j.ii Marts'- 1 111 HI ifll ish JOHUST W. SLEDGE, i-uohuktor. VOL. XXXI A. NEWSPAPER IF O IR, THE "PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. 189(5. TEE21MIS: 81-r"' 1K11 annim in apvani'K NO. 23. N KV A 1) V KKTIS KM KNTS. To Regulate, Tone Up, Invigorate ASmiNli Altr.Al. illl AHOR. STOHACH, LIVER UNO (: B0WEL5, thereby curing constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, dispo sition to sick headache and kindred ailments, take Dr. Pierce's -Pleasant Pellets. :: :: fYCS J-SEI'- 'U U'A ys IX FAVOR. One Dot. All Medlclnt Deilar. W ILLIAM FREEMAN, rturriiAiT artist and run- togruphcr and dealer in FRAMES. EASELS, AMATEUR Supplies, etr. (ll.!)l'ICTl i;i:C(ll'VIN(! AKI'IX'IAI.TY Kitst class work guaranteed, net 1(1 ly. 17(1 Main st., Norfolk Vii TASTELESS CHILL TONIC IS JUSTASCOOO FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50cts. Oai.ati a, It La., Not. 16, 15J.3, '.'an M mucin Co.. ht. Mo. lit'titlctiu'n' -Wo wlrt liutt yttnr, WO bnttli of ".iti.VHS TAHTKLKnS CIIIU TONIC ami have Jim wlit tlirp-o nru!s Rlri'mly thin your. In nil imrci I't rtfiien df II yours, tti tho druu bunnies, hnvo tiiV(reild tin nrtlclu tualiftivu mieli universal wtlti AU.NKV.CAUB & CO .SOLD AND WARRANTED HV Dr. A.S.Harrison, KNFIKLD, N. ('. udkm c Grocery WKLIION, N. C Kor line uroccries, it will pay to cull On. I. I,. .ludkins, lender' of tlirm all, The finest goods in Weldon yoa will sec At Juilkiu's Urocery. IiuorU'd and domestic goods here yon will Iiuil, Canned goods and delicacies of every kind It matters not what your needs may he Visit Judkius' Uroeery. Kor choice tens ail. I coffee Judkius in le nowned None linei in the country can be found Try their special brands of blended ten At .ludkius' (iroeery. None in Weldon with Judkins can rom pete Or show it stock of line goods na complete i ne grout one priee you may nee At Judkins' (iroeery. At .ludkiiis' store do not forget full wcighu and measures you can alway net And your town ordi rs delivered free From Judkins' (Iroeery. dec l:i ly. I'KOFESSIOXA I. (M M8. Iiihn N. liiigcrt, nl tho American FcJcratinn uf I.atur. Aiulwcs the Spavh nf the Nominee and Makes l'reJietimis. JmiCH M. Mfl.l.KS, WALTBK I. DANIIL U L L I II k PANIRL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Wm.noN, N. C. rttcticeln ttiucourUor HalirkiftudNorthtmri. 'i i hiiii in the Supreme anil Federal eourls. (Jul i! If.ma mailt. In slltiMrlK.ifNi.rlh t!Amllna. Kriuch oMee at Hallfai, N. C.oiwu every Mod-itJ- Ju7 1j TJU. T. T. ROSS, DENTIST Weldon, N. C. WTOffice over Emry ft Pierce'astore. 10-19-ly. JJR W.J.WARD,);.- -Sarflreon Dentist, ENFIELD, N. C. rOfflotorw Harriaon'a Drag Htore, dao 90 ly. STANDS I fll'. MeKinley Says No line Need te in Hunt! Abut what the KfiiHiean Part v Stands 1 or. This speech is very timely. It is more than un aJilress to the workers in Chicago it appeals to the toilers every wheri'. It will brio); out and crystali.e the "labor senliinent" of the entire coun try. Tho attempts to suppress this sen timent will rather develop it, broaden it, iccpeii it, strengthen aud embolden it, make it more determined iu its say. In- piiry I'roui all parts of tlio industrial world will uow be focussed upou the is sues represented by Mr. liryan's candi dacy. His strong expressions in behalf of the common people; his quotations from Jef ferson, Jackson and Lincoln; his demand lor government without fa voritism; his recommendation of arbitration in labor disputes; bit advocacy of proper legislation on the problem ol the unemployed; and finally his exaltation of labor organizations and their achieve ments, placing them above associations of bankers, railroad magnates aud monop olists in their relation with the general public all these will touch the ro pon- sive chord among city workers and farmers. Mr. ltryan is distinctly a people's can didate. I believe the plaiu people of this country whom Abraham Lincoln loved feel that they again have a candidate fur President whom