THE ROANOKE NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1897. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. JOHN W. 8LEDGE, Editor and Proprietor. S. E. STAINBACK, Associate Editor. Entered at W Office at Weldon u Second- Clu Mutter. KATKS OF 81'BHCUIPTIUH IN AllVANCB. One Year (by Mail), Pontage Hii MnutliM $l.rn. 75. A Weeklv TleiniM'nttie jniiituil devnted to the material, edunitinnii). political anil agricultural interes-tH of Halifax mid Mir rinuiliuK counties. tidyAlvertisin!r r;tti" rea-toii.-iliie famished ou application. and It is said thai th new sold tvrri'oiy in Alaska is from !). to ID miles witliin the Hritiwh lines Romoroswkv, the Russian explorer, bin discovered a place in ('mitral A-ia where do ruin, hut only snuw, falls at any time throughout the your. ArcoHDlNil to thu New York Times evidence has jmt been produced th it the Chinese were, in Mexico 2.IMIII years ol;o, and that they in th.! Smth Set is lands even before that. Ui'bhia has the most rapidly increas ing population of any country in t Ik world The prowl h duriui,' the last hundred years has been a fraction less than 1,0(HI,i)i)II annually. Senators Teller, Pettigrew and Allco and a number of Populists held a con ference at the Maltby in Washington, Monday evening and all agreed that the tight in the future must be on the silver question. The tu in who doesn't know it is loaded and the man who rocks the boat have now been joined by the man who looks behind him while on the wheel. The fool-killer finds plenty to do yet awhile, the New York Press in convinced. Til I! New York Herald asks very properly: "Are we prepared for war with any nation to-day? Even poor, effete Spain, ruined as she is, would inflict upon us many millions of loss, and as we are an essentially business and money makiug people it would be well to calculate what it would cost to en to war with any nation, even the weakest. If it is true as stated, observes the New Orleans States, that the sugar trust has 743,000 tons of raw sugar in its ware houses at New York, Huston. Baltimore and Philadelphia, it has a supply on hand which will meet the demands ol consumers for the next ten months to come and for that length of time the government will derive Tery little revenue from the duty on sugar. Had-I.AN(U'Aik cards are being used in Switzerland and Germany to check the use of obscene words. People go about with cards in their pockets, and whenever they hear bad lauuuaiie. present one to the swearer to sign. The card has printed on it a pledge to abstain fnuu swearing for a specified time, or to pay a certain sum to some charity. Nearly 40,000 cards have been distributed in Switielaud, where there are three lan guages to swear in. Till following marriage notice ap peared in a northern exchange: "Mar ried at Kitutstone, by Rev. Windstme Mr. Nehemiah Whitestone, to Miss Wilhelmina Sandstone, both of Lime stone." If there is anything in a name there is too much "grit" in that family, and there is bound to be trouble around their hearthstone. They will have stony road to travel, and before they piss many milestones somebody is apt to need a tombstone. Justice Dean of the supreme court of Pennsylvania thinks the shirking of jury duty by the average citiicn is a high crime. "1 would," he lays, ' take the banker from his desk, the editor an 1 professor Irom their chairs, the preacher from his pulpit, and put them in thf jury box. Instead of leaving to them the sole fort of criticising and denouncing courts and juries. I would make jury duty as imperative and as certain as payment ot taxes on a house and lot." No man in