NORTH STATE CULLI1MGS. News Nolcs as Calloi from (lur Stale '-dunucs- THE liOANOKE NEWS. Tfirnso.w, march 'jr., is:7 Judge Avery has located in llihigh. litirglars are jzetlitiji in some work at Greensboro. Raleigh Presbyterians are building a new church. Morganton is to liavu a wet and dry clt'uiiuu in May. The Warroutoii HeeorJ lias entered on its third volume. Mr. Lucius Tillry has resigned as mayor of St. Maiy's. Salisbury lias made a contract for fifty arc lights at 81)0 per light. The cost to the State of the election coal e-ts in the legislature was C1,.V.I1. Ht Governor Curtis II. lirogiln is a candidate for postmaster of (lold-li iro. Tue Wilmington, Xewhern ami Not- I'ci'k railroad has been placed in the bauds of a receiver. llev. J. 1'. Spenee, llaplist pa-tor at luustoti, has been forced to resign on account ol ill health. Wilson has sold on her own fliers D.IO.YIM 1 pounds of tobacco for the sea mn, up ti) March 1st. 0. Sain Iiradshaw is a candidate for Hon. Kerr Craig's position as Third As sistant Postmaster General. O.K. H'unott committed sui -i I at t'av ctteville Thursday by taking Ian I muni Domestic trouble said to be the fans-!. mowN I AND Last Week Mis ltobbill, ol' Oittllgc county wed Mr. Sparrow. Now let the happy pair fly away on a welding tour llev. W. 0. White, pastor of Graham str :cit I'r !) tcrian cliurh, Charlotte, his accepted n call to Colton, ('ahl'ornia Charlotte is moving for a big UHlh of May celebration this year. The idia is to have the celebration caver three days Judge Walter ('lark is to deliver the annual address before the l'uivcr.-ity Medical College. Richmond, Va , April (intuitu headstones are being prepared to be placed at the craves of the North Carolina soldiers burial at Winchester, Va. Fayeltevillo "boozi" is to be dispensed to her hereafter. A dispensary act apply ing to that place passed the last legisla ture. An Klection will be held in Lumbi rion on April l.'ith to decide the iirsiion ol issuing bonds fur water works and sewer ago system. The editors of tlei vari u afternoon papers in the Stale met at Greensboro Friday to arrange for cheaper rates for press telegrams. , Bishop (ialloway will attend the Kp. Worth League and Sunday School Con ference at Coneor 1, May 7 ottih, and deliver an address. Gov. Hussell lias appointed John W. Campbell special agent of the Stale to look after criminals. He succeeds ,1. A. Perry, of Morgant on. The tobacco factory of II. E li ibcr son and Son, at Moeksville, was destroyed by firo Thursday night. Loss is heavy with little insurance. Dr. George V. Illacknall, of blessed memory, is to have charge of the Allan tic Hotel, at Morebead, next season and will continue to manufacture colonels as usual. Judge Walter Clark, Associate Justice of the Supremo court of North Carolina, is now writing n history of this Slate. It is to be a school book and will be pub lished by the I'nivcrsity Publishing Company. Jim Davis, a cilored convi-t at w nk on thu Wake county roads giabbed the gun of a guard and attempted to escap j, Tho guard tire 1 at the flceiug couviet fife tiroes. The last ball took effjet with probably fatal results The three Episcopal diooeses in 'this State have taken charge of St. Mary's Female Scbuol, and llishop Cheshire cancels all his appointments for a month in order as the president of tho board ol YICIN1TY. M.uicil nearly gone. SriUNU began last Saturday. A Hill, sh iWers will he due next Thurs day. Sl'RlNU is here, so is bouse cleaning time. SriTOSK we build a factory instead of a bridge. Til B sweet violets were never more beautilul. Fa km Kits are now tabling the guano resolutions. Tit kks are in bloom, so are the noses of the old topers Tim roads have been in a wretched condition recently. I r's about time you weie bunting up thai li-liin.; tackle. Tun days are now a few minutes long er than the nights. M.Mtt'll winds were very much in evidence yesterday Wki.Iiii.v will encourage any enter prise that may come to town. Til K riiling of bicycles is certainly revolutionary, to siy the least of it. W K areadding many uew names to oui siibsciipiioiilist, aud ibis is no joke. i Til K base ball season has arrived and ; the boys aic now "getting into shape." j TlIK fishing season approachtlh. j Several line shad have already been M. FltKliUNhKit We take greal pleasure in calling attention to the attrac tive advefi-e nent of Mr. M. Fredland t. lie has if nils In sell sit correct prices uvl he w nit-the people to know just wh it h i c ia 1 i lor ; lu in . These are the tiacs when lh.