JOHlSr W. SLEDGE, I'linl'ltlF.Tcm. .A. ITEWSFAIPEI !F O IR, THE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AtNJUST .), 1S!)7. TEBMS:-SI"r' i'KIS AXXI'Jl IN AOVAXCK VOL. XXXII. NO. 15. id le a id Te sit ADVKRTISKM KNTS. Do YouJJse It? It's the best thing (or the hair under all circumstances. Just as no man tiy taking thought can add an inch to his stature, so no preparation can make hair. The utmost that can be done is to pro mote conditions favorable to growth. This is done by Ayer's Hair Vigor. It re moves dandruff, cleanses the scalp, nourishes the soil in which the hair grows, and, just as a desert will blossom under rain, so bald heads grow hair, when the roots are nour ished. But the roots must be there. If you wish your hair to retain its normal color, or if you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded hair use Ayer's Hair Vigor. No. 8. Oflk ritrnton Tahlt polishtnl like a it;im lum mnwxti lcf. Tin- ttiur nutaiMt'lii.Tf'C'MiiH'Ct eil, hnuHnl hikI ItiH-ly ornimitMitM. It Ojt'iwurt'H i.xil whfii rtfmfd am) ti luutluiiff when sirual. Special Price, $3.95 (Onlurt promptly flllul. ) The alum id tut ne f nvor HOT) turKmus to fuuii'l i t our n w citit t true. It iH)titmii(i Hll kti Ui.r Vurnl tur. CnrjH'l!. Italiy I'ttrrtiip'. to tritfiraiois, rt v.-. Fi M-v Lir p-t, IU-alittT. tv'tiutr-, I"n Id K C'. Vi-U re lutylinr local tlfi.l"n di-uPa ur pr ecu. I imp a ptUl f-r our gnat mi nt'y-MMmr fiitHUiru' which no mail frH( ut nil churvc. p.-al wnh tlm Din tiifnoturtTM Bi'tl " will mutt thn bin profit you are inw laying your local dim I era. Julius Nines & Son, Baltimore, inn. I ft mmuwm mft ft !g HERE IS I A SNAP. ft ft ft n ft ft ft ft ft ft n ft ft n ft n n ft ft ft ft ft ft J X ft n m M n n m n n M n iQTho cm ly hinl You know the rest. :heyer is t) lenitin n lart lot of simple SI KAW HATS, mill SIIUKS wl ii li he is not GIVING AWAY h it is mIHuk :t ballot' lirstsell ii g price STRAW HATS. by the thousand. Kvcryltody able to have a nice liat at small price. Also line line n m ft QTTMMFD tvvw nnnnQ ft n 8ilkfl, Cheviots, Tuble Dainssk, Curtains. HiWmns, DriMH Triin- ijw niiugs, or anjrthiug yon ask lor. tW Full line GROCERIES AND 1 CONFECTIONERIES t prices lower than ever. J Come iuaud examine my slock. flPRING 9 OPENING Special Display of IjT$$ BoflflEjs And Milliner; Novelties. o Be sure to attend. o I MRS. W. R. HART, I ocH51y Roanoke Rapids, N. (.'. P8ALE, WM.LINN, Proprietor. Manager I MANSION HOUSE. BOTH OH :r.ERICN AND EUROPEAN PUNS. Unlo Stmt, NOBJTOLK, VA. I S. Meyer, Agt. I trffi ENFIELD. N. C. l'mmmmmm THE BRAKEMAN'S "NO.' "No L st' lo l.u.k the Ham hour Vm, llursc is liuiu'. A fine yniiiif; (ulluw w:h .1 -iFr. ; slrtini:, jilca-siint, miJ ouJ lnukin. lb1 was t.ut IS yours of uptf whi'n Ii" lu"jnn ''railroailin'," iiut lie euiil'l s-i u Lrake with lint tic!. Wlieu liis c!iar, di'i p voiee annuiinei-tl 4 lie Millions, pei-jiV lis triii'd, ami in.iile niMiiistaku. ()M la'lii's c;iii'lil (lie iil'M") ill' liis i!r,i.inl i je, anil let 1 ill lit'lp (lieiu mi anil nil' wit Ii ltiIi' till surprise. Molliers with tiinre eliil ilren than Ihey imii I maiiae, tireil wn iiiei) liuuille l.iilt'ii, ainl el'l iiii'ii, ri'i' ni a Irii'iel ami iii:il'a use nf liiiu. N'..r wi re tin inilr 1 i llieiils t ! i i I in llie yuiiiij man's lieliiilins ami ei.u'nr ity, tinil, altliinili TmIii iltil nut ilieain nl' it, lie was une uu the lil i f nanies llnit roiiiHli'iii. The yniinu hrakeiuau's easy uini; jiouj nature, however, was a ilr.iwlnek in one ilireetinti. lie ili-Hkiil to say "no" Winn the train reaelieil Huston he alwavs I wo hours to share. In that lime someone of the boys wt t sure to say: '('ome, Tom, let s to llie tnirbi r' " Now tliis sun tided very iunn ceut, lull in the hatter's haek roniu was a creen door wliieh opened on a stairway leading ilnvvu into a drinking