1 - 1 B I ' i :,,,,,vvto i nniT i t mm i rnni 1 T11Tfi, I NEW AH EKTISEMENTS . ... - . i THE ROANOKE NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1807. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. JOHN W. SLEI3E, Editor and Proprietcr. D. E. STAINBACK, Associate Editor- Eutmdat I'utt Ojficr at W'rhhm m Si cinid- Class Matter. KATKS OK SI BSCUIPTIUS IN ADVAXrK. One Year i,ly Mail), I'o.staue l'ai.l jil.Sih Six Mouths o- A Weekly l-tiiu'rsiti journal devoted to the material, educational, iiolitical anil agricultural interests ot Halifax ami sur rounding eoniuies. TIMELY TOPICS. ROANOKE RAPIDS. i j- , . . . . V V J 1 J l T A YI " ho U .u,uMY fTSW I A I L 1 111 111 Ml I I II I II Maw Junes nn the Paper BurreH.r- Also DiscusscsDthor lalorcstinn Manors and Wanis to liny a lli.ult. N C. faa? Vdveitisiin; r:tte fli-nislicd on aiinlieiilinn- reasonahle anil St. Lot is is ahead. A man ""I there lias seen the air ship in the Jay time. Hut same St. l.oiii. meu ean see almost aiiyiliiiii; in the daytime. Til K South will be glad lo hear thai the venerable General Wade ll:ituj'l'ii after along an.l critical illness, is gradually recovering, lie is now eighty year ot age. A New Knglund woman his had the temerity to ileelare in He-Inn, thai self satisfied eeiiire ol' aJvaneeJ iJeas. that the New W an is a freak, an.l ought to be ridiculed out of esistenee. Kx-Sknatiik I N i A 1. 1 .s says any meas ure that will iiiena.se the cost ol coats auj shoes by heavy Jnties will not be re ceived "with unmeasured enlhusiasm by Urpubliean farmers in the Mississippi valley." It is churned by Northern newspapers that three United States Senators before the sugar schedule of the new taiill' bill was made public, bought and sold svmar trust stock that ueiiej them no less than Slill.lMIH. AUSTRALIA will ( Jubilee by senditii; 5,11011 bullocks to L elebrate the Q I'cn's JO, HUM sheep and uidon for the poor. If the the h th way of eele' rating were kept up ir of I, indoii woul In t object i I ohl lady hi I several jubilees a year. .Mil C. M Kenynn, who was iristru mental in establishing the Tribune, th. llepublicin daily in U ibdjd. and win has been hii-in-.. hi ma r of ih o pip-r has resiL:ned and sold bis st ,,,'k in lb paper. K. M. M;isler succeeds him. A set ics .1 iv Hi (he i;,'v. r. n i (Ink of the u ii((iie altractious at th" N'a.hville Centennial is an immense see saw, with a lieatii lOO fi'ct lull;: balanced ou a tower 7.1 feet hi.'li. with a ear on each end that wil. hold twenty live p. pie. It lifts 'em 'oil feet U would I c a daisy sight to see M. II anna ami ti. Cleveland balancing on that tiling. tl e " "P I Iv "Sw'U'E" has be 0 passed nil by Iowa Supreme eour. The word can in the ease of the S ale vs. Robert I aiihellaut. ol Polk district. Snoicb said "swipe" in the owcr courts, and i became au is.-ue. S 'the grate, diirnifi.', au j auir-i higher btneh had to take ,.l tidal notice of it an. iic'dentally to j.a upon its meaning. In athriniii". ' the court decided tha "swipe" means i "steal," and cited the di.'tinoary as it uuthoritv. The Wostfi.'id In 1 i News prints the following in reL'ird to au old resident,,!' that place: "Prank Me A ry, for many years in the employ i I the I. . N. A. A l!y her , say-: 1 b ive u-cd Clumber Iain's Oho, Clinlera ; ml Diarrhoea l!em edy for teu Sear-or mor aai never without it in my la uly I eon i lor n tin' best reiii- dv ol ih kin I iii.iii'ii.ictur. J I take pl.a-ure in ' -c unue-n din.' it.' It is a -pceilic f .r .1 h..w. 1 ii-.r 1. r l',.r sale hv W M Clo u. Weld -u ,J. N lir .wtt. H ilifa ., Dr. A S 11 am son, Eu!i' I i. I'KW people ill Hi w is evi-r in n r! i w is he. au I u established the lir-t tli.it .1 I'm Wcsi. I' li' e.v th i: . I 1! i.kes, W' -1 1 M I IV -eil i.il 111 ll world. It wis, I ili ii Wo.l.y who preach. the first ! ih ili-t sermon delivered i the I'llHe I S' lies In the I. ell, . II, .10 J ,urn.,l f .r.luuc !! v. A .1 So tt wi ted in the -tir-at Pef .ii il Kv. hi -on th - u .( A le .1 .!,!, W ... , Pi.-1, i ed in (i.-'Tji i." will Ii i - H I I f ol th ill .st ion re.n u ii nr it iv. s I this ino-t sai l fill sel ies. The ttest Keulrilv t-nr Klii-iiiiiatism. From the Kiiihiiu t N V.i K.