I I Milk k fjp JOH1T W. SLELTDG-E, PROPRIETOR. A. ITEWSPAPEB FOB THE PEOPLE TEEMS:-'.''" I'ER anmm ix advance VOL. XXXI. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1896. NO. 3. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. COULD HARDLY WALK ON ACCOUNT OF RHEUMATISM P. H. FORD OF QuachlU City, La., After TWO YEARS 'Suffering IS CURED BY THIS CUE OF Ayer's Sarsaparilla " For fully two years, 1 suffered from THE FIRST PRAYER. IS CHARITY WORTH WHILE? rw 1.1 .s i r MWm lie Would Not Go to Red Until tbe Landlord Agreed to Have Family Prayers. : L'nlcss it is "the Kind Taught Nearly Two Thousand Years Ago." Repealed ty a Brother Tramp. It Soothed His Last Moments. It u related of tha celebrated preacher, I Ruth Ashmore contributes a helpful Rev.' Rowland Hill, that he was oue day aDd practical paper on "Is Charity Worth overtaken by a storm and compelled to I While?" to May Ladies' Homo Journal, thus summarizing her discourse: "But, after all, what we want to do, you and I, is to nil our lives with charity so that to whomever thore may come need we can remain for the night at a village inn. vv ncn it grew late tno landlord sent request by the winter that tbe guest would go to bed. Mr. Hill replied: "I have keen waiting a long time expocting give help. The help may express itself rheumatism, and was frequently In such 0 a condition that I could hardly walk, oj I spent some time In Hot Springs, Ark and the treatment helped me lor the 0 time being; but soon the complaint re- O turned and I was as badly afflicted as ever. Ayer's Barsaparllla being reoom- e mended. I resolved to try It, and. after C using six bottles, I was completely j oured." r. II. Ford, Quachlta City, La. 0 o . The PAv.nnr;llA o o o o FAIR o o 00000000000000000000000 AyerfeSarsaparilla AT THE Admitted WORLD'S to be called to family prayers." "Family praycsl" replied the waiter, "i aon t know wbat you mean, sir; we never have such tbtDga here." "Indeed! then tell your master I can not go to bed until we have family prayers." The waiter informed his master, who, in material things; it may bo in the sympathy of kindly words, or it may be spoken only by tbo pressure of the hand. There is no charity in having your name on the list of generous givers while some one near to you stays within doors be cause her coat is shabby, or because her clothing is not sufficiently warm. There Je 13 ly. WILLIAM FREEMAN, PORTRAIT ARTIST AND THO tographer and denier in FRAMES. EASELS, AMATEUR Supplies, etc. in consternation, came butriedly into the I is no charity in the giving of much room and said: money if you have been harsh and cruel - "Sir, I wish you to go to bed, I oannot 1 to some one who deserved you oonsidera- go until I have seen all tbe lights out, I lion, and have made that one heart feJ am so afraid of tiro. that there is nothintr in the world but "So am I," was the reply, "but I have bitterness. There is no oharity in your been expecting to be summoned to family I being willing to write checks that repre- prayers. I sent much money when you are quick to "All very well, sir, but it cannot be Bpeak tho unkind word, or to show to done hero." I those who are around vou a heart eaten "Indecdl Then pray get my horse, I up by pride, and lips that utter no words oannot sleep in 1 bouse where there is no save those of soorn. All the gold in the prayer." world will count as nothing unless your The host, however, preferred to dismiss charity is like that which was taucht to 1 v .1.1.. . . .. nis prejudice ramer man nis guest, and tho world nearly two thousand years ago. aid: It meant that to feed th l navo no objection to nave a prayer, care ol the sick, to forgive the Binner, k... T J. I.- I J . 1 , , ... urn. i uv uui uun uuw. 1 auu 10 ne D. aiwavs in ths hunt wv. . " -J' "Well, then, said Mr. Hill, "summon whoever asks for help was Christ's charity Fiist class work guaranteed. octlOly. 