IHtaMBattmUM JO Jl 1 Iff J-lk III CI IIC IE fiei Lzssuosg 2J J JOHN W. SLEIDC3-E, proprietor. VOL. XXXI. .A. HEWSPAPEB HT O iR, THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, TIlUltSDAY, APRIL 30, 1S9G. TEBMS:-?1'511 PKR annum in advance NO. 2. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AS IN YOUTH Ayer's Hair Vigor CORDIALLY INDORSED. wm RESTORES Natural Growth Of 1KB HAIR w nr.N ALL OTlli:K Dressings "1 can cordially Indorse AVer's Hair o! Vlir. in inn- of llm lii-si preparations o fr llielciir. When I lii-caii usini; Aycr'8 llalr Vipir. all t li - trout part ot my lu-ail 0; -aiimit 1 .-1 1 r ul it -was Mil. The use TYK1: YOKK IN "DF.ATF," tl'PID AM) niCYCI.FS- The Way Being Cleared fur York to Canvass A Government Officer Capture! by a Moon- His District on Hull-Hack. , sniner s Daughter. of only two lioltles restored a natural 0 cruwili, wlileli still ciintiniirs as in my o yiniih. I Hied several utlii-r dressings, J lint Hi")' nil (ailed. Aver's Hair View 0 is Hie lu-it." Mrs. .1. C. l'liiassKK, o I'unveise, Texas. o o o oi o c Dp. J. C. AVER & CO., LOWELL, MASS. COftOOO 00000000000000000 Ayebs Hair Vigob t'l:EI-.Mll'.I l:V jolSly. WILLIAM FREEMAN, PORTRAIT ARTIST AND I'HO togrnjihcr and dealer in FRAMES, EASELS, AMATEUR Supplies, etc. OLD PICTURECOPYING A SPECIALTY First clans work guaranteed, oct 10 ly. 176 Main at., Norfolk The eighth congressional district of A remarkable story has just conic to North Carolina begins to hum with a light in which figure moonshiners, a rev- cheerful anticination. The loner proiect-1 cnue officer, a beautilul tnountaiu maid ing branches of trees, and the impertinent I Cupid and bicycles underbush along tho road and pathways I In the summer a suipiciou which the and cow tracks have been lopped off with I revenue department had long entertained an unsparing hand. Tho ruts aro filled I ripened into certainty that there was an in as rapidly as tho weather udroits. illicit distillery somewhere in this vicinity Tho Hod, Tyro York is about to begiu which was producing large quantities of bisuniouo canvass fur tho Republican 1 "Mountain Dew." The local official; nomination for Congressman. He has being well known to the inhabitants, the saddled and briiHcd his bull. Fire shoots department sent here a young man from Irom its nostrils and most oi its leet are I iew lork, one Jack Dickson lay name usually in tho air. It is a bull full of I whose instructions were to ferret out such spirit, impetuous, pawing tho ground, I lnlurmatmn as lie could get, while ajipar leaping into the air, waving its tail in I ently occupied solely in fishing, huntin defiance of tho Democracy, and of the 1 and otherwise passing a month's vacation. Hod. Tyro York's competitor for the I The programmo was duly carried out nomination. I I nek son hunted and tished and kept bis The Hon. Tyro York's competitor, I eyes open, hut not even a whiff could he Hon. Rsmulus Z. Linncy, who it is I get of the forbidden liquor. One day proposed shall canvass the district on I nearly two weeks after his arrival, he mule back palpably unable to meet Col. took his fishing rod and journeyed in a York in that noblo areua which he has I direction uot hitherto taken. Tryin made his own, has devised many sinister I many mountain streams, he caught a few expedients, lie has directed his hencl -1 fish, but his spying efforts were as vain men along tho mute of Col. York's trumphal progress to bandage the trees at various intervals with red bandannas. The colored Republicans who are unwise as heretofore. Evening came on, and not knowing his whereabouts, he was delighted to suc- I eeed in gelling out of the underbrush ou enough to oppose Col. York's aspirations I to a good wagon road. Undecided which have been directed to wave widly the I direction to take, he paused by tho road A NARROW LSCAI'L. Mr. Luckj man was Innocent, but Cuulj Have l'rovel It? "As an illustration of how easy it is to become the victim of circumstances and how the strongest kind ul' proot may he established