( AN'OIT.NIITO. Mr. W. C. Whitakcr lias Snmrtliiiif: to Say Atuut Ilk SunJay-Schtml work in the County. THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY, Al'lUL 30, lS'.MI. The semi annual convention of the Sjuuilay Sellout workers of Brinkleyville township was held at Ringwood the 23rd. The day was beautiful and the attendance was large fur a work day Thursday. It is comforting and encouraging to see the Lord's people clinging to Him and doing their best at all times to gloii fy Him. I will say that Warreu and Nash counties were represented in the convention, members of the medical pro fession, lawyers, merchants, farmers, preachers, and Sunday school superin tendents, men, women and children were there. Seven out of the eight churches iu tho Sunday school convention of the township were represented, all sending contributions. Four preachers of differ ent denominations were present and gave help and encouragement. Dinner in abundance was served in a large and beautiful oak grove. The next conven tion goes to Central Cross M. K. church, Knlield township tho largest in the county is to hold its convention nt Uawsons X Roads' Baptist church the lib Sunday in June. Littleton township is getting ready for its convention at Littleton and I do sincerely trust that each towuehip president in Halifax coun ty will hold a convention before the mid dle of July, as the convention comes off at Halifax a little later on. I give here with a Hit of the town-hip presidents who are vice presidents to the county convention: liriukleyville L. Vinson. liutterwood and Kaucetts Dr. Patterson. Conoeotiara 1'atil M. Tillery. Knfiuld S. S. Alsop. ' Halifax W. F. Coppcdgo. Littleton A E. Carter. I'almyra HP. llyman. Roseneath Dr. M. T. Savage. Scotland Neck A. H. Taylor. Weldon 11. C. Spiers. I shall be glad to hear from any all of them. Yours in the Work for God and manity, ( W. C. Wiutakek, Pres. U.S. S. Con. Knficld, N C. rMiri.li irniR Tl ocal -i- I,' Jj r,r Intelligence Committee Mektinii. There will be a meeting of the County Democratic Executive Committee at Halifax Friday, May the 8th, at 12 o'clock, M , for the purpose of lixing u day for the county convention, and for tho transaction of any other business that may properly como before it. Every member is re quested to be present. I. E. Green, Chairman. Weldon, N. 0., April 2!)lh, 1890. Cotton is coming up. The roses arc now blooming again. GfANO selling is about over at last. The best thing out is an aching tooth. The oyster is no longer "in the soup." 1'uiWKIts are the kind words of na ture. Even the honest farmer "waters his block. The leaves should be grown by Jlay 10th. Tu E torrid wave was followed by chilly nights. JfsT Rei'KIVEd. By old Joe Whit akcr, Knlield, direet from the tnanul'ac tillers, a splendid assortment of umbrel las to suit all. Tho goods are the best, handles the latest anil prices the lowest. Look at them befure bujing. - - Conckkt. A concert will be given at Emry's Hall tomorrow (Friday) night for the benefit of the Episcopal church here. Miss Ruth Mason, Mrs V. It. liund, Dr. W. Paul Moore uud others will take part in the cntertaiument. Fur every variety and phase of the many diseases which attack the air pas sages of the throat and lungs, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will bo found a specific. Its anodyne and expectorant qualities are promptly realized, and it is always ready for use. Ei'woimi Leaiiie Convention. Tho Epwotth League and Sunday School convention of the North Carolina Con ference, Methodist Episcopal Church, convened in annual conference at Golds boro Tuesday. Rev. R. P. Troy and Mrs. Ma T, Wilkins went down as dele- ates fiom the church at this place. spring dress goods are pretty II A. hu- i An Interesting Hatch uf News Notes. Mr. Walter Whitakcr is very sick with malarial fever. Mr. Bob Skinner, of Norfolk, is