!nP EJ fff1 If ,iiE "11 ft V41 .rT are JOHNW. SLEIDO-B, fkoI'I.iktoi. A. 3ST IB "W SP APEB FOR THE PEOPLE TIBIALIS:- i "' l'Ki: annf.m ix alvaxck VOL. X X X 1 1 . WiaiON, N. C, THURSDAY, .IUI.Y 1, IN.I7. NO. 10. 1 'essil f J . f 5 e e ADVKRTISKM KNTS. L Fifty Years Aco. Who could ttn;iginr t!nt iIph OnmM The fiUtf wlicrc. In clliti rii uinrty tin ft That wliitc worl.l uniiJi-r of niili anJ ilointr Sliuii'.d tin. low (lir nuliotis, jii1yrhf"t-it , ,, Heir at llir Viiit win the ju Ire ot,frt rrj (in Ayrr't Villi, hy I he worl rlcrreJ. ( Incno like, thry n rnnril .h. w, biute Uiey fctdittJ b yean mo. Ayer's Cathartic Pills havo, from the. timo of their preparation, boon a continuous success with tho public And that moans that Ayer's Pills accomplish what is promised for thorn ; they euro where othors fail. It was fitting, therefore, that the world-wido popularity of these pills should bo recognized by tho World's Fair modal of 1803 -a fact Which emphasizes the record: 50 Years of Cures. No. 8. Soil.) Onk riTHdlon Tahl polish' i'l hki' a v,lin" niniHUp !K The four (Hjtiit- (;,-Hrt'C'itnuH,t-v, lifuc.-fl Hii'l tlin- y orimmerncil. If j measure. 4.x i'J Indict wh-'M eloscil dml blwi Iuhk wlmu sn cM'l. Special I'tice, S3. 35 (Orders promptly fill. A. ) The itinv in hut ono nf ot I'OO twrtfiiilif to he T'linul i:i our in w ci'ii l"tfuy. It coiitt!i! all KiiMltof Kurnl turo. Carpets. Hahy l ariiatn. lc Iritfcmtois, St-t Fviey I.rinM'fl. HeiMiinr. Sprintr, Iron Hedn, fp. You aro pnyititf i'cul tleolem iluM jr piii't'!i. Drop a pixonl fr our gr-nt Hi'iti-'V mn in it tMU.oiru' wl.tcii lilHtl tVoe of Mil eh u-f. 0' hi wi h the nntinitiic, urern hv u nl mah'1ln tit it in iil tf you uru ih.w iu'iii your luciil tlcalora Julius Hincrw Son, BALTIIIIOSK, Tin. 4 : V V V V 'fy ir X 4 HERE IS n U m i A SNAP. JbatTJliceaily 1'inl You know the rest. MEYER IS . Opening a larnt- lot of sampti' STliAW HATS, Mini SllOKS which he is not .J GIVING 1 1 AWAY lint in wlliiiK al li.ill'ui' lirst ll- mil pure STRAW HATS. I,v tli tliousaml. FmtvImmIv utile to haw a iiii-o lial at Miiiail irict'. AImo line lint' n m 5ft- Silks, Clh'viiiN, Talile Hainik, Jjjj. Curtains. Kililmns, lircxx 'I'riiu fUf. mini!'", or auvUmiK vuu ask ir. I'nll linn p GROCERIES UNO CONFECTIONERIES m n m n u n n n n 5K- at pnrc lower th.iii ever Come iu ami -uminr toy Htot k. ri ENFIELD. N. c. flPRING -i M OPENING I SHfial Display of HTS$BoMet$ And Millinery Novel lien. 4 -T o lie sure to nttind. o "i MRS. W. R. HART. I ncl 15 ly Knanoke Kapids.N. t' i- i: HAI.K, Proprietor. WM. LINN, Manager I MANSION HOUSE I ... BOTH OK - - AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. Union Strut, NORFOLK, VA. 1 m ii i IN.S BVftr.Aff . 5 IP. It' any little wnrd of mini May malic a lilt- the linliter, If any litllr smii,' of niim May uuike a In-art llir lighter, (iml lu lp llic rpc;ik tilt' lilMt! until. Anil take my hit nf sinning. Ami drop it in smut1 lonely .ih', To set tlu1 fchors rinintr. it )Y ADELINE '.' V I' v " j,' '.' .''