()i!iH8a k J tjg1 W. SLEDGE, l'lioi'iUKTOit. VOL. XXXI. A. IsTEWSP'AFEK FOE THE IF IE O IF L E WELDON, N. C, THUltSDAY, APRIL 1897. TEIRIMIS: 81-50 l'ER ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO. 52. ADVERTISEMENTS. PRUNELINE (TrftiU' Mark RrniM.tMvtl.1 THE IDEAL LAXATIVE ind Cure fur uC 0 N S T I P ft T I 0 H-m -As pleiisant iik honey ami Mire cure for IHHmiMii'UB.IIcadx' he. "ever, Moinarh Trouble Howcl Ileraiigcnients.l.lier I iil.eases. "Irk Htoiiiach, Irregularity, Miluey Troubles, Hkln ami IIIihiiI Ills. III-cUTN, ,! vitv in '' other dln'Ssen mid culiipllciltlmn. ADV KHTIS KM KN'TS. n n II C I IHCU Itir uilfhl lltltl hiiri--t miliar ii.-.u" si' mill " ii- H H.-rLuuhly .., ......... u itln.iii irrm nit. imrllli'i inr I'I'mhi 'iii'i ...Mtill uasli' from tin' sy-lelil. II iln,. I ..'.v with CASTOR OIL SALTS inn,: Mn ml nil "H"'' iil Ml" 1'iirwi- ..... It timet 1 'HiTKl.v H lliciircat uiiniiit ...... ki-i'li 1 1ll' lieu.l I'lH't. whmii rn'iil Hie Howell "pell, ""IK I Kl NKI.ISK sl.l.v nil di-nlcn. uru lll on receipt i.f. Ml rents I ''''NKW.MANNkllUuWNI.Kr.H'o.. llaHiiuor,-, Mil. cplly. A WOMAN'S LOVE. The View I rum a Woman's StanJpoint The Difference Wilh Men. HUDSON'S 17 Main st., Nuil'ulk, Va. HDIES' ftIO GENTLEMEN S DININli kom. all mkai-sai cents. srill'ASSlSli COFFEE .1 sm'l.lLT' J. It. lirn.SOS. l'ropti.tiir The Best of Everything in Season oct HI lyr. Under the Weather. That is the common Spring complaint. You feel "logy," dull. Your nppotito is poor. Nothing tastes good. You don't sleep well. Worl: drags. You cross every bridge buforo you come to it. There's lots of people have folt like you until thoy toned up the system by taking the great spring remedy Ayer's Sarsaparilla It's been curing such cases for DO years. Try it yourself. 0. I I. HALE, Send for the "Curebook." 100 papea fret. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell. Mm HALIFAX. N. C. Carrie full line- Dry Goods, Notions, Boots SHOES. GliOCEKIES, Etc. Agent for STANDAIil) SF.WIXii MA CHINE. Can liirnish any part ill any kimlol machine at sliort not ire. Send nnaliil nml liir Slill i 1 1 Usl Lit illll Wirt tO machine yon liave anil will name price for piece needed. I carry a full line Coffins & Burial Cases. neiil of any-1 ni v 7 ly. Give me a trial when in thing. W. T. PARKER . lKAI.EH IN , Heavy ANDZZ Fancy Farm Implements. 224 rorND SACKS OF SALT FOB 81.10 l'EKSACK. Mfl "'..r.i i.rum mill oolite attention to ii l ly. BroceriDS Monients ani Tomlistones. Ill'.SHlNH SENT FKEE. In nritiuu n,ive some limit us to price anil state age ol deceased. I.AIit.l'.MT UTOCK In the South to select from. COUPER MARBLE WORKS, (EstahlisVcd 1H.) loll to Kill Hank st., Norfolk, Va. nov a ly- Twin City BAKERY WELDON, N. C. Full line FANCY (iilOCEUIES, Flil'ITS, anil Confectioneries. Nice line of California Drieil Fruits, l'runes Peaches, etc., etc. rull Hue ol Freud Cantos- Cryxtulial Fruits, Cream Almonds and Marshmalloivs. Amenta lor Fleischman's compressed yeast. BUSTER PURNELL. Mana-er, (H't li U. all SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. MARKS. DESIGNS. COPYRIGHTS o. Anrraut iwnittni rteti h l""l itecrlillon mar oulctl; -certain, ft. .licllier ;'' nr..i..i.I iiBtHnlMll H 1 mil Illl III H.tl''l MTKIIT In America. W havo . a hlnnn .0 uJWe- llnu taken tlimuBa Muna 4 10. WOlT liawial notlou lu the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Il k) .11 monlha. Miei-lni-n oupli ami UAHO KuvK OH i'ATKSTa aul free. Adimi.4 MUNN k CO., 3U1 Brodwv, New yerk. Professor Jas. Hanoi's EX r ill TONIC. Hu uo equal. It i Hie only strictly pure veireUilile Wood medirin on the mar ket. It ri-gnlutes and cleanse the liver, UeoKllieui ami heals ilweased kidneys, aasisU the urinal oruaus lu a wouderlul manner, cures chills and lever, enturrh in it ttrststaKes, ulcers, sorus ol lonn stand Inn aids dilution, creates npetite, strengthens the weak and lanutlid, gives tone and vi?or to the whole systom. No one should he without it. .... Office and Laboratory 277 Church street, Norfolk, Va. MT HUCE ChN ra. Jeiny. W. M. HAIUJSTON- & CO., Wholesale and