SBtft--'-5 ill PHI FSi JOPI1T "W. SLEDG-E, I'ltoi'KiKTOii. VOL. XXXII. .A. NEWSPAPEE FOR THE P E O IF L IE . WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AlftJUST 12. 1897. TEIRMIS:-!- I'KK ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO. 1G. r r ADVERTISEMENTS. ( A HI aarsapaniia Sense. Any sarsajurilla, Is sarsapa- rilla. True. So any tea is tea. So any flour i flour. Hut grades (lili'er. '( 'aun ihe best. It's so with sars.ip.irilla. There arc grades. You want the lc:t. If you understood sarsaparilta as well as you do tea and Hour it would lie e.isy to determine. Hut you don't. How should you? When you are goinj; to buy a commodity whose value you don't know, you pick out an old established house to trade wiih, and trust their ex perience and reputation. Do so when buying sarsaparilla. Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been on the market 50 years. Your grandfather used Ayer's. It is a reputable medicine. There are many Sarsaparillaa but only one Ayer's. It cures. No. 1 Solid 0k Fr'rnnlon Tshl. polished hkt 11 ihhio tmx $x Ipga. The f uu 1 on t mile leisure o hi nect eif hraewt an1 tlnriy oniiitiienfpi.. It m''aure 4 -H42. lichen when rtnnptf ft r rl tt toot long wtiun preiul. Heclal Price, $3.95 (Orders promptly filled. ) Thn ahovo is but owe of over l'OO barirama to be fnuinl In cur ti-w onm btrue. It rontHhis all kitnHif Furni ture, uarpois. nany h niacin, frltf orator, St v. fViev L.mi pa, HetMlnir, Srimr-, lnn HnU, pip. Y"ii are par in lm-ai (b ulem U'iil'le our pnoi's. Urop ft pound for our grent mmirv-aavliiir cBtHl"true h ieh we mall free of all rhnriri. IVal with the manufacturer ami yti will make ib biir irnnt you are now j-ayiug your local uealori Julius Mines A Son, BALTIMORE) SID. m m n HERE IS n n n n m m m A SNAP. if 1 1 WThv early liiril You know llm rent. MEYER IS Opening a lurye lot or sample S'l'KAW HATS, and SIHtKS which he is not GIVING V t AWAY n i lnt in xelliuK ut half ol lirst wll- m STRAW m m HATS. by the thousand. Everybody able to have a nice hut ut munil prioe. Also Hue line SUMMER DRESS GOODS m n Silks, Cbevioti, Table DiimnHk JQt Curtains, Kibbons, Drewt Trim- 11 mniM, or auythiug you oak lor. minx, or Full line . if- GROCERIES AND 1 CONFECTIONERIES ut pricea lower than ever. m m Come innnd eiuinine my stock. n ENFIELD. N. C. rv rrtf th r r 'rv r 'n fv r4 rfyi if flPRING :f M OPENING 1 i Special DUplay of ll4T$$Boi!liETS And Millinery Novelties. I 0 Be euro to attend. o 1 MRS. W. R. HART, j octlSly Roanoke Kupids.N. ( P. SALE, WM. LINN, I Proprietor. Manager I MANSION HOUSE. i . DATU nw . a iMERICIR AND EUROPEAN PLANS I VIm BUw, NO&rOLZ, VA. 1 i S. Meyer, M The Promised Land. So we sailed unci tailed over stormy scum, till we came to u pleasant land. Where torever were peace and happiness, ami plenty wan 011 each hand: And no man wronged his brother there, lor no man counted it gain To live by the sweat of another's brow, or to joy at another's pain. And the strong man there was 11 kindly man, aided throne who was wrak, And fur those who were Himpluand trust ing men their wirr hrolhri s would Hpeak, And erred, or color, or hind, or birth, canard no man to hate another, 'or the same red blood tilled eaeh man' vein-, and every man was ahrother And the otil man there was a birred man, lor toil less he wanted nought, nd vice and toil on the tittle ours no lonp-r their ruin wrought ; And the tedde in body and mind had their no longer a cart lr bread: For out of the ptettlv that was for all, twas tlieira the first to be led. &t. W & r- w rrh w w 7ftv viy rts; rtfy rv rflv rV W Oil g tta Last night 1 sat by lier side, anil we Iked as I rieinls of friendly things. And "king into