they can trust as they have not trusted any otber candi- iite since Lincoln. The history of our country shows four such true iepresenta tives, appearing at cyclic intervals in this country Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Br) an. These men were defenders of the rights of the people. They were called to leadership at critical periods ol out political history. We are now at a critical period. The crisis has brought furih I In' man to lead and wiu. Mr. I!rjan is the embodiment of the principles lor which organized labor is witling. Our platform might Well be simply "liryau!" This is labor's golden opponuuity, to be embraced with z ul and ullliz.'d as the cliauoo uf a lifetime And, thank (i"J that, although capital is banded together as never before, there is steadily growing unity of purpose among the workers that will, by election day, sweep aside this evil power and izive an enduiing triumph lo the new and true Demncraev. Tlie idea that any considerable number of woikiiigmeii will vote for Melviiiley, especially since this far-reaching speech, is preposterous. John N. Hoiikkt, Oiganiz r N. V. Stale Uranch of th Americau Federation of Libor. No, if there ever was a doubt, it has been dispelled. "It stands today for all that the Amer ican people do not want. "It stands fur the protection to Amer ican laborers one day iu the year, and then legislate against them the other Hil t days. "It stands for the wealth consumers and agaiust the wealth producers. "It stands for 10-ccnt corn, llll-cent wheat and 5-ccut cotton. "It stauds for the policy of making the poor man pay the bulk of taxes while the rich go free of taxation. "It stands for two kinds of money one for the bondholder and gold gambler and the other for the farmer, mechanic and old pensioner. "It stands for high taxes and low wages. "It stands for a policy that has tilled our jails and almshouses. "It stands for landlordism on one hand and pauperism on the other. "It stands for scarce money and low prices of labor's products. "It stands for money as against the man. It stands for tbe doctrine that tho rights of property are superior to the ghts of person. "It stands for financial policy which trial of years has brought the country to the verge of ruin 'It stands for gold monomotaiism, a copspiracy which in the language of Secretary Carlisle "will ultimately entail more misery upoo the human race than all the wars, pestilence and famines that have ever occurred in tho history of the world." Hu It Innncenily. llecause They in Nut Know llnw tn te Wives. IIOTKL KTIQtKTTE, A gentleman ol'Carrolton, who has late ' returned from the west, has linughl with him a oopy of sumo of the rules he found pasted iu a hotel dining room. The hotel was the "Hustlers' Rest," at Little Cayu'0 Creek, Col Tbe "Kules for the (iiiidanco ol tluesh" follow; "All gents with shooting irons or other weapons must check them before entering the dining room. Waiters are too scarce to be killed. 'dents are requested not to attract waiters' ulteniion by throwing things at them. This is 110 ileal' mute asylum. "Seven kinds ol pie are given with ever) dinner. "tablecloths are changed ever) Sunday. "Our food is all of the best qua ity Our milk is pure, eggs new laid and the butter speaks for itself. "Guests tipping waiters must piy fu neul benefits in c isc one should die Ir u heart disease. "No more tliau six eggs will be give each at a sitting. Any guest found try ing to work off shells on a neighbor will b fired from the table. "lliscuits fouud riveted together can bi opened with chisel supplied by a waiter The use of dy nauiito is strictly forbidden "Disputes over articles of food must b settled outside. "Don't lasso tbe waiters, because the gncst who can't throw the rope will be at disadvantage. "Gents cm take off their coats if the; want to, but they must keep on tbeir vasts." Baltimore Sun. KOKOVI.K FIFTY YKAK Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup hasbeeu used for over fifty years by millions ol mothers for children, while teething, with perfoct success. It soothes tho child softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part ol the world, lb cents bottle, lie sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. NAUTICAL. "Why, captain, I nover supposed you would many again." 