Hetail Dealers in THE ARIZONA KICKER. KILLED HIS LITTLE BOY. Slinging Metarr Nearly Costs the I'.jitur , 1 hritlin c Story Ik J. Ii. Couth. llis Neck. The Last Hours of the Ureal Southern Chieftain. The ?rcut iuciilcut in a wuman's life, and therel'iirc an incviliiblu one in t hi: w omau ol' Gi'tiun, is love. The must cun stunt clemiMit in woman's love, in reality or in fiction, is doubt. F.vun with utmost coiifiuVnce in the ;t;rity ul' I he lnvu she has enucil lew wonu'ii do not at lmi"s harass tlicius.'lvtis wilh the ihoiiht lliat perhaps the luiin oniy lancii-s that ho love Iwr; that in the ptli of his heart is liuried scmio other live t hut mav ho miiekcued, that his ivc, now ho ardent, may suoli (;row dim and utaudually lade away. icy seen never to permit xucli iiics- tionm to test the merit ol the luva tliey give. To the over these duubts am never well dilimd. They come only in lh . . . i . unexpected uiuoiis that so perplex an lovers. She isunhappy, and she does not know why. She is despondent, hut cannot de fine to herself cause fur hopelcssuess. She is wounded, but is unconscious of what hurt her. She feels that her soul has gone out to her love; thut she mu;t have it back, but that if it is givou buck e must die. She is so happy, and she . ... , , . , . i i i is so sad. She leels mat sue uuu uer lover are all in all to each other, except that she may not be all in all to him. She is devoted to him, but is he ua dovuted to her? And the man, having uo understund ; of her couseiousiiess, simply berates himself for liavinir at somu tune, somi- wlure, in some wanner, done something to wound die fcnsiuve nature ol this dear girl, or, not being able to find any soliilinu of the trouble, he early comes to resolving every shade of difference through the broad, general principle thai all women have their moods; that such moods do nut really betuken dimiuishment of affection, aud (hut annoyances of this sort are part of the penally that man has to pay for the hap- piucss of luke. Iothe iiiatur ot love men and women . . it., irir - .... M.. - seem to tie essentially umcrcui. muu always shows an abounding joy in being loved. It is never perfect happiness to woman unless she can mingle at timus wilh the assurance a sweet, gentle melau- choly, springind froui doubts which, it called to answer, she would in lignaully scorn and d,'ny. So it seems ever to have been. probably it will ever be, so loug as sweet influence, Wve impels men softens women. Perhaps this enhances the pleasure of nun John Keats, wilh everything of beauty that was to have becu to turn a joy forever fast lading from his vision and Ins tleeting breath almost rcauy 10 leavo his dying body, left, nearly as his last word, that Ins dearest hope ot love was of a "sweet unrest." Philadelphia Times. Totter, Kult-KlMUim null Eczema. m,o .,..,,uu Iti liitiL' nnd siniirtinir. inci dent tiilhese discuses, isinstnntly allayed i... uiiiir c'hainberluiirs Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very had cases have been permanently cured Ivy it. It is equally efficient for itching piles nnd ,. f,.v,,rit'.. remedy for sore nipples, dimmed hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25 its. per box. In a lale number of the Kicker we re ferred to the inhabitants of Hluc Hill City us a "congregation of lop should ered, slabsided, cross-eyed absconders from the laws of other States" aud to the town itself as a "sinkhole of ini quity founded by robbers." We didn't mean anything serious by this. We were jusi slinging meluphiir I hut day on our editorial page, and it struck us that a lit tic lucluphor wouldn't be a bud thing for Iilue Hill. We hud no idea that any one was displeased until we rode over to that town the oilier day to make up a list of subcriberH. We felt that our welcome was rather chilly, but mistrusted nothing until we saw a mun wilh a rope. Thou we climbed back into the mddle, nnd just, as we got there a crowd of A minister of the gospel told me one of the most thrilling incidents I ever heard ill my life. A member of his con greguiion came home for the first