THE ROANOKE NEWS i I i 3 i I tm ' TIlUItSDAY, APRIL 2, 1:6 The OU Spring House. With ila lude walla of stone and its nioss covered roof (Tia a picture inwoven with memory's woof) It stands there to day, as it stood in the years When we knew aught of smruw nor anguish nor tear?; And though far frjui it now, I can see it at will The old spring house at the foot of the hill. 0 flights of fond fancy that deeply inurn Sweet scenes of our childhood, no uu re to return ! Which carry us back in visions and dreams And illumine life's pathway with memo ry's gleams Till we see once again, though with tears the eyes fill, The old spring house at the ft jt of the hill I Thero we children, barefooted, would wander to play, And wado in tho branch that flowed on tho way Through the meadows and fields with current so fleet, And tho gurgle and ripple that sounded so sweet ! And the water that helped turn the wheel at the mill Was from the spring house at the foot of the hill. And oh I I remember a pair of blue eyes, With glances as tender and soft as the skies, And a little brown head that was covered with curls, And the laughter that rippled between rows of pearls, Which was changed to a cry of despair and of woe When the craw fi-ih was clinging to a little pink toe. Distilled by the heart into memory's wine, As thus that we drink a draught that's divine, And lighten the burdens which after years bear, And banish with dreaming the demon of tare I 0, in fond recollection I linger there still, By the old sprini; house at the foot of the hill ! Though vanished forever the faces that smiled, And hushed is the laughter I heard when a child Yet often when musing they fl iat back to me, And I see them and hear it as clear a can be i And I'm plavinir. aaain, while the heart strings all thrill, By tho old spring hou.e at the foot the hill. GETTING READY FOR SPRING ; STOCK.- - Sweetest Sung. I have heard the greatest artists that the world shall ever see Sing all the (grandest musie of the day I have sat with soul transported in : mist of melody, As I listened to each life-uplifting lay But the music that is sweetest surest round my heart to cre ;p Is the yoice that every evening softly sings my boy to sleep. Sinking in the twilight simple, soulful little airs. Fragments of some love song, old and dear: They touch my better nature and they melt my heart to tears, Just the kind of music that is always good to hear; So full of Heaven's tenderness, with love so sure and deep. Is the voice that in the twilight softly sings my boy to sleep. Heart swells from her girlhood, mayb seeing through girlish tears, Now doing cradle duty for her Gd They come to me like echoes from tb tomb of Ijurieu years Just a little clitiuwe of Eden on the eod; 0. the air is full of an. 'els and their wings around me sweep, As I listen to the twilight voice that sin; my boy to sleep TEMP E It AN C K LACONICS. There never was a cow that gave milk punch. One small saloon can throw a shadow ov r a whole village. What a world ot misery ana crime wdl vanish with the saloon. The saloon is the great breastwork bi hind which Satan carries no his d warfare for human souls. Whiskey hai no respect for bullion nor birth: it will, stagger a millionaire or a prtnee as quickly as a piuper or trap. Temperate people d I n it seek to d the i-aloon man harm. Their Mru.le it to prevent him from doing nth harm. 1 I 1 3 ?J X E W ADY KRTISEM ENTS. The People's Friend. In use for titty years. Cures Cough, Cold, Croup, Whooping -Cough, Grippe, Bronchitis, Asthma and Lung Actions. DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP is sold everywhere for only 25 cents. Refuse cheap substitutes. Che. LANGE'S PLUGS. The Great Tobacco Antldote.lDc. Oealerjor mail,.C.Me)cr 4 Co., Bal'.o .MJ. Ililll SALE AM'KKTISKMKNTS o :o-;ts cotton planters more thin five million dollars an nti.tlly. Vhis is an enormous v.