sahmn Here the men used to pallo r, a lew at a time, to take a "little s' tuethin " Tom usually said his flood humored "no," that meant a reluctant "yes," iitid ended by Huin'. lie ticver Celt wholly at ease when takiuo his beir. lie would not hive jjoue Cur it alone. Itei r and nvi-r au'iin he ueknowli difi-d to liim-cT that it wis the lauohiiT ul his ehunis took his courage away; ami o things went on. A year s'ipped by, ami beer bad Income an iilui si everd..y diink with him, whi n one iil'utiioon be was summoned from the ' bnbi i's shop" to the nll'n-e. ".lellfjs," .iid the sup. riniend.nt, when be entered, "i have In en very pleased with the way in which your du ties have been p.'ilnrined in the past, and I find we need another eotiduetnr." 'Che genileiii.ui suddenly stopped, mid the pleasant smile was t;une. "Mr, ,Ii H'reys. your breath tells ui" that ymi have been ilriuiiu;." " )a:y a Utile beer, sir,' sai I pour Tom, fl u-ti i i. erim-on. "I am very sorry,' replied the inlemlent, "but (hat will be all super today: you may e.o. The youii;.' uiin lel't the olCioe down east, disheartened What he had been wiliiiiu lor, what he had so nearly oaiued, had been lost through his iiiiseomluet. As he thought ot it the n.itured lips to k ou a firiiuT curve. The n. xt day oq." nl the bojs said: "Come uver to the barber's?" "No," replied Totu. "0 come on; what struck yer'.'" "That barber has shaved me all lie ever will: was the answer. Although Turn's, "no" seemed veiy determined ill its s.nfud, there was yet soon tiling in it. lie Celt it, anil when alter a lew days the teal loiiim; Cor a (jlasa ol'liiiior mule itself tell, it seemed as il the "no wuu'd lie "yes in spite nl himself. "No use in lueki'i' the b irn d ior uow," said his chum; "ibe h. r-e, ihe 'aupcr' kouW.s you've lakeu a 'smile' now and then, and he'll never forget it. Kel ler be youug while you can." Tom still still said "nu," but the liitlc negative grew weaker and weaker; the next tliiug would be "tea." When thii was almosl accomplished, spurred tiy bis iiau-i r and retueiiiberiug Ins early ti.iiuing lu tin right, lie went into au einpiy ear, and. kneeling ou the nare tt ior, pra)id for strength In resisi. "And lio n, In. raid "I learned to speak a 'no' that ail tin men ou the road eouldu l tuiu tutu 'yes.' ' The Interior. Yolintl 1. 0 e ll i ii v a I who, aceoul inn to the t o r y , ran awav with his biiite. ilid not love hr onp parliile morp ,1 . v ., I . .1 1 y than . thou .anil hone.t hnslunits of Ihe pT-n'tit itav lov' llieir vlves No novelist could invent a tory of tuift niaulv devotion than the ' humhlr roinaiief " revenlpil hv ttie followinir ltti-T fr"m Vr Harry Chant, of ,n Hakel1 Avenue Pallas. Texas. A Is ml touilefli nr lifii-fn months sun I was working with h khiik of aim ami Impprnnl to .v to our of llitoii. I liopt' it will mil ism as I havr a till! wuhinR to .to for thr rhililirn ' Th. man said what ! tlic nmtlr willi vour " For vriira my wife hail hin .nffrrini! from what thr rturtors rallril nodnp.ii'. st iiiitii slil mi nrrvrHia had cold hamls suit fi'fl. tiali'ita lion, haitai'h. Iiarkachr. ronlin;itioii. a nia-fm-ablr drain, Willi twai-iti. itown iiaiiii: m ap prtUe. Sh rt so weak ahrcoiilil not Ki l aroiiml I ani only a lahorrr so was always in drl'l with thr doctors, and alt for no good. a. nonr ilnl hrr any rooiV Wf heRRIl to think that the was oevvr aoinir to ir.t well " " I told thta man what th, doctor, .aid was the matter with her." and he said " ' did you ever hear of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription f " 1 told him no. hut I had tried aoman patent tuedli-itii-a that I wa. tired o them all. anil oesnles dm nut have enoiiKh money to pay Ihe doctor and the dniB- .tore. He .aid if I wonl. aet two or three hottte. and try them, and it it did not do my wife any irood