her eyes 1 saw tlu-re u cer- 11 in loneliness and a certain, lunging. l'mlay I gave uiysi'll' up to day dreams. In my dream I sat again beside the woman who was uiy friend. And as we tilked again ol friendly things she slid nly hid her face, ami I knew that she was wectung. Altera period ol silence 1 knelt beside her and sliii looked up l'cering intu her eves I saw in theii ptbs that loneliness und lunging uf the night before. Aud grasping her band tightly I arose and said, "Cuincl" With her hand trembling yet confiding ID mine 1 led her lorth into a ili'serl place. Across the great waste of sand we walked on and on through the gloom. And iu all that desert place we w. re alone. ller journejing thus for months, which were like years, (be woman withdrew her hand from mine, saying, "But what ice is this?" And I aiismrcd: "This is the world in which there is no mutual love. Hire live ail those who do nut love and ull those whose love is uot returned." But these people where ate they?" ho asked. "They swarm about J'ou ill thousands," I replied. "Yet all who dwell here are doomed to feel alone, 'Phis loncliues., ! ciuscs that peculiar lunging look in peo ple's eyes. Though many know it not th V long to find a place which is in lb liter ol the world, a pl-ice of wotidrou .lilt V called the ei'y of Love." "Then let us Hud the beautiful city at once, saul (he one tit'siue uie. "Uli uiy heart aud my life are like the dcscri itself! If you know the way to the autilul ciiy, let us go there while we still have youth with which to enjoy it." Looking now into her eyes, knowing that 1 loved h-r, I said: "Ah, that 1 might le id you into the b -autilul city! But until you love me I eannnot, lot the city is a pUeo uf luve, aud a in in and a wuiuan must cuter together; each loving aud loved." Then as I tuld her how I had come to luve her, she tuined away weping. And when I saw her eyes again the lotieliuess and the lunging were still there. But taking her baud again I led her unward Wearily onward we trudged, searching. for the beautiful city, as were those w bum we knew to be about u,but whom we could uot see. An 1 ever und auou 1 would say to her, "You must yourself luieuuc wl loves you before you can fmd ihe joules. v, Komt-tinics n burglar ouIk suc ceed in damaiini( the lock of a il so that the conihi. nation won't wmk. Next moniina lh bank officer, can't liet St their own money, Ther may he millions in the sale, hut if their credit depended "1 jr-ttir? t ' in fl rotrry they wnuli bankrupt, imply bwsusf the combination won 't work A sick man U in vrv much Ihe same fit shout uettinir t li niunslinlent he needs to keep him alive. The" plenty of jwt food at hand, but his iliy'SUve oie itnsin is out of order; the nutritive " coiulniialion '' of his system won't sotk en t pos"-l bly Ret at the nourishment contained IN 'he focal. He tskes it into hl lomach, but it Hoes him no good. It Isn t made into fond blood He is jnt s hadly off ss If the food was locked upwti're he couldn't touch it. He f ets no strength or health out of it All these msl nutritioe conditions hsve s perfect and scientific remedy in Tlr. Pierce's Oolden Medical Discovery U puts the nu tritive "eomhinatinn " of the system Into perfect working order. It gives the diges tive and blood-making organs power to make pure, red. aeslthv blood, snd pour it into the citculstioa abundantly and rapidly it drives nut all bilious prisons and scrof ulous germs, cures indigestiou. liver com- Klaint, nervou.ness and neutalaia, snd uilds up solid Besh, sctivc power and nerve force. Mrs Rebecca 9 a.Hnet. of Oraftno. Vork Co , Vs write- " I w.s vi .Irk with nv.pcpsU that I era, ill nol e.1 snvthing ror over four months I hsil to stsnre m vself. s sothint wisilo stsy on my trasrh. I em baUW I M n est even s cracker. 