f i I ( 1 7 ! I IS on E ' y JOHN "W. SLEDC3-E, ruoi'KiKTOit. VOL. XXX. -A. NESPAPEB 2T O IR THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 189G. TEPlwIS:-?1,, l'KR ANNUM IN ADVANCE. NO. 44. 4 I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RUN DOWN WITH DYSPEPSIA STOMACH Liver AND HEART ATFICTED. Almost In Despair Hut Finally CURED By Taking AYER'S PILLS "For fifteen years, I wa a crcat suf- O (hit from Indigestion In ltn worst forms. I tested the skill nl many duelers, but o jn w worse ami worsi', until I Iwcmiip O bo weak I coulil not walk fitly yards j without having to sit down snil rest. My o stomach, liver, anil heart beeanic ntfei't nl. anil I thought I woulil surely illc. I tried Aycr's Pills ami they helped me oj riidit away. I continueil their use ami O am now entirety well. 1 don't know of Qj anything that will so quickly relievo oj ami cure the terrible suffering ot dys- $1 pi'psla as Ayer's Pills." Jniix C Fbiti'iiaiid, Broille, Warren Co., N. C. AYER'S PILLS Received Highest Awards AT THE WORLD'S FAIR je 13 ly. WILLIAM FREEMAN, PORTRAIT ARTIST AND PHO- togropiier and dialer in FRAMES. EASELS, AMATEUR Supplies, etc. )LD PICTURECOPYINO A SI'KCIA LTY I First alaas work guaranteed. ootlOIy. 178 Main St., Nortblk Va. jLrmne-KJi;' it., ri TASTELESS HILL T mm It JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cte. Oalatia, Ills,, Not. 18, 1833. psrtt Uedtotne Co., hi. Louis, M. Gentlemen: We sold lul yuar, (WO bottles of 3IIOVKS TA8TKLKS8 CU1LL TONIC and have tKuHhl VUrw ttruii already tab year, in all our ex .1 gave such ui jfourt truly. Mrieao of H years. Id the drug ttiMniw. have never sold an article that gave such universal aaU. SOLD AND WARRANTED UY Dr.A.S.Harrison, ENFIKLD, N. 3 I CHEAP GROCERIES. IN A STREET CAR. But a feeble, bent old lady, With a fuiltM, wrinkled fara, Who along thfl ear peered dimly To obtain a vacunt place; Yet, ati ir with pulse electrlo, Instantly upon h!i feet Every man arose to give her With a smile hia empty seat. Kindly (tlanees rested on her; Kindly hands were ready there To Bupport her should he need 1. For her soft and snowy hair Soeniod an auroole of tilory To tons eare-cncumitoml men, As the mother love within them Woke to conNolounnuM8 again. Ab, thoro'M nothing half so holy In thin world of lln and woe An tint lovt that tilcMNed our ctilldhood In the yearn of Ing Ago; Atnl a fommoit chord of feeling Linked t. . gather in tin with man When thn thnughtif home and mother Through thul crowd of HtrangerH ran. Helen ( huunepy, In Harper's Uaiar. ROMANCE OF LA KOSLNE. sw : s. f-- BY MAl'RICE GORDON. Copyngnt, imt, by the Author THE day was done, night fell upon the city, a breeze stole over the roofs; houses were for the time being do serted; those who possessed gardens c ar ried their chairs thither; the less fortunate occu- pied doorsteps, and complained languidly of the heat. Out on Rosine square, where every house opened on the street, and where one might chat with the neighborhood from one's own doorway, discussion ran high. M. Jacques, the shoemaker, had observed that rain was at hand, whereupon Vasson, the jeweler, had seen fit to sneer. "Uain," he repeated scornfully; "mafoi! a storm, more like ly. I remember iu 184-1" "IHste!" said monsieur-, "mademoi selle and her fiancee, (ire merry to nhrht." "There is a proverb which 1 no longer believe," murmured Vasson, "the course of true love sometimes does run smooth." "Ah! When people arorich," put In ft woman's voice. "fie (a handsome," said M. Jacques, "in the American way. It la a pity he Is not Creole." "Mademoiselle is an ange S Now If monsieur were a prince." "A prince! and why should a paltry prince Come, monsieur, it is too hot to quarrel; let Maria be. What say you, Mario, to a walk in the square?" She rose and followed, PIerr, her luolnpg ii'lcud, her halt-avowed lover, down tho quiet Htreet. lieneath the de la Maure baloony they paused; be hind the vines they distinguished the figures of the lovere. The two heads, one so fair, the other dark and Bmooth, were close together. "It Is a good thing to be rich," ho said, pointing over his shoulder. "O l'icrre, criod she, "it Is not man' ey that makes us happy," my hat then?" 