'A s the 1 IES. Harper, mng i ho ey, in our friends you visi' I, JLwnft -cAYER'S PILLS "nnvineneen subject. fr year, to cnnsiiit.il iiTi, without Wiia kI-Lo to find lunch rvttvt, I ;it l:nt t r Ayt-r'-j Pills, uii'l It'ti If y liutt 1 liiivn Ot'iivt'tl prt-iit bt'in'fit tinm tlnMrusf, For nvt-r two ye:nt past I 1i:ivi taken turn I these pills every nitwit. W. How MAN, itt liast Miiiu St., Carlisle, Pa. CONSTIPATION. T HE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY, MAY 0,1897 mowN I aim n JL : YICIN1TY. Beautiful roses. The days are now nearly 14 hours long- Next Monday is Confederate Memc- riul day. Tins is the month fur picnics and Cub ing parties. Kihkm wore comfortable several morn ings tliis wi'i k . TlIK farmers are busy now planting notion and corn. Itnt'K fih have nut lieen so plentiful for llif past few days, (i.VHIiKNS are looliinu well, notwith standing the recent cold snap. Seventy milli mi peopl" koow Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies tbo blood strengthens the system and gives good heallli. In April the roister of deeds issued 27 marriage licenses while, 8; colored, 11). The spring picnics have been post poned until the uiidUe of July, us it is impossible for the hoys to play leap-frog in overcoats. Premature baldness may be prevented and the hair made to grow on heads al ready bald, by.the use of Hall's Vegeta ble Sicilian Hair Kenewer. Many Thanks. Wo return sincere thanks to Mr. W. M. Martin, one of our best known farmers, for a bag of fine, flue cured tobacco. We hope that he may uiako one of the largest crops in the county. AoENTs Wanted We want at once several reliable traveling and local agents forthe People's Mutual and Benevolent Association. (Life). Male or female. Fair compensation t ' th i right parties. $ A ... II ll ill.:, ii'.. I ayyij hi i' ui;i." lu 1 1 . 11 . i-i . i.i.iii , ti 11- don, N. C. 1 - 1HAH IIHII IIAIM srnioi. It - II' II . . LI "I We are informed by a well known farmer living in the Aurclian Springs section, that a heavy wind and ruin storm passed over that section lust Saturday. A good many trees and fences were blown down, but no other dam ige has beeu reported. When fevers and other epidemics are around, safety lies in I'orlil'yiug the system with Aycr's Saraparilla. A persou having thin and impure blood, is in the most favorable condition to "catch whatever disease my be fl lating in the air. lie wise in tune. A Deliuiitfui. SllU'KK If it you want some good barbecue, tomatoes, fresh trawberries, ice cream, & , , the Sadies of the Baptist church will be ileascd to serve you at Entry's Hall Fri 4ay evening May 7th, from 7 to 11 'clock, SOUND lo Go. 1 he earth seems to Be in for it, for if it isn't knocked nut 'it year in accordance with the proph y of that Arkansas man, Prof. Fab, f Vienna, oomes along with the (ire die Von that we will run into a comet on November 13, 181)9, and all be suffocated by poisonous gasses. , Th Weldon Postmaster. The JUIeigh Tribune, of Sunday, stated that JV. H. Campbell had been appointed Jostmastcr at Weldon. We tuppose it ught to have been W. II. Capell, who ias been promised the appointment. No official notice of the appoiutment, how jver, has been r caved here. Druiiates Elected. At a meeting if the vestry of Grace Episcopal church ist week the following delegates and at mates were elected to the convention jrhich meets in Rileigh the 12th. Dele- iates-Dr. A. R. Zillicoffer and W. M Cohen. Alternates Paul Garrett and C. Harrison. 1 Removal The Twin City Bakery pas moved its stock of confectioneries tod other goods from the store it has been occupying fur sime time to the bot loui store recently ooeupicd by Mr. Fred Jioder. The bakery, confectionery, ice ind market are now all conducted in one j'lilding and it in charua of Mr. M. r"iaory, manager. I a ... RlAI'INO a Harvest. Tha Coast ine is doing an unprecedented business ttlA mne....,.,nl ..f C.mI., -...1 inv uiu'viuuu, ui nulla auu iri'iauiua Siis season. The road is running a regu for through eipresa us second section of o. 78 daily and is also running lone rough freight trains which pass through