THE ROANOKE NEWS. THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1897. HUILDIXG I I' CII.VKACTEK. We are sent into this world to build up characters which will be blessed and useful in tho firt'ut future for which we arebeinfr, trained. There is a tiiehe which only we cau fill, a cruwu wliieh ouly we can wear, iijuhic which only we can waken, service whi .h only we can render. God knows what these are, and he is giviuj; us opportunities to prepare for them. Life is our selem! house Its rooms, maybe lure, hut ih.'V are littered with opportunities of (rnniin (it tor our "Teat inheritance. K nil lint! needles are clietn and coiutii ni eooiili, hut on then) may be wrought ihc lait.-st de hijSiiM in the richest wools. So the incident! of daily life m:iv lie eniiiin.'ii place in the extreme, hot mi th.iu as the material foundation we may hiii'tl the unseen, everlaslini: fahlic of a n hie and beautiful character. AllOl'T WOMAN, He that hath a fair wife never wants trouble. l'rovcrb. Woman is seldom merciful to the man who ia timid. Klward Itulw.r l.ytloti. Women have more of w hat it lermcd (jood .sense than men. William llaz!ilt. In love affairs, a young shepherdess is better partner than an old queen. J. do Fined. She who spits in my face whilst I was shall come to kiss my feet when aw no more. Michael de llontaine. The man fl ips about with a bunch of feathers; the woman jjoea to work softly with a cloth. Oliver Wendell Holmes. There will always remain tuiucihiuf: to be said of woman, as long as there is one on the earth Stanislas de lionfiers. A woman should never accept a lover without the consent of her heart, nor a husband without the consent of her judgment. Ninon de l.enclos. SK.KX IX TIIH SHOPS. Standing linen collars with a ruffle at the top. liright plaid taffeta for lining black grenadines. liright straws Iritumed with black and white. Sailor hats faced with net or bound with velvet. Small and medium checked silk Is Hi I a for waists. Many etatuine dress matciials in light shades. Fine Valenciennes edging that rivals the real lace. Black net pangled jet or gold, f r eveniug wear. Short military coats braided in gold and self color. Jacket suits of serge or flaunel lor girla of eight to twelve years. Fine tan seal belts having a tiny chate laine bag attached. It I I KS I'Olt IIOMK TIOX. KIU'CA- Never give your children anything be cause they cry for it. Teach them that the only sure and easy way to appear good, is to be good. If you tell a child to do anything, show it how to do it, and see that it is done. Never let ihein see that they can vex you, or make you luse your self com mand. Never smile at any of their actions of which y"U do not approve, even I h nigh they are auiu-iiiu'. Never promise them anything unless you are sure that you can give tin in what you promise. Always punish your children for wi' fully disobeying you, but never punish when you are angry. Ou no account allow them to do at one time what you have forbidden, under the same circumstances, at another Unite firmness with gentleness. Let your children always understand I you mean eiaetly what you say. Ifl'ieygive sway to petulance and temper, wait till they are calm, and then gently