liine in his life intoxicated, uud his boy met him upon his doorstep clapping his hands, ex claiming: 'apa's come home!" Ho seized (he boy by the shoulder, swung linn around, sluggered uud Ml in the hull. The minister said to me: "I could give you his name if necessary. I spent the night in the house. I Went out, bared my blow that the night air might all upon it and cool it. I walked down the hill. There was his child dead! There was his wile in strong convulsions, and he usleep!" t mun but thirty years ot age usleep with a dead child in the house, having a about 200 people made a rush fur us. Our mule put his ears buck and lay down h,uo mark upon the temple where the to it, and, though a portion of the mob corner of the inurble steps hud come in followed us fur five miles, we got safely contact with the head as ho swung hi away. There is no question in our around, and a wife upon the brink of the mind that we just missed being strung I grave up, and we can t exactly make out why "Mr, the Blue Hillers wanted to do it. Kver since the days of Adam one has had a right to use metaphor, and even in this country the man whom you call a liar his face, and exclaimed: always gives you a chance to explain in mattel? Where am V! what sense you use the term. When Mayor Harding has a day to spare, we hope he'll come over and explain. Mr Thomas Dorland, proprietor of the Big Klk saloon and poker parlors, called at The Kicker office the other day con vinced us thut we were iu error in pub- liliuio the statement that he had mur dered three men in Wyoming, and hi the heart ol a butcher, lie killed a Chinaman in California for atleinpiing robbery, aud a half breed in I "tali for ailing him a liar. In neither of these cases was he actuated by malice or did he exceed his rights, As to his luivinj the heart of a butcher, he soou satisfied us that he was naturally tender hearted aud full uf sympathy uud pity, and we and t his and I)r Cmly's Ontiilitiim Powders, are '.!, ,, 1,,,,-jo needs when ill blld condition. Tonic, blood piuitier nnd ...;r Tlu.v are not food out li,.i.. e'ml tile best ill tlSB til ptlt i.,.r. in iirime condition. Price 85 -eiita ner uaekiiu'P. Kr sale by W. M. Cohen, W eldon; J ltrown. Halifax: Dr. A. S. Hairison, H'ufiold. We're on our way UNEXCELLED n umm U. ill K Ailt mm The Hustler! who Sells the CHEAPEST and BEST Dry Goods, GROCERIES, tarOr Anything You Want.-ifM HE'S GOT IT. MEYER'S BARGAIN HOUSE, Enfield, N. C. OAttPETS, STOVES, and Mattresses, e c IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. U, HABLIBTON A CO., No. 90 K. Rrcamor 8i, Petersburg, Vs. Cucumber Pomps n,lmnv Pine. Sash, Blinds ana uoors, j - . , ami a iuu tie w. For sale by cm waa'hesvi WHEELER. jinz and ioe formedrav.,. an inch thick. It is feai Til K man who is driven to drink lly sluris with ponies. (jough," said my friend, "I cursed the unnx. lie nau loin me i must reiuaiu till he uwoke, and I did. When he awoke he passed his hand over "What is the Where is my boy?" "You eaunot Bee him." '"Stand out of the way! I will see my boy?' "To preveut confusion I took him to the child's bed, and as I turned down the sheet and showed him the corpse he uttered a wild shriek. '0 my child!'" Thai minister mid further to me: "One year after he was brought from unalic asylum to lie side by sidcivilh his wile in one "rave, and I attended the funeral." The minister of the gospel who told me that lact is to-day a druukeu hostler in a stable in Boston! Now tell me what rum won't do! L wid debase deraue. imbrute, and damn About daylight upon the Sunday of his death Mrs. Jacksun informed him that his recovery was very doubtful, und thut it was better that we should prepare for the worst. He was silent for a moment und then lid: "It will be infinite guiu to be trans- ated to heaven. lie udviscd Ins wile, the event of his death, to return lo r father's house, uud lidded: "You nive a kind aud good lather, but Iheie no one so kind and good us your llcav ly Father." lie still expressed a hope that he Would recover, but requested his wife, iu case ho should die, to have him buried