that he would pay for the med icine I went to the dnijr .tore (Mr. clawler'. on Him Streetl. and hoiiKht a Mule The lirl and second did no htih to have milch etft'rt hut the third seemed to work like a charm. She ha. taken in all ahont thirteen holtte and .he i. to day a. .tout and healthy a. any woman in the t'nlted titatea This is not Ihe only caw When, ever I hear tell of any woman who l sick in the ncighhorhood t inst send the liook and paper that I. wrapped around every hottle and that doe. the business. I am no longer bothered about doing tnyown waahinir and cooklne, for my wife can do it all in one day and never .ecru, lired or out of spirits now nr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets euro coostl tMtia. promptly and peatntatty. DEM HE LOVES HE CHASES.' I ho IHJ .Man lhoimht I hat Was Usil I.) llu'UIJ lliink'stcal I'ni'le Hen, a faithful old vant win) belonged to one of family ser our prom inent divines, weut to bis master just after the fall of Richmond and said: "Mars' M , is it true tint tie Yankees done sot de tliggi rs free?'1 "Yes," said the doctor, "you ale us free as I uiu Imbiy." "Well, is I biiun' to take it? I has been jes' as 1 wauls ler be all my life, an'l dnu't Want to h ave tuy white folks and be a free niggi t! 1 prefers to stick to my while p-'ople de balance o' my days." "All riht," said the diet or, "we'll mil turn ymi nil but will lake care of you jtH as we liavu always done." The flee iiegni in the south occupied a very unenviable position wilb llie col ored race. They felt llieir social stand ing was far above the free negro's for the reason that I I'le to whom they helonoed gave evidence of their likim; for ihein by keeping them in the family, while the free negro was looked upon us a character that was so good for-notliing and mean that their owners set them free to gel rid ofllietii. I have heard them tell the free negro when they wetc mad with tbetn, and for the purpose of insulting tbetn: "You was so rotten ami good fur nothing that your tniirstcr set you free in get rid of you, au' my marster will nevali do with inc!" 1'iicle Hen stuck to bis white folks until he so uld ami infirm that lie was pensioned and put oil' in tho country m ar ihe old homo in which be had been riisd. Kvi ry year, along about the in in. h of 1 1. 'toiler he pays the fami ly a vi-it of a month. A com fori a ble n. in i kept fur him all the year round and bis meals are sent nut from the dining room. His visit over, you may see him on the way to the statiou nilh his cai pet sack, which was empty wln n he came, now chocked full of his in irsler's last winter clothes, lie enter tains I. is neighbors all through the winter telling of bis i,it to liis white people, ihe good ihiuos be bad to eat, tho things they gave him, etc. I )in evening, after dinner, during bis last visit, when the family bad gathered on the liont porch of their surburban home, I'nele lien came hobbling up learning on his came and joined the roup. It could be plainly seen that the old man had soiueihing on his mind that was troubling him. l'nsenily be said, "llon t you all know dat I's gitten old?" "You are nolbino like as old as fuller is," said one of I he ladies. "Hut lie isn't gut de i loom il iz like 1 i-l 1 leels like dis is de las' vi-it I'll ev.ib pay to you all dis side of de gravel" "Oh, pshaw, t'ncle Hen, jou have been visiting us every fall lor the last fifteen years nuw, and by another year yotit rheumatism will have disappeared, and I expect to see J uu here again just as we always have." "Nor luariii, Miss Ii , dis rhcuiiiatiz is not g wiiie In lei" me. 1 don't expect I'll evab recease to persevere. 