reason with them on the iinpre priety of theit conduct. Jack Where's Bill now? Jill-Out West. "What doing?'' "Uaising palms making the tenderfeet throw up their bauds." .Mamma Now, Bobby, give nurse a kins aud say good night. Bobby No. If I kiss her she'll box my ears, like she did pupa's last night. She What do they mean by the centre ufiiravii)? He Telia joke to a party of Kuglishiueu, and that's precisely what you would be. Wheeler I aw they hav linen Irving bicycle ambulance Walker I thought llieae aourcliem would make something of the kind necasary. Suburbs I am not at all good enough for you, dear. Miss Boston I'm glad you confessed it before wo were married. You're not the fellow for me. Excited Wife Oh, pmfwwir, ihe cook has (alien and broken her oollarb oe! Pnifesaor Discharge her at once! You told her what to expect if she broke any thing more. "Now, I play the piano. Would you aay 'I play it beautiful, nr 'play it beauti fully?' '-Nii'her." "What would you wty, theu?" ' I'd aay ynu 'play a buaii't ful piano.' " OABTOHXA. nail THE VALUE OF A LIFE. lini Is Your liuJ Whcrowr Van Arc, I'ro viJci Vim Arc Mug Your hty. (X. Y. Herald ) Ye are of more value than many spar rovs - Maitluuv, x., ill. There are people in the world who seem to the oulookef, the careful observer of affairs, to he of very ureal importance to the progress of society, and there are others who apparently will not be missed when they disappear. The first class we call our great men. We chronicle their doings while they live, and build mon mucins to them wheu they die. No one ever gives a thought to the second class except the Lord. They come without a herald, and they eo without leavniLT the echo ol a footfall. This vast aggregate whose little lives are reckoned a of no C'.n-ci'ienee includes you and me anil nearly all the p 'epl we are acquainted with. One of the things which I admire ill the Christian religion is its rdaiioti to lliese two classes of persons. It tells us lliat liod can get oil without the greatest as Weill's without the smallest. Ilia re sniir vs are not exhausted by I he death ol p'tet, scholar or statesman. Iwcn while wo mctirii oui loss aud feel that utiivefsal proutiss has been blocked one, some new atil milnl soul, Ci'incs into the light and does such grand work lliat in a tew iiionins ioir tiurie.l heron half forgotten. The treasury of ihe Lord is full of men whom ati emergency or a tilling opportunity will throw to the front as competent leaders. But I am mere interested in the fact that each one of us, however humble our sphere may he, weighs in the scales of liod A human life is always impor taut, and never yet has a soul visited this earth that did not have some special work to do. You tuny not think this of your own life, for you have often thought that you uro ol no use to anybody. Your circle is so small, your influence is so slight, your opportunities are so few! That is the way you reason, because tin re are Seine things which you do not know. If you did knew them you would see the weakness of your argument, just as the angels sec it who liorn their high vantage ground look down on your whole lile. If you were a giant, you sav, aud could shake society to iis centre with your waniiiii: Voice, couid tear the evils out of the body ul'lhe community and put nohhr usages and customs m their place, then life wou'd he worth liviui:. Sotm times Mil have a loiiin.' 