Purgatorial Pills. The druggist would hardly smile if you aslccd for "purga torial pills." There lire tunny of them. Hut he would prob ably recommend ft pill thntdid not gripe ; a sugiir-ciintcd pill, gentle in action, and sure in effect. What are they called ? rV llMIUI W UU1IIUIIIV I IIIVII Avers Cathartic Pills THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 18.17. OWN m n u : VICINITY. Kastrk Kiki Hunt. Tho children of Grace F.piscDpnl cliureli Sunday school had an exciting Master rgg hunt Inst Sunday morning immediately alter the school o limed. The superintendent and teachers en tered heartily into the hunt with the children and tho little people enjoyed it iintueniely. Sunday was a lovely day. Til ih is the last oyster month for this gonion. Tin fishermen are now having excel lent sport. Kaiii.Y vegetables are now on sale at the green groceries. Monday being holiday a good many p'ople came to town. It is generally believed that fruit is sale nl'ter the full moon iu April, Til K mle of guano here this s iason etccud that of last year this time Si'ntNil lever germs never lurk where proper sanitaty precaution are taken TlIB simmer girl will be on I'M just as soon as she gets her summer crop of freckles. When you are weak, tired and lifeless, you need to enrich aud purify your blood with Hood's Surxaparilla. A well known business in t it of II i ifax itiforius us that h - w ni'.d willingly take some stock in a furniture factory li.-ru Tun Scilioirl Air Lim In-1 issued an order allowinj bieyelm owned by passen gers on its trains 1 1 b i cirri-1 tree of charge. Wb havu only to put forth a little ef fort to in luce capitalists to seek this town as a pnper p'.aci for the investtnmt of their money. THE lorn .Mill ami the Oil .Mill are both running ni;lu an I diy to till orders Why wouldn't other m.iiiulueturiii.r, en terprises here pay as well? Dandruff forms when the glands of the skin are weakened, and if neglected, baldness is sure to follow. Hall's Hair Renewer is the best preventive. THS "miilcst bicyclists in town are Masters DaviJ an 1 Kiliot ('lark, sms of Mr. E. Clark. They have a beautiful little wheel and they are two of the proudest little fellows in the city. Why will you buy bitter nausia.ing tonioa when Grove's Tasteless Chill Touic is as pleasant as Lemon Syrup. Your druggist is authorized to refund the money in every case where it fails to cure. Price 50 ccDts. An exchange tell a great truth in the follwing: "Much of the hard times would be relieved if people who can would mako an effort to pay their debts. Oao man holding back what he owes keeps somebody else from meeting an obligation, just like the p.ivro of one debt leads to the cancelling of others." Spring is full ol terrors lo all whose constitution is not able to resist tho sud den changes of temperature and other insalubrities of the season. To put the system in condition to overcome these evils, nothing is so effective as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Take it now. i I a a - Tramp Killed. John Lane, a negro tramp, in attempting to board a through freight train, was run over and ki'led at Knfield Wednesday night of last week. He was badly mangled. Ruth legs were cut off and his head was severed from the body. Wki.i, Known Coi.oiieii Woman Dead Harriet Roberta, wife of Wil liam Roberts, who for years was a well known oolored police officer of this town, died at her homo here lust Thursday, She had been sick only a few a days and her dialh was wholely unexpected nnd came almost suddenly. Heart failure is said to have been the cause. The re mains were laid to rest Friday afternoon, U.S. CoMMlNKIUNEIl's ColIKT. A J. l'ittman, of Heathsvillc, was before United States Commissioner Gooch hire Friday sharged with selling liquors with out a licence. Deputy Marshal B. F. Gary brought the accused into court, and after hearing all the evidence, Commissioner Gonel) decided that the charges had not been sustained and tho accused was honorably aciiiitted. Take Ukkii. Last week we scot out a number of bills lo delinquents. Some