with Pr. Harrison in the drug storo during his illness. Messrs. Murphy, Jaeksou and New 8oin, of Littleton, were here Sunday to seo somo of our prettiest vouni; ladies I Mr. Will Beavans came up from I Rocky Mouut Sunday. j Mr. E. R. Turobull, of Lawreneevide, !Va., is hero visiting his uncle, Dr. Har rison. I Work on the tobacco warehouse, which ihas been suspended for thu past several days for lack of brick, has been resumed, .joveral warehousemen from Danville, loxborj, Ricky Mount, etc , have been Wo lately but no positive contract has jet been made. I hope by next week I can send in Joine news in regard to a bank here. Mr. Rose, contractor, of Wilson, is ere remodeling the old storo house re- Icntly occupied by Dr. Harrison. Daniel's bridge over Fishlug erevk, etween here and Whitakers, has been inndemncd. The contract for u mw iilgo was given to a Johnston county an and will bo built ut once. He is o sumo man who built the bridge at ellainy's mill. A Wirrenton man wants to come Sere to manufacture tobacco flues. X Mr. D. D. Rryan says he is going to Wild some livery stables and paint the tbtcl. "Ahl" Dr. Ward has been lame lor the past V days owing to a fall from a bicycle. I Miss Mattie Tuckcrtn in, uf New York, it visiting tho family of Mr. Geo. B. Uurtis. . j There will be a big picnic at the lake "4 May 1st. Over 500 invitations have The new aim cheap. Wot: l.t) man with bated breath make a good li-hermau? Mohe men are ruined by foolish frieuds llian wise enemies. A beautiful girl is a poem in which every line rhymes. The woods are now beautiful with the lovely wild flowers. You often find a five cent heart million dollar body. It is better to stand for the right thau to lie for the wrong. UIE fruit is now safo having escaped the full moon Mouday The Republicans will meet in conven tion nt Halifax today. K ."Ml . . . .ii'iui, win oe put out at the Home plate by May tomorrow. Fix up your front yards aud sprinkl lime freely i the back lots. God save sunshine to Mahuiaub Nkah Enpiei.i). At the residence of the bride's mother, near nfield, tho 22ud, Mis Myrtie C. Hol land, an attractive anil popular voun" ly of that section was quietly married Mr. George W. Thompson, a well known young business nun of (loldsboro. Tho Roanoke News extends congratu lations and best wishes. N'otick. Dr. T. T. Ross, our popular mist, has been culled to Nash county for a lew days. Ho will return lo his office hen; on May 11th and resume his practice lie is one of the best dentists the country aud his work is always satisfactory. His friends and tho public nerally will please take notico that he will return mi the 11th day id' May aud will be clad tn serve all in need of work his line. Halikax Was in it. In the game of ball at. Danville, University of North Carolina vs the University of Virginia, for the championship of the South, the Tar Hells won by a score of 11 to G. It gratifying to kuow that old Halifax county helped to win the victory. Stewart was pitch and Edwin Gregory held 'cond base. Stewart pilches great ball and Edwin Gregory is iho best second iseinau iu the slate. He 4 Miss Alice Lewis, a b M young lady, died at ! . ,. ,'(tlUli I '-on ( I -' t "Wilt beautiful Chris- tier home near Veni, Sunday afternoon, of consumption X311S was a sad death and the afflict ed family has our sympathy. The colored Idustrul and Normal llege, over the creek, bus about 50 ; AoUw. This school is run by tho niortcan Missionary Association and i qe principal and teachers, who ate ool- l ored, aro unpretentious, well mannered i people. I Politics aro warming up among the Mored peoplo. Cheatham mid llnnon (tiumtes ror tno tJonsjressToual nomiua- train, this district spoke heru Satur each abusing the other. The senti "nt seemed to be pretty eveulv , uwiuea. f ' I t ' :- By local applications, as they cannot I Maoh tho diseased portion ol