all hours of the day aud during the fibt. WHEN NATHHE. i Needs assistance it may be best to i under it promptly, but one should t imber to use even the most perfect r miediee only when needed. The best i id most simple aid untitle remedy I f Syrup of Figs manufactured by the ' lliforni Fig Syrup Company. Ji'he new pirasoU resemble very gor- yiui floral blossoms, itoeate Yoar llowetl With CftNrNreU. Canity Oatunrtle, cum consttpnttoa oiever. f,as. u uu.b.uUiuu(uuriuaaaioiiu;. Mkrti.nu Closed. The series of meetings at the Methodist, Kpisc ipal church closed last Friday nuht The patur was assisted during the meeting by Rev. J. II. Friz die and some cxerileut sermons and exhortations were delivered duiing the two weels that the meeting continued. Good cngieuaticns attended most of the services. There are a gn at many of thcunforlu natc ones in this world, greater in number than those who are blessed with good di gestion. So with some people the greatest misfortune is not to hi able to eat every thing set before thetu. ''I suffered for years with Dyspepsia, and everything I ate disagreed with me. I was iudueed to try Simmons Liver Regulator and was cured. I now eat everything." M. Bright, Madison Parish, La. Stockholders' Mketinh. The Jaeksou and Rich Square Telephone Co , held their annual meeting at Jackson Monday, May lird. Dr. W. l'aul Moore, was elected president and J. M. Weaver was elected secretary and treasurer. The old board of directors was re-elected. The lino is a great convenience tn all the county people, giving them con nection with the outside world, and is on jiaying bases. It has been in opera tion only since last September, is out id' lit and doing well. Henderson, N C, April 2, ISO". I was broken out with sores, anil Was dvised to begin taking Hood's Sarsapa- rilla, which I did. I soon found it was doing' me a great deal of good, and I cnulinued taking it until I had used three bottles, when I was completely cured I recommend Hood's Sarsnna- rilla loanynuo who needs a blood purifier. S. Falkner. Hind's pills are the only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla easy aud yet efficient. Halifax Items. A very full and elaborate programme has been gotten up for the entertainment at the court house this Wednesday night, the 5th, for the nelit of'Oranvillo Street M. K church. Some of the interesting features will be several solos, vocal and instrumental The quartettes and choruses to be rendered will do credit to talents of greater preten sions. J he enure ncrloruiance will be pleasing and we will be glad to have the Weldon people come down. Admission c ; children l.'ic. Perlormance hegius at 8::i(). Pleased with the Phospects Captain John R. Smith, superintendent of the penitetitiary.visittd the State farms on Roanoke river last week. He is de- htcd with the prospects for a fine crop. The planting of cotton has been comple ted and there are only about lL'5 acres more of corn to be plauted. When the planting is completed (here will be 4.0HO acres iu cotton and 6,500 in corn. In addition to this, uuless the cholera breaks out there will be 1,000 hogs to fatten and kill on these farms this year. Captain Smith says the negro guards at the Caledonia farm are doing well. Town Election. The election here Monday for municipal officers for the en suing two years passed off quietly. There was only one ticket iu the field. The following is the ticket elected: or Mayor J. T. (touch. Commission ers 1'. N. Staitiback, W. M. Cohen, C. E. Bishop, W. W. Wiggins, John II. Howard, Augustus Drewry, Major Stith. The question of bouding the town for $:i0,000 to build a bridge over R mnoke river was also vuted on. Those who favored issuing the bonds were over wheluiiugly defeated. The vote was 171 against the bridge to -7 for it. Weldon people would be only too glad to have a bridge over the river but they do not think it wise to fasten a $:!0,000 debt upu the town for this purpose. . . Since Jovneu Piichedthk Ball. Let's make the town look lively, from springtime up to fall ; Let's keep the ballio motion now, siucc Joyner pitched the hall ; Have better