- p ibae eagerly scans tin pages of the newspaper for bargains, and they ate nut slow to take advantage when nal bargains are offered. Mr. Freitlauder oil' is s line rlothiug at un heard of prices be lore and we advise our readers tu watch bis space for changes from lime to time and give him a trial, when in need of anything in his line. . . . . Skiuoi:s Runaway Accident. A horse attached to a buggy, in which were Messrs. J. II. and J. T. Moody, ran away in Northampton county last Satur day seriously injuring one of the occu pants and slightly ihjuiing the other. Mr. .J. II. Moody was the one seriously hurt. 1 1 is jaw bone was broken, three ribs were broken, head badly cut and one arm hurt. Mr. J. T. Moody escaped wilh the dislocation of a kneecap only. The vehicle was badly smashed. The injuretl men were promptly attended to. Mr. J. T. Moody, is all right, of course, and it is thought the one so seriously in jured will also ree vor. liith men aic well known in Weldon. PERSONAL MENTION. 'I he I. Wh limi anj linin? nf I'ufular Pontic ML' to da nil! in the Sunshine. Sheriff Daw.-on was in town Tip Mr. S. S, Alsop, of Enliild, was Hay. here Next Sunday is the fourth Sunday in Lent, and there will be only two more before Easter. SrsD.w was a lovely day, and good congregations attended services at the wuious churches. W e have bad no March winds. Per haps they are waiting to bring in that wave ol prosperity. Mas. L. A. Wllll'B (lifers for sale three valuable acre lots in the south end of town. See notice elsewhere. A lumber company's railroad now runs within two mill s of liiinklcyvillc There is some very line timber in that section. A customer Ironi the iiual ilislricts walked into a leading dry goods store last week au l asked if they h id any courting books for gentlemen. WiutK on the llaplist church is pro gressing rapidly and the pretty house of worship will soon be ready for the con gregation to assemble in again. A prominent bu-iness man of Little ton who recently used the advertising columns ol the News writes us that he is greatly pleased with the rc-uil. "TlllNB pistag' stamps, like some people I know, are very unpopular," n niarkcd a fair Weldon girl to her pretty chum, at the oslnllice the oilier day, ''tiny are stuck ou themselves." Sknt On. The negro who robbed the marketman at Iloanoke llapids, one day last week, was arrested hero Satur day night, lie had a hearing in the mayor's court Monday and was sent on to the grand jury. Okiiinatiiin Services ll 'v. A. 0. Wilcox, of Itrinklcyville, assisted llev, Mr. Keiidrick, in the services of the llaplist church Sunday evening. At the conclusion of the sermon Mr. W. II. Ilrown was ordained a deacon iu the church. A goon congregation was pies- cut to witness the oritiualton services. Irustees to devote himself to raising funds for its endowment. Frank Drake, J. F. Drake, Jr., and J. F. Drake, Sr , charged with firing their racket store at Hickory, had a hearing before magistrate which resulted in the two first named bciiu! bound over to court in bonds ol 81 Will and .iliu re speetivcly. The evideuee is strong against tbciu. Au.,i!!c aid irtivn re? pind n or dinance making it "unlawful for any mer chant or tradesman or employee or agent of any merchant or tradesman to solicit a customer or customers from the sturo or place of busiiie-s or from the sidewalk in (rout of ibe store or plain of business of another." Gov. Ilusscll is specially invited to open the Tennessee centennial ciposition, by pressing the electric button and start ing the machinery. A committee from Tennessee