the Senate knows more about gold mining than Senator Jones, of Nevada. He tells his friends that from the best information that comts to him the new Alaskan discoveries will likrly prove is rich as those in California in ISsW His opinion is that the Caiifor niio fields didn't open nearly as favorable u thine of the new regions in Alaska The bearing of anothei ureal gold output at Ibis lima is regarded by tome ol the beat iofurmed Suualora as promising to do mora fur American prosperity than even extraordinary favor , ble conditions of the wheat crop and wheat markets of tba world. You may hunt the world over and you will not fiud another medicine equal lo Lbamberlain oIkj, Cholera and lhar rboea Remedy lor bowel complaints. It is pleasant, safe aod reliable. For sale by W. M Cohen, Weldoo, J. N. Bmwo, Halifax, Dr. A.S. Harri- iod, fcofield. T1 n t nuasian ana untisn steamers are preparing to search the Siberian coast for Mr. S. A. Andree, who Waned for the north role in a balloon on the 11th instant. P t Ti.ast ay,! M.J SfatU Iwar Ufr Ana. '.'- 4Uit tolNu-uo easily and forever. l.e mag tie. lull ot Ilia. Mervu and vieor, lake No-To-Bao. tM wnador-worker, that makes wr&k mt atKuig. All dniairina. ao or II. Cnnewaa tood. Booklet and Miopia rraa. Addraaa tttarllBi KeiMKlj Co., Caiotfo at New York. Tub Riiilruad Commission has in creased the taxable valuation of the rail roads in Noith Carolina $3,000,000. This increaso places the North Carolina Railroad on the lax books at about SL',000,000. This naJ pays 7 per cent, ou ? 1,000,000, and is said lo be worth at the lowest estimate six luiiliuo dollars. The C'Uimii-siuners also reduced tele graph tells to fifteen cents, to and from points within the State, beginning Sep tember the first. This act will be univer sally commended and it will be money io i he pockets of the telegraph company. The low rates will greatly increase the busi ness and cause a wider use of the wires. The News and Observer says the day is nut far distant when the Federal gov ernment will resume the ownership of the telegraph, and adds that it ought never to have parted with it. The increased rate of assessment of railroads was made on account of reports of net earnin-.'s of the roads. Til K President's message on the cur rcney i'iesii,ui was sent to Congress on thu eve of adjournment, lu urgiug Congress tn give atteutiuli lo the hies sage the President says, "I recommend that, a special commission be created nmi partisan in its diameter, to be composed of well informed i'ili.iis of different par lies who will command the confidence nl Congress and the country because of their special til uess for the work, whose duty it shall be to make recommendations ot whatever change in our present bank ing and currency laws may be found necessary or expedient, and to report their conclusions on or before the tii -t day of November next, in order that the same may be transmitted by uie to Con gress for its consideration at its first reg ular session." The message wa-referred to the Fi nance committee. An Arkansas lawyer, who was a native of North Carolina, not long ago wanted to inform a juror, also a native of North Carolina, that they both hailed from the same stale. So he dropped some chewing gun, stepped upon it, aud pretended that his heel had stuck to the flour. This gave him an opportunity to say that he was a "Tar Heel" aod that the warmth of the room had made the tar run. The verdict proved that the Tar Heels stuck together. In 1'J6 there were 10,tl")J murders committed in the United States, but there were only 1 -J legal cicutions. Only one murderer in