1 thmighl I w.sotnsooie. IweichH only So pounil. 1 trle,l .bnost everythoiK nil nothing- did me any rood, until I look lwi bottle, ofthe Onldes Meiltral Discovery ' I am MW as wtU I sow sns, aa4 wssgk la ssids," I "111 "W jr - mm AtmI nil, but that laml was u happy tauil lor iIhim- who wt-re sifters ol tueti. For tlu-iii wiin no rude and unseemly toil, ill lield or ill sweater's den; They pawned mil hoily and mcil I'm bread, I'nr woman felt woman's shame, And dearer than lil'e In the strong man was the good !' hin sister's name. And the fields weieyellow with harvesting wiu're every man niinht reap, And the llsht'ul riiers went singim; down Ihroiih the land to the mighty deep And the mount itns were clothed w ith I'orests, and the orrhards were ripe with t'niit. And the ll of I he kine like inrellse arose in the ine.tdowsstill gleen afoot. And peace was forever iu that fair laud, for no man i-iiv icd Ins mate, And no niiin's treasiues, wlivre nil were rich, woke Ins lirother'ssleepiug hate And die kingdom that t'hrist had prom isnl was now tor all men tosee, And the name of that happv kingdom was, "The land of the soon to b,.." iH'K - W,,.-;.lt.V.,,'!J..'VJ'..-.W,.::w.f. v'-V. iWi -W.' W' -u.r tt fSV f,- H-W M U Iiiiit After in ue in nubs that seemed like years we came to u place where there was watir. And she by my side asked, How came this Walt r hcie?" "This is the Well uf Tears," I an swered, "tears shed by those who live in this world weeping because uf the lotieliuess and the longing. " But all these people," she said, "all those who are longing and weeping utound us, these whom we cannot see because we are blinded, I suppose, by our own tears, what are ihey doing? "M.t i f tlu-iii," I answered, "are making money, b.-lievinglbat with wealth they cm buy their passage to the beauti ful city. But thejoy of wealth Vanislus in a night the longing for the joy eternal n litis. O.ln-rs are making I'li.teld. But une friend proves false an 1 the joy uf friendship has fled. Still others are m iking a ii iine But when the famous are alone the j y of a great uame has gone, mid the l"iigiug for the joy eternal remains. Thus many scati-h but only tho-e who love an I are loved I Und the gates." ' Then for yet iiioiu months that Wi-ie ! like years 1 led her uu. And as lung as she was by my side I never lost hope of tiiidiug the gates. When she sank down I de.-p.iiritig ovcra belmcd by the mystery uf tint p'Tp 'tiial gl mill and of i ho uwful iiiu of llul vast silt'tiec, I would tell her again uf my love and of the hope lliat impelled me on. ' But the way is so long," she would say . ".nu we nave evcu now lieen years and years iu iking the journey, can gu no farther. I wi I rem du here, accept ing this d-srrt as the only woild, and live on in my loneliness and longing " Thensadly I would reply: "None who begiu the search is permitted to abandon it. All limit blunder uu. None may pause." She shuddered, an l again I led b. r on till one day in my great love and sorrow I took lu-r boldly in uiy uruis and fulding her to me said: "All, if you eiuld only luve tue, I could iheu relieve you from this barren waste, fur I luve you so." Site lifted her head from uiy shoulder, and luukitio into my eyes smiled and said "You ure blind." Tbeu hastily brushing, away the loneli uess and the longing from my own eyes, I oould see that she, too, an longer foil alone, anil that the louging lu her eyes had turned to laughter. And suddenly the gloom began to lise, levt-aliiig u place allied with a gl -ii. Us light. Aud out of the vast si lence I biurd the murmur