- ;p3(L The USv ... jv Dane the tiding or falling of V" i the hair. Luxuriant tresses are far more to the matron than to the maid whose casket of charms is jet uurilled by time, Beautiful women will be glad to be reminded that falling or fading hair is unknown to those who use Ayer's Hair Vigor. THE ROANOKE NEWS. TilUKSlUY, ACGl'ST 12, 1W7. T OWN VICINITY. I toil days ended Tuesday. Watkh.mki.ons everywhere. HiTtTKilNtiNU grapes will soon bo ripe. I'nrntN will soon commence open ing. Soft peaches ami sweet milk. Don't talk! "KyT waterinillioii hanging on do vine." TllE oyster vacation will bo over in a month. 1'lNK showers fell in the county Tuesday. Wateumki.hns were never more plentiful. TllB oyster U getting in shape to open up next month. T 11 K sweet potato crop is said to be a huge one this year. K. S. ltiillEHTS has been appointed postmaster at Jacksoii. TllBHE is a leported change in the schedule, of the Atlanta Special. M of flS! Beauty. ? i The girl who refuses lobe dictated to will never make a good type writer. i Ikons that have once been red-hot J will never retuin the heal so well again, i A protracted meeting was com rocnocd at Smith's church last Sunday. I All. bousckeepern should know the I value for household purposes of powdered 1 borax. Kkv. Mr. Davis, of Littleton, is carrying on a protracted meeting at Cal rary this week. A matchless beauty is a girl who think li a is pretty, but is unable to make a watch. b' iuck could become birds at will there would be a great many more buz zaids than there are now. Morninii headaches may frequently be avoided by having the bedroom prop- erly aud thoroughly ventilated. $ I'Ni'l.K lion says its now cheaper In toy "watermillions ' than it is to gather them on tlui dark of the moon. If Horace Greeley were ulivo he might aay: "(Jo to Klondike, young i man, and freeze up with the country." Tut modern fisher maiden is the stnuiuiur girl who fishes for compliment.) ud gets all the young men on a string. ' j I'hysjea! strength and energy cent ribuic I to strength of character, and both may i'ehalky taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. f Tse crop prospects are very fine, j ami it is estimated that Halifax county I farmers will reap an abundant harvest 1 tm (all. i i When you first try a bicycle jou 4 would enjoy it immensely if you eouU stand on the curbstone and watch your- self trying to ride. , It'h a good thing for some convivial ; gentlemen that they have friends toslaud up for them, for they're seldom able to do '-. it for themselves. f. . TllE new standard postal card will ". be a trifle smaller than the card now in use, so that it can be enclosed in husi- nesa envelopes of ordinary siie. i 5 Ikons should never be allowed to re- Jrnain over the fire longer than is ueces- Saury, but should be put at once in a cool iiilacc free from dust and smoke, r I TllE dilTereuee between a cat and a Reotenoe ia that the cat has ils claws at jnho end of ita paws, while the aenimce I lias its pause at the cud of ils clause. If you want a reliable dye that will atulor an even brown or black, and will I'lease an J satisfy you every titua, u-o ; liuckingham'a Dye for the Whiskers. The boy stood on the burning deck, I Hut did not flinch, or budge a speck; . ; lie knew there was no earthly spot Which wasn't evry bit as hot, Uei pepper tea is very yuod for carpet pests. If the floor is waslied in a ,. solution of one-quarter ol a pound of red . pepper to one gallon of water it will do -much to drive them away. ? This is the day of anti-thti, and smi th at, but what people need moat nowa days ia, the anti-bilious medicine, Sim. Biona Liver Regulator, the King of Iiver Medicines, and Better than Pilla. fl bare used no other anti-bilious remedy for six years and know from experience jthat for ladies of constipated habit Nothing equala it." Laura V. Craig, Elleubury, Fla. I Can Coutlpatlon rower. ' CMtirm t'Bodv Oathartla k)c or Mo. M 0. ft tail M arvwlau rrM atoM. The I.rsrmi s Watku.m ki.hn. The I walnrmelon crop iu Halifax count y is the 1 largest for years. Yesterday was a gtral ; day for thitu ami the streets w. re lined with wa.