1 1 do that, but since it i- bey. aid you y u -ink h ick di coiiraid Your inmost endeavors are ci nliii' d to a -m ill family circle or to a few friend- and n. idihor-. The ambition in your heart cannot he gratified You feel its throl'hinos. but lu'i-l suppress them with a sil;Ii You are hampered by circuiiistaiee, you are unable becau-e of chance or fate -na-lit it not he well to fill il I'roVldeliei .' ol -lloW. to develop tin1 ability which ).ai are c nsciotis ot possessing, and theie i- likely to be 1.0 change for ihe better in ihe future. You are living and you will die in chain-, an l you gr..w restless discontented, unhappy. Yni have been deprived of your chance to d i soh ethiug worthy of y mrselt, and unless you are careful your nature will become sound by that thought. There are many pie who suffer iu this way. While it is a glorious thing, that they are e..twi.iiis of power which i-doniant ami which will never he allowed to exhibit itself, the fact of being tied down i extremely distuthing. It is a false philosophy which has g,,t pos-ession of your mind and is m Aing luvoe with your happiness. Of all heresies tint i-the most dangerous, and if' religion teachc. anything it leaehe that vour po-ition is a tnistak'ii one l'e b ip ' you h.ive seen a piece of mosaic iu some eld cathedral. If you have examined it carefully you have discovered that it i- made up of pieces most of which are very small. The picture could not have been made with large pieces only. Small pieces, some of them t xtreineiy small, were necessary in order to make the work perfect. When you look on the p'eture as a whole you forget ill about these litth bits, but the arii.-t who made it knows tin iu all, and knows tli at wiihottt them he could have done nothing of any great value Were these hits of no consequence, ill view of what has been accomplished with them? Can any one of these bits rightfully grumble teciuse it is not larger? Is not each one in its proper place contributory to the magnificence of the whole? So is it in human life. It mallets not much to a true soul what its environ ment may be; if it is really true soul it makes the best of the lot that has fallen to il or been assigned to it does its duty iu its narrow circle and so gels ready for a wider sphere hereaft.r. It is better to fill your place full than to spend your lime in grieving that it is not larger, tlod is your liod wherever you are, provided you are doing your duty. All work is noble, and even hardship liny make your soul grow to grander proportion. It is not so much what you are doing as how you are doing it that tells on your welfare. The highest kind of religion ia that which prompts you to be Christlike in small things, that in the future you may be made "ruler over many things." George II. Hepworth. AUVKKTUSKMKNTS. Hood's Bltoutd be Ih every dually bmb ntiln-lne cheat Mil every 3 ill traveller-a (rrlp. They an I I I S Inraluabl. wbea u Muuarh U nit o( order: nra awliirtu. Mrmnmi. ana aU line mmblei. HIM ma ceactaat. at eeaie. NKW A D V K f ----- ..A CAST0S11 AYefictoWe Preparation for As simUatiiig live Food iiiKlltt'Cuki tmg Ihc Slottuu'Jvs aiul Bowels of If. Promotes DitJestion.CiVcrriil ncssandlfcst.Containsneitlicr OpiwiT.Mtirptitiie nor Not Nahcotic. Awn Sfi Jifinrnuat - lh uuvitrutft Soda fi' Sri d -Climhctt Siumr AporfcYl Uriuodv I'nrl n' ;h turn. Sour Stdiiu.i li.DioMti.'v.i Worms ,1'tnivtilsions lcverih tu'ssand Loss OF Sltl r F.