'You know. I need not tell you." "But that is It," he cried. "I will hear It from you and noone else; come, we will finish our talk here." He led her into the square to a seat beneath hp myrtles; while they chat ted the wind sent ho blooms quivering to the grass) one uf them drifted to Marie's shoulder. She caught It and studied It lovingly. "Myrtle!" cried Pierre, guessing her thoughts, "that means a wedding." "Charles," Jeanne de la Maure was saying at this moment, "do not go to morrow. Last island seems so far away, and l'ero Francois says that, (a A It Si.. ..ili-it. daring swimmer, but Tittle fear "was entertained as to his safety; he was, at first, thought to have found refuge on one of the gulf islands, or to have been picked up by an outgoing vessel, but as time went on, bringing no tidings, days drifting into weeks, weeks into months, his death was reluctantly ac cepted by his friends. Kven Jeanne de la Maure, whose faithful heart refused to despair, real ized that further hope was a mockery. ue balmy evening about a year later I'ere Francois, walking down Royal street, heard his name called Are Yon Superstitions? LOOK FOR YOUR NATAL MONTH AND SF.K YOURSELF AS OTHERS SEE YOU. Ad English authority is responsible fur the assertion that a man's destiny depends upon the month of his birth. A man born iu Juuuary will be a hard worker, a lover of uoud vine, a fine softly. A carriage had drawn up to the sinirer, a inuonnnr of great enterprises A woman born in that mouth will bo ulTnble; will have domestic tastes and will be capable of great endurance. A tiiun born in February will love money much, but womcu mure, lie will be stingy at home, but prodigal abroad. The wodjuu will be an affectionate wile curb and a girl In deep black was beck' onlng to him. "Jjnnno de la Maure!" he exclaimed. "Yes, It Is I," she answered. "We have just returned from abroad. Won't you get In? I have something to say to you." He obeyed wonderingly, "Now, my father," speaking in quick, good, tell me. will I be doimr wrontr to aai a 00li motl,er' enter a convent?" I The man born in March will be IiudJ lOU? he said, protcstingly. some, hnnnst nn.l nrnoVnl Yet lie will "Oh, why not? 1 am so weary of the I,. .., , lif . i.n,i " aie poor, ine woman will De tail ana 'My child," said the priest, "we stout udJ witty. must consider. To act upon impulse I Tho l,m ; mill ,.,. ,i,i i, !... .. w. I ' ration and probation. Should vou hesi- s,rilJ be 8 fuul eTen his birthday is tate before talcing the last vows there the next day after March 31. The wo Urllt Vn trot limn In ...I 1. .1 I .... . . . ... t . j .,u,. . ju. , man Wl tie a chatterbox and wi nave 'I shall never wish to do that." They were nearlng home; a sudden turn had brought them in sight of the square; the syrlngas were In bloom; the long grass white with clover; the air was full of cheerful sounds. advanced ideas. She will be a leading member of the shriek in": sisterhood. The man born in May will be amiable and will make bis life partner happy. Sentiment Still Lives. Condolina; f itl tie Alictei IT IS AN INFLUENTIAL FACTOR IN THE AFFAIRS OF MAN. "Men often laugh at sentiment," said Senator Vest in receut speech, "but sentiment controls the world. " This fact is apt to be overlooked in the multi plicity and the pressure of practical and sordid ruanifentutiuns. The battle of life is so much a matter of adjusting stub born facts to material uses thut we easily lose sight of tho sentimental side of things, and come lo tho belief that we are entirely emancipated from tliu rule of fancy and emotion Hut the truth is that tho influence of sentiment remains, and we all are subject to it. more or less, consciously or uucoDscieusly. It is all very well to assert that imaginniinn is Dot a safe guide, and that the art of get ting there, us we call it, implies strict ad herence to the methods of prose and com uion sense. Nevertheless, sentiment creeps into all of our calculations and stays there, and when the proper occasion comes it asserts its sovereign force and has its way in spite of practical circutn stances. We are not given over to the cold and hard philosophy which shuts TIME IS THE GREAT CUIiER OF (iUIKF, AND THE II EST THAT WE CAN DO IS TO