176 Main st Norfolk V. j OLDriCTURECOPYINO ASI'ECIALTY I all your people, and let us see what can That is tbe charity, my friend, that you be done. and I want to trv to imitate. IWin hv 1 n j The landlord obeyed, and in a few being charitable with your lips, by being minutes the astonished domestics were oharitable in your thoughts and acts, upon their knees, and the landlord was And if, of your little storo there oan only called upon to pray, "bir, said the be offered a few pence, you may groves TASTELESS MILL tonic 5 18 JUST A8C00D FOR ADULTS. Warranted, price oocta. OiHTU.It.u,, Not. 1M8M. ttito Medietas Co.. 81. Louli. Mo. Gentlemen: We cold last Tear, SOO bottles of jHOVK'S TA8TE1.ESB CHILL TONIC end have Mietit three sroei already thii rear. Id all n.r ex. tenence of 14 year. Id Um drug buBlneae, hare ladloid, "I never prayed in my life; I don't know how to pray." "Ask God to teach you gentle reply. The landlord said, folding his bauds: "God, teach us how to pray." "That is my prayer, my friend cried Mr. Hill, joyfully, go on." "1 am Bure 1 dun t know what to say now, sir. "Yes, you do; God has taught you how to pray; now thank Hint font. 1 ne man responded, "ihank you Uod Almighty, for letting me pray to you." "Amen! amen!" exclaimed Mr. Hill who then prayed himself. twenty years atlernards be found in tbat village a place ol worship and a school, as the result of that first prayer WOMEN MOONSHINERS. be certain that they will be reckoned by God Himself as greater than the many was the millions given by those who are so unwise as to ibiok that charity means only the giving of tho least of all things money." LIFE OF AN EDITOR. Sorrow Endureth Only for a Night and Joy Cometh in the Morning. -SOLD AND WARBANTED BV- er told an article thai uare lucfi unlreraal 1 aoUon at vour Tonic. Koure trulr. S ASHir.CARB 0 I- i Dr.A.S.Harrison, I ENFIELD, N. C. One of the feature! of the Federal court at Statesville this week was the marching into the courtroom Tuesday afternoon from the jail of about a doxeo women from Mitchel county to be tried for retailing liquor. Some of them were By tho aid of the paste cup, and our darling friend (the scissors) we write our autobiography for the benefit of our sub scribers and patrons, "v erily tbe life of an editor is a path of thorns. His bread is promises and hiB meat is disappointment. His creditors chase him by day an the devil grinneth at him in his dreams by night. He sendeth the paper to a subscriber on credit and the subscriber payeth him never. Then he stoppeth the delinquent paper, and the delinquent singeth tra la andborroweth it of a neighbor. One subscriber payeth his subscrip THE LORD'S PRAYER. The way train ahead of us bad struck an open snitch and had been ditched, aod two passengers were killed outright nd live or six others more or less injured, runs a story in Tho Detroit Kroo Press. The killed and injured were lying on the depot platform tut our train came up, and among tho latter was a professional tramp who had been stealing a rido. The doctor had looked him over. Tho vaga bond, who had not lost consciousness for a moment, smiled faintly and asked : ' Well, pard, what's the verdict of the jury ?" "You are badly hurt," was tho reply. "I know that I was right in the squeeze wheu the two cars cum together. 1 m as flat as a pancako. Will 1 ever tramp again ?" "I'm afraid not." "Ar' my legs off?" "No; you are fatally injured, howover. " "That means I'm a goner?" "Yes." "Wall, I'd hev liked to got over this and had somethin' to talk about aud brag over, but ain't doin' no kickin'. My pard was on the car ahead. Was he hurt?" "No; hero he is," At that moment a ragged, unkept and typical vagabond came forward aod bent over the victim and said: " n all Jim, they say you hev got to go- "Yes." "How are ye feelin' over it?" "Sorter; no use to kick, Tom." "That's right; you never was no kicker, nohow. Got any fiiends?" "No." "Kin I do aaythin' for ye?" Tho dying man gazed at him for moment in silence and then whispered: "Tom, ye ar' tho only parduer I ever had as knowed the Lord's prayer. Just say it over to me." ' Tbe old tramp pulled off his cap knelt down, aod aa thesoore of us uucov ered and bowed our heads be repcatc tho prayer word for word, and with such feeling as astonished everybody. When he had finished he rose up and said: "That's it, Jim, an' kin I do anythio' more?" "Nothing more for him," answered the doctor, ai be looked down upon tho pale face. "Your partner is dead." BEJIST TO YOURSELF. An exchange came to us last week with a blue murk around an editorial booming a candidate for office. A printed Blip pasted to the paper iudly requested us if we said anything about the candidate's candidacy to send iin a marked copy of thu puper. We didn't do it. We ain't going to do it. We oin't saying a word. We ain't going to suy a word, Unless, The oash is in sight. And we oan see the smilin It was Easter day some years ago. A city church was beautifully decorated with sweet flowers and fragrant vines for the occasion. The lovely seivice was well on the way when a little girl stole in silently, and half fearfully seated herself on a bench just within the doorway, At Hist she looked around apprehensively, wondeiiog if anyone would send her out. She was small, thin, and exceedingly pale, but there was sou. 