-K 5oiule Sivjn.iturc of NKW YDUK. LT COP OF WRAPPER 'JT 'ikZ.7SWSM3!SS..VS'. This Design of Engine is best adapted where you have but a limited space to set it. We can, however furnish you with a hori zontal - engine, plain or Auto matic - should you prefer. Write us if you even think you tiiav need tin Knuiiie or Hoiler. THE R. R. MACHINE SHOPS lioutloke liapids, N. (' II. T u k ycv. ""iiitiiiit. nd. iii. FA1I3IERS Bring lour Produce to Woldon ! and then call at 1AF A A M Ml A Down Fall in prices of Clothing, Shoes, and Dry Goods for the next 10 days. DRESS GOODS ! Gents' Furnishings, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Etc. Call and give me a trial. Satis faction guaranteed. FREDLANDER'S. KT I S K M K N TS . SEE THAT THE fac-simile signature OF- IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLIS OF CatiorU Is pit up iu un-iixe bolt lei ooly. It a n-1 aoKl iu bulk. Don't allow a::youe to iril i'.'U Ri.yihnii e'so on thi plea or prouuie that it i "" as U'hkI " ami "will Btiswor evprv pur :. 'a." 8. e that yoa get O-A-S-T-O-E-I-A. 'TJ T M. Fredlander's III . 11X1 1 n ii GASTORIA Pi APY KUT1SKM F.Mv PRUNELINE I r M o s II.-.' I' ! THE IDtAL LAXATIVE ..C 0 N S T I P fl , T I 0 N ltiUMM"iit Mt iiilai In-. niiiiirh', llmu'l I fi;i ii i; f in 4-ij 1 , i v i i )i.i'iii .. h k (iiinai ti. 1 1 re; u I ;i l il . kudu) Tri'iildi, kiu iiiMf til. M,il I ti nnier, im.l vtT i.i - ii v ''!i. r A - tii hi. ' u ; pi i- -it i 'H" t,i Ci.' !!i;i 'iH-vT:l;,.,,t flif l...i. S PRUNELINE '"i"!"1"-1 Hi HIM .i" I ' t'lii "Hi- run 't-- i' t .' . - 1 i-uui.-i'-- w Ul.'-ir litii'i! ii. ,.'.r:ll. ' i..f l:.-,nt .iw-t rVIIL.'M'" .'ill IH'IJl !lr' -Wrlll II .1i.- wii wi'.u CASTOR CIL- SALTS HUlf Mil-.- .ui.i :tll ..Hi. r iMi;,-. (Mitua UV.s. It lulu ll 1 .1 I'litrl'i-- fl1! '.11. lil.'Ht I Ul 1 1 - ifliir 'It ill K.-ft- Ihf ln-H.t I Uh- ! ! will in Hiii H..rN...t-n. iiMnu I HI NM.INK t'.T 111.' lNlli'1' purpiiM' m'M l tli'iiU i'!. oft-riil mi iv.Tift uiMirfiils l.i Hliv mliln liv V I N K I- I M lVN,k HU"VS MM , - , lUlliin. i-'. M.l. ,. ,,1. ly HUDSON'S :II7 Mam st , Noil'olk. Va. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN SDININb litniM. .M.l, MI.AI.s j:, lis is si .7m.ss7.,,- t;m:r i .1 Ii Ml IkiiS'. I'ropiiitur Til' last ol Lie! VtlllllK Ml Sl';siH iK't lo ly r. Grand Display -OF- SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY. FANCY liOOIW anil NOVFI.TIKS. HutteriekV r.itterus. K. k (1. COKSKTS, Mishos nt "(., LiuiicH 7.V. to fl. Wul'ritrM will be nunlc tn suit t lit tinu'H. Hatn and bonnets niailt' and trininied to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Welilou. N. C. V. Y. 1AY, IValer In Liquors, Wines, GROCERIES AND CIGARS." Wliy not eall on V. W. Iav. as lie is opi-n in It ll lllulit aiul iliiy leop tin- lol lowing liratnls of well known wlii-kios: "OM (t.sear 1'epper," liertnp's (1. I'. K. live. Stamp Straijlit." ' tioiiioti ltiliimore live' iiii-l olio r braiols I keep tlie liest of eli rv llun' in tnj line. Jm.l'oliie alteiilion lo nil at Kay's, west siile It. It. Shed. m? 