came to ask him to do this The Hate of Tennessee was for years one county of North ''aroliin, and hence this tot of the governor of the "mother State" will bo particularly appropriate. BET OK Al l.. To cleanse (he system in a gentle and Iru'y beneficial manner, when the Spring time oouies, use the true and perfect rem edy, Syrup of Figs. One botllo will an wer for ill the family and cosn only 60 cents; the largssin $1. Buy tliegenutno, .Manufactured by tho California Fig 8yrup Company only, and for sale by all druggljts. ' Don't fail to go to ee FredUndcr be fore baying jour spring suit. QlAIU'EKI.Y CoNl-KttENI'E 1W iNKIi. The ipnrterly meeting to have becu held in the Methodist Episcopal church her-' Sun lay and Mouday next, has been uustuou.'d on account of the r . , Woman's Foreign Missionary Society meetiug which begins at Litllclou today, and continues uulil Monday. The pres ence of llev. Dr. Ulack was earnestly desired at this meeiing, therefore he cau celed his appointment for this place, A Goiui Tiltsu. I'lio publishers the World-Famous Tice-A- A eek I'. troit Free Press desirj to iuttoduce lb. n paper to new r lets, and are makimj the following very liberal otter : 1 hey will send the paper twice each w ek for ten weeks for the small sum of Ten Cents. Jusl think of it. Twenty papers for only ten cents Om half cent a copy Do not fail to take advantago of this woudcrful oiler. The Free Press needs uo rccouimcinlation. Send le in stumps or silver to The Detroit tree tress, Detroit, Mich. Nl lMMEt'IATK CllANUKS AT T11K State FaiiMs. The new board id direc tors of the penitentiary ni 't at llaleigh last week and organized by electing Claud Dockery chairman. A llaleigh corres pondent says : Senator K. T. Clark and some other member made a hard fight to oust the farm managers and all other officials at onco. Mr. Clark said he lacked uuly one of having a majority of bia way of thinking, but the Governor and Super intendent Smith joined with Directors Colton and Chadbourn iu saying, "Go slow." So it was decided not to make any changes until September save as to the Wadesboro farm. Vx. James it, Rogers was elected physician; Messrs. Clark, Colton and Perkins were appointed a committee to visit all farms aod re port, at tho next meeting which is the third Wednesday in April, tncir coaai tion and needs. Go to Fredlandor'i if you want to buy good good cheap. Hack Into Pasti hes. Now all ve little two-dollar and-a-half yearlings and razor-back pine-rooters return to your pastures green, for the lime is up today when you are at liberty to roam upon your neighbor's lields and destroy the fruits of his industry. The law will no longer protect you in depredating upon the fields of the fanner, hut you can whet your appetites and prepare for another onslaught the lioih of December next and from that time until the -alb of March ngaiu you can hold high carni val and roam whithersoever ye will while the poor fanner st anils helplessly by. Hut, for the present, your wild career is over and you uiust return iu sadness to your liltle pastures. A ( 1 it eat Diiy Goons Hoi'SK. One of the largest mid best dry goods houses in ibis country is that of Walt, lletlew ,1 Clay, Norfolk, Va. Their elegant store on Main street is one of I lie most attractive places in the city by the sea and thousands of customers throng it daily. These gentlemen do an immense businesi and one great lever ul their success i, their liberal and persistent advertising. they have tho correct idea ol placing their great bargains before the people Thcv u-c large space iu which attractive bargains please the eyes ol the peop.e each week. The result is they not only influence a large number ol customers to their store, but reap a lieh harvest iu the wav of mall orders. Sec their attractive advertisement in this paper. Thain llolillKits. Scarcely a night misses that some trainman does not get into trouble with toughs ami rouheis Only a short time ago Captain Judkins c iine near being killed at Kilby by tramps One night last week Captain George La nier, ul