-jisier. Mr. .lames llnwiao l ..I ilos niie,.. states that iwe iiy live y ar- hi- wile has b-i'n sufferer from rbeu.n.i i-ui A few nights ;il'ii she whs in -iicli luin that she was nearly or. zy. ," m dr. How land lor the d i-t ,r. oil Ii h .1 reel ot Chamberlain s P.oit 11 iiii.i d in-leal ot koIiii! lor the plu-iciin h w eui to the tore and secured I .ill. . t it II, s wil'u did n it appr ne of Mr K 'Wi md's pur-La-., at tirsi.lnit in v-iiheless iiplied the Kihu ih .r. it -lily in I in an hours time was utile in i;o to -lo-ii She now applits It wllelievi r she leeis all ache a p.iiii ami finds that it ways iv n li.it he sy thai no iiieilicine which she had us! ever did h. r i. much ood. Th- iitid Till cent -ii .s For fate by W. M Cohen, Weldon, J. N. Hmwn, llalifai, Dr A S. Harri son, Enfield. An Ei-iern editor r. l'. r- to our navy s our "fl latino debt." Tne Minucapnlis Times thinks ii iniy belter be ealhd our ' sinking fuDd." I won C:i-im: 'n ( amitf i ii . ti l i'. Mic n: drl -1 mitii.-aJ iciMv i v f tin a it and rt'lr-lnn in tb' m v, urt eiiiiv ami (HjjttUvr.y nn ki-luexn. liver imt h'nv curt lii'uiluolio, lever. h.ihMual i-onnttpatioii nd bHouftueit!, Fleai-. b'iv and try n box of C. V. C. t4Hlnv; 10, 4 0 W-nm. HuliiauU tuuiuiietMl to cure by all dnit'KiiU. OuVtRNOR TAYUtB, of TtneHe, tireatetu to resia ao-I 'i no (he lecturi f-lauurm. To Cars Conattpatloa Twfvmr. Take Cascarett ('and? Caihartlt loe ot CSo. If C.C, full loeura, ilruKtfiHUi refund Diuoty Samy Hiihik. Halifax C Mil. Kin riu: L li;ivi lurn t hit.k i -T fur a lutiu time I wuuM wii:' -n .1 uitt i' iiml tili ynu hw luiu'li 1 fiiji'V r-.-ntliu yuiiv p iu r. I tl-u't bt lit'Vf in wnilin' till t'ulks are dead to s;iy wluit yuu lliiuli t.f'tlu'U), but I urn nut ulh1 t writin' tiir tin1 y.yw ami 1 wa. :itrnti ukivIm' ynii uiiht put n.v K-itt-r in JTint. .iml lin n Hniuflpjily w-iuM bf ikin' iiif to pieces lor t tutiklii I was uiurt euoun t,i write soiiH'tlnu wortu puuii-mu . Since 1 reuii that piece ynu wrote about I'nlk liurruwin' other jieopie's p;iiers I urn jut obliiT' J to write. Wliy, ilo you kimw? that is the worry ot my Itlo. I im'V. r tliii bear to nail a paper alter some- Iv .-Ih' has all the u. ws there i in tr, ah'! 1 have lieou reauin me iumsuk., Nkus l',.r a o'nl while, ami pay I-t it. loo, leuMw.iv ilV Hi. Hi does, i reckon, 1 am niii' to ak liim about it. IT he lon't pay you 111 eah L know he aiw.i rn vou thetirt c-jttoii blnotn he ean tl n-i . in i iieto up mighty "on in tin moruiii .ibttut the time he lin-U s.nie .-inres t'nriliu)', for I'e.ir i-lic will be there an l turn re-1 betn re lie ees it, 1 Mippo.--, ,,r I'enure be Joii't tliink anvbody cUc till jet one t' ym lu-lorc lu- lo.-s. Ami then In- -t-mN y.iiu mess ol iv.ts 111 r.iis t..r your Four ih ot .Inly dinn.i ami .1 Inn wuleinii lon in Aui;il'.i .iiitl .emr m r,n .W aii'l Iniiiii lh.it are mi ln you e.ui ii.ihllv reai li aiiMinM tln tn. lnit In n ymi t ul tlieiu .' n tlie .lie like mhiic Iulk1' lie.uls I Un.ivv u!', at le.it that a tllee.ise with uiie I -it.tite'l tue'oU. Ami then lie's -lire to semi yon 11 urns', ol" lioii-killin' things. I 111-I know ymi ii)e tiu-m, aim U you tin put In- name in the j.aper ami liinu In- Inirii tor him till all tin- neihhor think- he w inst the nicest man anuiml anvwhere. wuv inai jui inanc us okc your pap r all the mou-. Hut that hon'nw in imsiness. w i 1111 the other day I was nearly cruy to know what that Mali lax yirl's mistake was. Vou siut you wasoiu' t tell alumt it in vour next y.vh'V and 1 w;ls re:il auxiou- to if.ul aliout it- I had just opened my paper alter w;t.-liin' tip the dinner dishes .im! pultin' the kitchen to rights and niovin' 111 y light hread bucket into a I'lKiIer plac. , sous my sponge wouldn't ne too niin-h he I ore time to make out my rolls lor sup per. 1 had lookeil over the local pae, tor I always want to know what isoiu'oiiin town, ami then turned over and read the State news aii. I theeditonals anil was :u-t oiif to Me w hat that u.rl did do it . la! me, she want the lir-t Hulit'ax gill that's made a mist, ike, nor the hist one, either, it'l know anything al-mit it. They just keepon iMakin' them and will, till they are all dead, 1 reckon. Hut then, as 1 -aid, 1 wa.