were merely sent nut as reminders that subscriptions bad expired, others were to subscribers long in arrears. To the latter class we must say unless you pay alien lion to the bill sent you, your name will dropped from our list. We don't want to lose a Mnglc subscriber, so pay up at once. Pay, pay, pay, pay aud don't delay. The difference between Pills and Sim mons Liver Regulator, is just this: Pills dou't go down very easy with most pen . and you feel them afterwards. While Simmons Liver Regulator in liquid or power is very pleasant to take, and the only feeling that you have afterwards is the great relief that it gives from Con stipation, Idliousness, sick Headache and Dyspepsia. It is a mild laxative and a tunic It Was Iti in 1. Again 1G to 1 bubs up must unexpectedly and much lo the disgust of the Weldon Juvenile base ball team and their sympathetic- rooters, nnd (iarysluirg rejoices because they have had their revenge fur their reverse hern. Only one Wclditiiio crossed the rubber or saw the color of third bag, while III runs were chalked down iu favor of (ia ryshurg. Honors are now even, however, and the third game will be played here soon, and then conies the tug of war, hir boys are determined to capture tho third contest and will have their batting clothes on when they meet tho boys from over the river again. Recommended kou Postmasteiih, The Washington correspondent ol the News and Observer of the 2dth says that Representative White has filed at tho Postoflice Depaitment tho following recommendations lor postmasters in his district: C, P. Anthony, Scotland Neck; II. 1), Mayo, Littleton; 11. L. Karly, Aulander; D, W. Ilakcr, Lewiston, nnd Louis T. Hum), Windsor. The correspondent also states that Representative While, in company wilh dipt. J. P. Leach and Mack M. Furger son, of Halifax, called on tho Attorney General and urged the appointment of Judge Robinson for the judgeship of the Uastorn district of North Carolina. Cait. J. P. Leach During the re cent campaign Captain J. P, Leach, of Littleton, was a Palmer ami lluckner elector and claimed to bo a better Demo crat than tho Hryanites. Now we see it staled in the Washington correspondence to the News and Observer that Captain Leach wants to be United States Minu ter to Victoria and is being urged for the place by Representative White, of this district, Captain Leach is a gentleman wo all like, and we do not know that he has renounced the Democratic faith in asking to be appointed as an embassador of the United States to Victoria, but it is a little significant that the majority of the Palmer and Buckucr advocates appear to think the administration should recog uizo them along with the regulurs. PosromoE Chaniies For Halifax and adjoining counties the following changes in postmasters have been an nounced: Alice E. Hurt, vice W. R Harvey, resigned, Glenview, this county; Millard F. Smith vice, Rebecca L. Reeuis, resigned, Ita, this county; James S Worthain, vice Lucy A. Cheatham, re moved Severn, Northampton county; John F. Williams, vice Kenneth Selen ger, removed, Kidgeway, Warren county Watoii Lost and Found. List Saturday Miss Ada Hodeman lost a very handsome and valuable gold watch while returning from Rianoke Ripiils on her bicycle The watch was found by a colored woman and has been returned to its owner. Miss Hodeman wis delighted when slio received it, as it was a present toherandsho prim it very highly. Although no reward ha I been offered for its recovery, Miss Hub-man rewatded the woman liberally for her honesty in returning the watch so promptly. Series ok Meetings. Rev. J. A. Horuaday will begin a scries of meetings at the Methodist Episcopal church to night, Tho pastor will strive to make these services interesting and profitable to all and the public generally is most oordially invited to attend all the services. There will only be evening services, be ginning at 8 o'clock, during the remainder of this week. On and after Sunday Mr, Hornaday expects to havo two services oach day. The hour for morning services durins next week will be announced