'Iui only taking I sccon' mate, sur, OABTOniA, tlallt ttfWUS ft tl WW WO.MF.N Willi .MAWir.N ,MI N. Women may be charming, wholy di voted to their homes and their husbauds, and yet be so tactless, throughtless and aggravating as to drive husbands to 1 lie xlreme of misery. "Any observant bachelor, could recall tho number of in stances of women who, from mere want of tact and intelligence are almost driving their h .sbands mad by getting on tin ir nerves They forget lh.it busy men reipiire absolute brain rest, change of scene, change of subject. They forget that however worrying the little affairs ol a household may be, the anxieties ol reat buisiness upon which Ilio whole imily's present and future di p -nd. an far greater. A friend of mine, who if now nearly a millionaire, told in" in confidence that while he was silling one lit over his smoking-room fire wonder ing whether he could next day possibly survive a terrible crisis which was ban ing over his head and might had to disastrous bankruptcy, with debts to the extent of ,C'J()II ,011(1 or so, his wife came whining into the room to say that tin batcher must be paid the next day-and the amount of the butcher's bill was un del X. 50! Lt is on such occasions that a man wautsa hclntul wile-ane who will lei him about or read aloud the last eooil novel, who will say 'Come, let us go to the theater to-night; you need change of scene,' and above all, one who knows just when ber husband requires nothing more tbau to be left alone. It is worn :n who get on their husband's neives, that drive them to take bachelor holidays wheu they ought to be getiiug more eujjymeut from he wife's companionship. "Of course there are men who are a! ways out ol sorts, spoilt dyspeptic bears with sore heads, who reipiire slroug minds to manage them, but there are Very many others who only want judi cious, sympathetic treatment lo be the best husbands in the world. Avoid be ing silly, avoid sayiug silly things or try ing to make conversation, or comuieuting on some remark your husband has made Head and think iu order to cultivate in tclligence and resoureefulness, wiih ihe objeut io view of being bin vouurH-lui al,d above all, his 'chum' that word means much." London Woman. Will's!' THAN IMHANS, I'inneer slimale uf ihe Trues uf MuJern t ilv l ife. M W l.iiMIM.. Ihrec UTe--ii.il IrauTlers Ikajin Toward ihe I arih, line uf uhkh will 1. (.lose lul's. "So you were pioueer in the early days of the Wesi?" "I was," answered graybeard You lived among the hostile Indians'''' 'Yes." "Lived with rifle in your hands and in hourly expectation of being the mark for a hidden enemy's bullet?" "It was siniething like that." "Do you know, I often think that a life like that must be terrible. I should think the mere strain on the nerves would a man iu a short time holding jour life in your band all the time, always conscious that a moiueut's relaxation of vigilance may moan death. "Oh, I don't know," replied the gray- beard. "When I came back from the West I was sixty years old and did not have a gray hair. I got oil' tlie railroad train aud started to walk across the street Half way over 1 heard the dingedest clanging and yelling right at my heels I ever heard and somebody gave me a push that sent me clear to the curb. Then, when I looked around, I saw I'd come within an ace of being run over by a trol ley. Never had so narrow an escape Irom Indians. "I went into a saloon close by lo get a drink, and settle my nerves. While I was standing at the bar a couple of fel lows got into a scrap and one of them threw a heavy beer mug. Didn't hit the other fellow, but it came within a