-ntis and earls loaded with tlieii . T he prii'es, of course, arc low, au! tin v are now within the reach of all. "Cant thou minister to a mind tli-ea-nl?" aslis Macbeth. Certainly, lev I..I.I, tin' e iiiiiiiii.n 1 1 the mind depends l.irelv. it Il'if S il,-lv, Ml the Condition ot j the stomach, liver, and bowels, lor all nl which complaints Ayer's Pills arc "the flnvcriguci-t thing on earth." Lawn 1'aiitv. The ladies of the Methodist Kpiseopal church will give a dclighllul lawn party at the Kuiry place, tomorrow ( l''iiday) night. Cake, cream, and other seasonable delicacies will ho served, and pretty girls will he there to lend their chatms to the occasion. Will you be there? Crowded with Yisitoiis. Weldon has been "ay lor tl u past lew Weeks and the town has been crowded with pretty young lady visitors. Tin' most of litem have retiirtn d to llioir respective homes during their lasl day or two aud now the town has settled down to ils normal coi. dtlioti. Melons IUckivkh Messts. Thm. II. Ihckcns and .1. A. lUllord, h..th well known farmers, have our thanks f, r some fun', large melons sent to ihisollice. The melon crop this year is iinn-ually good, ami our subscribers have been vety kind iu sending us large specimens of this luscious fruit. Dlt. lit.ACK's Sl'ccEssoK It is ru niorcd that Ilev. K. I. Swindell, lvl., will be appointed presiding elder of this district, to succeed the late Ilev. W. S. lilack. The appointment would be a most excellent one ami it would give great ; u,r!.l ,,.M..n I,, il, ,,l ,,i il, ,.,,,,,! district. TllE A. C. LINE fhe Atlantic Coast Line will build nine miles of railway iu l!i. Ik sin couuly and the penitentiary au thorities have taken a contract to do the grading. It will put 100 convicts on this work as soon as they finish the three miles uear Wilmington to connect the Atlantic Coast Line with its new lino the Wilmington and New Hern. . . S. A. L. Kxi'CHsionh. Kxcursion trains on the Seaboard Air Line have been going through for the past two days and there life others coming. These personally conducted excursions by Sea hoard Air Line people, to New York, lialtimore, Norfolk, Yirginia I'eaeh, Ocean View, Old 1'iiint, etc , arc ipiite popular and well patri nv. -d. Sl'Eri.U. Kl.EmoN. licturns from all counties iu the State so far heard from indicate an overwhelming defeat ol the special lax for public schools. Wt bear of only one township voling fir it. Cary towiikhip, and that was very close No election was held in Halifax coun ty. Northampton vote.1 against ihe special lax by large tuaj iritiis. Don't Destroy It. If you arc so unl'oriuiuato as to g it one of the I w,i ) . lor bills which f irger have changed in resemble five dollar bills do not throw il away. You can get (i lor it at the suhtreasury. Two such bills were re deemed the other day. The raised two- dollar hill has vignettes ol I'ulton and Morse, while the five dollar bill has vig nettes of (i rani and Shorn! in. - . . . . A. and M. CoI.i.eoe Scholarships Col. A. i'ctujolt, county supervisor ol public schools, will be : Halifax 1'tiday. the l!Hth instant, (or the purpose oj rx auiiuing candidates for the A. and M. College scholarship. This is an opp. r tuuity for the succesful contestant to get aeotupletu ie. ljnie.il education at a very little expense. Col. I'rcscott hopes to have a large class ou the day uauicd. Kteiinai. Yloil.ANt'E, Is I he price of perfect health. Watch carefully the first svu.ptoios of impure blood. Cuo boils, pimples, humors and serolula In taking ILiod s Sassapariil.. J'rive awav the pains and aeln s of rle umalism, malaria and stoiuaeh iroubles, steady youi nerves and overi'ome that tired feeling by takiug the same great medicine. Hood's I'ills are the In si latnily catlur tio aud live! t'noi. lieinU', relidd', sure. Tiie Laiioiikhs were 1'ew. A tanner who simply could tiol get harvest hands, put up ibis sign upon his I, nee : "Harvest bauds wanted. Hired gill btondu and genial. Cabinet oigan music in the evcini.. J'ie three times a day. Three spoous of sugar with every cup ol Collee. Ilamtuocka, leather beds or leather divans at your option