1 , --. ,, ...-TO. ... - - III J.. I'. ! f THE ROANOKE NEWS, THURSDAY, MAY -m, 1807. rvpi nQiwrc 1 -WWIU.V. I'rifUT's lAfiTii'Du's line Id Him in Stor Clear ut I km. "Ah ynu pay, I am extremely oaulioiis about huuiiiug hih explosives," ailiuitti J Drifter, ''uud, for u man who has mixed in the mining business, I conic I am utiitiii!. Why, I actually avoid tire works displays, t xpeet ut a safe dil. nice, ami whi'D the big downtown siur.'s bins soul nit with Fourth 1 1 July decoration I (iti-s by mi tin' other ilc. "I wasn't su easily seined wl.i'ii vol first knew inc. That's triii'. Maybe I can oxplaio how the scare d. v.l nin'il in tin'. One day w-hili trainpiiiL' alon over u dusty road in Connecticut there beino no stao lint' to my dc.tinaiioii I was overtaken by a j.illy youm; chap who wu ilrivitijj such a waimti as cigar ami cutiily peddlers in Now Kiilarjd tilled. 11c gave uic a lilt ami j ut the whip to his horses. He went at a hot pare, a lid pulled away til a ciar from my case. 1 enjoyed my in i k . Inn. hat s, until .1. . ..III.. . . Tl I . n ir it inn me ii .iu'. i in u in. i I driver I. "Si d bis st iitnti in the road an 1 ' I lit' tliia'-..'. I iii'u ut S.11,1. " ' YoUIIl' fellow , tile that t ilt r". 1. You're riding on a powder wa-.m, and the boss would bminre ni" it he eauLt us siuokiur;. I'm ti-i d lo takitlL' ehaners. Wasn't born to In. blow up.' ' The very next day an explosion shook the country. A powder plant went up in the twinkling of an eye, and that can -less driver well, he was too widely scattered to need a futu ral "I was rattle -brained when 1 made my first trip to the tiiiuini;reiou now fatuous IK tile Lageof the Woods mineral belt. We had to pack all the supplies to our camp, and when we came to a portage I took my share of the work 1 picked up a box wcitthioi: fifty pounds and toted it half a mile. I wanted to till my pipe so I carelessly tumbled that box eotitaiuini; canned lm.hIs for all 1 kurw down rn the fiMutid. .lack lirown, the foreuian of the uiilfu, iouiiL'ed bark to the trail and said ipiietly: " 'Uril'ter, don't be so kittenish with that box. It's lull of dynamite. I.urky for you and the lot of us that I tilled it at l lie winter cache m ar Hat P.irta''i' and it's frozen. "1 didu't talk above a wlii-pir durim; the rest of the trip. The next sumui. r 1 went up to the mine and did my turn on one of the drifts. One day 1 proposed a fishioi; trip. Mike, the day emiim i r, laid offaud went with me iu our eaii.'i . The pickerel didn't show up to suit Milke, so paddling to a rock entirely bare of vegetation, he strcehed himself j and said; j ' 'Now, Mr.' !rifter, I'll -how you how j to catch tish.' He had riiL'e in a bottle. He dynamite carl ertel a '..'