INTELLIGENTLY All) TIME, The foundation of condolence is sym pathy, for it is, iu fact, only an expression of sympathy, but the sympathy itself is sometimes simultaneous or merely per fumitory. Words of coiidoleineiit are inseiiieiilly, in many cases, set terms or trite sayings, uttered without though! or feeling, and when this is the case lliey liuvu no consoling cHocf. Hut real con- dolemeiit willi (he alllicted, springing naturally out of sympathy bus a soolhing iflVct. The sorrow is divided, ns it Wi re, and the chief sufferer or mourner feels relieved by having a companion in misery. No such relit I' is brought by polite words of sympathy coldly expressed, which ev ery one utters as a matter of form and which no one takes us having serious meaning. The expression of sympathy which is most felt and most grateluPy received is not always translated into words. The pressure ol the baud or kiudly acts of consideralion may some times be more consolatory than any Slifi Almost Proposed. ANYWAY SHE HOT A CALLING HACK HE LOVER. lU'SHANI) ItY DEl'A li TING Fere Francois, most grateful of men. The woman will equal him in amiability turned Impulsively to his eompanlon. an(j , h above d j,,, "It is a beautiful world!" said he. She averted her face, but the tears so quality. resolutely fought back could be re- The man born in June will be of small strained no longer; his idle speech was . i ., f , p . j , . . , 1 , stature and veiy iond ol women and the last straw upon an already over- 1 burdened heart. The carriage stopped oliildren. The woman will be flighty before her door, and the little priest, aDd a high liver, but will repent and overwhelmed with remorse, lifted her out and led her weeping up the steps. "Poor mademoiselle, if one could do anything?" The voice was the worn an's who had once spoken bitterly of "the rich." Marie and her husband The man born in December will have a passionate temper, yel will be the hrM to forgive The woman will be a Ladj Bountif ul to the deserving p"r, but terror lo tramps and wililuhy unem TWO VIKWS OF TWINS. Hilt linUltnltb lirocerie i a KJ FRUITS & CONFECNONKUIKS. AM) siorc, Come one, come all, both large and small, diamine my stock, hetore buying at all. For my stock is complete and prices low, To compete with the products the farmers grow, I thank my kind friends for the patronage nf the past Aud assure them all I'll be true to llielast. And guarantee them in every respect 'fho good, purchased from me they'll never regret, Therefore come all, both lurije and small, For I will deal honestly with yon ill'., Do not delay, come right awuy And make your purchase lo day. J. L. JUDKISS. deolIUy. PROFESSIOXAL CAKD8. gov.'Ai;n ALSTON', Attorney-at-Law IIAMl AX, N. t . out 14 ty, ItSSSIf. HCL11H. WiLTSS . D.H1II lyDLLIN DANIII ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WlLDON, N. C. Prtetlca In theoourttof Hullfsi nlNorthBp. t on inl id the Supreme and Fedenl courti. Col- eotlorn msile In slIpurUorNiilM' iroiiii. Hr.aoli office st HliJ, U. O.,opeu eveif Mor cUr1, n 11" 7 lJ T. T. UOS5, DEUTIST Weldon, N. C. WTOnice over Emry & Pierce's store. ' IO-HMt. J)R, W. J. WARD,)(r Snpn Dentist KHPIELD,, N. C, SUOffioeover Harrison's Drag 8 tor. were not on him, but on the balcony opposite, where a blaok-robed figure paced slowly to and fro, The church was crowded to suffoca tion; the ceremonies attendant upon the solemn function known as "taking the Tell" wra wunt to be Impressive; fashionable audience always wit-I ployid I'hiladclptiia rress. nessod them; to-day orrercd no excep tion to the rule. Aside from the re ligious features, rumor had whispered that a young girl of wealth and beau tynone other Indeed than Jeanne de Maure, the belle of many a ball' room was to renounce the "pomps and vanities of this W'lcked world" forever.