THE ROANOKE NEWS v THURSDAY, APRIL oO, 181C. FUBLISIIKD KVKRY THURSDAY. J. W. SLEL3E, Editor & Proprietor-D- B. STAINBACX, Associate Editor. Eutrml ut l'ust Office tit Wi lilmt us Sienii:l-( lass Sl'itttr. HATKS OK SI'llsrlill'TIO.N IN AUVANl'B One Year (by Mail), Postage Paid fl.SO. ' Si Months I A Weekly Ilemocruticjournal devoted to the material, educational, political and! agricultural interests ul Halifax and sur rounding counties. JiQAdvei lining rates reasonable ainl furnished on application. Rkv. J. B. llAWTlimiNR, the. ureal Atlanta Baptist preacher, has accepted a call to Nashville, Tenn. Aivoumxn to the Atlanta Coiistitu tioli "the Smith has more than held her own. yhe lias had 1'ewer failures with .smaller liabilities than any other section. Our farmers have diversified their crips, aud they have solved the problem of living at home. They nj longer d. pend upon the packing houses aud granaries el the west, (lur mills and faeteries are rapidly multiplying and paying spletidij dividends.'' The reunion of Old Confederate Veterans in Richmond, Va , on the occasion of the laying of cornerstones of llie Jeff Davis monument, June Lilltli to July liud iuclusivo, is probably the last chance that will be oll' red during life, for so many of them to meet their old c imrades. The thirty one years that have passed since they won glory and never dyin; fame lias much thinned the ranks, and the death rate increases as the e.irs go by. I'll E Yashingtuii Star miyii tint the consolidation of the Baltimore ,V Ohio and Southern Railway systems is virtually already accomplished. Spain pays bounties far sugar pro duced tu its own laud, but levies a duty of $0 -U on each 1(10 kilograms of Cuban sugar sent across the sea. A Chicago man who went fihiiig down in Uuateuiala caught some fish with four eyes, two to look down and two up. A Chicago man only could catch lisb like that. A woman in Fall River, Mass., had her arm paralyzed the other tiiyht while reach iug out for her husband's pocket Here is a fearful warning to wjuien who have a weakness for investigating the pockets of their husbands. The New York Mail and Kxpress, Rep., gold only, laughs at the pretension that a single Northern State will vote for the Democrats this year. It says there are no "doubtful States" except in the South, rWr.MASTER Dayton, of New York city, says that one cent postage will not come, and ought not, until the postal service supports itself. At present the postal deficit is about 810,000,1)00 a year, while the English post office pays a profit of J 10,000,01111. Sam I F.I, CoopKK, aged Si', who died iti l'ottoawatouiine county, Kansas, re cently was followed to the grave by ninety nine of his descendants, and there were a good many more who lived so far away that they couldn't get there in time. At twenty five a man does uot notice a night's dissipation. At thirty five he feels a little tough the next day, but a good night's ren cures him. At forty fivo he is worthless at least two days after a night of dissipation and at lifty fivo n drunk as good as kills him. TltAVEl.lXii churches are to be es tablished on the Trans Siberian railway, which passes through many desert tracks, where neither village nor church can be met with for miles. Can fitted up for divine service will be attached to the traius for the benefit of the officials. TlIK shops of the Seaboard Air Line, at Raleigh, Were burned Wcdncsdiy ol last week causing a loss of jfii.'i.oUO with insurance of S.'iil.OOO. One hundred and fifty employees were thrown out of work. The shops will be rebuilt, it is thought- The line, with its usual