I lr- -skS Trjk jffi Vrpwssil iff pg wWi fTOIir "W. SLEIDGKE, PiioraiKTOR. VOL. XXXI. .A. 1TBSPAPEB F O IR, THE ZPEOZPLIE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 18. TERMS:-?' .ho pkk annfm l adyaxck NO. 5. NEW ADVKRTISKMENTS. Health Restored I ALL RUN DOWN No Strength nor Energy I.N THK EXTREME. Hands COVERED Willi- SORES. CURED BY USING j Ayer'sSarsaparilla f "Several ypurs nun, my Morxl wru in O: Jlwl I'diiiitiioii, my swt-m All run down, O- ami my ut-neral health very much ini- OJ paired. My bawls wero cuverert Willi OJ f faik'p sitrrn, itiiclmruini; all the time. I Oi f liinlim strength nor em-rcy iiml my feel- O' m t...... ,ni..Iir.,i,i i.virmhii At Oi );it. I r-immciu'cd taking Ayr's Sana- OJ -f .....111 I ni.tw..l .V..l.....r.t f, trill it OS Letter.' My appetite return'., awl will. O rt-iit-wct strcnirtli. lMMMiir:iiit'(l uv ; 1 11 1 SUIT THY IXIUIC iiiriNsnNwiii'iD. liiiuks of the llafcs as it is I'ictiird in th. Afocryflia. 1 IV! i ii. tlitse result. I kepi on takmi tlie S.-u- sa:irlllil. till I nail uhcii slv liotiii-s, anil niv lieaim wHsresioreM. a. ft. innt, 5 1 I prop. Harris House, I hoinpson, .v Dak. Admitted AT THE WORLD'S FAIR Ayer'SoXSarsaparilta C P 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,0000 0 0 0,0008 jo 13 ly. TTTILLIAM FREEMAN, 1 VV PORTRAIT ARTIST AND PHO- tographer and dealer ia FRAMES. EASELS, AMATEUR i Supplies, etc, V iOLDPICTURECOl'YING ASl'L'CIALTY I First class work guaranteed. octtuiy. l m Slum sc.. norioiK va. The Principle of Inclusion Hasan Applica tion to Other Acts of the Christian Life than Prayer. The bouk of Dauicl, dating i'roui the When our Saviour directed his disci- Maccabean aye, ia perhaps the earliest pies toshut the door during their secret work in which any clear moral differen- devotions Ho doubtless had a double pur- nation as regards the unseen world is poso. He did not want them to parade mauilu.it. "Many of them that sleep in their piety bul'oro the world as the Phar- tlio dust of the earth shall awake, some isees did, and ho did want theui to shut to everlasting life, and some to shame out all tiling that would distract their and everlastiug contempt. And they thoughts. The principle of exclusion that bo wise shall shine as the brightness lias an application to other acts oftho of the firmament, and they that turn may Christian life than prayer. That which to righteousness as the stars forever and is necessary to right braver is necessary ever." To fiud a more detailed account to right faith and right HviDj;. of hades we must turn to the books of In building lires in early winter, unless the Apocrypha, written in Greek, and one is thoughtful ho will leave doors pervaded by ideas not precisely Hellenic open into cold rooms. Through these but Hellenistic. open doors cold winds come, and there is In particular the book of Euoch, which a failure in heating the rooms needing to dls largely in csehatology and the be warmed. People are even more likely secrets of (lie universe, speaks in some to leave the doors of their hearts open to detail of the future of righteous and chilling influences. Too many aro con- wicked: "All goodness and joy and glory stantly watching their neighbor's doors, are prepared for them and are written observing how wide they stand open to down for the spirits of those who have sin, while doors of their own hearts are died in righteousness, and manifold good letting in tho cold blasts. "Shut thy will bo given to you in recompense for door. your labors, and your lot is abundautly Shut thv door to selGslmess. That is beyond the lot of the living." And in i a very chilling wind. It causes the heart I contrast: "Know ye that their souls (tl: to shiver and lessens tho flames of God's I sinner) will be make to descend into love. Oh, how many christians aro cold sheol, aud they will become wretched, beciuse their hearts are tilled -villi selfish- and great will be their tribulation, and ness and avarace. they hoard the uiouey into darkness and a net and a burning God has given thcui, instead of using it lire, where there is grievous condemnation for history. They rob God in tithes I will your spirits enter, and there will be and offerimis. Poor, deluded DeoDle! I grievous condemnation