THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY, Al'KIL 30, Sivuikart ani Wife If Bwcetlieails were sweethearts always. Whether as maid or wile, No drop would he half so pleasant la the iu'iuJl'J draft ol life. But the sweetheart has smiles and Mushes, When the wile has Irowns and sijjis, And the wife's have a wrathful flitter For the f;low of the sweetheart's eyes. If lovers were lovers always, The same to sweetheart and wife, Who would change for a future nf Kden The joys of this checkered lile ? Hut husbands pirow rave and silent, And care on the anxious brow Oft replace the sunshine that perished With the words ot the marriage Vuw Happy is he whose sweetheart Is wife aud sweetheart still; Whose voice, as of old, can charm him; Whose kiss, as of old, can thrill. Who has plucked the rose to liud evel Its beauty and fragrance increase, As the l!uh of passion is mellowed In love's unmeasured peace? Who sees in the step a IL'hlness ; Who finds iu the form a (.-race; Who reads an unalternl brightness Id the witchery of the face. L'ndimmed and unchanged. Ah, happy Is he crowned with such a life ; Who drinks the wife pledging the sweet heart, And toasts in the sweetheart the wife. III XKW ADVKKTISKMKYI'S. Is a remedy -A s'icril.' w.k.c. :t posil.tcly cures all Bronchial Affections, voh' h, CM, Croup, Bronchitis nr. J (-.rippe. You tvr.1 J " rclv on it. DR. BULL'S COi'liH SvKJi" V- to every family. iJricc 2?, cU. ;-':"! ui substitutes. Che LANeF' : el ';.'" Th ' l"- - , T.i'- :rc.i flntiiiote.IOt, Lli'alji-.. ir null. A. C Meyer 4 Co., Balto.,Md. V ,1 H II III UUUUd Insincerity. I do not like to hear him pray, Who loans at twenty five per cent, For then I think the borrower may Be pressed to pay for food and rent. And in that book we all should heed Where't says the lender shall be blest; As sure as I have eyes to read, It does not say, "Take interest," I do not like to hear him pray, On bended knees about an hour For crace to spend a'riirht the day, Who knows his neighbor has no flour. I'd rather see him p to mill And buy the luckless brother bread, And see his children eat their till And laugh beneath their humble shed, I do not like to hear him pray, "Let blessing on the widow he," Who never seeks her home to say. "If want o'ertakes you come to me." I hate the prayer so loud and long That's offered for the orphans' weal By him who sees them crushed by wrong. And only with the lips doth feel. I do not like to hear her pray, With jeweled ear and silken dies, Whose washerwoman toils all day And then is asked to work for less. Such pious shavers I despise; With folded hands and face demure They lift to heaven their angel eyes. Then steal the earnings of the poor. I do not like such soulless prayers If wrong, I hope to be forgiven No angel's wing them upward hears; They're lost a million miles from heaven. It's imK. A. L.Stainback,-' WEM'tiN', N". ('. K.U.I, and WINTF.Ii sl'ot'K Complete. DRY GOODS. siiin:s, Notion., I'.ips., l..VIH, i (Sjw i.C... , Cor- 1 . ret l-'u.ill. t 2., S'.i , I f'.'illiim. ; 11 ADV MiTISIvAlKNTS. I High 1 coilosi piaiitcr.