against a person entirely in nocent of criniiual iutetit merely through false appearances, I wish to narrate an in cident in my own experience," said a genlleuiati to a reporter of the Washing ton Star. "Some years ago I occupied a house on street in this city, and as there was mure room than tho family needed the third floor was rented, the ACONiiRFSS.MAN'S JUkT.. AN Ol'lT.R. iralifyinu a Constituent's Whims May Diplomatic. Hut Is expensive. Nhe (keer Proposal A JJressej to the Met: of his l.aly Lover. v.. E I --nciv to- i ME U 1 V M reddest ot their red shirts beside the way. But Col. Tyre York's bull, violent he seems, is a good,- sensible, solid, respectable, quiet, order loving, conserva tive Republieau animal. Resides, Col. York will put blinders ou him.. With j side a moment, when an apparition darted around the bend of the road and fairly took away his breath. A bicycle in this wilderness, and what is more, ridden by a most attractive girl! She saw him, of course, and as he admitted himself to be TASTELESS CHILL TONIC fivo or six paiis of blue and black glasses lost, she directed him how to reach her plastered upon his burning eyes, this father's farmhouse, extending a cordial ingenious animal, who confers honor upon invitation to stop, with all tho free good his name of Taurus Tyiicus Eboracennsis, fellowship for which our girls hereabouts will be unable to resent the indignities are noted. Then mounting her wheel, of bis master's foes Wherever he goes she sped away, while Dickson hunied he will atlraet alteution by his beauty behind. and his seeming duciiily. Thousands Tho farmer insisted upon his staying will assemble to meet and greet him on all night, and he did so. It was a cise lis way and to give him the clad pat 1 of love at firs, sight. Dickson being an When Col. Tjrc York, niter riding expert win-elm tu himself, was captivated through the principal HI routs uf the town by the heauiil'ul mountain rider. Moon on hiillbaek, arises in his anchored bam shiners were forgotten in ill i next few ioii chair in the palanquin, and begs days. ithin a week he had bis own leave to oiler to Ins Kepuhlican friends Wheel seut hitliei ty express, and was a lew thuughls upon tho present condi more than pleased to comply with Sallie li.m uf public ullairs, nut even the most Newman's laughiug orders that it must malignant enemy of his hopes, nut even be kept at the farm. Every day they the must mischievous urchin among all the I went out together, starting from the farm Tar Heel buys, will dare to prod that in the afternoon and riding through the iilunisl seared beast. I leafy byways, frequently stopping at the Scared indeed! The sunbeams will I residence ot S illie's aunt in the village smile upon his glossy emit in the day for supper, and then going home in the time; at night the fl uues of pitch, tar aud moonlight. lurpenline will illuminate Ins glorious I ookj sped away, until one day Dick- IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE SOcts. OA I-ATI A, ITXS., NOT. 10, 191)3. Paris Medicine Co., Ht. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: We Mid InM yoar, GOO bottles of 3KOVK H TAHTKIiKSS CHILL TONIC nn.l lmv.i bounhttUreti uroes already this year. In all our pertvnt'e uf 14 years. In tho dnitf bnslnoM, bnva Dover sold an article that gave surh uuiveraai sauti teciiou M your Tuulo. Yours truly, AilNCV, CARB SOLD AND WARRAMBD 11V Dr. A.S.Harrison, ENFIELD, N. C. 1 i I 1 4 Judkin's Grocery WELDOX, X. C For fine groceries, it will pay to call Ou J. L. Judkius, leader of them all, The finest goods i" Weldon you will see At Judkin's Grocery. Imported and domestic goods here you will find, Canned goods and delicacies of every kiud It matters not what your needs may bo Visit Judkins' Grocery. For choice teas aud coffee Judkins is re nowned None liner in the country can he found Try their special brands of blended tea At Judkins' Grocery. None in Weldon with Judkius can com pete Or show a stock of line goods as complete, The great one price you may see At Judkius' Grocery. At Judkins store do not foruet Full weights and measures you cm always got And your town orders delivered free From Judkins' Grocery. decUIy. PROFESSIONAL CARP. OWAltl "ALSTON,""" 1 1 H Attorney-at-La1 II AMI AX, N. W oct Illy. JAMBS M. MOLLKtf, LLIH A WAI.TKR 1. D4HIII 1) A N t E L. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WSLROtl, H. C. Practice In theoourt. of Hsllfax unlNorthampt iimndln the Supreme snil Feileml courts. Col. di'tionsmade In allpartsof North Carolina. Brauch oalce at Uatifai, N. U.,opeu overy Mon day. jan 7 1; path. The Hon. Tyre Y'ork is carvin ur liiiuself with a sharp chisel aud sit aily humi uu enduring name upen the tablets of American history; but don't forget the bull New Y'ork Sun ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN, son was rudely awakened from his dream of bliss by a pere-nptory order from Washington to return home, his mission having proven fruitless. Sadly he started out with Sallie for a final ride. All un conscious of his woes, Sallie twitted him upon his strange sileuje, and then chal- leni'eil him In a r ifrt Auritr cha ci,.l The Employers' Liability Question I , , , ' , ' ,, ' , , ., , anu ue was sorely irieu to Keep at her l.l.tv.l Sip I n, ,1,1,1 t.,.cinntl,illi, nb I ' l ' -'- " ' "-"i-w.u.v , v .i,,.. ,:,. 1 .l,a f,.,M.in(a i- you nir au increase oi salary i nave goi ,, . , , , . , " I a pane tt window glass, dropped on the mamed ate v. . . . . I " 1 rnflil hi; unmn itninoL-v t .pi,,... nnl.l I.... ., trienl, 1 can be ot no assistance to you I lie company is out responsible lor any Hold on, our tires are punctured," shouted T)iA 4iin inmninrr IV.mii l.i acoidoiiis ihat happen to our uieu when . , ,,, ... n, , , " wheel; "by the horn spoon, what 8 that. he added gazing with amazjmcnt at a offdutj! THE ACME OP CKUELTY, "What was Nero's great act of cruel ty: asked the teacher ot the class in history. 'Plajin the fiddle, was the prompt response. And the teacher let It uo in that. A D V EH 1 1. KM MN 18. JJIt. T. T. KOSS, DENTIST Weldon, N. C. SaTOffice over Emry & Pierce's store, 10-19-ly. J)R W.J WARD.);c Suraeon Dentist, 0., i ENFIELD, N. C. .Offloeover Harrison's Drug Store, dee SO If. GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY Many Team mto Dr. R. V. Pierce, cbief ConuUin(t; phyniciaii to Die Invalids' Hotel and Surgical instilute, Jin Halo, in, y com pounded thin medicine of vegetable luvredi tutu whicb had at) especial eftVot upon the stomach aud liver, rousing the or gnus to healthful activity an well aa purifying and tnrichinir ih Moort py such means tbe atouinch and the nervea are auppHed with Pure blood; they will not do duly without it any more than a locomotive can run with out coal, ioii can not get a lasting' cure ot uynpepma, or uhukcmiuh, uy ut&niK ficiallv digested food or pepsin the stom ach must do ila own work mi its own way. Do not out vour nerves to aleen with so called ce(ery mixtures, jt ia belter to go to (be seat of the dimcuUy and feed the uerve pella on the food thevreauiie. DvuDepsia, Indigfsiltm, liiliousiieHs and Nervoua Af- fectiouK. audi aa aleetleneM aud weak nervoua feetiugA are completely cured by the " Discovery.'1 It puts on healthy flesh, brings refreshing sleep and invigorates the wuoie system. Mm. K. Hbnkr. of No. t tfoth Halstfd St., Chtcago, III., wriiei: "I regard uiy improve- tiny stream of liquor spurting fr0in botb frout and rear tires A momeut latui the whole situation foil upon him. 