Sunday. Wedded Already. lie had been telling her of his great love and the pret ty Weldon girl was looking at him with a suspicion of tears in her soft, brown eyes. You know how devotedly I love . r you, no said tating courage noiu ui he read in her face, "will you be my bride?" "It it is impossible," sho slid, with An Atlanta Enteki'hisb hfGheat Merit. It affords us great pleasure to call special attention to the advertise uientol the ".Mothera rriend, appear iug in this issue. The Bradlicld Regulator Co , of At lanta, Ga , have at great expense issue a most attractive and meritorious book which they mail free, containing infor mation of the groat value and impor- tanco to all ladios expecting to become mothers. That the "Mother s rnend is a teui cdy wonderful in its effects, and relieve the expectant mother of incredible suf fcring and robs the final hour of confine ment of its dread, pain and terror, is fully attested by tho experience of happy mothers all over this continent A perusal of tho book will convince any lady, ana ttie use ol ".tiotners Friend" cause her to become its enthu siastic friend, blessing the hour when first she heard of it aud was induced lo use it. Send your name and address to The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga , and receive in return, freo, this excellent book, "To Expectant Mothers," contain ing information of value to all ladies. B. Entertainment at Halifax. The ladies of St. Mark's Episcopal church will give an entertainment at Halifax next Tuesday evening the 27ih, for the benefit of the parish. The entertainment will consist of u minuet drill and two short plays, with miisiu betweeii the ts. The ladies havo been requested to re it the entertainment at Enfield. Should tin y decide to do so, due notice ill be given. The Halifax people always give de- hghttul entertainments, and we can promise all who may uttend, on tho above occasion, a most pleasant ovnuing. ... . - Death op Ed. Summehell. Mr. Edward Siiinmercll, a son of Mr. J. II. Suminercll, of this county, died iu Rich mond, Vs., Tuesday morning, last of pneumonia. The death is a very sad one. Mr. Siiinmercll was only 2U years old and had been married less than two years. His wife was formerly Miss Lillie Garner, also of this county. Shu, with an iiilaut hild, about six months old, survives him. The remains were brought out on the Atlantic Coast Line train No. 211, yester- ay, and were taken to the old family burying groiiuus, near town, for lutet ment. J he deceased was a youug man of very excellent habits and had many friends here who join iu with the News in expressions of sympathy for the young wile and child and other members of the afflicted family. OBSERVANCE OF EASTER. WclJiin iVuplc Observe! the Hay memeralive of the Resurrection of Christ. ,iim- wF TIIK DAY HAD BEEN S made to order for Weldun people, they could not have asked a more bcau S lilul Ea-lcr. D was a day typical of tfcj, the resurrection, bright and joyful. The sun arose in splendor und nut a cloud marred its beauty from the rising until tho gi jig duwn of the same. Lurge congregations attended morning services nt all the churches and ROANOKE RAPIDS. I'eniilings I mm Our Kemilar r.nrremiieDt. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Woman oeNkrve Near Aurclian Springs Saturday a man named Moore was on trial before a magistrate on a war rant sworn out by a miss Urawlcy. While tho trial was in progress, Miss Crawley pulled a pistol from her pocket and fired at Moore's head. The bull took effect in the scalp and rau around under tho skins and camo out several inches from where it entered. Mifs Crawley was in the act of firing again when some one took tho pistol from her hands. Wo do not exactly know tho naturo of the charges against Moore, but learn that the majority of tho people iu tho neigh borhood are in sympathy with Miss Crawley and say she did exactly right under the circumstances There arc others, though, who take sides with Moore. While Moore's wound is not considered dangerous ho will be laid up for several weeks. His