for sleep ing. Rising hour 11 o'clock in the morn ing. Three hours' rest at noon. Come one, come all, CLllVEKHKKb fivUAItlllT. We feir that many farmers arc not iu careful as they should be iu regard lo the quality aud purity of the clovereed which liny save and put upon the market, as well as of that thev buy and sow, and, while sccj inspection is a very important u.alter, careful aud icopsjentioua inspection uf fields before deciding to Atf the crop for seed purposes, would perhaps be gulling several notches nearer the root of the evil. Nervous dubility is a common com plaiut, especially among women. The beat medical treatment, for this disorder is a persistent course of Aycr't Sarsspa rilla lo cleanse and invigorate the jblood, This being accomplished, nature will do the rest. Kiturote Your ltowli With rwrareu. lioiulf L'nthartlc, cum oonatipotloa forever. lOo, ttw. fl a 0. 0. 'll( diuwuu rlun4 mooey. The 1'nive'isi rv Sriiooi,. The I'liivel'sitv eli..i, loeateil at I k V Mount, N ' , has r.i . M .1 1 y culiie to - li nt in ii IhhJ w. r d Only il,r. Vi .us a-n 'ie ( i ii-i " i il. M r. D.ot-. was '.V'liking i t imi. .Mo r leaving le-re he eslati.l-h. I llie school lo Kin ky Mi hi ii i and has had Ionia! k.ildo sin -s. lolling' 'In- p.isl si snn 'Inie wile lli:l stodi lils in regular eulil's- - 'Jl in iini-o-, L si les ih s.- i-l l,v i.'ll i III lilv, il'. ,V . U 11. c t.t one i 1 ll.e l.i IV e,.l a. .u.'s .u.i you will gel seine idea of the work. Si e the advertisement in this issue. Til E Kl II IIDV As AN I VI II Mull - Cl alles Lit . II, a enloi.d earpelitcr, hist week booiil a ih . II ' 'l's and his wife pot tin oi i a il.e kitchen. Win u she Wt:lit for lie eggs lo cook sonic ol' them lor breakfast. she found lhat they were pipped and threw two away. She left the rest uf the eggs upon the shelf, and the next dav w.is a little surprised lo find that live ol tin in had hatched out live as pretty Iiiahina chickens us one coiiiil wish to. see, The lilehell was ijllile warm and had acted a- a lolciably o I incubator. Tin' chickens are all doing well. 'I'll k Sea in A liti s N kw Si'iieim lk The l!alei.:h News ami Observer says that the prop is. d lo w -chedllle oil the Siahoanl Air Lille all els pliocip.illy its vl i I in It d trains It is pr .p si d f .r the train Innn I'nrtsiiii.iiib to At aula to make the nip iu the day time, leaving I'oil-tio.iiih about II o'clock. The train from ll.e other direction will arrive lo re at abi.nl the same time as al prisenl, but be run on a slightly faster schedule. It is aUo pi.ipnsiil lo put on a "shoo -lly" train In. in Iiahigh lo Weld.m and one from Weld. oi to Portsmouth. Some of the ollic.rs ol the road favor thc-e ehag.'s, thi'ia oppos, d. Nothing has h"ell d. finitely ihi.'i lej. I'NK OF TIIE Le.Mov .Juice ol the lemon is one of the best and safest iliiuks for any p. r-..ri. whether in health or not. It is suitable for all stomach disoa-os, liver complaint, ii.llaiiiina'.i .n ol the how els and fevers. Leiiion is used ill intermittent levers, i will alleviate and finally cure coughs and colds ai;. heal diseased lungs, if taken hot. Its uses are ininifohl, and the t'loic we employ it internally the bet ter we shall lind ourselves. Lemon juice is anil lel.di c, ite, A doctor in liouie is living it oxpeiiinciilally in ma larial level with great .success, and thinks it will In lime supercede ipiiniue. I'.VIHJItlMiiV, AT ClIociiAVOTTE. Mr. and Mis. Paul .irrctt gava a most delightful enteriaiiuiieiii at their beamilol urburlian Innu" lasl Monday livening, complimentary l. their visitors, Mi-sea Tiirnliull, Welhr and Vinson. 1'lic ui'.st of tbo U'eidoii young people and the visitors in town were present and the evening was spent I ih iightl'iilly. Music, dancing and eotiveisaiion were indulgi .1 in, and la.-l, but not least, ele gant rein -limtins were served. The fcstiviiies Were kept up until about 1U u'ckick and Hum "gamd niolits" were said. Mr and Mrs. (iarrett interlaid in splendid sl)le and an evening in their hospitable huiiie is always one of pleas ure. - Yof AMI Vol II llltANI'FA I'll Kit. Are removeij from each oilier by a spin ol' ill my year lie lrav..llc.J in a slow going slag. ; uell lllle y n tak ll.o lightning express or llm eleenie car. When he was sick he was treated by old fa-hioiie.l tneihiiil-and given oi l fi-h-ioncd medicines, but y oi dein.onl modern i l as in medicine as w -U as in every thing else, lliol's S.iripui,.i is the m.'