sixteenth of an inch of my right temple. "I started to walk uptown, and tbe first erasing I came to a policeman grabbed me by the shoulder and jerked me across so quick it made my head swim. I looked to see what was the matter, for there was no car tracks on that street, and I saw 1 had just escaped being run down by a hackmau burying to catch a traiu. "Up street a little further somebody yelled: Look out?" at me, and when 1 jumped a big bicycle fell and struck where I had been standing. "I gut lo my hotel and was heading for the door when somebody grabbed ine aud asked me il 1 wauled to be killed. They were hoisting a safe into a second story window over where I'd beeu trying lo go aud I hadn't more than got out of tin way before a rope broke and it dropped "I weut to bed and about midnight I was called up by a ringing over my bead and found the place was on lire, and I had to lide down a rope to escape, licing a sound sleeper, t!i-y bad hard work to wake me, and I had barely touched the ground when the roof fell in. "When 1 looked in tho glass I saw the first streaks of gray lh.it had ever showed themselves in my hair. O'.i, there's dangers in civ ilized life as well as out on the plains!" 'This is so sudden' At the present moment three comets are approaching the earth at a speed of something over a million miles an hour. (Ine of ihese comets is apparently travelling a path which will bring it very close to the earth perhaps too close. Two of these comets are well known to astronomers, but the third h'stial visitor is a stranger. It made its appearance in Ihe heavens nine days ago, and has been officially named Ciocupini's comet after the Italian astronomer who discovered it. Only two satisfactory observations uf it have as yet been taken aud its exact path is not definitely known. Knough, however, has been observed through the larger telescopes to determine the fact that it is rushing toward us at a rate that will bring it here in about three weeks. The paths of the lirooks conic! and of the Periodic comet lie so near the sun that they will bo of little general interest to dwellers on this earth. No phenomena of nature known to mankind have ever attracted more intense iuterest tbau the occasional near ap proaches to this earth of eelesti J bodies. In the earlier periods of the world's history the presence of a comet in the heavens was the signal for the wildest outbreaks ol superstitious fear. The presence in the heavens of three celestial visitors heading toward us re calls the three most remarkable cornels of recent years. These were the comets of 1811, lS-i:i andl8.'8. The Comet of 181 1 was the finest that, un to the time of ils appearance, had adorned the the heavens since the day of Newton. It was noted for its intense brilliancy, and was visible for more than thre months in succession to the uaked eye. It was a comet of the first class iu point uf magnitude aud luminosity. Its brilliant tail at its ureatest elongation bad an ex tent of 12:1,0011,0(11) miles, and 11 breadlh of 1 '),000,0(IO miles. Supposing the nucleus of the comet to have been placed on the sun aud the tall in ihe plane of the orbits of the planets. It would have reached over those of Mel cury, Venus, the earth aud would have bordered 011 that ol mars. At its nearest approach lo us, the comet was yet distant 1 11,1100,000 miles, so that had even ils tail pointed iu the direction of thc.iarth. the extremity of the tail would have been 18,11011,111111 miles away from the arth's surface. crazy bird upstais. Why, it's only one of the yuiin men's parrots which they brought Iciiiie with tli-111 from over the li s an i'-l-manm r biid, and do swear drcadfuly. Mi-trcss won't have it iu the house so the boys bang up the cage out of the window nftheir room upstairs. 