. i packed the dangerous stulT tiolitly in the neck of the bottle and said: I'll touch this off. toss it ill the lake and :'av' " ! help the fishes ' I argued against such tiii-pnrtsmaiilike slau.'ht"r, ami Mike got rattled. We were standing on a ; naked rock, Mike's foot slipped, that , inlerual battle dropped Irom hi.- band, ami 1 w j "No. we were n..l bl.iwn to kiiied. in ' come, tor Mike ju-t orabbed iliebottle an inch or so troin the rock. He threw it out in the lake. There was a convulsion, a vast jet of water -hot up in the air. ami hundreds of flult. rite.', dead ami ilyitii.' li'll.lav on the -llll'aee. I clllldlit have ti.uch.tl tine to sive tin1 Irom halloing and thou.'h Mike -nnplv -ail. ' 1 hat was close ciiouoli, I 11-0! -t, I i H.,S t lie I 1 a return to the camp, ami 1 unit test mau ill the ..ill lit foi th.' m xt I montn. , l-'rotu that div to this I h ue I.e. n jn-l atritledi-er.et. a- .ni mul.t -ay I tloti't n. .so around ..w.er iiiil.s -r tty tniuvestioatccliciiiical -..rk-. and when 1 e.iback to iniiutio tl niier who in. s lo tliaw .nit a dviiaini'e cirtiitl'je bv tin- llltritrt ' tire in i.ur -hack will j le fore he's a minute ' him." New Vork Sn t ..in ..f the tier, if I '.Hell TtllTP , Vitliiii si. in nl .'1 i Tiiere i- notloti j i-t a. Kltn;sNew til-e.er t'or I '..r.-iimf ti ti. Coii-hs ami Col.i-, -n d. m ind it and do not i,'itnit (he dealer to -- li y-u -..ine substitute. He will Hot .1 mil there is iiiiylluiio belter, but in rd-r to male inoie piotit be in.iv claim -.niiethino el-e to be just as oimd. V'iu want llr. Kin-s New Ih-covery beeaiiscy -u kin w il lo be sale and reliable, and ouaralili . d lo d i -,...d ..r uioii.'V rcliiiiiled. Kor Coii-h-, Cold-. C, ti-uiiiiMoii ami tor all iifl'cclliilis of I'hr .al, Cli -I and l.un-s, there is ii.iihiiii so uni d a- is I r. Kin-, s New Hiseovt r. Tr.nl h.iile free at VV. M Cohen s Itriu More Kcjular sin- ."ill cents and SI mi. -- Sprocket "I)id ymir wile inn iteo anylhlii- when she lirsl cut her wheel'.'" ltloi.uier " Ves she ran into debt. IMil I mi I.vrr Try Kleeiric Hitlers as a reundy tor )nur trouble.-? 1 1 not i;et a bolllc mw and tet relief. This medicine lias I.e. n found tu be 1't'cii'iarly a.l.itetl to the r. li. f ami cure t.f alt Female CoiiiiLiints, i j criini! a wniiilerliil direct liillueiice in uivini! slri'imlli and loit,' In the oroans If you have Loss of Aiuciite, Cotistiia-li-r, Headache, Fainiini; Sif'ls, oriuc Nervous, 8leeples.i, Kxcituble, Melnn chnly i.r troubled with Dizzy Spells. Kleeiric Hitlers is the medicine you neul Health ainl Sireni:th are ejiarantcod hv itsuse. Fifty cents and il 00 at W. M Cohen's Prui! Store. He "Can I dance wiih yuu to nihi? " Bht "You rniejit try?" APVKUTtSKMENTS. Inloodl'S Curt