the car. v- i erp 6 only ouo way to cure Deafness, j. aipu mai is oy constitutional remedies . ' Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi i'ii6n of the mucous liniiiu of the mustaohing tube. When this, tube gets r inflamed you have a rumbling sound or liporleet hearing, and when it is entirely ttosed Deafness is the result, and unless ibe inflammation can be taken out and . tbis tube restored to its normal condition, bearing will bo destroyed forever; nine Cttos out of ten aro oauscd by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condi " tlon of the mucous surfaces. rWewlllgivo One Hundred Dsflars any case of Dcafnoss (oaused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's .Utarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props. I Toledo, Ohio. V i m-Soi by all Druggists, f5. Teatituoniak free. mail as gives love of play to children, i' , , i. i ... , . i i'o mo sanas ot ueains uarli grave the sea uf trouble easts no wave. TilK bjst kind of sidewalk: Walkin; by the side of a sweet Weldon girl. Moonheams. are the strongest timbcis used in building castles in the air, OMEN love always so they profess men lovo wheu they are nut busy, A series ol meetings will begin at the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday. Now doth the bull frog nightly sin to II iwers that ought to bloom in the spring. The county commissioners will hold their regular monthly meeting next Mon day. A I'll it, 1890 has broken all former records of warm weather for the samo month iu other years. Make it a point to see that your blood is purified, enriched and vitalized at this season with Hood's Sarsaparilla. The young man who can shoulder sack of flour with ease nearly kills hiui- s-'lf in his efforts to raise a moustache. Al'tlll. 'Misi May can I retire eirly tonighi? May "No, not a minuts uoiore niianigiit, then I will take your place. A wile has no bu.-iuess sewiug for the heathen when her husband wears a heavy long tailed coat in summer to avoid em barrassmeut. The former residence of Mrs. Ell Daniel hero has been greatly improved and the new coat ot paint gives a charm ing appearance. There is no use i i ernwlin i ab ut the warm weather. It you have a line duster aud an umbrella you should thank God that you aro living. II the hair is falling out, or turnm g. ay, requiring a stimulant wiih nourish ing and coloring food, Hall's Hair Vege table Sicilian Hair Ronower ii just tht specific. - mil dry MI.N. Mr. e. Kell, umn ager of the largo number mills at Gum berry, has just made a contract with well known Baltimore firm for a dry kilo of 30,000 feet daily capacity. We glad to note this enterprise in our sister county of Northampton. II 0K The autograph letter testifying cures made by Ayer s Sarsaparilla and other preparations are kept on file at the J. C. Ayer Co.'s office, Lowell, Mass They are from all ovor tho world and are cheerfully shown to anyone desirous seeing them. -W Clotiiinq To QmigR Cheap. take pleasure in calling attention to advertisement of E. Rosioburger & Co New York. These gentlemen make elegant suits to order for $6.50. We have examined their samples and they appear remarkably cheap. Read their adver tisement carefully and see what they say It appears in another column. lii line towels, napkins, and table linen generally. Also wrappers, for ladies only. at the leading house of M. Fredlander. Knocked Fiiiim The Tii.mk. Willie Grant, colored, of Northampton, was knocked from the railroad track by a Wilmington aud Weldon train last Mon- ;)' while asleep on the track, ile was knocked about fifteen feet and, strange losay, was only slightly i ml Crossed The Dark River. Mrs. George Wade Pearson, alter a brief ill ness, crossed the dark river of death last Tuursday morning and entered into rest beyond the borders of time. Tho deceased was a Miss Valentine of Brunswick county, Va., before