for the genera. How much happiness they losel tions of the world." Shut thy door to self-will. That In the fourth book of Esdias it is said makes a dreadful blast. Some have I ot the enemies of God that "they shall their hearts tilled with it, Thrv always decay in confusion, and he consumed want to do something in a uitlerent way than the majority think it ought to bi done, a-d ll it is not done according to their ideas they will have nothing to do witli it. Perhaps they are determine J to preach, or sing in the choir, or teach in TASTELESS CHI ILL TONIC Christian era. Contemporary Review. A SCUlWill ITON iMF.N. IS JUST AS GOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. Oa i. att a, ins., Not. 16, 1893. Pirlfl Modioli) Co.. Hi. Louts. Mo. f(jntlcmen: We aoltl lust your, 600 bottlos of 3R0VK H TAHTHl.t-8 CHILL TONIC and have lHiukiH threo aruu already this yeiir. lnal' mrp. 3 pritmre vt 11 yenr. In the drua butne-s, ' nu A never w.id an article that vave iucE uiuvorsul aau lour truly, Auxey.C ajui A CO SOLD AND WARRANTED 11Y 1 Dr.A.S.Harrison, ENFIELD, N. C. Judkin's Grocery the Sunday-School, when the rest of the go forth, and look upon the carcases of churc h Jo not think them qualified fbi tho uieu that have transgressed against their sell'-appoiuted positions. Hut they me, fur their worm shall not die, neither are bound to have their own way, eveo shall their tire be quenched, and tliry if the church is killed or the Sunday- shall beau abhorring unto all flesh boot broken up. If you have your Tin so words in their primary meaning dorr open to thi' chilling wind of self will, refer to the material bodies of the dead. hut it so that you can get warm, and but in the, Hellenistic age they were used warm others. With that door open yeu of the future world of spirits. And the arc freezing yourelf and others too. picture of which tho outline was thus Shut thy door to anxiety. This is for sketched was by degTeeS tilled in from sum a hard (lung to d , Lot why should noo liililieal suurees. nut tins lining in we be fretful when we have such a kind went on but slowly and was not far Father to care fur us? Why should we advanced at the beginning of the bo miserable when there is so much bap pioess lor us if wo will but shut that door? Worrying never does any good Afflictions should not trouble us. They may be blessings iu disguiso. Pruning may nuko us the more fruitful. Shut thy door to Kossip. There is enough to talk about in this great world without talking about our neighbors. The Word ol God furnishes material enough for conversation for thousand years. God's book of Naturo affords an infinite number of subjects for discourse Banish guesses, winks of the eye, iuter riKrniinn nitintH. and sneak nnlv !?nod of others You cannot touch soU without 9ui,r Kduurully at the being blackened. You cannot open your ear doors to gossip without receiv ing a chill to spiritual and m ral life Set i i i i . i -. i - 3 J .1 tlMM K. MULLEN. 4 WELDON, X. C For line groceries, it will pay to call (In J. L, Jndkins, leader at' tliem all, The finest goods in Veldon you will see At Judkiu's Grocery. IniporU-d anil domestic goods here you will uuil, Canned Roods and delicacies of every kiud It matters not wh.it your needs may be Visit Jndkins' Grocery. For choice teas and coffee Judkins is re nowuwl Noneflueriu the country can be found Try their special brands of blended ten At Judkins' tlrooery. Kane In Weldon with Judkins cart com pete Or show a stock of line goods as complete. The great one price you may see At Judkins' Grocery. At Judkins' akire do not forget Full weights and mriwiires you e in always Ket And your town orders delivered free From Judkins' Grocery, dee 1:1 ly. PB0FESS10XA1. CARDS. XTOWAltO ALSTON, Attorney-at-Law HALIFAX, N. C, t .1 t t 1 j J out II ly, JAMH M. M0LL1H, DLUK 4 M WALTER 1. DANIIL D A N I S L, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wni.noN, N. C. Prctlce In thecourUof HallAit andNortbAmp onaiidlu tlieBuprumetml Federal couru. cat. ertiuiu made In alliArUof Nurth Carulina. Hraiicb oOiee at Ualirax, N. Copan every Hon day. Ian 7 ly jrit. T. T. uoss, DENTIST Weldon, N. C. ty Office over Emry ft Pierce's store. tO-JS-ly. j DB.W.J WARD.t,- Snrteon