til Htw lllj, blliouf- nrai, hmtaclM. tour Mom- ILJ m I I Pills , uwiiMnon, oonitlp- M Ilia Uo. Th. kisi m.o. mil m ot la or Hold b; .11 mnlm Bomtt. Ttii ouly niu to Ut. wlU Uood ternputlla. HOPE FOR THE ERRING. Is the Hani nl'linj SlMrk'iid. nr It I lis lunninr I , V V II I.I i Km- tin' l.oul (.ml will In li in.': tin i loll- llavc I set 111V la. I' like .1 ll.lit .ill. I 1 klmtv lli;it I -.lull 114 1 1 l.i' :isi.iiii, .. dm' ut' llie .iifMinn wliieli lli.'iilillul men ami Women ak 1 U.i w tile eolw iili'tu'e,'. ut ail evil art , I all twi halal la.-l'.' the .suiii tll.lt ll,l- Mllllt.l tlt'ometl t.) Ulli'llliltm Ulll-lllll. ut? I i-ati i-aMlv put the atiMv.r it1 a tew j wonl. In a v.'fv i:i).i.rt.iiit i-oiim- ti...l ( ii-'.- tint . 1 1 1 ; i 1 j y.ui; nil tlif contrary, )ou iHttiiii yuiirsi'll. lluw lone, tlu ii, you iiruitiM' tu lur.-ui' a course of action which lia.s aln atlv bruuilit ilirvlul rc-ulls, and wliii'ii Mill certainly ' n ( i 1 1 u to ilo so until y.'ii i tl'.-i-t a chani'i' in ymir i' n- illtrl? Win n the T'"lial wilt away (turn j tht' I'att'tnal linnn' lie went ut' lti own a.t'.iiii Ainl when In- toiin-l iiiiiiM'il in wiiti litil poverty. torak. n i' ln fiictiil his only companion. tin1 uiiio which In' itiiuitlril, lit' rtitiTi .1 a ri'L'init' ut' tinrtul hut wll inHii'tt'il I'Uiiishinriii . Id' tictl hi. hntlv lu'llv all 1 his .' ilii- ha I V. Hi' , , , , , . , n nl h.'ii i ml.. wril with ili.' ir. nit mil .n- . . and awlui pten o.uiio i'I lie. tl in t , , , , , cl..ii.-c. aii. I Li- ii:n i nl Has -, ,1, ,rln tll.lt lie oho-.' . Mi ill In' filll rXprr'ati-n ol M li: p. I -. ii 1 1 b.i I pm. -.- I.,in it. I It' sm.ii It.lllett, hi. WW. T, tll.il I lie UIIIV-T-C I- so Hi. idr ill. il h.ippuiis- il"i- ti.it ciii.e from tli-lo'iir-l v ft' al'ii-e of apprtit.'. lie lountl that he could not swim up a MatiTl'.ill: that Innutis are not made -wort bv tlrriaiing that thry arc so, and that tin re is uo other way to aehiow siieer-s known amonj nun except obedience to a iiieia! law winch rrprr-euls both ui-d.'in and euiuipotrtice. Having made that dt-roun . hr .-it-ppnl into line with the law. and with ixttaor dinary ;'ootl srn-o and admirable j-wi r ol will prtii'i'i'ded to rectify hi-error. '1'lie fatln r of this wretchid youlh did it. .i f..t l.i...-. ic i ii.. .l,...i....i;....., ol his .-on ami in that fact he represented j the attitude of li d toward all ol' u Tht re wa-jr. at rt j' i.'tnj 111 ibo home, and the eltl relation l.etw. t u I ule t a:ol -on, broken bv th" nw.nd h . wa re ,-tab!i.-li,.l Wr cannot i.