.licim, ol loij iy. It is prepire l liy mo'l'-ru me h ..Is and lo iu pep u;,ij oi ;,re broughi the skill and knuwhi Igi of in id em science. Hood's Sarsaparilla acts promptly upon the hi m l and by unking pure, rich blood it cures dis-ase aud es tablishes good health. Horn's Wakmiiu.k.- -Weinke great pleasure iu directing the nlteuiiou of Iu haeco growers lo I he large and attractive idvcrtisi incut of Messrs. It.yd !l Yoiiug, proprietors of llojd's Warehouse, al I'j. field. These genlleiuen are deler uiiii' d in un'iiii.on I In i p ,a;j r high prices and big siles, if close p, Is, tl at teiiii"ii lo bu-iiie.ss counts li.r anyliino, I'lo y have sc. lllcd llie s, rvtccs of Mr Nil .-so iib, Lie ol Na.-liiilie, one of llie best auctioneers iii the Slate, and with the iiddiijon ol 5(1 feel just added lo their Il .or space they ate prepaji.) to give farmers even pos-ildc advantage, 'liny llalld'cd a glc.lt I'lllk uf the golden Wild 1 1st season, I. l;d l Xpi el 10 In.ndic II 1 11 1 1 1 llioietbis sca'oli I li o ii lley ilid h.st. Fanners may ri s! assured ot oi.e I lung Hovd Young will nlwa)s get tin in Oil very lop of the inaikit. They I ave am ple c.pii .l, . ip. io i.c. ,: .a . r), a Iu corps ol b. i wr-, with h.lgi clilel. lo lio and cm ry one cpii nsl asMired thai liny wi.l revive the very Ust ti,,oii.,ot. . . Stall' of Oilio, Cit y of I'. I. do. Lucas colli iy pr ink .) Cheney makes oiih dial le is the wuii'.r parui'-r of the firm of p. ,1 Cheney it Co , doing business i i the City of T iled i, County and Slate aforesaid, and thai said linn will pay the sum of One Hundred Dohais f r each aud every ease ol ('atari h lhai canuoi be cured by llie use of Hall's C.ilairh Cure Prank J. Cheney. Sworn tu before me mid uhserihed in my presence, this til h day of December, A. D. ISSfi. (Seal) A. W. Clensnn, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and ma, i uiruall)' up '!)!' blood mid mucous surfaces of (he system, K. J. CHUNKY k CO., Props. Toledo, Ohio, aSold by all Druggists, 75o. ToaUmonialsfrot, li.Ml.llu.Mi. (lit- Koamike 'llll not. r put -el. n' live b ai,. I- t.. i it. grading be giniong at lb.- I! ii. igh and li.1-1,,1, I ', road The re.i I wol be two mil. s l.oig and wiil ion n.ar ibe avenue The track Will em- tl anal of the Knalnike Navigation .md Water Power ininpany at the lock- b'd.ivv the biidg.- ami wi.l tun through the low ground-up to tin inijs. Il will rnjniii- ci.n-id. ral.le dirt work to build the road through the I iw lands. We learn that the company will not use nestles but will throw up heavy embankments. The road will he pu-hed through as rapidly us pj-sihle. We congratulate the people of Koanoke Kapids on their good fortune in soon bring connected with the outside world by rail. The road will he a great convenience lo the two large mills, as well as in ihe nn r chants and other hu-incss men generally at that place. I'll. Black's Pi nkiial. The funer al seivhrsollhe late W, S. lilack, D. D., whose death we announced la-t week, took place at the Kdeutou street Methodist church in II ileigh lasl Thur-ilay. The fum iiil services w. re conducted by lieV. .less,. . l'iiiiiiiiiggiiii,n lite long Iii. ml of deceased. Dr. Ciiniiinggiin was as si-led iii the service by KeV. .). A. Hot naday, of this place; It, -v. M. D. Ilix, ol liiehmoml cjutily; llov. A. McCullen, of Henderson, and liev. W. C. Norman. Dr Cuuninggiin spoke briefly but Icel ingly from the words "Hut thanks he unto 1 ml which giveih ih the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." Peeling remarks were also made by Hov. K. II. Davis, of Littleton, and Rev. J. I!. Sawyer, ol Northampton circuit. The interment was with Masonic honors. Dr. Illaek's life was insured for ?.i,IMHI. He was twice mariicd. His first wile was known to all the bright jewels of the conference us" Aunt Mary." Dr. lilack's second wile was Mrs. lvate liryau, of Northampton county, who suivives him. Ho also leave three grown children, off springs of bis first marriage, viz: Mi.