the Co 1st l,ine, was iu charge of a northbound freight train. He had orders to meet and pass a southbound freight at Wbitakers. While pas-iog along the side of the train he discovered a new sewing machine in a ditch, lie stepped down to get the machine and as he did so some one tired at him tunc times. Captain Lanier relumed the lire but no one was hurt. Hulhiii carried the machine to the end of his train and as he got on the car he was tired upon again. A car hud been broken open and the machine taken out and put in the ditch while the traiu was on the siding. Pntis Watch Ahvhcaies. The While Ribbon entertainment at Mr. A L. Siaiuhiek's residence last Monday night, under the auspices of the temper ance workers of Weldun, was a most de lightful affair. The house was beautifully aud appro priately decorated with cergreeiis and flowers, iutcrwoven wilh tho i in Hems of the order and the effect was very pretty. I'iite a large crowd assembled at the appointed hour and the entertainment was in every respect most enjoyable The nroeiamine consisted of Vocal and instrumental music, readings and recita lions ami every number was received with iuo. lo lueiillou any parucuiai Fjiday, Mrs. Ann Cohen left Friday on a visit to Enfield. Mr. A. S. Allen returned to Norfolk Monday morning. Mrs. A. S. Allen, of Norfolk, is visit ing relatives in town. Mrs. V. L. ('lurry left for Raleigh, her future home, Monday. Miss Annie Travis returned home last Saturday from Rocky Mount, Miss Estclle Edwards left yesterday ou a visit to relatives at Durham. Miss Julia Mellicliampe is spending a few days in Richmond this week. Mr. II. li. Hardy, of the News and Observer, was in town last Friday. Miss Male Tiinberlake came down from Raleigh Monday on a visit to rela tives. Mr. Edwin ('lark, Jr., returned home Monday from a visit to relatives at Mar-garcttsville. Miss Aggie MeGee will go up to Lit tleton today us a delegate to the W, F. M. S. convention. Mrs. II. C. Spieis expects to go up to Littleton today to attend the meeting of the W. F. M. S. ROANOKE RAPIDS. IhrA .Halters Mure Imtrmcments luitldlhe HuicherViiuni; lulks Hance l'e.s'iiuls anj idher News Nutes. A Mr. Davie and a Mrs. Stewart were married here Sunday by justice F. 11. Treaey. Rev. W. S. Black preached two line sermons here Sunday and held the sec ond 'poiilerly conference Monday luuru ing at the home of the pastor, Rev. J. II. 1'rizzelle. Dr. Rlaek while here was the guest of the pastor and Judge Brown. Rev. A. G. Willeox tilled his regular appointment Sunday morning and Rev. J. H. Kendriek came out and preached for bii'i Sunday afternoon in order that he, Mr. Willeox, might aid him iu an ordination service at Weldun Sunday night. Mr. .1. S. Turner who has been stew ard at the Iiradshaw farm for live years will be retired and succeeded by It. E, Moseley, of this county. Mr. Turner is a clever gentleman and one of the best stewards iu the service of the Stale. A committee has been apt ointcd by the directors to ascertain how much it will cost to erect fifty more houses and to increase Uio capacity of thu cotton u Iroin twelve to twenty thousand sp dhs. The M. E. church, presume, will be occupied ucxt Sunday, After which lime prayer meeting will be conducted every Wednesday night. Minuay was a beautilul day and large crowds attended services here. A merchant asked a citizen re cently if he had noticed the handsome nivertisetncnt he had put on a certain fence. ''No, lephid tho citizen, "but 11 you bring the fence lo my house I will take pleasure in reading it ." Tin re is a moral in this lor those who spend uioiuy iu advertising elsewhere than in the columns of u nswspaper. Mr. E. II. Melliehampo went up to Richmond on a flying trip Monday and returned the same day. Mrs. Lee Johnson left for Raleigh, In r future home, last Friday, to the regret of her many frienks here. Miss Maggie Friend, of Manchester, Va., who has bceu visiting relatives here, left Monday for Raleigh. Mr. W. D. Cochran, a prominent Rocky Mount merchant, was hero Sat urday on a visit to bis