-imr- tin' l o t lb it the "on -utl'erttl ovrat moral lo... Lut tin ipie-li.iti is, lloW far "a- that lo-s rrpairnl'' Ami the aii-wrr to that tjiirsiion i- the iiiipoitant maiter t-.r vou ami uic to c.'ti-i'l. r. I'm a man do wr. 11.: .Hid r.Vi.o r ! l;n-i .1 ' l ., -I he 11T11-I1 iii'-nt ttbicL In- Inn:.. . n !t, -elf la-t lor. wr. t.r i it p o i' It Lim aft. r L.injinj Li- c 'iii-i o o!,. t., , Ir id f r rn t Ii - -ad i x ! i-m-i tl, , d i- a po-tlne o ' In th, r a id-, i- 1 lod .1 k 1 tio. and do. lie 1 llie 1 1, ui 1 v. rc liki' a kuia. or i- He a ! 0 L- r w lo. 1- tm re lb. in ready lo ivr. itv Li- . I.il.ir' u wllell lley lll-roer lll ll Is II" p:,iro lio home'' 1. t in" ti-e in 'tie r 1 I'l-u r: n II you have a violin. u e in . o L r : I j 1 inu-'r or hi 1 in ot 0 'i 1. 1. the .,,w. r t" 1 tv.ik that ti'lin il . a i'Ii.h into ! a!i-r V'1 dour ,-1 it i- no ."tio. r a vi..,in '. , re, r a. a uoi.ie.i, in.ir.iii.nl . n i -1 .mil tiiifd t..n-vi r. N .( i v.ii I.. 1 1,, .id; ol i IrlllltV Wl'l It fler be a VI I I. ,111 Y,w some d 'jina- ol our I lo olojy no lak. n Ir an lb at m-ia let. I w- !,.,. en led into .trorand .li-e ni i.oii, nl tie r-by. Th i . d ,.f ,'-. i n .i . ! aoie imp rtant r ,-..-rt-. il.r Ii. I wb in j Cbn - t ioved and r. ieli. d I V u i..( a vi i.u, in i i .1 c i u,. t w!i..i; nie is v oir- 1- U 1 1 Xt i ll t ol -el recovery imp '..-i!' utiivrr-c a j:r, at de ll t . p. .-. - Tier.- Uil-U-e Whirl, . Ii . r ii d La- mad- th 1 tli-re ben, lir. lit tb in onir of u- tl.ink, l-r law n. t only puni live. Inn al-o retiit . i i I . You have me habit which dr-trot-yoiir-ell rt-p"'t and lout-the bou-t h-.d l o'l a!" 1 "1 made or-1! re-. ii-i!'.e I .r iha', y.'l to lie mi-ti r. I tit -i ,,i - n 't u,a-ier i i. t - as that hat it .1 n. malt - V"l t 'tl 'I " '' a man o'li a i.i.tii - v .a -a ... ., . ,t iii.iii o n ,i -, it-. Vou c.uiii..t bleak n.' l'l,. r- I- t.o - o b w. id i-c iiiii-t in tie v-i'.ii!.iry f . imm rial - ui. I'" think thai joii en ll"' i. it- il' a rink I,, n-v.il,.. w.-r-l kind "!' heresy, f .r thou-bt- .n .' llnii'-. nl "'ch ilnuuhis a- lb.it ate eiim.s. Vou may n"t be able to achieve the w .tk ,4' recovery bv yoiir-cll a, one, hat wu and I . "1. Wt.rkin- t .-etlur. can .! . uitbiu-. Vou mu-t not -niipiy u.-k Him t n h-'p .Hid tll-ll -It i HV llV Hi tl..' e,-c.lloll that II" Will do' tl.'e whole Work I'be liw I ,- n l a, t ill il at way. II. m ml., r who .. ii ire what y u arc what v oir destiny 1-. put your whole s. ul into the task .f cmancip ttion, and tli.u. bavin .lone voir niniost a-aiu and a'ain alter repeated failures, you will at la-t find yoiir-elt a life man with a somewhat dreadful past behind you, but a olori .us future helore you .Nothiti.' wnl result, however, until y.ui see the wnui.' you have done, ami see it so clearly that it will be impossible to re peal it. Air will come in strati-.', n.ys tt-rioiis, miraculous ways. What i- the oiiod ot a heavcu whoso an-els i-tiore our stru'".'les'' Have llie loved ones r itntten tl-'.' Are they powerless? 