-s Birdie lilack, Lev. 11. II. Black, and Mr, Will Black. A good man has gone to his reward. AN INVITATION', ('nine 'long, Mi-tcr ''all Tiini See me HI' my hat I Blow do ho'n ler sbuekin' cu'n, Ku make do 'possum lat ! Come long. Mister Pali Time Hope yo' way ain't los'; Turn dc putikiii yalh r l'!n spice him yvid dc Plus.'' Drap drill heavy bie'ry nuts Bring tl.it sipiirrel meal, Pill up all dc tutor hanks Ku make dat cider sweet ! I .ut oil siting's on do outside gati Don't ymi stop ter ring; T row sonic sand on topd.t llo' Kn make dat fiddle sing ! Come 'long, Mister Pall Time See me 111" my hat ! lloss-shiie's haiigiii' on dc do' Whar I'm li v i ii ' at ! -- Staiilon. RINGWOOD NOTES. SuJJcn Ihalh-fwii l.issvlsanJ ihciiuljvo H oc J rcrsnn.il. Hi I lit- Matthews, aged about ."ill ycais. dii d very siid l. iily ho.l Wi.ek. lie wa; on bis way, lo church fell in die road and expired before he could he taken home. II" was a peaceable, 'ui''t and goml cili t .ii. Koii-ing e "tn crops in this section aud the stall of hie will he plcnlilul The Medoc farm, Kocky Hill, Messrs. Bill- Iu k , Siinpsini mid C. A. Williatns have most excellent corn, better than liny 1 have known in this sectii.ti for years. Mr. L. Vinson ha- lioe-t e.ittoti, but all crops are good, and tobacco euies tine. Siin ly we have much lo be thankful tor. Protracted meeting at Lee's Chapel (his week. liev. Mr. Williams conduct ing services. Mrs. W. It. Tillery is visiting relatives here for a mouth Watermelons plcnlilul and luscious. li. K. M. No Cure-Vi la,. That s the way all liiuggistsaell lirovcs Tastele-s Chill Ionic for Chills and Mala r a II is simply Iron and Oiiuinc in a tastelc.-s form. Children love it. Adults prefer il to hitler nauseating Ionics. Price, jlte. It' isn't until a man goes blind that he S' cs w hat he nlisjes. It is always gratify lug lo receive li sti-inomal- l..r Cli. mil. oi l. mi's Colic, Cho'eia ami Dianh .calii dv, and when the en dorsement is ft on a physician il is especially so, "Tliero is no more satis factory or off 'olive rem. dy than Cham Leri. nn'-1 h.iiic. Cholora mid Di.nrhoi a ll'IO.'.K," WlU'S Dl. li. K. Hol.i'V. I'l y-ici an and phar cist, of O.ney, Mo; and as he has ll-cd the ltcino.lv ill III ling -t. re I- r -l t y ar-, h" -Iculd certain Iy 1 now. P"i sale by W. M. Cohen Weldon, I N lit.mn,' Halifax, Dr A S Darn- -01 K, lied ADVK.H.TISKMKNTS. o subject lo peculiar Ills. Tlia friirtit remetlv for rtialilua' ll-iriBl!y kwornn suit ilouoiuli ' dlaordert la u'ta VnrmlfiiEre j w - - rs - k, msmhI rhllilnn for Ml venln. Hcml 'for l litis, boot almut llie Ilia aud Uia rellteily. On, ls.ul. mtllM tor l&oratl. k. H. t lll V, lUlllmora. ia. Lost 1 hilj (io po'lc uiai j Pieaso. sir, have you seen a man without a little hoy? 'Cause, if you have, l a that little buy, UoANoltE ll.M'll.. Work began TiK-dny ' I! inids railiead 'fh. Sar II VkV i . I PERSONAL MENTION. Ilk- I'.iimiiin ,mj li'iim: nf I'muLir l'urk' Viha 1 ik,- In iki lid in lh; Min-liiny. Miss ll.iiiie Clark i- vi-iiiu olland Neck. I'ti.'liil- al Ib'V. I!. II, lilui-L. ol ll.i.itloke circuit, wa- lo io Sum! iy. Mr-. .1. T. li.ioeh left ) -ten lay a i-il lo l.yin hlntig. dildge .1. M, Mullen, of Petersburg, was hero Thursday. Mi-S Klhel Sledge, ol Kiehtnolld, is visiting relatives in town. Mi-s Lizzie Bawls, of Durham, is vis iting Miss .lessie Kdwards. Mis. Aaron Prescolt lcli Monday for Bah igh, on a visit to i datives. Mrs. 1!. A. Pope and children are ve iling relatives at Scotland Neck. Mr. W. A. Wilcox, of Halifax, was among the visitors hete Tuesday. Mrs. K. W. l'rown, of Petersburg, is visiting her si-ler, Mis. J. T. Kvans. Mi-s lluby Vinson, of llingwood, is Ihoguc.-t ol her uticle at Cbokayoltc. Mr. A. L. Stainl.ack has returned homo from a vi-it to Brunswick county, Va. Mi.