of multitu dinous Vi.iei.s, .dl saving, "I love yuu so." As the gloom dispersed, two mighty g..te upeticd und u i In rub buy name towanl us, saying: ' I am Cupid, placed hero to guard the gutes uf the City of Luve and to admit umie but true lovers. Lik . I I . e . i i I I uiousauus in oiiicrs, you nave neei waiuli ling tl.e trackless desert, passing i and repu-siug these gates though you knew it Uot." And turning In me I'u. id continued: "Sje aim imiidsh) y,,ur side has don Well Mie has luki u lime In nuke sure of her own I ive and uf voiir-: for men play with love und woiui'ti are cari clous Then, taking my luvo in my arms, I kissed her, ni.d n entered the gales to gether, each loving slid loved Id was a place of cicrn il sunshine, a land ueauty anil laugtuei ami kindness, a eitv where all seemed busy ou errauds of luvo And as iu joy and rapture I gathered uiy love in my arms lorevcr Cupid closer the gates with un euhoiug ulatter. Ho man eo. iii:oit,n:"n:i. Huslcss Well, Tomiuie,you can tc your mother lor mo that you are th best behaved boy at tuhle I ever met. Tomniic Thank yon, ma'am, but I'd rather not. Ilostcss-Uuilier not. And why, pray? Tomliiie rihe'd think J was ill, mu'aro, and would send fur llio doctor. l'ear- sun's Week I;, HAUNTED PALACES. Th,' Spirit Anne I'olon 1'n.ims 'llmiimh llamjlun twirl. All the older of Qieen Victories palaces are supposed to be peopled by supernatural uccupatits. Thus it Holy rood tin' ghost of the luunlered llizziu is supposed to prometia le the glo nuy old galleries after dark, and it is noteworthy that whenever any incmber of the reign ing family is forced to spend a night in the capital ol Scotland a hotel is prel'eired to the nyal palace. Hampton c mrt palac" on more than une invasion during the last few years has witnessed n whole site exodus of the minii-rotis si-rvntits employed about the pilaee, ill conse ipieiiee ol'lhe antics of u specter which is alleged to b" ihatof yueen Anne ltol, y n, who was bcbcadid by her hu-band, King Henry VIII. It is ull very well to laugh at this, but servauis do not give up fat places, nor do titled ladies i. f limited means ri-limpiish su great and highly priz.'i a privilege as free apartments in u royal palace, for the sake of mere fancy or imagination. Fur ther, it may be mentioned that there are official records to show that in the reign of King , I lines II the corporation of the city uf London paid lor 1 'J. (Mill masses to be said fur (he rcpnse of the soul of Queen Anne Itolcyu, with the object of "laying" her ghost. Unfortunately these musses do not seem lo have been effica cious, for Queen Anne's specter eoutinucs to haunt the palace to this day. The most uncanny of all the royal palaces in this respect, is however, that of Stockholm, which has been haunted tu such an extent since the ussassinatioii within its piecincts uf King liu-tawis III that twice it has been cutirely r.izai to the ground and reconstructed, with the object uf dislodging the supposed ghost. All, however, has been without avail. The ' little red tu in," who used to haunt the Tu'leries before it was de stroyed by lire at the lime of the eotu luuue, and bis twin brother, who still uppears periodically as the precursor of death at the grand ducal palace uf llarui stadt, arc too well known lo need more than passing reference here, ami the same may be said uf tile "while lady" of the imperial palace at Vienna and of her similarly attired sister at the old ruyal pilaee of Berlin. .Much has been written about ibis "white lady" of the lloheii zollerus, concerning the authenticity ol whose ippcaranees the late Kiiiperor Frederick collected u wonderful array of records of ihe most