-; anil ca:i Ik; prevented. i'r.utii:.:l experiments at Ala 'a;na Hxperiment Station show conclusively thai the use of " Kainit" will prevent that dreaded plant disease. 'ir vim;i'i!c .ire n ( .vlvrrti'.in; (ir-v.'.ir Itwr. Tg sp- : ..ii t'-r:.ii.ervf lit ;ur yr.wiii .:! Work-. r-'ilT r'l (lie rt-nir 1 ttes! einT:ii!t'!i:. m th-t hue r-wrv vf.:: tinner h m,j luw ,t ..j.y i .'ley .ir Kilt Irui; J r the .i-kifik" ULKM K U Wt)RK-. ,( Vnt.iuM., Ntw V trli. " RAILKOAD a'HEDl.'UX NEW ADV EllTISEM ENTS. EMIT I FIERCE, DOWN GO PRICES. S, A. L. s SEABOARD AIR LINE Mi.ilulilv I tip wlitirtmt ami llulrkeil Ituuic niitli. only 1.1 lluura In A t In n la . -t III III 1,1: i i l l' i.i tmmuv JAN. -nth, Mill. .Sul TIIIilil Nil. 41 A.M. Lv Old 1M Cmnl"urt,8tc:im Mill The wise will not be otherwise. J. J. WHITAKEE, EUSTFIELID, UST. c- M GOODS! New Mode!. Gives rterchants are A.L.Stainback,- WF.LPoN, X. C. FAM. an.l WIXTEIi STOCK Cttinvlrtf. DRY. GOODS, S1I0KS, N'iliiin, IIuIh,, Il.inlw.iri', liruccrii's, BAGGING AND TIES. StMil.inl Sowing M.rliim-i, Trunk', Also aent tor IMPERIAL & CLEVELAND I'.icvclis, undtlic EiUitiilile Life Assurance Kixirtv. stp "J'i tilll. Cor- tcct Refund f- authorized fe'-TV.. to rftftJ Refund Hi I'-V h. Form. e .(.! 1 : p' jf the 34 Styles. J .. '' '. I money hort v-'1 Qk trial If not saiisiac- Lengths. Best Ma-jTHii? terials. v. ' 'pfrLlM' tory Featherbone Corset C Sola Manulacturera, KALAMAZOO, MICIIIQAN. ran sale I.v Ntirtolk, l.v 1'iirtsmoutli, I.v SulVolk, Lv FraukliD, l.v liiivkins, Ar Wi'lilon, Lc Wvl.lon, Ar llcnilirsou, Ar Iurii:rni, Ar Hali-iirh, Ar Siuthiru Fines Ar Humid, Ar Wadexlxiro, Ar innnie, A r Charlotte, Lv .Monroe, X. C. Ar Chester, 8. C. Ar Clinton, C. Ar llreenwiMiil. S. C. 1'.'. II! r Ahln ville, S. C. 1.1; Ar Fllierton, Ca. t. I).(K) !) l.'i J0.27 ln..i7 11.41 ll.'i.'i a.m. l.liii p.m. 4.ii!i p.m. :s.:;t p.m. 5. in p.m. H..V p.m. Rill p.m. p. ru. in.lio p.m. lo.'l.'i a.m. il.lf) ll.53a.m. Iii.'.'ii ll.ii'Ja.m. ll.;"iia.m I'J.l.'i p.m. p.m. 1.20 p. in. 11 pin 41 HI. M . 7.0S. ll.lill. li.ini. 1 1.1. 1.11. z:m. 4. 22 a in. 7.25 ii. m. 5.IIU a.m. 7'2."i a.m. Mis a.m. H. til a.m. !l.;i.'i a.m. WHOLESALE anil liETAIL IlEALEKS IN NEW ADVERTISKMENT3. ------ -ife -! -;.y-aig'taa r ! , - A AIT i. u . -JL Just received tbia week a large line ot SPRING and SUM MER DRESS GOODS. I i QEflERL imOHAHOISE. WASH SILKS New Qoods for Fall Winter. All wool anil half wool Serges, Henriettas and Flannel. for Waists, .in beautiful designs, Chantillvs, Croisottcs, Chaf'ante. iliiniiies, Aiii.i Jjinvni, I repons, Uueks, bwiss, luuia wpen, mulls, Urgamlies, ClinuibraK, lane)' nud brocade satin, lVrcalia, and Washinj-toD prints. A otucL of Cbamclian Morien, in which an attempt at a descttption of col ors, would be little less than folly. A corresponding line of Trimmings. QTT"IjlQ Sliocdl Shoes! You should sec my Kne of Shoes in Ox Jll Jjjio ford's, Operas, etc. Men's shoes in all kinds of Toes and wiiltlm. Tans in noiuted and broad Iocs, Patont Leathers, Pumps, Bicycle shoes, white and pio stripe canvass bals soft low quartered shoes. mrl'LOTIIINU!! That's all rint como and see. mar 28 C. E. fJcQwiqii, EITFIEXjD, 1ST. O. 1:1 S-l. Ar Athens. Ila. .i..i .! 