1-the hand of I lod shortened, or has it Instils on nil inn? I''i el ili it y 1 1 ii can do what you know toll oil .llil to do, call upon the bell, tiecnt poWi rs of llie air, look -tt adily into the la.e ol the lunio I,, rd, who Imwiis at sin but -peak- w..r,ls . I' e. ii.l ..rt loil,. sinner, and then isstnui: yur declarati.'ti ol ill'lepi'lldellee, put a-i.e the till! thiii-s and p. it to. the .lew i.ii llieliis ol llie II. w man lieore II. Hepworth. I'OH l I II HH V VKAKM Mrs Wiiislnw's Southing Syrup has been used for over liliy years by millions of mothers tor children, while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the puns, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy tor Diarrhti'a. It will relieve the poor Iii t lo sullerir iiiinietlialely. Sold by driiL'-iists in every part ul the world. -.1 cents a biinle. He wire and ask li.r "Mrs. Wins low's Soothiui; Syrup," and take do oth er kind "But you said the khiu; beautifully." "No, I didn't." W hat did you sin?" I Inid the was abeautiful sin-.T " ' OABTOniA. Tit fM. .i.iu tt(uui( j trfl-fy- NIIW A1V ifi?",T.,7.1 i c.' - UJK1; AM'ScLlWc lVp.ir.nilViluTA.i siimkilim; ilict.wi ul'.ilUectilii lis it llw Slom.di-s iitul ikuvols of I'romoti's Diioslion.('lici'rriil- ticss and Host.Conltims tu-illtrr Opiiiin.Moriliini' nor Miacr.il. Not Nahcotic. tov -vyv. nsM'.Ltirmuui J1,,;,:, X.J- ,,'t .r.,,1.1 - .;.( ,1.1 Iyx rllimt lt;,mt, - IUjIi.i ttmor Airrfecl K'i'iiii'dv lor' liiin, Sutir .siiMiii.i ii.ii,iiiiu ..1. ! Win in:'..('i)iitil.ii'ii lev 1 1 -Ii lli'SiimlI.OSS(iF Si l l.!' l.u Simile Siv'ii.ituic ' m:v yohh. of Engine is best adapted where !f ? THAT THP 'CiyinuJ:i"'-'-r,'' i far! :! I rr . r.nrn ?'- T if tiVV hl!iiniinT w ay u b v a w n m m m 1 i ii t m o.t. .1 t.v - ' ,, , .. , 1 r 1 - f lit - ti 1 -t V l.ii Smiilc Siv'ii.iluic 1 1' fcf . - II-' 'iti 1 11 n'' i, .7vfzzi, h Dr.A.S. Harrison, M ! j t..;...i ; ... . v.,- 0 l m:vvohk. !;;,,-iiM i, ",,,' ,':,. :t .. . N lli P , S.:'--':'''-a:i"-'-- , ,,,, lf nirebu- , 1 ... iii FURNISHINGS. i4; K.CVV mi I I 1 I 111 llJ Jr- I MS NfiSlffn U ut 111 II "J. I . www you have but a limited space to set it. We can, however furnish you with a hori zontal - engine, plain or Auto- A mn.tin - shmilri 'lA yuu uruier. W TH.' il- l! Vt'M - il yen even ibinkveii may it ii,...e or II iler. I R. MACHINE SHOPS- Ii ..in 'ke llapids, X. C :' V. ""iiperiiitcinleni. ii'-i I .hi I- THER. II I UK ' V C- A. XASII SOX. -Maniit.u tuiti-ami ach. Doors, Blind:. Hardware, Jr ''"ll.l 1. 