1 111 a v lf. WM fh m? Oi M ml IC 1 M Ml 22 mm Uit ikfw -csa -w mf 22i SseS W t&S HSU SA. - ST P.' . 3 B 1 -JWWfWWflk jOHlSr "W. SLEDGE, pkoi'Iiiktok. VOL. XXXI. A- IN" IB "W SP APEB ItT O 12, TUB PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1896. TEIEilMIS: 81-5C PER ANNUM in advance NO. 35. ADVERTISEMENTS. PRUNELTNE tirade Mark Roirliircd.l THE IDEAL LAXATIVE Ami Cure for m-C ONSTIPATION- . As pHinaiit us honey and .urr cure Inr it!iuiii "'. Iliuilix lir, l c( rs, Homarh 1 1 vii l I h. HiiHt'l DcraiigriiiriilN.l.lvri-111-ru-en. Mirk Mtuniacll, Irrrgliliirlty. Kidney 'I roiiliN'H, Skin and lllmxl Din. unlrn. ii', I cry i" uiy l,lil,,r 'Hsi'tines and cniiuilieiiiiiiio ,1:,. t, tin' limeltvoionli'orilHi bowels PRUNELINE'" tM. vtafitt tout mio t etith.ir i'.hii--h ulilioiii Kni'liur, imriihv in.' ill. ll lOl.l from tho syMem. It il'ns v Hh CASTOR OIL SALTS ; ,'. 1 il-vN lllill till I'tlltT llll'ISIMIIs .lri.'H- . it Lilies in il fiuTuiz-) Nil Itii'itreili 00,'uti ..Mill' V.VKli'111. Kl'l' tilt' llfllll "O. il , till I--I-I w,it;n nod tlif B'-HeUt'lieu, usiiik I'ltl NK1.ISI-: f.r itie UHi-r 'iirni4H'. .ilil liy all dealer,, or sent on receipt of.iUcenu. t,, ituv nil'lre" I'V "WlNKKl-MANN URoWS KUI li CO., IWltitnore, Mil. i l'il ly. HUDSON'S- With careful rotation of crops and liberal fertilizations, cotton lands will improve. The ipplicatton ol a proper ferti- zi:r containing sutticient rot- ash often makes the difference between a profitable: crop and failure. Use fertilizers contain ing not less than 3 to 4" Actual Potash. Kainit is a complete specific .liramst " Kust. All .iimih Potash thr rrMilts ol its use hv n lual ex. icnnicnt on the bi M t.imis in tht United State j. old in a little book wriu.li we iuhhh :uul will almllv mutltiee ic in iv r.iimiT in Amenta who will write tor it. l.l.NM VN KAI.I WORKS, yj Nassau St., New York. uov ,ri tim 187 M;.iQ at., Noifolk, Va. UDIES'ANO GENTLEMEN SDININIj RQ-.ni. ALL MEALS !!5 CENTS. srni'Assixu coffee a siwiai.ti J. K. HUDSON, Proprietor. The liest of Everything ill Season wt 10 lyr. Chimney Pipe. Sash, Ulintls anil Door?, niitl lull line ol H A.IRID"WA.IRE, For s;ile by PLUMMER & WHEELER, FETEUSIirKU, VA. my i t ly. C. H. HALE, HALIFAX, N. C. Carries full line Dry GooHs, Notions, Boots SHOES, GROCERIES, Etc Agent for STANDARD SEWING MA CHINES. Can Inrnish any part of any kiuil ol machine lit sltort notice. Send postal card for Hlip illustrating parts to m.ichiue you have anil will name price for pieeemeeded. 1 tarry a full line Coffins & Burial m mm immi mil i II TTKBff? Cases. (iivc ine a trial when in need of an; -tiling. my 7 ly. wTTpaIer, , DEALER IN Heavy Farm Implements. 221 POUND SACKS OF SALT FOR 81.10 PER SACK. tluCorrect prices aud polite attention to all. aug i ly. Groceries is wv . Msr- CAVEATS. TRADI MARKS. DESIGN PATINTS COPYRIGHTS. Ate. Forlnf-TTTtiath'naii'. fr- f Hanltnt)li wrltn to MUN.N x iO., 'M lfit'l'WAT. Vhk. f'lih'st Inin-Rti fur fi-nrimt pulfntJt In Anu-rli'd. 1 very lutein t.Vten fi t l y us 1 hrnuulit lu fwni tlip pulillu by a n-.t.euttvt-u rrt-euft-liiirKe lu Um T.!-F'pst rlrrnlnM'-'n of nnr K' fpntlflr pupor In tto rid. Milrmiid v l.;,itnU-d. Nt lntflliii'ii Man Nhotiiil Ihi viil-..ut I'. Wwklv, i3.IN ;Mr; lliBlvini.tiiln. A.idn'si, Ml'N CO., I'i itLwia.its, JiU I Hriw.u ay, Ni-w urt City, Professor Jas. Harvey's UNEXCELLED TON 10. & liiiM no niiril. It m lllu oulv Hltiotly pure veieUilile Mood tiiedicino on the mar ket It rentiluU-H and cli nimes the liver, trriiKtlieuii anil heals dtseimil kidneyn, uni.'-tii the urinal orpins in a wondiTlul manner, cures chills and (ever, catarrh in its hint dUuc.