eighty-seven paid the penalty for his crime. "With such a great disparity between crime and its punishment, is it uny wouder that the public took vengeance into its own hands and lynched in the same year l'!l per sons," asks the Philadelphia Press. TilE Ihnley tariff bill is now a law of the land. It pissed the Senate Saturday by a vote of 40 to 110, and was signed by the President with a pen furnished by Mr. Wiii'.'lev, soou afterward. HALIFAX LETTER. A Sny I'.akli of Items llallkTiJ eVKiihr ('.umf.niii.iit. ty Our The County Fathers will meet iu rcg ular session here Monday, when the usual crowd seeking help may be ex pei'led. Mr M A. Wilcox, by his skill and ineuuity, has perfected a mole trap which beats anything of the kind I have ever seen before. It is constructed on scientific principles and catches 'era every time. The Methodist church has been rt modeled and turned over to the centre gaiion. It presents a very plea.-ing ap pearance nuw on the interior and the re moving of the galleries adds much to the looks of it. The Weldon colored baseball slugger came d wn Saturday ami tried eeu.-lu-sions with the lla.ilax colored team. The result was a score of 19 to 17 in favor of the eoart house team. Why can't the Coast Line run an ex cursion from this point to Wilmington or Norfolk? We are always left out in the c .Id. Halifax people know a good thing when they see it and would pat ronize an excursion liberally. Crops in this section are much im proved. Mr. Peter Gilliam returned home Sat urday from Rocky Mount. Miss Kate Ousbv has relumed home from a visit to Knlield. Mr. W. F Coppedire attended the Dis trict conference at Knlield. Miss Bessie Cropper, at one time a teacher here for Mrs Howerton, is visit ing Mrs A. G. Calhoun. I am g ad lo state that our esteemed townsman, Mr. r. rroelieh, who has been on I lie si etc list, is now out attain Miss Minnie Carraway, a former pop ular resi lent, etiue down last week on a visit. The Misses Gary and Mi Lucy Pur- nell who were amoug I tie visitors here last week, returned home Saturday. III'.AKKKMX ( UMiT in: t i hi:d by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi tion ofthe mucous lining of the Ku. tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or inperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafnesa ia the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and tbia tube restored to its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed forever, nine cases out of leo are caused by catarrh, which is nothing bat an inflamed condi tion of the niucuoua surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case ot Deafnes (caused by catarrh) thai cannot be cured by 11 all s cure. F.J. CHENEY 4 CO., Prop. loledo, Ubio Wi-Sold by all Druggist!, 75c. Testimonials free NORTH STATE CULLINGS. News Null's as Culld frrnn Our State dune's- The attendance at the fariue tutes is small. A little giil was bitten by a Slipp. mad dog near L-. ton last week. It is now intimated that the Durham li Charlotte Railroad may pass by Chap el iiiii. Cotton is remarkably well fruited this year. This is the comment of all the growers. The Elizabeth City division of Naval Reserves goes into camp at Nags Head August 'ltd. It is said that 1000 people iu Wake couuty evade the payment of poll taxes every year. Lillie Illack, a young white woman was arrested near Liucolutou charged with infanticide. The "summer school" uCthc university is declined by experts to be by far the best ever held there, liurglars entered the residence of M. D. I Irootn, at Wilmington, chloroformed the family and secured jf.'il'.ll. This early