'i ly. IU WtLUUlM, IM. J. A .IDN'KH, A. II, F. N.C, l'rineipal A CHARTERED SCHOOLS -FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Enrollment l.i-t year T. t'roru North Carolina and Viroini.i. l'ull corps of eonipetent Instructors. Stan.lar.l histh inul instruction th.rouli. Srinl.nts eoinplctin' tlieeiur-e are a linitteil into Wake Forest College. Iniversily ol North Carolin a, ao. I I niversily of Vir .'inla without i l uninati m, liy ptcscntini; a eertilieate Iriun the I'rnnipil A lull course is oil, rod in music Advantages excellent and location lienltlil'ul. liest home influence used. Hoard aud room in the home of the prin eipal lor mi per month to a limited number. fcTUITIOISr.i J HO to SI.IMI far lu .niti. .Music j'l. Spi' rates to launllcs InjjrThe next session begins TIU KSHAY, sr.l'T. . 1K!7. For lurtlier particulars address the '"xiH. J. A JONES. WVI.Ion. N. C. American Traveler Bicycle ll hat that slick, ityllih tni ht(hly Cilth4 nr.. You can tall thaai aiirwtitr.. It a I leun ol bcatitr tart atib. ll a Bora rul iaafl Improvaaents Iti.n any l,lk (taJa Blcycli a tha aarkrt. it it by American B. H. 0. 55 Sewing Machine Co. 'otory, 20th and Waahlngton Ava,, Hiliaaalphla. p. Li K.Vll.i;n.H H'HKP. I.K-' SF1VICE Iu 1 1 .ml ii. ( lial I, .lie. tu;iila. Mill us illlllhlOi. i H .Irlcalis ( liatlaio.ea anil Vishwlle. i lit .1 I in I . Meet l-i li. ;. i--i:. .Mil llllUllMl , ln.i Il- l,v N.nlolk, ' - .I-"' piu !' l' ll I" l.v roiisiiioot!i, - -to nu :i '.'" a ill la W.'liloll, Ml "J p m II ii m ,l lli'inlels 1'.' oti a III 1 ; i III I i 1 1i.i ;n . :7 M a in II Hi' i m m KaU'itfii, "-' i a m .t ::i p in ArSanloiil. :!:!." a in .'. o;t p in Ar .uillu-i u 1'iin s I ."-' am i ' p in Ar ll.ooli t. o 1" a in ( p in Ar W.liieslioro, o ola III s 1 1 p 111 Ar .Monroe. Ii l:! a m !' I 'J p III Ar I'li.iilotii-, ;;ti a iii Mo '-'" pin i Ar I'ln stel, - l'l a in MO IT p in Ar l'l l ill mi. !l l.'i a in 1'.' I" p 111 Ar l livt'iiwooil, 111 il.'i a in 1 07 a m Ar Al.I.ev ille, 1 1 n.'i a in I In a m i Al l;lla ilon, 1'! iC p in '-' II a in Ar Alliens, I l.i p in II l.i a in Ar iinier. I .VI p in I to a in Ar Atlanta, ei n Itito-'i p in o -0 a in Mll.nir.i'l Mi , No lo-J, , No. :is l.r Al l.llil l.n II tlllif l"J oo Il'll ' 7 ."o i pill l.e Alla ns :l to pin I -,'ti pin l.e lain iton. I la pin I'.' :t:lain I a- l it-i-iiw ooil, " 11 pin - oo am l.e ronton, o ol pin ,( o.'i am ; la- I In sti l , l.i pin " I :c urn l.i I'li.nlolle. 'In '-'.' pin :!ii am l.e Moinoi-, la- t. l.e Sou! In i n 1'iin-s l.e l.'al.-ii!li, Ar Hellili lsoll l.e I 'ill ll. mi, ArWriilmi, Ar rorlsinotilli Ar Noil.. Ik. ' li.nlv- !l 10 pill 1 1 -j:i p in ! -' II am "J Hi am :! "J am Ho Hill lo am .'ll am 11 : 1 no pin .-' 'jo pin Ml in am ' I .V am ; oo pin 7 iio am ' -Ml pin ' 7 "ill am ti Ho pin I !aily en-pl Sninlay. Nos. in.'! .in.l lie.'. '1 lo- Atlanta Special, Soli. I V.