-s M.tieTiniherlako, of Iiah igh, was in Weldon last week on a visit tn rein lives. Miss Julia (in gory, of Halifax, who has been here on a visit, has returned home. Mrs. J. T. (lay has returned home from a visit to relatives in Northampton county. Mr. J. K. liariihill went up to Knlield Saturday to visit his father, Mr. J. J. Bamhill. Miss Plorence Stainhiick returned home Tuesday night fnun a visit to relatives in V irginia. Col. W. A. Johnston and daughter, Mi.-s Claude, uf Littleton, were iu town yesterday. Mrs W. li. Smith and children went to Henderson Monday to spend a few weeks. Miss Annie Bell Alsop, who has been lu re on a visit lo relatives, left Thursday for Knlield. liev. J. A. Hoi naday held the regu lar ipiarlerly meeting at Smith's church last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.ileurge W. hancasler, who have been on a visit to Virginia, has re turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Johnston and children, of Plorence, S. C , are visiting relatives in town. liev. P- N. Slainhaek is ussUling Rev. III. II. Davis iu a prut ranted uncling at Calvary this week. Miss Kstcllo Timherlake, of Balcigh, who has been visiting relatives in town, has returned home. Miss Mabel 1'roelieh, who litis be. n yi.-it ing relatives here, returned to her home al llalfas Tuesday-. Miss Nellie Blown, of IVioisburg, has returned home after a pleasant visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kvans. Mr. W. M. Coh. n and si-lcr, Mi-s Lyito, lift Monday morning for the It ickhridgo Alum Springs. Miss Kn.ily (iilliaui, of Halifax, who his been visiting Mr. and Mis. A. E. Wilson, has returned home. Miss Mary W.itkiiis, of Franklin, Va., has been II. rc for the past few days ou a vi-it lo Miss Annie Pierce Miss Liura powers left Saturday to attend lhe"Chaiitau.Ua in the Moun tains" at Wayne-b'.ro, Va. Miss Price llamill, ol this county, ami Miss Crews, of (Iranvillc couuly, were among the visitors here hist week. Miss Anna Mulley and Miss Minnie liinker, of Scranlon. (V, are the gucsls of Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Staiuback. Mrs. Junes II. Li-siter, Jr., returned In Henderson Thursday, after a brief visit to Weldon, her burner home. Mr W. II. Johnston ami Master Wil lis P. rkins, of Littleton, arc visiting rela tives and friends in town and vicinity. Mr. W. T. Whit ''head, a popular sales man in the store of Ktury A; Pierce, is visiting frii'uds in the lower part of the county. Misses ,.oiio, Mary and Sallie Porter, of Tarlioio, who have been the gmsts ot Mi-s Alice Anderson, returned home Tuesday. Mrs Hawks and daughters, Missis Cato tool Florence, of Portsmouth, who have been lu re on a visit, h ll Monday lot Kui oria. Miss Sallie Turuhtiil, of l.awienceville, Vu , has been (he guest ol Mr mid Mrs. I'.ol i;.i,r..ii, i,ti Cli'i'kayotte, fir the past few days. Captain W. J Urid-haw, who has charge of the grading the Carthage rail road exieiisi. . ti. c.inie down Tuesday on a visit to llie farms. Mr ami Mrs C. jollht ffer and children returned lolheir h une iu Hen derson Tliur-day, atvonipaiiie.l by Mi-s Mary Z illie. tl. r, of Northampton. liev. F. D Swindell, D. D , mission ary secretary lor the North Carolina con ference, will preach in the Methodist Lipi-cpal i.hurt,h he(c noi isjunJuy. ('apt .1 D Simpson and family re turned Monday li om a visii to Virginia Beach Mrs. Simpson and son did not stop over, but went on to Macon and will spend a few weeks visiting friends in Warren couutv Bwt (-ouwh Hjriii. TwtaUooiL 1mm in list UU&. FT NKW ADVKRTISKM KN I'H. 'I! tnT The whole store offers exceptional ituluc tnenis this w. ok to morn v savers. There's a gloat sale of Wash fiouds, Silks, Dr. liuo.is. ), s Furnishings, Hosiery, etc., and tuch a sale will glow in interest, lor such juice giving must necessarily win trade. WHITE GOODS. ilrJS'rs... Towels, all linen, 5c,, Sc., Die, to L'.ie. A good lilcachetl Collou Towel for Sc. Soli Nainsook (special) 1:21c Imperial Long C'lolh, Hie. Uo. All Linen Doylies, .jile. tii..on, worth Toe. B.d Spreads, fiUc, Toe. !Hlc. and Sl.L'.". All h, u.iiod and nady foi I tl.ACK ( ;()()! lerns, olio, a yatd. Black Batiste, IJ iuches wide, .Vie. a yard. Black and Navy Cheviot, I J inches wide, .'llie. yard Figured Sarah and Foulard