacco, Wheat, Corn, Cotton, Peanuts, Hogs, Poultry, and all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, and need. Guanos a specialty. Let ns hear from you. Hogsheads furnished on appli cation. J. C. SMITH. Anent my 23 ly Petersburg, V i Sclentiflo American pL Ayenoy w 'KISS HEIt AND TELL II EU SO." Integrity of character, a right seno of honor, manliness and respect for what is pure aid goad aro all adjuncts to the perfeot happiness of married life, writes Mary J. Holmes, io answer to tho ques tion "What Constitutes A Good Hus band?" in tho July Ladies' Home Jour nal. Rut most natuios crave moro than theso, and what they crave is so easy to give that I wonder it is ever withheld. Said a woman of her husband who, when living, stood high with his followmeo and surrounded her with every luxury: "I loved him most for hia kind thoughifu' niNs and delicate attentions which made me feci that I was as dear to him after years of marriage as on the first day he oallol mo wife." Acd this, I think, is the secret of some women's happiness. It is not enough for a man to make a woman his with, and after a few weeks oi months of attention ignore her with a fooling that because he has chosen her to bear hit name she must be forover satisfied, with no further demonstration of his love. Women like demonstrations and thero is a word of good advice in two linoa of an old ballad I lately read: "If your wife is dearer to you than life, Kiss hor and tell her to." "Now, dear, I havo one favor to ask of you." "It is granted." " 1 hen, please don t tell mo that you keep on hand General Merchandise. We have never loved before, that you never wi" ul,y un or(,er anything a farmer may dreamed that you could love, that I'm the only girl you have ever been engaged to, that " He (interrupting) "I won't." She (anxiously) "But you have nev er been engaged before, have you, dear?" Brooklyn Life. tie "it l could but be installed id your heart as "She "My heart is no installment houso." He "Why do they call women the fair sex?" She "To distinguish them from the unfair sex, no doubt." He "Do you think my picture looks like me?" She (sympathetically) "Yes, I am sorry to say it docs." Reggy (quoting Hamlet) "If thou wilt marry, marry a fool." Maude "Oh, Tom, this is so sudden." "Do you think his kissing her was so much of a surprise as she says?" "I do. Why, she even forgot to scream." "Good resolutions, Charlie, are a great thing on the first of tho new year. Yes, I know, Jack; but they get to be an old story on the second." His wedding trip was very short, For he was seen to falter He took it on her bridal train, Descending from the altar. He "Yes; I was out sleighing. And froze all my fingers." She (who wasn't along) "I don't see how a young man can get tho fingers on both hands frozen." CAVrara. DESIGN MTI.TL wi uu . , nanaoooK write to MUHN It CO.. S61 Kbo.dwiy, Niw Yom. TOIOHt liurf mi ror Mnirliur pattmla In Amrrlra. F.vpry nntnt Uken out Ity uh li hrutifrht before tlm public tor a nutlt alveD frvaorulunM in tn $ tmtxi it Mttlm Unrert clrnilntlni, of ,nr rlmtln prr In th world, s , l,..ll.llr llhi.tratml. Ni. li,t,-!Uiro, man tioiil,l l without It. Wn-kly, B3.00a yi-iir; tl.5ci.lx month A.WiTm, kiiVn to.T l'LULUiii.itjil:tul liroariway, Mvw Yurauu. ET. CLARK. HE GIVES IT AWAY. She "I should never think of sifting in the conservatory with X0UI,S De Smitbe." He-"Vhy not?" She "He ijo wUi AnORNEY-AT-LAW.ANO teal Estate M NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. POWDER XT n -HUDSON'S Absolutely Pure. A oream of tartar baking powder. I Highest of all in loavening strength, Lateu U. s. Uovernment rood Report. KOYAb 11AKIN0 l'OWDXn t'O., 106 Wall 8t..N Y. tii4jaLLiytMMtl Sir-;- jStrSuBntoir-- ' rnliilfl STEEl WEB PICKET LAWN FIXCE Sor Yard, OnMterr ftr4 lrve Lota; PovHry ia4 ante f , ud ft pHJ florae .Cat Me and Bog r ayuiT. www mj mw rriaii, vwruw rrta, ft. L. HHKLUMMUt, ATLiDTA, tli. 187 Main St., Noifolk, Va. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DINING ROOM. ALL MEALS 25 CENTS. SURPASSIXG COFFEE X SPECIALTY 3. R. HUDSON, Proprietor. The Beat of Everything in Season. Oct 10 lyr. pETTRSmiTHACO.,- "THIS LEADERS OF LOW TRICES," Impoftem, wholemlo and retail dealers in , FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY - GOODS, No. 144 Muia atrtet, Norfolk, V ' JaVlr