Dcmoeratlc papers are coin ing forward and taking a linn si.unl against any fusion with lVtili-ls in 1S!K The Mormons have istablisbed a church in (Iranville county and a number of Converts to the faith have been bap ti.ed. Wake Forest township is said lo be the only one in Wake county certain to carry the local taxation election ueii month. The fish interests in this Stale will be shown by the labor statistics bureau to be much larger than ever before. Reports arc now coining in. Miilner and Price, the men charged with robbing the Tiiyhnvillc posioiliee, have been put in jail at Slatesville, as they cannot give bail. There is a bad outbreak of (ever in Rutherford county. It is diagnosed as typhoid, but is as malignant and fatal as typhus and extieniely contagious. In the Superior Court at Raleigh. Thomas Terrell, white, submitted In a verdict of manslaughter for killing John Gill, near Wake Forest last April. Machinery for weaving silk is being placed in the Crown Mills at Greensboro. This will be the second silk mill in the State, the other being at Wadcsb iro. Prof. Cl.uton, of Greensboro, and Prof. Toms, ol the I'nivvrsity next month begin the publication of The North Car olina Journal of Kducation, at Greens boro. In the I'nited Static Court ;lt Ashe v ii If, J, K. Hunt was awarded a verdict of Js.jiiii ajain.-t (Icerge W. Yandcrbilt for injuries received fioui a Hiittnore rock blast. Superintendent Smith, ol the penilm tiarv, says positively that no bid greater than the Stale's bid fur the phosphate mine at Castle llayties has been made or will be ma le. Huffaio church i Presbyterian . M wre county, will celebrate its hundredth anni Ter-ary August Ph to Tib. R. v M. D McNeill, pator. is arranging an elaborate programme. It will be a great occasion. I nomas u ,ticrtson. tlc white man Convicted of seducing Julia Hester, at Raleigh, was given the full limit of tend-, live years He has appealed tile case goes iietole tth Nipreuie couit iu thr. c m nulls. At the meetings ot the farmers' iusti tutis in tin- various couuties, earliest Work is being done iu behalf ol the Agricul turaland Mechanical College. The 'alter ought to have at least 4"0 students, There is ample room for that niiiiib r The HygeLie lee e.iinpany , del' juci which was operated at Raleigh by II Raur ,v. Son. of Charleston, sues ihe Sea board Air Line tor $JO,000 for the burning of its ice factory several v. go, on the claim that sparks from passing engine set it on fire. i,ast ween a large illicit distiller was seized on the premises of ex State Sena tor Warren Carver, in Cumberland e hud ty. A warrant was issued for Carver on the charge of moonshining. Over l.Ooil radons ul beer wele also seized Carver claimed that the siill did not fit the fur nace, but upon examination It was found to fit exactly. I lie secrcary ol tate awards tie con tract for priming the 1:20th voluma tne supreme court reports lo I lie .lame V. lioode Printing Company, of Kich muod,at$:il l. Nash Itr.K, of Gold' burn, were Hie no it lowest lo.lO, r at 80"'.l. In all, there were seven bidders four from Richmond. There is a good deal of complaint at this work going out of the Mate. Kvrholy Syt So. iret.s . v I 'atiotrl le. Ihe nios! won. llei'f .1 iinsiii ,li-,,viTV nl the ace. p f lis a .t. aiiU rclr.