0i p in. Ar Atlanta, I'niiin ilep. ".20 Ar .M.ieon, tia., li.40 p.m ti. lop.m. Lc Weliinn, :i. 10 p. in. 4. HO p m Ar Portsmouth - ;".."o " 7.H0 " Ar Weldon from the Konih: No. 102, I O.'i a. in.; Xo. '.i" S.liO p. in. Xo. loli Vestihulu Limit til Train. No ej'.rn fare Welilon to Atlanta- Pullman Sleepers Wclilon to Atlanta anil Macon, Liu. CoiiniTtiliieelly at Atlanta with W. mil A. K. II. lor Chattanooga, Nashville ami all points west. Connects with A. it . 1 . It. K. toi Molole, Jlontpnuery, Xew Orleans anil all jmints Southwest. For tickets anil liairmie checks to all points South anil .Sun liw est, ileepin car resenation ami general inforniatioii call on T. F. ANHKHSIlX, A'tein, Wclilon, N. C. T. J. AMifXSON, tit n I Passenger Ag t. J. W. lil;UVX, Jr., Sol. Pas. At, 77 Main St. .Norfolk, Vu. (icu. MeP. I'.ATTi:, Trav. V:a- Ag't, Ports- iniiutli, Va. K. s r. .It HI X, Vice Pres. aniUien l Mgr. V. F.. McliKF., tieneral Siiiierinieiiileiit. II. W. Ii. t..u Kl;, Traiiic .Manager, tieneral ( Mhee.s, Portsmouth, Va. W. &W.R. R. BRANCHES; AND FI.OKKNl.'K KAILKOAD. Conilenseil Mcheilule. TRAINS dUlSci HOt'TH. VERY department brimful and running - over. We - carry - the largest stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and GROCERIES of any house in Hali fax County. Our immense store is FULL of BARGAINS for all. We keep every article needed on the farm or in the house. Visitors to Weldon should visit our store and inspect our stock be fore buying elsewhere. nta-Iu prices on all kinds of Goods, in the next sixty days. New Goods just arrived, and to bo sold at reduced price. I bought too many. I don't advertise that I WILL GIVE AWAY goods, but will sell lower than tbe lowest. I bave a stock of over Ten Thousand Dollars $10,000 A completo stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Hals and in fact any thing you. I will say TO. MY CUSTOMERS, Come and be convinced. Thanking you for past patronage and begging a continuance of the same, 1 remain your servant, liATKn Mi.r .Hi, ls'Jti. IT. J. COK-DLE, Watch Maker and - Jeweler, Littleton, N. C. EI.Eii.IXT WATCHES, FIXE CHAINS, PLAIN GOLD AND FANCY FIXOEU Kings, Clocks anil Silverware. HEPAIIilXO A SPECIALTY. Mr. Curdle is equiiHil with the lincst wati h making tools anil guarantees all work. Prices low. jan Lil ly. Weldon, N. C. It 1 u u Ti K jju uuUDu A.M. I' M. I' M. Ixave Vtldon, 11 , 1' II Ar Koeky Mount I i In ;a Iave Tsrboro, 12 11 I.v Rnekjr Mount, 1 en 10 :?i U'Hve niwon, a in 11 is l.v Hclma, ' l.v Knyellevillc, 4 l 1 15 Arrive Floreiice, 7 21 :i 14 N,..4!i I.v. Itoekv Mt 12 17 l.v Wilson, S 111 l.v (o,l)luro, :l 111 Lv MrtituoliH, 4 Id Ar WllmlliKton, S 4ri V. A.M. :. 