-i imm '. . . ; . , r.iiliinn doll. MS .111 :i iii-; !; mormon ' " ,; Mil (Mil I"' ! "'i - filled, i. ;i.vl i ;'eir:i( sr.-; ;;l Ala .' : I Apt-runeiu Station .hov c!tciii..ivflv i hit; tin- ii.-e id' u Kainit will prevent dreaded plant KAII.KOAD SCIIKIH I.KS. li..Oi t '. ''"IP' bi i. L. SEABOARD AIR LINE ..-r weckj' V 1 1 c I Hi,. .;,ti-t I (luii l,c-l K.'iiic i,nt li. ..iilv I " lli.ii r In I'l.ll,!.!. M III III II IN I I I I I I l Mill JAN. '.'..111. l-'el. BAGGING AND TIES. i f .., ; nl rilDtil Mi. , II o::, Seuing Machines, Trunks, etc. Len-ths. Of trial t( net A.M. I". M . V I ,v i;,i rt i ,,ii I..-t,t. urn mi ,.i.... M-i. ilr Sitiiifj-:- , l.v X Ik, !mi 1 t.:;ti. A ! ',v 1'oil-inonth r ''v',f i -, i .v Snilolk. f eatneroor.2 jot scs L- ; Ar w.-i.i..i.. n.-u c : . ' l.e W'elilon. 1 1 .,"." a.m. Also agent tor IMPERIAL & CLEVELAND i .. !; ni. i.'iii 1 m:;. '..y; i.i i. nuncio, and the Ei)iiital'lc I.ile Asnr.inic Society sep din. KALA.' II. J. COPvOLK, Watch Maker - and - Jewels Littleton, N. C. Ai llui.ler-.nn, Ar I 'in h.itu, Ar i;.il.i-h, Ar Sollllleltl rine A., Al !( -I'oro. A l M.-:ooe. Ai t li.n lot l,-. 1.1 Mo:il,,e. X. C. ii. a. in. I llll 1 J-in- I.-1.' a tn, 1 ol' eiii. ?."o ;i in- I! .1 1 e in . o.;!n a. in. o k i in. 7 a. in II. -V' i.lii. ,o ,i in. "I M. -.! a.m. - 'e p iii. a in. I" no p.m. n. I.". ;i in. IM.'. i..V, a.m. It's comin' long, good people, an' it's somethin' sweet to tell, From water-tank to steeple, 'bout the melon in the well ! You know it's ripe an' juiey, and it's cool as cool kin be, An' it's jest the finest catiu' that wuz ever made for me ! The melon the melon! Thar's nothiu' that kin tell One half die juiey sweetness )f the melon in the well I You know when you have seen it in the cool fence corner there, While the sweet birds sang above it au' made music in the air; And the field hands loft the corn blades an' the daisies io the di II To taste the drippiu' sweetness of the melon in the well ! The ripe old (ieurgy melon 1 Th ir's nothin' that kin tell t trie-half the juiey sweetness ( II' the me! ill ill the Weil ! Jest thump her with your lingers, when she's got that tcmptin' stripe. Au' you almost hear her answer through the green rind; "I am ripe!'' An' then your knife eotnes drippiu' from its heart so red an' sweet, Where the wild an' waviu' grasses make a cm pet at your feet ! O the red old (leorgy melon ! Thar's nothin' that kin tell One half the juiey sweetness 01 the melon from the well ! Stanton in Constitution U Co. -h i, . f. lo.-jo 1 i.i,-. .,., Al I hnti.n, :-. C. I I .".o.i.iii -.'. ;, p , A l.r :iw I. . 0. iv. r: i-:.:.: y.u, i ''i .r:!-. . ('. I.i:. l.-J" p.m. ' l Kll elioli. I ,.i. y, g I I p 111 Ar . i In !.. i. m : A r A : l.itil.i. I iiion if- p. '.'.l -I n!' p. in. I Ar Ma. on. (.,,,, ii, -i . m tl. I" . in. i.e Vi'ri.ioll. I; In o. In. I !l ii in KI.KOAXT WATCflrX I'lXi: CHAIXS. I'l. I X t.i H.l i AXI 1'A M 'V Fl Xi i Kl; : A, p, , .;, ,,, 7..;,, Kins, Clocks ami ,-ilvei-H.ire. KKI'.UUIXi; A SI'IA'IAI.I'V. Mr. Conlie is Ar W . I.i., 11 !mni il.e s;i:!i: X. Io;, enlliinieil with Uiclinesl watch making tools ami all uoik. l'liees low. 1 ' '' ' x"- I'"'- . '. ' 1 .no, o., ,-! 