-, ulcers, sores ol long stantt ing, aids diaitton, eteuUn appetite, strengthens the weak and languid, given lone anil viinir to the whole system. No one should he w ithout it. OHico and Laboratory 'J"7 Church si reel Norfolk, V. wrl'RICEol) CENTS. Jellly. W. M. UAltLISTON & CO., Wholesale and KeUil Dealenii CARPETS, STOVES, and Mattresses, etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES W. M, HABLISTON CO., Na. 30 N. Sycamore St., Petersburg, Vs. 10 M ly. A D V E It T I S E M KN TS . otton. Oncnmber Pumps, Moments and Tombstones. HKSIGNS SENT FKEK. In writing give some limit u.h to price iitul Htate ago of (IfceaHud. I, H(.IT STOCK In the South In tin-1 pi -f trniti iCOUPERffllRBLE WORKS. (Established 1IH.) 159 to 10.1 Hank st., Norfolk, Va. nov 2 ly. Twin City BAKERY WELOON.N.C. Full line FANCY OROCEIilES, FRB V,S. and Coufectioueries. Nicelineof C.ililbrnia Dried Fruits, I'll Teaches, etc., etc. Full line ol I i -5$ French & Canis Crystali?e Fruits, Cream Almonds aud .Marshlil.lllows. Ageuts (or Flcischniau's conipressed yea oct 15 tf. i F. I Stainback WELDON, N.C. -Dealor In- General Merchandise Ageut for the celebrated ZFKH.EI! 1IRO?. and A I I A 1 1 snur-. Have also added U my stwk a nice line CLOTHING! for MEN, YOUTH'S aud CHILDREN. -A full line of Solid f alnnt Caskets I Coins, Always on hand. Burial robes furnished for Ladies anil I lent leiuen also tint I iuji"' tions given to d.ad bodies anil ilisiuiec tants used w hen desireu. A NICE HEARSE AT YOUR DISPOSAL. Mr. T. H. Tavlor. of Northampton conn ty, is with mo and will be pleased to c Ins mends. P. .V. STAIN H ACK. THE KERN FURNITURE CO., II Old Market Siptsre, Norfolk, Vs. Baly Carriages, Refriprators, and full line of Furniture. MARKET If mf S K W A D V E RT IS E M E NTS. HE WOMAN who takes the Mtrent ;iv to n;iin a bcautitul color atitt a wholesome iJ skin will not take the -v&J comt'iics, paints and low r wrinlrl...! f.. t yes ami hollow cilffks. tf.t't'lher uilli lnwspiiits. fallow tin lUiitnyt-TiH-iitJi, iin n-iilatitit-H an-' wt-aktu-w! peculiar o tlie sr. All women n oture a tome and net vine at Kntite period of tln-ii livts. Whether suf. fi ritiK ft nm irm .'(hisiksh, dizziness, faint ties, displa' 'iiitnt of womanly oinaim, ca tnri h.il inil;niiin,iiinn of the lining metu hi.tncH, beantiir dow n -ttsat tnrif. oi general dehility, In. Pieiee's iMunite l'ieseiitioli reaehcH tin- otiin of tin- irmihle anl cor rocls it. Itn uu cliiiue which was discov ered and used by an eminent pliysiei.ni for ninny ycais in nil ca-es of ' female com plaint," and those painful disoideis that afilirt womankind. If wmntti are over worked, run down, tiled or sleepless, if they are irritable, niotbid and sutler from back ache, they should luiu to the right means for a permanent iurr. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription fit just such cases, for it regulates and trenKtheiis the special fiitictiouu, builds up aud invigorates the en tire leuialc system. DISEASE OF WOMB. Mm. Coka S. Wilson, of Cat tie, SnUtvan Co.. Ind., writes; ! cannot sav ti-o much fur iJr. Pierce's 1-n- vorite lTfscrintion. I frt-I r it my fluty to sav to nil w-h A ntru who are .untTiMR iioin any distase of tlie ntfrus that it is the best medicine on eatlli fur them to use; I can lint praise it ton high ly fur the a'.! it did me. If any one 0 out its this, ive them' mv uanie and ait- drtss." Mrs. WtLsorc. A prent Book of inoo paues, profusely illustrated, containing a vast number of testimonials with reproduced photographs of those cured and giving full name and address of each, will he mailed to any ad dress free, on receipt of 21 cents in one-cent stamps to cover postage and wrapping only. Address, World's Imsi knsarv 51 ed icai. Association, No. 66j Main Street, liulldlu, N. Y. h tew I '- Your address, with six cents in stamps, mailed to our Head- auarters, It Kllot St., llniloo, ass,, will bring you a full line vt s.impliB, and rules fur lelf mtanncmeiit, of our justly la niou'i Sit p.mts ; Suits, ; Overin.iis, U.'2Ci, and up. t ut In or.Icr. Agents wanUd evtry- o 111! 