convincing nature. She is snppos. il to be the spt eti-r of Countes Agnes uf Orluiuundc, whu murdered her first husband, us well us her two ehi dieu, iu order to he able to unrrythe burgrave of Nuremberg, the ancestor of ihe electors of Brandenburg id ol the house of Ilohen. illern. The triple murder is asserted lu have taken place within the pr.tcinets uf this palace, which wis built lid years ago, is lighted by 1,11110 windows and possesses! as many roo ns as the nii'iib.'r of years of its exis nee. u-uidon L'tter Chicago Record. There Is Nuthlup So t.uoil. Toei-e is inching just as gnud as Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and ('olds, so demand it and do nut permit the dealer to sell you some ubstuutc, lie will not claim there is anything better, but in order to make mole profit he may claim something else be just us good, lou want lr King's New Discovery because yuu know it to b-' sate und reliable, and guaranteed lo do good or money refunded. Fur Coughs, Colds, Consumption and for all iiff.'ciions of Throat, Chest und Lungs, there is nothing so good us is Dr. King's New Discovery. I rail bottle Iree ut W M Cuhen's Drug Store. Regular siz. .ill cents aud J1.IMI. A NKW WANT. "Well, said Mis. Willies to the tramp, "I suppose yuu want something to cut this morning. "No, kind lady," replied the wayfarer; I culled lo see if you hud a cast off bi cycle lo give lo a deserving man." l'iek Me l'p. "Lei me givo y.ui a pointer," said M. F. llregg, a popular con hi -.lor un lie Missouiil'acilio railroad. "Do you know thai Chamberlain's Colic, Ch ileia und Diarrhoea Remedy curoiyou wlii.ii y luve the slouaeh ache? does" An I ul'ier giving this I'reudly bit of advice the jolly conductor passe I on down ihe aisle. It is a fact th it thousands of rail road and traveling men never take a trip without a bottle of ibis Remedy, which is the best cure for bowel disorders in the world L'.'i and "ill cent hollies. F ,r sale by W M Cohen, Weldon, J. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A, S. llurri son, Ii'iiHcld. WOltldl WITHOUT LOVE. She What would this world be with out love? He (remembering the shnw and llio supper of the night before) It would he a blamed sight cheaper for one thing. OABTOniA. tvtrr HIS NOSE. Il Is Very Impirianl, dirls, 1 hat Vuu hmilJ W.Uvh His Vise, 11,'fiiro Joining llanis l or Life. 1. I'u not marry 11 man whose uose shows any natural deformity ur twist ing; there will invariably be some cor responding tl iw iu his moral nature. i. Do not marry a man whose nusc comes out uf the big forehead in almost a straight line, the type uf nose often seen in statues following (J reek models. Such a nose is invariably uceouipauicd by extreme willfulness, selfishness and sometimes cruelly. Nero bad such a nose, und su did .Mary, Queen uf Scots. !!, Do not marry a man with u sharp poiiili-ii ims,', be will have u sharp, un comfortable character, lie will be bard lo please; there will be acidity iu bis na lure. 1 If u man tells you bo is au urtist or writer und has a uose that is nut re lined at the tip do uot believe him. There is great value in the aesthetic finish of the tip uf the nusc in menu! these two classes. "i. If yuu want a husband who will make bis way in this world und probably gain power ur money, take one whose nusc is broad ridged aud pruiniuuiit and bears a moderate hump iu its upper half. If be is u wide-headed mail us well, he will insure yuu your wish. And he will be a brave fellow physically as well. G If yuu want a husband whu will be always hopeful and buoyuut, take one with u tip-tillid nose, but nut tun shurt, fur if it be that yuu will find him uvir impulsive. 