mother. Mr. J. R. Stainback, a Chesapeake Si Ohio railroad operator, located near Lynchburg, is visiting relatives here. Rev. W. S. Black, D. I)., presiding cider of this district, was here Monday en route home from Roanoke Rapids Mr. A. C. Zollicoffer, a leading Hen derson attorney, spent Sunday night iu town the guest of his brother, Dr. A. R. Zollicoll'er. Dr. S. B. Pierce, who has been at tending Belvicu Hospital College ill New York, returned home Tuesday a full fledged M. D. Miss lliiih Anthony, of Oxford, Md., who has frequently visited Weldon, passed through Friday on a S. A. Line southbound train, Ex-t'uited States Minister Rmsom and his son, Mr. M. W. Ransom, Jr, are the guests of Major and Mrs. Eiury, in Richmond, this week. Rev. G W. Phelps, evangelist of th r.irboro ( onvocallon, conducted evening service and preached a good gospel sei- lunii at Grace Episcopal chinch Sunday uight. Mr. F. D. Wyman, the clever travel ing man lor I'r. .). L. Ayor t in., Lowell, Mass., paid us a pleasant call Tuesday and contracted with this papir to advertise their execlleut medicines. In the al Major T. L. Emry, IiAskiiai.i. cranks and cranks are now all on deck. iwn tennis N EW ADVERTISEMENTS. arc sutijcct to peculiar Ills. Tho right remedy for babies' llls-especlally worms und stoiuuch disorders ts Frev's Vermifuge -has cured chllilron for 50 ynnrs. Hum! for llliis. honk uliout tho Ills uud tuo retticily. Out b..tii mill"! tor Hoentf. 1). H. F1II.V, llnlllnKir... 110. i i i NEW A DVERTISEM ENTS. Ill II I iar -C ly. Willi if. : - ( l-'TI I K CO N I IT 1 0 N O FTI I K. HANK I1' Vi:i.i(i, AT Till". fl.iiSK 01'' M -SINKS ON TlIK Hi ll DAY UK M.UiCll, 1117. TAK'KN l- i;oM liKI'tlUT MA UK TO STATU TliKAS K It Kit. ippl feature would be an injusiiee lo the oth ers, therefore we can say to each and all who took part iu the evi niug's enter tainment, you are all stars of the first magnitude. A favorite remedy for many of the ills ol this life is Simmons Liver Regulator, the most popular medicine yet discovered. It is a searching cleanser, and by ils action frees the system of all impuriliis, producing a sound, healthy liver. It is the standard household remedy for liver and stomach troubles, and has the un (pialilied endorsement of thousands of our best citizens throughout the eouutiy. Having been before the people for many years, its long and honorable career is a sullicicut guarantee of purity and relia bility. Simmons Liver Regulator is manufactured by J. II. 'I, ilin iv Co, Philadelphia, aud is readily distinguished bv the red Z on each package. KKSOLC'TIONS OV Kl-HHtllT, AtlOl'TF.Il IIV THE It II 1 1 III X JEWELS OF WELDON, N. C. YotTIIKII. F.l.ol'KltS Wedll 'sd iy of last week a Itii hiuond couple applied to Register ol Deeds Fnrgeisoii at llalilnx for a marriage license, tlivi.ig to the lender age of the pr .-pi clive bride tin register promptly refused to issue the papers, and advised the young couple to return lo their homes at nin e. The young lady was Yi-s Mageii Bailey, a mere child of two ve y irs and a native of Prince George couniy, Va She eloped from a boarding eh. ml in Richmond. The young man who nnluc'il this child to come to North Carolina wilh him is a Mr. Davis and apparently about twenty years of age. The register of deeds did ixactly light in refusing a license to these chil dren. It is quito an easy matter for Virginia couples, as a rule, to procure the necessary papers here for Orel ua Green affairs, but we draw the line when it comes to children and our advice is for theso little ones to stay near their moth era' apron strings, for therein lies Bafety. rrT r 8 1' A 11 K L 1 N 0 KjKJlJlJ BOCK HE Ell on Draught, at K. E. L. Gunter's Famous Rdn...,. Enfield. N. 0. 3-2.i-4t Fredlaoder is selling goods it marvel ously low pi ices. Whereas, in the providence of God Mrs Lee Johnsou, our beloved atidith cicut Ladv Manage, has removed to an other field of work, we beg to assure her that we deplore this necessity which is our less, that our teal has been quickened, our faith strengthened and our love lor the cause dtepenid by her leadership, therefore resolved 1st. That we, her co-workers, thank God for her dwelling among us and her faithful work for the children. 