1 1.11 i, l.iinihil Irani. Xo J;lll :il ly. ; eS..ia W'el.lon to Allaiil.i. riillniaii I .-lei p. is W , l,l..ii tn All, mi, 1 ami Maeon. I '.I I .,i!leel- lllleel !v al Ai 1 llll 1 Willi V , .in.l A. I, I.', lor f li.i'l laii,...L .i . X.isl.i ill. ami ,ii! pents f.ani, .is iih A. 1 '. XV. I'. iJ. Ii. lei Mol. lie. .Molll.ollielV, X. w 1 1 1 i ea 1 1 s a n. 1 a I i p.. ill's ,.iitliuel. I el 11. k, 1 ami k.m-aue , iieeks tn all I ...:lil- .-..utii ami M.niln -l,,.,ing eai i . s, 1 1. 1 1 mi, ami l- lliiol ma' n.n ea 1 1 ..n : I'. AM'I.I.MiN. A-.m. W.i.lon, X. f ! I'- ' A i'l I.MiN. t.,ii i I'.,-, ii-cr Ac I .i. v. i:i;tixv.x. .ii., N.i. r.i-. ,m, JhiiiN, X..i:.-!k, a. i.e.. .M.1-. i; x nr., ti..v. r..-- ak-i. I'.nis- i!;, X ,. - I". J. 'II X ic- I'll.. ..nil 11, iTI M-r. X- I. X,i i.. . i, ,.,., ,1 siipeiiimi, II. W. I,, i.l.nx I I;, Ir.,;::,- ).KW,.r. to l.' l 'llivis, I'orl-iiiontli. X a. W. & W. R. R. BRANCHES AM' 1- l.i'l;l M-K !;.MI.i;u.ii. t nii.leliscil Si licilule. I K.MN.s (, ins,, -in EM NKW ADVKIiTtSMMKNTS. EI SS PIERS -wiit)i.i:Ai.K:.;ni i.KT.xii. m:ai.i:i;s ix- QEfiERHL PERCHMDISE. NKW ADVKltTIHliMKNTS. Jj A New kh Weldon, N. C. 17111 UUUlUi 1J.LIUKJK) UUUUU, j Boots, Shoes, C L 0 I N ! r Gents' Furnishings, Our Stock of Hosiery and Handker chiefs and Gloves is superb. Be sure to inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. net 'Jli 1 y . : ,.L....-,L....' - i ESTABLISHED IN 1865. Ik'sioii- sent tn any ail.Ire.-s I-'liKI". In ritini! lor them iileasc Kivo act; nf ilei'i-as.-il anil suiiu limit as to price. All work waiT.iiitcil . v. v. s. A M I' M I'.M. AM, xlis.V- -.--- STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS AM' 1:1 v SATisp.uTonv. NO AM VTKL'K VAXTi:i. Che "Are jut sare f am the Hr-t woman you ever loved He "I sweat it." She "Then you may go. A fur you have obtained some experience, come to me SL'ain." ADYKRriSEMKNTS. U IJ'W t a e m m m a ... , ., - ' . m g -.v.: i'sk iii-a rojica't-niv, neeaiic serious Z 8 Qdml VV.,.i .Ku. v tnl IU! vim iirc weak jiiitl 11.T iy enli;uialfd. uetveus, ii pp hie cud can I Z, w 'k, iii oin e J taki- n l (. mn.l re- Z liat'l'- rtiii'tli.-nniK m nnuii. itto, wlnth i Kr w s Iron bmcrs. S Him-tit rntiK-s (rom the wiy lirsl dosv. A IT CURES Dvspcpsia, Kioncv no Liven 0 Ncuraloi , Tnouoics. Constipation, li.ipure Blood, Malaria, !;cnwoo pilmcnt, RS Womcn'3 Complaints, Got on'y the (jcnuine it Ii s crusacd red J lines i n Hie vr:ipcr. JJ BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, MO. J Work Delivered At Any Depot. A 1 1;.. M..1111! '. . 1" . . I.'r Url.r.., I: ! I V ;. :.: M..UK!. 1 ee I" !' ,!- ,1, li e. n s I.i s. il-al. : :. la .- ilie. 1 1 ' , Ai I ;, I ..,H la e. T i i 1 V - 1 ! v l; . Mi u 1: 1 a. i i.. I ...... i.i, .. a, la M.i.i: --a.i. 4 Ar tt l.i;i,nsi..n. 5 I ' 1 I. A LNs .,' iIM, Nun I II. y V X A.M. A.M. I' M. CIIAIII.I'JS GALLEY, CONFECTIONER 1 PETERSBURG, YA. Mr. W. W. Warren repre-nt the firm anil ill visit WVlilou ami its vi.