(.' ,1'' 'v-'-' v '.' ' 1 ll A -hilLuVs Wt'l'-' i'l'i'r'tll' "Vi'l-VlI'llli- .lllil illllli-s l'.')"lrl I'.aili lli lhn. ( Inly Ii r- ami llnTi- a I n n- lad' In- I mii'Ih I tin- l.tlls I'rniu tl i' mw-.iu tail piini; mil In m a ihniiuli I lie sriiti-. TIhTi! was a will "I iilim i.i lln' air, niinlin with the inure woiilnl n rl'iinii; n' K Lniarv niM'.s. Tl.i' Inim ul' tlie city miiiimI. J far away, ami the soiii; "I a ineaj nv lark euuld lie lu anl I'l'iini u iriTtcip. Tlie llour ul'the ll 1W stnnil up. Ml, Tl vealin' a broml hall Til 'I : was a sii. i;esiiun, in the dim lilit, nf waving ferns ami the silvery am ul a luiiiilaiii in llie eniiservati ry at une si.le I'Vuiii llie (lunijaiiih there swayeil in the bin zi linijf eml-el s ili, si, .,vy riliS'in. h ililin.' in pla e a cluster i.f bite ru-i s. In the e 'litre nf a stately uj-artnient, that nj.eiieil upon the hail slmul a liny while casket nil slen h-r pillars. Tvvn caielles Imnieil at its he.nl. Hy a win duvvauian sit. 'Si.iwj, with un-eein I'ycs, HltU the creepiliL' sha.l.iHi ul' the tlce.s. A W illi in lay III . i cril-lli il heap aiinuij llie i.lnw- ul' a ilivan. Neiihei' hail m. iv. . i.ir a iini tune. Ti,c liuie I'otin in the white ca-k.i hail been (heir all. Xniv it lay scarcely sll.l. I tli in the). buihlcnly the siieu 'e was brnkeii by tliesnuml i if a worn m's voice, hi-hpiteh. a anil clear. "Willy' Will)! eh, Wiliy!" it eiid. A friend within the h. .use h,,..ene,l in li e our. Alone a pith way through the shrubb, i v a h m is eu -lv ilre-se I wnin in appeared. "I lh!" she exclaiiucd, advauc ins;, "have )uii seen a little buy about four years old? My little boy i. lost! Some one said they saw him cmne in here. I cannot find him, I am afraid he has fallen somewhere, in the saud dunes." Ilavcyuu Uotilied the police?'' Iiou' ii.'o. Tbcy are all on the look out fur him. I! it ho may b burled in the , sand. We have been seareliiiiL' I t hours, (lb, I have lo-t two little unci through death, but 1 never I' ll a 1 do at. this liniment!" The mother's heart wailed forth be hind the cultured wjuiau s eiil'jfced com po-tire. woman who had been l)in; atiinli llie ciishiniis came through the hall to the door. "What is it?" she asked. Tile Irienl put her arm about her aud would have drawn herba.-k; but the stranger spoke. "My liuie boy is lost," she mil cx.- ciledly. "lie is only lour years- old. We are afraid he is anions the saud dunes " "Oh," cried the younger woman, "I urn iosori)! Is tlnii' (Milling we can do? I'aiiuol we help )ou look for him? Think ul' linn all al. me in the dunes! Mow did it happen? " And she put her hand in the siraiwet's for sympathy. The latter was full of her story of emu iue; home I'rutu a round of calls to lind tin child missiiie and ibe other eluldret, seeking liim. Kveti as she sp ike voices could be beard calliue, from the sjuu duu.s, "Will)! Willy! oh, Ui.h" "I mii-t ii i," cried the uii.it, i. "I lh. my heart is Ine.nvin-! lily ! U iiij! l,,n can he b? ' K a IOUM DHAD. Why tlid lie d" iO Mr h.ul cvfrytlilnj In live tor, - nappy hmne, wife, uu-ntts, money; lull tie shot himself lltiouvh 111 hiait. Vhv lie couldn't hnve niven a gnml reasott htmsflf. Hut evervllniur lmikr-il Klnoniy to him He was in a glnnmv ftsiuenf nimil It was tlie way he limkrd nl life thst ihtv He ht hrrn llvnip In too miirli of 1 hllltV, rilhlntr nnd ilrivoifr At business, litiwlliiifc tlirouifh his mnils, cnttinn shiut his shrp His ucrves Knt on eiltie ; his Momach hihI liver Rot out of ordti, be grvw dyspeptic nd mrlanrholv When the digestion i out of order then Is little Use trying to look on the htiKbl snl of thttiKs, practlcAlly there isti'l wnv hnyht iile. This is a ditnirerous ciindilinr to ki-I into. Yet it is casv to (tt-t into and nnirlity bard to Ret out of it, unless you jo about II in