escape from death was most miraculous. Miss Craw ley is said to bo a woman of considerable nerve, every "duck of a girl" was looking her sweetest in that "dream" of artistio beauty which had filled her heart lor so many days before she could appear with it upon her shape ly head. At tho Baptist church Rev. Mr Ken drieks occupied the pulpit for the first time since the church was remodeled, and a large congregation was present and the service was interesting. The church is now one of the handsomest iu the State. Tho iuterior is lovely and the beautiful staimd glass windows add greatly to the appearance of tho building, and the congregation is now delighted with their uew liou e of worship. Rev, J. A. Ilomaday pleached a fine seimon in the Methodist Episcopal church at the morning service. He chose for his subject t lio only appropriate one for the day, "The Resurrection," and his sermon was full of beauty and comfort for all who are earnestly striving to be come members incorporate into tho mys tical body of Christ and to have a lively faith in tho promise of the new life which lies beyond the grave. The evening service was an entertain ment by the Bright Jewels. This con sisted of songs, recitations, etc., by the children of the society and the large con gregation present was delighted with the excellent manner in which the programme was carried out. There being no rector present at the Episcopal church, lay services Guly were held, but the services and songs were all appropriato to the glad Easter duy and were entered into with joy and gladness by all who were present. To all Christian people Easter is the greatest of all the festivals of tho year, and it is gratifying to observe that nearly all the Churches of tho land now recog nize it as such aud that appropriate ser vices are now held in nearly all the Prot estant Churches of tho world PERSONAL MENTION. The ('.liming- and lining- if I'upular I'coplc. Who Like to (let Out in the Sunshine. The company has put the road leading from the mills to the siding in thorough order. They ure bcuutifying the town iu many ways. Mayor Eiory spent several days in Washington recently. Messrs. W. II. Maxwell and W. M. Hablistou were in town lust week. J. M. Grizzard, Jr., Mrs. Thus. Hardy and Mrs. D. M. Fields attended the Halt Cooper marriage nt Halifax lust week . Mayor Kniry gave the baseball team hrru their grounds free of rent and Supt. J. P. Morris gave them the use of the road machine, and so their grounds ore now second lo none in tho county, Messrs. Brown, Fitzgerald, Pierce, Treuey, Robinson uud even Rev, Mr. Frizello worked diligently to have the boys good grounds. B. F. Tillery was here one night last week tho guest of his brother, W, D Tillery. .Mr. rrunk Hudson handled I lie saw mill here very acceptably during the winter, lie sawed and delivered lumber enough to build filly frame two story houses iu ninety days. R. E Jarratt spent Sunday with relu tives at Jarratts, bis former home Over live thousand dollars paid out here by the mills within ten days. Wo are glad to know that Dr. 1). B, Zollicoffer has uearly recovered from severe attack of rheumatism. Mrs. K. Scott Gibbs, who bus been visiting her daughter, .'Irs. 1, II. Ninth, s returned home. Miss Ella Reno and nicco Miss Mease, who have been visiti ng Mrs. J. A. Con- y, returned to their home in Canton, N. C.one day last week. A new baseball team has been organ ized here. The mechanics played a game Saturday evening with a nine composed f the operatives in the two mills. Our town ordinances prohibits the ruuuing at large of horses, cows, hogs, goats, turkeys and geese. 