Eesiist, ENFIELD, N. C. woffle over Harrison's Drug Store, deo 30 ly. . A WOMAN'S CONVLMTIIN. Is Business Is .Merciless Reported ty Male Scrite. the got con- and with shame, and wither in fear, when they see the glory of the Must High, in whose tight they siu while they ere alive." Much influeueu on later Jewish thought was exercised by a well known passage of ibe later Isaiah: "They shall "Now, ladies," said the chairman ol the convention, rapping with her gavel, "remember, please, that we must have order. I must ask you to refrain from whispering during the progress of the meeting." Still the low, sibilant sound from group of pretty beads that had together in one corner of the hall tinued. The chairman looked annoyed rapped with her gavel more severely. The group of pretty heads broke up, aud the whispering ceased in that quarter, but over on the opposite side of the ball a delegate was seen to lean toward her neighbor, and the disagreeable hissing was resumed. "Is it possible," said the chairman, "that 1 must repeat my request ? Y'ou will refrain from whispering, please." The offending head nodded approv iugly but the whispering did not stop. "If necessary," said the chairman, with a touch of angr, "I shall become per sonal in my requests. ill the delegate from lioston kindly postpone tier private conversation with her neighbor till th meeting is over?" The delegate from lioston straight cued up in her seat and flushed hotly. "Is it possible," she exclaimed, "that you meant me?" "Certainly," said the chairman; "there was no one else whispering at the mo nient, I believe." "But," said the delegate from Boston I was only saying to my neighbor what a splendid chairman you made to stop the whispering of those ladies from Ohio over there. I don't see how you can ob ject to my saying that." "We will hao no whispering on any subject," said tho chairman sternly. And with that at least a d zen head; in different parts of the ball bobbed over toward their neighbors' disks, and the situation grew into a prolonged hiss, from which could plainly be distinguished such expiessions as "served her rigid!' "The idea!" "What a splendid chairman!" etc. A look of despair came over the chair man's face, aud she sat down, with mute signal to the secretary to to on witli the reading of the minutes and the whisperers have their way.- Kxpress An Arapahoe Indian Legend Concerning thi Creation of Women. Among the many interesting traditions that have recently been brought to light by a gentleman who has been making a careful study of the legends and folklore of tho Cheyenne and Arapahoe ludiaus of the Indiau Territury is one that ac counts iu an original way for tho urigiu of woman. The ludiaus of these tribes rib" theory, when t be resident ' missionaries try to teach them the initial lessons of the Old Testament regardiug their firm parents. 1 he wise men of their lrii.es long ago wrestled with the fundamental facts of creation aud evolved theories concerning it which, with the lapse ot Mamma "Flossie, have you said youi time, have come to bo looked upou by THE HOY'S 1DKA. prayers' Flossie "Yes, mamma." Mamma "Freddie too?" Flossie "No, mamma; tic said h thought I could fix it fur both of us." mi tho Indians of today as historical truths It is little wouder that the Cheyenne and Arapahoe braves look down upon th.ir women as iul'erior beings. Tlio legem! says that originally all men wero ire ated with long, sleek and comely tails. These tails were their de light and they adorned them with paiut, beads aud wampum. Then the world was at peace discord and wars Were unknown. Men became prosperous and proud, forgot their Makei and became envious and quarrelsome Their Maker btcaino displeased with them aud sent a scourge upon them to teach them huini'ity aud make ibein realize their dependence oil the Grml Spijit. lie amputated their taili, and out ol these beauiilul members f isiiiuued wo men. Women, say the Cheyounes, still retain traces of their or tain, lor we find ttuui A D V 10 K T 1 S K M K NTS. THE ONWARD flARCH of Consumption Is Mooned short bv Ir. Pieu-e'a Golden Med ical Dincoverv. If you iinvrn't waited bevond reason tht-rr'a complete re- covet v ana eule. Although by many believed lo be incur able, there ia the evidence of hundred of living wittit-ea lo y. the fact that, in all ' ' . lis tailier alagea, con 't aumptlon la a vutahli '.