0oiyfeNew 'Pljn!oiil!i Rock Co. TASTELESS ASI) 0 CREEN CROCERIES. To all my friends: I have opened MARKET at tbe old "Delraonico" stand. LIST of ARTICLES KEPT on HAND: (Stall Beef, Nice Fresh Fish received daily, Pork Suusajjc, Cabbage, Potatoes, Kto. O. O-. EV-lTS, Weldon, N. 0. pr 2 tf. 0 O ILL udkins Grocery IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE GOcts. Oai.atia. Ills.. Not. 16. 1993. Paris Mcdlelne To.. ISt. IamiW. Mo. tii'iiilement Wo nold IiimI yonr, 000 bottlon of 1HOVK S TAHTKI.KSS C1IIIJ, TOMP Btid Imvo jtmlit thrfu urui! nlreiidy this your. In all otir ex perleni'u f yennt. In thu drut tninlncus, havo never mM nn nrtlele tuiitgitvo nneh universal sutirh jwuuu as yuur -xuuio. luura truly. S(I.n AND WAKRANTEP HY Dr. A.S.Harrison, ENFIELD. N. ('. 8 WELDON, N. C. Eor line iiroccries, it will pav to call tin J. L Judkius, leader of them all, The tinest jitsids in Weldon you will see At Jlldkin's t.rocery. Iiiijiorted and domestic oods heie yon will Unit Canned nomU and delieaeirs of every kind It tun Iters not, what your needs tuny be Visit Judkins' (iroeery. Kor choice teas and colTee Judkins is le noHtied None tlnei in the country can be found Try their special brands of blended tea At Judkins' tins-cry. None iu Weldon will) Judkins can cini pete Or show a slis k of line goods as comp'ete I'he great one price you may fee At .1 ildkius' (iroeery. At Judkins' store do not fonrct Eull weights mid ineasiires you can al l ays And your town orders delivered free From Judkins' (iroeery, 1 dee Lily. PIlOFKSSKtXAt. CAKI) iiMna.ai'Li.tM, waltes i oasisi ULLKN A PI HI 1 L, A LITTLE CHILD LED THEM How llushn anJ Wife Were llcli TnKtlicr ty A Baty Daughter. M ATTORNEYS AT LA W, Wm.noN, N. C. The ventilulin shaft of a Harlem flat is rispon.-ililo fur the publicity i f a luuchio cpisiuli', IV in which the true names are purposely omitted .Mr. and Mrs. Junes had for several nioulhsl u living under strained c ui- dilionsthat cat a cloud over their liuine, liicli threatcie J to break in aslurtii thai would di.'ritpl the littb Citnily of three members. L it week the breikin;; point was reached and bu-li unl and wil'u nrei il that a separati in w.n the only p ifMblc course. lint there was a Utile daughter. va, 5 year of ago. Which parent was to have her? It was decided that the child bheuld answer this iiuesliuu. Eva," said the mother ai she was seat ed near the ventilating shall, holding the child's hand, while the father, with con tractcd trows, was standing at the other eDd of the room, "my dear little daughter. apa ami inauiuia are Dot 'fiiv to live to gether any longer; we are going to sepa rate aud go far, faraway from each other We can't be happy iu the same house Now, my child, wo want you to say which one of us you will live with. You miisl chouse between mamma and papa." The eyesofthe.liitlegirl filled with tears as she turned iheiu on her father, who had a ortel his face and stood with bowed In ad. She did not speak then, but wus apparently in thought, very deep for her little experience. She loosened the hand that held her and moved quick ly toward her father, who turned with outslreached arms a'nd a smile of triumph to welcome her. A deep frown settled on the mother's lace. The child did not then break her silence. but taking her father's hand in lu rs led him with a tender force which he could not resist to the other end of the room. "Papa and mamma," she said, as she held a hand of each, "I want to live with both of y, m. I must have you both. vkiss, make up and he happy. Please, papa nod mamma The appeal was iiresisiiblu. Mr. aud Mrs JoDes were folded iu each other s arms, and the three for a moment were in tears, which smiles of joy soot h inishud. NuwJork Herald. Fmetlceln Ihecourtunf HsIlhisurlNorthsmpi mi Hint In the Supreme sod Feiternl cmirlli. Uol- ...Mi,.inR1 In Rlltmrtoof Nnrlh Carolina. mii'h .oflpe st Halifax. N. C.opeu every Mon dir. I"" 