1 lives u hundred miles t'um here, an' 1 can't git up and down on the e'yurs like I use to. 1 has been had bad luck in de woods betwixt l'armville au' l'rinee K l id cme housoan' lus' Janewary some 'possum hunters cotue ihu dar and sot de woods afire. )e lire crope up to my house an' sot dat afire an' when 1 done come out from dar I nevali save not bin' bin one bare coutitertiin. I den went down on Hiiery liver an' got uie a house for u dollar a inoni,' au I hadn't bin dar mor n a week bel'o' a freshit cotue lown de river and wash me clean out Tom dar too. An' den 1 bad some nice piesaii i tiles etis as e a Ii you ilnl see De pies nil il i i il wid de kol'ry and de las' one er' iletn fine chickens was taken wid de li'yaips ("apes) nil' ihy died, too. Oh, ya in 'am it pears like bad luck is bin followin' uf me all u dis jear. If it warn I lor de coinlort dat I gits out er de H'hle I would give up intireU!" "I am very jla I lo know lhat you git s. much C'lnfort nut uf the Hible, I ncli Hen," said Miss II . "I'mui what portion of l he llihlcdoyou derive so much com fort?" I. lyini! his indi x linger on tin palm of his band, the o'd lellow pro ceded as lollows; " vV, II, de Hible says 'Pcin dat do Lord lovolh he chases!' An' f'otn de w ay he i bin eh .sin' nie dis your, 1 know I tuns' be une'er his f.ivnr iics!" (I'olk M i ll r i ti Nashville Amen can ) AN KXHICNSIVK SOXti. Cumso "You say that Jou bouglu this deiighilul country home for a song? ' Cawker "Figuratively speaking, yes Its price approximated that of a song by l'atli." "Am I to take this medicine internally or apply il externally?" asked the ludy customer of the drug clerk who was filling her prescription. "Whichever pleases you, madam; the stuff is perfectly harmless." Kvery home ought to be made so much like heaven that the children will not think ot heaven as being far away. The devil's hardest blum are aimed t (he home. WIDOWS PREFERRED. Iluv rih'Mly )1ali Ilclkr Wives Si'iimj lime. 1 he "Tbeie are many characteristics of wid uws,"s.tys an observant writer of tho tuas culiue persuasion recently, "which make theiii really preferable as wives. They are not so exacting for one thing. Their first plunge, if it has taught them any thing, has taught them lo be forbeariug. Besides they are not so detestably ro mantic. If they drop llieir gloves in the street, they pick tbetii up without any fuss and do not wait for you to bend your knees to them ami a very strong point they know what men are and don't have to learn their lessens with sad tears and sighs. Tiny are not so prone to be extravagant cither another excellent feather in their mature caps. In short, if you marry, don't pass over the widows as if I hey were just the alloy of human ity." There is a great deal of common sense in this. Kven in wooing a wtduw a man is sure lo be saved much trouble. The dear lady can meet him halfway without any sacrifice of modesty, This, to a humble minded bachelor, is much. She is, moreover, nearly sure to be ipiicker of intelligence than the average unmarried girl. Aiitain, uiatriagc often changes a young woman in the most ulaiming manner. The pretty, blushing girl of une year is often hardly recognizable in the assum ing, haughty young matron of a year later. She doesn't shuw, half so attrac tively as a full blowu flower as she did in the bud. The number of men who have thus wedded only to be disillusioned! You can tell some of them by the wrinkles in their foreheads within a year or two after tbeit marriage or by the otherwise inexplicable habit of taciturnity that they acquire . I )ue may form a tulcrable idea of a widow's merits in some respects hy her il 'iiieanor early in Imr widowhood. Tact is the supremely useful quality iu the average widow. In the long run it is belter than beauty in a wife; better even than money. Hy it a woman may guide her hii'tniiil toward happiness while min istering to the harmless piide in him which makes him think Ii.' is diing it himself. Philadelphia Times. 