-siilitilnl I rain ot Pullman Sleep ers anil t' l.rlvM-i-n Washington uii.l Atlanta, also I'lllllnan Sleepers lietweell i'ortsuioiitli anil Cliester. Nos II aii.l.'i-. "iheS A. 1, Express" Solnl train. t ai-ln-s anil l'tillnian sleejiers lietwi-en Porlsinoulli anil Atlanta. C'oni t anv Slirpeis l.t'tween Colmnliia anil At lanta I'.o ill hams make iniiiieiliateeoiineetions al Atlanta f'oi Montgomery, Mol.ile, Ne . Orli'ans, Texas, t'aliloriua, Mi'sieo, Chat tnn.H.a. Nashville, Memphis, Maeoll. Florula. For tu k.'ts. Sleepers, etc., apply to Murray Forbes, Trav. 1'a.s. Atft. 1'orts- monih. Va. F. ST. .lolIN, Vice Pres. ami licn'l Mgr. V. F,. Mi KKF, tleneral Siiperiiiien.leiit. II, W. II. (iI.tiVKK, Trallie Mananer. T. .1. ANIiKKSON, Cen'l Passenni-r At't. tllliees, Fort.siiiolith, Va. A.CJj, . S W. Railroad 4 Branches, ANIl FUlltKN'CK ItAll.ltdAll I'.illlll'llst'll sselifttlile. TKAINS ions., Mtll'TIl 1 . 1 1 K I ' Aui; l-l. 1: I'. M . i :l ; in :io : in r. l.e Wt l.lon. M Ar Ktt. kv Mount, 1,' l.e Tallioro, I'.' I -J I :: ', I Hi l.e lie. ky Mount, l.e Wilson, I.eSelma. l.e laietteville, Ar Florence, l.e loililslioro, l.e Maitnoli.i. Ar Wilmington, i: I J i: il it. till 4 H 7 .1." 1 ii ;i -.'a A M IV M nl :i ii.', 4 :to ,'i M ! A. TRAINS liOISli NORTH A. M. I'. M H -lo S lo 11 '.'ii lo in 1 IHI 1 '. 13 In I.e l-'lorenee, l.e Favetteiille, l.e Seillia, A r Wilson, l.e Wilmington, l.e Maitnoha, l.e toililsUmi, l.e Wilson. Ar los ky Mount, l.e T.ttlsiro. l.e loH-kv Mount, Ar Welilon. P M A. M. 7 lo ;(." H oo III Ml 111 lull o I'. M I'. M. 1 1 J(l i til il ;7 i a i M a m i j rj I .' :i:i l -J .v :i:t I J .Vt :ii i 4: I' M A M I' .M , lmiy fxi-tjit SiiiuJhv Tram tn ScutlKiid Seek Kratit h h It Hvtt W.ltui Hi i in . in, 1 1 h 1 1 f k 4 K nrrivc ScutlmuJ N.'i k hi . Hi .m lirtviivtlU- : ,iT i in KiukU.u 7S'i m KtMirnuit; It-Mv.-s K 7 "u. . m j (in-t-nvi'ilt " ia in. Arm inn hi Hulitux 11 i. ' il. tn , W' M.'ii 1 1 . M in tinny -xt i j.t 'in-ly . 1 PtMIH Hit WlU.I lllv't'-ll I'THIH 1) ll-HVc KM llilltf I Iui i a in. Hint l . . m Hrrivi. I ririm It 1 I h in nii'l M l in ri-Uiriiinn Icnvt Htiiit-l' 'it ) ii. tn nii'l " t 1' tn ilmly I T mi ii lt"it Trt-Ti'. N ' '.. tlmly ni ( (.t uti j ilny . Ji I". M. "iiiiiIhx 1 i't in nr'n-s Cty lll.illttl 7 ti ' M , tt i III. KrlUMlltl.- IftHv m.. nth .Uih t'tf.t uii'tty T ii a m , j ti1 ' Smiilm ' if h in . iiiumk nl l uil-uro Unit n iu.. . 11 ' tn. 1 thiii ou MmIIhihI N i Hrani li leH.'n (.mIiIh tHiro N r , tlmlj cnrjt Miintiiy 7 in h tn , nrrire Miiithli- l-l, N '., hi h m, H.'turnitiii leaviw MnithrirUi, S. ('., yiMm. iu., smvi-(.i-iUntioro, N ('., in .. m. Tnuit on Nahvllle HrHitch leiivm hoik; Mount Ht 4 p in., iirrlvi'H Hi Nnlivillr : u'i p. in , ,'nii; ll.-i't' .. tn p m KtiiinniiK It vet Plirttut ltfn. f t tn , Na.shvillt h ;t, n. m arK.xky Mount it C . m. Mttlly ftceiit SiiiuUy. ' 1 rmn fii I'liiitun HrHin ti li nvt-i. nnw lot t'lhii.