iu Lexington, in the Valley of Virginia. is exhaustion increased so rapidly lliat 11 o'clock Mrs. Jacksoii knelt by his bed uud told him thut before the sun went down he 'vould be with his Saviour. He replied: "0, uul You ure fright ened, my child. Death is uot so near. may yet get well." She fell upon the bed weeping bitterly, nd again told him, timid her tears uud that the physicians declared that there was no longer any hope for his recovery. After a moment's pause he nsked her cull the family physician. "Doctor," he said, us the physician en- red the room, "Annie informed mo that you told her I am to die tu-day. Is it so?" und God-like in a human being, 'flier is nothing thut drink will not do that is vile, dastardly, cowardly, sneikish, or hellish. We are united comrades, we not, to light ibis monster rum till the day of our death? Charleston Misscn gar. THE LOVE THAT LASTS. cheerfully make this correction in justice I everything that is noble, bright, glorious, to a good man and an enterprising citizen Up to the piesent lime Mr. Dorland has strongly objected to advertising in The Kicker, having no faith iu it as a me dium, but he has chunged his mind und will ruu a nuaiter of a column with us during the next year. Wednesday afternoon last, while the mayor of this town (who is ourself) was iu his office in the city hall, word brought tohiiuthut there was trouble at the poitofficc. The postmaster (who Is also ourself) t once left the Mayor's office for the scene. On arriving then- he found a straui'cr standing at the geueral delivery window with a gun io either hand. He had come iu an hour befuro and asked for mail for Joo Barnes There was none, but he had declared his intention to wait until some arrived. While ho waited he shot away two lamp chimneys and sent half a dozen bullets into as many mail boxes. At every shot In would utter a warwhoop, aud at every whoop more uf a crowd gathered. The siraueer was havina lots of fun when No Matter How iilack-liyeJ in Crime a Man May lie, llis Mother Never Lorgels llim. Iu an old history of Sussex County in Kngland, a strange incident is recorded which, it is sutmoscd. suuaesled to Ten it . nvson his poem of "Uizpuh." In 17H2 two nu n, Howell aud Hock rn'ibi d a mail-coach oil a lonely road near ihe village of Shorclium Howell wus an nld and hardened villain b it Willy ltock was a simple lud uf weak intellect, who n the rogue used as a tool His old mother appealed for mer-jy lor him, but in vain. Both men were con to Mr. Jim Hcllso (who is oursell") arrived vieted an I executed, and arcnrdiu, nn the scene. Although we have a pos-1 the savage habit ot the lime, my slitlvi santl 1 himse th sli S?W! In the Yost-mi'.' V .'' hile r.Ro. a v.-t.i ml oul on iIh .o". ' u pri cipiei I , l1 Inch, ami Vuli.l,, t f on his llenil. A 1 I or litllc pull "f v ie , would have still him lo t-tetnily. Not one Itoni in 8 milium would bi thai kiuC of fool, bul nine men in ten me nil tl t lime lakinn foolish chanc, a Tliue is no dtiiilly pur about a little fil "I imliui tinn or biliousness, ami vet if a man allow- tin e lioeb lC lO Mrl M 11.11 -ll '.H is liikinir serious ri-ks. iTpepla alum- seldom Kills Hin oou, , .no. is. it only kills yon by inches, ami lukes a good ntativ veitrs doing it. ' lint il weakens and under mines the cotislim tinn so that il is all readv lo receive aud fertiiiie tile danger- ous diseases whuh do kill you outright I) i se a Be g e r ui a won 't grow in healthy blood any more than corn will 0-mw on a rock. A man who keeps his digestion petfeet and hia blood pure may eat and drink and breathe disease firms, hut they gain no foothold. They are cast out of the avstem. But man with a dyspepsia weakened constitu tion breathes In tvphoid or diphlheretic icrms and down he goes. The best health insurance a mm can have is l)r Fierce s Golden Medica Discovery. It acts directly on the stomach and liver. It gives the blood making organs power to make healthy Wood. It clarifies the I blood from all impurities, and builds up the healthy flesh, muscular power and nerve energy which fortifies you