4i 0 2" A.M. r, i h 111 U 45 TRAINS illUNi, NOKItl. y. y. y. A.M. A.M. P.M. I.v Florence. is l.v FlljettcVillC, 1" 5H Leave selma, IS :;l Ar. Wilson, 1 10 No. IS I.v Wilmington, ?! l.v MHitmilm 111: a Lv UolJslKiro, Yi HI No. TK I.v Wllon, 1 H Ar R; ky Mount, 17 l.v, l, 11 l.v Km tv Monnt, i 17 ArWfliloo, 1 1 ; 4ii t) in 8 iii 11 si in n l'J ll n us js AM F.M mm 1 u S. METER Enfield, N. 0. Alt, , Ll IW is the place to find fresh MEDICINES I - FANCY COODS I muiiuinmniuimmtuminmmm Toilet Articles, Etc. mmmmmmnimmmuitnmnim it n 1 hi P M. P. H. A. M. P.M. dly Show m a licP V." II1I1L' 1 landlord that Christ eounlj au int)Sti R,8pectable man, and 1 Hl,,.uru for bim a job as a froak in a ',jlle ,1US(,U t nnlury of il 0).pcr Attila, in Phalanx. A cycling costume abould be made of a material sufficiently firm to make a lining unnecessary. . . ADVERTISKMENTP. (ayiairfuusshuaa0 mm n :Fee9 : Badly To-day? ? Wk f";tt ih'n r i it illv Win Boots, Shoes, CLOTHING. Gents' Furnishings, Our Stock of Hosiery and Handker chiefs and Gloves is superb. Be sure to inspect our stcckbefore vM-t vrV o oil- or olcOTITllOrP oct 3d If. u ni ;. i f ii1' -w triflioj ailment a. 5 If you are wrnk and generally exhausted, Z nctvtrtii, hdve no npjietile and cant mm w.itk, bctrin at once lakniR tiiti most re- m tialile atrennthenliiK nv-tliritie, which is B Br. w'a Irrai Bitttra. Z IktfefU cornea frotn mm tit very grat doa a i Brown's Iron : i Bitters 8 IT" CURES . . DflHNIt, KlDNCV AND LlVElT ' NiuMiau, x Troubles. W , CMTIMTIOM, IMFUKC 01OOO, r krlu r. nrivoui iilbiiti. mm . :U HfBHCM'tl COUMalNTI. 41 ' t Gt jUy ihc senalne it hs craned re4 J fBOWM CUBICAL Ca aALTIMORt, MIX J i 7 I MARBLE GRANI7 ESTABLISHED IN 1865. P(inn st-nt to any mlilress FREE. In writing for them plrase give age of tletretHeri uiitl nonie limit im to price. All work warranted STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS AND SfguENTIRELY HA.TISFACTORY, I)ily except Sunday. Train mi Scotland Ni-rk Branrh Rnad Ipatfi Well Ion at -6 p. m. Hallfai 4 it, arrive Hrotland Ne k at.i tt"t p. m.iiretmville 6 4? p. m. KiustoD 7 i"i p. ra. Kt'tnrniiiK Uavt-s KitiHtrm 7 So, a. m Greenville M8a m. Arriving at HHlifai. iiuo, a. m., Weldnii 11 tua.m.dailyexL'cptSutHlHy. Train an WaxhiiiKton branch leave WaMhtng ton 7 00 a. m. arrivua Pnrmele 8 W a. ra., Tar I mm to (Kl. ri'turmim leaves l artNUi 4 :ip.m Farmt'le ti 8u p. in.. arrives Wanhiuittun 7 46 y. m. 1hi1jt exc ept Mindftf. CounecUi with trains ou bcot land Neck Branrh. Train leave 1 arboro N. C, via Albemarle and RaleitchR K Iwily except Hnnday 4 40 p, i& fnndn i p in arrive Wilhamston N. (: - k.-tnrniiU-avt f'lvm.fh daily exirpt Hundaj ..n-a. m.put.av. v, a m, wiUiHtnhU.n, N. c., " u'i. a. m. arrive TarUoro lufca. m, " a.m Train uii Mi'';i"l N. C. Branch leave Onldi Mtrit 'v , tin i.y ciccpt Sunday fi fifi a. m., arrive Hmitt lifhi, N. C.( 7 hii a,, m. Hetiirnlnft leave -MiuLliilcM, N. C, BOUft. m.tarrlvuOuldaturo, h 0., nop. in. Train nn Nashville Branch leaves Rocij Muunt at 4 p. in., arrived at Nwlivllle b nf p. in.,Hprint:lltp' p. m. Ketuinlnit Uavei Mpriiif HrM him) a in., Nanhvllle a a.'i a. ar KH'ky Jhmtit l U' a, m. dHilyeieeptHimday. 'I rMiiiH m 1-alla hraiich k itireiice K. K. leHVf litta H lit p in : arrive Imnhar 7 N p.. 1 lio a ft p. in. i; tnnmiK leave Uiu t, mi, niulnr ni., arrv ltnaJ m m. bally en ept Sunday. Trln on ( Ihttiin Hranrh ! Waran nt rilnton, dally except Niitiday at ll 10 a. m. and hM p m. hcturnliiK leave Cllutou at 7 uu a, m and A m Train Nn.7H makes close cmincctlon at Weldon for all poliitP North daily. All rati via Uiclimoud alito ai Koeky Mount with Norfolk and Cantlaia Railroad fur Norfolk dally and all points North via Norfolk, J. K. KKNl'Y, J. F. DIVINE, Hup t Tram, Ueneral 8up't T. M, EMKKMJN, Ueu'l Passenger Agent Buy Your Tombstone of J. HENRY BROWN. Corner