kindly con sid'-ralioii for those in its employment, immediately gave work to all the tnartied men who w. re thrown out ol employment and the younger men will be given work at the shops in Portsmouth and at Abbe villi-, S. 0. Vice President K.St. John telegraphed the thanks of the eompauv to the Raleigh fire department for the valuable services rendered. Tin." Seaboard is a corporation with a soul commensurate with the great terri torv it covers. si vi i; un.iMiS. N' N-U as CulU fno Our Suic I'.v chimes. iiulsor is to have mill. kllittilie A furniture factory is soon to be orcct e 1 ut Mebatie. Fire at New Hern, burned ?ti."i00 worth of property. The committee for Raleigh's publu library has raised S- oOO. Steps are being takeu for the organiza tion of a bank at A-Jicburo. The encampment of the State lluarJ this year will be by regiments. Wiley Jones, colored, was iustantly Killed by lightning at Hamilton Satur day. During a thunder storm at Kockin ' ham Tlraisday two horses were killed and ler.ibL- damage was doae the (livat Falls and Steele cotton factories. The Kin have opeini girls. 's Daughters of Winston a home for pool working Kn amiki: i' Aims. Ilk' Un latch :s the l!ac Hall nilkr News N !..-. eter- The inhabitants of the tow n of Roanoke Rapids have been in a quandary lor the past week owing to the changes in the temperature of the circumambient fluid and it took a lot of gue-.-ing to decide whether it was betler to don a sealskin and mulller or to go forth arrayed in the airy and diaphonous duster. Just at the present writing it looks as if the duster had the call and as if the seal skin would be relegated to the shades of "innocuous desuetude," at least until nest winter, Vegetation is springing up at a great rate in the surrounding country and the forests near heio are in summer attire A large acreage has been planted in cotton and corn and the innry and sable agriculturists in this vicinity are in groat hopes that this will prove a banner year for their calling. The brick yard, which is under the man igi ment of Major Knity, is now in full blast and is being ably superintended by the Major's popular son, Mr. Charles Kmry. Woik is being pushed with much vigor and Mr. ('harks Kmry anticipates a large output. The Roanoke Rapids Power Co. is having tree boxes set around all of the trees which were planted last autumn, aud is rapidly completing the work on Roanoke Avenue which will be extended to the tracks of the S. A. I. Street signs are also being put at the comers of the streets, and uow there will be u i danger of our ciuntry cousins getting lost when they vi-it the city. The flooring has been completed in the building of the Roanoke Mills Co, and the "dancing set" i- already planning "Jack the Hugger," who was ar rested in Chicago and convicted of having hugged, without provisos notice, five! t ' a dance io one of the large Mora. pretty girls, was lined 83. Only SI a iiug, aud pretty girls, too, is putting tin price down pretty low. On the schedule of prices the presumption is that J ack will go iuto business again as soon as be cau raise another $."). As Ohio woman has given birth to a couplet which it is said will rival th Siatucs twins, if the children live The .connection extends from the shoulders to the top of the head It is really two bodies with one head, although each face has all the features, save there is but one pair of ears. One is a boy. the other a girl. Dtt. Crux's Kiison's new treatment for consumption has not had so sensa tional a reception as has been accorded many scientific discoveries in times, but the results already achieved are