- iust iroin' to-ee what tin-on. did, when in popped Mrs. I'.rown's little hov and -aid : ' Jli .Uuies, mother -ays, please It nd her your paper a little w lnle " Now 1 knew my old man w nitetl 10 see that iMfef. si 1 as to see it then- w.i- anv new-of that prosperity that wa stum an Mr. Meiunley was eleetnl and I knew Tom wanted to -ee who i.t,it tl.it !a-t name ol ...ill. luit r wouldn't do to make Nil-. Frown mad t it my old 111. in wa- thiiikiu' alu.ut iiiniiin' l.utlie h !a tnre 111 t year, lilm ean lind oil! in whn !i part he 1- likely to L'"t the im-t vuie ami Mi- Flown has a hn-lMinl an , two lo s, w ho nio-t al way s votes a- -he say -. -o the paper had to 1:0 Well, slie didn't keep it WIT o!i'. hilt when it did come hat k 1 wa- rn- puMn,' down them ndl- t..n-e tor -upp. i Imt my old man hid ti-t eotne 111 and pi. k d tip tliai pap. 1, !uii up comes Mr. iinth. "tiot your paper. 1 -ee. .1-i-t jet n 1. look at itanunute, p!e,i-e, i want to -ee U'there's aiivthiug iti therealiout hievele-. My Sa 1 1 ie -ays -i le is 1 1 1 -1 dy:n' tor one, ami I must look around ami see wheie I . .111 n--t out Mr her." So he take- tin' paper and n ad- tiie ad-verti-em-'iits. I.te.tl news, editorial-, and all, while my old man sit- there a .d "sweat-," Imt d.uvsu't open his lip-, ail I onaecouti! ot nut election, inr ,tr mhiiii can vote. Now, Mr. I'M 1 lor. I don't mind io'ks lld'.u' lileyeie-, 1 w i-ll 1 hail olie liiv-i!, and have iietn haiu' Up inv huttt-r and nionev all -uuiiner to !ni nn- on.' 't.vt what 1 do mind, i- p.opV ho i u" i 1 1 time- at oth-r people's i prli-e- Now ; theie's 1 1 V ,-mitll. -he si ...', '.eal dell- ate evei -iin e - he a tne hi mie f'totii hoard m' i hool. and it' -in- ha- to -'it, h on the ,ew :n' TiLU'li: it i:i e- li.-s ! he kai he twtul.tiid ,! !n r u.a - :s h r help auout hnii'T why -lie ha- -w ;min:n' m the liead -o -he lia- to -tav in 1" d ami u r ma ha :o i ai ry lu r meals to her lot two or t!n e lay-. Its her lie.it t. -he -a mil lat wi ( 'k -lie w a- nn ited downtt) Weldon U that German datire they had down there. ami -lie -au! t lie music wa- "aw ml !y sw.-et" and the w .ii t - ii' "ju-t di nie " A ny !i-e -he danced till two n't io k and hei I -.a t t d.iiu t hint hei a I'll, nor her la. k niia r. tor that matter. Then -lie saw all them irls ndin' In, yeie-aie! now a wheel -in-mu-t hae. IF r pa iliiln't say anything alnmt In crop lieiu' tuortgag- d to Kmry V I'm r e and In- folks eotnin' oer here eery week lo in, now a little meal, or -ugar or mn -thin' and mwr tlnnkiu' to pay back, hut I ju-t kinxV he'll g t that tueycle ott t In-in-talln!. tit plan. or-iTialutw. and ma;. 'e hi 11 save a dodoi's hill, ,-a-t vt.ivs he ean iet Mr. Fmry to take that horse I'.u kaf'er lie'- done piow .ii' ,ind tliey can all rale the wheel. Well, after supper Toiii says, "Mot he-. Where':-, tile plpel' ' TotM Il.lS lteeil 111 til- held all day and I know he wants to read ahoiit that name of hall. Me dearly lov. s i gwMi j: uneol h.i-e hall alni always "root-" to! the Weldon irnwd Mr would haw mie to -ee that game hut lie had to side -r that ten acre cotton hit oetore it rained I he -bui't ttust to Frovideiiee to tend hi- crop w lnle he goes oil' to town two or three times a week. Fut -n)ii alter Mr. Smith left, along .line .Inn White and says, "Mrs. .loins w on't you lend me your pajer m-t tonight Mother elijovs re.tdlllg It so inueh. 1 II bring it hark shui in the mormi),' " and that is the way it just gmy on and some lifiics they forget to bring it hack alto- ther. Now, I just wish you would gtt all these folks to Like your pur r so that I could read mine in peace. I hen, Mr. Kditor, I want to tell oii almut them stones you Maul you w.i goin' to print. Now I think good re;nlin' i- teal hei (Oil I to aiiv.huIv Hltd i have often w,iti dered why people ahotlt here couldn't w rite good stories, hut I In aid -otne wo men taikiu' the ott er day and that u pl.nnetl it. hie of them saul Have you read that story in the NOKK NfcWs '" "No, md'-.il, who wants to read a -tmy J lilted aooul Here, iiiy-nwlv s icot uiianiy i little to do to Met down to write a -torv iHoiit tlmig-t in Halifax ruuiity." Now I rupijoKe she wantsS vou to do like lu-r hushand diM-s, semi north for your re.nl i ii' matter like he doe tor Iim -ide meat, and eorn and hay to feed Ins hor-ei. As for me I believe in raisin' things ,tt home and il you can get anybody to write vou a real n,M storv, whv. I had just as soon read it an il it was written in New York and you bought it already net up to prmt. Now, Mr Kditor, I don't want to make thin letter too lung Some folk s ty a wo man uever known when to stop tal kin hut I never wiwarcnwl ot bein a tilker in my life ami any time you want to hear from me aicain just drop ine a postal to Sandy Ridge and I will write. 