-initv r, ularly oet lllly. If B )MSiE II I "I M ., I: .1,. : i.i ...., I, i ,. ' 3, '..I M..n I I S. :l ' t. - r HI I'v I..- 1 - .. 1.1 .-. -1" . .ual ni-. ( ' Aia-tHs w mir.l ,-i-. r- Ma c.p,,uMl npar:n:lo:ulofKINK VIMS- j SjKW PiOUlh R0Ck CO. I am now prepared tt rniiip't.' with ;uiy Whiskey llciitsc in this Ifrritmy, ;unl ii my liii'iiilH ilun't think I imii thso, u lliey have to do it to 'REX' IS Kliq GIVE ME A SHOW rCtamiuc my lick anil lie thnroimhlv con- I viueed. W. I). SM ITH, Weldon, N. O. ! mS lv A DAYTO ACENTS! I'm: rex baking powder ! VVe Kiiarautce it in pure anil wholesome ; anil iiHgomi as any linking I'oivder, regard j less of name Manufactured only hy " I J. D. It. 8. CIIUISTIAS CO., Kiehmond, Ya, $10 I V fl..'. a. e. I. hr.ell. vil'e, 1" ..s '.. i.i laaie'.-eliaa, M ..! Ar. tt i.mmi, 12 ' II . N" h l.v i!inin-.'l"li, 1' 2 ' V en ', l.v M iitaiiiiin 1" 2 s n l.v i, il,M,ni, u in ,, ;i; , i 7s I.V W!l. .11. I 2 ' H .-, ll, .; t V. . M- Hill. 2 IV 1J IJ : l.v Inn.... 12 la K... v M.,'11.1. i 12 i ; Al tte ...ii. ;: -2 1 ,1 I'. M 1' M V M . J. 1 '.ii 1 y veeja -ale lav. Twill -' " N. . ' ll-.n;, 1, ;, -ml n,,,i,.n i . :, p. in ii,-t ,r..v , ... , .,i: ,, li, li, . in .,!,-, 11 , i, p. , KlliMun ..-I-.... i. - i ai.1,.1! , a,i , ,,r.. a. llle -.'2.1 1". Aiiiviij ,n llalil.,v 1 . ia .' el a ll 2 -ll e ,1, Ivev- , ,lv I r,u -,i Vv,i-1;,ii--! -ii erini, h ai.'i.ia , a : I." a ei a-.., , - l ir,,i, 1(, - ,., ., ,u 1U1, 1 Mnr.iii-a e i. v,-- l,,,!,,,,., i ,,,,, 1M1 ,, -i , i' in , ai 1 1 e- u H-linaiNn , r,, ),,,.,. " s-, - ,-ine. i ts v, an ir.iill.s ..II . 1:111,1 , . k Hrali, li. A.' ennirlo irn ) iv.ii. ,,-i, ... i., .--a - i-i suii.niv 4 In li, u, .-i.ii'l.i y 2 I p in ...rih e l j:i,itiiM..i . c, 1' "1 , - I' "i. I '! in. .ulli si.i. in., ;,, ,, in lieluiiiiiii, I, lives iitm,wi, ,iii. .,., , ,',.i... ' ui.Miii'liiy '.' ' n. in. u il'lnniiMun, N c in ii. in. !' 'S h. m. iirnvc 'lattioro Iii2',rt.ii I I " H. III. 'I'l'tlill ell M l.llilll'l N. I'. llniiu li Ii-hvi-d (Inlil "' r , ' .' , i "!'". . ' sun, in) i, in, , .nu, siinl.ilie , . N l ., , an ii. in, Ki liiniiin.. l.-iivu sinilliliel,!. N. ('., .sun ii. in., iirrivc Uolilsl,,,!-,, s Twin "ll .isliville llniii, h Umvn Hnek; ,, ' "' -in ...isiiviii,, iii . s,rnie 11,,1'e i. in. u. iniimn Ii snm.j l,,,e s ii ., , ,., . aril., . l) Moiini n ir, a.m. ilnih ,-ve,,i sii,i',v ' ln i- . a I..O'.' Ii.-ii. I, 1.,;. n. i,,',,. i.ii, ot .,. . r, ,, 1 1 1 , . i . , , 1 1 1 ,.i i , ,i. , , 1 1(, , 1 1' 1" tl I. mm e I, .in i ,. ni, l.imi,,,, ,; :J, "i '""' I-""' " I'nli -v, , .i s.,,,,1,,,. :' " ! "" 11 I. lives UursHW 'fi.r nn,l,,li.,, .a,-, .l siiiiilnv lit II In ,i ,. ,,,,, l''.i"i'K Lai, i Ii i,t. .ii m ; , , 1 rum N-. ,s ii.MK.,.