1 " B. P. SALE, WM. LINN, Proprietor. Manager MANSION HOUSE. ... BOTH OH - AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. Union Street, NORFOLK, VA. D It. T. T. KOSS, DENTIST Weldon, N. C. WTOfflce over Emry A Pierce's store. l()-I8-ly. J)R, w.J. ward,;:- SMieoii Dentist, INDIANA'S GRETNA GREEN, lihly-l ive lining Oiu'lcs Were Married There Last .M.iuih- BRYAN'S ESCAPADE. IlisFlmiieiu'e Tailed llim When It llaily Needed. Was No cry in America has made quite such a gooj ncoi'd in the unmoor ol kuols for elopers as our owu Jelfersotivlle. Ind , the past year. L i-tmitith there wi re eighty live such marriages L icatcd on ihe Ohio river, the town draws from two States and has special attracti ins for the ri'inan ie Keutuekians. The squires and uiinUtirs are wiunini; a reputation for thu way in which they dispatch the nervous lovelorn who come to their doors couple, total strangers in ihe city, wih step trull' a train ur a buggy or bicycles and ask for a certain squire. They have read of him in c inflection with his uc. cotiiiuodatious to eloping couples. So well, however, have the magistrates ar ranged things that ni couple can man age to reach lh.: city without having first hem sp died by some of the ntim rou runners, wli.i kin lly vooiiiieer to escort them to the office of a magistrate Fur this kiuduess the runner always receives afeo from the ofliciatingjuslice. Thejustiee having tho widest repu tation is Squire John Ilause, who occu pies a neat office just at the head of the ferry Ian ling, made conspicuous by the iuvitiug sign, "Matrimonial Parlors" aud other placards, showing to the public the nature of the business transacted by thejustiee During the last month ill least til t v ol the couples were united in the tie that binds by this dignitary. Th emoluments resulting from this, channel are from SI tu $." and somctims S1U each A handsome income ol Irom fl'HI to ?'IH) per month is almost always assured him. Many are the queer request hicli accompany the applications for the iimr- riatic ccrciu n V. Itecoully one of ihe couples wauled to be married while oi their bie)les, and their reipiest was com pliej wi'h The scene was strange The brid il couple sealed on wheels sup ported by fiicuds, will) clasped bauds were made one. Another couple were married, by reipiest, standing under the approach of the Big Four bridge, which spaus tho Ohio at this point, llceetitly Squire llausu married a young lady who was the filth aud last daughter a family of five girls and four boys, all of the girls having elope 1 and been mar ried, three of them by Squiro Hause, "William J. Ilryan is a finished ora tor," remarked Albert Hcoson, of Jack sonville, recently. "He is now a finished oralur in more senses than one; but what 1 mean is tli.it he is not only eloqucul ami forceful, hut also quick to see a point an I quicker to take advatilagc of il. Whenever he is upon his feet he is able to lake care of himself ill tiny Verbal sparring match which may he on the bills. "Hut I remember one occea-iiin when this master of repiitee was completely nonplused aud unable to hold his own ut a time he seemed to need all the eloquence at his command. It occurred many years ago, when we both were students at the Illinois College, iu Jacksonville. President Sturtovant, of the college, was quite a chicken fan cier, and his coop contaiued many costly fowls. Oue night several of us decided that it would bo an easy job to raid the doctor's hen-roo.st and have an impromptu chicken feast on the campus. Bryan was tho leader in the enterprise. In sotno way Dr. Sturtcvant got wind of the af fair and was watching for us. The night was almost pitch dark, aud of course we were unaware uf the doctor's presence on the scene. Bryan enteied the coop aud soon passed out to ine a fine rooster, with the remark: 'Here's Old Spots him self.' "We college boys had