generally regarded, Public Opinion repoits, as establishing a strong presuuip liou in favor of the truth of Dr. Kdson's theories. TlIK New York Mail and Kxpress begins an editorial in this way: "It is becoming more certain every day that the Chicaoo convention will be for free silver by a large majority. The most conservative estimate (lives the free nil verites -I Iti, the sound money element '.XI, leaving 107 doubtful, with the Uli Territorial delegates credited to the free silverites. IjKWI.stdn, Maine, has a smart wo man, who owns a smart cat, Thero is ' ao understanding between her and the cat. She sells the cat fur $,S, but the oat always comes bock. It is a nice cat, what they coll a coon cat up there and it is in demand. Her standing price for it is $8. She sells it often, and every time the cat comes back At last accounts she was $C l ahead and had a cooo cat for sale. I 1 Johnson's Kidny and Liver Regula tor, the great malarial medicine, cures kidney complaints snd tropid liver, purifies the blood and positively cures constipation and Btclc headache. Largo pickages, 25 and 50o. V For sale by W. M. Cohen, dinggist, Weldon, NI C ' , The ground floor would make a fun- ball ro'.iu as the tl luring is v ry sm i. ah mol there would be space enough for several i hundred devotees o!' Te-rp-i.-hor-' to in dulge in their favorite auiust limit. The town is baseball mad. On all -ides one call hear fragmentary scraps of cou versation abounding in the technical terms of the National game. "Squire ' Bmwn has caught the fever and he has a large clientele of youngst-'is who ask him whenever they meet linn if he is going to have a game in the afteruoor, The "Sijuire" sometimes goes out on the diauioud and practices with the boys and it is said that when he swipes the horse hide a good "swat" that the fieldels had better not attempt to transact any l.usi I Oess with that particular "hit." He was recent' 1 vl''"r '" '""r l"w" on Monday when the ' I own and the '-Institute" played aud came back with a glowing description of the game and of a base hit that was made on Mr. "Jonah" Cohen. From some of all the baseball talk that has been going around one would gather that the Roanoke Rapids li. 1! ('. is anxious to cross bats with the slug gers from your town aud settle the ijiies tion of supremacy on the ''diamond." I hope that a game may be soon ar ranged and may the best club win. 1 hear by telephone that Major Kmrv has arrived in Weldon and hope that we will soon have the pleasure of seeing him at the "Rapids." I am pleased to sny that it is reported that Mrs. Kmry will be here in a few days and hope that in this case it is not a false report. Two of our young men, Mr. Charles Emry aDd Mr. Wrenn, seem to liud Weldon a most attractive town (which it is,) and it is a mooted question which goes there the most and great curiosity is aroused to find out what is tho bright particular attraction which draws then there so often. I expect to "spot" them before long. Mr. Brooks Grizzard, of Halifai, who has resigned his position in the factory here to accept a position with Emry A Pierce when their new store is opened at the Rapids, is iu towo to-day. Rev. Mr. Tillery preached to large congregation last Sunday, at the Baptist church. City Clerk Rice, of Wilmington, has been deposed because he Worked against Russell tiliill'ord county Republicans endorse Mckinley for President aud Boyd for tlovornor. The Winston Republican il. noiinivs Hull, i- for refusing to fuse with the Re publicans. ?.)00 is to 1. expended in remodeling and improving the First liaplUt church at Raleigh. Mrs. Paltie D. B. Arlington has in stituted suit against Spier Whitakef li r $1, for libel. Charlotte is considering the e-iabii-li-ment of a new pants factory, with a cap ital id' S100,llOO. The Spencer Manufacturing Co. if Sili-biiry. will i recta mill for utiliin cotton mill waste. The Watson damage suit against tin Seaboard Air Line, has been divided in favor of the railroad. ice-President and Mrs. Steven-on an 1 their daughter will att, ml the I'ni vcrsity commencement. Some more of the Republicans now express a willingness to have the Popt.