1 1 1 X T i I V K I X ST Ul XT ION'S A lleorgia man who bad made a Hying machine, offered ii negro 81U I.) make a trial trip in it. The negro agreed, got in position, and he and the in icbinewere hoisted by block and t n'kle ah nit thirty feet from terra liruia. When the rope was looseucd, .the ma chine took a sudden slanting course tow ard earth ami plunged into au adjacent mill pond. It disappeared with tho negro beneath the water, while the terrified inventor stood shrieking for assistance. Presently the uegro's head bobbed up serenely, and be struck lor dry land. On arriving, his first splulted words were: "lu detiaiueer (Soil, Marse ilnhti, why didn't you tell dat fool thing whar ler light?" "Let me give you a pointer," said M. F. Ilregg, a p ipular eon lu.'lor on the Miss niiilVilie railroad. "Do you Luow th it Chamberlain's (J die, C'holeta ami Dianhoea Iteiiiedy cures you when you huve the stieu i.'h acb.'? Well, it does." And after givingihis frendly bitof advice the jolly conductor passed ou down the aisle. It is a fact tint ihousauds of rail road and traveling men never take a trip without a buttle ofthis Remedy, which is the best cure for bowel disutdera in the world. -.1 and ."ill cut bottles. For sale by W. M. (allien, Weldon, .1. N llrow.i, Halifax, Dr. A, S. Harri son, Kulield. siri'l IN(i II I .VI KKillT. A (ic.rgia farmer employed the poet of the village to wiile some obituary verso on the death of his hroilur, lie guv the poet all the points at his command ami the latter began as lollows: "He lived this life of pain an' stiil'c, I'ani all lhat he did owe, An' said one d iy: I j can't stay: I ,":,inn 1 tun-! gu ' " "That's just what he did say," cotn mculed the farmer, "go on," "I'poti the skies he sot his eyes-- The Christian bran1 an' bold; Au' then ho to, m the heavenly prize A crown an' harp of gold." "Stop right tltar, John," exclaimed the old man; "slop right thar an' change that. He wur. ler silver ter the lasl!" lliii tlen's Arnica Naive. The Best Salvo in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Fleers, Salt Kbeum, Fever Sorses, Tetter, ( 'happed Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Ktuptions and positively eun s Files, or no pay re quired It is iUiirnn!cd In uive perfWt satisfaction or money refunded I 'rice '2't cents per box For sale at W. M v obeli's PriiK Store. OABTOniA. A SUCCESSFUL RUSE. Or Why due Unman lines Nut Nn Her Hiin Hats. )Like 'Why don't Women buy their hits as men do? Now, I here's a derby that only eest me a couple of dollars, and I will wear it for two seasons," ami Cbaun cey Smith took ofl'aiicat hat and banded it to his wife. "That is your privilege," she respond ed. "Do you wish ine to wear a hat like yours? They are all the slyle." "No. I mean a feminine affair, with lace and ribbon, something that compares ill price with mine. You bt ymir milli ners swamp you with their ideas and ex peiiditures. lie original and make your own hats and buy other things with the money saved." "1 am willing to try," .-aid his wile pleasantly. "That's right, Lottie. You know a man doesn't know anything about a wo man's bat. It is the face under ihe hat that appeals to us," and lighting a cigar he swaggered off. A (lay or two ufterward business called Cliauneey out ou the avenue. He saw smile pretty girls in the gainsborough hats who were fiien Is uf his wife. Tin y were pretty, but be knew they had always been outranked hy Lottie, and il gave him a pleasant thrill of satisfaction. Then lie saw a dowdy looking girl ap pruaching, ami be looked at her wilb a mental shock. "Why will women get themselves up in such shape? I daresay that r thing would be passab'y gnud looking if she were stylishly dressed, lined heav ens! Lottie?" "I made it myself," said Little, as she shot past him, leaving him the picture of mortification and dismay. "You see," she