7. And once more I say, do not marry a man with a lung, drooping uose. Be sides being gleuiny and secretive, he will probably be critical and faullliud ing. S. If you want u husband in whose heart yuu will hold undisputed sway do nol marry u man with these three signs, fatal lo failhl'ulucss: A narrow eye, almond-shaped, ur with straight edge under lip full al the center and n d and moist; u palm which shows un the mount uf Venus (ihe full, fleshy part under the thumb) many well cut lines dossing ut right angles. Ten ec, Sull-Itlii'iini und Kczi'inu. The intense itching mid sinurting, inci dent tu I hose diseases, isiiisiantlv ulluyed by applying I'hiiiiilieilniii 's l'-ye und Skin I Hutment, .Many very lead cases have been pi'iiiiancntly cured by it. It is equally etlieient fur itching piles and n fnviiiiti' remedy for sure nipples, chapped bands, chilblains, frost bites und chronic sore eves. Si i ts. per box. Ilr Cadi's ( 'imilitinn I'nntlers. are just wlmt il hurst) needs when in bad 'condition. Tunic, blond purifier and veniiilnge. Ihey me lint touil tint iiieilieini' and the best in use tu put n horse in prime condition, l'rico 25 cuts per package. Fur sale by W. M Chen, Weldun; J. N. Bruwn, Halifax; Dr. A S. Harrison, Euticld II UtMONV. Mr. Mann ib'or mercy's sake, what aru the children (iurrelini; about in the next rouui? Mrs. Mann Their music teacher came in a few minutes ul'o, aud I sup pose they are nuw engaged in the study of harinuny. I dlt (II i:il I'lKl'V VKAIt Mrs. Winsluw's Southing Syrup has been used for over tit t y years by millions of mothers lor children, while let'llnni;, with perfect success. It suothea the child, softens the "urns, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best retuedy lor Diarrhccu. It will relieve the poor little sullcrer immediately. Sold by druu'trtsts in every part of the world. 2." cents bottle. Re sure aud usk fur "Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. how hi: i.ivki). W eury V utters Will yer j;lve ule something ter cut? I hev not tasted food for six munths. Reuben Cornstalk Waal, 1 swan How did yuu live? Weary Walkers Yer see, when 1 thinks uf home und mother, the lump in me throat comes in me mouth and swallow it. Hid You l-'.er. Try Klcctrie Hitlers as a remedy fur your troubles? If not get a bottle now Hud wet r'li"f. Thi" tnt'dicine has been found to be peculiarly adated to the relief and cure ol all reuiale Complaints, ex crling a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to Ihe organs If Vou have Loss of Appeiile, Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, urate Mervous Sleepless, Kxcitalilc, Melan choly or troubled with ltay Spc Electric Riltersia the medicine yuu need Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fitly cents and 81.00 at W M Cuhen's Drug Slure. Hi Tin: ui:ali.i:s it now, Mrs. Reuhain Many a true word i spoken in jest. Mr. Hcnhatn That's so I little dreamed when I said, 'With all my worldly goods 1 thee endow,' that you would take every cent 1 had. CAflTOniA. TVafw- it n rr twai TRUMPET CALLS. 1'iUn's Hum Suunis a Warning NuU- I'u I nrvjYiiBk'J. Ilk (Jorge the memory, and starve the understanding. When men look to the Lurd there is no luck uf wurk. Betler understand one theorem than learn a dozen. Belter freedom in bonds thuti bunds in freedom. They who wail to do greut lliiugs never do anything. A man with too faces never needs but one pair uf lect. A crust with un appetite is better than a feast without. l'leteud to know, and yuu will becuUie au empty shell. They whu clamor for their rights mul tiply their wrongs. One truth in the life is better than a hundred in ihe memory. The wasted ineutal force would du all ihe wurk of the