-li-ts name the ( lovernor. The sale of tax tags for fertilizers is a little in excess id' any year since the ton uagc system went into ellect. ('apt. Alice Foster, a witmss in a will ci-e, dropp-d dead in ten miniitis alt-r he bad testified at Wilkesb .ro. The llii.-sev libel suit against the News and Observer has been p at the ri quest of plaintill's counsel. The Charlotte ( Hiserver will put iu three type setting machines. They have been ordered and will soon be at w. rk. Chowan county, which was claim, d by Hii.wll. ha in its cm. n tioli declared for Duekcry. This is .piiie a surprise. Mr. Kniil Liudl.iirg has purchased the Spout Spring property in ll.iin.-lt c uti ty. and will settle a colony of Scandina vians nil it. Republicans of the Sixth district nom inated Sheriff Smith, of Richmond coun ty, for C.-ngn and endor-ed Dockery for (ioveriior. It is said on high authority to be al most certain Inat next year's session of the Southern lapti-t convention will K held at Wilmington. .lames R. liattis. a brother of T. .1. j datti'. died suddenly ill the Main street Methodist church at Durham during a! revival last Thursdav. The Asheville Citizen Icarus that Philip Wilson, of Mitchell county, has ten sons, all living, eight of whom served iu the Confederate army. The W heeler lands in Stokes county, once owned by Timothy Pickering, a member of Washington's Cabinet, has heeu sold under a deed of trust. The McKinley men are surprised at the failure of the Sixth district Republi can convention to endorse him. They are utiiiistructed, but favor Allison. J. W. Dood and Company's tobacco factory at King's Stokes county, includ lug forty thousand pounds of leaf, and a large amount of plug, fixture, etc., were destroyed by fire la-t Thursday. An old colored woman in Cabarrus county, went a fishing. She caught a Citlish, in the stomach of which she found a five pennyweight piece of gold. Other darkies iu the neighborhood have quit ploughing aud gone fishing. Announcement of the regular forma tion 'of the Silver party in this State is now looked for daily. It is the claim that it will be cumpcoid of TO.OUU Pop ulist, 45,000 Democratic and "i.OoO Re publican voters. Mayor W. A. Hall, of Burlington, was arrested last week on a warrant sworn out by J. R. Leland, charging him with criminal libel. He was bailed in the sum of ?:!00 lor his appearance at the Superior court of Alamance couoty. Tho Mt. Airy News is informed that George Tucker, colored, who is Oti years old, is the father of Oil living children and has nearly 500 grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc. Tho old man is still spry and says he can split 200 chestnut rails iu a day. The Charlotte Observer will celebrate May 20, the anniversary of the Mecklen burg Declaration of Independence, by issuing a wonmn'a edition. The special number will contain twenty pages, brim full of interesting articles on various subjects. Till: SKIHT LIMIT. 