-slone ti Ihe lasle. net irently ami iHisilive'T on ki. I no vs. liver ami lmela. eleansiliir thei entire B.vntem. dlel coitU, cuts, tieaitaulie. fever, habitual cimttiatton am) bilioiiftneas. Please buy and try a box ofJ. C. C. t-dv; IU. Si. Ml cents. holdanU guaj-anletsd to cure by all drugista. The bed ot the railroad has been graded to within five miles of Windsor. Mr. C. L. Jlasbrou. k, a druggist at Mcndon, Mich, says all the good testi monials that have been published by the manufactures of Chamberlain'! Colic, Cholera aod Diarrhoea Remedy could be duplicated in that town. For wleby W. M. Cohen Weldoo, J. N. Brown, Halifm, Ir. A. S. llarri aon, Enfield. ESSEX NOTES. '.ruts Severe Winl Storm "in.m WliifPvJ-Sk aaJ Slululy VsBj.-J 1 istjernun's I'bMb' I inl 1'.:- Mk Crops haie gn ally iini.Aul, ai.d tic cotton was nevermore proini-iug. Some ol the lubicco Linnets commenced curing List week, and report good cures. This section witnessed one of the uiol severe wind storms last Friday oight ever known, lasting five hours. Considerable damage to crops was done and several bouses were damaged. Our popular townsman, Mr. Sydney Williams, is making some beautiful im provements about his dwclliug, and in addition Mrs. Williams is having pre pared a flower garden in the front yard that will compare wilh any to be found in Halifax county. A few days ago a colored woman of very bad character, was taken from her house by unknown parties, and whipped advised to leave town, which she very willingly did. Mrs. llebccca Iticliard-oii, a widow, s tiled upon a few nights ago by tin known pirlies while n-lcep III her room, I -lightly wotiiohd. The shot fired trull a 1 i-l i I lie ball gluic d aid siruck Mr- Itieb irdsoli oil the lore 'I inflicting a sliglil wound. ,.i-l k while some men were haul ing a seine lu a creek, near lure, a white n. ' bom baby was brought out in the no, can-nig much -tirpiisc ami cn-i-i able excitement. No clue as lo guilty 'Tsou or persons who put it there. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Stainback, of p.p. som. v a ncc county, nave just returned uiie f rom a visit to relatives here. Mr. William Stokes, one of our oldest ndmarks, is ipiitc feeble. There is much sickness iu general, such as chilis I fever. Mr Jc-se Macon, of Warrenton. was in town rndav. Plain Run HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or omuHon ghiss with urine iiitl let it UDil t('iity-!bui liour?; a seiii- nifiit or setllini; iiuli.aU's a disa.-toil foil lilinii ol" the ku. lit y. When urine tai"! linen it is Hitive evidence ol "kitlni'V tmu hie Tim Intiiitiit desire lo urinate nr pain in the is al.o eonviiK-inr jinMil that the ki-liiev ami hlathler are out nl onler. U II T TO IK). l'uere is euiut'ort in the knowledge jo ol'leii expi'esseii, that lf. Kilmer's Swamp KtNit, the jireat kidney renu'dv lullils every li iu n-lieinu pain in the bark, kidney- liver, bladder and every part of the m inai y pa-oaes. It correctn inability to hnb) urine ;tnd staltlin pain in piis-ini; it, nr bail e fleet tbl lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and overe-jine that unp'e.iaut neeeity nl'beinu impelled to jet up many titties during the niht to nrinate. The d and th t tranrdinary etlei t ot'Sw.itnp Kctot i-sMin realii d, It-tand- the huh- t lor it- wonderl'ul en res ot the most di-- tres-inj ease. It you neen a ineitieuie you should hae tV bent. Sold by dru jji-is, priee titty eetit- anil one dollar, l or a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by null, mention The Koanoke News and send your lull postolhYe address to lr, Kilmer Co., Himihatuptou, N. Y, The proprietor of this paper guarantees the en inneiit'ss of thi- otter 1 1S ,! KAN I.MiKl.ow.thod'tinuisl.t J poet and novelist, di.