'Oh, you Httlo moonshiucr," ho murmured. and tht'D he let his wheel full, and sprang to cateh S.illL1, who hud swooned. For mi weeks tho vuliaut Dickson had been asaiftin unawared the moonshiners by carryint; wlii?key in his pueumutic tii e, iusjrn d at the farmhouse and deft ly removed by A'luL Juqj in the village Did he arrest tho guilty maid? Not much. Ho resigned his position and married her, and the happy pair now live in Philadt Iphia, where they aro often seen on a tandem in tho p irk. It is scarcely necessary to add the tires arc now iutlited Bolely with uir Phila del phi a Times, A WOM AN'S SMILH. meutav simply wonderful. Hluct taking Dr. Pierce's liolden Medical Dis covery in connection with his 'Pleasant Pellets' I have gain ed in every respect, particularly in flesh aud strength. My liver wan dreadfully eularged and I suf fered greatly from dynpepitia. Nophy. IK in it could give relief. Now, after two Sontlm I am entire relieved of my disesdc My appe tite is exceUeut : food well digested; bowels regular id sleep & A woman s smile is thus duscrihmt m a Hawaiian rumince: "Her rich red lips parted, and there flished upon the land scape Iwj rows uf beauli'ul white I colli Slowly her mouth opened wider and wider, deeper grew the dimples in her bronze cheeks; brighter danced the sun beams in her eyes, until straj ray, darting throuuh tho foliage of an ovorhanniu bough, illuminated the deep cavern ol bcr nioulh, bringing iuto view the back part of her head. Then, seeing us gating mtently upon her, she shuts her mouth and darkness tell upon the scene. THE BETTER TEST. occupants thereof being a newly wedded couple. Tbo husband's work kept him from home at night, though sometimes, when work was slack, he would get in before daylight. My sleeping room was immediately beneath that occupied by the tenants. "At the time I speak of thero was also another lodger in the house, not con fined to any particular floor, but having the run of the whole premises. This was a pet cat, a great favorite with all ot us. this special cat came very near getting nic into serious trouble. Un one occasion she took a week's leave of ab sence. Wo uever ascertained where or how she spent the time, and no trace of nor could Do louud. Uut 'the cat came back." "One night I was aroused from a deep sleep to hear a piteous mewing at the upper door. I hastily anise and without taking the timo to even put on my slip pers I hurried down and admitted the wanderer, then 1 started upstairs to my room, but by some mental aberration I seemed to forget its location, passed it by and went on up to the third floor "The only way in which I can explain my mistake is this: There was a basi uieiit to the housu and 1 usually entered that way. To reach uiy chamber in such event I was, of course, compelled to as cend two flights of stairs, and the habit thus funned may, in my sleepy state, have led to the error. The first thing I kuew I was standing, clad only in one very much abbreviated garment, iu.-idc tho tenant's room. The dour was un locked, and I had opoucd it and stepped iu without disturbing the sole occupaut, the yuung wife. There before me, by the lurlit streaming throii''h un open window, I could plainly see madame wrapt in slumber, unconscious of the proximity uf a stray man, calmly, yet not (juicily, snoozing away. 'For a moment I was completely up- et and failed lo realize the situation. Thou, recovering my senses, I softly tole out, without attempting to close the duor. I had been in uiy room less than five minutes when thero was a rattle at the frout door as the key was inserted and in walked Mr. Younghusbaud. Q'lietly he sjied upstairs, and soon after I heard a somewhat animated discussion iu which the fact of the room door being open seemed to cut ijtiite a figure. 1 didn't go up and explain the matter. In fact, I was so impressed with tho narrow escape tint I had made that I was com pelled to resort to the contents of a small bottle lo steady my nerves. What a woiiderl'ul difference a lew minutes may m ike in the alfiirs of m inkiuil. I was never before so struck with the value of time. "Now, supp isj I had been discovered by the youug wile as I came out! What coustrucfiou would h ivo been put ou the siluatiou? Would in explanation have availed? Hardly. Suppose, as is mist likely, a row had occurred, and the mitter had gone into the courts. What w.m'd a jury have thought of my apparently all to diaphanoai story? I hate to think of what tho onsequjuces miht have been, botb to myself and to others. "It is true, uiy character was, and siiil is, fairly good, and