'hing interesting in her of the tear stained face. The soul was shining Goddess of Liberty on ooe side of the I through her big blue eyes as she listened dollar of our dads and count the tail I to the jubilant song of the white-robed feathers in the great American eagle on choir boys. tho other. The birds sang too as if they would In times past we have given away split their little throats, and the listening columns of space and reams of paper and child, with her soul in her eyes, fancied great gobs of ink in a political campaign. I they, too, sang. And what did we get in return? "He is risen! Nothing but the privilego of wading He is risen!" in the mud behind the band wagon and The little face grew radiant. For spilling coal oil on our only coat and brief, happy moment Carroll, the little getting shot in the eye with a Roman daughter of a drunkard, believed that candle. "Gladness filled the world to day." She But times have changed and our feel- had forgotten that she was hungry and ings have changed. I that wretchedness was her portion in this Everything has changed except our I world. pockets. But a stir in tbe luige assembly There is no change there. recalled her wanderioi; thoughts from We are a Democrat, hut we ain t no Heaven to earth; she remembered, with pack mule to carry no candidates into a twinge of pain that she was only little office and get the cold shoulder. Carroll Brcega, the daughter of a drunk And perhaps tho cold mutton aftei ard. the election. I The Bervico wus closint!. She must Do not Permit Prejudice to Blind Your Eyes to the Truth nor Stand in the Way Of Your Prosperity. 5, I young girls, under 20 years, and none of tion in wood, and behold it is rotten and them were ery old. They were tried soggy and of short measure. one at a time and all found guilty. Each He woopoth up the township politician was fined $100 and imprisonment from gets elected aod knoweth him ne more one to tix months. Two or three years forever. ago Judge Dick issued an order tbat no Ha puffeth the ohuroh fair gratis and woman be brought before him for retail- then attendelh it and payeth his quarter ing. Since that time the liquor business and reoeiveth two oysters. in Mitchell and other mountain counties He boometh his town and all thinra has passed almost entirely into the hands therein, and yet recoiveth no lupnort, of the women, and the Judge has been ,nd g maD without honor in his own compelled to recall the order. Both the I country. Judge and Umlrict attorney have reoeived The young people marry and he eiveth many letters and petitions complaining of them a miff, and ihov an tn hnnbn. 3finmtAa1 mill rinmnattn rovwia harm van I at - l : I . ... i will Si! lue "uot uu"loeBB eonuucieu oy ,Dg ,n(i taketh not his paper. will uuu, I, ' (. in rpi. I Judkin's Grocery J WELDON, N, C "or fine groceries, it will pay to call in J. L. Jndkins, lender of them all, The finest goods in Weldon you will see J At Judkin's Umeery, 'anned goods and delicacies of every kind I matters not what your needs may be J Visit Judkins' Grocery. r cnoioe teas and conee Judkins is te- i nowned lane finer in the country can be found ry their special brands of blended tea j At Judkins' Grocery. tone in Weldon with Judkins can com i pete v show a stock of flue goods aa complete. be great one price you may see 4 At Judkius' (tracery, 'k Judkins' store do not faruet , nil weights and measures you oau always 1 get A 3d your own orders delivered free I From Judkins' Grocery. dec 13 ly. PROFKHSittyt. CSSSS. TOWARD ALSTON, tbe women of Mitchell, lhey are now dealt with ii court just as men are. Newton Enterprise. ADVERTISEMENTS. -1 -T 1 Yea, he is bowed down with woe and his days are full of giief and trouble aod vexation of spirit. But sorrow endureth only for a night and joy e"tu.ith in the morning. ON THE ROAD I 'lo P'oaJei b along and endureth in to recovery, the patience, and it la written that he will who"i 'taking I receive hiB reward at the judgment." Doctor Plerte Favorite Ire icrintioa. In maidenhood, wo manhood, wife hood and moth ethood the " Pre eenpuon " ia a Durham Sun. IT WASN'T THE TOOTH. 