nicknamed Pres ent Sturtcvant 'Old Spots' and always referred lo him thus among ourselves. "A motneut later a hen was passed out to me, Bryan remarking as he did so: Here's M rs. Spots.' Next came a pullet, and Bryan said, 'Now, I take pleasure in presenting to you Miss Spots.' There was no interruption aud the feast came off as it had been planned A few days later wo were somewhat sur prised to receive un invitation to dine at the president's residence, aud were con siderably woriied when we compared notes and luaud that ui b iys were invit ed except those who had participated in the hen-roo-t raid. "We were received cordially and were treated royally. After an hour "('jollity diuner was announced, anil we I'll 'd into the dining-room and took our places A' the tilde sat President Sturlevatu; on his left was Bryin, on his right a young woman attending the J acksonville sein iuary, the very girl who afierw ird hoc line .Mrs. Bryan. The doctor h iwe l his head reverently and said grac3 Ifiisiug the carving knife and fork, he turned to Bryan and sai l. 'I am ready to serve you, young mm; d.) you prefer a piece of'Uld Spots" or "Mrs Spots" or "Miss Spots"? "And the eloquent Mr. Bryan has not answered that question, even to this day. Chicago Tiim- IIerild. THE SMARTEST BABY. What Tbincs He Is Sensitle uf the Very First Hay In ihe World. THE GREEDY BOTTLE A Fair of New Shoes in An Old Whiskey bottle. ENFIELD, N. C. JuOtBce over Harriaon'a Drag Store dec 90 ly. KOK OVt-iK VWTY VEAKH Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over tilty years by millions mothers fur children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes tho child softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhuea. It will relievo the poor lililc sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 23 cents a bottle. Be sum and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. Tin: woiti) "calico." The word ' gin. Many calico has a peculiar ori- ecnl uries since the first monarch of Malabar, Ilindeostau, gave to one of his chiefs, as a reward for s rvices, the land wit:uu the limits oi which n cock crowing at a certain temple could be heard. From this circumstance the little town which sprang up in tin utre of this ten itury was c.iihd "Call cado," or "The Crowing Cock." After ward it was called Calicut, and from this ilace the first cotton goods were imported in' o England uuder Ihe name of calico "The smartest baby in the world" is comiuou enough. No self respecting family is without one. Every father in the land is willing to slaud on tho corner and let half a dozen ears go by if he can pour into your ear the latest urliculatc wonder baby has perl'oiiuid. Any moth er will tell you that when lite little urigel was It days old it could recognize every member of the family and had ideas nn things in general. But notwithstanding this great array of involuntary evidence, it has been found interesting by some analytical mind to iletcrmine as nearly as possible at what age the senses first manifest their pres ence It is interesting tu note the results of these observations. First of all, it would seem that every ealthy child has sensibility to light, touch, temperature, smell and taste on the first day of infant life. Therefore, from the very beginning of his career he is not indifferent to the glare of a bright lamp, lo the pain of a pricking pin, to tho scald ing of a too hot bath, to the unpleasant ness of burned feathers or to the taste of sour bottle. Nurses will do well to icar ibis in mind. earing, it will he noticed, is the only pecial setise that is not active at the inning. As a matter of fact, the child Iocs not hear until about the third or fourth day. The senses that are the most active from the first are those of taste and smell. leneral organic sensations of well being or discomfort are also felt from tho begin ning, but