'I'be way a w -nun ho'd uj. her dress when she elM s aei'e-s a tiia.lly street has heretofore bei n considered hei own alLir. T!k!: has been an unwriiti tl law among the fair -ex th.,t the height wvubl he regulated by the si' cf the woman's loot, and whether or not she had i-u In r best silk petticoat. Last we. k the ques tion was, however, drawn into com I in Rrookiui. A prelty woman was cross ing a muddy street, and to keep her skirls from being spoiled raised tliein to a level with her shoe tops. The bicyclist liimlhlatt was standing near, and yelled, "Oh, wow, wow," which hurt the feelings of the woman, and she had him arreted. The judge realiz- d that this was a serious case, as ii had to legally settle the skirt limit, and had also to take into considera tion the depth ol the mud 'I'll -re were, however, precedents to he c 'iisiilte.!, so h did what was b tier, he look the opinion of a lot of sensible women before banding down his doci-iou. II.' lined tin' mail sjj."i for his rem irks and backed up the woui ill's p lint of vi. w that a wo in in niav h 'id up 1i-t skiris to any In iht d inanded by the inn 1 that was consistent with mod-'-ty. Til KltK are ,"iO,iino paten's which ill one wav or another Loin lit the I'arin -r. Of nil Kinds, Scrofula. Salt Klii-iim. li'dk Pimples, Tetter, Seahlhcad and every other form of blood ili-ea-e. are cured hy 1 1 ..... 1"- e-arsaparilla. This llliilieilie purities. 1 ilalies olid en riches the ,1,. heal, ihe .lis.-ased llltllll. ratio, sunthes (he ill 1 1 : 1 111. I shin utnl gives buck I he bloom ami j..y of pei-teel health. II yoti suitor ll'.. Ill any trouble arising tmiu or . round, il by impure blood. Il....d's ar-:ipariilu is the inodie'me t,.- ..ii. .hist read lid-: ' Wo have given Hood's Snrsaparilla ;o our adopted little girl, who was covered vi! ti eruptions over her body, (lur doctor said tin pores were due to the bud state of the blood and he gave me medicine (or her and also left a sa!e for local lip. licit ion. We doc tored her for over two years. Siiesoffered t.-rriblv and I he eruptions tans. , her to scratch a grwal deal I nial.e the sores Worse. At last 1 thoimht I would give her Hood's Sai'saparilla. In iifcwue.ks l.oil.s hi-oke out on her luad. 1 cool iiuied to give lur t he lued ie in.-and t lie hoi Is dis appeared, her skin became smooth all ver her t"'ily, the nnriN Imvini; !1 hcaUd, She hn nut luhj any return uf tin- tnmhle iimliiyeur hn Miiee elupseii. We helieve JlooilV Sarsi par ilia in t he U hUuul puri fy i 1 1 1 mm tlicini . Y have reeiHiiMnnitt'd it t lu iiiy ami -h:il! aiway-t have a .-.itl vonl ( t ii." Mk. ('. (inui)-:, !.. a ShiiaN. Intl. ana. Kenieniher ood Sarsapar ilia Is l he Hue 't rue itioo.l I'urilier. All .It ii-.:los.,. t, I:.- sure to eel Hood's ami y lloo.l's. i is .'e...r,-,lolily h r. I. lloo.Uvl ,,, n. M .. Hood '5 Pills Willi II I sS.o-oOO :: I. Wanted-An Idea WhA cm think Cf BDItli' BlNIi)6 thlliir In tint, nt . i-rm.'fi j-Hir Kirns; iiipt nmy linns '"U wealth. UrHe JOHN WKl)lr.Uii'UN A (i A I tor. utvi, WuxiiliiRtoii, It. t, r.r thi irll.Si iirtio i-tttT aud Ibl if ifto liuiUruvl luvcciloua wtUiU-tl. si. t OIIIIN.SON .v ( )., ,'i;ri, va. Whobsale- Din GOODS and in u ii ISTOTIOITS. Manufacturers ot'KliirtN, Drawers anil over alls. I'riccgimranti'cil against all North ern market. Orders receive pinmpt per soiml attention nnv2 1y. A ,r L. T, EAVIS lc CO., 1V1. y"1" "j--'i Ami dealers in FLOUR, PROVISIONS, FISH, HAW, l it'., .S. ml intention givm lol'ar loud Sides. NilliFOI.K, VA. ir. ly N OTICE."M P.y virtue nl'a power of sale contained in .i 'b i d in tin 1 ri.,i,i II. J. )' (j, ,e dated Nov. Ill, -tl, liud registered Nov. 17, 1M i 1., mis do, pane 170, of the pub lic I.Vjrister's niliee in llnlilax coiintv. North