1 .,1 t'atniicl Manleis, Staim.iy '.uk.w,ipj Roofing 0 and Sheathing Paper, ts,.r.iitit-. i;. ..:i.l Wile low tila "t ta--TM.TKS AM' I'KK'I'.S '.IVKN ON Al'I'LICATIi i.N t C. USIi &c SON". I r a. !. N,t ,,. THALMAN ! MANUFACTURING ! COMPANY, '.'Ll r llallonoi, M . 11 U TIMulil'.. MIL d i FINE RUBBER STAMPS, STENCILS, SEALS, I ml n J l':e... . .111.1 l'l mti t'-Siliip1 le. Al-.. 1 1 i -1 1 e ,1 . 0 , I ' I i 11 1 1 i . ami I'll- i it. ..; W.iLoi,- and Hal! I nv it.i' ion.. S. ii.l lot ..or 1.. autil-il illn-t rati it ' it.ll-- ' .''-J I"-'., plillti.i Ml I'liecolel. V. ileal 111 IltOeitli.. i,,ll, M .11.1 I -Ili tll,. -. 1.1- W.ii.l, -ep'.'II.V . 1 ! I I. I M I li ""f, CHAS. M. WALSH, -; l M i .ti.) . I; VMTUWoUKs l et. i.i. in-, Va. MOM MKNTS, Hi . Iil-loui . I ollllis. etc. 84... A i-H i HOI I ' lie I IIC. Va-l S i l. .. ceiti. let v .111.1 ' Iler i.'iri..... - at !... -t ;.i . .. ir,..-fi-i t I ha t.r.t;ASTi:i:i. Work Delivered CHARLKSC. AIiLKV. CONFECTIONER , PETERSBURG VA. Mr. W. V. Warren n pitM iits the firm ami will visit Wi hlon and its vicinity riaj nlarly. mtltily. J- L. Judkins Grocery ;wm his . . I -till carry a lull line of line Staph and Fancy tiioeeries, av FRUITS- CONFECTIONERIES CriH-ktry. il:iss Tin, am! wrtolenw:ue :inil must rverytlmitf tlut i krpt ill a fiM rhisn jirm'tTV Htoic. 1 :iln irturit th;iiik y my 1'rifinU tut tli'ir patron.' ot" uiul Molirit a ntntinuame iti thrwime, wiih tftmnintrp tn filt;up. Anl wisliwti tlicni ;i lmpy ;unl iio-peroua nfw yrar. Tlut they may Unilf to live Ami well tixlo And nt'er death He liajipy too. KtwiHt t'ullv, J. L Jl'DKINH. tlw i:Uy. Wanted-An Idea Who raa think of nine UmpM IlilUK lo imifBl? tl M I PnilMt rnnt iAw. thT mT lirtng y-u wnlih. ITfrr 1 Wrltn JOHN Wfc UDEKllt'KN , Vv., Fulnt AUr VliBM Wanblngtoti, It thflr (I.Mi prias uttm 1 autl Utt of twu liuuorva 4untlou kmikIi KUT1.SKM K.NTS. SEE THAT THE FAC-S1MILE rSVA 1 xri)ir, - .jim' 1 ' V ,! '&lM'i-Jl J fy ifM .J?;1m vSfL- "r."- V$$$ " -jt- licalet- in- I ll M.I.ISIIl.li IN I-.,-,. ' i lie ttlllil I- til, I'-'lll'l It--'.I ol'oUl ..ke c: a-, ..ui W'uKK i.iltil- i'n t-i"l.et ii- ll-tiiiiate lei um.iaj I', -ijn- Sent to any a. hire- I'KI'.l'. in win ii- -ite a-e ot tit t tj . .! in.l -i. iii c 1 un it a- to p'le. :' woik waiianiitl SI'I, It'll Y 1 I t;s f.ss old SAT1S I'At r..t;v. At Any Depot. Chiinmy S.ili, lilintN and iHior-, and a lull lint nl H ARDWAR-E, For sale l.y PLUMMER 4 WHEELER, I'KTKKSIiritH, VA. la ly Monuments and Tombstones. HKSUiSS KKNT FKKK. In writing jive Home limit a to nne and Htalr tfc ol dect'iiHt'd . ,UU.IlHi(k In the uiith to wlwt IVom. COUPER MARBLE WORKS. i Pataldicd I HI-) i;9 to Kl I'.Hiik tL.t Norfolk, Va. uov ly. I Atev; -52'i3 v..i,..r;..N - I O : v, i , on I'll u 1 1 . 'f 1 1! 1 Ml l.i: ! O SIGNATURE. f jw;.-. X ' 7 ! Sa t Zir-mu'., tii m .sin if. 'CW- Mai7x n.