uiaitiage, and was a most, excellent Christian lady, beloved by a large circle of relatives and friends. She was a consistent member of tho Baptist church and died as she had lived iu love aud chaiity with her neighbors. The cause of death was paralysis. Tho remains were taken to her former homo iu Virginia, Friday morning, aud were laid to rest iu the family burying ground. Our sympathies aro extended to the bereaved family. . Mr. Dunn'.s Views. Mr. W. A. Dunn, of Scotland Neck, member of thu Democratic State executive committee, aud one of the best informed lawyers iu the county on tho linaneiat questiou, writes Mr. Ed Chambers Smith as fol lows: "If there is any straddle by our party ou the silvei question, in cither Slate or national convention, it would he the surprcmcst folly to make a campaign in this State. Our people by us havo been tauiiht that free coiuaue is riht and they believe it. It is needless for tin gold bug organs to say that it is l'opu listic to advocate freo coiuage. The Democratic parly in North Carolina, by its press, and by those placed iu hidi positious, is responsible for the faith of the peoplo ou this subiect. lucre can be no hair spliting or dodging." (.'immds Hl'sy Day. Tho little nod of Lovo had a busy day yesterday and sev eral well kuows people bowed to Hymen some of them being former Weldon pco people. At llalilax Miss Maggie Uusuy, one fthe loveliest young ladies in the coun ty, was united in marriage to Mr. W. H. Blaeknall, of Raleigh, at Granville street M. E church, the pastor of the church icrl'uriiiing the ceremony, iews also reached here or the mar ,ge of Mr. A. S. Allen, of Norfolk, a former well known resident of this town to Miss Sallie Suead, the beautiful and accomplished daughter of Capt. C. G. Snead, of Fluvanna county, Va. The bride is a sister of Mrs. W. E. Daniel, of this place. The marriage of another popular couple took place in this county yesterday after noon and too late for this issue. Notice ill appear next week. State Farm Gleaninusj. Two dy evangelists preached at Captain injured. He was brought here placed under tho charge of Dr. I. E Green, who promptly atteuded to his injuries. Do Not Do This. Do not bo in dueed to buy any oth r if you have made up your mind to take Hood's Sar purilla. Remember that Hood's Sarsa parilla cures when all others fail. Do not "ive up in despair because other lieioes have faile d to help you. lake Hoods Sarsaparilla faithfully and you may reasonably expect tu be cured. Hoods fills are purely vegetable carefully prepared from the best ingre dients. 25c. Street Preachers Two white ladies, members of the Salvation Army preached iu tho streets here Saturday. Sun lay they preached to the convicts at (he State farms. The women had good, kind king faces, but it strikes us oein out ol the sphere ot pure woiuauhomt to go around preaching to proiuiseuuus crowds upon the streets. However, if their motive is pure and God is with them, man should not say audit against it Colored Preacher Dead. Ana uias Buck, a well known colored preacher (licit at llalilax last bunday uud was buried Monday. A good many colored people from here attended tho funeral services. Ihe deceisjd was about 80 years old and was well known hole, where he has preached at different times. lie was a most worthy oilureu man ant was considered honest, nuu reliable He was an old thus "befo' do wall' darkey no I was polite to nil. W sincerely trust that the old niau rests i peace. Two Wki.i. Known Houses. li affords us pleasure to call attention the advertisement of S. A. Nash & S Norfolk, Va., manufacturer of doois, sash, blinds and other builders supplies. These gentlemen are two well known la our readers to need any words of com UH'tlilatioo at our bauds. If you ne anything in their line write them. Wo would also remind our readers tli the Kern 1" urniture