pain and pleasure, as mental itatos, are not noted until at oi near e second month. The liist souods of speech in the shape of uttcranc", consonant sounds tire heard in the latter part of the second month. These consonants being generally "in,' r," ' g', or "t." Consonants being neces sary to the articular utterance of any lan- uage, and these particular letterd hein g lie ei-ie-t aud therefore the eatltest that the infant learns, parents have with com mon consent given them a very fanciful iulerpntalioii. Thus when the baby ays "Goo-goo," he is telling you that he is supremely hupp); when he says"Mum muni," the dulling knows his mother, he iocs; aud when he utters the elementary sound "Ta-ta," the precious angel is thank- tog the eouip mv for blessings received as ilainly as anything could he All the movements of the eyes became ,i- Tiliiiiito by the fourth month anil by this time the youngster begins to have the "feeling of self" that is, he looks at his own hands and looks at himself in ihe mirror. The study uf ihe child's mind during the first year shows conclusively that ideas develop and reasoning processes occur belore there is any kuowledge of words or of language. It is assumed, howovcr, that the child thinksio symbols, visual or auditory, which are clumsy equivalents for words. By the end of the yeur the child begius to express him sell by sounds that is, speech begins. Philadelpha Press. IT ISSA11). th. UK HAHN'T SAW SALLY. ben bam Jones was speaking in Town Creek, tia, he said among other things: "The curse of beauty is fatal. I had rather that a daughter of mine be scarred from her forehead to her chin, than that she should have a beautiful face. Mr tnes paused and looked steadily into the lace of the silent crowd milling: "But I d. .n't think any of you w. nu n need have unv ill. .no on Ibis score It was just at (his'jimctiiro that n lover sitt n: next to his sw 'oi heart remarked loudly "I'll bet he nin't suw yell Sallie." lit, null IS I, IKK Il is tho medium which carries to every nerve, muscle, organ and li ro it nourishment and strength. If the blood is pure, rich and heilihv you will be well if impure, disease will soou overtake you Hood's Siirsapai'iila has power to keep you in health by making your blood rich and pure. Hood's Pills ure easy lo lake, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, biliousness, LIGHT- The night has a th.'iisund eyes, And Ihe day but one; Vet the light of the bright world dies With tlie dyitig sun. The u.iiid has a thousand eyes, The heart hut one; Yet lite light of a whole life dies, When love is douo. Francis W. Bourdillon. OABTORIA. kn fu ll awl li n IT.rf A poor, undcrsiz"d boy, named Tim silling by a bottle and looking in said: "I wonder if there can he a pair of shoes in il?" Ills mother had mended his clothes, but said his shoes were so bad that he must go barefoot. Then he look a biiclt and broke the bottle, but there Were no shoes iu it, and he became fright ened for it was his father's bottle. Tim sat down again and sobbed so loud that he did not hear a slop behind him until a voice said: "Well what's all ibis?" He sprang up in great alarm; it was his father' "Who broke my bottle?" he said. "I did," said Tim, catching his breath. half in terror and half between his subs. "Why did you?" The voice did not souud us he had ex pected. The truth was his father had been touched at tho sight of the forlorn figure, so very small aud so sorrowful, which bad bent over the broken bottle. "Why," he said, "I was looking for a pair of new shoes; I want a pair of new shoes awful bad all the other chaps wear shoes." How came you to thiuk you'd find shoes in the bottle?" the father asked. "Why, mother said so; I asked her for some new shoes, and she said they had one into tbe black bottle, and lots of other things had gone into it too coats and hats, and bread and meat and