explained at supper that evening, "millinery is a profession 1 never icarneu, ami I Haven t millinery fingers naturally, as very few women have Hut what is wrong with my hat?" "It is simply frightful; that's all." "1 made it for a song." "1 should think it e.mie nearer being a nightmare." "So do I." said his wife decidedly. "A inilliil'T studies the leitiir. s her C lslolllels ami uiaki.s In suit t Ik lu, and the effect is harmonious. My i tlort made a fright of mo, and I can never im pruve. Making tuts isn't my forte." "Have otic in ide loiimrrow and send 1 to me. I hope you didn't s e an of our Iriendson the avenue" "Oh," said Lottie demurely, "in. tie of them recognized uie iu that hat troit Tree I'ress. -D, Something To Know. It may he worlb soiueihing to know that the very best medicine lor restoring the tireil out nervous .system loa healthy vigor is Kleetric Hitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving lone to the nerve centres iu the stomach, gen tly stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, and aids these organs in throwing nil impur ities iu the blood. Kicetric Hitlers im proves the appetite aids digestion, and is pronounced hy those who have tried it a, the very host bl I purifier and uervi tonic Try it. Sold for ."(He. or 1,00 per Little ut W. M Cohen's Drug Store A sr.icviox. A eolonled exhort'T enlarging on the impossibility of rieli men getting into heaven, said: "Look, at Latberus: on de airth be ax Diwei Wbe i for i i he wuz e crumbs what did il it fall I'riiin his tabic. I'.n Diwces do ter him? lie calls Moreover, en sick him on his dog Latberus Litherus put upapurlv good fight, but de dog licked him! Den Diwecs wuz m id dil he took il lil en died en wh he wake up be fin' himself in bell lire, eu he look trno de skylight en sec Latberus en Father Abraham in a liuggin' male! eu he call ter Litherus ter turn on d water he'd pay de bill. Kn what did Ltiherus say? He des lean over banisteren holler mil: 'H i 'long, man en shot yo' tnouf Di oil' on de tenth. Milk ties' I got!" water wuz cut u bo'iey is de ! i ut o i n hit it 1 1: ups Mrs. Witislow's Soothini; Syrup has been use 1 lor over hit v years Uy miliums ol mothers lor children, while teethiii", uiih perfect success. l soolhes the chilli S.J.o Ii.s I In- Oius, ao.t.s no piilll, vines wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Ibaribiea. it will relieve llie poor liitlc sitllercr immediately. Sold by drnoL'isl in every part ol the world. 'J.'i cents a botile. He sure and ask lor "Mrs. Wins low's Southing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. COT TIM', V UONti I. I.C. A (leorfiia drummer bad a customer whose name was le-'o. Til l latter failed in business and the drummer, who happened to be on baud at the time, telenraphed bis firm: "Ik'ku lias broke." The firm placed ttie wrono construction on the U-li-orain and replied: "Sorry. See it physician, and keep sober." OABTOniA. llalli LIFE BEYOND THE CRAVE. ) Mnnli's iirafhic l!liN!',ili"!i uf tin li'i.trine M' ihe I'.surreilinii. ''There is a little book entitled "The Life Heyomr that presents the truth of the lte-iirreetiiiu in a wonderful manner," wiites Kvange'ist, Mo,..y in the August Ladii s' lloine Journal. "It is au alio gory and pretends i oive (he experiences of a little iliagnn lly grub. The little in.seci longs to know what is beyond the spline of its little world. Ill vain it in ipiires ol the li-h that live iu the same pond, but tiny have tin experience in any nihil sphere, nor can any of its fellows sali-ly il- anxious yearning. TI lily world il knows is a little meadow pond, all iis cxperiei is limited by the In unds of the siitroiinding banks, At length the grub is overcome by a strange altrae'iiiti upward, ami gathering about it all its fellows it tells tint il, mu-t leave them for the regions