roads, and lighter loads of taxes laid on all- Let's keep the ball a rolliug l ow, si Joyuer piehtd the hall I Let's bring the buildings to the blue, noi fear the stars will fall; Change all the oldeu things lo new, since Joyner pitched the tall; t ut all the wheels in motion and ring the bells for all Let a keep the ball a-rolling now, siuce Joyner pitched the ball ! $100 KUWAItl) $100. The renders of this paper will hi pleased to leern that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has beeu able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now koow to the mcdiCa! futeiuiiy, Catarrh being constitutional diseuse requires a conslitu tional treatment. Halls Caturrh Cure is taken iutornaily, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surlaees ot the system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giviog the patieut strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. In proprietor have so much in its curative powers, that they otter one hundred dul lars for any case it tails to cure. F.J. CHENEY 4 CO., Props, loledo, Ohio. .Sold by all Druggists, 75o. Testimonials free. There is a fancy for red in millinery and this caprice is quite extensively carried out. lied with black is pretty, and red with French gray is "swell" if it is becoming to the wearer. Dui't Tnbrro !ifit and hunk luir l.lrr Amy, To quit lolMieco easily und forever, tie mg nutlo. full of lite, nerve and vigor, tiike Is'o-To- Dao. the wonder-worker, thufc makes weak men strong. All drufuriau, Wo or II. Cureruaran teed Hooklet and sample free. Address BMrllBf itemdf C, Chicago or Nsw York. A Pleasant Titii' Captain T. H. Chavas.se, of the Seaboard Air Line, and Captain (i io. I), Hawks, of the Atlantic Coast Line, representatives from this division of the Onh r of Railway Con d;i.'tors, M'l Monday night for Atlanta, where they joioel Ihe, other delegates lo their National Convention, at Los Angoles, California, which meets the 10th. A special train of Pullman palace e ars left Atlanta Tuesday with a large number of delegates on it. Captain Hawks was accompanied by Mrs. Hawks. The train was provided with a dining car and the delegates and their families will take all meals on their own special train. The trip will be a most delightful one and the selection of Captains Chavasse und Hawks was a well merited compliment to two popular conductors. Old, But Intehest'no Hero is a mysterious little example in arithmetic, I don't know its age, but I do know that it has caused a great many arguments und I have known of three dift'erent answers being given by three different meu at the same time. Hereitis: A man walked into a shou store and bought a pair ot hoots, the price of which was he gave the shoe mer chant n f 100 bill in payment. The merchant stepped to a nearby bunk and oblaiued the change, gave the customer the change due him; in a few minutes one of the bank clerks came in and in formed the merchant that the $100 bill was a counterfeit. The merchant lit once made the amount good. How much was he out on the transaction? The above problem appears quite sim ple but just try it. The answer is not what it looks like it might be. Ex. Election of St peiiintendent ok Health. The county commissioners in regular monthly session at Halifax Monday, re-elected Dr I. E.Green, county Superintendent of Health. The board is composed of two demo crats, one republican and two populists Dr Green and Dr. H. B. Furgerson, both democrats, were placed in nomina tion. Dr. Green received the votes of tbo two Democratic members and the Re publican member and was declared ected. The superintendent of Health has retofore been elected by the Board of Health composed of the doctors, chair man of the board of county commission ers, surveyor and mayor of the county at. The last Legislature amended the aw and gave the election of superinten- nt of health to the cummissiuncss. Dr. Green lias held the position fur savcral years, and has given universal satisfaction to all. One of the commis sioners, who opposed Dr. Green, ex pressed thcseiitiuiout of the people of Halifax county exactly wheu