1 am gom' to ask my old muti aUxit payin' for the papir Iih and if he hasn't he Hhall bring you a load ot nice pint) wood. Yon will need it next wintiM". Yours truly, Mary Jonk. P. 8. If you learof anybody that'll (tot a nice bicycle that will suit an old woman and they will e it cheap, for spot, cash pi pane tell about it in your neat paper fur I do want one awfully had. M. .1". Tlu- r nipany l"'''1' r c utvicts lor oradin iade purpi ippiieatton i s, but the p.'idtet.tiarv .iu:li 'ti'ies d cuncd to ati.iw the u-e ol'tli. ni as the company desired I hi m l'..r ion -hurt a time. In th" Meihodi-t .-'pi-copal church, on the the i veiling (he Uth, Mr. W. H. Uetio and Miss Kudie James were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. Uev .1. II. Kti"ili' i tVu-iatiiiLT. The church was kautttuliy decorated for the occa-i.'ti and Mrs. ,1. Howard Smith, who pre-ided gracefully at the organ rendered the wedding march. Alter the ectemotiy was performed the bridal party repaired to the home ot Mr. .1. A. Totilev. and pattook ol an excellent wedding uj per, which had been provided. The bride an 1 groom are among the mo-t popular young people of the town. Mr. Charles li, Kmry has the most stylish turnout in town, and he pulls the ribbons gr.uvtuliy ".t a beautiful pair of thoroughbred- Hi- trap, is the ad mil iti ii of all who have -cell it and hi pair of high steppers arc the swifie-t on the road. S' ot meeting- began hen Meth,,ilst K i-copal el Stambaek pn, bed tot IaV Hi iftnug. an 1 lleV , II ittii lav i- a-i-ting Mr Fri. '. tin- in" k lb v Nil II rnadiv exeeo' tit preacher and large congr turn out to le at I nn ' Mr W. II H .nt. a popular sah in Kmry A Fieu'e's -tore at this ha- moved his fatuiiv here. Mrs Manic t. ty and Mi- N m Smith, of Wtl-on. have been vi-iting friendlier- th:s Week un ireh. or the .). A during is an g ilioii- ilc-nian ,.l,uv Gladness Comes Mt!iii ln-tU'i' umlrrMaiiiliii-' uf tin VV triiiisi.'iit niilinv uf Ok- iimiiv pliys ii al ills, n hi.'li vanish U'f.nv V1""!'-"1' ''"' ,...i,i I.. .'iVui'ls nU-asalil I'ltiU'ls.- ., .,1 U'll' IS ,'.11111111 i in ntrlitli .ii th,. Uii-i sii'Unrss a casr. hut t inn ,.f Un .',1-,'. Ihat i ',- in , ,i lie t .iniplv t a sv -t, in. : many 1, this ,,f anv ai iual il i ih,' l,l,-:isaiil i, '. vnli.,,I I i:'-. ir,,uiii Thal is 1 iv il is thi' ,'iily millii'iisi.t' families. 1111,1 is si,-, in. il si, highly hv nil ,,l hr.iiti,. Its h,'n,'tii'ial ii. t.i t!' f.i.'t. thai it is tin whii li J,!,'ini,l,'s internal .villi, nit .lehilitatinu' the h il a, 'Is. It is I h, ret,, iv M or,!, r t,, 1','t ils liell," 1,1 i,,,i.' when vmi pi"' i haii' the 1','iilline lirti- RINGW00D JOTTINGS. Iliinli sKIIMuN OiVil'UMKNiS A YHI'Jii. 1 AW HI KAM I'l.K Willi I'll V of i M I 1' n.'V ,'l "Il K II NKW s. 1, 111., l l entlull I ',,1,1 r,,w iu' anil i.'.l a tiuisln"! I'itii; lias li;is nie oitlun lias -,!ell,li,l .- M. V. ."nil verse A Luce family la.it ly rem, iv, 's. l'elneil" witl evei vw her'.' whi.'l.lllle , lV"i ts are '. in,., rein, sly eleanhm ss (iri.'ans , .1 1 wal nil imi,rlaiit. li.-ml i'"'.-,'!s. ehase. that yi, ele. "Ineh forma l a.' nil 1','imlal.,.' ,! ll-'!'lsls If in tin' ehi,' in, nt ami the sv stem i na-iilar. la - ..III. a- reme.ii. s ,i;-e 'hell III. I M altlieteii with an', aetual ,hsea-e I iimeiiil, ,1 t" the in--t si, ,ls,eialis. hut li in ll', .1 "I' ' lavative. ,ie sh,ihl haie 'he l"'st. ami Mill, the ell-iu!',,nne,l i-v.-ryw hei','. M mi' '' I 'i.'s si. ili,l-- IiIl Ii-'s, ami is un'st lai'irely U.se,l all-lt' ive mar I'll lv Of Disbursements in the Town Weldon for the Year Ending May 1st, 1897. of v , S V f V ,1,1,11. N. C.May U, lv.'T r,l'.,' ;.!,, i.' T.,:rn (" KIISSI I'.V 1 bi- leave to lierewitli limiJ mv an mini i'i',rt : 'I'lie t,,la! aiiiaiint ul' taxes I'ihiii leal ami " f-onal (ruperlv I'ur I In uareiiilnu May 1, i-:t. HH"T: IS!1 1'iills at T.V'. I-" ' T.ilal real, ir.- 'iial ami '"H, SH'- '" Aiiieiiut uf l'rivili'iji' utnl ullier lii'i'iise las, S'l'Jn I- ',,rk un sin-i ts I (III Tut.ll i'XH'ls, s h mil ol' Welilull r,iheyear,'ii,li.i-Mayl.lS'.l7Sli:;-' 5 1 1 ' K, i-i t'u 1 1 siihinilti',1, T V. ll.lliiilsiiN, cierk. 7i, ", "I ' '"i'i",'-","" ;,, :., II.. '..,ii. .V. r. 'I'lie llli'viti.' are tlie .