- -'i disease. Not every case, but a large pit rP.(ntatif of tasfi, and 'we believe, lully vm by Or. Piercc'a Golden Medical Discovery, even after the disease has ptogreaaed ao far as to iudtice repeated bleedings from !- - Hing, aevete lingering cough with la. matter), great low oi flesh and extreme ever trailing after men, frisky aud iiu- emaciation and weakness. Do you doubt that hundreds of such ca reported to as as cured by " Golden Med. ical DiHcovery " were genuine caaea of that dread and fatal disease ? You need not take our word for it. They have, in nearly every instance, been ao pronounced by te. best anu most experienceii nome pnysicians, who have no interest whatever in tuia- renreu'iitiua' them and who were often Wrongly prejudiced and advised against trial or "uniden Mi meal Discovery, but who have been forced to confess that tt aurpasae. in curative power over thia fatal malady, all other medicines with which they are acquainted. Nasty cod liver oil and its filthy "euiulsious" and mixtures, had been tried in nearly all these casea and had either utterly failed to bene fit, or had only seemed to benefit a little f(U and various preparations of the hypoplioa. pliites hail also been lammtiiy utea ill vain. -The photographs of a large number of , c n,in lingering coughs, asthma, chronic nasal catarrh and kindred maladiea, have been skillfully reproduced in a book ofr loosj naees which will be mailed to you, on re. ceint of address and si cents in tamps. You can then write those cured and lears their exnerience. Address world's Disckn- luar attpicAV Awociatiun, Buuale, N, V. pulsive. There are many atraugo resemblances 1 between ths Indian legends and familiar incidents of the Old Testament. St Louis Kepulie. AltS ION T.M I M) Kl . Klsio Yes, dear, my husband ia doctor, and a lovely fellow, but he awfully abscntminded. Ada Indeed! Klsio Only fancy! Dutiug the mar riage ceremony, when lie gave me ll ring, he felt my pulse and asked me to put out my tougue. Ada Well, ho won't do tho latt again. London Answers Jacob's ladder is believed to have been the first elevated road. et -Buffalo MliiriTMiAirS SUNG. Small Wonder That it has Called out Tri lutes in 1-very Language. IIYPNUTI.l.H Till! JTI'Y. Murderer who Compelled the Rendition of a Verdict in llisl'avor. n; PLAN HI As Amended and Changed ty executive CiMitlei AN I Z If IN. the State Hark ! From the depths of the strag gling thicket which skirts the wood there comes now a sound in which thero is something curiously weird when heard for the first time and from a distance. It a birdsinging in the night. Clear, suit and distinct, the notes rise and fall iu the silence. It is the otahtingale. Tins is a favorite haunt of the birds. It is surpris iug bow far (he sound travels. Hven after a quarter of a mile has been traversed in its direction it is still a considerable dis tauce off. Similar sounds come now from the copses above, but the birds have eaeli appropriated u situation. Solitary they sit, without changing position, each in coniiuuous song throughout the night. It is the male bird which thus sings to the female as she sits on the nest. It is only a few steps from the thicket at last, and the songster cannot be inure thau 21) yards off. Y'ou do not woud now at the estimate of the extraordinary ualily of the bild's song, nor that should have stirred the tongues of men to tropin's in many languages. Full, lich ami liquid, tho nutes fall with a strange loudness into the still uiizht. Yet it isui so much the form of the song itself whit- is remarkable as the passion wilh which it seems lo thrill. Sweet, sw o e t.sw o e I lower and teuderer the long drawn oul uotes come, the hist of the scries prolonged till tho air vibrates as if a wire had been slrui-k, and the solitary singer Minis ;il. most to etioke with the overmastering in tensity of feeling in the tiual effort. The stars shinu through the leathery branches oft tie silver birches as you iisii-ii, the hoarse bay of the watchdog still comes at intervals on tho breeze; far d .wn the valley burns the red eye of the railway