Silks, former lice, olle - - e'o.in.. price J'.lo. 12 I-2C. WASH GOODS FOR 6C. Tin; last lot of about 1,1)01) yards ngular UJe. Jacont Duchess on sale at lie, 6 I-4C. UNBLEACHED COTTON FOR 5C. Full yard wide, smooth around thread, good ipialily I'libleacheli Cotton, actually worth die, our pi ice fie. ibis week, WASH GOODS. fiUun- Yard wide Percales worth 1 J!e. yaul, in short lenghts, Sc. yaid. I'siial lJic. Madras, iu short lengths No. yaid. Regular Sc. Apron t liiighams for lie. yard. Beautiful 10c. quality Dress Uinghais lor ,V, I'sual 1-ie. Lawns nnd Dimities for 8c. yard. 1-1 1!. Jaconet Duehes, only a limited rpiantity for lie. yard. lyrPAT "IJ' "Prie" P'U'.ve'e, sirieily high grade, List price, days only. I-VTn QPRTT A TQ W, Pattern ljUlU Ol Xilfi.JJO. Betlspreids.in Jain.y dcsi. ns, ready hemmed, worth 1, here Toe. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Watt, Rettcw & Olay, The Great New Store, ON "&?ti NORFOLK, VA. (When ordering goods, ANDY 2i SO jRtjmiiTrrv rnsDniTrrniorun- anyi'ii on ft t Ill mill nuuuuuiuiit uoniinniuiju o,,.. wtr,r,,, .. pis ntt onntipi rrs. Art. Mint llKUl in y 5?"- w'- 5- 21T- We are now bavini? a big rush 111 buyer is still on the northern markets picking up j .1 shipping lo us by almost every freight. Ladies' Oxfords, II.V -ID, Ctlc: Kloor iniiitings, f, Shirt waists, (A a.l, .Vic: Cali.aics, il, Ladies' patent tipped shoes, ."iSc; M "ic, Aprons I'l inches wide Die, S d 1 !)S; good ginghains lemons wide Willi bail.l .IC. M.ISOtlitO llettill.'. li. IX, -'He, Ladies' line dross hats, .Vic. "li, !Ke, IIS inch euriaiu scrim ."ic, i Ladies' gause vest I, -s, llie, Cre,iielte sct, balls ",.')e, s ,a ;, " Hammocks lio, Toe. mi Mociuette Rugs, 90c. up. Late style cs?. imhtirgs, 1 ll.l'ic Silk Itibboiis, collar an tl culls ,c Oil clot h mats llx I I. el ' "."ic Ciootl worl ing clocks ."i, .Vic Curtain poles Inlilcachi d -hcoliiia He Plaid dress agatevurc at about f regular prices . i . Cill. I. a,. 1 1... .1 l .... 'ty '.ipei .i: te .an ,,,-i.s i.ii ,- 11,1. m,-s job lace ctirlains HxT leet He Ix'.l riniion tu uau regular prices i.inen '' I euv elopes U'c L' I sheois wining lk ter panes ItSe ."ill, 7"e Ladns spring ,f " l'ic Job iu cor-cls l.'i, 'Jtii- New styles li.'icl'ill inch $I'HI floor oil cloth I, fail tu got some of out Moor mattings, f as much, as we ipiote above we have " which we buying nnd.rtne markci fl t'oods nuieh f'ss than ih" r-'gnl ir J" on nil goods bought from us al i SPIERS & DAVIS, J fjy Aug. 9,18;l. Weldon, N. C. A' ' '2 '- vJ'- '-2 'S DEAl.l'.li IN Clothin j, Shoes - and - Also a large lino of Gents Furnish ing goods and notions. Don't miss vour chance. Ston to saa ma be fore buying. I )S. K, liliialililie, lustlous 1 I indies wide !i ti.it - fcT.i; uur price, :i. Fr a fe Wt.VNItV, phase uieiiiiou this paper ) CATHARTIC ! ALL DRUGGISTS - i'iit'cnnKlination. fwrarft arc the litem! I.axa i-.iui rniiNf nni iiulurairptultl. him-i In.. llo .r,, 2T- S'- & A I'.i.ft.jtt. Spnng Summer lioo.ls id bargain , !, II. Lie; Ladies' Brocaded Sal een P-'e. 4,41c; -."i ct en s statidini: ay stiike el. and lutn over collars, Is. i,,,,, lh. brim hats, f c. boyV clocked hats il 1 .IC. W1I..1..W slool, s ol, .i.rou, r.. II. .rj Pine 'r..r. h.. -1. I, Se M. i. laces ;i. ."i Se Coiiun lalllidliitl Shins with i w .Maim thinks Kll, " and lixttires l.i, L'lle kt gootls II, leL'."i.r llll as's't styh Table . ilcl..iit In li'),- ,.u ,, W:, tl Iii.. ,'.. i . ... .. o, ,.i- moss soul . nitons ,,,, io ... feel IJIc Ulllj f.et I.Y-.Vm ,,U ff lain.- ii.ui gomi i.ti in, los i,Ir :;:i, pap. r - Ileal y vi ty wide while ,,,iin stvhs siih i hats lie Dressed "(I vi Smyrni rugs ;tj in. I, ;s j ,,, , 1), J vauls ide IJ ', .i. Jn,. h,,'i these mattings w.-rih iicarlv Iwiee huii.lt. d ol oih.r il.ii.gs imd -nl prieo prict" one . and can nlloid loscll all ll.os,, Bern. Ii;h. r e .i, pv IV, ight I me itiuouniiug lo IMI and Vl Next to Mill's Grocery. CU RECQHSTI PATIOH j W1 Juu 1 .! Mi Uf Hats NKW A D V K KT1 S E M K N TU . I UfllVEfBIJY I SctjooL. i PROGRESSIVE. THOROUCH. ABLE FACULTY. t .,' I "N-l.i.V UM, I .il.VAN I A. ,:s t- I MUSIC &c jIR, T. I J S'"'' '"' ''" I'lOO' illnslral.'