- ?h organ was playing softly; the priests and novices had entered the ullding; a hush lay over the assem blage, when an Interruption so un looked for occurred that the congre gation might be pardoned for rising In an outburst of amaze. Down the middle aisle, to the foot of the- uhanoel, rushed an agitated man He was tall and magnificently built. his rough curls were fair, his eyes deeply bluo. As people gazed, they recognized anil inriuea wun wonaer. Pere Francois, don t you know me? he cried, passionately. "I am Charles Deane, Jeanne de la Muure'a promised husband; surely, my father, you re- BC CAudllt IT AND STUDIED IT 10V- JJ(OLT. rough weather, the Journey Is full of "In rough weatmer, pernar lillut vou must not laughi everyona thinks that a storm Is brewingi don't you feel It In the air?" "MV loVC. Ulll 1 imn.w imj " " nothing could drag mo away; but poor Rnid's letter was so despondent, think I ought to go to html he was verv irood to me once. 1 can v near wj think of his dying out there alone.' "Dvlnir?" repeated Joanne. "v... ami Um Ufa Is obbliig away to the music of flutes and the laughter QJ thathoughtlss." nvlnrr." she said again, ' so yuungi n, ,-. filled with tears, "Poor, poor fellow, Oo to him. Charles, I ih.il not Ween voui tell him how sorry j was; but, my darling, i snuu iu. yon so; do not stay long." Uedrewuer mj mui, uv that nothing should ksep hlra from v... ti,. nnlirhbori saw her, In her hllitvitwn and scarlet ribbons, lean .,. .ninir tn wish hiin a Inst goodljy. "Vou will not be long, mon oherT" ii A fnrtnlirht. and I will return." Tint, a few davs later, the country i,.iii with the tidings from Last is land; a storm, unparalleled In vio i.... K.i hrnken noon the resort; the fcukl Wlsottagej were scattered Uk vm"nv pleasure craft nouses u r - . along the beach destroyed;, the Island. OTu.nd. were strewn ... muriv nerlshed never to Willi UVO . i .' X. S .ln. among others ne nenru w -r , - ... , . ,.. .i.anne de la Maure lover. The survivors, a broken-heart- v.- i .lonuent in praise of him; he'had saved many livej , befor, lnalua his pvvn, and. wa " shimming toward thi Ufel-f sober down at 40. The man born in July will be of military tastes, a trifle pompous, but a good fellow withal. The woman will have o sulky temper; she will be proud and handsome. Tho man born in August will be am bitious and courageous. The woman will be what Americans call capable. She will be equal to running a farm or editing a newspaper. The man born in September will be strong aud wise; he will make few mis takes and live aud die rich. The woman will be loved by her friends; have many suitors and die an old maid. The man born in October will write poetry w'iieu young; then he will dabble in polities and wind up as a reformer I he woman will be pretty and late in life an apostle of total abstinence The man born in November will hae a tine face, ureal uddress, and if Dot careful, lie will be a gay Lothaiio Tb woman will be large, liberal-minded and "Yes," Bhe said absently; her eyes fond ol novelty and novels, " PEKK FBAMCOI8, DON T YOU KNOW UK0" gazed wistfully from their shop door. 'Think of it, said the young wife, we used to envy her." It was I who envied her," cried lerre, "you, who said that luve, not money, brought happiness) and it is f A young married woman, the wile of a western congressman, was one of a parly in Washington the other evening talking about leap year. "I proposed to my hus band," said she, "and it wasn't leap yuar and I'm not u new woman." Every one was anxious to bear how she. happened to do it, for she is u lovely woman of t lie womanly type, and ibo last one in the wurld to ever usk u man to many In r. Then, too, she was a belle, and bad hnsls of admirers, many uf whom would have been glad to have won her. "Why, I don't know boiv it happened. Vou see, Jack had been attentive to me for years, and every little while would tell me how much he loved me, and ask mo if I could care for him. I put him off, and then after two or three years he began to uegleet telling me of his love. In the mean while 1 learned to love him, and tried in every way lo make him speak, but when bo called he never wanted to sec me alone, and always tiied to have tome of the family about. When we were alone he was moody aud sileut, and no amount of swecluess on my part A DV KHTIt-KM ENTS, SI MMO?l VreculatorT THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE i Simmons I.ivhr Ri-oulator. Don't forget to take it. Now is the time you need it most to wake up your Livet. A sluggish Liver brings on Malaria, Fever and Anne, Rheumatism, and many other which shatter the