131 UAI.If AX, N. C. uctM ly. iret UttfUM. KtfM,M, ULL1H 4 WUTIM DAM1IL DANIEL, A T7V)P VP W A T I. A W I Wkldon, N. C, AruMo In tbeooarUof Hallfai andNortham 1 and In the supreme and Federal courts. lonj made In allpartaof North Caroliua. mp much office at Hallfai, N. 0.. ones even Mon- 1- Jan 7 ty ) It. T. T. BOSS, ID i ",D B1TTIST Waldnn, N. C. ; YQSifst over Hmry Pierce's store. 4 KMO-ly. auauteo to her needs, regulating. 1 v etrengtnenmi ana cur ..I. in the derangement! 4" of the . WW u it so man? women ewe their beauty to Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription? Becauee beauty of form and face radiate from the common center health, The het bodily conCiUian result! from good food, fr ir ana eaerctee coupled wtia tne juatctoususe of the " Prescription. " U there be headache, pain In the back, oeanng oown aeuiallana, or (renew ae billtT. ar If there he nervous aieturhance, ncjv'aua prostration, and eleepleesnesa, the " Freierlptlan " reaches the oriiin of tha trouble and torrccte It, It dltnela aches and pains, correct! dlaplacemenu and cures catarrhal Inflammation of the lining mem. brenee, falling of the womb, ulceration, ir Tegaisiiiiea ana ainarea maladies, " FALLINQ OF WOMB." Hal. Fian Cam. riaxD. ol bail Ihekt- ten, Franklin Co., N. r., writes : I deem 11 y duty toeisrcaeniT felt lep, heart-l )R, VV.J. WARD$- Dentist, tuae to you for having been the meana. under Providence, of reltor lu ne to health, for I nave neap ay epeiia on anit t walk troubles were My of the 1. c i ENFIELD, N. 0. .Office over Harrison's Drag Store, HeoaOly. womb Inflammatory oa 1 all Hid, they could mot bottles of Dr. "Do yuu give gas here?" asked a wild supportinr tonic I looking man who rushed into a dentist'a and nervine I . ....... . that's peculiarly I uiuuo uu viara wrem yemi-riiiij morning "We do, replied the dentist. "Does it put a fellow to sleep?" "It does." "Sound asleep, ft you ouu't wake liiiu up?" "Yes." "You could break his jaw or gou; out his eye and he wouldn't feel it?" "He would know nothing of it." "How long does it make him ttuy asleep? " "The physical insensibility produced by inhailing the go) lasts a minute or probably a little less." I guess that's long enough. Got it already for a fellow to take?" "Yes. Take aeat in this chair and show me your tooth." "loom notbingl said the exoitei caller, beginning to remove his ooat and vest, "I want you to pull 1 porous plas ter off my back." bearing -dowa Hi- eetioue and tha doctor I mux feu Mas. Camtiklo. nderftU Favorite rrttcriptloa. The soprano threw the basso Id the ohoir 1 loving glance; She was such a beautiful lass 0, And they only met by ehants, the of HE'S NO PACK MILE. his Brother is I'nJoutteJIy After the Cash. AN EASTER REFORM. How Litile Carroll Brought Conviction to Her Drunken l ather's Heart. nd Our enthusiasm is gone. It has leaked through the Doles in our elbows and escaped through the ap perturcs in our pants. Glory is a good thing, but cold cash is better. Campaign thunder will no longer re verberate throughout these columns ex cept at so much per thunder. Our campaign rooster has to be fed, and wherewith shall we feed him? tie s lost his tail leathers from the last ojmpaign and needs some extract of gold or silver right now. Our tow line is Bagging in the uiiddli and unraveled at the ends. The candidato is out fur the office. We are out for the stuff. Louisiana Press. HE WAS RIGHT. In casting about for a place to locate in business, or in seeking a change that you hope will bring better chance of sue cess, do not permit prejudice to blind your eyes to the truth nor stand in way of your prosperity. The days our earthly pilgrimage are few, and tended with many tribulations, bo it be- hooves us to avail ourselves of every aid to peace aod progress. It may be that home is the only thing liking to reconcile you to your lot in life. Do not con demn the country on hearsay. believe all that you read to its detriment but take our advice and see it. This can be done at little expense, and you find business opportunities here that are not found eUewhere. You will be able to secure, at a nominal cost, lands thai will yield surprising returns for the atten tion bestowed upon them, and enjoy a continual charm. You will find that artesian wells and see factories have rev olutionised the domestio economy of the entire South, and that what used to he luxuries are