2nd. That while we regret tin- change we will strive to do more faithfi.l work for the Master, and pray that she may be abundantly blessed in her new home. !trd That a eoPV of these roM'lulions be spread on the minutes of our society mid a eonv be liiloi-l.ej thu RoAN'OlCE News and Christian Advocate with re quest lor publication Miss Laiiiu Poweks, ) " Cora C. Paik, ) tiKi.iA E. Allen, ) Com. " Aiinks MoGek. ) There is more Caiairh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failii.g lo cure with local treatment, pronounced it iueuruble Sci ence has proven catarrh lo be a con stitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J Cheueyit Co , Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internal ly in doses from D) drops to a teaspoon ful. It acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. They of fer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. F.J. CHENEY CO., Props. Toledo, Ohio. W.8old by all Druggists, 75o. Testimonials free. Commissioner F. 11. Treaey on Friday last tried two colored men charged with disturbing the peace and quietude of our citizens but the ehaiges not being sustained they were acquitted. There was quite a nice Imp at the school house last Friday night. Mrs. J. N. Brown, of Halifax, is visit ing her sister aud neicc, Mrs. Carraway and Mrs. Fields. A gentleman came out here last week whom I understand thinks of establish ing an ice factory here. Mr L. F. Rook has a beef market here and on Friday night some one en tered it and took bis ttunk out and car ried it about one hundred yards opened it and took out 8-1). Our barber, Thus. Reynolds, and Willie Junes, two Worthy colored men found the trunk uear the road leading to the mill, early Saturday morning aud found that it still contained two dollars which they gave to Mr. Rook. The deed was committed before eight o'clock. F. S. Patterson, secretary and treas urer of the cotton mill, A. Mclliciser, Charles Cohen, Major Emry and other directors held a business meeting in the office of the mill Monday evening. Mrs Annie Savage has relurind from a visit to friends near Enli Id. J M. Grizzird, Jr., and Miss Grace E Fitzgerald took in your city Suiiduy. Mr. aud Mrs McMurray are moving into their handsome new residence. The poslollice is now more cculrally located which will prove a great convenience to our citizens. Mr. It. L. Driscoll is creeling for himself a handsome residence which he will move into next week. Miss Maie tliggius has just returned from Baltimore with a full line of millinery and will have her lormal open ing the 14th, l,")lh and tilth if April, which is a day or so so before Easier. Miss Flossie Moody is organist at the M. E church and Mrs. W. E. Cobb has becu requested to act as such at the Bap tist church. She presided last Sunday evening and gave us some good music. Mr. D. C. L 'ster, a clever photographer is located here and is doing some good work. The ladies of our town gave an oyster supper at the school last Thursday night fur the benefit of the M. E church. Not withstanding tho inclement weather it was a financial success. The proceeds weie applied to the carpet fund. Mr. James M. P. Wright, of Brum wick county, Va., and Miss Cassiua 1! , daughter of Mr. It W Ivey, of this county, were married at tho residence of Mr John Gray io Northampton county, Tuesday, Rev. Mr. Pegram, officiating. RESOURCES. I.o;ms itml J isi'Oiin(s, Uvmlriil'tH, State Bonil.-t, Due from Bunk, Furniture ami Fixtures, Current cxpeiiHeH, Citsti in vault, LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, Surplus Kiind, Ijnilividcd I'rolits, Deposits Subject to Cheek, $nnii.'j:i r.' (ilOT.iili l.-iOTM.i la ii i. oi i ;ti.7H hoi;4.h;) l(l,)21-l.! $1011(1(1 (It) r,.)