Company, of Nui folk, is doing business at the old stand They carry an excellent stock of fund turc, and call attention particularly rclngcrators and baby carriages at this season. mi UN Tit AVKI.INtJ. Whether cn pleasure bent, or business take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effectually on tho kidneys, liver aud bowels, preventing fevers, headaches, and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50 cent and SI bottles by all leading drug gists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company only. For Ladies Only. Big lino of counterpanes to he sold low this week I am overstocked, M. Fredlander the leader. Who's Siiei.laueikieii? He's the Wire Fence Man, of Atlanta, Ga., and sells the best and cheapest fencing in ex stenco for all purposes. (11.1) MAW'S CONVr.NTION. I lie lurly-Niiilh Annual Sessinn I'mry's Nail. eli in Bradshaw's camp to the convicts Sunday morning and in the allternoon at the other lartn. Mr. S. G. Wright died of congestion of the lungs at Captain Rhem's quarters Saturday. 1 1 is remains wero taken to bis former home in Nash county for interment. Miss May It hem, who has been visiting relatives and menus m Mewbernc for some time, returned home last week Mi.-s Mat lie Bradshaw was on the sick list during last week. flic rains of last Friday wero much needed on the farms in this section. Mr. W. W. Green, of Raleigh, who is state chemist, was here last week. Capt A. K. Sater, of Wake county, who has been in the service of the state for a number of year is assistant to Capt. Bradshaw. He is an efficient officer aud a clever geutleman. w. II. W. A Forfeited Game Harrison's aggregation crossed bats with the Insti tute fur the third gamu of the series at Base Ball Park Monday, aud as both sides claim the game, we think it best that they play it again. The facts are about as follows: The lirst inning resulted in ought for each lub. The next showed a score of 2 to 1 iu favor of the Towu. The third re sulted iu placing the Institute boys ahead by a score of G to 5. After this the In stitute pulled further ahead by making the figures read 13 to 9. In tho next inuiug the t own walked away with the boys and piled up runs. When the Iu stitutes took up the stick in the final in ning the Town was ahead, the score be- lug 0 toll. 1 ho hrst two ot the In stitutes whu went to the bat were put out Pair then hit safely to first. Coppedge also lined the sphere out and advanced Pair to third. Bagby then went to the bat and the man on first stole second. J'air came over the home plate on a blocked ball, but the Town Would not ad mit that it was blocked, or at least there appeared some doubt about it, The um pire called "play ball," but the Towu ag gregation claimed that the game was ended and thu umpire decided in fnvnr of the Institute by a score of 9 to 0 The gamo was a very pretty and ex citing one and as there appears to be some grounds for the claims uf both eides our advice to the boys is to pi ay tho game again next Monday, To introduce my large work, I will offer until May 1st, when I will close my gallery here, one dozen cabinet photo graphs aud a 14 x 17 crayon for $5 00, Call at gallery, above Mr. E.T.Clark's stoic, and see samples of crayon, pastel aud water colors. Don't miss this chance if you want a Hue portrait. Very respectfully, Paul M. Taylor. The old maids of the United States (principally from Halifax) met in con vention here Monday night. The free coinage of silver II! to 1, fusion, nor the single standard were the issues discussed. The one, all overshad owing question was "llow shall we secure husbands?" Prior to the meeting of the conven tion the famous Peak sisters, of Alaska, appeared upon the rostrum and delighted the large audience present with their lit tle song of iuquiry about a certain "Muffin Man," and other selections. The convention was then