now everyday conveniences. Ibe pride that comes lrom possesion here swells the breast of tbe farmer, as he looks upon his growing fields and blooming orchards, and tbe housewife smiles as she surveys her thriving garden and neavny laden vines. ibis la no picture, but an accurate photograph ol scenes that greet ibe eyes of every visitor to the sunny South. To the farmer, the merchant, the man ufaoturer, the young man of brains and the old man of experience, the new em pire of the South presents a field A standing joke around the Main courts is the juror who stauds out aud refuses to agree with the eleven obstinate men, who don't think as he does. Judges are not apt to take kindly to this style of man, and have been known on occasions to give him a terrible southing. "There is Btill living in this city," says a Bangor gentleman, who thinks jurors have rights of opinions as well as judges, "a man wbo is very proud ol a little experience he bad as a juror. It was in Judge Cutting's day, and that excellent jurist was on the bench. The jury had heard an important case, and tailed to agree because this part.oulur juror stood out against the arguments and solicitations of bis fellows, aod declared he would stay there till the ants ate him up and carried out his remains through the key hole before he would consent lo what he believed to be an unjust verdict. Judge Cutting asked how they stood, the fori man replied, eleven to one, your honor W no is thu oner asked tha judge, an grily. 'Let him stand up. Ibe juror arose and received a scathing rebuke from Mr. Cutting, who promptly discharged him from further duty. The case went over to the next term and was again tried resulting in a verdict in accordance with the views of the oue juror. It was then taken to the law court 00 a motion for 1 new trial and was upheld by the full Dencb as manilestly right. ibe man says that wheuever he thinks of that ease, ho thanks God he had the sand to stick lo what he believed to be right and lake the rebuke u uiislaken judge gavo him for so doing " This will do for aU t'XUtptiiinal uawt, hut (h one man again! the 11 is nut always filled with good judgment aB this uuu seems to have heeu Lewinton Journal ol boundless opportunities for home getiing. The climate and great variety of resources make it much easier to gain livelihood and acquire a competency there than the less favored regions of the Northwest with its limited capabilities and lack diversity in the matter of crops Sunny south Just now everybody ia beginning take a Spring Medicine. And it is good thing to do provided you take Sim moos Liver Regulator tbe best Spring Medicine. It's a sluggish liver that clogs the system and makes bad blood, A dose a day of Simmons Liver Regula tar will make a new man out of you, and 1 new woman too. Look for the Red Z on the paokage. It is Simmons Liver Regulator you want. The Long and the Short of Lore "Love me little, love me long," the war bled. "Yes," uid he. "But will you I love me when I am short?" I!LOOO' liLOOD!! lU.OOli!!'. To be healthy the blood must bo kept pure as it is "the life of the flesh." If you know any one that has a cancerous sore, Syphilis, Scrofulu, old sores, Boils, l'imples, nr impute blood recommend lo them Dr. David's Iodo Fcrraied Sar saparilla, the best blood medicine known. Sufferers with rheumatism will be cured if they will rub well with Dine Nerve and B me Liuiincnt an I take Dr. David's Sarsaparilla, It is tho best alterative slip out as she had come in, unnoticed. She went out softly, and hurried along the board walk so as "to be out of Bight," she told herself, "Before the silks and the satins and tbe velvets come." Just as she was about to disappear into a narrow alleyway, she picked up a ruse from the sidewalk, and a smile brighten ed her face again. "Oh," she thought gladly and grate fully, "I'm so happy I found it the dear thing! Ooe of the silks or satins or velvets dropped it, most likely, and she won t care not a bit cause she 3 got IoIb more lots." W ben she reached home she gave the rose to her mother, a sad faced woman whose beauliful brow waB prematurely drawn with lines of sorrow. Oh, how lovely!" said the surprised mother. "Where did you get it dear?" "1 found it on the walk on my way home from church." "From church! Y'ou, certainly don't mean that you were at church, Carroll?" Yes, mamma." In your rags? Oh, my little Cuiroll how could you go?" Why, you sec, I