-d in lv-n.lon the Mie was in her seventy -evetith year. AHV Kll ITSKMK.NT? Troublesome Tetter Suffered for Years and Could Find No Curo Until Hood's Sarsapa nlla was Triod Scrofula Cured. "I Buffm-d with ttlUT on mu- of my limtm just uhof l lie unkU-. I tried a trmU many rrnuMit's, but nnthinc diil me any ffood. The dwnsf wa very triulle titimc fur 1- nr Y.i xvhth. In thf upriin; I ht'iran taking llwd's Srvanll and after takim; several bottlin of ttus nndu ine.I wan conipk'tt ly cured. Uowi arsajiarillA also iiuriatd my weight K. P. HniKn kk,, (ieorcia. "When my hoy was three nionthiiold he broke out with eruptions. He wan treated by a physician and the eruptions would heal hut would break out Strain We resolved to give him Hood'n Sarnapa- rilta, and when he had taken two bottles he was cured. He has had no trouble w ith scrofula since, but is perfectly well." John K. Smith. Shady Spnm, W . V. If vou have decided to trv llood'tt Sarsa parilla do not he induced to bu; any other, Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best, in fact, the One True Mood I'uritier. Sold by all druggists. Price f 1, eix for f5. OTICE.i The Ilo.ird ol'OHinty Conmii'jioneiv ot llitht'.tx eonnty hereby give notice llmt they w ill receive hid lor a boied hell and putting in well fixture i inside pipe nt tu lw Itw than one and ne ijnarter inelu in di.imeter) 111 tbecoirt house y.inl. Hid can 1h file.1 with the elerk ol the lUurd on or U lon- the tint iu August nett. SN-eitteutions shonld en)uiwtnv em h bid The ltoard revervM the ritfht to reject any or .ill btdn. ltv ordt i n lUwnl. T. X. HAKUlSON.chaiiman. Mi M. KtirKTMin. clerk. ty H4t July ti, 1ni7. J-HE STATE NORMAL I INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE i i KKKNltOKO, N. C- titb'rs th young women ot the SUile thorough protesHioual, library, elaHsieal. scientifie and industrial education. An nual expenses to f Faculty of J5 iueni)H-rs, Mo' i an 4MI reuhirstudenu. Pnu'tiee schooi f 'if! pupils tor tem-her More than l,'.Jfs' natriculatcs representing every county in the Slate except three. Correspondeiiee invited from those dttunny &mpetent tnnnetl teachers. To ftt-eure ltoard in dormitor.i.s all free-tuition appli cations must be made before August 1-t. For catlotie and information, addrem rKKSlDKXTCHAS. J). MclVKlC jy 15 1 ra. THE UNIVERSITY 47 teachers, 413 SrndenU, (Sunimer School 1M) total 54!l. Hoard $8 a month i Brief Coumea, Ijiw and Medical Sclmols and School o' l'hirnicy. Uraduale coiiraes open to women. Summer School lor teach er, ScixilaniliiiM and loans for the needy. Andreas. PHESIDENT ALDKKMAN, jelH Chapel Hill, N.C. Tim Standard Oil Trust lias dn another divid-n I of 10 p -r c ill o II lis cipul -toe1; Mi. K ickef 'IbT pirt ol the hist divi 1 'n 1 w.i- fl.ooii nun, aud hi- .uiiiii li m,c en - 1 1 eti In- -i.'ck in the , Sun lard I 'i. t'o oj ny on .1 to -.iliout i . ... I 1 . any 1 Ji-! i;i'ii wlii.d. w..u!d ' ; j:,vi, re M il. iro-t- i v j .N K A I I'.lil l."KMl'.M MOTHER! TIr-io is no word so (ull of inoaii'iicj and about which such tender and holy recollections cluster as that of " Moth I-it "-she who watched over our helpless infancy amlim! cd our first tottering step. Net the life of eveiy Moth er is beset with danycr and all ef fort should be made to avoid it. Mother's Friend 0 assists ll.lioie in the change tak iiicj place that the Kxpectatt M o t h e r is ena bled to look for w a r d w 1 1 h o 11 1 dread, sul'lcrinn or gloomy lore bodtn;;s, to the hour when she experiences the joy of Motherhood. Its use insures safely to the lives of both Mother and Child, and she is found stronger after than before confinement - in short, it "makes j Childbirth natural and easy'," as j so 111.111V have said. Io 11 t be ; persuaded to Use anvthin:,' but MOTHER'S FRIEND! My wife suiTereil more 