-l,.s,. , .,,., ii,. , M-,.iftB t.,r.iili..aiiis N..riiiiliiily. All rail via lliehtii.mrt V:'n "ri! Ik' """""'""l' '' H l'''il.ts"N.,,'i'l'" J. It. KKN1.V, j, F. mviNK. s ij. t T runs. (.. n. nil s.u.'i T. M. KM KlisUN. U,n l ,,..,., Aacnt I'KTL'h'SftCh'V d- WELDON K K Cnliilciisial Mrlllillilc. TRAINS (iOI.Nli Wll'TH. ' -T1IK- toorairao-Fricc Anynne who wants to net rich unit wno lias a little enterprise cm secure Jilt) aday in the llislr V'asher liusiness It i dooming now. v ervlmdy wants a Climax nowadays. One agent cleared $'() every day lor a year; a (toed chance; liest Ilish Washir made; no nolieitini;; Iish Washers sold at home; a permanent posi tion io town, city or country. Onemillion to be sold. A wide awake hustler can clear $15 to a day easy: washed mid driesintwo minutes. CLIMAX M'FU of the South. Ifyou want anythingin dry CO., 50 Starr Ave., Columbus, Ohio. (joods write ns. my21y. COMPANY, Kiehmond, Va, The lead inn ' DRY GOODS HOUSE Dated Jan. II, IBM. Leave Petersluiri!, Leave Stony Creek, Leave Jarratts, Leave llellleld, Arrive Weldon, No. So, poiiiK South, leaves I'etersluug at HI), p.m., nrrive at Weldon 9.411. No. as Daily. Kl.tin am Id. H7 am KI...-I tun 11.011 am 11.50 am No.Ktt Daily. 1.17nm 1.40 am 2.11 n m 2. '.'5 a in 2.55 a m TRAINS (IOING NORTH. No. 32 Daily. 1.02 a m Leave Weldon, Le Hclfield, Le Jarratts, Le Stony Creek, Arrive Petersburg, 2.38 a.m. No. 402, going North leaves Weldon dai ly at 4:18, arrive at Petersburg 5.55 a. m. E. T. D. MYERS, T. M. EMEHSON, Ccu'l Superintendent. Ocn. Passenger og No. 78 Daily. 3.37 p. m I Hip. in 4.35 p. m 4.51 p. m 5.211 p. m fl VERY department brimful and running - over. We - carry - the largest stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and GROCERIES of any house in Hali fax County. Our immense store is FULL of BARGAINS for all. We keep every article needed on the farm or in the house. Visitors to Weldon should visit our store and inspect our stock be fore buying elsewhere. n J JL K III flT A is the place to find fresh MEDICINES ! - FANCY GOODS ! t)ii)iiiiM!tiii!iiniii)tiiitiiii!iiiiim Toilet Articles, Etc. r i , l r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : i , n . l 1 1 1 1 1 1 : l n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 ! A, li . II i tu ti 1 1 1 1 in m in !!1 III ill in in in Stationery and Perfumery lumiimmnmiiiijuiuiutumim n ii n u b n a n SEN SEN:::: For Speakers and Singers, 5c. a package. Physicians prescriptions accurate ly compounded day and night. W . M . C 0 H E N::, Druggist $ Pharmacist. The Place to get Your Drugs, ijaaMelicines At the lowest prices is at- DR. A- R- lOWCOFFER'S, West side Washington Avenue, Opposite R. R, Shed, Weldon, N. C. PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Stock kept complete by fre(iient Arrivals. Prescription Department tilled with the best selected material. Prescriptions compounded at all hours with great care. Remember thai a hearty welcome always awaits yon at Eolliooffer'e. , ' t i' I 1'AVK A LAltGE litie ul Sl'IIINU and SIWJ- ' ".. - Mi:n drkssuoods. All wool anil half W'ii.1 ScrneM, Ilenrielttw and 1'hinncls. W A QI-I kil l liTQ l;,r W"i,S beau,iful desipna. i uinii las, Agr iitn ti', i ii . iiiv, iiii.