constitution ana wreck health. Uon t torget the word NKiULATOR. It is Simmons liver m iUl.ATi )R vou want. The word REG ULATOR distinguishes it from all other remedies. And, besides this, SIMMONS I.IV'l-.k HKGULATOK is a Regulator of the Liver, keeps it properly at work, that your system may be kept in good condition. i-UK inu ulouu take SIMMONS Livek kliGULATOK. It is the best blood purifier and corrector. Try it and note the difference. Look for the RED Z on every package. You wont find it on nnv other medicine, and there is no otner Liver remedy like SIMMONS LIVER HLGULATOR-theKingof Liver Remedies. Be sure you get it. J. II. Zeiliii & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. out gracious and tender impulses aDd l,Pokc'u words reduces life to a monotonous drudgery. 1 eoPle 01 juduient aud consideration Id every interest aod activity of society who wl5" t0 console the afflicted do so would bring him to another avowal. At there is a lurking leaven of sentiment quietly and gently, ihey do Dot attempt tast he called and said that he was going that mav at anv moment suddenly leaven t0 S,0P t,le ,orrul,t ol lte f?rie'i but to Washington; that there was no use of the whole lump and make it splendid as waning until u nas suusiueu, exnioit his staying out west. There were no m . p .i i I eiwVt Kvmiv.it li v in fietu rulimr tli-m nrnrdu I Ll.l L . 1 i.- an illustration or tne capacity ot numan j-i J Ues iu nu.u mm, auu uo oue io. S&cr&,&"(Wriimfl nature for finer feeling and better service as will tend to soothe the sorrowing. The he especially cared. I used my best than is ordinarily perceptible. mourner at a death bed knows as well as edCavors to dissuade him, and hinted in SiS-1 fa.,!n!Th?llivt,t& J r r .... torrihiM ri;H.Rfln? Wo Kuamnte, 6 boxea The cynics who arc food of declaring auy advl!iL'r tllat te"ra wlM va" notuing; every way possible that he might expect tocure anjjjw '' " with an account of exulteration that we no Knuws U11U 1,10 cnu WUH iDcviiaoie; a fuvorablo answer it he would asit me fo JAPANESE PILE OINTMENT, 25c. Bo. are prosaic children of a disenchanted 'bat it may have boeo for the best; that marry him. Jack said good night to the ane do not see below the surface and do we sllimlJ bo tbaokful for tho compun- people, and I went to the door with him. JAPANESE CURE A Vow nnrl Pomt)it Treatment. wnniwlM RrPPOHITORTEH, Cai"tilmi o( Ointment and tw CONSTIPATIONKiiv'OT bv Japanese Liver PtMU .i. . t ivtn anA HTflM iCH RK(vtlI.ATOR mmd not take account of facts that clearly rc- ionshiP of tlle di;P''irlel1 tma lluriS fe Wo stood at the enlranec some time, and "r1""' """" fute such a proposition. There is an ratlltir tlliin ul0UI'n ovor nis 0 imnraionhlo nnnlilv In iho nohlln nlmr. thoughts and Set plirilSCS llllVC bCCD acter that quickly responds to sentimental aiau'' ,an"llar 10 mul W mu r,'Pl" m,k u, in tho ,s nf n ntnat misC.r. "0, Ut lCy grate Upon 1119 ears in IIIC tune that calls for sympi.hy, or a great Police of his own grief and afford biiu achievement that calls for enthusiasm "The people thiok they hale poetry," says Ivneisun, "and they are all poets aud mystics." If this were not true mere would De no interest taken in questions whieh n w command the elis est att iiiion ai.u nave I lie most impor tant be.iriuu 11 i- 'ii 'lie general welfare and pr. jiess, e .re always seekin foi pra ical .vav- if solving inlervenin prouli ui- "in ui in - sunn nmu there is elciu ii f mi im nion in our motives and teiiileticies ihai is never quite put to sleep Kven in our proceedings, when we fl.nier oursel' es i hut we seoru every thins; hut pi'p 'i r 'ihties, laueies arc mn i; d wiiii on i i- and that whieh we regard us a i r - -.s ot logic is fn qii'-nny U 'tliinj ,n r-- Mian watching tor a dream lo come This applies in tiihiii'iv iirger ni'jr lor obvious rea I tried so hard to bring him out, but no use. lie spoke of no one caring for liin and nil that sort of thing. Finally, we houk bands and he left. I saw bin walk down the yard, and as he reached do consolation. l'rom tho etlusive tlU! gale I called to him to come back, friends, without real sympathy in their I had seen him leave me forever in that . , , , , . ... ncnris, wno tnus enueavor 