world. When liipiur gues into the stomach, love goes out of the heart. The "niuderale" drinker never touch) B il une drink is excess, The biggest debt in the world is tbo Christian's debt tu the heathen. The true bone uf contention is gen erally found on the free-lunch counter. Some men, if they prayed ut all, would say, "(jive us this day our daily Kf"!!'" Success, like a lung testing machine, is valuable only as il measures strength. Man should be a little luwer than the angels, and nut a good deal luwer than the beasts. The only way to break company with Satan is for yuu to do the breaking lie never will. In the war at this day, men think more of the chances uf victory than the justice uf the cause. HiicklcuN Arnica Salve. The Rest Salv Bruises, Sores. in i he world for Cuts I'lcers, Salt Rheum, r i'Vit Sorses, Tetter, Chapped Hunt Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Kruptiuns and positively cured 1'ile.s, or no pay re Huircd. It is ouaranted In tiivc perfect siiii.-factiun or money refunded, l'rico L'.'i cents per box. For sale ut V. M. v'oheti's lruo Stnre, STKl'CK IT ll( II. "1 ve just struck it rich, said a trump lo his pal the oilier day. '-See dat nice richdookiu'old lady ovr tbeie undo lawn win ue (join pecs.' Well. 1 cues up in friint uf her, an' I cits duwu un de cru Willis tu cat sliuit .Man, man, wut ure yer Join'?' she says, just lik' int. '.Madam, says I, in a weak and trcmuliu voice, 1 ve out to do it; 1 am t had ctiiiythin' ti-r cut let four days, c teller, come wni me, she sas, jiimpin up un Icadiu me anum to il back of de house. An' then she says, n was nitten ready fer a bi', njuare meal, wid Bxin's 'eit down an' try it here, de crass is lunger.' " Chamberlain's Colic., Cholera and Hiar rhuea lleuiedy always allurds prompt relict. 'or sale by W. M.Cohen, Weldon J. N. Hrown, Halifax, Dr. A.S. Hurri son, h.titicld. YOl It ISItOTHKK. A ship was wrecked on the northwest coast of Irelund; and a mother tried vaiu to persuade her sun, who bad vol untecrcd to go to the rescue of the last man on board the burning ship, to give up th rilous task. She pleaded that his lather and brother had never come back from the sen, und that .she wuuld be left ulunu if be wus lost. He resisted her entreaties and put out to the sinking vessel. When the boat came back through the serf, the crowds on the shore shouted, "Have you got your man?" The reply came, "Yea, and tell mother its brother William!" Are we sure that the imperilled souls around us are not our brothers? Selected. si:i:k i no i n i'o rm at ion. "IVirlin";," ?aid she, "do you lova mc as much as ever?" "Yes, dearie," said he, with his nose buried in his newspaper. I hat ought to have satisfied her, but she had to ask "Why?" "Uh, I dunno. Habit, I spose. "I often experience a shock of disap pointment when I get up close to some apparently beautiful woman." Probably they leel the same way about you. Tommy Paw, why do they call a single woman a spinstei? Mr. Figg I guess it's because of her ability to turn men's heads. CASTORIA For Infanti and Children. in NKW ADVHRT1SKM KNTS, KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the word MMULAJ OR is not on a package it is not dlMMONS LIV Nothing else is the same. It cannot he and never has been put up by any one except J. H. ZEILIN & CO. And it can he easily told hy their Trade Mark THE RED Z. MM it WORKS FoDips, Pipe & Fipe Fittms. w Half S. Injertois Itring on your cotton nh Work in lirst chins st Never Leak umcliiiit work. W. J. COPELA1TD, .Rocky Mount Iron Works,-: ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. THALMAN : MANUFACTURING- : COMPANY, ai: K. Haiti mure .St., HAI.TIMOltE, MI). Manufacturers of FINE RUBBE R STAM PS , STENCILS, SEALS, 1'nutiuK Presses and Printer's Supplies. Aho Artistic Job Printing, and en jjravers of Wedding and Hall Invitations. Send fur our beautiful illustrated catalogue of p.iges, printed iu five colors. We deal in novelties, novelties. Odd and amusing. 