1 ho people hero are loud ol Mayor Gooch and would be glad to hear of his re-election to tho office of Mayor of Wel don. 0 D. Habliston and wile, of Peters burg, contemplates coming here lo live soon, lie is a brother ol .Mr. Y. Al. Habliston. The farmers in this section arc at work iu dead earnest. SERIOUS ACCIDENT. Dr. Pendleton Goes Over a Fifteen Precipice on the Canal and Is Painfully Injured. loot Rich- Hyminkal. On the 14th iustant, n... VVl,l.,r, M- W N Powell was ... '. ... a . ii i I emotion, "I love you, but there is an in- linil,l t m.rnoffrt In .Mls Rllslft llimeCCa I cmvi ' 1 Cobb. The ceremony took place at the residence of the bride'a brother, Mr. J. F. Cobb, and was most impressively per furuicd by Rev. P. N. Stainback in the presenoe of a few of the relatives and friends of the contracting parties, surmountable barrier between us and 1 can never, never be your wile." "And why, my darling?" "Because I am wedded lo my wh -el already." W Mr. Poahoh's Condition Mr, n D.,..,k ,l,n ox an tcrriblv iniured The Easter Girl -Tho demure . .... ..... . , ,f ,,, Lenten maiden has blossomed out, like unfortunate oondi,ion mmion whs made butterfly breaking us cnrys.n. ,,,. ,loM M w, , iproading its wings to iho glorious sun- MIU,otl,j. Ha being an old .l.ine,in.lllh6KloryofherEstercostume. bfl ( Her return to earth his been a daiiling transformation, and she, too, like thebut- (erfiv. has winizs. but ihev are on her hit. skilful aur In mentioning the skilful operation per formwl by Dra Green and fcllu we omitted to state that they were ably as sisted in the amputation of Mr. Poarch's . rm; arm by Dr. A. R 7. .Hiooffor. Dr. A A- AUKiAuaAi n...... nnt nnv well nn in materia were received here to the marriage ol . ' . .,, , .... Mr.W. W.v,,l. White, a native rf -WI Halif.x county and for several years a &n resident of tbia town, to vlisa Lena Rivera Bicycle TlliEf Cauuut. Peter Humphrey, of Kinston. The wedding Broadoax, Jounf ne8ro dude CiIDe a to have taken place last evening in ocre ,,t week and for two or three days the Methodist Episcopal church of that ne around town on a hired bicycle. town. The happy pair have our congrat- saturdaT, Chief of Pohoc ham Brown ulations and best wishes. arrested him on a warrant received from Ralcmh. The Reason Wht. Why i it, aska Broadnax some weeks ago stole a bi n exchange, that the sun shines brighter , .rom ( meI1iber of the Capitol Club on Easter, tha birds aiog sweeter and the , on. recently that the authorities How,. ., .,,.r,, hemiiful od I p.l;h aneMwdcd in locating him - - I ' .-v . vw w - i ..".-- ..... va j .u.:- r. mAm 1 IT... takfln froin here to Kaleier. SMJI lUUlD, 1UU lllr LTOIIUUIW - I J a . lhA where he will be required 10 aus , Tiller y-Garrktt. Mr. W Tillery, one of our most popular young men, left Tuesday fur Oxford for the purpose of being one of the principal actors in the most pleasant event of his life. Yesterday morning at 11 o'clock, he was united in marriage to Miss Myra C. Garrett, at the residence ol her uncle, Mr, S W. i'arker. Ol course we iro to press too early to give particulars, Oxford being some di: tance froui here. Rev. Junius Horner was selected to perform the ceremony. While the wedding was a quiet hoiu event, yet owing to tho high social stand ing and popularity ot tho contracting parties it excited much interest m socia circles and was witucss d by many the intimate relatives and Iriends uf the young people. The bride is one ot eldon s loveliest and most accomplished young ladies and is a daiiL'hter uf the late Dr. F. M. (jai rett, of this county, aud a grand dang lerol'.Mr. J 11. Parker, of E.fi.ld Mr. Tillery is one of our leading young business men and is a general favorite ith all. They p issed through yesterday afternoon lor .Virlolk ana Irom ttieie they left for New York vis the Old Dominion Line. They havo our bc-l ffi-.h" for s !;;, happy and prosjMirous life. Rev. J. M. Rhodes, of Littleton, was here yesterday Miss Lucy Leach, of Littleton, was in Weldon Tuesday Hon. T. W. Mason, of Northampton is in towu yesterday. Mr. Thomas Allen went up lo mond Sunday on a visit. Prof. William Holmes Davis, of Bocky Mount, was here last Tuesday. Mr. S. M. Gary, clerk of Halifax Su perior court, was hero Saturday. Miss Margaret Brickell spent last week in town with Miss Mary LongGreeu. Mr. F. H. Treacy, of Roanoke Rapids, paid this office a pleasant call Tuesday. Mr. C. L. Clark left Tuesday for an extended trip in tho interest of Garrett Sc Co. Mrs. Georgo T. Massie and children