the riKht way. There is a remedy that has pulled thou ands of people unlit out of Ihn depth of despair. It is lr Fieree's Oolden Medical Iliscovery. It acts direclly upon the stom ach and liver. It restores their natural capacity to nourish and nurifv the svsli iu It purges away bilious poison., feeds the nerve centres witn neaitny, nuniv viialieo blood, and drives out the " blue devils " of melancholy and nervousness 1. L. Wsrner. No nssi O Street. Sncrtmentn. Ctl . writes: " Ilitrinir the lsst five yi-sts I hsve neen uis-lnTing with A. many as six ililtt rent iloc lor. here suit in San Frstici-o tot diws.eil slom ch, but none of tttedixaors ave me even lem potary relief Two years ago 1 complelelv col lariseil. and hail to give up all work 1 have felt many time, tlist I would tike to leave this world In looking over the aits in Ihe San Franci.cn Kxaroiner I ran serosa vonra and 1 now owe mv llie and present good liesltn to rtr Pierce's med Iclnes i have iHkis lonrleen hollies of the 'Oolden Medical Hisonverv and four little vials of 'eleasant Pellela,' and 1 am entirety well of all stomach trouble Can aleert nine hours every Bleht and ana non rea,lv In ei., lanarh analai. If any litth' loc nf mine May make a hie the .sweeter, If any little eare ol mine May make my fneml's the llectei, ll any litth- litl ol mine may eae Tin- luu'deti of another, t!nd (iivc me love and eaie and strength To help my toiling hiother, i iV 'jV it . "ii" 'j 'if i'i'u' iV'tV ij"ij".i"iV ii iV'iV'iV ij' iV'iV'iV iV 'y' K.NAPP. As s,,, liirin ,1 a pa-ilie pb.M'bleW llie w hite lihboii on I In- dnnrpnst stlaiellt out a.'lnss In r cheek. She slatted bail dismayed. "Why," she cried, "you have a dead child ill this house?" " Ves," said llie ul Ii . i ; "my only child, a little boy, just I'mir years old, died this inoriiiii'." Tears came inln the stranger's eyes. "Oh. ' she cried, "dn forgive inc. 1 am so sorry! I did not know. Dear heart! lo think I should have troubled you. I, ten, have Inst two children by death; but this is more terrible. My liitle bo)' Vnit see I dn n it know when- he i..!'' "1 know," the other said, calmly. ' Vnit tnu-t let us d i what we can lor yuu. Oh, I am sure yuu will find him. Let me on with you We will search tiieetln r. Not In know where your baby is! Ah! what, trouble there h in the w,.r'.d!" She sei. -d a wrap, and the two women went down llie walk to 'ther. At t he cutler they were met by a boy of pel baps a d i. ti years "Some children sty they met a Utile h iy like y nun z ,iu' d iwii toward ibe Noitb beach," h said. They hurried down the hilly street. " Have )ou sen aiiytliin of a little boy, about four years old, playing about In-re? ' asked Willy's mother of a home wal l b Hind l.iliorer. "My little boy i- "Sine in -in, now, ilia' s very hi I, an' I'm sorry," the man said, lulling; "uieiit ) he'd be at th' p'liee slalioti?" ' No, I've tcicphnned all the stations. Some one thought they s iw him down here What shall I do?" The lace of the Iul', Mui;h man wotl -ed syuipatbeiically. "I'll kape me eyes open iz 1 o.i ulmi.i; llouie, mem," he said, "an' inehby I'll see tb' iittlc feller. Tut, now! What il iw.ue me own liitle Inn.' lies just lour years old, the rased, an' 'twad kill 'iz iiioihcr, sure. Ah, but it's wenry i ti an' coml'ortin' to lh' heart, inetn. tl c biellirell bz." The way ercw inure siptalid as they kept mi Inward the beach. On a door step