the cat was there to testify iu my behalf, but I fear that would d it have helped mo much lint supposed me exonerated by a jury. Would o it 'susjiieion, slroug as proof of Holy Writ,' have damned me in public cstimatioo? " haven't the Icist doubt of it. "The cxporioutw of ill it, tu in uy..:it Cut night taught me a powerful less u. I have since boen exceedingly careful iu passing judgment upon others wlieu the evidence is based un appearances only, no matter how convincing these may seem. "I sometim-s meet my fonuer leoauts, now pater and mater families, but I mvir do so without experiencing an uucjm foitablo feeling. "I may siy, in oonelusiou, that I am also mighty pirticul.ir how I travel ab ml at night, esjieeially when garbed only in rectitude and a very short robe do unit." Washington Star. Une member ol the House is in a I A ijuiant oiler of marriage, written regular stew just now. J o a reporter no moro than one hundred years ago, is tells this story of himself: carefully preserved iu the family of "I was slighlly frurpriscd a few days young wooer's descendants. Il wa.- aj;o tu receive a letter from a constituent, dressed nut to the young woman herself as lulluws: but must respcctlully and decuruiisly tu " 'Dear Judge Tim Huoley says that her parents. The father of tho "Hetsy the (luvernment gives away IMi lo those rel'ened to had ten daughters, and as who aiply. I don't kuow il'this is so ur was a cleigymau fur fifty years in asm nut; but if so I wish juu would send uic New England town, it may bo surmised some. The only kind we get here are iu that his iifliriualivo answer lo spare his half pound packages, called boneless cod "seveuth" was as miickly assenting as it aud they are no account, and then they was final. Tho wooer was also a clergy- make you thirst v. If they h'ivo away man, and he ami bis lictsy passed their the fish hooks I wish you would send me entire married livrs in the same pastoral some, fur the Major, ltansum Brown, ministers of those days liviug and d)i Judge Kaufman and I havo planned to with their flocks. Heie is the lover o fishing as soon as the weather opens plea: up. lou know they all worked well lor ISoth reverend sir and worthy maiden, vuu the last lime ' Soft wedlock's bands first was talked in 'Eor the sake of the juke I dropped heaven; VI.r, I,, in T.',l,.n ,l,.,l, ,l,,nn into a sporting goods store, and bought a The smijn,, GuJi M (f)m tin box of hooks for ? 1.5(1, and sent it to bone my friend with a note saying I was very That friendship might their joyful souls lad that I had some fish hooks still left 1,,,f'lr? f . . , , .1 i ,i ill .'uu ami uic i ileal s in u set to c i c, irum u v fiuota. thuiii-h there had been a . . i , , ' . , , . ith wedlock chain 1 wish mysell to re it demand lor them and the horse jj hook. The supply of fish had run out, ffruUi your lijis the answer should and the President had been so occupied with bonds, and had Congress on his hands so long that our supply was ex hausted. I regretted also that the ducks have been wild, or could maybe have gut some, but last trip U rover only got 111, and he needed most of those himself "The results was fourteen riijuesls fur fish books within a week, and they are still coming. It is no use to say that Uncle Sam does nut handle (i-h hunks. as here arc the honks and there is my letler, and if I dun't send them every last man that I refuse will sharpen knife for me next campaign, and if I do I will go broke. Dun't fool with the granger." Washington Times. prove; Betsy, your seventh, 1 wish you to impart That we may join our hands as well as hearts, And live iu love and share each other's cares. While fleeting time w hirls on with rollin; years Till grizzly death dissolves the silken chain That jwe may rise and mingle souls again Indianapolis sentinel. ALL AHOL'T A TELlXiHAM. Mamma Johnie, you hate been fighting. I can tell it by the look jour eya. Johnnie yes; but ma, you should see the look in the other boy's eye. The difference between a somnambulist and a messenger boy is trifling: One walks in his sleep, and the other sleeps, in his walk,," .JAM'S 1IOKN BLASTS. "What is it, Sarah?" "It's a boy, mum, with a telcgraft." "A telegram! Oh, ask if James killed!" "He says he don't know, mum." "Ask him what he knows about it." "lie says that all be knows about it is WAHNINU notes CALLING THE WICKKU that there i.