called to order, after one of the ladies had been "rocked to sleep," the president, Angelina Elcctriifina Hypnostria Clark, (Miss Annie Travis) presiding. The secretary July Polly Flipps, (Miss Jessie Gregory) then read the minutes of the last meeting and called the roll. The following dele gates answeied to their names: Elvira Skiddle iue-faddle (Miss Kate Prescott); Jemima Buuip (Miss Elbe Sater); Sami'utha Whoop em-up, (Mrs. Calhoun); Glory Ann July Nebby Ciu derelly Annabclla Green (Miss Elizabeth Gregory); Edith May Pinkie Peachie Rosy Lissy Brown (Miss MeNauiura); Hannah Susanna Sugarham (Miss Mb Malum); Belinda Bluegrass (Miss Fannie Sater; Tryphcnia Tryphonia Fling (Miss Hill); Sallie Skecters (Miss Cooper); Tilda Smoots, (Miss Susie Hill); Marian Francis Rose Beauty Spot Temptation Touch me not, (.Miss Helen Daniel); Celeslia Paulina Carolina Louisa Miffkins (Miss Nelson.) Each of the delegates gave their ex perience in the cllorls they bad made to capture husbands. The audience was fa Tored with a "duct" by Miss Elvira Skid-dle-nie fuddle' and a quartet! by "three" old maids. The business of the conventiou being over, the rejuvenating machine, which was warranted by the inveutor to giind up old maids and turn out young "iris iu their stead, was introduced by the inven tor and to prove its merits she exhibited two lovely specimens, who had foimerly been old maids of no uncertain age. The old maids then entered the machine one by one and pretty soon bright, happy little girls began to roll out, to the aston ishment of all, and this wound up the convention. The Halifax people have great talent for unique eutertainments and the Old Maids' Convention will be remembered as one of their most pleas ing performances. Refreshments wcie served the visitors in the hall by the ladies of Weldon after the convention was over. The cntertaiument was for the benefit of the Episcopal church here and the ladies and gentlemen of Halifax have the thanks of this town for the delightful entertainment afforded, as well as for the pecuniary benefits received. I'll.liRIMS AND SIKANlil.RS. A Week's Kecorj of Those w ho Cume anj Cm. Beware of that constant cough and loss of flesh which indicates decline and sure consumption. Help yourself while llicro is yet time by taking Johnson's Emulsion of Cud Live Oil. Pleasing to the taste. Pint bottle, t.00. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist, Weldon, N. C. Tu k citizens of Elkin were treated to a spectacle last week that they have never bad the pleasure uf enjoying befure a judge ot the hupenor Court in an intoxi cated conditiou. He was one of the fusion judges elected at the last electiooi Elkin Times. Call for tho Horse Brand, Johnson's Magnetic Oil, it has no equal for all external purposes for man or beast. Cures spraius, bruises, swellings, rheuma tism and neuralgia. Large Lollies, L.) and 50c. For sale by W. M. Cohen, druggist, Weldon, N. C. - Laces, llaiiiburgs aud trimmings fur ladies only. Big line at half usual price. M. F'rcdlander, thu leader, Necessity is the mother of all inven tions except the folding bed. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 8,160 Pieces Ladies' and Children's Muslin Underwear One Half and one third Below Value. j ic u m 'y.mmi cm il-rtB'lMt.' "Jif- .I: :.Y. 'mi 10c, 15c, 25c, 59c, 75c, $1.00. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Mrs. Anna Gage, wife of Ex Deputy 1), S. Marshal, Columbus, Kan., says i "I was delivered of TWINS in less than 20 min utes and with scarcely any pain after using only two bottles of "MOTHERS' FRIEND" DIP NOT SUFFER AFTERWARD. Ml.Otk nor hnttljt. Itm.lt' "TO MOTH HUH'' uiulieti true. $L-iT BB1DF1ELD RtGTUTOIt CO., iTLAMl, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Wanted-An Idea S Who can think of gome simple thlnir tu Dftlent? Protect your I flea; ther may tiring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDEKUURN ft CO.. Patent it tor. Deya, WeahlagUm, D. C, fur their $I,8uu prtio offe man nib 01 tu uuuunu uiTtnmuue wmiwu. S0TJCE.