he was card to remark, after the election wus over: "U is impossible to beat Dr. Green, anyway. He has friends in all parties who will stand by him." The fact that Dr. Green's opponent is also a physician of high standiug an 1 of great popularity, his re election is a just recognition of the efficient services he has rendered the county. CotiNTir AEt'Aiits The county com missioners tor llalilax county met in gtilar monthly session Monday. All the members were present. The folluwing is the busiuess trans acted : Moses Williams, jail account, 100.08 t. t . Dunn, conveying prisoners 70. T. N. Harrison, goods for county J. II. Gorman, tcrtthzrs for county home, 10.0(1. Hale Brus., goods for county, 10 00 Hale Brus , goods for jail, 5 15. Mack M. Furgerson, recording, 20 75. A. 11. Green, conveying luualics, 30.40. Hale Bros., goods for county home, 00. Mack M. Furgerson, recording, 4 50. J. T. Dawson, holding court, 78 10 Harrcl.'a Printing house, 4 50. Sam Brown, convcyiug prisjuers t o jail, 1 110. E. T.Clark, books, 1.30. Peyton Keel, removing raft, 1 00. Thus Mills, work, 3.00. Ed. Cheek, scales, 2 00. H. J. Wood, supt. eouuiy home, ! 25. 1 . M Mainback, goods tor county, 7 25. M, W. Williams, wood, 2 00. W. M. Cohen, goods tor cjuuty home, ii) 47. E. L Burt, repiiriag bridge, 7.50 J. D. Wood, rep liring bridges, 25 35 W. It Neville, waiting un e mu, 4 05 Weld.m Corn Mill.m ial, 14 20. Jack O.iver, convoying prisoners, I 50 J II. I'enn-r, wo;k at court house. l.OO. C. II Hale, goods for counly, 1 00. Geo. Knight, ei'tlio for aupir, 4 00. A. M. Inge, lumber for cuuuiy, 3 30. Sam Johuntuu, woik at jail, 1 00. w. K Neville, walling ou commis- eioners, 2 00. B I. Alsbrook, 70.00. supt. county fence, The Wesltield (lud ) News prints the folluwing in regard to an old resident of that place: "Frank McAory, for many years in the employ ot the L , N, & A Ry. here, says: ''I have used Chamber Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy lor ten years or longer am never without it in my family. I consider the best remedy of the kind manufactured 1 take pleasure in recommending it. It is a specific for all bowel disorders For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldon J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Ilarri son, Enfield. The month of flowers. Ao-To- llftfl for Fifty Cvota. OiMrnntecil tAiivos habit cure, make weak Bianstroiig, b.uwi iiur. lea.il. AUdrugguts- personal mention. Ihe ('.wiring anl (inins; of hplar IViiflc Who Like to (id Out in the Sunshine. Mr, Joe Pippin, of Enfield, was in town Sunday. Misses Elbe and Fannie Saler were here last Monday. Captain W. II. Day, of Raleigh, was iu town Saturday, Mrs. Ann Cohen is visiting relatives iu Knlield this Week. Miss Alice Anderson has returned home from a visit to Kinston. Mr. F. Froelich, of Halifax, was among the callers here Tuesday. Mr. J. U. Tillery returned home yes terday from a visit to Richmond. Mr, und Mrs. W. B. Tillery have re turned home from their wedding tour. Prof. W. C. Riddiek, of the A. & M. College, at Raleigh, was here Saturday. Miss India Bumgardner, of Staunton, Va , H the guest of Col. Prescott aud family. Miss Suiu Tunberlake, of Raleigh, was here last week on a visit to relatives und friends. Miss Eslellc Edwards, who has been on a delightful visit to Durham, has re turned home. Mr. Ed. Boyd, one of the cleverest tobacco buyers on the Knlield market, was here Monday. Mr. R. W. Watson, one of the must pspuiar buyers on the Enfield market, was here Monday night. Mr. Johu R. Smith, Superintendent of the penitentiary, was here Saturday and visited the State farms. Capt. W. T. Shaw, who has been on the sick list for some time, is now able to be on the streets again, we are glad to say. Major J. W. Wilson, president of the Roanoke Navigation and Water Power company, spent several days here last week. Dr. W. Paul Moore, of Jackson, who is one of the cleverest citizens of North, ampton county, paid this office a pleasant call Tuesday. miss i.eoiau nsuii, ui ...urgauiou, ii' li ii ii, o r ii .. .. the fair aud accomplished daughter of major u. ... nson, is