.t . -nllll. .gin;. j WILLIAM HOLMES DAIIS. A. B . '.Ji.e JiJ',";'.J. J is a Nl'KCUI.IST ami AUTIIOUITV ou all 'il'ii u ir u w a w-iu 'iV aWf ii it o iri'U'b Ml who are sniveling witli any l;I.O(II) Tl.'iil I'.I.K, uoulil lie wise lo call no or aililtess hy mail. Consultation lie ami medicines compounded to suit ench imrtu-. ulai case, When writing tome pluiseen elo.se stanip (or ri pl v. i'i:oi'' .i.s. iiai;vi:v, 1!o t'huieh SI (Xi-iv No.) J'' I" '.V- Norfolk, Vll. "rOTICE." 'flic Hoard ol' f'oon tv r',,.,..iuu;.. ..r llalll'.l-c eouiitv hereby give mil in- that Ihcy will receive bids torn lioretl bell and pulling tn well lixttires inside pipe not lulu- less I Inn i mill ono -quarter incbi-H in dia tor) in the eo in house yurtl. IliiU can be filed with the i-L.rl oi'li... It.....i .... tit' bt'liiictlie lirs' .Miimlay in August nexl. n.ecineaiioiis snouiii aceoiniiany each Intl. 'I lie I'.oanl reserves tin- right lo reject any or nil In. Is. liv order ot Hoard, T. X. IIAKI.-ISON, chaiiuinn. Mt'M. I'lirgerson, iderk. iy H 4t lulyli, IWI7. THE STAJ NORMAL INDUSTRIAL COLLECE i:ilKKN.si,;, N. C (Hl'ers the joiuig women of the State thorough professional, literarv, classienl, sciciiiiiic and industrial cdu'i'iitioii. An nual exiicnses ISM to sum. Faculty of 25 iiietiilicrs. More than .Kill regularstudents. I'ractiee st hool of l'Jli pupil, ir tcaebersi. More than l.gotl tuatriculates rcpresenling every county iu Ihu Stale except three. l'orresioii(h tiec invited from those desiring competent trained teachers. To secure board iu dormitories all free-tuition appli cations must bo made before August 1st. for catalog mil information, address I'hhmukntchas. d. mcivek. jy i'i I tu. lly virtue of an ixeeutioii in my bands lor collection issued from the Superior court of Halifax county returnable to Nov. Icrin 1!I7 iu lavor of liousc, llciiiistone & Co-, against W. II. Finch, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house i l.,..r in tl. town ot Halifax, N. C., on Monday, the Wit day of Seitenihrr 1H97 all of the right, title and interextof W. li. Kuieh t which is one-thitil) in that tract of html on w hich the late W C. Finch resided just prior to his tleiitli, anil is the land which the said W. B. Finch heirs Iroui his mother Sallie F Finch vvhost- maitlen name was Sail ii- K. llrinklcv, bom. led by llie lands ol W. V. Kohlulti I l Jolinson anil ot hvrs, llie vvholo tract eoiitainiiur, aliout two htiiiilred acres, and K ing on the roatl leading from .Mcduc to Knli'ebl. .Inly (i, su7. ,. T. DAWSON, sheriff i.v H 'It of Halifax county. NORTH CAROLINA COLLECE OF ARTS WILL OI'KX Si:iT.1, 1K!7. llnloii i.il academic, seientilic unit Icchnical coursi-s. Kxnerieilcnl anee. iolists ill .1 -i terTIIJIienses pel session, iiielndmg bonnl. For County Stndcnu, - . J: !i:t,( For all other Students, - . l-e(.(K Apply for catalogues to ALEXANDER (J. 1IOLLADAY, I.L. D., lialeigh, N. C. President, .iy H liu CREENSBORO - Female College, North Carolina. THe Piliv-Sccond Session of this Col- JL lege begins WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 8. 1897 Advantages of College and Conservatory idT'Tcd at moderate cost. A PACI LTV OP SPKCIALLSTS! Ample K.piipnieiit. A pleasant home. Catalogue on application. DKI'.I) I'l. VI ot K, IMtlll)l:T. je 2 1 2m Fori SjLe 11 Y Swift Creek rDairy and Stock Farm line hundred lioa.l ot uili .,!.. i.ui -..: tensl.lerseyt'oiiiH, Hellers iilnl voting bnlln bb nded bliaid ,i Umi nole.1 Stoke l'n,j(i SI. I.ntulH rt. C'OllllllllKKiM .nil nlliA. Mellcrs-.1!! mi to JS.VMKI- Hull. tr. ,ui ... flu Mil Males knit only Iron, n, 1. iss. IJciuembei lb,, bit 1 1 is half the herd so buy mid breed nn. l-ohm.! i-hi. always on hand. Write for what von want. T. B. BRASWELL, J'"-l.v ltattlelioro, N. C. Monuments ariSST DESIGNS SENT FREE. In writiiiK give aome limit as to price and state age of deceased. 1. AH(;r.wT STOCK III the HMtb lo select Ironi. Wo have no branch yards, and parties doing business n,l,.r ,iM jn name have no conneirtinn with ua iu any way whatever. THE COliPER BURBLE WORKS (Established 184a) 16 to 163 Hank at, Norfolk, Tk.