-sa The undersigned having iualilied before the Superior court of Halifax county us administrator of the estate of Miss Carrie Kdwards, deceased, on the ltith day of April 1MNI, hereby notilics iill persons holding chums against his said inte&tate to present them to nun at his olhce iu Weldon, Ji. C duly verified within twelve months from date of this notice orthe same will be plead- eil in liar tliereol. All persons who are indented to the es tate are requested to make immediate pay- men t. This the Kith day ot April lHSIb. J. T. (iUOCH, admr., of Miss Carrie Kdwards. dec. apr 23 fit. A manufacturer's stock. New, per fectworth coming 200 miles to buy. On second floor also a special Underprice sale of Separate Dress Skirts Ready to wear. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Watt, Eettew Clay, Miss Atniuic l'owcrs is visiting f'ricn Is in (ioldsboro. Solicitor Daniel is at liertie Superior court this week. Dr. J. O'Brien, of Aurcliun Springs spent Sunday in town. Uuv. Kdwurd Benedict returned home SilurJuy from New York. Mr. Hunter Mountcastle, ol' Kicliuiond. is vi-iiin; his brother here. Miss Oarinnu Moore, who has bceu ou a visit here, left Tuesday for Halifax. Miss Fannie Alliriton, of Roanoke Kapids, spent Sunday here on a vi.-it to Mrs W. It. Vick. Mr. It 1'. tiring, of Jarratla, Va., sptnl Sunday iu town ihe finest of Mr B. K. fiary uud family. Mr. J. W . Howard, a former popular rcsidciit of Weldon, but now i f Floieuce, S C, is vUtiug friends iu town. Mr. Kugene Johnston, one of the im si popular youn busine-s men of Littleton, paid this town a pleas mt visit Sunday. Mr. Iv II. I'urscll, a most excellent a-nl clever youug man, who has been nioln operator here has been transferred ti Richmond. Mr George 11.111,01 Petersburg, wlio was at oiieiiiuc heal master ofllio I'uiver tily school here, spent Sunday in town Mr. II ill has many friends ut lliH place Mr. I. W. Sipiire, a whole soiilud, Lig hearted tutli iii.ui who was ut one lime resi.li-nt ot this town, but Uo a popular citizen of IIimik'Ii ville, Vu , was among the vi-ilors here Salurday. Mr D. A Lawrence, one of the uiuat popular operator iu the service of the Atlantic Coast Line, succeeds Mr. Pur aelt as night operator hero. Mr. Law rence's many friends here are glad to have him back a;ain. Choi- down the weeds before they gel too much headway. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. BkpokR leaving this country I'ade rewski, the ivory manipulator, left $10, 000 to be divided iu prixes of $500, SiiOO and 200 to American composers, in triennial competitions. It is not always that which we best that does us the most good. You oan't travel into a woman's lections by getting on her train. like af- 1 We have hAnk propnnw enpoelally for you, which Y that evorv child la liahU t,. .nH r.. WUICU i- ,w rrey 9 ST U hub H tor. Vermifuge 1 hubeenmooesafUllyuMdU J Oa hoitt by awtl fcr .. r mar 26 ly. A postal card will bring you our wiU-smaii and 1 save yuu mom'y. y IRGIN1A QaNDY Qb., WliuK'siile ' hi ftr tinners and Fruits, Fancy Gro- riTH'B, t.HncH aim (. nickers. The Great New Store, ON m&gRanby. NORFOLK, VA. 41 Roanoke Art'., apr ly Nurfolk, Va. jSjOTKE.