-',:tr-r .'i.i!i. v.e. lit. m.'oi -iiri i. m: im Ra BIBS 19 ! .,-.v. i - aiswcV I i is ok tiie Li n i LL'ii-tii . -- f TiOT'lM I-' 010 WARRANTED. PRICE SOctS. T S ' " ' V" i i " Lj ) I lOr OV , .,,,,..,11,,,, yk, . i W , umMiMilMTI., 0 s i ij Jus i tuvu rwn Hkiuuio. ni m w wen mat , , , . . , i i i - v ... . m t8elAHffflll . ""' a,1 Toilet Articles. FaHcv 1 5 f 1.1 I! Pi Mi VMI'UI'ISKMKMS. X KW A LVKKTISI'M KNTS. A l' MHTISKM KXTS. IPirilrrfTIIFFi WHY. uk. i. ik,- ! ,i -,,,"io.,!,. ,.- ...,,, k vbXfe-d) ! MILLINERY. l'ANC'Y (iiiiiUS ami MiVr.ll'U.S. Illlttcrii li's rattcrus. li. COIiSKTS, MiM- at "., l.iiWits 7 to $1. IW.wPi'ii'i w ill hv iiKitlc In suit tlit1 tinu-H. II.iN ami lmnn'ts iiiiulf ami trimmrtt U utihr. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Wclilnn, N C. Vr. ". KAY. I'.a'.r In Liquors, Wines, fc GROCERIES AND ClGHRS.- Wl.y m.i c.ii ,.ii Y. V. K i. a- Le , o -tl l" th to 'Ll an I day. K p the lo Lot in' brand- of it. 11 known wlu-kits: "Old O-c ir ,,,, r." "I'otv.t Milhr's IL nl.!.- Staiiij. Sit ai'hi.'' " II lltilllore Holed. II llVe'' an 1 o lie r brand-. I k' . . tL, I . -I ot i v. ry thin.' in my liii". trr,, l', 'ite atletllieil l.i all at Kav's. ' -I -id. Ii. K. Shed. IT I V 'J lV' i (k m I Find this !: old mans 3 daughters t th. n xrtiil "ur nnl.jx tor Jolt v l'l i ut 111 to Iiu.- Excelsior Printing Company cr; i i.niis. n. WIIF.X Mil" vSr 'V W Milil.HF k Letter lli'ilils, ratkel llcatl-, W r. Itill Heads, F.iiteloM's, jjj' ; Stiiteiiients, Hiiml ltills. -v- V. lr..,..-.,l,,,... Ti..kl 4 C wrsF.Nu i s Mil i;oi:iM'.ii.iw American Traveler Bicycle It h llial slick, (tvliiti nj highly flnlthid r. fpearanct. You can Ull then nywhtr, llctart of biyty nj sofnth. It his nort nil ittful Improvtments than aiy hlh graJ 61 eye k tb narktt. iuilt by American B. H. 0. MS Sewing Machine Co. 'otory, 20th and Washington Ava., Phlladalphla, Pa. ' i N..W l.i- i a l-.ttie- I SHOE AND KM TALK W. ui. n'-. Mi--,V Chi'tlren's jjj Oxford Ties j ' I ' ill eoi"l'. sljlc and -i.e. I ' t-,.' 1 K.N and l'.OY."uii f Jjj Balmorals, -- in Ox 1.1 1. Chocolate Tan Ac j HATS I x STRAW, VOOI, l'Kl.T. Wanted-An Idea SESS I'r .ltTl v-iir 1 1. -i. Ilirr n-iy 1 rtiiK v. u tt.-nih Will.- J.UIN Vt'HUTl.lil UN If. I'.tt.IH AM-r lim W'ti.tiiiiiit"!., I' ' . f. r 111. Ir $1 si j ruo i fli-l . 1 ll.t el I tto teoi in' t 1 ..I'lillul.l wuiitt-a. Send vour onlt-r- to. h hoati.tke li,.. U. Nti;Fiil.K, VA. The only eelll-.te ttlioli -atetiial. 1-alld -hili 1- o! Ile.-ll an. I .-.til tt.il. i IMi in tin eltv. l'l-li lloln all wale:- Unit - In w lie tir mail receive Jilouij.t pel-t.n tl at- ItMilinn. je It ly. flPRING W ; OPENING Special hii'as ol HjlTsiBoffETS And Millinciy Norltic n IV suit t(t alt nd. n MRS. W. R. HART, o t l.1y Koatinkt' liajMcU N ( '. Y.T. PARKER, -lir.M.KH IN- KarWKLlKlX, X. t'.