are visitiug county. Miss Cornelia Filyaw, who has been visiting Miss Bessie Green, returned horn Monday. Mr. Fred llornadav came down from Ridgeway to spend the h istcr holiday t morn. fragrant? Tha explanation i- simple enough. if because there it sunshine in thfl heart, nd when tha heart ia joyful all nature relatives in Northampton at home. Mr. B A. Pope spent a few days near Enfield this week on a visit to Major YS imam tsurnett Miss Otelia Bland returned to Weldon Saturday from Tarboro where sho had been on a visit to relatives. HOW TO FIND OUT. SOME WONDERFUL DRESS GOODS OFFERS for our patrons this week. All positively this season's newest el feels. The prices are reasonably low. Monkey Skin Belts with Chalalaino attached, in green, tan and brown, l-c Suede, Morocco and Horned Alligator Purses, in brown, tan and black, li.'ic. Seal Belts, good ones, lioc. Dotted Swisses in Pin Dots for Dresses, 12hc, 15c, 22c. Jk' Just the tiling for summer wcur," liS-ineh Colored Organdie, blue, pink, yellow, black, 50c. a yard. Sheer Persian Lawns, 15c. Checked and striped Dimities, l'-'Jc Large size Bleached Turkish Towels, 12 Jc, 'JOc. Bleached German Linen Table Damask, 75c. a yard. GH-inch Bleached Damask, 50c. Diuuer Napkins, (ilc. a dozen. Exactly Hill dozen Ladies' Percale Shirt Waists, nicely 'laundered, del ached high "turn down" collars, cuffs detached worth 50c. all over, here the price is 39c. in every new coloring for spring. 50 pieces beautiful Wash Silk, at 2flc. a yard. 10 pieces Colored Figured Foulard Silk worth 50c. here 37 Jo- a yn'd. 20 pieces two-toned Taffeta Silk, all new colors 75c. yard Gents' Laundered Negligee Shirts, collars and cuffs at tached, made nicely, all sizeH, worth 50o. at some places, here 29c buy them. Gent's Percale and Madras Wash Ties, 6 for 25c. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. PmI Tebtrro Spit ' "' V"" To quit tofacoo mllr sua forever. JuVf ill of lite, nerve and vlor, take No-To- ppeari to put on her most beautiful and B, tht f!j ,77 l..:..u.. ..k IVl,, ihr i !n dh-i aamnla free- AOJreM within there ia alwava brightness with out and vie vera. Umii Tt liawela With CimnU. fandj CalaartHt, vat toniUpatloa forer. w nt.ro. - - vrk Bterltna- Remedr v.vkvi " TmiiB wa heavy frost yeaterday formed nearly an eighth nl an inch tnici. the fruit has beoo destroyed There is more Catairli in this section of the oountry than all othei disuises put together, and uutil the last few years wsa supposed to be incurable, bur a great many years doctors pronounced it l iea disease, and prescribed local remedies aud by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science baa proven catarrh to be a con stitutional disease, and theiefore n quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co, Toledo, Ohio, ia the only con stitutional cure on the market. It is Uken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonfnl. It acts directly on the blood and mucous aurfaoes of the system They offer one hundred dollars for any case it faila to euro. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Props, Toledo, Ohio. lavSold by all Druggists, 75o. Testimonials free. Two thousand yards fine cotton warp Japanese mattings just reoeived from a big oloiiog out aal. 12o. 15c. 20c Spiers & Dark. Kill a bottle or common glass with urine anil let it stand twenty-four hours; a setli ment or settling indicates a diseased eon ilition of the kidneys When urine stains linen it is positive evidence of kidney trou ble Too frequent desire to U'lnate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof tluil tbe kidneys and bladder are out of order. U II T TO Turn is comfort in the knowledge so ollen ea pressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Hoot, thr pr' ki'loey remwly IVtlliUevfiy wish in relieving paiu in the back, kidnejs liver, bladder and every part of the urinary pissagea. It correel inaniiiiy ui mm urine and stailding pain in passing it, or bad effect following use of liquor, wine or lieer, and overcomes that uupluwaut necessity of being cimpclled to get up