10 conuoie minute, and could not stand it. N lieu with him be turns for relief from some ,c came up the steps I said: 'Jack, I one Whose real sympathy is expressed in C;,rc j'or you a great deal. The rest is followed, and ., were married in the pring." Chicago Chronicle. For sale by W. M. COHEN, Druggist, i-9-ly Weldon, N. C PETERSBURG DIRECTORY SASH, BLINDS, and DOORS. CHIMNEY PIPE,- ac'ions rather than words one wb silent because he feels tho hollowness of mere professions of sympathy, and whose professions of sympathy, and who is tol erant ot tho passion ol griet because he feels and understands its force Heal eousolalioti is fouud in sueb con dolence, and little by little the gricl is assauged, and th'-n comes the period when the mourner linds consolation in the talk that at lirst irritated him 1'e pie who desire to condole with olhe even as a mailer of form, should lespeet the periods of giief aud avoid wouudin A LI XT LIC lNHXlMJKIKXCI For sale at BOTTOM PRICES BY PLUMMER & WHEELER, PETERSBURG, VA. , my 81 ly. l-'.DllAlt rt llUlKR. T. B. UNDKBUILL Into the tailors presence she came like a shut from n gun, aud looked sueb daggers at him he felt inclined to run. Her black eyes flashed with anger and her language was profuse, and when she raised a threatening baud be trembled in his shoes. You ninth part of a mail I" she veiled. "I II crush you as a uy: -inis CURRIER & UNDERHILL, BOSTON ONE I'EICK Clothing i House Whok'bfiictiQd Retail Dealers In the seared heart by hollow expressions of eartl,1y llla"et uuver 1,eU 8 ruatur friht "I never was so moriified in my lib! she exclaimed. "What was the mallei?" asked hi dearest liicnd. "My maid told me that my fiance was in the reeepnon mom " "Yes." "And I threw my arms aiound him and kissed him iwiee before I discovered that it was hu twin brother Take my advice aud never become engaged to a twiu On 1 1 iu c 'iitrary, I think I shall look for one. It just doubles the fun " Chicago Evening Post. sous, i ti'-s i- l it'seiiti 'll'-llel It is - ! II, n I o b-- I L'l , -mi. r ions, our poll :i n Tin influence s i -ui all, and is factor that deter ADVERTISEMENTS. Hampton Hel'e ' I wouldn't allow horrid man lo kiss me, would you?" New member me? Thuy told, ma she was I port jjeWl) Girl "Of couise not; I don't hero, that would he too, late" his I . vn ,'rt hrokn. '.'Jsav 1 am vet in time? I H,,J The blshon advanced and laid hit hand on the young man's arm. "She is not hero, he said, "but it li not as yop think. Acting upon our ad vice, Bhe has resoiveu 10 uevoie me rest of her life to secular charities, in which you can M! her," "VI here la sner ' pieaiieu ueaiie. The bishop whispered a few words. Peanc knelt a moment In prayer, then, risiiur. made his way out of the church. "It reodB like a luiry-tale, cried Vasson; "carried out to sea; picked up by Malays; treated as a slave; finally helped to escape by a native he had be friended one docs not hear such a stnrv everv day." Marie and Pierre absented. Munilcur U A hen," Paid the young wife, "yon remember my saying-a prince, "A prince!" broke In Vasson, did not I-" "Hush!" said the little shoemsker from the baloony opposite eame the murmur of voioes "monsieur and mademoiselle are hanpv to-night" philosophic comfort at a time when the mourner is ill prepared to receive consola tion irom such a source, lu the house of death all voices arc lowered through awe; they should be stilled nut of sympa thy, at least until the passion of grief and 'lua 8liuut 'Is 'orei! l'1B mourners bavo begun to hunger alter sympathy and condolence. Time is the great curer of grief, and the best that wo can do is to intelligently aid time by extendi condoleucc in words only when the wores can be both understood and appreciated after tile passion of a fresh grief b subsided. uooied in, u n badges, sons uud cries, havo played a siguitteaui par 111 history "Men have died f- r a rib1'"!!,' us Senotor Vest says: 1 aniii' s lo, w u haules by viituc of il"-i "I " HI Hi'-. 