of Muio and MadisoD Sticeta, Richmond, Va. i njmmniiiininiuinjmiiimniu) Stationery and Perfumery njniiiirij.miDUioJuiDjuJtnuiBi Monumental Architect andBuuder 1! til All kinds of Cemetery work, at LOWEST IPIE&ICES. All work guaranteed. tofDi'sipns furnished free, oo application. a,AUo agent for the RICHMOND and IMPERIAL BICYCLE, apt 25 ly. 0R0. J. HORKIHUK. J. . WPITKMOBKl JN0.8. NOKTIIIXOTON. GEO. J. MORRISON & CO., FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC SEN - SEN For Speakers and Singers, 5c. a Physicians prescriptions accurate- " DRY GOODS ly compounded day and night. W,.M.COHEN, Druggist S Pharmacist. nsroTioisrs- Work Delivered At Any Depot. ortllly. . ' CHAELES 0. ALLEY, CON FEC T 1 0 HER Mr. W. W. Warren rcprcaenta the firm and will riiit Weldon and its vicinity reg nlarly. octl91y. PETERSBURG & VttLDON R.R Tondeniied Arhedule. "trains goTno boutpST Dated Jan. 6, 1890. No. 23 Daily. No 403 Daily. Leave Peteiubnrg, Leave Stony Creek, Leave jArnitta, Leave Bel field, Arrive Weldon, 10.00 am 10.37 am 10.M am 11.110 am 11.50 am 1.17 am 1.49 am 3.11am 9.25 am 2.65 a m No. 35, going Son Ui, leave Petersburg at 8.12, p. m., arrive at Weldon 9.43. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 33 Daily. No. 78 Daily. Leave Weldon, Le Belfield, Ie Jnrrotbi, Le Stony Creek, Arrive Petersburg, 1.03 a m S. 38 am. 3.37 p. m 4.16 p. m 4.3T p. m 4.51 p. m 6.29 p. m No- 403, goinx North leave Weldon dai ly at 4:18, arrive at Petersburg 5. 60 a. m. E. T. D. MYERS, T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Superintendent Gen. Passenger ag The Place to get Your Mattings, Ruga, Etc. lift Sycamore at.,PKTER8BUR0,VA. j8amplcienton appltraUon. ny in ijr Drugs, Mbws At the lowest prices is at DR. 4. R, milCOFFER'SK West aide Wellington Avenue, Opposite R. R, 8hed, Weldon. N. C PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, , FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. W. M. MABMSTON & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In V CAUPETS, STOVES, and Mattresses, etc IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W.M,HABLISTONCO., . No. 30 N. Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. 10 an It. Grand Display OF- i Scientific. AaeriCM r - Agenoy for TAjirr' sta'k kePl complete by frequent Arrivals. I fjTl Prescription Department tilled with the beet selected material. Prescriptions compoonded at all hours with great car. Bmnbr that a hearty welcome always awaiU yo at ZoUlcoffer'e. tV11TL DiaiOH STMT. COPTSDOHT. Mt For tnfnnnatlnn an4 fn. lUmlboiili writ to MUNN CU.. Wt llk UHWAt, Miw You. t Olilcrt rmnnu fur imirlnit lnta In America. Krnrr pAtrnl taken out lir u. It linmirht belora tho iriibllo bjr a not me giruo trw u uarv iu UM S tiniiiit mtlm LarvHtt etmitfitlnii of uny vtatlflo ppr fn tM WuriJ. IStilciMl.tllr lllutnUt, Ma Uit'tK"w mwi iiiouU bo wirhaul IL K'lwklT, $.OOCt twi tljl) ill month. ArtJw, Mil NfT tAK. -FLL and winter MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. , ButtericVs Patterns. R. & G. CORSETS, Misses at 60c., Ladies 75c. to f 1, cPricee will be made to suit the times. Huta and bonnets mad and trimmed to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. 0. R HOUCRTOU ta I V al. I a- HALIFAX, N. C. D1IIIIIG ROOMS. Table supplied with the Tery beat J the market can alTord. l&LiTery SUtbla In tjonneot Ion ET. CLARK. ITTORNEY-RT-UW AMD Ah WELDON, N. 0,