a woman sat li.ildmo a ju,, (.bild 1 looking iinxinusly down the street. "Have you seen a little Im)?" the old er mother beoan, and ai;aiu the sad little talc was told. .o," said the oilier Woman; "but 1 hope you'll find him, lady. 1 know imw you feci. Me heart sore over me own litlle .Joey, here, and me man away look fur worruk. The baby is that sick' dim, me other lad, he's "one for the inedieiue. I don't know what's kcepiu' him " "Let niescc the baby," and the ninth-' r, whose little one lay dead at home. readied out her jeweled hands. The liild was placed in her arms. "Why, be is very ill indeed'" she u claimed. The baby's lineers Were niched nv, r fuelled liny thumb, at d the liny b id) shivered convulsively Willy's mother cynl ibe luile form knowingly. The child slum! 1 be put into a warm hath at otice," she said. The three women entered the house and bll-iid themselves ovir the sick baby. She whose child w. i- .-t foiinn a haltered ketile and put watir to heat over the sinole luiini r I imp. The nihil one undressed the little I'ollli, while llie wee siill'erer's ninilur st 1 wniiiiiio; Im hands in helpless pain. They worked rapidly, tenderly, but it was nearly uu hour b, lore the cniivul sions wire ovi r and the baby t.-siiti on the bed. "(i.id bless you, hl'lie..!" the Jm ri T woman elieil. as she saw r I i t' cri.pini. over the dnwii fa-e; "you've savnl tu) babv's hi. '" "Hill oh, my own litlle boy'" an I the llintlier hastened In the door. "It is ipiite dark, and I do not know while hi is." "Sure, lady, llie (.'ood (iod ll never let your boy be Insl!" but the lu airanprs were none. "Oh, where will he sleep tonight?'' murmured Willy' mother. "Your boy in sale Willi i a oil, nut wticrc, wlure is UlillC?" I'p the slreot un older boy eame tear ino. ".Mamma! Mamma!" he cried while yet afar nlf; "a policeman's lound Willy and takeu him hotne!" "Oh, thank lind!'' said she win child was with the All Father "thank find!" but tho other could not speak It wan a triumphal progress back lo tho mure aristocratic ipiarti r. "They've fouud yer bobby, ma'am," a street urchin cried, win papers mi the street corner. is ealliiiLr . Mexican line Hit'. ' I 1 ill the female velidi l Voluiil eld the mat inn in broken Knjilisli, n- st block a woman threw opcll win dow and leant J forward. "A policeman took yeur b, homo, madam'" she called, joyfully. Near home a gleeful band nf children llk't I belli. "He's found he's found!" and the chorus rail", llimiijiiiul the iieio.hboi hood. The two mother, kis-i d tenderly nnd partid. A-the )oinioer une luiiied in enter In r childless home In r eyes wcie swiiiiiiiiii,' with the lirst tear- she b id shed that day, but liny were tears nl thankfulness. t )n the d mrsiep of tl tln r home a man stood, huldin a child in his anus, "We've not him," he called, ipiicklv, as be bent to kiss bis wile; and then his arms closed tightly around them both. "Oh, Willy, he said, "lmw cnuld you I'riehtcn us so? Why did yuu do ii?" The curly head was raised and the lit tie blue eyes in surprise. "Why, papa," said the little Voice. " Mary said they wuz.etit any nr'tmcs fur dinner, an' I went In buy some!" The Independent. A COOL SPY. .is I ast (duar li.l'm' I wutinii Was a Musi I niiivaHc line. " The coolest spy I ever heard ot was captured by myself and a handful of men tlurino llie civil war," said an old veteran. "We bruuelit him to the coiiiiiiandiii