above, and promi-es to rit'irn lo tell them what it. has found to exist in the beyond, if, indeed, there may be anything above the bulrushes of their little pond. And then ipiietly it disappears from the sight uf ils fellows and emerges into the bright sunlight of the greater wotld. Here it is trans forini d, and now with outstretched wing it darts hither and thilh. r re lb eting the brightness of the sun from ils goig' ous body. Hut il does not forget the proui- -es it has mail" to the (riends it has left below. It tries to return to the world I rum which it has just been resurrected, biitciniiot now leave the atmosphere iu which it live-. All il can do is to wait for them to come to where it now bus, beauliliil dragon fly. "And thus it is with those who have lisappean d from our sight. Their love lor us is nut lessened because they are not able to communicate with us, hut they wailing in the presen f the Master lor that glnriou- in. nl when iu their resurrected bullies they sb.iil unite more wilb those whom tln-y have loved in nh." Tetter, Sail 'Klioum nnil F.czcuiu. The inleti-e ileliiiig ainl sinai'lin..'. int'i lenl t" these ilio'-iM'S. isin-lantlv alio veil liv iiMilving I h.uiilii'i'laili s I'.ve ntnl Skin t liiiim-nl . .Many ery hail cisi-s have I n permanent lv cured by it. It s eipiallv eliii'ieiit fur iti hing piies iiml f.ivni'il" fur sure nipples. Implied hamls. chilblains, frost l.ites ntnl i hroiiie suio eyes, 'g.iets.per box. Id'. Cailv's (onililion I'iihiIcI's, lira just what ii liorsu needs when in hail minimi, loiiie, liliioil put'inor Hint miilntre. 'I'hev me not f I but iiii'ilii ine mid tlie lu st in u-e to put a burse iu prime euinlitioii. Price o tits per package. F..r sal" hv W, M Cub,,,, Y. !.!..!.. ,1. N. Hrown, llalilax; Dr. A. S. II irri-on. Kiiti.'id i;i:m vi;k Aiu.i; rowim Five men lorined tbeiiiselves into u lynehino party and struii" up a neiro who bad stolen a lior-e. In their tiaste tln-y failed to tie his Inn Is, and, lieari nu' a noise as of a p illy iipproieliim:, they decamped and lel'i the n 'ro swinin. Tnat siviiiiu motion brought biui ill close proximity to the tree, which he en circled with his arms climbed to the limb from which tic was suspended, cut him self down and went lioiue to supper. He siibseipiently said to Ids wile: "landv, while I wiua w in-jin'. Jar I siw heaven wide . prophets en' res owine oil en iplit oo-pell" pell will Mo ses en' lie er Jem, en now 1 stealiu' en preach l lie l.l-amlest ltcmcil. Mr. It. I!. I ireeve" merelnnl, of Cbil bowic, Ya., certifies that be bad coiisiim ptinii, was niven opto die, sought all iiiedical treatment lhat money could procure, tried allcoii ill remedies he could liear ol, but " it in relief: spent many nieliis siiiiu" up in a chair; wis induced to try Or Kind's New Oiscovery, and was curc'l tiy use ot Iwo Dottles I'or pa-t three years has been altetidinu' to business and says Or. Kind's New Ois covery is the grandest remedy ever mailc us it has done so much for him and also I'm others in Ins coiiiiiiiiniiy. Or K inn V Oi-i',ivery is guaranteed for ('ou'b Colds and Consumption. It don't fail Trial bottles free al V. M. Cohen's Oni: Store. If you are only a picket, uy to be as laithliil to vour trust us if you were the commander of an army. AOYF.HTISK.MF.NTS. POWDER Absolutely Pure Celebrated lor it (iront leaven inn t rcnKtb anil healthl'iilness. Assureajhe against ilium anil nil forms of adulteration com mon to the cheap hninds. ROYAL tUKINO POWDER CO., NEW YORK . Ifl ' N K W A D V ; H T I S K M K N TS . KEEP YQUR EYESOPEF!' Surely if the word RMiUIA TOR is not on a package it is not Simmons Liver Regulator. Sothing else is the same. It cannot be and never has been put up by any one except J. H. ZEILIN & CO. And it can he easily told by their Tradu Mark THE RED Z. MUSE ii MS, V''V.V'V'W''V.? PiinitH! Pinp