'You're a great gawk, l'at, to be mind the likes "f a p 1.11, simple 'ninded bird like that." l'at became slowly appeased, and, as he ut on his coat, be siid: ' I don't mind what a bird says, Molly, but begorra, I tboii'.'bt il was ih it sneak M 'C.irihy bid ing luriinist ther slo ip. -.V'wiork I1O1 Keep cool. Keep pure. Keep the peace. Keep your senses. Keep good coiopauy. Keep sober by all means. Keep away from every vi.'o, Keep liquors from your home. K"ep away from evil cmupani 111s Keep every unkind word to yourself. Keep a stout heart; despair always weakens. Keep early hours; late hours have ruined millions. Keep the good resolutions you have made; 'twill make you happy. Keep tbe love of your wife and listen to her advice. She is your best friend. Keep your feet from straying into for bidden paths every day iu the year and every hour in the day. Kx. AH YKKTISKM KNTS. SILVER OR GOLD. Better tlian either is 11 liver. If the liver is O. mini is 0. K. His 11. 1 j'liiv, his ilis'i -sti 'ii I'l'rl'.'i-t ean rliji -V life :i.-t in!"'. 1 . '. . , . i aim l'liiemiv 11 mi tio' m of the 1l.1v. Yuii all know what to tiilie. mi have known it fir vears. It is iSiniiimns Livr lii'irtilutor heulthv K. the is he,t and he igi'iit'.y lll'St ! 'IIS ask r Hit "fX "rA SIMMONS tREGULATOR N K W A D V KltTIS K M K N TS. cii. AltElou IiRBD All the timer I Ins condition is a sure indication that your blood is not rich and nourishing as it ought to be and ai it may be if you will take a few hot lies of the great blood pu rifier, Hood's Sursaparilla. Thousands write that Hood's Sursaparilla has cured them of that tired feeling by giving them rich, red blood. Hood's l'ills act easily and piomptly on the liver and bowels. Cure sick headache. l'LAYIXO KEKI'S. Richer "I see that young Klyton has been keeping your accounts." Grabton "Yes, and he's been keeping all the tnftnoy, too." "And did she say when you propose!? ' "No, I said it myself. 1 wasn't neetini; il to be accepted at all." cinnaii Knquirer. "To curse with lull, hook and candle" was the most formal excommunication practiced by the church uf Rome. It was an anathema pronounced witli tbe most solemn ceremonies. "This is the d ly on which our house is tu burn down.". "Gracious! What do you mean!" "Why, buildings always burn down die day after their insurance has expired." 'Do you do much climbing, Harold?" asked tho newly arrived guest. Well, in a way, I do," said Harold. "I'apa climbs all over the mountains, and I climb all over papa" Harper's Round Table. "How can he be so rich, when lie tried to borrow money of my brothers iho day afier wo were engaged? That was only a precautionary method. He wanted to prevent llicin from duing the s thing to him." Truth. Sho (coming up suddenly): Where did that wave go?" He (coughing and sir ig ling): "I shallowed. "it Chicago Record Miss Quiz.. "Do you believe all tin disagreeable things you read in the now.- papers?" Miss liuzzbug "I doif the) an about people I know.' The average rainfall of Greit Rrilain is estimated to equal ti.i,iHMl gallons pir acre every year almost I!,flll0 tous, The Aroostock, iu Maine, was named from un Indian word uicauiuu "uood men." Poor young man "Wl.y do you treat me so unkindly? Fashionable girl "Treat you unkindly? Why, what do you menu? Haven't I told you I wouldn't marry you?" Somerville Journal. Ha, ha! laughed Swayback, who had 1 heart eauie out S'cu Mr. Bizzyman dispose of a nuisance by sending him on an errand. Ha, ha ! Good way to dispose of bores! Make 'em do something I Yes; it works well, replied Ilizzymau. liy the way, I wish you'd drop this letter io the box 00 tho corner as you go home! OASTOniA. fte to-Hallt Mtutu. . WHiKI'Tl POLLY. l'airiek 'lhouKht 11 was the Vniee of Ills Riulanif.ot Riled at It. OWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder Highest nl all in lcavenim.' strength. f.nlrsl U. S. Il'ivenimnit Fund Report, HoVAI. liAKlNII PoWllKIl Co., "mi Wall fit . N Y. ii &i ' ; H 511 W W "'''KM.".''