olheer's tent, aud up in his person were found some papers unimportant but iti criiuiiiatiiiLt; a blind, wealierward learnt tl a couple ci-ars and some other articles which need nut be inetlliiinc'd. Tin- com maiidiui; officer was puzzled that a man should risk his neck fur papers of such little moment . ' 'Voll will be hanL'ed as a spy' said the i.llie, r. " u ilmn about il.' npliid the pris oner. " ' nu c.'iiless yuu are a spy?' "'Oh, yes. It's a mailer of no im portance. Won't you sin ike wiih tnc, L'etieral? itidieaiitio the two cigars. " 'Well, I like your iinpudeio-c,' round the general. 'However, 1 don't mind if I do.' And be liohlcd une of the cigars. The prisntnr's eyes rested wistfully on the other weed, and tli j general noticed the olanee. Ho was a kind hcartid thoii.'b eecentrie man and said: " -Smoke the other yourself, piisom r. It's ibe last colisolatioti you'll have, lor y il ll will undoubtedly be Condemned to be shot.' l,l-'ur some mumonts tbcy smoked, ta kitii,' about gcucial matters. Then the ili-inr.i I suill'-d. " 'These ei.-ars are n it very pi. id.' ''I in ust apilot;i.- for the ipnlity, oener.il,' said the prisoner tn -ckly. "The tobacco seems pnnl, but there's a peculiar flavor.' " ' That's because the weed is very jrceii, peneral.1 " '11 uiiiph!" grunted the eeneral, iiol altoetbei pleased but still putfni'. l-'tiially tl llic-r threw away the lighted stump, and the prison r di I like wise . 'Th ink y m, ;;en-'r i!,' sail tli' pris oner. ' 1 on ti ive p-'rlontie l an itiestiui.i hie service for the Confederacy .' ' 'What d i y HI 111" in?' ro irel the ;jell cral. ''Tint you have consumed in smoke a must important di-p itch, and that I have suioiieil up another, "What! I'll. iscci.-irs contained no pnrtatlt dispatches.' " 'Ves, these utile! pap. -rs an in -rely a blind V u help in your hand. u ueral mockingly -iiiforiualiou which would have made you one ul' the erea-test n n ill tile northern army. That information you have converted into sin ike, the sni ,ki which is Mallei so liospiiahly ah. ait our heads at this in iinent. No woiefr you obiecled to the lliv,,r of the ci 'ir. Ltener al, lor within the tobacco, was pi iced .. lonj dispatch in the finest lis-ue paper What was in I he dispatch, ncnerai? Ileid it in the smoke above mtr heads. Wb.ii w ids do yuu see in lln-o impal! ilo, cloud-? Thank you, mineral, hi u u n ple.is.int half hour. Mylusi smoke the most iiorei able une in my life. Tin tobacco tissue pap' r mini lire la-tcd liiol' fraurani to would have live the t' l'ress. lie than tin done All liucst ( arolin i revoir' I, iij inled.iacy." Out r..it Free It is heller to be than iu marriais'e. disai iu lovi "My husband is lie vera bit niov. .1 by the pal bet ic seense of a play. Is yours? "Oh, yes. They m-nerally move him clear oill of the house." "Those people next door are still in their honeytno in." " Have you seen him ki-sim; hct?" "No, but he lets her read the morniiii! paper first." Yin: never heard of a duo dyin of leiholism, and yt ado.; is ctlled ul beast, WHERE FATHER USED TO KNEEL, , I; nij Man's frjurs :u Aihucki 1ij- 11: llai liaoh.ai .Man .ars. I 'ravers are urnu nwi-rvl wlen th" ips that iitti-reil tl. in are seal, d ill loath: ami many a parent who has pray 'd and lived an I died without n aliziie: t lie I'llllilmellt ,' his lie! iliollS, will ItllVf I liiad sui j rise in the resuricetion morn ini! when they that sow in tears shall reap in .joy. Ir -1. It. Cralllill, ill tie' l!.ipti-l Stale! ml. tells thi.