-tatisti,- nl l,;,,l, 1 ileaihs wi I Iti n llie ciirpeiaU' Illllils ilio 1 ,,!' the town ol i hlon, C, in. mills eiuliiie May 1st, 1S!T. lor II KK , manillaellll'i'il hv llie 11 II- ru, !.v li"'! s,,'iil hy uf 1 eilel'.i l li.a.lh. . lilies, ,r ,1. If , .me .iilful atl-lactii'li. T'!il Toh.i,',' , i trans, ialitini (Mlliliielii'i'i. vellli',1 mips- il velliiw appear nu'e 'Id v. Mr M lie i s nn, -ii Sni.'l iv at I 'mril I'ro elinreii. I'r.iiu i:lb elnpier .m,i Si. I'.llll's I j'l-tle I,, llehn s c iiireeatiun was piesent. Tin.' "Hisie Optie," I-iiMi-linl al Nash ville, contains a i-oiii'liiii' iil;iiy noli,',' ol Mr, I'anl V. Matthews, vvhn a sw, , ru in as an ail, Til, v at la-t t'liii ol' Nash , urt. l'.nil i- a s,n ,1' I i . t i I'. Mat tli. iv. . ami will ,1 uhtle-s nuke his uiark in his oho.-eii prol"s-i,'ii. Thf people of Si'ollalnl Nei'li illlJ the riiii'ipals ol Vino Hill A.M.leiny are In he .'uiiiiii, ii'le l t'i,r the spirit of liberty an I piitri 'ti-in whioli pr,iin ti ,1 them to li..,l 'iitli. rn Xilit Ks. rri-,-ami invite Ih .lohn Wi'iiam .lone-to ,nl. In ss them. Th, , v. nt ili'l-l have Kill a treat to all irae S,, utln Hi' rs who heai'l it, and the ,'X-iiiip1,.' nl' Seiitlaii'l Neek is w,,rtliv ol' eui jiaii.iti hy the whole Smth. It would he li ir 1 to ti n il a more pr .'r, ive, braver ami in- re alriotic pe -pie than lh"Se who inhabit the lown i I' Seotlaliil Neek. N rill (' iroliiia airl esi,','i,i;,v the o ,1 I, i-i,, i;e ,',,uiity i, I' ll.ihl'.is -heiihl I'.el lu'.l l ol'St'ollatlil N'eeli. I'el' ill it still lives tin- same s,irit of liberty whieh dwell in tin' i, a- in. of o'ir I Trf.nhiT- m the :,iu - t h.it tri. ,1 in. n s -s.uk" 1 xp.-. t t , - iv in re on ilii sii! oat in the Cut nr.-. Ii i njht to te.i.'h the i-bil'lri ii lb.it tl,, ir tub' is w, re p,itri,,t- an.) n iraitnl as s,,in,, w..iiM have us In, lievc. N. 'II 1..S K.X. HOW TO FIND OUT. h,.:i ii m e. . nun. Ul ,-1 1 have lllisilai h", ieil upon tile follow ilia ,les, i i i . 1 leal , state to satisfy the tav, s new due and unpaid lor llie year lH0aii,l will sell it m hi le oil I, l v at the I'ouil lions, iluor in ih.- town ot Halifax, eonulv ot Mil Hi v . and Slate Noitli Car olina, at I'-' o'eloel, M., on Monday llie 7th day ol' June 1-!'T. Ta and Cost. Mis V II Aninntoii, 1 town lot I ' .lames Adams. ii- a, -ies land. K II Pint, Hi h, ils. p.'il aeles I. mil, Mis i: M I'.oiiiier, 1 town Int. l'oni Ciller. 1', ai res land. Ia in ( alter. :.H aeles land. ,1 II ( iillsllls, -.'O aeles land, Neil lliulel. 1 t' ml lot. Mis, , lose), hine I'.vans, I town lot W 'I' llermm, 1 ,o a, res land. (' II lli'iiimiiiL'. halance, 11(1 aeles. V C Hill. 1 town lot. M.nor II. inn, ,,i. I town lot Ahx .la, .k.-on. 'J7 aeres land, .1 II P I., i-li. 1 town lot, ,1 W I.oie. lo a. res land, halane,', lieoll' V. Lewis, o town lots tsaae 1ji:lM1s, 1 town lot, William M.ih.iie, 1 town lot, P M Moure. 1 Mrs V li Powell, I Joaeles, .1 M Poll, il. IH" aeres. 'Pom Ponloli -'a'ael, s l.tlnl, " Kha Pool, ,n. 1 town t, t Hand li, id. 1 town lot, halanee, .1 V l.'ooke. :.'lliaei, s laud, li lieori' l,'ain . It" aeres, S A W l.'ieh.'uds. (Hi aeres. Iirew Stephens. 1 town lot Kiitlev She.ll 111. acres. 11 I, Slum, ol a, le- land, l.reell Snntll, 1 toll II lot, .Inn Yineent. 1 town lot, Mrs p While, i: aeres land. '1 M rs. Piii iel la K, , lei . ai re-. -! .Mi. i;i:ii ki:i.l. lor Weldon township Total. tl."' '- lute luaies, Kate ol taxation (-."n tweuty live j .. ', iiial,s, eetits per humlreil dollar valuation. siill boin, I'.xpciises of towu of Webloii from j (!,, r,., ,;,es, May I, l-'.Hi lo May 1, IS1.1", li:i-'.'"l .. hmales, the followiu- is a list of di-burseim'tn-. .. still born, in ,. 'tail: M.VV lV.Mi. V M Cohen, inoin y paid mil for work. !fll BIRTHS. 11 ( 1 lu i:: 'ol.il, tl ol, i : i -jn j :io n:: 1 IT !i ::7 2 hi !i 1 1 o n:i ii in ii hi :', -'i! :i -in ii 'Jl :i on :i no ; lo ' :i 1 Oil J l- lius I'lewry, street work, ll.iiiell's I' t'u House, books, .Standard 0:1 Co.. ('hiei I'oliee, Nieht police. I,.ini iuhli r, Attorney ami elerk. ,li NE IS'.llh Chief of l'olii e, Xiillit polii'i', Lamp lioluor, Atti'tney and elerk, Standard Oil Co , Meals, prisoners, Ulllps, Meals for prisoners, ikim,' lax list, Hands wali'liing I'm', Hebllte. oil taxes, M 1'reilbllnli Jil.v 1-lhi. Annual report, Koauoke News, Work on slieots, Well fixer, ipeino Iroin K. Clark, Shovel, Workin.' anil listiiw slrei'ls, Timber ami nails, Meals, prisoners, iii ft' I 'olie'.