Carolina, I will at the court house disil in Halifax on Saturday, the lilh ilav of .lime l-lni, sell at pnlilir'niirtion to the liijrhrst bidder for cash the tract of fund situated in said county formerly owned by H. .1. I'npeaiid on which hedied, lmiindrd by Hie i.oanokc river, the lands ofiho late X. M. Loiij!, tin- late Charles ,1. dec and others, the Imiindaries ol which will more fully appear by reference to di ed from James McAndiew anil wile Julia, registered in book (II. nairo :ir,:t ol said Kenister's ollice, it beim; the same lanns therein conveyed to mm II. ,1. Dope. Said land contains !IU7 nerea, more or less This March Hist, JHIH. R. II. I'EKHI.EH, npr 2 Ids. Trustee. .NK'vV AUVKUTISli.MKXT.S. -EWANTED COHON & PEANUTS FOR CASH- iri,rtiut n.,i...Af -...M l. . ...t... ..,,....,,.. p. ii lt. paio. i.uyers: L. B- Nonnan, I'arniele, N. C. C. J. Nor man, l'lyruootb, N. C. Or ship to . 8. K. NORMAN, ItPrompt returns. Norfolk, V. AD KK'I'ISIvMKM'S. I Soresp Gladness Comes With a better imdci'stuiidilio; of the transient nature of the many phvs iciil ills, ubieh iiiuisb ls'iore pruperef torts - .rent !e eli'in-ts ileasaiil elVorts riu-litly ilireeled. Tin re b. comfort in the klioa le.l:je. that Ml III..1I.V bu ills oi sieUness are n-.t due to any netiial dis-eiiM-. but simply to n e..nst' t i. Ol .t lb.' s st i-in. wbieb Ihe pleasant family laative, Syriipof Lie's. .r..o.l Iv removes. Tbat isihv it is the only remedy u ilh inilliiuisof I'liinilies, uiul is everywhere cMi-eme.l sohichly bynll ivbo'uillle o'.i...l bea!lll. Us b. netieial ell'eets are doe to the fact, thai it is I he one remedy which pvoni.ei s internal cleanliness with. .lit dele lil ul itiir the organs on which it mis. It is I lien-fore all iuiportniii, in i.r.l. r to r'el its l.c-ne-lieial elTecls. to nolo w io ll yon pur chase, that y.-u loive the ...-inline arti cle, which is' man ii I, i"' nr. d by I be ( ali fi.rnia I'iir S nip t o. oioy nli.l s.-Id by all reputable di'miei-ts. If in Ibe enjoy men! ..f !'.....! li.-allh. nu.l 1 be system is rvrnlnr. lavalivesor other remedies ace then lint lleedul. If iilllicted wilh niiv actual iiiseu-e. one mav be ei.lilineli.l. d to skillful physicians, but if in need ..I a laxative, oni' should have the be.t. and w ilh the well informed ov. IT where. Syrup of l-'iL's stands liiu lu-st and is most lai'L'ely Used and ices st oelu rai sat islaclioll. mar 2ll 1 v . I. Stainback, (at ,T. T. (ioo. h's obi siand' WELDON, N. C. Healer 111 General Merchandise Ju-t reet ieil tin j.r. tlit -f luie id" M.iy Statt ;lliil .Uriel's ADVKIM'ISKMXKTS. b Sale. The follow in desei ibi d real estate lo salistv tile laves now due and unpaid lor the s;... and will sell at public out cry at ihe coiirl house door ill the lo'iMi ol llulit'av mid Slate of North luioliiiu, at I 'J o'clock M. on MONDAY, the Ith day ol May l-!iii. 'laves and costs included. 1 1 A !.l I A X TOWNSHIP. (1. W. Drill, on. land, Merrill trait, - Hit If W. Caller, lso M.nv lan,l farter's tract, H 111. 1.. II. Cook. 1 u. laud, Home tract, 1 :.'7 Kiebard Crowi-11 .! acre laud on Weldon road, I! Itll I. ela Dickens, f a- bind near Halifax 1 ol Duwd Kllbeck, 1)7 a- hind liichards tiacl :; oil. Sol lio Kppcs, 1 a. laud, Home trai t 8 4 W, ll. l-'aiicitl, dec. li a. land, residence II 7ii. .Mrs. Jlarv A. l-'i in .t, 1 a. land, lvsi ih nee, 1 117. Jos. tioluinbe.-k, lso a. hind llrounin, I raid, o 111 William Hill, li a. laud, near Halifax, 1 Lii I. Dny llilliaid, I1-7 a. land. Cliantili II. iel, I.'