i Pinp Jn'ttiM? lump), iijju u iijju iiiuuiu). IbJTT. S. niirloi-. Clint: on your col ton Jolt Work in liM chus , If Nt;.'r l;tk iiiH'lnm wink, Rocky Mount Iron Works, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. THALMAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, '.'l:t I'. I'.ehiiiioi'c St., r.AI.TlMolir., MI'. Manufacturers of FINE RUBBER STAMPS, STENCILS, SEALS, I'lilitiiii; i'resses anil Printer'sSupplies. Also Artistic ,Ioh Printing, ami en unners of Weililini; anil Hull Invitations. Send for our beautiful illustrated catalogue of '2.VJ paes, printed in live colors. We ileal ill novelties, novelties. Odd anil ainiisiiK. mu,,.Ai!cnC Wanted. sep i!4 ly. I CHAS. Nl. WALSH, II STKM .IAI;l:l.i:aliil(.l;ANITK WORKS 1 PeterslilllL'. Va -4 MONUMENTS, i l leuilstones, 'I'olnlis, etc. OrtL.AIso Iron I'eiieini;, Vases ele . for cemetery ami other purposes al lowest illees. tffK..s I'isi'AcnoN ia auan rr.i.D. Work Delivered Oct 11 lv. CI 1 AIvLlilS GALLEY, CONFECTIONER, PETERSBUBG VL. Mr. W. W. Warren represents the linn mid will visit, Weldon and its vicinity reg nlarly. octlDly. GRANT SPECIAL ONLY $35. lluilt just the way ymi wani it. I'p to date, L'uaranleed hib "tade wheel. LICHTRUNNINC AND A THINC OF BEAUTY. All Colors and all styles fur men ladles and childlen. .lust as oni id as a bicycle you would pay SI IIP fur elsewhere. Sample wheel nn exhibition at ' 1 dud """"'if o'- H. L. GRUNT- Ajicnt. llllllKIIXK)! Hll Hit Hit KM W.T.ptRKEIi, .wWhl.OON, N. C.-XjiS BlneRidflLe Cement-CLime Works MKinilartiirrrsnl HI, I K Itlln.K HYDRAULIC ROSENDA LE CEMENT Uminiiitivil Hlisiiliiti'ly hvl t:t u I w. We tiiuUe iin.-i-x .l.-iiv.'r''t ii utiv point In tin- Smth All Ct'ini'til tt-Mfti. ami streitijiti. unilnnriit v in rulnr, ImnniiK hii'I Knn-lnit: uHHninl.-i-tl. Vrite fur iirlci'S V l). H.Mrvvs til l y; i;lKiK SPKINtiS VA. Tt'lcurHnh Hint Knlir'. V PROFKSSIOXA I. CA RDS. M. Mt'l.l.KS, WAl.TKH B. IIANlal M I! L I, K N A II A N K L. ATTORNEYS AT LAW Wki.iion, N. C. l-i'Ri'llee In theeniirt.of Malt fax AiutNortham mp ni .ilnl in llie sntireiiieanii feoernl cinirlji. 'lions iiiaite In allnarlsnf Nortti t'Rriilina tlraiieh nlliee al Halifax, N. c, otHiii every Mnn. isy- jamiy DENTIST Weldon, N. C. ItOflice over Kmry A Pierce'astor. kihnm JJIt. T. T. UOSS, BICYCLE REPAIR INC A SPECIALTY nins lor rciKiirs belt. re the iuh. All kiimn Tin - Fluid, Caliiiu l Work, .."it neiienil i:stai;i.isiii:ii in lmio. Tlie truth is llie Inundation ol'oui Success. We make Claims, our WOKK fulfils them. ftayl.ct us Kstimatc lor you.W Ilcsinns Sent to any address F11EE. In writing uive no.e of deceased and some lim it as to pi ice. All work warranted STKICTi.Y I'llisr-t'I.AS.S and SAT1S I'ACTOUY. At Any Depot. -J- L.- udkins' Grocery ;wki.don, n. c I carry ;i lull line of line Staple and Fancy (.rocerit's, -FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES' Crorkfry, (il;w.H Tin, and wiMtdenwure and most everything tlmt in kept in a lirnt class yniecry store. I afoo retnrn thankM t4i my Iriends tnrthMr patrnnuge. of tlie p.ini, unil solit-it a euntiiuiamv ol ttiosame, with nuaianltH1 to please. And wishing them a happy ami prosperous new year, riiat llicy may Lonn to live And wet) todo And alter death lie happy too. Ke.ipectfully, J.L. JL'DKINS. doe 1.1 lv- FJ.StainU. f WELDON, N. C. 1 taller In General Merchandise Awnl for tbeeeleliinleil .KKII.KIi 11()H. and HAY STATU SIIUKS. Have also added to my stock nice tine CLOTHING! for Ml'., YOUTH'S and ClUMUiKN. A Ail I line of Solid Walnut Caskets I Coins, Always on linnd. Burial robes furnished for l.adien ami (leutlcmen also fluid injec tions (riven to dead twdics nnd disin'fec Umts used when desired. A NICE 1IKAKSK AT YOUR DISPOSAL. P. N.8TAINRACK. T)R W. J.WARD.fe Sniedi Dentist, ENFIELD, N. a WuOffioe ovr Harrison Drit Buarn, dec 90 Iy