signal; in the distance a coal train is slow ly panting southward, a pillar of fire seeming to preeede it when the white light from the engine firo shifles upon the steam, but tho bird mill sings on and on. It is lust in a world to which you have no key; it has not changed its position or ceased its song since sunset, and it will be sinking still with tho dawn. Strange in finity of nature! Thus must iis kind have sung here while tho name of Kngland was yet uufashioncd on men's lips and it was still a pathless wood to the northern Thames. Thus do the birds sing still on tho fringes of modern Babylon, oblivious and indillerent to all that men consider the vast import of the seething life bejoud. Century Or course a bounot does not siug when it is covered with birds, but tho husband who pays for it whistles. (Wasliingtou Star.) "Hypnotism," remarked the professor to a Star reporter, "is a most peculiar power. A doz sn years ago I was one of twelve jurymen in a murder trial. It was an intelligent jury, too, but our in telligence was of no great value to us. The case was one of murder, iu which the uiurderel gained a fortune by getting an heir oul of the way and taking his place. Tlio trial did not take place until two years after the death of the victim, and the evidence Was circum stantial, but it was a remarkably clear case of circumstauet's. Well, there was not anything peculiar or interesting that wouldn't have happened in any murder trial, but the prisoner was extraordinary at least, as to his eyes, which were of the piercing; kiud one reads of in stories to chill the blood. "He did not use them, however, to any extent until all the evidence was in and the attorneys began their talk. Then he turned them upon the jury and f'ast eaed them there, as if pleading with us to save him. All the arguments were in by b o'clock the first day, and the judge begau to charge the jury. All the soul of the prisoner seemed then to be in his eyes, and I could not get my mind on anything but the prisoner. What the judge was saying seemed to be a far off whisper, vague and indistinct. Wheth er the other juryiueu were affected as I was I did not kuow, because I hardly realized that thero was any one on the jury except myself and that the prisoner was looking at me for help "I had an indistinct idea that he was unworthy to be saved, but iu spite ol myself I could nut bring myself to cull demn hiiu. Then the jury was sent out, tho eyes of the prisoner following until the door was between us. I was the foreman, and as soon as we hail entered the room and sat down, I said: "Gen tlemen, the prisoner is not guilty.' My statement was assented to without a dis- senium voice, and in live minutes time we were in the bux again, and ten min utes later the prisoner was profusely tliauking us for a verdict in his favor. "Then he left the courtroom quickly and the jury was discharged. W w tlked out as if we were dazed, tho most peculiar and uncomfortable feeling I ever experienced, and I went to bed that night elini; as if I was smotheriiiL'. Next moruiug I was nil right again, ant made it a point to question my teilow jurymen. Iu each case I discovered an cxpeiienee similar to mine, but we hardly dare say we had been hypnotized. That winter a traveling hypnotist eatue to town, and that jury put itself in hi hands at a private seance and every uinn 01 it was what is called a 'sensative That settled the business. 1 lie prisoner tad hypnotized the jury and had received a verdict as he wanted it, but it was not t ) be retracted, and the verdict stood 1. t:th l.KT IT 1K01 "Now, children," said a sjhool teacher "I want you to be so quiet you can hear a pin fall." All became still iu a moment, when a little urchin cried out, "N'. w, then I it drop." The lecturer inquired dramatically: "Can any one iu this room tell me a perfect niau?" There was a dead silence. "Has anyone," lie continued, "heart; of a perfect wouiau?" 1 hen u patient looking little woman in a black dress rose up at the back the auditorium and answered: "There was one. I've ufteti heard (if her, but she's dead now. She was my liushatni's lir.