just couldn't seem to help it. I was passing by, and I heard the music it seemed as if the augels were singing, so 1 went in. "Did not anyone tell you to go out?' "No ono saw me that I knew of except an old man tho sexton, I guess and he didn't say a word, only smiled. Oh mamma, I wish you bad been there, as so lovely! It swelled like a great flower garden, and looked like one. beautiful! And little boys a whole lot of them with white robes on, sang and sung and sang, and the birds sang, too: "He is risen! He is risen! Christ our Lord is risen to day." "And the minister said that we would rise, again, all of us, and 1 thought bow beautiful it is that dear little Jamie and sweet Belli will rise again. We'll be so glad won't we, mamma?" Y'es, my dear, very, very glad. It gives me strength to live thinking of that blessed day." "I am very hungry, mamma is there anything to eat?" The mother's only reply was a look of agony. "Never mind," continued Carroll. I've been thiuking, mamma, if you and I should die uf starvation, we would rise again and never huuger any mure." The mother subbed aloud "It would bo better so," she moaned "Mamsua, dear," it was Catroll's voice again, "if papa should die, will he rise gain?" "Hush," begged the afflicted woman, wringing her hands. She did not want to think of the resurrection day in connection with her wretched husband. But the latter, in a little room near by where he lay recovering from a spree, heard the question. "If papa should die, will he rise again?" He opened his eyes suddenly, and with a great effort raised himself on bis And if be should live aain then what? A rock, horrible with breakers, was just ahead of him; Bouietiuucs it would vanish like a dissolving view, but a whirlpool, ciue1 and treacherous, would take its place. "If a man die, shall he live again?" "Yes," he groaned, lor he had been a man of intellect once, "yes he will live agaiu." lie knew that death was nut annihila tion, now that ho thought of it. He shuddered as he realized that he might have taken a fearful Icup in the dark. I warn you to flee from the wrath to come, sounded in bis curs. "No drunkard shall inherit the king dom of God." A spasm of coughing shook his whole body. The door of his room, which had been ujar, was wide open. His wife and her little daughter stood on the thrcsh- , Id, looking at him, and yet fearing to go nearer. As soon as he could speak he called, gently: "What do you want?" "To help you, if I can," answered bis wife, slowly approaching his bedside. "To help you," echoed Carroll, cling ing closely to her mother's skirls. He held out his long, thin arms wist fully. Mother and child knelt beside him. "If I die," he said, his voice choking with tears of repentance aod gratitude, "I shall live again in Heaven. God help me I" But he is Btill living in this world Tho putting off of the drink habit brought him health and strcoght, as well as tbe "peace that passeth understand- ing." God saved him as if by lire. I wish you could see the home of Carroll now this Eastertide, but it is so joyous and beautiful that you would not recognize it. No ono is ever hungry there or cold or sorrowful, fur Curroll truly Bays: "Our home is s little Heaven on earth," Ernest Gilmore, in National Temperance Advocate. ADVERTISEMENTS. M M OrTsX Vre1,ulator7 THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE Is Simmons Liver regulator. Don't forget to take it. Now is the time you need 11 most to wane up your Liver. A sluggish Liver brings on Malaria, Fever and Ague, Rhciiinalisni, and many other ills winch Mialk-r the constitution and wreck health. boa't forget the word Regulator, it is Simmons Liver Regulator vm w.mi. The word Reg ulator dis iu..,iii-,!i.3 it from all other remedies. And. l-esi.k-s this, SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR is a Regulator of the Liver, keeps it properly at work, that your system may be kept 111 good condition. I UK I nil f.iMUU take SIAtMONS Liver regulator, it is the best blood purilier and corrector. Try it and note the difference. Look for the RED Z on every package. Toil wont find it on any other medicine, and there is no other Liver remedy like SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR -the King of Liver Remedies. Be sure you yet it. J. II. Zcilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. Cnree in 1 to 4 dnye. Im mediate in fllleot ; quick to enre. Can be carried in veet Docket, all ooniDiete in one oucklufu. Hnnt hv mnil. nrcnmrl. nl.in package, on receipt of price. $1 per box. For sale by W. M. COHEN, Druggist, 5-11-1 y Weldon, N. C PIGEON MILK mall pttckutfu. t PETERSBURG DIRECTORY- HARDWARE, SASH, BLINDS, and DOORS. 