111 ten min utes with either of tier other two chil dren than she did aliosether with tier last, having previously used four bot tles of ' Mother s t- rieml.' It is a blessing to anyone expect i lie to he come a MOTH Kit ," says a customer. IIknpkksdn I'.u.k. ( anni, Illinois. Of llri'"'il SI ?1 "r sent t-y null nil rsrpipt of pni'e.W rite forlmok eoiitaiinii testimonials ami valuable information lor all Mothers, free. Thft BnilflrM RfgiUtor . itUata. Gi. I k WELDOlM, IM. C. I. A .It XKS, A. U.I'. N'.C . l'iinciil A CHARTERED SCHOOL- FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Enrollment la-! year T.'i I'roni North Carolina and Virginia. Full corps rouiicient Instructor: 1 instruction f 1 a ro ii'letinj ill ' e iiir-c ii Standard liiib b. Students abnilted into Wake I'.. Xor'.b Car. st Colle.'e, I'liiversiiy of n.i. ami rniver-iiy of Vit giui.1 without exaini'iaiion. by iiiesciitin: a certilicale Ir.nii the I rincipil A lull course is oil. red in tnii-ic AiKauiaes exec'.;. nl and I cllioll lieailblu'. lest L'.iiif ii.lliif nee u-cd. Hoard and room in the lioiue cipal for ?S mi p. r month to number. if the prin a limited lit) tu sum jmt in. mill. Mii-ii'f:' "n. ; il r itr t.i families Ssjjf'Tlit' in'St ses-i.iu lupins ; Till KSIl.VV, SI'I'T. '2. IS'.7. I-'ur 1'iiril.i-r .iriiiii'nr- aildrcm the- ir ''- J. JONES. ' W. lion. N. C. W. T. PARKER, -l'KAl Kll IN- Heavy ANDZZ Fancy Farm Implements. J.'l I'dl NK S.Vl'KS UK SALT KuH 81. M I'KKS.VCK UTi-Ciirrirt priii-a ami polite attention to all. ling 1 ly. ij ; - ) U l ATTENTION! Sl'llliTSMKS' AN'I) TlU'UlSTS! j& in: S Seaboard Air Line V l.'. i. li ull l.'.nmiK llnntinv Sir: v Fwhiim Ofimiida of Vinciuia ami -V thf r:tmlileii '- J: COMMENCING JumI, g y, hn Timet ouiit 1 h ketn on Nal Sn Time .1 ..11 mi. i..r Prim 'fy letii .illnwed all timriNt- Sxirts Jy tut n Hievelen tMnied free. S!id T rullman V KS l l 111 LKI LIM1- ;J Ti:i TK.MNS. Tram Service un 'Jjt ,v I'liulhil Nu extra Ltie. 7 I : S r JOHN. Viee I'reM A den M.m -y nerul I lllieiw: I'l. Ill-Mill I II. V A ia a Sl'Kt'I A1.1ST and AUTIIOIIITV all Cl i I All ho are anlTerinn with any BIXKIDi TKOl Bl.E, would he wine to call on or I adilren hy mail. Conmiltation tree and ' mnlicinea compounded lo unit each parlic nlar case. When writing to m pleite en cloae stamp for reply. t'UOK. JAS. HARVEY, 45 Chnrcta St. (New No.) j 17 Jy. Norfolk, Va. .ii i i ii.ii 1 1 OcinoKC msiiimu! Stoics NKW ADVKHTISKM KNTS. ' as..? Aftqtra aS&L I'O I I :: -I I'l M n 11 I 'l,i(, Til. It's Jll-t el's A thing "I 111 t lie hou-eliol, Allieln .111 lorlv Mills Make Mini' lioiio nun' lu-ing 11 utmr it v 11111I iiir li.iiiineiv iur a 1 1 If Inn lor illii-triitnl e.ii leciH' 'I'enii- lo -ml t II AS M Mil 1 I II N l.ll'ellV s.. iLotllllolc Mil. Wlllllle01l, o'.i l.ieVclltll Noifoii,. v.,,, no v.. 111 ti ocl r lv. N V p-'.-r hi ri-- n i 1 e & w t 9 s vijr xjs v.-ltsti e .h- -ft. lil t lie,,.,, - l"l .1 ..: 1,1 1 1 1 He I l.e -t ! .lie le-l Ol uu, . hv 1 .1"' puli '" "ili- o i a M il. I I I'lAMI lite leslilnoliy ol l;l.ltl. , oel Hie ,1 n 1 lei! lieiiliy ll.ipio iiy II I luce Sell. is 111 ; it ,s i n ii .a. e by somebody Knowing line of ll'V ll live ; 'lo lite V "ere proper, I lu II J I :' lititii .ilbcis h i' -uniinei', TI not moved .