against disease. Hi life long success in the treatment of ehrlmic diaease, has given Dr. Pierce J medicines a world wide n potation. His 'IMcsssnt relicts" cure. ccnsUpaUoa. t.il graveyard back of the postoffice for the roei ntion of iust such critters and have already planted two iu it, uur ii slruclions from Washington are not to shoot until pacific measures have been exhausted. We therefore went for Mr. Barm s iu a pacific way. Ho got one shot at us hut it went wild. Then we had him by the neck, aud when we got through mopping him around he had two broken ribs aud nil kneocaps w re a long way out of plumb. When he came to and hud time to think the matter over, he said he didu't blame us a bit The game ho played used to be a favorit one around hero, and the player always had lots of fun. But things have ,,liuni.ed. There are certain rules gov crning this posloffioe, and the oritter wh nii.iim, i to walk nn them is oerlain ii feel something drop M. Quad. Ko-'k's l o ly was hung from the gibbe' in chuius over the spot where the crime had been committed E cry uight for years his mother came to this place, sitting in the storm aud d illness beneath the skeleton which wung to und fro iu the wind. When list it separated and slowly fell, she galli er 'd the bones of her sun, one by one, and s'.ien she had them all. secretly buried them in consecrated uruund where her own could lie beside them. The warden of oue ol our stale peni . . , a tenlianes where criunuais are conuneu for lona term of years and often for life. will, nsked if thev were as a rule visite regularly by their friends. No," was the reply. ' they are usually men who havo been a scouige nnd dis- irrimn to their families. It IS a relief to ft. bo rid of I hem. Theii friends, th, wives and even children make one or I we por'':iintory vi-i'" t first, and iheo uive them up. In the course of a year or two, as rule, th.-.y are as forgotten as il STONEWALL JACKSON. NEW ADVEUTISEM ENTS. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the word REGULATOR is not on a package it is not Simmons Liver n EGULATOR. Nothing else is the same. It cannot be and never has been put up by any one except J. H. ZEILIN & CO. And it can be easily told by their Trade Mark THE RED Z. A GLASS OF WATER. He rlt He Could Not Drink llis Tears. Wife's 0". L. When he was answered in the affirma tive, he turned his sunken eyes toward the ceiling and gazed for a moment or two us if in intense thought, then looked at the friends about his bed aud said softly: "Very good, very good, it is all right." Then turning to his heart-broken wife, lie tried to comfort her. He told her that there was much he desired to tell er, but that he was too weak for the undertaking. Col. Pendleton, one of the officers of nis staff, came into the room ub"Ut 1 clock. Gen. Jackson asked him: "Who is preaching at the headquarters today?" When told in reply that the whole rmy wus praying lor mm, nc replied: Thank God! They ure very kind." Then he added: "It is the Lord's day; my wish is fulfilled. I have always de sired to die on Suuday." Slowly his mind begati to fail and wan der, and he frequently talked iu his de lirium as if in command of his army on the field of battle, lie would give orders o his aides iu the old way, and then the iceno changed' He was at the mess-ta ble in conversasiou with members ot his staff; now with his wife and child; now at prayers with his family. Occasional inleivals of a return of his mind would appear, and during one of them the phy sician offered the dying man some brandy and water, but he declined it, saying: "It would only delay my departure and do no good; I want to preserve my mind to the last, if possible." A few moments before the end ar rived tho dvinu warrioi cried out in his delirium : "Order A. P. Hill lo prepare for ae turn "rass the lnlanlrv to the Iront rapidly!" "Tell Major Hawkes ,' Then his voice was silent, und the sen tence remained unfinished. An instant later a smile of ineffable sweetness and purity spread itself over his calm, pale face, und then looking up ward, aud slightly raising