-hs, mi.hs, imiiii jjtoun, .Hulls, Urgandies ( In in. 1, rajs, l.nn j anil lu.n ail., .s.ihn I'l reales, and Washititun uint.s. A ,-l.ick u f ClaiiiH'liini Millies, in viliieh an atti-niit ut a Jeseiijitiun of col nis, would he liltle less than Inll). A cuiii'sp "tiiliuy line of Trimmings, (l T'AIPO Shoo! Sliiics! Vou ,-hi.ul J si c my line of Shoes in Ox O I 1-V XLO I "til's, ' pertis, etc. Men's shoes ill till kimls of Toes and wmilis. 1 ans in 1'niiili il tiiul liii.tid tees, l atent l.ealhcrs, I'unijis, Bicycle .sin-is, while an. I ill stii'e t'tttiviiw lulls ml'l InW iuartcrcil shoes. tery-t'l.nTlllNtl!! That's all riuht come anj see. D. E. JcQwqjrf, HHTFIELH), InT. c. mar - I i; A u fll 6. tyn lii rices mi all kinds of (iuo'ls, in the next sixty days. New Goods ju.-t aniviil, and to l.e -old at reduced iriee. I bought too many. I dun't advertise that I WILL GIVE AWAY guilds, hut will sell lower than the lowest. I have a stock of over Ten Thousand Dollars $10,000 A c,'tiii!i te sinek 1 1' lhy Goods, (Ir. cerii-s, Hardware, Hats mid in fact any thing jou want. Full Line of Henriettas, Serges, Flannels and other STYLISH Dress Goods. S. MEYER -- Enfield, N. C. mmm i J. HENRY BROWN. Corner of Maiti and Madison Stteets, liichniond, Va. Monumsntal Architect andBuilder. .ill Linus i'l i euictery wnih. at jtJ W XXUJiiD.I li All work guarantied. Itarlh .signs furnished free, on application. BAlsn ag. ni fur the liUMIMOND and IMl'EltlAL BICYCLE. apr 'Jj ly. f (i 1 11. J. MiiKI!lS"N. .1. I'. S lUi'KII'UlNR JNO.rf. NnltTIIINi, ION, GEO. J. MORRISON & " CO.. K'HtKHI.N AMI ImMl sTll' -DRY GOODS - NOTION'S. Malliniri. Une. Kte. 12'.yviiiiu.nst.,l,KTKKSltL'UiiiVA. my '' ly XS M, 1IAU1JSTON CO., Wholesale anil Kctail Peuli'rs iu CAUIMCTS, STOVKS, and Mattresses, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, IUUUSTON&CO,, No. 20 N. Hycamore St., PeterslmrK, Va. 111 9fl 1t. Grand Display f -or- f SPRING AND SUMfflER I ID MILLINERY FANCY HOODH nnd NOVELTIES, litilteriek's Tutterus. l. k G. COHSETS, Misses at 50c, Ladies 75c. to $1. VL Trices will he iiimle to suit the tinie H its anil iHinnets ninile and trimmed1! oruer. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C- C. H. B. HOWERTON, 'X WJRAD6 MARKS, UE3ICM PATINTS vwr iniunis, to. r"T iiiM'iiiiniii.unii'i iri-i- iiainilXKiH v TIT" to MUNN o., Nil Id'.iiAinvAV, Hrw hk. Olilcst Imrpati f.r nrlinr int. ntn In Alih'Hfu. V.wry iiali lil l.-l;. nnit u-U hmiiulit ! fort tlit nuhllt; by u (jivt'it (u ooluliurne iu IU4 Ijirri-sl of any lu-t.-nllflf pspsr In thfl K,.rta. Sl.l.'luli.lly lllutil,l. N lnt, lln,., man .limil.l t vlilioul It, v.-kly IHI Kwiai,MKUii,niill,a. A.l.lnw, MIlVSTft CO.. wauim, aut Uiawiijr. Kew Vert tltjr, ' vt 'Si in f tor I he -i; ri!" And HALIFAX, N. C. r DINING ROOMS i Talile nppll with tlia ycry 14 market can aH'onl. " t Ifa-Livery Stable in connection. j ET. CLARK ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ND I V mac 1 L J - - :- - 4 Ul Mil i jrr T . 1f 1 T

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