many times during the night to nrinate. The mi'd and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Knot issoon realized. Itstands the high est for iM wonderful curea ol the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have tie best. Sold by drug gists, price fifty centa and one dollar. For a sample bottle and pamphlet, both aent free by msil, mention The Koanoke News and send vour full postofflce address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Uinghaniptoo, N. Y. The proprietor of this paper'guarantees the gen uineness of this otter. A Natural IUsult. A government inspector, entering a rural postoffioe, cx pressed aomc surprise on seeing a woman at the delivery window. "I was under the impression," aid he, "that a man was in charge of this office," "And so he was," replied the woman, sharply, "but I married him t" no-TrSM tor nftr una Ouaraauted torxuoo bablt ear, makes weak ajea auoog, wooa Hm. evv.va. mu www A. S PENDLETON, OF Roanoke Uapids, met wilh a serious accident last Saturday, while coming to Weldon on his bicycle. Ho was ridini: the tow path of the canal bank and ran off at tho waste way i nearest to the Uapids, and fell a distance A I MC- of 6l'ieen feet on the sharp rocks below His left hip was broken, two fingers were dislocated, and his wrist was sprained and he received other injuries. The place whero tho accident oceurn is one of the most dangerous along the entire canal, and tho majority of cycli- usually dismount and lead their wheel over the plank walk way. Dr. Peudleton lay for about one hour after his terrible fall before he was dis covered. Ho was first seen by Misses Mary Long Green and Ada Bodeman, who had been up to the Uapids on their wheels. When they reached this waste way they stopped for a moment to wait for some members of their parly who were coming on behind. It was then that they heard a voice say, ' Look over, look over." Miss Green looked over the precipice aud saw Dr. Pendleton ly ing upon the rocks below. He told how the accident occurred, aud while sufferiug agouy he was cool and deliberate and showed remarkable uervo. One of the youug n.eu was iuslanlly dispatched tu Uoauoke Uapids for help aud as soon as possible his friends came wilh a stretcher aud carried him back to ton. Mean while word had been sent lo Weldon and Dr. 1. K. Green aud Dr. A. U Zollicoffer went up as speedily as possible. They found his injuries to be about as above described and wilh their usual skill and knowledge they set to work and reudeied the unfortunate man as couilorl.iule as possible. Al lasi accounts Dr. Pendleton was doing well and his recovery is now a ques tion of lime only. It will be some days, however, before he will bo able lo m. mot his wheel again. The iiruat w mder U th il ho was not instantly killed. While his lojuiioa are serious and painful, ho has much to be thankful for. Nino men out of ten would never come out of such an acci dent alive. We would add a word of warning to all the cyclists who ride the tow path ol th t canal. It is much better to dism milt an-l lead your wheels over the waste ways than lo try t break the record by riding recklessly over them and take the f. arl'ul risk of breaking your neck, or s me of your limbs. VVIIKN Tlt.W I'.I.IMi. Whether on pleosure bent, or business. tako on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, ns it acts most pleasantly and ef fectually on the kidneys, liver, and bow els, preventing fevers, headaches, and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company only. THELMA ITEMS. -An ImfuJcQt Tramp Taken Down - Personal. Watt, Rottow i 01av, The Great New Store, ON m5Sobay. NORFOLK, VA. (When ordering goods, please mention this paper.) of Easter Monday the young peojil this section spent quite a pleasant day at a baseball picnic at King's X Uoail The picnic was given by people iu the surrounding icinity, and was much enjoyed. A few days ago a tramp visited a lady s house in this neighborhood and asked for food. After being informed tint there was none prepared, he became impertinent and said