vismng me .am- i.y oi nor uroiuer. Misses Grace and Jennie Owens and Miss Nettie Culpepper, of Portsmouth, who have been here on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Phillips, returned home Tues day. Dr. Geo. II. West and wife left Satur day lor VAiltiiington. nr. West was physician at the Halifax und Northamp ton State farms and his many friends here regret to losu him. Mi. Paul Garrett has returned home from an extended visit North in the in terest of his great wine plant here. Mr. G irrett visited many of his laigest and b'st customers while away and had ullo githera most pleasant and profitable trip. Messrs. St. Clair and Floss, of Ral eigh, are hero in the interest of the Peo ples Mutual Benevolent Association of North Carolina. This is a home compa ny und these gentlemen are organizing a branch in this county. They organize by uivi-ions and eael county division is responsible only for liabilities and assets- uiruts accruing trom losses within its own division. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass wild urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sedi ment or settling indicates a diseased con ditiou of the kidneva, Wheu urine stains lineu it is positive evidence of kidney trim hie Too fremu'iit desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof mat tne Kiuneys ami maimer are out ol order. WHAT TO DO. Tiiere is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Hoot, the great kidney remedy lullilsevery wish in re levu u iiiiu iu ine iiuik, Kiiiuevs 1 fi ' , , , , ,, n wHitiies. It correcta inability to hold nrine and scalding pain in passing it, or had efl'ect following use of liijuor, wine or beer, und overcomes that unpleasant iHM'ess.tyot heuitftviin pellet! to get upmauy times during the uight to urinate. Tlx tni'il und the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realized. Itatunds the high est for its wonderful cures ol the tnoHt din tressing canes. If you need medicine yaw should have the best. Sold hy drug gists, price lltty cents aud one dollar. For a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent tree by m ul, mention ihe Koanoke e and snd your lull postotlice address to Or. Kilim-r A Co., Hingbampton, N. Y. Th proprietor of this paergnt.runteew ihe jjen- uinetiess of this 0IV1T. The mockiu' lords were singiu' jest tl nWcutt-sL Liud o uuies, But now they're sittin' silent with a flan nel rouu' their throats; An' the lily's feehn' chilly, au' th meadow, once serene, Feds the ttippiu' of the north wiud au' covers up in grecul Stanton, A novelty in sleeves stiows a seciion 6'ting rather suugly around the arms at the clows. From this there are three or four long points that (asten tu the shoulder, where the sleeve is sewed to the waist. "It's a shame," cried the youug wife, "not a thing in the house fit to eat. I'm going right homo to papa 1" dou't mind, dear," laid the "If you husband, reaching for his hat, "I'll gi with you VVlir will vou huv bitter nauseating tonics when Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonio is as pleasant as Lemon Syrup. Your druggist is authonied to refund the money in every case where it fails to cure. Price 50 ocat. Exciting Finish. V KI.DONS IM 1.1. A in r or i n r. i mi:. Iianiel Hats Like a Cyclone and Itames ihe lero of the Hour Joyner ani lianly I MUli lireat Hall-Others Also (id Right Into the (iame. From up in the wilds of Virginia, A queer lot ol hall players came. With great eonile-seelillou to teach us, Siinne points on the National Game. They sported the red aud blue rilibou, 1 he red they soon threw away. For now they have blues in Virginia, 'Down by the Kiver Kighs." "Down by the Kiver Sighs, Down by the Kiver Sighs," We hit, did tliey hit ? Xu, they couldn't hit, they quit, Down by the Kiver Sighs. (With apologies to the original au thor. To be, sung tu the tune of "Down by ihe River Sighs.") With the score dead against them Wei don pulled an apparently lost game out of the lire in the seventh und eighth last Friday, when the score stood 1 1 to 5 in favor of the visitors, in one of the most exciting Guishcs ever before