-, Ni-ht Lamp lighter, tUirnev ami clerk, Aim Chiif of 1 'olive, N.-lit Attorney and .'lerk, I. imp li'.'liler. Nail- and limber lor ; Total biiihs. ! DEATHS. mi j While total. 'o , Ci'l.ireil " 1, glliMi m nm mm fax ( A ml W A NT l!mp!oun nt. WANT a vaeanev li led WANT inlonuation. WANT! . in M.imp- and we will t. 11 nil how to get It. Atldlt --s. oiitlit rn I '.in !!- nicitt anil Inlelligciii i 1 let It - t ! lss w ith urine ion!-, a s,di- M.tC.! Iln I can. mar l fiiu. It.ili igh. N. t , ktd illl.il l! I - "'-l i.le r...i :. i. in t ht- K,i E3;:5i;:200 BICYCLES FRLl k. is al Ih it order. tin- kaln.'vs and iirin. -o I'oliv.u. nii; pri lilad, I- r are ori :i :m I '.I I I 111 lili I 'll nn ; l.'l H'l ; 8 ' n; hi; '. Jll HO j l.'l llh j S 111 II li1- 1 sn CI I- .111 1 l.'l I'll 1 fill i'ss ai'i'ideiil, nil resilient, Tt,il resiil ait popnlatiuii, ACES. Hull,'. !'i.l,,te.l. r, jn ;in 411 fid 1 .:. ! bit 17.1' s nn I --ii ' 1 s,i I '.Ml ' .;iui 1 day to "ill days, 1 mouth to h month. f, " 1 " 1 year to ') years, I! yoais to 5 " oil IH ju Ml 7ii -.Il :mi lou A rn n i r bSHl. Ib'tlt Nails Str.e ,f lllllie for street, t e rJi i-xpi ii r rn nn. niilort ill the knowleilk'i' so ..al, that I'r. Kilmei's Swamp IOmii. ihe o; ....t kidney reine.iv liiliilsen-ry w i-h ::i i. h, iic pun in th, ha, k, ki.li.t-v - hi. r. I,:.l,h r and every part,, I tin- iiniiaiy i,iss.i,..s Ii tioieets in.iluhtv to lioht iiriiie and s, ald im pain in p is-ina it, or hadeth et lodowin use ol' luplnr, w llie Ol hi , I. and oierelllles thai lllidi';ls,lllt ,i,.,.,..siiv..l helm;,' impelled t.ip't lipillalii inn,- .lur.n.' llie i.ilit to urinate. Tl"' no ,1 and ill. , i i.ioidm.iry . lbs t ol'Swainp l;,N.t i--.Kin realized. It -lands llie lnah- e-t lor its wonderful euros ol the most dis-Ires-mi: eases ll vou need a lm dii iue von should hive t'le he.-t. Sold hy ilraa ui-is, j.n,,- lil'lv eents .tint one dollar. For a sample Ihiltle and pamphlet, Initli sent I i-i-- 1 iv uiel. in.iuioa The ho.llloke New ami send your lull postoOie, address lo Ih K.hu.r.x Co. !'.:i. ah.impt.. a. N. Y. Tin ,r .pl n-to I ol tins ,i r'liaialiU'i-.s tilt' gen uineness ,, tins oiler .,-: ';';. '..: - 'v ..I : v';" - -, ' ''" 1 ' ti... ..... ...I .i- i in. mi, l u-. it Iriitl. , ! -...n.v. i. i he rtliMiUt' utcurut 11 1 j Wh.n...i, of it' I'- -cfart.e; -n1 I A, ; (i-., . ',- 1 1 t ii- "c -' I I'.v.a '-f f." v - - f-t'T '- J,,!,t'" '. ;'X'r..;T ,TuV. :'r u' W l', ll i ', . , rn. .Of i , ." k ,.,' " li-, ,r , . ... :c , . n.ri. I..n, in. ,,! n o ., IS !. . ' I.- l.r .1 ,.. -I 'I li. , ir ..' - ' i i,,".- W . tit ,e..,n .1, -n ( I ,'.-'. , ...' ,-, I r,i, r ii.:, ,' ., ,oi ' v ..! .. "1 1- n . .it ' O' -:.e .i .r K. in, vf . t - ti ::...nc i: ( - I one ul ' - .e t'le har,1 tri.e i-rue tl .in V I' m , 'Hi i v u ei-- .f ll f i n .u..t re Ii nt hi r.i m-"-- l.-r us '-end in V-ur ur'fi li' I 1 Off H "l t -1' vmi at P" 'If tiknlfi I j in u i ,i m ,rtr rr.mhn.rnts it with eath rrar j fi;er.. J1 ij iicl jc it i "i mare w.iii-f.ct ,m , a : t(j 'i ' w.i. .ii ji.-w Acr. it i 1 y,ir i fi I If.- ii v;p--t- -ir j- rtunity o' I ! aetii .4 H :.-, e . M nitnis-ioiurs, Kxtra p oliiv. Stun, lard t hi Co , SKI'I K.MI1KH 1 Slh'i. Ilairell's V'Cji boll-,', books, Standard I hi Co . oil and freight ( hi, fol I'i'lle.', Limp lighter. Attorney and tl, ik, M, a!s fr prisoners, l'r. 1. K llroen, health ollietr, OrTt'iiKltl-'Jli. Mitndard (hi I n.. lloalloke N. WS, 'ulili..llilia ( llilllee ' Cetlitl paUp' T, 1 1 rave pauper, Attorney an I Chi, I ol I'oliee, l.atii), Ii 'hter. N'nVK.MliKll lSlhl. Clin I ol IVdee, Niaht Attorney anJ elerk. Work on tr,'-'t, mber, llKl KMIIKIl IS'.H',. Chi. f of I'oliee, Lamp lighter. ttorney ami elerk. "lard Uil Co. li ti. 1 shovel, rot.,!