that be bad a partner and bad to have food The lady told him she would go and see about it. When she returned she had a pistol in her hand The tramp seeing the weapon implored her to give him three minutes lo get away. The three minutes were granted and he hustled. The people of Calvary were highly pleased wilh Hev P. N. Stainback, who preached an excelleut sermon for them on the 1 lfh. Ol-A'. NEW ADVEKT1SKM ENTs. ANDY CATHARTIC oft tw . r MM aa NS CURtCOIIiTIPATION Mt&o4 1 1 ill II 1 t ALL DRUGGISTS HRQfH TITPT V PTTRB BWTTPn t0 fUI ,n f"of tlpttioB. rucartts tn t Mf u -f nuuuuuiLJUi uunniiHiuuu plf and booklet fw. tire. nfTrr trip or tripe. bnt raw eaay aatanl miltt. Sam-A Ail. HTVKMMJ HKHr 1Y .. himro. ftiinir.. i an., or new ior jii GETTING READY Every expectant mother haa a trvinc ordeal to face. If she does not An exchange reports a sdiool teacher as saying that the pupils who have access to newspipersat h iini are belter readors, better spellers, better grammarians, and read more uodorstao lingly, and obtain a practical knowledge of geography io hall the time it requirasothers. A'.l of which apoaks welf for the educational powers of the papers. Tut cxpresicare no f going northare filled with fruits and vegetables. Thi aoda water ooncoetcr ia invonti m new drioki with marve'oos names Th c market, ia now well aupplied - k I ah. get ready for it, there ia no telling what mav liapiwn. Child-birth ia full of uncertainties if Nature to not given proper assistance. Mother's Friend ia the a? ; help you can use at this time. It is a liniment, and when regularly ap plied several months before baby comes, it makes the advent easy and nearly pain less. It relieves and prevents " morning sickness," relaxes the overstrained mus cles, relieves the distended feeling, short ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer tain without any dangerous after-effects, Mother's friend is good for only one ourriose. via.: to relieve motherhood of danger and pain. It dollar per bottls at all drug stores, or aent IjnuaMirrwipirti'ri";. e-... u.wa MnMininff vmmanis inrnrma- tlon for women, wtll be aent w any addraa npoo application w THE BRADFIELD REOULATOR CO, Atlanta, Oa. who can think of tome simple thing to patatt Wanted-ftn Idea vim- I A fiat Ihev mT hrifcff voli walth. oaya, WMhKitt, . !.. the i,fW prtM off All lilt Of L0 IJUnuraW ittTWUIOIW WMIMMl. T5 wkTs wtitst ii ust uits. 1 1 L , ana Umah 8 ruv. Taeu Oe.aL Vm I I r - In tlma. Sold irr lnTlt. f 1 a ""-a jw-;; jrwy'TkT'! 'IIUBSM MB. W'f can fill this prescription for you. Nothing so good for i Hie head as a Stetson Hat. Spring Styles on sale stiff ami soft hats. Fr Sale bv I have bought out entire business of the M. F. Hart Co. The stock ia being replenished with New and Stylish Goods Our line of Mens', Boy's and Children's nothing will be as complete as ever. These clothes fit and give wearer a good appearance. Drew, Selby & Co , J. M. Reynolds & Co , N. Hess & Bros , oelebrated SHOES. All first-class wearers and up-to date in st vies. Cents' Firnisliinp, J. B. Stetson 4 Cos' Hats. A full line of all goods. i Dress Goods, Trimmings, and everything you need. : Goods as represented and prices oorreot. M. F. HART, Agt i foimerlv ihe M. P. Hart Co, . - - - v - - V Oa" THE- Weldon Cash Exchange, if? Have opened their larirc store of the best and cheapest CLOTHING M , AnflFA i,. - i i: e 1:.1. .n.l K.. , Hl J an(1 oHUuO -l1" a llirge HOC UI vicuio 1 umiouiu uwun ihu nv- r lions T MISS YOUR CHANCE. DON' Stop in to si ns before you buy anything prices with plesiire. Stove Krpainng a wnman.v In old Llicmrs Hall, opposite Piwtofflro Will give our THE WELDON CASH EXCHANGE. O WM.ON. N. C. KEEP STEP With Progress, if you hope to succeed. No use to go having dental work done in tha 1857 way. No nse in gn on paying 1S64 prices for it either. One's about as foolish as the other. 18flfi methods are better and 1898 price lower than they ewr wers before, NEW YORK DENTAL EOOIIS, HO. m MAIN bTUEET, KOKFOLK, . ".no. Bs,unu,aMiHini""""W'

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