. Ol bonis llilliard , Co.. '. a. near llalil'av, I Sla-lies, 1 a. Oushy ir.n l, ,1 7'.' lb my Johnson, 1:1.1a. Tiler Ira. I P. I.ilii ham, Ilia, land I'.ppes tiroie 10 ol. Chui Icy Merrill, ItiHa bind, Slash tract A 1) V K 1 1 T I S K M K X TS . (' A. XASH yV SOX. Manulael urns and Dealers in H I ft Hardw trif'lli.idvvood Cabinet Mantels, Stairway Work.jpj Roofiing sic- and v Sheathing el? Pa tm,,.Painls, Oils and Window (lhiss."V,iJ fciy-KSri MATES AND l'KK'KS lilVKX OX AI'I'LIC'ATION.' C. 1ST ASH &c SON ;i.r .'Id ly. Nurl'olk, ;o I ,? .ft $13.00 C SACK wi chit 3UII vr. OUR 1896 SPRING LEADER a m a wn I Mis, Anna C. Mosel.-y, 7t!a- laud, tllen Iv. y II. let IO liO i Mi- John A. Moore. 1 1A a. land and 1 . f.os ii lol. 7 As W. II NiVille, 1 town lot, 11 01. W. li. Neville. 1 town lot, 11 7H Mr-. (I. W. I'ittman, :io" a. land, part of the t iowell Ir.lil. !l 70. Mis Annie Puruell, , acre, nearrailioad 1 ol Kd 1 IJohelson. 1 town lot lleai'colllt house :i i;ii. lid Shields, 70 a. land, old Shield's place, 'J N I illery. .'. a. land, hi .u Halifax -He-Willie TillVv.' 7" a Slash land. 1 -d. Mrs. W II. V ick.lllo a. (Hishv place, I.". s. while, I town lot :: hi ) ,1.111- 1-o.m.i;, Tax Collector for Halifax township. Wlil.DoN TOWNSHIP. SHOES I'tir I.nlie-', Mi-e ;unl Cliilih t 11 ever show n in W. -h.nsaiv:llv.i n-i'le ami I in ite in-.f. tit mi. all -.ies. Haw .ilxi ailtled lo niv slock :i niee line CLOTHING! for MKN. Vol TIPS and Clfll.DKl'.N. A l.oe line of IvC i:t a 1, 1. 1 1 'i Solid "wa i.x i 'T 0 V" 0 BURIAL CASES 1'. N.ST.UNP.AC K. Mi T. II. T.i lor, ..I Noitliaiiiptini ciiiiu ty. is with lueand will be jileased to see his li iellds. W. T, PARKER, , i , llyy Groceries Farm Implements. 1'01'Xl) SACKS OK SALT 1-OR l'KI! SACK. BA,.Correet prices and polite attention to a))- muz, 1 ly. KSTAIII.ISIIKI) 1H29." S. I Mark fin f PETERSBURG, VA. WIIOI.KSAI.F. CONFF.CTIONKI.S AND KKClTIJI.l'Jf.S manufacturers of plain mill Fancy Candies, Cakes nnd Crurkera. DealerH in Fine CHIAVINd TOBACCO CIOAKH &KNPFF. ItSfYotir orders Rolicited, which will have out piasvoiul ttiLeuluin. J) lu ly W W KAY, (near li. ll. Shed, II T Pope's old stand) THE ONLY "fat All Night House WTIN TOWN, liar ready for accommodation at all hours. - FAMILY GROCERIES, Canued Goods and Confectioneries. Close miraraay nignt at 13 o'clock. Open Mou- fl.v.llDn'.lA.l. - s.. . j .....uiu m. mm. uiyxjy. Names. Aeies. 'l'ax .V Cost. W 11 Alsbrook. J-Jii flu 11 Mrs W II Anin-lon, 1 lot I HI! P.oier, Wright in .'I do Carter. T mi 1 b" Carpenter, P.. P. si lol Cupel, W II lots lo 'J7 I'alcoll. Wade .".II 1 HO l.atlnm. Waller, 1 lot -1 Mi lleiiin-. AY. T.. loo li 'Jl Herring. Mis. M. If. 1 .'.- ;! 2A I luiinou, Major, 1 lot o ','ii Ileiilinsiall, .1 o 711 in ol Hoekatlay, Aiilhony s.", -J 7n llairis. li. D., 1 lot" li lo Dev. i.'oi.t. ii :; 7-j hey. Illiod.i, 1 lot 1 lo .lenkilis. ,1 C ill 1! .-,11 Keetel , II. P., I lol 1 tl.'l l.cinh, ,1. 11. P. i lots 11 117 lane. i. w., i n:i I.oiio. I.y lu ;i HI l.i.uins, Da te. I lot 1 lid Lewis, too W , 1 lots (I oil Moore, p. M 1 lot. (I mi Malay. Mrs. M. V 1 lol 11 117 Matthewsmi, Clifton, :l lots, 11 lu Pielcc, li. I!., lo 1 till Pearson, Mrs. M. -Jii t Ii nil billiards, W. A , 77 I !nl Paillev, (bo. oil I! AO billiards, S A W. 1H A 1 1 b'idl. V, Win. 1 lot, li III! li N A W PCo. 1 canal 2no (is b'ooke, .Ii.o W. 'flu (I Nl liichards. I. 1) Pin 5 ;',l liichaids, Kdiaoii.l 1 lot :t- li. id, Davie, 1 lot .', 7n Snow, Wm l lot, :;i; Smith, Creeii, 1 lol S 7o Sheaiin, Dock :,' 2 !; Sbcrron, liidlev, -Ml I In Short, ll. L. ' .'.I ill Speed, Sandy. 1 lot i; 7 I Tboipe. Pompcy, 1 lot Zolliiolnr. Major, 1 lol II 117 .1. If P.lilCKLI.L, Tax Colli i tor Weldon Ton iiship. n IWWV: tLa&MWili X""';,,"U 1 liarcl' & 'Kentucky tl' Pure Whiskies! teiT'Bottleil at the Distillery."