-x North Carolina, Iu Superior Court. Halifax County J , (1. Daniel, administrator of the estate ol 11. K. L'nllm, demised, pluiutilf. Against Fannie S- Johnston and J. W. Johnston, her husliand, Paul Garrett ( Horace )'u lien, Ovid I'ullen and Lney I'll I leu hy their guardian) ,T. 1). liuilock, de fendants- In pursuance of an order marie iu the ahow entitled cause on the oth day of March lHUli hv S. M. liarv, clerk of Sune- riorc.mrt of Halifax couutv, X. C, the imdetsiuned commissioner will proceed to sell at the Central Hotel iu the towu ot Littleton ou the 25th dav of May 1 HUG, at PJo'eloek M. to the highest hidder for cash that tract land of situated in the aforesaid State and count v and bounded on the south hy the lands of Mrs. M. J. Alston, north ami east hy and on the west hy the home place of Sid Alston, it being the tract conveyed hv Leo Alston, to K. H. 1 alien aud is ot record in the othce of the register of deeds of Halifax county in hook 70 on p:ige 4 and to which reference is here made lor a more accurate description of said land. Aud also oue oth er lot of land situated in the town ol Lit tleton known as the hotel Central property excepting the hotel building and kitchen and a lot of laud hetweeu the said hotel and kitchen and gardeu pailiugs. TKIiMS Of SALE Ot the hotel proper ty is one-third cash balance in 6 and 12 months title retained to property until the all purchase money is paid aud legal inter est ou deterred payments. . u. DAMhL Commissioner. pril 20, lWHi. apr 23 4t R0fJ0KE R4PIDS mDHIIlE stfops EQUIPPED Wlfff fffE LJESJ CLJSS Xt0lK 47 EJS0fiJBLE flQ- uhes. special fpiioivipT TTEflm Tiof qiVEfl to iEpjii wouk op J!.L KIiDS. OUiOKE MPIDS, fl. C: mar 12 Cm. ft- IB?" tKir How Is Tour Times JJXECUTRinNOTl.CE. Having (lUiilili-Hl 08 exeeutrix upon the entitle ol Wm. E. Bellamy, cleeeuseil, I hcreliy give nntiie to all nurtiea liolilinii elainm neainst Haiti estate to present them to me o'l or before the lirnt day of May, l!i7, at hnliultl, N. U , or tliw notice will he nleaiil in bar of their recovery, All er- Holm imlfliti'ri lo nam ratate will com. lor' wanl ami settle at once anil save runt of line This l.Stli ilay of April 1M!). MARY I.. HKI.LAMY, Executrix of W. E. Bellamy, dee. apr 'j;(-tit. to buy SPRING CLOTHING. Stock complete for the spring, and I will sell cheaper than ever before. I am offering Black Diagonal suits all wool at $7.75, worth $12.50. All wool Cassimere suits at $5.00 that can't be beat. A very fine line im ported goods, black, blue, gray and brown, at $12.50, but they would be cheap at $20.00. BALTIMORE CLOTHING STORE M. Fredlander, Proprietor. NOTICE. North Carolina. ) In Superior court. Italitai county. J J. H- Summerell, J. Wesley Mitchell, aud W. r. Mitcliell, flaintilta Against. A. J. Balier, Sydney Mitchell, Ammie l'owers, W. E. Daniel, asgardian of Ato mic l'owcrs, and W. E Daniel as admin istrator of the estate of J. A. l'owera, doe'd, defendants: In pursuance of an order made in tho above entitled cause on the 25 day oi l October 1H95 by 8. M. Gary, clerk of the Superior court ot Halifax county N. C, trjeumtcrfuirnea commissioners will pro ceed to sell nt the court house door in the towu of Halifax on the 4th Monday in I May to the highest bidder for cash. that tract of land knewn as the Sum merell tract situated in the county of Hal ifax, N. C, houuded on the North by the lands of Hiram Holt and Hoi lord, east by the lands ot U, A. Branch, and on the south by the lauds of Dr. I. E. Oreen, on the west by the lands of James Holdford. Said lands sold for partition. This the 9th day ol April 1NPU. Tkbmnof 8ai.b. Oui' fourlli cash, bal ance in 6, 12 and 18 months, secured by nonus to ne approved by the court. W. E. DANIEL, iS. T. ULAKK, apr 9 4t, Commissioners. I PI I Right in the Swim is J. J. WHITAKEE, EUFIELD ICT.C- All lines complete, which means, anythiog you want in Dry Goods, Notions, fehoe', Hats, Caps, ete. Furnishings being Specialty, you will find wbeo you oome, i beautiful assortment of Shirts, Collars and Cuff, tl hose, Neolr. near, Balbiigan Underwear, ete. Big Hue Oxford Ties, etc, from 50o. up. R. & G, Space will Dot permit naming the Tariety of WASH FABRICS fur WaUu. Crockery, Tinware, Wood ware, Tobacco, Staple Groceries, eto. 19 You are cwdiaily uvited to aall and examine stook, quality tod pricey

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