witnessed on the Weldon diamond. If si?.o had any merit in winning games Emporia ought to have walked awav with last Friday's game, but as it takes some thing else tiesnles herculean proportions to gain victories, the visitors fouud, to their sorrow, that they were simply not in it after the sixth. The features of the game were a home run by Daniel, a three bagger, a safe one by Tiueblood for three bases, along drive into deep center by Anderson which netted three bags, a pretty catch in center by Allen, a two base lick by Cochran, Stainbaok's beautiful catch in left field, Joyner 's aud Rugby's pitching aud Pierce's all round work. Daniel's home run, in third, was the longest drive ever made on the grouuds. II" swiped the ball squarely on the nose and sent it sailing away, und away into space, so far above the heads of the visitors that they had to get spy glasses to watch its flight. The home boys made the most wonder ful rally in seventh and eighth ever be fore recorded. Only one incident occurred to mar the perfect joy and Berenity of the occasion. A foul tip from Long's bat, alias " Buckey '' struck little Bertha Allen on the side of the face, and knocked her down. It WM v 8eVlTC LI uW b ut .. iittla aJ hwirt w,,fl m fi,L,d wi(h aljuut thij t , . , . Here is a little summary of facts that may be bauded down to luture genera- lions: Weldon. Emporia. Trueblood, c k lb Clark, p & 2b, Bagby, p & 3b, Daniel, 3b & c, Pierce, 2b Anderson, s. s. Cochran, r f. Staitiback, I. f. Viuueut, rf. Slugel, II lb Turk, c. Slugel, 2b King, I f. Taylor, c f Long, s, s. Peebles, 3b. 12 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 Allen, o f. Joyner, lb & p. Score by innings; Weldon, Emporia, 3 0 10 10 I 5 x 14 1 4 1 2 2 0 0 o 112 Umpire Ilartison. A PERFECT DREAM. Brilliant Social Event. Cunfliituntary to .Mr, ani Mrs. Paul Garrett and ,Mr. an j Mrs. W.B. Tillery, The german given at Eiury's Hall M ond. iy uight by the Weldou German Club, eumplimcutary to .Mr. aud Mrs tiarretl and .Mr. and .'Irs. tillery, was, in the language of one ot the lair partici pants, "a perfect dream." The scene was in teed a mist brilliant one, and as the fair creatures, arrayed in their m irvelotis eostu u;s of artistic taste und beauty, flitied through the indicate males of the dance, ihev linked for all Wi1VJ thUUgh they had just . , ,.- ., . "ceo Kissca uy rainuo vs auu touencu nv the magic w ind ot the "goddess ol beauty." Mr x c n.irris , uj moA iWu y ., i i. i' . n i n .. i with Miss Iviie laylor rrescott, and wi assisted by Mr. Frank G.irielt 1 The other e luples who lolloped iu th exeoulion of the really difficult and pre.ty fiirU r :s, were Miss Alma How.ir 1 with Mr. Ju iin Ilagby. Miss Est tile El wards with Mr. II. K Mes-ersmih. .Miss Kiitio A'ejiu Kith, ol I'.irism mth, with Captain .1. II. Colts Miss A nut' If II Alsop wnh Mr 1 11 Ljui ui. Mi.-s Emily .V. Lou uh Mr. V. M Cohen Miss India 1 i u in 4-i i ' I ii r, of St.iiiulon, Va , with Mr Charles tVile. Mi. an I Mrs. vV . "it. Tillery. Mi. Miry I . lir'en with Mr. W. li. Harrison. Miss Iti uUh Wilson, ol Morgaiitoii, nitli Mr. ('. li. I'.i, his. V i. and Mrs. I'.ml (iarreii. Miss Aunie G irrett with Mr. C A. Johnson. Miss Matlie llelges, ol' Einp uij, with Mr. II. Duine, of Emporia. Miss Maul Davis, of E upiria, with Mr. Ilowaid llali, of Ein,ioiia. MissSallie l'owell, of Euporii, with Mr. A. M. l'ottcr, of sauia tuu. Miss Jjs-iie Eiwards iih Mr Watson. Miss Mutie lira Mi i with Mr. Jones. Stags Messrs. Hullock, Fettir, Hur- ton, Jones, Wrenn, Watson, Fannjr and others. Chaperons Mesdamos Prescott, How ard, Gooch, Edwards, Terrell, Taylor, Russell and Treacy The music was by a i Italian band and I was most entrancing. It was, in tact, I one of the most delightful german evir I givea heic ENFIELD LETTER. PLEASANT KNTEltTA I N M KNTS A HOOK I'AKTV SOME ODD TITLES .Uls.s VOINll KNEW ill KM ALL TWO HANDSOME I'ltlES A CIIAKM1NO HOSTESS. About twenty young ladies from Hali fax came down and gave a concert Fri day night. They only bad about half a house, owing to a downpour of rain. All acquitted themselves admirably but spec