- t.de of a I'atlc r's pray r-; "I beaid a story nf two )oiin' nn-ii that were veiy wicked, jet their I'atln r was a very earin-l. cuni -ei -.it . d Cliri-iian. held family prayers every nUU, kneeling down by a table that stood in the corner near liie hearthstone, but tin two yoiitio lieu did not care to imw wiih their fatliei at the table. finally the lather died and left the two wicked si.r,s. He hud prayed Inr them many a lime, atnl sometimes with tears in Ins eyes l.e talked with them about the Saw .nr. but they did not care to hear him. "Time w. lit on and in al'tn yeais they f eidid, a- they had .rained in property to remove the eld house and huild a lavun nu -. They were both c irp' iit.'is and they undertook the jib I hens lias. riiey Inok ell' the rool' ami then the sides if the house, and then took up the llo i, plank by plank, and finally they m ar the ulil hearthstone, and ntie nf tin in itnpped and Inokeil at bis l.mili.-r. lb' Slid, "Here is where lather used to kneel ami pray: tln rc is where llie little lal le s'.niiil, aud the Milile was always on it." The other says, "Ves, it seems to tne 1 cm see the print nf father's kn. e ..n li.it. old plank now '" He continue 1 " 1 can't take up that plank, you take it up." 'I'lie other said. "No. 1 cau't; I wi-h you Would, audas they looked into each oth er's eyes the voice nf lb. ir father spnke to them, and the spirit I' lind vitahz d the voice, and nulil lh.ro, while .he old man who bad prayed a thousand tine s, the b.ys prayed that day and a-I.ed the old, old iUe-lioli, "What sllali I do to i e sivcd'.'" Ami the Spirit of (! tl i .une dnwn ami revealed Jisii.- to their lo aits, and before that plank was ever taken i.p they nave their hearts to 11. .1 l'ray on, yc iii- ii "f li .d. pny 01 ye women of faith, lainl 11 .1; oiir pr.iy. r. are oU' reil up hy the Ureal Huh I'll. -1 b fore the throne of the Father -m hyh. Hold fast to I'm- pr.iuii.es of ll , I. and niiy ilo- Lord uivb )"U yen: 1. n!-' dr sic. and biin y oir Ii iiiseh . Ids t,, his h 'avi nlv kin.d, .111 at la-t. A 1 ils'l'l M "I K IN . Maud What are duk. s wort h. Struckoil t ill -r hi- ttip abm id a darn cut. Maund 1 mean what are thev pap. -Not sellin.; for? Struck, i1 -Oh, about a uiiilioii. spot cash. 1 p to Pate. "Ii-t summer 01 f our urand chil Iron was-i. k wi'h a severe bowel tr..u'olc -ays virs. I-.. ! iii.ory, m i re.ieti. ks town. Mo. "Our doctor's r. in, dy had failed, then we Hid Chamberlain's ('.die, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ii me ly, which iMV.- very speedy r li I " I'.! sale by W M Cohen, Weld, 11. ,1. N ltrown'. Halilex, Hi A S 11 ,rri soii, llnti. ld - s. . '-When I was lir-l iinriied 1 tlnmht my wife was the nub won in. .11 carih." "II.IW do J'ou feel a1', nit it II '.'" "'AM', there's uur c ink -. Tcllci-, Sah-Klieiiiii nnd Cri-uia. 'fin- iii'. ti-e itehiiiLT and smoviin;:. im i- dent to thi smlisi ases. jsinsian'Jy allayed ! Ii v uppiytli.,' t 'h.-iml'i-l'liiiii s I'.ve and . Skill oiiiliio-nt. Many very had eases bnve li' i'ii pei-iminentlv eiiii d lv it . It is eipi ally ellieieiii I'm- itchinr piles mid a f.ivuiiie remedy fur sure nipples, i-lmptui! hands, chilblains, frost lutes al'.d elir. mil' sure eyes. "."1 I t s, pel" l.ux. Dr. Catlj's Condition renders, 11 re just wlmt it burse needs v. In n in had i-iiinlitiuii. Tunic, Id, on) purifier nnd vorinilii'.o. They an- int t -. but iii' diein and the in sl in u-e to put u burs,- iii prime cunditiun. I'tiee "o cents per pat-k.