! :o(i (w MIJiW.RI SPUING WASH JUulJu UJlLL- BX.. A week of little prices and big values. Filly kinds of Wash Stuffs are being shown by us. New Spring Coloring Effects that make this the best place for satislae tory buying. Here's just a bint: l?10MM.!i'2 W. K. Smith, being sworn, snvs that the above is a correct statement to the best of his knowledge and beliet'. W. It SMlnl, Cashier. Correct-Attest : W. E DANIEL, ) W. M. COHKN, hllKKCTOKS. V. li. SMITH, J State of North Carolinu, 1 Halifax County. ) Sworn to and subst-rilied before me this lilih day u'' .March 1MII7. (Seal) H.H. TRAVIS, Notary l'ublic. SOUTH CA ROUS A SUl'ElllOU COURT HALIFAX COUSTY, 1 Summons for Cary S. Hunt, vs. . lb union Hunt. lielief. The defendant "A. Horiulon Hunt, above named, will take notice (hat an action en titled as above has been commeuced in the Superior court of Halifax county, lor divorce, and to dissolve the bonds of matri mony existing between the li I n i li t i 11 aud defendant, ou the grounds of abandonment on the part of the defendant prior to the loth day of March Ihii.'i, and having lived separate and apart from plaintilf continu ously since said abandonment and for more than two vears prior to the com- nieliceniciil of this action; anil the de fendant will further taWc notice, that he isreoiiircd to apptv.r at the next term of Mipeliur court of said county to be lieldon thelMth Monday alter the 1st Monday in March HOT, at the court house in llalilnx, mid answer or demur to the complaint liled iu said action or the plain lill'will apply to the Court lor the relief demanded in said action. Uivcu under my hand and seal of said Couil, this -illlh (lav "f Maieb 1!)7. siKiii.iNti m. ;ai;y, Clerk Superior Court. .Ids. li I'l itehclor, Day & Hell At'ys for I'laintitf. mar. !.", (I w. FOR S-A-XjIE. There are three acre lots within the corporate limits of Weldon which I will sell for 8 loll per acre. The lots are de sirable for resident building or good soil for cultivation. So situated that with improvement of town, these lots will necessarily advance in value. For par ticulars address MRS. L A. WHITE, 122.) E. Broad St , Rielinniiid, Va. mr '1 It New Spring Organdies, '1m. a yard. New Spring Dimities, ie. ones for Sc. New Spring Cbatillon Stripes, 17c. ones here, tile. New Spring Applique Covert, If) styles, here I2!c. New Spring Dimities and Lawns, 12 c. kinds for 10c. New Spring Lappet Mulls, 15c. ones for 12Je. Now Spring Lining Organdies, all colors, C I c. New Spring Arabespue, in dainty styles, Tic. New Spring Cotton, fur skirts, 121c. New Spring Percales, yard wide, 121c. ones, 8c. New Spring Flax Cloth, for skirts, two pal tens, lac. a yard. New Spring Skirting Crash (linen), 12c. New Spring Shepherd 's Plain Duck, 12c. New Spring Zephyr Ginghams, 12 le. ones, 8c. New Spting Madras Cloth, Ho. kind, 8c. New Spring Batiste !!G inchs wide, 8c. yard. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Watt, Rettew J Qlay, The Great New Store, ON granbv, NORFOLK, VA, (When ordering goods, please mention this paper.) UP TO DATE !! iNl WU1 AT M, FREDLAHDER'S. i U11' l fl 8 :ale of Hiisro HOW TO FIND OUT. Fiedlaodcr'a ii the plaoe. Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a scdi. ment or settling indicates a diseased eun ilition of the kidneys When urine stains linen it is positive evidence of kidney trou ble Too Ircqnent desire lo U'innte or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. t II IT TO IMI. Tucro is comfort in the know ledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Knot, the great kidney remedy fullils every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald ug pain in passing it, or had effect following use nf liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity nl bcingconipcllod tognl up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp liisit is soon realized. It stands (he high est for its wonderful cures ol the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine yon should have tie best. Sold by drug gists, price fifty cents and one dollar. For a sample bottle aud pamphlet, both sent free by in "il, mention The Koanoke News and send your full posUilliee address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binglmniptou, N. Y. The proprietor of this papeguarantces the gen uineness of this offer. Uncle Bob says this is the dark of the moon and that h- is happy once mora "in de turpentine wilks id pira graph." Comment is uunneejtsaiy this season of fat chickens. I'.V virtue ofa deed iu trust e.xecutisl to nit- hv W. 1'. Hurgcss and his wile l.liza lieth'.I. Hurgess, ft als, on thegsth day of June iss.i, and recorded in the Kcgister ol Deeds' olliee of llalilax comity ill book il.i It. at pages 'J.17, ami '-!'