his hands, he said quietly, and with an expression of relief: "Let us cmss over the river and rest under the shade of the trees." And then without a sign of a struggle or of pain his spirit passed away. Josh Thomas, au old toper of loug standing and capacity, on being invited by some of his boon companions to "take a drink." replied, "Boys. I won't drink without you take what I do." The ( "boys" were surprised. "Take my drink, boys, and I am wilh you." They agreed, and ranged themselves along the bar. "Bartender," said he, "give mo a glass of water." "What? Wa-t-c-r?" "Yes, water. It's a new drink to me, boys, I admit, and it's a scarce article arouDd here, I expect. But let me tell you about it. A few days ago a party of us went fishing. We took a fine share of whisky along aud had a jolly time. Along towards cveuing I got terribly druuk and crawled off under a tree and went to sleep. The boy s drauk up all the whiskey and came back to town. They thought it a good joko 'cause they left me out there drunk and told it uround the town with a big laugh. My son got hold of the report and told it at home. I lay under the tree all niglil,and when I woko in the morning my wife sat right there beside me. She said nothing when I woke up, but turned her head away, and I could sec she was a-crying. 'I wish I had something to drink,' says I. Then she took a cup she fetched with her und went to a spriug that wus ncur und brought it full. "Jcstassho was handing it to me she leant over to hide her eyes and I saw a tear drop iutj the cup. I took the cup and drank and raising my hand to heaven I vowed, God helping me, I'd never di ink my wife's tears again." Judkins' Grocery WELDON, N. C. still carry a full line of line and Fancy (j roeeries, Staple -FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crockery, Glass Tin, and wooilenwure nnd most everything that is kept in a first class grocery store. I also return thauks to 'ny friends for thflir patronage of the past, and solicit a continuance ol the same, with guarantee to please. And wishing t hem a happy and prosperous new year. That they may Loug to live And well to do Aud af.er death lie happy too. Respectfully, J. L. JCDKINS. dec 13 ly. OASTOniA. th, f-limll. alfutuf I It n Tiry He (lervently) Your eyes are like the stars above. She (sleepily) There is no stars above us just now, Henry the sun is about to rise. ADVERTISEMENTS. Celebrated for its great leavening st rength ind heaUhfiilness. Assures the lood against alum and all forms ol adulteration com mon to the cheap brands. ROYAL BAKlNtl Kltt'llKU CO., NKW YOUR- Americans are the most luveultve peiv pie on earth, io theiu ImVO Decu ls-'-uce near v tiOll.lMIII patents, or uiuru mun one-third of all the patents issued in the rid o discovery ol uiouero years r , , . . - c I til ... ,.,Li... luey wcieiu - -- r- v mm neen oi ireuier ueui-m iu .1 (.,..b.,rh,in' (ilic. Cholera and mother Diarrhoea Remedy, or has doue mom to "Their mothers always e.mie aim seep relieve puin and sulienng. i. v. augu. i 00lnlng, und try lug to innuenue mom of Oakton, Ky., says: "I have used heir be,a,f Vl) Bll1(.r how black-dyed Ohamherlain s ( ohe, (. holer, and IMar- rhoea Remedy in my tauniy lor several - -find it to be tho best medicine know some good point l 1 . ...... 1 1 . . I ever used tor cramps in nesiomacu auu nun. bowels. Whoeverlhereaderofthesewordsmay For sale by W. M. Cohen, eldon, , wuatcm ,16 ra if ho is pursu- Freddy What is statesmanship, pupa? "Siulesmanship, my s m, is successful p .lilies llobsoii Is Rohson a man you can trui? Dobson Yes; that is, if you lend hi nylhini:; it's all you can do. Le a Don l vou think thev are two ,,iil wiih but siiiL'le ihouulu? Hazel Well, I shouldn't wonder. They both luakiug fools of themselves. his mother will to tell me of J. N. Browu, Halifax, Dr. A. S. son, Enfield. Harri- Wildly was thinking of a late experi ence at tho club, when his wife asked: "Did Mr. Lusk call?" "Not bioi; I bluffed him with a $10 er what was that, dear?" "Yarbley has taken a violent distaste for nnnra. " "What a clever stroke of .., economy." OABTOIIIA. fatflf ttatu tilt ing, it would be well for him to stop and think ol tho one tinman oemg who nau faiih in him when he was a child who has faith iu him now. lias she couifurt and happinessiu her son? Or must aho, like that other poor mother, irather some lime the poor frag nient of his wusted life out from the darkness and the etorin lo hide them from the sight of muu? Youths Compan ion. OABTOIIIA. Isui, fifum. tin rf nuife, She I wonder if two really can . n 1 1 T cheaper than oner tie i guess hen per. I feel i live they TllB umbrella thief believes in putting uueihiiig by for a rainy day. Many a stately maiden with an im posing carriage may be a little sulky. Mrs. A. Inveen, residing at 720 Hen rv St., Alton, III , suffered with sctalic ? . rt . , . .1 Ol. . rheumatism lor over elgnt monius. one doctored for it nearly the whole of this lime. Using various remedies rceom mended by friends, and was treated by the physicians, but received no relief. She then used one and a half bottles of Chamberhi ii's Puin Balm, which effected a complete cure. This is published at her requust, as she wants others similarly afflicted to know what cured ties. The 25 and 50 cents sites. For sale by W. M. Cohon, Weldon, J. N. Brown, Halifax. Dr. A. S. Harri son, Enfield. lit W.L. Douglas $3 Shoe. Stvllsh, durable, perfect fittimr. Endorsed by over 1,000,000 wearers. V. L. Douglas $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes are the productions of skilled workmen, from the best material pos sible at these prices. Also $2 50 ana $2 Shoes for Men, $2.50, $2 and $L75 Boys Vr iisennl v the brst Cn If. HuHiia Calf. French 1'iitciit Caff, Kretu'li Knnnn-1. Vk-I Kid. etc., griuMt" rorrpupiina wilh price. iifllm.lioea. if ih aler cauiiut ao,p!y .vim. write CaUlc. free. W, L, DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mm, wui m W . B . Til L L E R Y , WELDON, N. C. E. N. RICKS & BROS., EN FIELD, N. C. nov 26 5ni. WELDON, N.C. -Dealer In- POWDER Absolutely Pure. General Merchandise Ageut for the celebrated ZEIGLER BROS. nnd HAY STATE SHOES. Have also added to my stock a nice line CLOTHING. for MEN, YOUTH'S and CHILDREN. A full line of ai 4 a T . m i . mu m .TOTHK- SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION h( WIlmhiKton, N. ' . May Ml. to 14lh lhtfT the " Always on hand. Burial robes fnruished for Ladies and Ueutleiuvn also llnid injec tions given to dead bodies and disinleo-' taut used when desired. A NICE HEARSE AT YOUR DISPOSAL. Mr. T. II. Taylor, of Northampton coun ty, is with me aud v. ill be pleased to tea liis friends. P. N. 8TAINBACK. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H SEABOARD AIR LINE i - - - JAMU.U. MC1.I.KW, TliTfia I. ULLIM DANIIL, M ..OKFKRSTHI!.. -i 1 f HALF R ATE. In addition to the rpinilarfluperbdoii J ble dally Service, il la proposed to run J f THREE "BAPTIST SPECIAL TRAINS" ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WlLDOH, N. C. Inctlce In theoourtaof HallfaxandNorthamn. on and In the Hupreme and Federal oourts. Cof. emotismane in aiipnrtaor Nona t&rollna. Branch office at Halifax, N.C. open every Hon. day. Jan 7 If jyt. T. T. KOSS, Fmm VlrRinirt, North Caroline., South rmUiia Aiiti flfMiTiria. THHklna Imrae- Hi to .irtiitiuf'tiriiia with tntiiiK frtini all j B points 1 1 NORTH. 80UTH, EAST, WEST. L-j For unftclRl prlotiM. mntter, maps, 2 J tiroeUnhnitw.tk'kpU.ileewniand ? 1 i nil InfurniHlloii, ailQroiH orcallon L DENTIST Weldon, N. C. teSTOfflee over Emry ft Pierce's store. 10-19-ly. 1 1 DR J. W. BROWW, Jr c. V. Aitent, ZJ 77 Mai t Norfolk, Va. 55 MUBRAY KOKIIKH, Tray. Paan'r Agt., L J Portammith, Va. n OR Lj T J. ANPKRHON, Hen. Pax. Agent, fJ rortainouth, Vs. J Mamtm vnm.,esi.jn id jWtii.fa"a ai 1 iili1lii..lSe.S W.J.WARD.&- ENFIELD, N. C. MguOffloe over Harrison's Drag Bten dn 5n It. Wanted-An Idea Xi.. tAiim tt-viiiiruuliriki a. , MTi, Wswhiwrion, d. c. fur tbir t,aw crim uor and Hit ut tiro stttadna IkTMtitotiti VTho cn thlttlr ftt IMiie Blmpisiw tllllas In lKW.lt frotoet Tovr 14ai; thv mar brlaa yv waMitat, 10 M If. ths fruit has boon destroyed. I 1