ial mention should be made of Miss Travis, of Weldon, and Misses Gregory and McN'amara, of Halifax. A pleasing entertainment, indeed, was the library or book party, given by Miss Bessie Curtis last Wednesday night. The large sliding doors between the parlor and sitting room were thrown hack and the volumes of books moved about, each trying to ascertain the authenticity of the other, but a close perusal of this ag gregation of fictiou would tend to drive ane poison to distraction. New books old and long forgotten books, books known the world over, and others de servedly obscure, mingled together with serene congeniality. The following per sons participated iu their respective roles: Mrs. C. Pit(inan,'-The Mill on the Floss," Miss Bessie Curtis, "A Bow of Oiungc Ribbon," Miss Mabel Curtis, "The Ini tials, .Miss Mane Dennis "First Violin,', Miss Julia Parker, "Woman in White,'' Miss Bessie Whit.iker, "Not Like Other jJ iris," Miss Can iu Young, "The Light that Failed," Miss Mamie Cherry, "Co der the Lilacs," Mrs. A. S. Harrison, Prince of India," Ben Holland, "Cast Tpby the Sea," J. R. Matthews, "Nich olas Niekleby," Joe Randolph, "Oliver Twist," Ivey Watson, "Looking Rack ward," Cary Beavans, "American Notes," Ben Bronson, "Bin llur." Jim Cole loaned a helping hand to obscurity by appeuriug in "Heart iu Science." A bunch of raisins being theemblcm. Where the point was was a matter of great cun- Jture amoug the participants. Was there nny point? Ask James. Miss Carrie It. Young won the Erst prize on guessing the names of the books, having guessed the entire number. The prize was two handsome bo iks "Reveries of a Bachelor" aud "Dream Life." Tho book contest being over if you should chance to draw a "Bow of Ribbon" to correspond with the one drawn by your best girl why you took her in to supper, but should it cor respond with another girl's ribbon why you took her in, that's it exactly. Then afterwards came the bright answer con test. You were furnished a list of queries written ou cardboard with pencil attached. The brightest anwers to these Were given by Miss Bessie Whitaker and Ben Bron son who were awarded handsome prizes. which were delivered by Dr. Harrison with a neat aud crisp speech. Singing and dancing completed the evenings en joyment. The charming little hostess leaving no leaf unturned in looking nfter ttie enjoyment of lie! guests. Under the new charter the town elects seven aldermen, wh appoint a mayor. These officers hold two years. The fol lowing allermn were elected at Monday's election: George B. Curtis, C E. McGwigau, 11. J. Burwell, S Meyer, R. B. Brut, II. C. Atkinson, B. D Mann. The executive c antuiltee of the Hali fax county Sunday School Association met in the hotel April 3Uih W. C Whitaker was chairman ami Rufus Bradley acted as secretary Roll call showed all the townships represented ex cept Weldon. The needs of the field were looked over. Vacancies were filled by the election of I G. Powell, Cone conaru;J. Y. Savage, Scotland Neck, and J. II. Frizelle, Weldon. The time of the county convention fir 1807 was left with the president as was also the securing of speakers and teachers for the occasion. B A ban Isouie hat is in sailor shape, with a rather high crown. The trim ming is large bunches of velvet roses, with upright ostrich plumes at one side. NEW ADVKKTISKM KNTs. MOTHER! There is no word so full of nieaninrr and about which such tender and holy recollections cluster as that of " Mother" she who watched over our helpless infancy andguid ed our first tottering step. Yet the life of every Expectant Moth er is beset with danger and all ef fort should be made to avoid it. Mother's Friend so assists nature in the change tak ing place that the Expectant Mother is ena bled to look for ward without dread, suffering or gloomy (ore- tioitmgo, to l!ic nour v.ncn biit experiences the joy of Motherhood. Its use insures safety to the lives of both Mother and Child, and she is found stronger after than before confinement in short, it ''makes Childbirth natural and easy," as so many have said. Don't be persuaded to use anything but MOTHER'S' FRIEND "My wife auffered more in ten min utes with either ot nor otner two cnii drenthan the did altogether with her last, having previously used four botr Ilea oi mornera menu. m is a blessing to any one eipectinjf to be come a MOTHER." aava customer, Uendirson Dili, t'arini, Illinois. Of rrnrnll at II l, or sent hy mill on relrit of (hc. Write for honk containing: testimonial! aud valuable information lor all Mothers, free. The BraiHIrla' nlalerr.,atlaiU.Ga. T CURLS WHtRt Ad USt UlLS. I J k Beit oufrb Hyrut . Tmim uood. Vm f 1 L tntinift. Hold hydniirglwta. p"f N E W ADVERTISE M ENTS . in; raw i clay. Gouts' Bicycle I'nderwear casily changed- shirts open a knee drawers if 1 the suit. Gents' Blue and Tan Satin (shirts only) 25c. Gents' Fine Finished Balbri each. Gents' Fine Finished Balbri; j short sleeves 25c. Gents' Fine Bulbriggan Shirts Here 3 for SI. Gents' Sifk Fiuished Underwear, in piuk or blue, 81 75, worth S2.50. Gents' Medium weight Grey half wool shirts and drawers, 50c. a garment. Gents' All wool Grey mixed shirts and drawers imported St a garment. Have you seen the ERIE WHEEL? A seventy-five dolhir bicycle for S35 Morgan & Wright and Newton (single tube) tires wood rim, best enamel hand sonn ly nickeled a good wheel for S35 Samples in window. Unusually large line Men's 25c. neckwear. Stylish Neckwear at 5l)c. each. Puffs, Four - in - Hand, Club Ties, Tecks, etc., in all the newest ef fects for the present wear. Gents' Colored Border Handkerchiefs good ones 10c and I21c Gents' Fancy Half Hose brown, tan, blue and black 25o. pair. Gents' soft Madras Shirts collar and cuffs attached, fast col ors, guaranteed stylish colorings, 50c each; worth 75c. Unusual sale of Wash Goods Things that interest every economi cal woman Here's what's for to day. Frencli Organdies, 15 pattens, 25c. Tambour Lawns, imported, 22c. New Organdies, six different pattens 12ie. Lawns and Lappet Mulls at 12Jc. Nice Lawns I case to-day, 5c. yard. 4-4 Linen Homespun at 15c. Two cases Dross Ginghams in dress lengths, worth 10c. Hero 5e. a yard. cxxxxx MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Watt, Rettew S Olay, The Great New Store, NORFOLK, VA. (When ordering goods, please mention this paper.) ANDY CURtCONSTIPATION 10 25 50 ABSOLUTELY R IIS KlNTFFD t0 plf anil tinnkl.t ftfe. id. STUtMMl I1KOFIIV .6sc J u c cm nil tilts prescrip iption i r you. lYithino so good for i : e lu.id as a Stetson Hat. .'ring Styles on sale stiff , :i:k! suit hats. For Sale bv TVT.Tn. TT A "RT.agt SdjOJllSluipi sl.KUREM M.tt. "I a -THE Weldon Cask Exchange, j Have opened their large store of HUTS ""'I SHOES A'so a large linns DON'T MISS YOUR CHANCE." Stop in to m-e prima with plonmro. H ove Kepniring n Spwinlty In old UK-fury Hull, opposite I'ontofllre. -ju.-t the thing for tho scorcher 1 the way down front double scut Front Light weight Underwear ;an Shirts and Drawers, 47o. ;an Shirts and Drawers, long or and Drawers, worth 50i each. ON MAIN AND GKANBY, CATHARTIC I ALL DRUGGISTS iitie. rrrrtj m th. tdf.i Lu.-i (.. ( hirnuii. .Winlrnl. ( n., orftrw lork. Iit.i I have bought out entire business of tbo M. F. Hart Co. The stock is being replenished with New aod Stylish Goods Our line of Mens', Boy's and Children's Clothing will be as complete as ever. These clothes fit and give wearer a good appearance. Drew, Selhy & Co , J. M. Reynolds & Co , N. Hess Si Bros , celebrated SHOES. All first-class wearers aud up-to date in stvles. J. B. Stetson ACos' Hats. ; A full line of all goods. Dress Goods, Trimmings, and everything you need. Goods as reprisenud and prices correct. i M. F. HART, Agt formerly the M. V. Hurt Co. the best and cheapest fl nTHINH. Hue of tients' Furnishing Goods aud No- before vou bnv anvlliinir, Will give our THE WELDON CASH EXCHANGE. YVKLDON, N. C, so KEEP STEP With Progress, if you hope to succeed. No use to o having dental work done in the 1857 way. No use to go on paying 1864 prices for it either. One's about as foolish as the other. 1896 methods are better and 1896 price lower than thev evr iter before. , . t' NEW YORK DENTAL E003S3L NO. 161 MAIN bTKEKT, NOKFOLK, VjJ, .a 4 1