. I will on MONDAY, the -'oth DAY of Al'Kll. 1-D7, xposc to public sale to the highest didder for cash, in the town ol I'.nlield, N. C . that tract or parcel ol land situated m tile county of Halifax and known as the V. I. liurgcss homestead tract, anil accurately described as l',illow to wit.- Beginning at a little post oak on the side of V. I. liur gcss' avenue. Mrs. Jessie liass' comer. thence S. 11 poles toilileli, thence V .fcr till poles, along F. 11. Whitaker a line. thence N. 111 w. 'JU poles, thence N. 511" W. "II poles ton little brunch, thence down the branch to lie din I'll linan's line, thence S .'iH.I K.H poles, thence N. oil0 E. la pules, thence a. i r.. in riiw. u a water oak, turner . oi, r. p"i ' Mrs. Jesse l!a' line, tlicnee S. 73' K UO poles lo the heuinning containing one hun dred acres, and lully described in said trust. This Illlh day of March 1N!)7. DAVID 1(1.1,1,, nuir tii 4t Trustee. Having tiualilioil as administrator of lsham litnks, deceased, late ot Halifax conntv, N. I ., this is to noriiy nil persons liiivinu claims again t the rotate ot the said dc rased toexhibit them ti the under signed on or before the 2.')tli day ( March lli nr tins notice will lie plena in oar ni their recovery. All iiersmis indebted to id estate mil make immediate payment. This '2.'ith day of March 1WI7 H. ti. ilAel I r.L, mar '2" tit. administrator. You can't deny. The desira-1 ! ble goods at popular prices are i the key note by which the live ; j store is judged. I have just com-1 ! ; pleted my spring stock, which t I will call your attention to. 1 1 !!You can buy from me now.s - , HIT ' 11 C, 42- .A4-V. L 2 iilUUllD U1 WUU1 OUI IO wuuu $12.50 for $6.87. Imported h ; i Cream wool tailor made Satin M lining, regular price 14.00 at H ! 8.25. Black diagonal suits and French Clay in sacks or frocks, 1 V regular price $16 now $9 87. fj '. ". Men's all wool suits at 3.00 and 1 1 O K f (im'ti iQtt'm eiiilrj sJVTVl l . . 59c up. A lull line ol E XECUTOR'S NOTICE.- Ilaviiiir onalilled as executor upon the estate ol Caroline l'liillips, deceased, all prrsnns holding claim against said estate are hereby untitled to present them to mo in F.nlh ld. N. C. on or before the 1st day of April IrttlH or this notice will be plrnd In bar ol their recovery. Riicl all persons in- debted to said estate will settle at once nnd save costs of suit. 1 his Kith ol March 1H1I7. U A. HITMAN, jr., Vxec of Caroline Hii'lips, dec. ni'irlHOt. 11 e iC WtS S AU ttsTfiaiS. ITT" I J ' J LJ Beat Cough Bjnn Twu Unnd. Vm 1 1 E l Ld In UniK. Solil bf arumlm. f 1 T, eV 1 1 mm mwm Laics M AMI - H . i Men's Satin calf, regular price J1..0 at $1 80; 82 00 at 11.45; 11.60 it I j , 81 1- A Hood every day shoe at bio. Jjadies shoes irom ouo. to m. .. Children a piiois irom inc. up. a H SPECIAL JTTEfJTIOfJ e . a P ; ; to i complete line of TRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. BeBt P1'"". rt-Butar J ' price "c. at 5c; 5c at 3jc. Giughanis, oiinis, Worsteds, Tlaids, Percale, I I " Satteen, Cashmeres, eto , cheaper than ever before. A nioa line of laoe j trimmings, edging, braid buttons, corsets, veiling, velvet window curtain 1 a il Table linen, Napkins, oil cloth, towels, eto. handkerchief Sale for the L ' next 30 days, ic:ulnr price lOo at 3c. peice. Hats, Caps, Gent' fur- E 1 Disning goous, scans, ilea, flu. ntci)uuu uuiua aim cuumn oij before you buy. ii Your friend, r" M. FREDLANDER, Prop. of the Baltimore Clothing Htore, at Cooch's old stand, on Washington avenue, WELDON. N. C.

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