-, the telcgraft, and be wanls TO UEl'ENTANt'B. his money." Oh, dear! oil, deal! What shall I do? Turn a thinker loose, and you shake I Here, Saiah, here's the purse, l'ay him thewoild. pay him whatever he asks. Oh, uiy Old men are druukards because young P'or James! 1 just knew something men driuk. Would happen to him before be went away this uiurniug. Will they biing him home in an ambulance, Sarah?" r. cAKir.iMs a iiiiMiur bi.ali y. asknd Above the Knee il is so Pretty with its liiiiklts ani Pittno limvs No Whim Can Resist It. ADVERTISEMENTS. SiM MO (MS The garter has become a thing of leauly, but it remains a hygienic abomi nation, according to the doctors. This refers to the round garter, which com rcssts tho muscles, retards the circula tion, ami niiiiilis (he nerves. And it is this in-trumciit uf toriure upon which the inanulactiirers have iivished their attention, until it has be come su jiretty an all'air, with its filagree buckles and its ribbou bows, that only Spartan women can resist it. I'ASTKNKU ABOVE THE KNEE. The round garter, fastened abovo the knee, is uot considered by physicians tiite so deadly as the tightly-drawn corset. There are no ribs in the leg to be compressed, and the vital organs of the body are not located in the neighbor hood of the knee. Hut, next to the injurious compression of the waist, bust, aud abdomen by stays, the hvgienisls place the compression of the leg by elastic inters. The india-rubber bands which cueircic the flesh just abuve the knee are dangeruus, because of their effect upon the muscles and u)ou the circulation. Tho veins are cenlracted, and the blood of necessity is retarded iu its flow. The result is not merely local iniury, but harm to the whole system, which is affected by the sluggishness of the circu lation. Hut the danger does not merely lie in an impaired circulation, but is also mus cular. In walking, the muscles just above and below the knee are brought mure intu play than any others. The compression uf the muscles at this point is therefore, something to be avoided, for it means additional effort at every step and consequent weariness. Often this fatigue produces muscular rhcuinatisi and doctor's bills are the direct result of the frivolous bit of silk elastic ribbon and silver which sbojikcepcrs call a gar ter. If the exigencies of tidiness absolutely demand the round garter it is much letter that it should bo wurn beluw the knee than above. 51 , TI-5E UEST SPRING iEDICINE IsSlM.MONS l.lViitf REGULATOR. Don't forget tu lake it. Now is the time you need it most to w.ike up your Livel. A sluKKisli l.lver hrinas on Malaria, Fever and Ague, Rlu".im:il;s!n, and many other ills which shatter the constitution and wreck health. .Jju't fure.et the word RhGULARW. ; i; SIMMONS LIVER KEtil'LA i )l vw v.'.ia',. The word REG ULATOR dislia ',ui:.h :; it from all other remedies. A:id. besides this, SIMMONS 1.IVLK I'tXil l.ATOi is a Regulator of the Liver, keeps it properly at w ork, that your system m.-'V be kept m ftood condition. I Ui ULUULI take SIMMONS I.IVHK Il.;l:L UGK. It is the best blood punher m,s c inciter, liy it and note the ili:Kr, :!c.