-it.iUily (' cit miikIht hi ll 1 h tn. ml i )" ). in KeiiirnniR It'Mvt- ( liiiUiii it ' ii a. m nii'l :i nn. Tntiu No. 7s mHlti-K ( lii- ioniie timi nt Wi-idon f'Ttll MilntK Nurlli lftlly. All rail tin kictimoud .. ai K'M Icy Miintit with Norfolk tiA itrlin hAilroHtt for Norfolk ilNily and nil iH.tnu North ti Norfolk. J. K.KKNI.Y, 'rt'll MI T. M. KMKKSON, II M KMKKdN. Trtillir MhiihiiiT. Um'i I'twit'liiti'r AKfllt. rzriiii'siirh'u .i- wt.i.bos a, r TKAINS (JOIN.! Slll'TII. IVtrl V ir 1T. No. 211 Daily. No 4(13 Hilly. iAtve IVtrrxliurii, Iii.ihi am 9.411pm l.eavf Stony t'reek, Ui lloani In ltipni Uave .TarrutU, am lll.;tliiru ln va Kin noria 11. oh am lo.44im Arrivf Welilon, I14ani li aiipm No. X, iioin South, leaven l'eternliurg at r I J, p. m., arriva at Welilon Mi. TKAINS GOING NOIJTII. No. 3i Iailj. 1.4.'. a. li No. 78 Daily. 3 44 p. m 4 ia p. m 4 44 p. m fi 4p. m o 41 p. m l-ave Welilon, le Kmpuria l Jarratta, I Stony t'rwk. Arrive I'etemhiirn, 3.24 a m. No. 4ir2, (roiriK North leaves Wel.lon dai It eierpr Sunday at 5.:til, anive ut l'etera hiiri(7.'i:i a m No. iihi, fur the north leitvt Weldon, StiniUyaoiilr, at 5 :lll u. m , arrive 1'ftelH Imri: at 7.1'J a. ni E. T. I). MYEKS, T. M. F.MEKmIS, Oen'I Superiotf nilent. T rathe Manager. H. M. EUEiUUN, Ueu. faaa. A(t. NKW A 1 V K WHY HESITATE o p r - h ii M"i want 111KSII. liiaiAltl.K DRUGS AND ? II , .11, V UIIUll Is the I'laie iii liave ) tir I'iim i i iii n ( A 1IK1 I I.l.V and An i i;.ti:i.y coMrirMii:i. o Q A Full of I fcny'CiOoiIs, uud Fine Siatiutury Alway? ou li:uhlto XF1 r WURSM HO. We i on Iii! this prosi ription i I. r u. N..thiiy su o,,(Kl , i' liii' lu.ul ;is .1 Sti'ts .tt Sprino St'Us on s.ik' ?t:l! . .111.1 "lt ll.lts. hi . . f 1 7" I ' t ' i ' I I i ( . l-a- Ivy . 1 t a. EMRT & WHOLESALE and m QEVER4L mCHMIDISE. New Goods for 5 VERY department brimful and running - over. We carry - the largest - stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING; BOOTS, SHOES and GROCERIES of any house in Hali fax County. Our immense store is FULL of BARGAINS for all. We keep every article needed on the farm or in the house. Visitors to Weldon should visit our store and inspect our stock be fore buying elsewhere. RT I S K M K N TS . Q 0 51 MEDICINES.t ) s 0 0 u 1 I aw mneht out entire luMiioa of tlie M V. ll..rt Co. The loeli is Wing n ili ni-lo .1 u i i li New aud Stylish Goods Our line ol Mens', Hoy's and Cliililirn'i ('lotliiiiu' will I'e iih eomplete us ever. elothes lil mill (jive wearer ll j;ioJ lli'.'arilliee. l'r. w. S.-lliv ,v. Co, ,1. M. HejtioKLs i Co , N. lle.-s Si llros , iTleliraliil SHOES. All lif-l -e'as . aleri and li -in ilto Jn styles. .1. 11. !i Cos' lla'.. A l ull line ol' all iukIh. Dress Goods, Triiinniio.'. and eVi tMliii, j,,u n,,J (iooils as r r. s. tiii il anil (itiees curieoi. M. F. HART, Agt I' ltmrlv t lit- M. 1'. Hart Co Tin: OLD WAY. Tin y ii-i .I lo i till teelli with flal iroin, ttinus ami jiii eiis, tin. I it used 'o liuit. Si.ine il. - ill u-e iio llii.iK wliuh .re a'niost n anti.iiati'i. e lis.. I'i7 iiiiihoils Weiloeieellral "ok al iiit..rati' (iriris lieriinsi. mi.ilf inta. oi n- a.r i ni'iu'i, i,,,,,v inr i-xfi-llini mirk. 1 1 Mill hai Ii, rn '.llll more, you hava I'.- ii ...vini: t. ii.neh. iryotiliitve riairl si.ii li.iiioi't anl eunuch Come ia ami .1 ...iiiiiiuil tii Imm-stuihnl tlm Ii. si no- Ii.nIs ot the World lor painltNa iliolistiv. "Ni-west liisimery" painless .Mia.'tion of ireth. N Y. HKNTAI. t)hl No. Iii-.', new No. ;l-.'4 Mam sir.-. i, Nmlolk, Va. EN NFS, "i.v '-'" ly Dentist, PIERCE, LI'TAII. W'ALFIIS IN- Spring Summer (