'lost readers will recolh cl I lie c-tso id' the regiment that ost its c-d os in lo-ai 'tiro was a perilous big t in bo seal, d, .mil the coin Del exclaimed: "Meiioflhc 57th your colors lie on yonder night! that was all, aud that was enough Up they went and got tliem, riddled aud broken by tin fire of the enemy, but radii lit with pride in the repossession. bimilar bitter tears streamed down aud stained instances bavo happened so many limes the delicate fabrics. This was the end that oue can not go amiss ol them iu the 0f ilcr vmlnL, ambitions, her brave efforts than I Gazo on the bloomers whieh I wear You made them, sir, for mo Don t look with such a stupid stare, but scan them carefully I Yo( guaranteed a perfect fit to meas ure, which 1 brought. Now, do you think it strange a bit that I am fighting hot? Gaze on ihem well, you senseless i, T . . ,'. ' 1 .1 ll'l. goose, nay, am i not a irignt t i nere they are tight they should be loose, where loose they should be tight." She slowly turned that he might scan the fitness of the c othes, aud as he gazed sonnl attention. that tailor man blushed like a red, red FIXE CLOTHING. Geutlcmen'6 Furnishing Goods, Hats, Cans, Trunks, Etc. Cor. Sycamore and Hunk St., Petersburg, Va, myjaiv. Tin: ituioirs Xlt.VGKDV. W. E. ARMSTRONG & CO' Wholesale and retail DRUGGISTS, 2'25 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. V3LAI1 mail orders receive prompt per- my 23 ly. E. H. The bride of a brief month crouched in a comer ol the divan crouched among her g irgeous pillows, while tin With laugh suppressed and bows pro fuse be said she'd spoken right; where they were tight they should be loose; where loose they should be Unlit. 1 liese, no doubt, are the hrst, said he, "the madam ever wore. 1 on vc ado a slight mistake, I see. They're on hind side in ore A ....M,. t.luj, tl,., t,,il.,r n.,1,1 hn records ot any nation. I hey leaeh a to make life, oue grand, sweet song. As n(.VCT) ,Vl,r 8aw, aml , g10 in confusion lesson mat is Deing coniinually repeated, 8h0 uttered one last sigh of despair her fled, ho laughed haw! haw! haw! haw nut always with Ihe same application H mola,r entered the room and flew to the PRITCHETTfc CO., PETERSBURG, VA. Successors to Mitt-hell Co.'s BOOK STOfE. STANDARD PATTERN . .. ASHIOM SHEETS FREE. Give us n call. pros- "and ef ill casrs of consumption can, if taken -n the earlier sliiRcsof Hit disease, lif eiiu-,1. This may seem like Imld sseition in those familial only with the means nn r ally in use for its tieniiiienl ; . nasty i"il- liver oil and il tinny emulsions, rxiinvi of mslt, wliiskry, dilFrrrnt preparation " hypnpliosiiliiu-s and su' h Ilk' ullimim. AlllioiiBU ny many nenovru i" w i" ic, there is tilt evldem-e of lnmdieils f ivliur witnesses to the fact that, in all us nrlier HtHireH. cuiiHilllllillon Is a CIIIHIilF diaeane. Not every case, but a laive fr. ctnlage of rases, soil we believe, .Wr ' percent, nre cureu oy nr. i-iercc .inn Medical Discovery, even after the disease has progressed so fur In induce repealed bleedings from Hie Iuiik, severe liiiKeiiuir coimli with copious exieetoialinll (iiiclml hut lulierculai matter), iireit 's of Slid eilrrine einiicialion and weakness. Do von doubt lliat liiinilteds of such vases re,,.i,'il in iih as cured bv ''Gulden Med ical Hisciivi rv " were genuine ce" of Hist diesil sod filial di" ' on need not take oar wind fur it. l liey nave, in ueariy evcty liMdituce, twell so pronounced by the liest Slid most expelieuced Home puysieiain, who have mi interest whatever in mis represeuliuir tliem. and who were often slroiiKly prejudiced and sdvised aitainst S trial of "Guhien Medical Discovery," but who have been forced to confess that it surpasses, in curative power over this fatal malady, rcU utlier medicines with which tlicv ate aon.tialn.ed. Nasly cotl liver nil and Its lillhv "emulsions" and UtlnlulcH, had lieen tried ill nearly all these cases anil had either utterly failed In iR'iie St, or had only seemed to benefit s fiille for short lime, fixiract Ol man, w iiisKt-y, upiios. divan, castiug her anus about her trate child. ".My darling girl, what is it?" sb cried. "Confide in your mother. What is it that thus wrings your heart 'N nothing, U'a; n nothing. II but it is all over. "What is all ovct ?" questioned the mother in affright. "Has your husbaud "Maid of Weldon, ere e part, Give me back my silver heart, "I ca,n't," the oltivef annuel ctled, "My new beau's picture