-. Look fr the RED Z en ev. tv ;i:i:l:age. Ynu wont find it on inv ou.r neJicine, and there is no other Liver n- v.iv like SIMMONS LIVER RliGl'I.ATOk-the Kinjof Liver Remedies, tie Siliv y- -1 f'.et it. J. II. y.rilin ii Co., I'liiludi-Iphia, P Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. MAGNETIC NERVINE ItfttSlXt restore Loll Manhood. Cures weaknesses. Nervous Debility and all the evils from early or later c88oe, thuruHults of overwork, worry, sickness, etc. Full BtrooKth, tone- and development given to every onmn or portion of the body. Improve ment i m mediately seen from the first box Thous ands uf letters nf praise on file in oar office. Can r-e carried in vent pocket, Bent by mail to mat loruw on receipt or price, une mon ins iraat ii"fit in each box. Pricetl.OO. 6 boxes. S5.00. with Written Guarantee to refund money ifnotcursxL bead to ua fur the Genuine. Circulars nm For sale by W. M. COHEN, Druggist, 5-9-ly Weldon, N. C PETERSBURG DIRECTORY HARDWARE, SASH, BLINDS, and DOOKS. We rob God when we give our neigh bor light weight. The man who is nut a friend, will often ueed ono. When the church is awake the devil afraid to sleep. 1 he sin we have no mercy on, wi soon have no mercy on us. A golden opjiurtunity never knocks at the same door twice. 1 no Hardest wound to heal is the one inflicted by a friend. This world is u bud world only fur those who have had hearts. Treasures laid up in heaven, always enriches somebody on earth. The devil is the only gainer whei boy is whipped lo mike hiui go church. "I s'jHise so, mum. Maybe you'd better read tho telcgraft." "I can't, I can't. Oh! it serves me right lor not kissing turn but three times when he left. And we've been married such a short time, too!" "Why don't you ojien the telcgraft, mumr "Well, I suppose I must; but, oh, I can't tell you how I dread il," (Heads telegram.) Will bring frit ud home to dinner. James." Exchange. I'OUOVLII I' ll' TV Y li AltS Mrs. Winslow's Southing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers fur children, while teething, with lerfeet success. It soothes the child, 'ol'tcns the gums, allays all paiu, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ot the world, i.) cents botlle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins- luw's Sooibiug Sytup," and take no oth er kind. NOT IV Till: RIGHT HOI SK, u:ak to laugh. A TOUCHING SIGHT. Iu the western part of Massachusetts a man had a tine stock farm. lint a few weeks ago tire broke out in the barn and binned nut only the build ing and the hay, but most of the animals also. After the fire the owner walked over tin- ruins. It was a sad sight tu see the charred bodies uf ihc line Jersey cows and his high sjiirited horses. Hut at the end ul the barn be saw a sight which touched him more than the rest. There sat an oi l black hen. lie wondered that she did not move her head ano; 1 mk at him as ho came near, but h ' thought she must be asleep He puked her with bis cane, and to his surprise the wing he lunched fell iuto ashes. then ho kuew that she had burned to deal I, Hut uut I l ien under her wing came a faint p lop, .hi 1 puihing li -r mi le with calm lliu man found whit do you think? tun little, live yellow chickens The pour ben h ei sacrificed her own life tu save th en. The sight touched the man more than anything else A good laugh is better than medicine. Learn how to tell a story. A well told slory is us welcome as a sunbeam in a sick room. Learn to keep your troubles to yourself. I ho world is too busy to care for your ills and sorrows. Learn lu stop croaking. If you cannot sec any ;ood in the world, keep the bad to your self. Learn to hide your pains and aches under a pleasant smile. No one cares to hear whether you have the earache, head ache or rheumatism. Punt cry. liars do well enough in novels, but they are oul of place iu real life. Learn lo meet your friends with a smile. The good humored man or woman is always we come, but the dyspeptic or hypochondriac is nut wanted anywhere, and may be nuisance as well. I'entnslvania School Journal. Sleepy citizen What do you want in my house? ISurglar (presenting gun) I want miiney. Sleepy Citizen Good Lord, give yuur hand; so do I Texas Siflings. The Smile of a Little Chili. I'KOV 111). Husband 1 don't see why it necessary to call the ductor when baby had only a trilliug couh. Wite Well, dear, I asked the doctor and ho said I did unite right. WHAT IS A KM ILL. Little Daisy's mamma was trying ciplaiu to her the meaning of a smile "Oh, yes! I know," said the child, "It the whisjicr of a laugh " NO CHIC KICK. TIIK