things; and I thought that if I broke it, I'd find em all, and there ain't a thing in il! I'm reul sorry I broke your bottle, father. I'll never do it again." "No, I guess you won't," ho said, lay ing his hand on tho rough little ncad, as he went away, leaving Tim overcome with astonishment that his father bad not been angry with him. Tvo days after he handed Tim a parcel, telling him to open it. "New shoes! New shoes!" ho shouted. "Oh, father: did you got a new bottle and were they in it?" "No, my boy, there aiu'tgoiug to be any in a new bottle, lour niotncr was right. The things all went into the bot tle, but you see getting them out is no easy matter; so, God helping me, I am goiog to keep them out after this " Arkansas Methodist. ADVERTISEMENTS. ASK the ret-ovcret flysptjiiics, tiliius mf, Icrtrs, victims of fevcf ami aiue, tlx; mercurial distiiMJcl patient, how thiy rccoverud health, CTlClTtlli i.itl!l jtnCl fc'.OOft i')kihc. they will tell v.-u l talcing SiMMONf l i I k K I i.l LA 1 K, The Clit'iipptt, I'urt'nt and llrt I'limUy Mrtlirim- in Hit World. ' Fnr I'YM'I IMA, 1 v-J M'A US. Iminrli.e. Hilmui inuikt, Mi K f 1 1 l't 111. (..'!. lfefirnt mn 1 jiitiis, M)l k M i U At H. ik..itl.iini, tU Tint iinnv.tiftl rvriinly i-- w.in.tnir I nol - (ontftiq a single i.ntn,k- ul Mi ki t kv.iii am lunitul Milium t, but Ift PURELY VEGETABLE, cnniiiiniiiK ilmsr 11 u isp I'mi itkii J.iver 1 tisea-r ! :i , .M.tl Ilt-il. which an il.t ci in o iiMiiL whrri U-V.. I. II Hill -UI'l ull ly li rnn(;oiiiciit uf th i Llvt-r ntiil ltiv l. 'the MMI'liM liver Gwjlaim arc n hiiiei or hail tasic in thu m u;li ; I'. tin in llic J k, S:J o iiiititt, t'ttcn mistaken t. r K lieu mat imii . Sou tfilliacli; I.I.SS el Ajuicrtc; Jloweli aitrmatrl., active aii'l l.i x , Hi.iit.ii lie ; l.uss ut Memnry, with ,-j painful M:ns,ti,i.n cf having failed ii d" something whit li auht to have U-tn dune; Debility; I-ov Spirit; a ttnrk, yellow aHmaranrt? ol the Skin an-J Eyes; a dry Uuunh, olten mistaken for Consumption. S'unetimeft m;my tf these symptoms attend th i disease, at others very tew : I ft ihe Livrr, the larger or;nii in the hody, ts neutrally t'1" eal lnc disease and if not HennLtted in time, pat sulteiing, wretch. edns and 1K ATI I will ensue. '1 he following highly esteemed per ns attest tn th virtues of Simmons I.ivlk ktui laiur : Gen. W. S. Holt, Pres. (.a. S. W. K. K. C.; Kev. J. R. Kelder, Perry, I ia.: Col. E. K. sparks, Albany, Ga.: C. Master, ion, r.s.., Sheriff lS.MjC.,tra.; J. A. butts, lia.nhridge, tia.; Kev. J. W. Hurke, Macn, Ga., Virgil Powers, bupl. Ga. S. V. R. K.; H- n. Alexander H. Stephens, We have tested its virtues personally, and knoa that for Dyspepsia, IiMiusnes and 1 hrohbing Head ache, it is the best medicine the world ever saw. W have tried forty other remedies before Simmons Liv Keuhttor, anil none of them gave us mure than tem library relief; the Regulator not only relieved, but curt J US." Ed. 1 BLLt.HAl'! AND M KSSENURH, M At-ON, G, MANUPALTl'RED ONLY BY J. II. ZELLLN & CO., Philadelphia, Pa Wanted An Idea Who can think of tome tlmple thing to patent? neya, WanhlnRUm, I). C, for their $1.8uu prise vSar ao4 lUl ut tw o buDdrel Inventions waniea. D m A il CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The EXCKLSIOK I'RI.NTING COMPA NY otlice is new and complete aud con ducted by up-to-date printers. We do not date hack to the time of Mathusala, when elch;tuts roosted in trees and leathers grew oil hogs. OI KS IS AN EST1EELY NEW OFFICE new machinery and new type. No par cels ol old decayed and discolored papers, aud no ancient stvles of type that have dull and wriukled faces, caused by lonir service and old age. We have the materi al that must insure work with a businest- like twiukle. Your letter and hill heads, statements. circulars, postal and business cards, are your spokesmen wherever they go. They either aid you or discredit you. They re- lleet the business idea ol the man or lirm and show ihe character and individuality of the article or busidesa advertised. LET US HAVEYOI K NEXT ORDERS FOR HINTING. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. imllt Ifuun It n tTtrf It is hard to convince a pretty that love is blind. girl OABTOItlA. Tit h J . An Australian paper got off tho fol lowing, and was able to survivo tho or deal: "If a cigar makes a man ill, will a cheroot make a manilla?" NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. That economy is bom in a woman. That thu most recklessly extravagant woman has a vein of economy somewhere in her composition. That it may not develop in a manner to prove bcnclici.il either to herself or to her husband. That theio will always be some poiut at which she will not retrench, will look l to the pennies and lliink and calcu late with the ablest linaucicr. That she may be willing lo pay 81 00 for a gown, but will shop all over lowu to save 10 cents a yard on the lining. That she may ruio a whole ' garment by the desire to finish it cheaply, which ire has remorsefully sciz d hei at the last Uf iii. iit . That her little economics must not be ighed ut. Sluil.lv keep in mind the supposition that a woman to bo womanly must be just made up of thus ) co'tutlie ti'.ns that seem so ridictibu? to the aver age masculinu mind. That when it really becomes necessary, because of financial trouble, for a wuuian lo help her husband by geuuiuc self sacrificing economy, there is not one woman in a hundred who will not bravely and smilingly set aside all thought of self and prove the true, economical helpmeet that the emergency demands. But that there is one thing in which she never economizes: When she loves alio loves with her whole heart. There is no stint only giving of all the wealth of her affections. fiOYAl St Am ten13 POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder ItigheMt ol all in leavening strength. iiifmf (J. S. (ItiVtrmnrnt Final Report, Hot At, Bakinu Powder Co., 108 Wall St..N.Y. PltOGUKSS. Aforetime by tho reoord's pages, We reached our goal by gradual stage?, But now the fuct conviction strikes We do it by revolving bikes. OASTOUIA. llmll. IgUtDM If STEEL WEB PICKET LAWN FENCE For Yard, Cemetery and Grave Uls; Poultry and Harden Fence, and a ipepUl Hone, Cattle and Hog Kcncc. W Py IK lTelM. i niaiofue rrce. K. L. HHKLLaBfcUUfcU, ATLANTA. A. Hue ime S lop, tate LITTLETON, N. C Having recently furnished my shop with okx1 screw cutting engine, lathe and other machinist's tools I am prepared to repair Engines, cotton gins, saw mills, and otUMt machinery. 1 Keep a supply oi PIPE AND PIPE FITTINGS, Globevalves, Cheek valves, Injectors, wa ter SMgra, gum packing, etc. Cane mull $14 M j!8, EvuporntoraflO, Bath Tuba, 7.SM Tooacco urdareni a specialty. Give me a trial, tsatistuctinn guaran teed. J. L. TATE, i Littleton, N. C. 5 Jy2 6m. 5 Excelsior Printing Company- .0- WELDON, -i!Mr- N. C. American Traveler Bicycle Il hn dial slick, rv 'lsh ,nd highly Bnlib .ppearince. You can ttil Ihem anywhtr. It's a llctura of beauty n4 s'reneth. ll baa mora rati lacful Improvement, Irian any hlgh-grada BIcycM l the market. wilt by Americnn B. H. O. 22 Sewing Machine Co, Faotory, 20th unci Waohlngton Av,, Knnaaeipnia, Fa. REAMER'S Howard House, JAMES REAM Eli, Prop. Howard & lialtimorests., Baltimore, Md. TERMS 2 Per Day. scp 10 ly. 4L 51, Ha.LiGv,K C.i . " PROMPTNtSS tWllH ALL ORDERS ym inii BlueRiilttB CementLime Works Manufacturers of BLUS RlfXiK HYDRAULIC ROSENDALE CERIEHT. Guaranteed itiaolutflr hyrlraallc. W quote irii' dulivcrvd atauy point In the Pouth. All Cftnont UxU'd, and Kimifft.., tiniformlty in rolor, burning and grinding BUflrui.U'wI. write for prioea. P.O. addrtma lHA'K KiLKJB 8PHINU8, VA, Telegraph Blue Ridge, V. nplily.

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