is inside.' Lucyi'The wretch! And so he has been proposing to both of ns? I wish wo could think of some fearlul way ol minishinir him. JcDDie "1 have an I r idea. You marry him, dear." " Matia,v be atd nervously, as he sal straight up In bed, "there's a man in the i various preparations of the hypupiio house!" "William," she responded, "you PL , :,l11,a,1ils of irBe numW ni are very silly hanging over the back of a chair." A girl can ride a wheel H daj And, still be sweetly oheeiy, But she eannot sew t button on, Because it makes her weary. is by sentiment, and not by the multipli cation table, that deeds of heroism aod sacrifice are inspired That is what we mean when we talk about patriotism, manliness and unselfish devoiion to duty, It is not u question of figures or of argil menl, hut nf feeling and idealism. Til crust 1 1 ciiveiiiliiiial habitudes is broken by it, mid i he resolved strength of the human charade! funis i-tfective extires- sion. Tims the enemy is provided thst abused you ? brings fo puss t lie things that cnuut for "No, ma," said the bride, ruisiug her- most in tint story ol eivilualton; thus the suf ., .r uuj H,H,ukiog with . .. . i . . i i ragio emphasis. "You remember what This is a oood lime nf ih.i v,.ar in tL my ambition has beeti for mouths ! Simmons Liver Regulator. It is the very sobbing "I cut both bloom- best medicine to lake in the Spring for crs jr nno lcS. Ilul1 w9 reininiut and the blood, and to cleanse the system of 1 eia't maU;h il anywhere." all impurity. "1 have used Simmons "My child," said her mother solemnly, I Li.ir Reonlator as corr,,,i.,r and blond "vour trouble u indeed tw great to purifier and think it an excellent rente dy ( always keep it on hand to lake 1'oit i i:H I-lb' I V V i:HH A Clear Conaeience. "Don't some of these old songs haunt you?" "No; I've never any of thcin." NEW ADVKimSEMENTS. hlnomers those c ,'"R'" . I of coiisunmlinu, bronchitis, oovlis a.llniiH. chronic nasal catarrh atiil kindred maladies, have beeu tklllfUlly reptlKlUCea in a ureal raniny Kictor HV of inno paRes, profusely illus trated, wliicii will be mailed to you, o receipt of address and ai cents in stamps, to cover Dostaee and wrapping only. Address for Book, World's DisprnsaM alHUICAk Association, Buffa W, Y. Vsflj NU my 23 ly I- ALLIANCE EXCHANCE, Sells o n commission Tobacco, Wheat, Corn, Cotton, Peanuts, Hogs, Poultry, and all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, and keep on hand General Merchandise. Wa will liny on order anything a farmer may need. Guanos a specialty. Let us hear from you. Hogsheads furnished on appli cation. J. C SMITH, Agent, my 23 ly Petersburg, Ya POWDER Absolutely Pure. In prefetonee lo any other medicine. - Mrs. Winslow's Soolhing Syrup has been Highest of all in leavening strcngth.- I M. Hysell, Middlenort, Ohio. llKK FAlUNt;. "How tedious it is playing whist with such partner as that Miss Gadahoui! ' ii's; I believe that girl would ask tho aogel Gabriel 'what's trumps?" "Did yon fall?" said a man rushing to the rescue of a woman who slipped on the icy pavement this morning. "Oh, no," she said. "I just nat down to sue If I oould find any four leaf clovers." used for over filly years by millions of mothers tor children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolic, and is tho best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve tho poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," aDd take do oth er kind. "Do you Idow Bilk?" "Know the infernal acoundrcll Why, ha" Ah, I see, you do know him." Lalfst U. S. Government Food Report. Koyal Uakino Powder Co., 108 Wall St.. N Y. iSRiii HUDSON'S nimcii, 1H7 Main St., Noifolk.Va. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DIXIXG ROOM. ALL MEALS 25 CENTS. SVRPASSLW COFi'EE A S1ECIALTT J. R. HUDSON, Proprietor. The Best of Everything in Season. Oct 10 lyr. CABLED FIELD AND HOG FENCE. Oftbled Poultry Fflnoej Wirt Fmm Board; Yw4, tmetry and Gravs tot Peorlns os Busel Poit ioedaltr. Wa r lb Prcazht. CaUlofuaFrat L ti. HsXLABUUiUt, AILAKTA, las. pETER SMITH CO., ' THE LEADERS OF LOW PRICES, - Importers, wholesale and retail dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY -GOODS, No. 144 Main street, NoiiUtjrv 1 -