-tu'i'. I'ors.l" by W. M Coh.-n. V,l...n; .1. N llr ovii. II ill, ix. lh. A S. Haiiison, Klllield For a While le min 1 ab. ml th ii ' n oW tin- u.rl i a- clear "lit of his " An 1 now'" "Oh, out ..f hi. min 1 " ' I III re Is X.ittilup .. '.Tier- i- ti e bin.: i'i-t as nl. il lh Kind's New Ih-e .very fur Consumption, I'oujhs an I Colds, deiiiaud it and d. Iiot permit the deal, t to s il Mini siihsiiiute. lie will not claim there i itisthuej bett. r. but in order to iiiak. inoleplelil he til iy claim s .meihili.; el i lo he just us o f You want lr, Kind's N. w li-e ,very b.e iu-ey.,ii know It to be sate and reliable, and "ll iratltecd to do ouo.l or money rcluii.h d. For Coughs, Cold-. Cnnsiiinpii. .ii and for all alloctl. cis ol I'hr nil, Chest an I I, 'Hie-, there is iiuibinj su oo.nl ns is lr. Kino's New Ili-eoVitv. 'frail b.lilc free al W. M. Cohen's Uruj Stoic. Hollar ize oil cents and SI. mi. You are no doubt punished a ;reat deal, but here i somethiiit; w.uih think ini; about; you do most of it yourself. CAHTOniA. START AT THE BOTTOM. II: hii lib W..rk W.-II ::i .Vv.-r iXi lh, l i.,vk. 'I'wn buys i, ll home with just 'ti i n l : ll .y t i lake tin in tliroii-h colli al't.-r whieh thi yuiii-t d. p. iid eiitiivre'y iipmi tie if eHort.- llo y all.i.lod lh" coileoi ate problems sueei -.l'nllv, passed to "radua lion, reeeivi d tie ir d i pi" m as lr in tin !aeiilt, al-o comiiit iid.il.u'v l. i'.iis to a lalL'e ship lelildill film wiih whiell they de-ir, ,1 employ mi nt , I sh, red into I h" wait in;.' f o lir-l was ,se. , hi. "What millions. UU Ol I ill' iv.li au I. II. I-. can y ei d lead ..I lie a'l il lee lii tu . t If p, Id I r j - p .-111" n, lb; Wuiild coin.on witli mv dignity and .plilelliellts,'' Wis th" reply. "Well, sir. I will take jolir 11:. 111.' and address ami -leaild We have any thin,: ..I the kind op, n. will . .ir. -p aid wiih y .ii I inod in-ii-r i i ii;r. .ir." As lie passed out he ivill lfl,e 1 to his waitiiii: companion. "'oiieni e. in and leave your addi. ss ' " The i tiler pies.nted him-. If ai d papers. "What can you d ..?" Wa- i-k.d. "1 can do any thin.- that a can do, sir," wa. reply. 'I'll" 11. ,:nii',' l ai. I,. d a I, haul wl.ii h I a siq, i no end. in Hay y..il anythlie lo pal a man In k at?" Ve want a 111 all to - it lap iron. Alii the epl I lh" superintend in. l-nl... '" oiadll lie V"llt t 1 r 1 i 11 ; scrap ir "ti, One week passed, and the pr. -ident, 1 lite.; th" siip.-rinieiel' i.t. a-ked: "HoW is the n."V In ill L'.'tllllL' oh ' ' "Oh," slid til" 1, sS, be did his work -o Well, all I lleVel' W Itch-d the clock, I hat 1 put him over tl " a.nn." Ill 1 lie year tl.i- lila.l ha I I','.l -ll. d the Ii. a l ..I a .h p 1 1 1 in nt , and all advisory posiiioii with th" in.iua;"iiietit at a -alary r . -. .. oned by I on- li:iiivs, while bis whilom c uiip. mi ii w 1- m lintaininu' bis dL'tutV as -'cli iV in a ii' tv stable, wa-h illj h it ti- -.