40-FY YOU USE LP Against disease by keeping the liver in a healthy condition Dr. David's Liver rills will cure (Joustipation, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Indigestion, and all stomach, bowel and liver troubles. A single box of Dr. David's Liver l'ills will cure the worst case of constipation kuown and stimulate the liver to healthy action. It cures sick headache, aud prevents its re turn. Remember the kind. Dr. David's Liver Pills 25c. for 23 pills. Owens Si Minor Drug Co., Richmond, Va. "Oh, inauiuia," said little Willie, as he made his first close inspection of a bicy cle, "this machino has got rubbers on to keep its wheels from gettiug wet!" "Now I'm ready to treat you," said the doctor emerging from his private office. "A little whisky, with seltzer on the side, please," returned the patient, absent-mindedly . Chicago Evening Fost. CUCUMBER PUMPS, For sale by PLUMMER & WHEELER, PETERSBURG, VA. my 1 ly. ElKJAIt t.THRlKK. T.B.UNUKltlllLL CURRIER& UNDERHILL, Boston one trice Clothing House, Wholesale aud Retail Dealers In FINE CLOTHING, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Uati, Caps, Trunks, Etc. Cor.Sycamore and BaukSts., my Ty. Petersburg, V4, W. E. ARMSTRONG & CQ Wholesale and retail- WiiF.N an Indiana octogenarian took out his sixth marriage license the other day at Grccnsburg, to marry an eighteen year old girl, he asked fur a reduction in the price on the ground that he had been a good customer and that he was likely soual attention. to "come again. KOH OVKR MITY YEARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. !25 cents a bottle, lie sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. DRUGGISTS, 225 Sycamore at, Petersburg, Va. I0s.AU mail orders receive prompt per- my 23 ly. E. H. PRITCHETT& CO., PETERSBURG, VA. Successors to Mitchell Co. 'a BOOK STORE. STANDARD PATTERNS, FASHION SHEETS FREE, (live us a call. my 231y A F1UM BELIEVER. Nod J Do you believo in a man's wife having her own way f Todd Certainly. I always pin my tiiitli on the inevitable. tonic known it oures that "tired feel- pillow, his grimy hands clutching nerv- : 1 1 ...... 1 1.1 1 . ... .... mg .uum..tjuo iicmiiir uu "'ruug. ously at tlie old bedspread. There was a look of horror in his bleared eves. His "Uot on your husband a ctavat, haven t mouth quivered, his lips moved as if he your asked a neighbor ol Mr, ltilkms. woua ,jen eank back on his res, replied Mrs a. sadly, "and its the only tio there is betweeu us now." LINGERING LOVERS. They stood hand fondly clasped in band Beneath the ftont porch awning, Aod aaid "good night" Id accents bland Until it waa goed morning. pillow, where he lay prostrated with agony. "If a man die, shall he live again?' Tbe question seemed dancing before bis bloodshot eyes. . "If a man die, shall he live again?" The sweat stood in great dropa opon him. Oh, what a tiekeuiog problem for a drunkard to solve. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. aC2T iy - aW K "C SU -1 ALLIANCE EXCHANGE, Sells on commission Tobacco, Wheat, Corn, Cotton, Peanuts, Hogs, Poultry, and nil kinds of COUNTliY PRODUCE, and keep on hnud General Merchandise. Ws win ouy on order anything a turnier may need, (iuunos a specialty. Let u bear from you. llogsluuuls fumislied on appli cation. J. C SMITH, aircnt. my ''Sly Peterslinrir, Va ZZjf S POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder, Highest of all in leavening strength. Latett U. S. Government Food Report. KOYAL BAKING POWDER IJO., 106 Wall 8t.,N Y. mi sTj . "in m sfc m . Vr, e-S '.M fclOMWt.W;rrtr.M iHi E-:. Dto: mm STEEL WEB PICKET LAWN FENCE Tot Yard, CeaMtery and Grave I At; Poultry and Bards Fenoe, aad a tel Mora, (MUe ami Hog ihuii n aru we r rfa, vskiniuajuo r itu ft, L, ljliltl.UBIilWi.tt, ATLUtl A, U a. HUDSON'S EELM ID. 187 Main St., Noifolk.Va. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DINING ROOM. ALL MEALS 25 CENTS. HVKPARSIXO COFFEE A SPECIALTY J. It. HUDSON, Proprietor. The Best of Everything in Season. Oct 10 lyr. pETER SMITH & CO., -w "THE LEADERS OF LOW PRKT," Importers, wholesale and retail dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY - GOODS, No. 144 Uaio street, Nwfclk. V J 1 J urn