! IdiVIIM-l OXI.Y WIIKK HOI Tl. Ill) IN THIS S I VIM I' At K ACiK. For Family anil MeJieiual Purposes. R. MONARCH BOTH ING CO. Owrtiohuru, Ky. C. C. EVANS, I.iH'AI. llANlil.llll, Weldon, N. C. mar L'll llni. T. A. JACOB, IKlieees-nr to t D Cllalhley A Jllioh) Leather, Hides, Oils, Calfskins, Shoe Findings, Etc. Store and Office, 17 Thirteenth St. ItlCHMOND, VA. ItjirHinhest Cash Prices Paid for hides, e. my 2 ly Market and Green Groceries ! To all nij friends: I have opened MAliKET at the old "Deltnonico" stand. LISTo' ' ''CLESKKP'f on HAND: "Stall Beci, ""e Fresh Fish received daily, Pork Sausage, Cabbage, , I'otatoes, Etc. SSTWill sell IOE st 1 cent per pound. O. Gh EVJ5l1TS, Weldon, N. C. npr 2 tf. C''fd to b( tniJe from Imported All Wool, Black or hluc Worsted CoiJcJ Cheviot, made in latest style, lined with imported i-armcr :atin, trimmed and finished i.i the best nl Custom Tailor manner. You cannot Jupllcale It In your town for $15.00. HOYS' KNEE 'A MS SATIS, iy. yens vvv 4 In 15 ).irs, i m i..r viti n ii tit.. fi h kll i M' li ( --'. I-'. v ' i '3.25 now to Measure for Mei's and Boys' Suits: Measure a rouml Breast and Waist, ami fro m Crutch to Heel fi.r Pants. For Boys, send WE PAY EXPRESS CHARE to your door, and, sho you not feel sallsll will refund money. 12- RFMFMRFR -V0'J "uy direct from one of lhc largest wholesale ma: J -!-L facttirers a full Suit, COAT, VKST and PANTS, L(J $0.50, m.klc 1. 1 i.rdcr. II you order a suit, your friends will want one lik j; OCT. llitlS-FATrn CATAIOCUE. rnntaminir lare varielv of enuallv Ha n. (.-.: '-. MAI1EDFKEE. !-:.,l rnemv i.t ,.nr risk l.v Draft oh New . i.. .l.-;, --. ii f..i.rt-s.s iir.l.-r, or l-..slerU Lttti-r. E. ROSENEIRGlR & CO "V,L.V;:r: New York Ci W. D. HARRISON'S BUS- LIN1 BETWEEN WELDON and ROANOKE RAPI Schedule in effect as follows: l.iav.s Wolilon daily at IlVlIII 1'. M. Arrive ltnanoko llapida 1:30 1'. J Leave ltoannkc Hii.iilM. 2:llll 1'. M. Arrive WelJon 11:00 1'. M. triy-Will make special trips if necewarj leaving WelJon at S:0fl A. M. 1:1)0 1'. M. 1'AliH for the rutin.) trip 7.) cents. Tare one way only, 50 cetits. tjaVt'i.iiil'' v.liicl.s ami lmoi! teams. npr : Jfo. o. Qwwe, Wiuilisllii: Wll.Mll', Nuiai.l.K.YA. CtEl t, LATHS. II AlK, I'l.A.l'l KR, SLATE'S, TAR, SEWER AND CHIMNEY PIPE, MIAINTH.K, SIIKLL I.1MK ASD LAND PI.AKTEK, n.rS".ly Q OOKE, CLAES iV' CO, $4SfJ, D00fS JflD MUNI'S, Builder's Hardware, Paints, Oils, GUsa, And Bl lLUlNli MATKKIAL of Every tm i'rl.lloii. NORFOLK, VA. iq.r 2'. ly. II. P. SALE, WM. I,IN. Pioprii-lor. Manner MANSION HOUSE. Hirrn OS - s AMERICJN AND EUROPEAN PLANS, Union Street, NORFOLK, VA. THECOUPER MARBLE WORKS, III, 113 A 115 Utillk St., Noifolk, Va. Large stock of tpMunumintf ami Grnwttonn, etc. Ready for immediate shipment. Designs free. 11 2 ly This Space is re served for ) ILLIl 1 who are north buying a large spring stock. RAFTER CONSULTAT mm THEY ACREI To send their orders for printit WELDON, N. C. VISITING CARDS OF LATEST STYLES Li tter Heads, I'aeket Head Hill Heads, Envelop Statements, m ProuraiiiiiieH, Etc., Etc. So? Write fur suniulcs and prlc QqUKTIUSU NEW. fKEW WAY ot DOING anOli PROOFLESS PLATE New York lestal Eooms, 0: V.2 Main .t., :."uifuik, V. J. I). KNNEH, I ''Nowml iiw.,viry," KxtmrrTwIli, Impri-asiou Kiel ti.tli atuiu il' ol in "ir. ly. THE KERN FURNITUE It Old Market Square, Norfolk, Bah Carriaps, Mrini ami full line of Kurnitun npr 30 lj, Catt o f ante in teTl will pay HIGHEST PIUCE fur caltlo, suitahle for nice beef. Call on or address, W.T. PARKI mar 19 4t Woldon,