-l wife " Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. "Well, llneli! ll.isbury, how did y like I he sermon,''' "It wat a howl ul senium, Marse John." "What was it about?" "ll v.,11 Loot dit inn Jo ncxca thousand loaves an' live thousand fish bein' fed to do twelve 'pestles." "Seven thousand loaves and five thousand li-hes being fed to the apostles, but where docs tile miracle come iu?" I'liele Basliiity scratched his head a lew moments meditatively. Then here plied. "Well, Mar.se J till u, do mir'ele, 'eordin' tu my perception ob de circum stances, is dat dey all didn't bust." islooo: lii.ooin: iti.ooi::: To be healthy I lie blood must be kept pure as it is "tho life of the flesh." If you know any one that has a cancerous sore, Syphilis, Scrofula, old sores, Boils, Pimples, ur inipiiie blond reeomiuend to them )r. haviil's lodo Fcrrated Sar saparilla, the best blood medicine known. Sufferers with rheumatism will bo cured if they will rub well with lhxie Nerve and Hone Liniment ami take )r. Oavid's Sursiiparilla. It is (lie best alterative tonic known. It cures that "tired feel ing" and makes you healthy and strung. l'ltECINCT OlttiAN'l.ATlON, The unit of county organization shall be the voting precinct. In each precinct there shall be an executive committee, to consist of live active Democrats, who shall be elected by the Democratic voters of the several precincts iu t lie meetiugs first called by the county executive committee. And said commit tee so elected shall elect one of its mem bers as chairman, who shall preside at all committee incciiugs. 2. The chairman of the several pro cinctejintiiittee.sshall compose the county Kxecuiive committee, which shall meet at the same lime and place as the county convention first held ill each election year, aud elect a chairman of said cuunty committee, who need not be a member of the committee, aud he shall preside at all meetings of said committee, and shal' hold his place until his successor shall be cted. A luajurity of said precinct chairmen, iu person or by proxy, shall conslitute a quorum. The county cum mittee shall likewise appoint a central committee of live, who shall act in its stead when the county committee is uot in session. Ii. In case there shall be a failure on the part of any precinct to elect its executive committee for a period of thirty days, the cuunty executive com mittee shall appoint said committee from the Democratic voters of said product. 4. lhe members of the preciuct com mittee shall elect to any vacancy occurin in said committees. The County Executive committee shall call all necessary county conventions by giving ut least ten days' notice by puoiic advertisement in three putilie places n each precinct, at the court house door. ami in any Democratic newspaper Unit may be published in said county, request ing all Democrats of the eouuty to met. in their respective precincts on a common ty therein staled, which said day shall not be less than three days before tl meeting ol the eouuty convention, for the purpose of electing their delegates to the county conventions from the voters of ling so held, shall elect their delegate to represent the preciuct in the county convent iotis from the vuters uf tl respective voting precincts which del rates, or such of thcui as .-hall uttcm hall vole the full Democratic stren; ol'lhtir respective voting precincts on all itnstions that may come before said eouuty conventions. Iu i.ise no mcetiu hail lie held in any prei n ' in pursuatiee of said cull, t r no election shall be mad reeiuet executive committee shall appoint such delegates. fill M AHY See. (i. At every precinct meelin there shall, before delegates to the count convention are elected, be a vote taken for the different candidates for uflie whose names may be presented, and th delegates shall vote in the county coven lion their respective precincts in aecor dance with this vote that is to say, eae landiduto shall receive in the county couveution that proportion of the votes to which the preciuct may be cntitli which be received in t lie precinct meet ing. The chairman and secretary of tl precinct meeting shall certify to the county convention the vote received each candidate at the preciuct meetiu 7. Kneh precinct shall be entitled east in the eouuty convention one vole for every twenty-five Democratic vol aud uiie