-toj OTICE.tBi In purMi.mcr ul an mder niadi' on tlx Aj'ti! ! -7 y S. M r:iry C!trl; S.. jMTim Court in Die rati' ul' Willis T, t'lict-k, adnnniHtrntor ul the rtnto of the I'ltt' 1 ,oinna V. Cheek ayain.-t I.ula T;in,int and lici huiih.tnd.r.lia WiKmi ft nl where in I wa aplmiiiU'd cnnimi.ssiom'i ul the court titseli llie laiuls ul the estnie ul I he Mv I .otiMa F Check, I will on the lirit Monday in .lime the 7ihd.iv m tht immth t jiroct ed to sdl tor cash at pnhhr auction at llie mw ollicc ilooi in the town of W'chlou ' alt ul tlut tract ul laud itmtainini; -dout i acre, known ;is the l-uu?ia I'. Check ttact, adjuinmi: the laiuU ut ,!. A. John I stun, the Sli'dc heiis and uthris, in Halt -i ta ruuntv, N. C. KIiWAUD T. CLAKK. Commissioner. BlieRiflpCeinemiLiiiie Works Mmoita, turt-rs nl lll.l K lllln.K HYDRAULIC ROSENDAIE CEMENT. (iininuittv.l His'tliittl j: hy1rulie. W ijuutp pru eMt. liven it n ttny jn-ml in Hie South All I vim nt U'Meil, hik) sireiiKlli. oiiiftirmiiv in color, t.Mrmnn Hint ifrnulit it KiirtntiUeiHl. Write for prU-t P U Mil.tn. h KliM.B M'KINi. VA. TtituKmpb Blue Htdgo, Vlk twpMlf. TiTYCOON'.,. ''j;! fim SJocllliilaJi It Air ENFIELD. Nl. C. li I U If ' - wr j v x i .v. il 11 i ... I Ik I I T t i t Com, Hay il Oats v-,i mm h iiu """"1 ( '' ,-- ' t i j i (: ..,' i t"..y ) ! S ' " -y , y. ) S .if I: ,i,i a . .i sift -ii li.it. ? MY i Wllnl.l'.sM I' ami QEflERJL f.itRCHWDISE. T ft f- new iioaas er J VERY department brimful and running - over. We - carry - the largest stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and GROCERIES of any house in Hali fax County. Our immense store is FULL of BARGAINS for all. We keep every article needed on the farm or in the house. Visitors to Weldon should visit our store and inspect our stock be fore buying elsewhere. X, V I I ' ii:-L, .i New and Stylish Goods I lor lit. i , I M. t.-'. Hoy's and Children's t'i 'b';l -. till! I .' a- c llll'lete as I'V. r. 'Hi. -' el.il.e- lit ami itite wearer a coed 'I I """" l'l. . . :.v . Co . ,1, M. lttyiiol.l- i ('.., N. li.- Hr.s.eelebriilid SH OES. A l in-1 t 'a-- u .ihT aiil up tu ihitc in f M'-. Q ems' fiiniislnii ,1. H. Si.ts n I'u Hats. A hill line all l'cihN, Dress Goods, Ti in. mil.-., ai li e.- ;i- le:i ii-nthm- yoti nnd. oh .I ..ii.l I rices corrt et. M. F. HART, Agt i-i in. ii tl,.- M. V. IK.rt Co. KEEP STEP With Progress, i 1 t i I . i t -n. i" ,1 No tin lo ! t ''I v- rk 'lot'''' in tlio 18."i" way. N 1 jo . o aiiio Im'.I I'rifi's lor it if i In, '- ,i! in a- t'e. it.i, a- tliooiln r. i te ! I- :i I :ti r .if 1 lMKi prii-es MEW YORK mtAL ROOMS, m n.-.t main M i;i:i;r, nuui'oi.k, va. mm, Uri'All. M'AI.KIN IN- spring bummer ti