-. n :i:;, j Hale of ni 'ilality of whole resident1 ,110 ' population per lillld per autiuui. j ',;! ir. Hate of mortality of white, population! i; :;n 1 lfi 71 per I nun per annum. ;;n. Hate of mortality of eolored population i i; r,i j '.' I p, r It"1'1 per annum. Ju mi! The above eali'ulatioiis are liaseil on a ),', un j population of 1 Iful; wliitf "nn, I'olor, il s j t"'11' CAUSES OF DEATH. Child l.li l li. Teelltilit;. Noi knww n. M.ilaii.d l.ver. Mea-les. Con-uuiptloll, d'l phoiil malarial teier, (lid ap., Aei'l'lent, .' lliptllena, .' Seal lei lever. Pneumonia. I'araly-is, lirop-v. "' Apoplexy. I'eltliciniis AlliU'Illia, Ileniltt.tllt !eer, For Lean Men! Fat men ! Tall men '. Low men! Come and exam ine my stock be fore buying elsewhere. A Down Fall in prices of Clothing, ! i Shoes, and Dry Goods for the next 10 days at it; rn;; ;ii nn s 'it l.'i nn ;i ;;r. hi 1 h7 i in DKES8 GOODS! erk, I.KA-E Is dlpos, ahoin.i i',ldbur I-i Mits that I Is of Tr-v lloll'l I..I.11, ... St.,l . ,1 to look upon ; a- a visitation sill.AIt CI CLE X WTI H CO., IU0 narkut Ntreet, - I'lillfttlelpliM The wateli w illbe sent by espr. ss C. O. 1). subjeet to exaniiualiou if '-!."i cents additional in .stamps are sent with order. ! ",t Mer.l li, 't J to. A Ih '..k' er ' . 'U! i ct P'e free 'Mi ttbit or N l.' l a I I. Ltware man fr.,111 an llieorrl .'ll'le habit he I his !itl''T Iial!- Ve-it lay. ao.,. I of biling V OTICE.-W N n kiu i.-i-;mi;n i- ScrofulaSores Mealtn was Greatly impaired, But Hood's Sarsaparllla Built ItUp Sores Have All Disappeared. " I w,.s i ro,i,','i d v it It t ruptloiu on my fiire. w'r'-ii -- p. are. I lllte serofttli. My healllt w.t so not. It iaipj.r, il that I wan dvistd to lake ltiK.d rprill to build me up. nnii I hoimlit nil bottlM. Before I listl ulten hull ot thw rnnount 1 found Hint I iim iinpnn-inif. 1 could rest better nt nlu'hl . mid lelt retreshed In the morninif. 1 Kitin.,1 in tlesh lind when! hid finished the nil t'tittles the iore on my fuee had all di.a pered." J. B. B"D DIK. Ft--tniter, Ni"hville, So. Cirnlina. " After sufferinK from iore leg for Z5 jmrr, tour hollies of Hood Hrrllla nuclei corn te cure. It ! everl years lines I took Hood's Sr.Hutrlha, but 1 have not suffered with auy tore oi aryilp tlas In that time." Mlul. M. J. Hakti FT, Lovett, Oeorgia. Rememher Hood's Sarsaparilla Is tht Bert - the (hie True Blnod Purifier. Be ure If -t Homt't and onlv llotvd'4. I aiiii' oiialihtsl as eis llt,.r nl t lie es tate nl l.ella I.. Harris, lleeeasetl, l f.ire Ihe elerk of the Superior court of Halifax etuiiity. this is to notify nil in rstuis holiliiiit elaltm air.llll-t Mid estate to l, resent them tt, ine.iti ol iH'tniethelitli day ,,l April I "!- or tin- in iltee will Ik- pleaded 111 har nt their reetiverv. Persons uulehtcd to s .-.i.t'e must make iiiiinisli.iteuyiueui.Tliis th. uili dav ol April 1"!'.. W. I.. II AKKIS, K.xisutor apr l.'i tit I.i latk I- 1 1 arn, tltreased TOTICE.jm APTOTIC eawy to ukf , pasy Ut buy, tooperuo. Ac- Hv virtue it ;iuihritv vtKtetl in nie I' Irt-il 111 Irut il.tlU il. li MiM.lt lltlil Wilt-. A Mtxtrtfto lii-ore IMvm I tear- cunietl tllittlh e nl keiii-ster i if IleeilH lor llnlifax nuritv. North Ctmlinn. Apul t h tHx.k 7li. li -ll, I Will -ell ;it thf rnurt hi"U' ilihtr in the tinvn it' il.ilit'.ix N. C, hr t-;iih, uti tin 7th iUy ut June liC.at 'i p rhK'k, M one i'ruin traet or n.t n i l 'U l.intl 'ltu.tte in .ihI cunnty mitt iHMimleit a I'ollnws Itewit. It. -i innn at NiehnNui'! ronrr, an.l runninn N. 51 K -Jti p'l(f, 17 Iiukx lo Nu lntlsm' er' ner m Kue'n line, then S. It'l- K jx.h-n 10 link-- to stump pole w ith hUiitor. then 8. 5.V V. Nl pnlr to iIii)W(Mm1 ntul pot oak, then S. Iti K- .VJ polen : link to the run ot liuni .Swamp, then down muI rnu -;. iioleti to a hiiked Hutu near A.laiu1 SpnniT'then 'traiht to iMinninn. Uinj; the tract ot hum ou which the Kant 11. It, Moore tornierlv resitted artinininn the hint! ot W. K. Npruill, It. H- Nu hnlstuiiioii wile J. K. Hue and and other, and containing 1ft ai rcH, more or tn, Knd sale mad to atirdjaud in iutirdutu'e with piovmoim otsiui tiuft deett. uIlTKKMSOF 8ALE- Ciwli. Time ofrtule, l'i oclo k M. THOS. II. TAYLOIi, April '23. li7. Trustee. AHV 1 sUl. r I llll In h'.i ; lli lill l.'l llll ::i .'i ii 1 i :; ii. 1 111 llll . ' nn , I nn s :i:i ir, in; 1.1 nn ir, th; nil s :;i :;j sn i;i i'l ih, t;i; 1.1 un s :u 4 .11 J nn ..In '.' .In HI hi', 1.1 tin Total, n:i Ke.-ef tt'tlllv stllllnitted, .1 'T. I.IIUCII, Mayor. To the llotiortlile Hoard of Couiini-sion ers for the town of Weldon, N. C. Tlic lolltiwino eases were heard in llie Mnvor's eourt lor tlie year etnliu' May 1, l's'.iT; 1.'! jii'l 'lneul sii.-ii'D,l, d. I iliseliuroetl. 