vote for Iractiutis uf thirteen Democratic votes east by the township the last preceding tiulierniitunal election Provided, that every voting precinct shti be entitled to cast at least one vote, aud each precinct may send as many delegates as it may see lit. 8. The chairmen of precinct commit tecs shall preside at all precinct meeting In tin ir absence any other metiibe said commute may preside t'OI NTV AMI IHSTUlrr CONNKl'TUINS, I. 1 lie several county conventions shall be entitled to elect to tie ir Sen tonal, Judicial and (. ongressional eon Vent ions one delegiito und onu nlleruti lor every ntty I'emncrnne votes-. nnl one delegate for fractions of over twenty-live Democratic votes east at the last preced ing Gubernatorial election in their re spocuve counties, aud none but delegates or alternates so elected shall be elected to seats in said conventions. Provided that every county shall have at least one vote in each of said conventions. Provided lurtlter, that in all county conventions in which delegates shall be selected to attend any State, Congres sional, Judicial or other convention, a vote shall be taken in accordance with the plan of organization as to tho candi dates whoso names may be presented lo such county convention. Tho delegates shall bo selected from the friends nnd supporters of each candidate voted for in proportion to the number of votes he shall receive in such county convention and no other instructions shall be given: Provided further, that when only one candidate is presented and voted for at such county convention, it shall be lawful instruct fur sueli candidate. 2. At every county convention, before legates to State, Congressional, Judical, fsenatnrial ur other conventions are losel, lliere shall be a Vote taken fur e different candidates fur office, whose imes may be presented, aud the dele- ites shall vote their respective counties accordance with this vote; that is to y, each candidate shall receive in the ate, Culigiessioual, Judicial, Senatorial, other conventions, the proportion uf e vole to which (lie county may be titled which lie received in the county nvciilion. The chairman mid secretary the county convention shall certify to en eoiivention tile vole received uy cam ndidiite at the county convention, and i other instinct ion shall be given: rovided that where only one candidate resented it shall be lawful to itistiuet fur him. At the Slate and district cutiveutions lie delegates irom the uiltercut counties f disregard the vote of their respective counties to any candidate, provided two- irds majority of all his votes from the county consent thereto. The chairman, or, in his absence, iny member of the eouuty, senatorial, judicial and congressional committees, hall call to order their respective con ventions, and hold chairmanship thereof until the convention shall elect its chair man. 4. The executive committee of the senatorial, congressional and judicial listriets, respectively, shall, at the call of their respective chairman, meet at some time and place in their respective districts designated in said call. Aud it shall be their duty to appoint the time and place for holding conventions in their respective districts, and the chairman of said respec tive committees shall immediately notify the chairmen of the different county executive committees of the said appoint ment, aud the stud county executive committees shall forthwith call conven tions ol llieir respective counties in conformity to said notice, to send delega tes to said respective district conventions, STATU CUNYKNTION, The State convention shall be composed of delegates appointed by the several county conventions, r.ach county shall be entitled to elect one delegate and one alternate for every one hnudred and fifty Democratic votes, and one delegate fur Iraeliotis over seventy-live Democratic votes, cast therein at the last proecedin ulieriiatorial ebetiuii, und none but elegates or alternates so elected shall be entitled to seals in said convention. Provided, that every county shall bavi ut least one vote in said convention. ADVKKTISKM KNTS. f SIMMONS .1 rV R E G U LA TO R " THE BEST SPRING HEDiCINE isSlMMt iN's I.IVI U 'i H I.Alt iW. lJon't tor;'et to 1 1 !-.