- an 1 e.im.u - -lis. A l' l-.K'I'lM'iMKNT." Absolutely Pure ( 'eld, ia ted lor it. " real leav i n i inr -l r ami healtlillll ...Ulesllel'oo,la alum and all tonus ol' adulteration lo.Ml lo the cheap hl.lll.ls. Kuy 1, ll K I , 1'UW .i;n I'd , NKW y t-oth ani-l The Weldon MstSsIcsCo. WELDON. N. C. tfjV'-;lll Ml'i'1's, S M'SM.I.. "vg 1 C E ! full im,. I'yM'Y i.i:ici:i:iis, l'l:l its, and t utilcct ion. i li s. hue I'll I I ' ililot III I lined I'l lilts, I'; ulle he , elc. I' oil hue ol' sgjc French Canted C'tvt.ili, I't nit". Cic.iiH A linoiiiU mill .M;il'lliii.llloUs Ai;cnt loi I IciM-lmi.in eoiniic--eii ve.tst. M. L. MABRY, Matu-.-t o,t lo 11. 1 IHi:NS slA'T l'l:i:i'.. In ss t i 1 1 iiii line -.line Ol lie 1" u.l state a" I. Mil. I I I X k ill 1 lie I, elect Ir r.-fs COUPER MURBIE WORKS, K-taMi-'.-i ..I I'.ank si. loll lO I nov -J ly. lolk. Va. rinirr.ssiiis.ti. i ahds. Uh M. MCI .i.Ki WA1 TKK K IANIKI I A N I K l V I I K N ATTOnXEYS AT LAW, Vki,ius, X. C. ,ctii v in t o'l-tiht in llie ' -t inns inrtilc Brunt' h oltict icomrtsof H1irmiMiltiTllmnip iiilircnic Hinl KctliTiil eoiirth. t'nU ii MlliinrtMir Stiilli CHhilit.H. Hi H nil fan, N. ('..open evt'ry Moi inn 7 )T T. KSS, !0i DENTIST Wfl.ion, N. C. fttfTlUViee over Kmry I'iereo'sHloro NKW AKVKKTI.-sKMKNTS. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the w ord Ri.dVLA TOR is not on a package ii is not Simmon frothing vise is the same. It cannot he and never has been put up hy any one except J. H. ZEIUfti & CO. And it can he easily told hy their Tradh Mark THE RED Z. LOOK T K;e;pp r'.s. if fll V II For Lean Men! Fat men ! Tall men ! Low men! Come and exam ine my stock be fore buying elsewhere. ff A Down Fall in prices of Clothing, Shoes, and Dry Goods for the next 10 days. DRKSS Gents' Furnishings, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Etc. Call and give me a trial. Satis faction guaranteed. FREDLANDER'S. LittLejoiI frywijir CoLLeqe! l'his lu-iiiii'ioii ha- a sp'emlid and proiuiu. ut locution iu a remarkably health lul s, eti .ii of e i ihtry. in ih,. mi st ,,!' a r, -i ui of noted Mineral Sprint;. It has a ! il an I h aul i! ui!y -h i led c illi".!-, e mini ..lions and Well e.piipped KllildiapR, a -ti I'a. ultv an 1 a iu i an 1 th t u:h Coil. ia!e Course al very NT(llT EIxlJVT3l COST. 6a!" The Fall T. rut wid bejiu on Wednes day, S, pt. inltei 1-t, t -s . i T . For catalogue address, J. .'I Ini Dr W. J WARD.. Siirieon DfiDtist, r. nisi i.n, x. c. .Otl'n e o r ec 'Jo Iv Harrison's llmi: Slore W.T.PtHKEfl, 10 M i ll IN- HavWKI.lK.N, X. C.-lia lOOOOOOIHHtt t Bine RiilpCBiDBDt-f Lime WorU MhiiiiI.u Hirers of HI .1 K ;ln,K HYDRfiUUC ROSENDALE CEMENT i. uu runted iilis.il n t.-ly liylrunh. Vt nii"tp Soiilli. Alt Irif-'inii'uvcrcit ;ii it'iy poini Ci-inciit le-tci, unit tin-null), iiiufnniii'y in nilor, Imrninc dim) kmdiIhiu li'iumnlcil. Wrilc fur iirioii I' ll, mi-lrco. Itl I K HIlK.K HI'IMW, VA. Teli-tTRnl) Kliif kiHtrf.V ..r,4i Wanted-An Idea Who ran think r win... Hlm.le tlillis tiilmleiitf lretpct your IUi-a: tltpv nay lirluit volt wwuni. Write John Wianu-nnl UN a (Hi.. I'alent Alt. nsva. WaHl.liiRloii, Ii. i: f,.r their fl.sui rna uUaf au'U IUI ot two Inii-UreU Iovl-uiIuub waulu. uorpay S LIVER REGULATOR. GOODS! M. RHODES, LlTTl.KTON, N. C. GRANT SPECIAL ONLY $35. -; 1 A , itUS: ltiiill just the wny you want it. Up-to-date, (iuarunleed iiich prade wheel. LICHT RUNNINC AND A THINC OF BEAUTY. All Colors and all styles for men, ladies and childten. JHf .Insl as i;nod as a bicycle you would pay IIOU for elsewhnro. Sampla jj lj wheel on cxhibilinn al J-, L Jutl- " t kins' Urocery. H. L. GRANTi t l AgeM. f .4 MT I..- -a.- 'us .!' m 4JftW40rtWM 9 1 If

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