!. STEEL V.'E3 PICKET 1' W-1 i f --ICE A JEWEL "Husband and I have never quarreled, declared Mrs. Holly. "What a perfectly angelic disposition he must have," purred her dearest friend An amusing scene occurred in a quiet, up town street. A young Irishman who lurling a Msy-chi eked servant in one of die houses in the through Lire called about his usii al time in theevenini: J list as he opened the iron gate leading into tin basement yard he 1 rd a voice say Hullo, Pat!" "Hullo, yourself," replied Pat. "Hullo, Pat!" said die strange voice ai'nin. Pat ga'.ed al! around him, but could see nobody, aud one.; agaiu he heard the voice say, "Hullo, Pal!" "Is that all you can say, "Hullo, Pat!" Where the divil are you, anyhow?' an swered Pat. "Pat you're a fool," said the voice. " liegorra, you're a liar, whoever ye be,'- shouted Pal, as he lokcd blindly urouud for his insiilter. "Pat, you're a fool," again uttered ihe voic". "I'm no fool, whoever ye are." culled out Pat, wild with anger, "au' if ye will show ycrsclf I'll prove it to ycz." 'Foolish l'at" came the reply, iieoui p. lined by a horse chuckle. Pat was furious, and thoughts of his rival, McCarthy immediately came in his mind. "Show )crsclf, McCarthy, only show ycrsclf, McCarthy, un' I'll punch in die lace of yeZ, I will! will!" lie slioutid as he danced up and down. "Pat, you I'ioI! Pat, you fool! bo, ho. ho! Iia ha!" shouted Put's tonnenter. liy this time Pit's coal and waistcoat lay on th" ground, mid be had hissleevis rolled up lo his elbows and was tearing around like a lien on a li.it griddle. There's no telling what would have happened, as it was nearly tlie liui ) for the policeman on the beat to puss that way, when the basemen! door opined and Pal's sweet Oil seeing Pat slid uttered a little scream and exclaimed. Are you crazy, Pal? An' what hus camo into you the niglii? Put your clothes on man." "Y ju spalpeen Pal! Foolish Pal! Ho ho! ba ha! Go home, Pat," said tin mysterious voice out of the darkness "Do ycz bear the blackguard? 01), il I can lay my hiieli in him!" Foamed Put, as he continued bis war dance. "All, ji u inu Hi t iniud lhat, Put,' said bis sweei heart "You're a doukey, surely, lo be uiiuding the lalk uf lhat , I--. ,,.-. iui. I .1 i lli"-i-. I'"'... mi.. ItF ..-,T Hie l'r.'ltflil C. Online;. !; . I,. SlUvl.Unt-ltUtli. A 1 1, A N I I. I- 1 Wh! can think ,.r siiinw nitii.ir tiling lo iinti'iit ' Wanted-An Idea Protoct vnr Ideas; ttir nmy ItIdk you wt-itlih. u,!. tAiim U KDnKUItl UN t'll.. I'tilt'Dt Altor lie vs. WadlilnRtoii. l. C. tr their $l.-i irlse c-TTtt ami Hit uf iwu liuutiretl inventions wuuieu iilllO (0 m nstituto For vi-ars von an.l Your fathers have fotm-l it ol ski-lii.L' worth. It is uiul always has Leeii out no only Ly J. 11. Zeilin A; Co. Take none but the genuine. It has the J led ', on (lie fi'ui.t of tho wrapper, ainl nothing else is the same, und llotiilli.- S'i U'.'i'l. A Tho K XCKLKIOK I'KlNTINli COMPA NY ollii'i' in new mid coiiiiiU to ami con il lifted ly up-to-diite printers. We do not date U-M-.k to the time of Muthusala, wheu elephants roosted in trees and leathers j-rew on hos. OriLS IS AN KSTIlilXY NKW OFKICK new marhincry and new type. No par eels ol old decayed and diseolured papers, und no aneicnt styles ol' typo that have dull ami wri'ikled laees, caused by lonj; service and obi ac. We have tlie materi al that must insure work with a business like twinkle. Your letter and bill heads, statements, circulars, postal and business cards, are your spokesmen wherever they p- They either aid you or discredit you. They re- Meet the luisuicss idea ol the man or lirm and show the character and individuality of the article or husidifS advertised. I,KT US HAVE vol i; next oiiDKKS roi: PRINTING. MAIL OKDF.IH IMiOMtTI.Y ATTKNIlKDT . ) Excelsior tiniCoiiipaDy WKI.HOM, N. c. Send vour orders to I ft - . , ji lioiinuke Dock, NORFOLK, VA. The only exclusive wholesaledealersand shippers oV fresh and salt water lish iu the eilv. Fish fioinall atent. Orders by wire or mail receive prompt personal at tention, je It ly. WELDON, N. C. A Chartered School for Hoys and Cirls. J. A- JONES, A. B.. U M. C 1'rin.ipal. Tiiouoniii iNsrurci'ios uivi-n by Competent Instructors iu lour de partments, Primary, Intermediate, Academic, and Music. KtMilriiMhuroiighly prepared lor college or tor Ihe active pursuits of life. LOCATION IIKAI.TIIl'I'L. I'.NVIIIONMKNl'S (iOOl). Hoard ami room $ to !'