- it. V-.. is the time you need it st to w.tl.e tip v .1:1 l.ivri. A slui;.-i-.li Liver brimr. mi M.iI.iii.i, I ''ever anj Anne. I'lifiiiii.-ili-sm, :ind in. ii iv other ills whii h sli iHer tit" constitution and vercJ-: lie.ilth. iJ-m't tor-.'ct the word fit, I I. AKil'. ii is NAWKiNS I.IVIK Hl-.til.l.Ali ik vouu.iiil. Iliev.orJ I'Hi ULATuk J'.stin '.ni'-h -i it Irnm all other remedies. And, besides this, SIMMONS I.IVLR KHil.'I.ATuP is a Kegtil.itor of the Liver, keeps it properly at w m k, that your system m.iv he k--"t in good condition. ' (OR TH I: HL(K)I) take SIMMONS fIVI-.k kliUljI.ATOk. It Wthc best Mood purifier olid corrector, 'fry it and note the dilterence. Look for the RlilJ on every p ick:ige. You wont fnij it on any oilier niedi.ine. and there is no other Liver remedy like SIMMONS I.IVfcR KliULLAfop. -the Kinof Liver Remedies. sure you gel it. J. II. .i-iliii & Co., I'liiluili lpliia, I'a. by to t.ENKItAL HI'l.ES. 1, At all conventions the delegates hall be selected, as near us may be, from the friends and supporters ol' the candi dates voted for. !. Such delegates or alternates of absent delegates as may be present at anv Democratic convention, shall be allowed to cast the whole vote to which their preciuct or county may be entitled. In all conventions provided for by this system, after a vote is east there shall be no change in such vote until the final result of the ballot shall be announced by the chairman of said con vention. L All Democratic executive commit. tees shall have the power to nil any vacancies occurring m their respective bodies. 5. The chairman of the different county conventions shall certify the li of delegates and alternates to the different district and Slate conventions, and certified list of delegates and alternates to the State convention shall be sent to the secretary of the State central commit tee. li. It shall be the duly uf the county committee, and ul lis chairman, to lur- nish such information and make stn reports to the chairman of the Stale committee as be iniiy desire. NKW ADVKKTISKM KNTS. Bill POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder, Highest of all in leavening strength. Lntrnt (.. S. (juvernnirnt rood Report, Hoyal lUKiNii Powder i;o., 106 Wall St.. N Y. TtW -V -U r 1U -J .aWi,M STEEL WIRE FENCE BOARD. A BarMo. Homo tmH'tti Fenof : Ciblwl Pooltri and UuriU-ii Fi-nm-; talilnl Field und Hog Fene. Yard, Oiiii'lrry mid tirvi Lot Fcnitfiif on HUti) riiRiaim Hiii a nin'outiiy. w raj Lbt rlcbt UtHMOgUU Mltl ICNIIDUnUiUl irvo. Ik. L- VUKLUttfcUUKR, iTHMi, 41 A. PETERSBURG DIRECTORY- HARDWARE, SASH, JIL1XDS, and DOORS. Cl'Cl'MliKIi Pl'Ml'S, Tor sale by PLUMMER & WHEELER, I'KTKRSWIt';, VA. my 21 ly. KPC.UtCl'llIIIKK. T. IH'MiEKlIILL CURRIER & UNDERHILL, ' BOSTON ONE PRICE Ot.ll. House Wliok-Kiilt'iiml Rctiii. lienlLTH In FINK CLOTHING, I'liilciiH'ti'h KurnisliiiiK (iiitxls, HuU, ('aps Trunks, Kic. '..r.sy my J Mtni'R' ami Hank Su., : Iv. Petersburg, Va, W. E. ARMSTRONG & CO WlioU'siile and retail DRUGGISTS, ti'J.'i Sycamore t.( TrU-rsliiug, Va. 8M)lA11 mail orders receive prompt per sonal attention. lnv'-JI. ty. E. H. PRITCH ETT 4t CO. , i'i:Ti:iisr,n:ti, va. Successors to Mitchell Co.'s BOOK STORE. STAN'DAIM) 1'ATTKliNS, FASHION siiKETs i'i;i:i:. (live lis a call. loyally ALLIANCE EXCHANCE Sells o it commission Toliaceo. Wheat. Corn, Cotton, I'eaiiuls, Hogs, Poultry, and ill kinds ol COUNT UY l'KolH CE, and pun hand (leneral Merchandise. Wt will litiv on order anything a farmer may need. (iuano.s a specialty. Let us bear from yon. Hiisln.;nls furnished on nppli cation. .1. C SMITH, Agent. my2:tly l'etershurir, Va HUDSON'S- 17 Main st., Not folk, Va. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN SDININb liooM. ALL M I'.ALS 'J.'i CK.NTH. srri'Assixti fiirhtf: a .s'.v .i.n' J. li. li li.Mi, 1'iupiii-l.tr. The Hest of L'verythiiiK in Siiison, oet III lyr. pETERSMITHiCO.,- "THE LKAIIEUS OF LOW l'KICES," Importers, w holesale and retail dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY - GOODS, No. 114 Main street. Norfolk. V. 197 1 C. H. B. HOWERTOIM, HALIFAX, N. C. DINING ROOMS. Tuhle suppl' 1 with the very beat th market can ail'ord. .Livery Stable in connection s

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