'Jn sent to oranj jury. 17 lines imposed . ,11 total Total lines imposed, 11 1.1 ml l'aitl tlirouh mayor lo Treasurer, 820.77 l'ai.l throuu'li Ollioer liuniel to Treasurer. - .In Sent to jail, 'J.l.nn Alpeukil, ll.iiil S7i! 27 Gents' Furnishings, Shoes. Hats Caps, Trunks, Valises, Etc. Call and give me a trial. Satis faction guaranteed. FREDLANDER'S. I). SMITH, Ht- mi Mayor. i lid el, l k Attoi ostaoe, Siaiid.iiii On ('., , .Mattre-s, latiliets, iinriltni! jail, Wiek. mid inalelies, Feiihi'ahy 18'.i7. Iue! l'olifi', Lump It-jlitir. Attorney aud elerk, City ittlurney, eieoses to Kalcigb. Meals, tirtsonets, Standanl lil Co , Expenses in arrestitio prisoner Hummer and ui iteln's, l.u niter, Makiii 1.17. Cutliu piltlper, Making staples, Irons city jail, Mis Melne, T W l!ii-., ll. W II lhikens, W','1 ai I .mid and lli'u'k Imp. Co , work, Standard Oil Co, Wurk on stroels. tl'ully siiluiiilteil, I .1. T. (itiiirit, i To the llonor.ihlo Hour,! of Cuuunissiou ers lor town of Wtld iti: j We Ii. l' leave In repott tliat llie follow ' in.' is our report of llie eliief of police: ' To tal. diieun fines for ! year cmlitig May .1, 'Uti, To Iial. due on tines for year ending May .1, '17, Weldon, N. C. -ll,al,r In- I Li 1 I IX. A i Total now due, To line for Jim Kelly 1, Will Itan.lall il. .1ii.4i! n.7:t S.I2 IH '2. iiii I tin i I nil. It! Co 1.1 thi s ;u !i nn i 2u ; I 71 llll Hy credit IS'.lli fines, Miller's escape trtni. jjil, $.1.00 Hy credit lSl'C, linen, Hanks, released, 5 Ili $'.14,111 1 II 00 V-i.ri nu .llll ti :;s work ;is ; I', tin i .10 .7.1 : :i 7.1 i 2 iii i ! 8 :i:t! 1,1 no 111 till I G.I W 11 Hay, Jr Well til.T, Chi'!' 1' !:-. Attorney and clerk, Lamp lialitet, Kttny A 1'ierco, in'Jsc, K Clark, April 1sH7. Coftin pauper, Copy uf briJgc bill, (irave pauper, llauling " llarrell s 1' Ti; llonse, liook, Standard Oil Co. Chief 1'olici', Lamp lighter, Attorney and clerk, (T. ('. II.) Health officer, 1 1 r. 1. K li.) Accounts paid out ut regular meeting during ls;i7; To balance due town, llespcctfully sulnuittid, T. C Uakkisun. The above reports show the receipts and di-buts, lueuts td llie town of Wei il ni for the ti.-eal year endiug May 1st, 1 !'7. T. V. Harrison, clerk. To the Honorable Hoard of ComtuU.sion crsol town of Weldon: We, the coHituittca,1 to settle with the tax collector, W. lj. I'urocll, rciort o. follows : To real and personal pr.ip. riy tax lor the year IS'.H't, $ I ii in 7.1 To poll tux, 11175 To privilege tax, ll'.i.l 12 Total, $1.1 17.H2 Hy treasurer re 2 nu 1 '.id ..In ccipts, tr.'lll.lH Hv insolvent list. 2d '-! Hy 5 ikt cent com- mission ou 1 .121 03 70.;i:l $i;toHU To bal. due towu, W. M. Cohen, $24:1 8: Coin tuitteo. T. C. Uakkisun, i yajr-nTK lncc the above report wan made thi" lax collector haepatd trcas urer. $134 114 and hit books show ": $1U'.I,4S uucollcctcd. 1 on I 74 iii hi; 15 un 8 ill 25 tin Kehiltc oo tuxea, Hegistrar, Work oo streets, 4 17 7 !IS ' 1 20 8 oo 1 GO 12 10 1 20 1 20 T. C. Harrison, clerk. To the Honorable Hoard of Comruisaton crit of the towo of Weldon: We, the committee to settle with the treasurer beg leave lo report as follows: T am I Ir'in nil ...iiretn J17ir..if, Hi inn I iHtitl U .truer l ' B.r,l. Illl'i'.l Hy Iri'Mttiirer cm on ree ci,t n,.,,H " " itlshursellifllll av'4 Ia-m ami rest llltted f-t'4 IS, MRkiiiR a lotjtl .tM-ntltsl far lltv u,n ut Weltl.,11, Amt 'tne town of WeMnn Kwi-ts'tntlly .ulimitletl 1 . I.. !IA11KIMI... 1 t. A. C1 1 "Kt LL U Willi 1'rvaa. ITI. i: ii in..si tm.oi ).iininllltUiaet Coiil'cctioneries, Tobaeeos, Cigars and Farm Supplies generally. -MY-SALDONe has l.cto receoilv tilled up with , levant I'm nit ure and is supplied with the 'ol.l'hT, HI'.SI' and MOST CI10ICK WHISKIES, BODIES WD WliEsl Among my slock f liquors I have no hand llie celebrated I. W. Harper, i liavetiporl Morns "(ld (imvet, and Ives "Monliccllo. I have also opened up a barrel nl six ;ur old AI'I'LK HUASDY - PURE v AND MELLOW Mi. for Muliiinal l'tirposni.-iwi Also have on hand full supply of Iuiphrted and doineslu' wiuea, latter will be foillnl the Among llie auobotfii cs tkinTjuVj mat of liarreit A: I'o.'a wiuory at Chockayot(o. -I have M.uie ol tU ( iLHI'.T AND IIKI.T- North Carolina Corn Wbigkey, made by Harrison Si Co., the beet aaro whiakey niakcn we have lo our ; Territory. I have on hand all kinds of pure f dskieti and au prepared to give my frienn Entirp Satisfaction throughout Ilalilax and atljoiuing eounlica. 5 Thanking the public ft pant liberal patrooage, I will nay when yott tl j Weldou don't fail to c. Jo let the OLD ORIGINAL DAVE SMITH, ! os WoabiigtoB ATtooe. dot 6 It I i J -1 r '--7