.' oil per monlh. Tuition, w;;r $20 10 w per session of ten months. Pall term opens Til I'HSDA Y, KEPT. 3rd. for particulars, iiddiens, J. A. JONES, jy 111 2nl Weldon, N. C. V. M. II AIM.ISTON V CO., Wholesale and lictail Dealers in CAM UTS, STOVKS, and Mattresses, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M. HABLIhTOKA CO., No. 2(1 N- Sycamore St., PetemtmiK, Vs. til 'W W ll'W:rkfA.piS.'l-I !'w, 1 1 .vi I ' OWlNSPTftO KY I ADV liKTISKMENTS. Are You Afraid 0 TO READ DOTH SIDES OF THE QUESTION? The New York Journal is the only Metropolitan paper indorsing; Bryan and Sewall and it daily publishes articles by the leading financiers of the country on both sides of the question, "Silver versus Gold." It is progressive, liberal and always espouses the cause of the masses. Every broad minded man should read it, whether Republican or Democrat. in MB L Dally .... 1 Cent everywhere. Subscription for One Month, Including 8unday - 40 cents Two Months and a Half $1,00 Send subscription to The New York Journal,' arcnlatlon Derailment, NEW YORK.' G II. HALE, HALIFAX, N. C. Carries full line Dry Goofls, Notions, Boots H1IUKS, GKOCEKIES, Etc. Ap-nt for STANDARD SEWING MA CHINES, ('an furnish any part ol' any kind ot machine at short notice Send pustal raid tor slip illustrating parts to maehine you have and will name price (or piece Herded. I curry a lull line Coffins & Burial Cases. (live me a trial when ill ncid of aiiv. thinji. my 7 ly. W. T, PARKER, , DEALER IN Heavy AND Fancy- Farm Implements. 224 1'OI NP SACKS OF SALT FOR ?l.lo?i:USA('K. !W)U.Correct prices and polite attention to all. nug 1 ly. Groceries 1 Monarch' k 'Kentucty cluTj' Pure Whiskies! II' he Ask your dealer tor these Itranils, hasn't them, write us. 1 gallon !i vears old, x 1 " in " " 1 case 13 quarts, " vears old, 1 H " " " . .1 .. .. " ii Packed and bottled at distillery ill Hie above si vie package for liunilf use anil mislii'ilial ptirposiw. R MONARCH BOTH ING CO. oweiistioro, Ky. Send money with order Ui avoid delay nar 2(i tim. 4.2.1 II. INI i:t ini 15.IKI $10 A DAYTOACENTS! Anyone who wants to get rich and w ho lias a little enterprise can secure $111 ttday in the Dish Washer business It is booming now. Everybody wants a ClimiK nowadays. One agent cleared $20 every day lor a year; a good chance; best Dish Wushrr made; no soliciting; Dish Washers sold at homo; a permanent imsi tion in town, city or country. Onemillion Ui be sold. A wide-awake hustler ran clear $l.r to $.() a day easy; washes mid dries in two uuiiutcs. CLIMAX M'K'U CO., 5UJ Htarr Ave., Columbns, Ohio. Scientfflo American TfiADB MARKS. MMN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS. MO.I For ItifuniiatLm Alt I fr-- H.ni.lUmtt wrlt to MI NN It IU, l Hiioai.wav, Nw Yi'KK. rid. 't tmroan fr ncrurxitr jmhi'HU in Aitit-rloA Kvxry imtt'itt tAkcn ut ly um Ih bronnht Iw funt tlx (lUhllc by u Hi -tut) tlvin f ne u cliorvfi la UmI f rintlific tntto I.nrfrt.t r!rrii1nMin uf nnr m'li'iitlflo p-M"f In th w-itol. S'lli-inliillv llliitniU'il. N liili lliKi'irl man kli.m).l h.- wlllimt II, Wcrlilv. .1(HN Ti'iir; $I.:h:1iii..!li;h. Al1rp-i, Ml'S'N .t cu., Vi in if hi us :t(il Ur(tilwuy, Ni w York, t'ity. HUDSON'S H7 Main si., Noifolk, Vs. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN S DININb KOOM. ALL MKALH'r. CKNTS. Sl'ltl'A SS ISil CO I'h'h'h' A SPKrlAI.Tr 3. It. IIUWON, Proprietm. The llest of Kverything In Season os't 10 ly r. N. COIIKN.SON & CO., PF.TEIiflniTKO, VA. -Wholesal 1)111 DS ii ITOTIOITS. Maniifaclureniof Skirto, Drswen and over all. Price goantnUwd against ill North ern mark era Order nrtrvtyrompt pw. wind attention. m 4 tj.

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