-.iti-laeioii!). . wini cool spiiiiL' and o'l" I" c '0" s- -f ..ood :irc -t'fci.illy inl:i iei lii wear on oiir iriiv.'ls, ulu ilo r by mil dirt i I. Noiliino boiler lor iic- nics. iniitrili'ti d meet lllfs, etc , till: season lor wbicb is upon us. You bavc boiiglu wbiic gin ds for morn inu' and evening, and laiu ics, wbicb grow old so iiiick, and now, I will make itices on nliese goods so tbat j .in may have- day dressis wbicb do not soil easily and are ever new inablino you to save t lie white ones lor evening. Cable Cords, 10c. now 7c. Polka Dots worth 10c now 8c. Lace Effects, worth 15c. now 10c. Bourettes, worth 15c. now 10c. Lappets, - worth 15c. now 12c. 1 hesc goods arc everlasting weaiers, and will be good as new next season. They do not grow old. Enfield, N. C. TASTELESS CHILL T0M!E ISJUSTASCOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50cts Oai.atia.Ii ls., Not.K, im, Paris Mndlfino ,'.. M- Iaui, M. .4'iUlptuen: We mM year, find bottle nt r.HitVES TASTKLK4s CHILL TUNIC xiul bird unlii ture cnM already ttiu year. In all uir ts pvrii'iice ut ll j-irir. in the drug tmoim-M, haTtj Ot'ti-r tmltl an an irk thalfiiT? utirh uuiTerui uu jkcuu m luur iuiuc auura iruiy. JkCO Kur Sale und Warranted by Dr. A. S.Harrison, Kufiel.1, X. V. fvl. 1 ly V. M. IIAHKISTON V TO.. Wholesale and Ketiil Iealenin : rt CARPETS, STOVES, and Mattrtwea,etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES W. M, HABLISTON A CO., No. 30 N. Sycamore St., PeteraljurR, Va REAMER'S Howard House, JAMES REAMKK, l'rop. Howard & Baltimore sta., Baltimore, .Md, !.l LIES! J.J.WHIAKEE TERMS $3 Per Day. cp 111 ly. NKW Ab KH'I'ISKM KNTS. n 1VI1 All in need of a cotton gin outfit that has taken first prize at Texas State Fair and Atlanta Exposition. will save money, money can buy if they will give us a trial on the Y A X WINKLE n . Iti'iit mill 0, . 00 . 0 . MADE IN ATLANTA, GA. J The gins are made in sizes from 45 to 80 saws with revolving heads. The roll boxes are mechanically correct in shape and breaking ol roll seldom occurs. The celebrated ers are too well known to need an extended description here. They are now m use on gins and has never failed to give per fect satisfaction. Will do better work than can be Ike fan Me Cotton Press " "I I ikin Ik'lli'll .'illen.'.'e I'lllii ii.: when iiiiu.iti r- I, ."i 1 1 . i ll iiu'li -s I'lin a!-1 t'uiiiili ll.-v, If. 'iin.'. Sli .l'in .'ll ell IV si ell , II no r-. K e in, I'.j !V:ii H.4.rwis, - WELDOK, IT. O. W.I), SMITH, Weldon, N. C. -IVakr In- I u ConfectiiiiU'ries, Tulmeen-. Ci MT-S lias lioen reeeiillv liili 'l up wild . Ul.ltKST. 1: KS WtjlSKIES, BODIES tliD WliES. Auiuiil' ni Mm L ..I li,,uor. I have on lmml llie cclcliraled I. V. Harper, l)av.'ii.rl Mrri.s' "Old lirovei," and liW 'Mnnliccllo." , ' I have also opened up a Imrrel ol nix year old APPLE BttAXDY . PURE AND MELLOW l i,fiir l'lirposen.-ja . Iiave nn Imlid lull supply or imporled and dnniestic wine. Auim lallcr will l.e linniil the nftriifnincsl. Pwflii-i cca ass e i ; oi l) arret! Ji Oo.'s -I liavosome of flic North Carolina Corn Whiskey, made liy Harrison k Co., the best com whiskey makem we have io our Territory. I have on hand all kinds of pure whiskies and am prepared lo give my friends Entire Satisfaction throughout Halifax and adjoining Bounties. Thanking the public for past liberal patn uiie, I will euv win n jou visit WrldoD don't fail to call toNiee the OLD OBIG1XAL dot 5 ly i and get the best ( -f. Van Winkle Feed every make of done by hand. -!e l.ux I'l'i i-.'. Iiiis ii " ill. 'l sli i l -el. w, i in r ruVi .1 elliilill liejs mul i :ns ami si ll'-iielinj !eir for' imliiiiiilicnl!y Mi.p w il.iwn lie. i.l 1.1. .el nwii.js ell uul "f wnv. Ileilil tv. f leli.i' ttilll all kil.ils if Mill Sllpplil'l, - - ir .1 ,!! Lin ! f ir-lw:iri', l'i ini; niul - - tor, - .Mri :inl I'aim Supplies m m milv. ALO 01 nil linniiiiri. ami i mpplinl willi the mil MUST CIIUICK winery at t'lioekavolto. ( ILUKST AND BEST- DAVE SMITH, on Waehiogtoa Avenue.