0P3u.AgentK Wanted. sep'24 ly. C H AS. M. WALSH, STKAM MA Kill, K and (iliA SITE WOKKS Petersburg., Va. M ( )N UiM KXTS, P- HcailstuneH, Tnnilis, etc. Jir.Alsu Iron l-'encine,, Vases etc , lor ccnieterv and other purposes at lowest prices. SATISFACTION iUAUANTF.ED. Work Delivered oct 11 lv. CHARLES C. ALLEY, CONFECTIONER, PETERSBUBG "V.A-. Mr. W. W. Warren represents the firm and will visit Weldon and its vicinity reg ulurly. octlHly. GRANT SPECIAL -. i mil if " rttrir v lira i V liiiill just the way yuu want it. l p-to-dale, L'linranteed high grade wheel. LICHTRUNNINC AND ATHINCOF BEAUTY. All Colon and nil styles for uien, ladies und children. Df Just bs good as a bicycle you would a a pay $1011 for elsewhere. Sample, ' ' wheel un exhibition at .1. L Jud- ' kins' (iroeery. H. L. GRANT- "' Agent." RIDGEWAY HIGH SCHOOL. Fall Sittdon of 1N117 begins Al'liUST 3llth. Tuition, Hoard, Washing, Lightsaud Fuel $65 to $75. Music, with use of iiHninn'iii, $15. IuNo txtru i'harn for I.iitiu, UrtM-k, t rt'iicti or tHMik kitcpiiiif. Stntl lor vain- logue. JOHN GRAHAM v BluGRiiipCuMtfLiiifi Woris Mmiuf.u lunn of 111. I K I:I1K,IC HYDRAULIC ROSENDAIE CENIEN (Tiirirsntofa Hlttnlutfij' hyinmlic W iniotc iird'i ilflivcrril at Htiy point iu Uu Smith, All ('t'Uii'iit trhti'tl, Hint sireiiKih, ntiitorraitv m color. bit nil uk ftiul KritnlliiK K'lttrHiitt'i'tt, Write Tor rtruH I. U. Htliln-NK HI, I K KllKrK Hl'KI N(H 'A. Ttuunraiih Blu Hirttfn, V inn It w PKOFESSIUXA I. VA Kl8. JAHKM M. Ml'LLKN, WALTER I. DANIEL M 11 L L I H 4 DANIEL, ATTORSEYS AT LAW, Wbldon, N. C. Knetieeln therourtiof HftHfRxmidNorthamp utmiHi in nv .-tuprr mi' mihi rcutrai ronria. vol ottmiii mfttle In ulltmrtnof North ('aroltna. Branch offlee at Halifax, N. C, open every Hon T. T. ItOSS, DENTIST Weldon, N. C. ijrOfflee over Eiury Sc Pierce'aatore. 10-19-ly. lalA R REGULATOR. BICYCLE REPAIR INC A SPECIALTY gins tVir repairs hefore the rush. AU kinds Tire Fluid, Ciliinet Work, and geueral ESTABLISHED IS 1HU5. The truth is the foundation of out Success. We make Claims, our WOHK fulfils them. JoTLet us Estimate lor you.jSSf Designs Sent to any address FREE. In writing give age of deceased and some lim it us to price. All work warranted STRICT I.Y FIRST-CLASS aud SATIS FACTORY. At Any Depot. j. L. Judkins' Grocery .WELDOX, N. C I still carry a full line of line Ktuple und Fancy Groceries, wr-FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crnckerv, (U;wh Tin, and wood en ware aud most evervthinir ttiut is kept in a first class grocery 8t4ire. I also return thanks to my friends for thir patronage of the ist, iimi soitcitivt'ontiiuiunce ot ttisume, ith unurantee And wishing them a huppy and prosperous new year. I hat they may Long to live And well to do And alter death He happy too. Kespect fully. J. L. JUDKIX3. dec V ly. F. N. Staixiback. WELDON, N.C. Dealer In General Merchandise Atsent for theeelel.ruled .EK1I.EK BKOS. und KAY NT ATE SHOES. Have also added to ray stock nice line CLOTHINGI for MEN, YOUTH'S and CHILDliEN. A full line of Solid Walnut Castets Coffins, Always on hand. Burial roliea furnished for Ladies and Gentlemen aim fluid injec tions given to deud bodies and disinfec tants used when desired. A NICE 1IF.AK.SE AT YOUR DISPOSAL. P. N.8TAINBACK. T)R, W.J. WARD.Vr Snrpoi Dentist, ENFIELD, N. C. ' MLOffie over Baniaos't Drag filer dee M lj.

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