LAWS ()!' UKALTH. . Don't let anyone pcrsuado you lo take anything else instead of Simmons Liver Regulator, Some merchants will try to do this but not for your good. They do it to make a little more profit on some thing which is of an inferior quality, though you must pay just as much for the bad as for the good, lie sure lo take Simmons Liver Regulator, and nothing else. Look for the Red Z on every package. The irue secret uf health and long lile lies in very simple things: Curl the fresh air day and night "Oil, if you knew what was in die air!' Meep and rest uhutiuantly. Bleep is nature's benedielion. "Work like man; but dou't be worked to death." Avoid passion aud excitcmeut. A moimnt's anger may be fatal. Associate with healthy people. Health is contagious as well as disease. Dou't carry the whole world on your shoulders, fa' less the universe. Trust the Eternal. Never d spair. "Lost hope is a fatal Mrs. Taddells Let's tee! S u s i Dimliug is about 2(1 years old, isn't she? Mrs. Willies Susie Dimling 'M Su-ie Dimling will never see L'O again if she lives to bo eighty. FOUND HlUt ON Till-: STEPS you Lushinglon My dear why do stay up so late out here for me? Mrs. L. (sardonically) I like the novelty of seeing from this side of your efforts to find the keyhole! Poetry Fed She (sentimentally) "What poetry there is in fire!" He (sadly) "Yes; a great deal of my pretty poetry has gone there. I CIXTMBER PUMPS, For sale by PLUMMER & WHEELER, 1'ETER.SBTRG, VA. my a ly. KlHiAH rritio Kit. T.B.USUERUILL CURRIER & UNDERHILL, BOSTON ONE PRICE Clothing House, Wliulesnleand Retail lloaleniln FINE CLOTHING. lientleiiu'ii'B Furnishing Ooodn, Hata, l-'niw, Trunks, Etc. Cor. Syeiiiuure ami Himlc Sta., Petersburg, Va, ruj-jily. There is nothing mure pure in heaven, And nulhing un earlh mere mild, More full uf the light that isdiviue lhan the smile ol a little child. The sinle.-s lips, half parted ith breath as sweet as the air, And the light that seems so glad to shine In the gold of the sunny hair. O little one, smile and 1 less me! For somehow I know nut wliy- I feel in my soul, when children smile, I hat angels are passing by. I feel that the gales uf heaven re nearer than I knew. That the light of the hope of that sweeter world, Like the dawn is breaking through, Ignorance, bliss; knowledge, blister. She ''When vmi married me you said Vuu weic well nil He "1 was; but I lid not know it." NEW A l V EH'ftSEM ENTS. By W. E. ARMSTRONG & CO Wholesale and retail DRUGGISTS, S'i'i Sycamore at., Petersburg, Va. JWjuAlI mail orders receive prompt per sonal attention. my 23 ly. . H I . PRITCH ETT& CO., PETERSBURG, VA. Successors to Mitchell Co.'s BOOK STORE. STANDARD PATTERNS. FA8HI0M SHEETS FREE. Hive us a call. my231y IS fv Ji 'Ox ,h M ALLIANCE EXCHANCE, Sells o ii commission Tobacco, Wheat, Corn, Cotton, Peanut, Hogs, Poultry, and nil kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, and keep on hand (leneral Merchandise. W will buy un order iinylhiuga farmer may d. (luanos specialty. Let us hear from you. 1 lonsheiuls furnished on appli cntiin. J. C tMlTH. Irani. my231y Petersburg, T HUDSON'8 I. POWDER Absolutely Pure A cream of tartar bakina powder. Highest of all in leaveniug strength. iVtrs( , IS. Government Food Report. KOYAL WAKING: POWDER CO., lOfi Wall 8t., N Y. 17 Main St., Noifolk, Va. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DINIRb ROOM. ALL M EALS 25 CENTS. SL KI'ASSIXG COFFEE A SPECIALTY J. R. HUDSON, Proprietor. The Best of Everything In Season, oct 10 lyr. it; ruejuIHS? Wiiiiup i"l--':'-eJ, V 'ilT! !lp:::S'J :-M3L::::i;::i ; h: ! pETER SlfllTH 4 CO "THE LEADERS OF LOW FRIQE8V' Importers, wholesale and retail dealers in v- FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC V POETRY A3 GARDEN' FENCE DRY - GOODS, And make a special Horse, Cattls and ling Ponce yw-fl, uemotery, and Orave Lot Kpnotng a Specialty "J tww armajBi llltliUlie r rtj. K. L. aaUiLaUMlUKU, 1LAA1A,T: No. 144 Main steaet, Norfolk. Va, 1971 1

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