JOHN" W. SLED&E, I-koI'Iiiktok. A. NEWSPAPEE FOR THE PEOPLE. TETS:--'5'' annum in advance VOL XXXII WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AlKiUST I8!)7. NO. 18. d e e it AUVKHTISKMKNTS. 1. iV;;: mm 'f. IKly Years Ago. TM . c. 1! i- ia;i l'...t i:.r I. i:, r hot v.-i .iii ,4i,i...! r. jy i t !.! ie " I ' I. , i, te "'.-...I I u! !.! ! , :. Lull!, I li,!,- llH:....-Hlt. ir!l...,'M,.:!f .li..l l;ls . ..; .,.!:,,, .,11 r.,.,v, I. T' at wa pi .! I . ..I. nil:;; it, :: ; 1 .,( V;i!l II. i :ti . ul -j j ..(iri fcy. Aycr's Sorsaparilla in tlio oricinnl Fin.-.i'-'irilln, It linn bo'.iiuil it u ruiior j for curca Ui'.i-quiillod by any liltiotl iniri i;. iit,f cninponuil. It is llio only Hiir Hap aril la o-iortH. by a mo ivt tho Worlil'8 Fair of 11.93. Others imitnto tho remedy ; tlicy cau't imitnto the roccr.l : GO. Yearn of C-jro3. No 8. fl-.H.l Onk r''nlon TnH ifa The nui (itjtfiilf . -.iiri-c mn.vt-hrHC-il rtii'l llin' v t tmini'Mii'il. If mt'auit" I t I'-J tiic I i" '-n cli "-I'll ftml li tuot iuiiK wih'h -pi t al. (, ftal l'i ice, SJ3.35 (Onli'ra nmip('y flll il ) The A"v' is I ut f no ..f o. r Imrtfiiiii- tn Ih ti-uit'i 1 i nir i - w rua- 111U. It nil u , ! ul tilfl. ('illH'ti. l:thy I itlt iit!, IU' (rttfTHU, "t . FiuV I.! h, Mi-,t lniir. 8 tliirf , !-.,n !, .. i, Ymi nrpi:iliu V cui ilcrtlfB d.'iiltlc ur prtCN. Urnp t p. iMtuI lr Mm tfri'iit w ni'iti'-v mi tntf cmHioini" ti(fli ( r mail fW m nil eh P-m i h tho L niiinuhtt'tiin'M nr l ii will maUi t m blir in-iitltH ymi uru !iu juylhtf jur F tix'al dealers Julius Hincs S Son, BALTimionr, Mn. i . S: ft & 1 HERE IS 1 I A SNAP. I V-f.: n n u n WTTImm'iuI.v ImhI You know tli rt'.st. MEYER IS H'iiinn a law lnl of sum pin NT HAW HATS, ami SHltKS whicli he it, it GIVING AWAY lint iawllhiK al lialf nfllrst n il- JJ,'. ingptice Sf CTt) A TTT 1 HATS. liy the thoii-uiml, KvcryUMlv able to h:ive a nice hat at himuII it price. Alw line lin ESUMMER DRESS GOODS Silks, Cht'viofw, TuHItt It.iiiiiHk, Curtaiu.H, KiUInhh, Dri"! Trim mings, or luiythini: ou ask lor. Full line GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERIES at prti lower lli.iit evt-r. Cttinv in ami cx.kitiitic m v Ntih V, V i Iter, ilfft. 3f 4 7 4 ENFIELD. N. C. PRING i OPENING -Special Display of- I Anil Bhliitifry ovtltHK. o lie surf to attend. 0 MRS. W. R. HART, fi t 15 ly Kmnoke Haiids,N. (', ' HAI.E, WM. LINN, Manager Proprietor. MANSION HOUSE. SOTB (IK " I )ERICftH MO EUROPEAN PUNS Union Stmt, NOHFOUC, YA. V HIRAM DART'S REFUSAL Why lie HiJ Nut Marry llic Cli.irniiimWiJim Ilri'i'se. lien olil Iliiaiii Hurt was in Ii'h si v cnty-lilili ji'ir, On- faitliTiil ol.l wif.i who lwl b'.'1'ti lii.H cimifianiiiii i'.ir a full lialf century, sicliuiicd uml ilicd, anil, to the uriisu anj iiiiiui'iin:iit uf liis rural ni'inlilmri, uM lliiani wt t'urlh in wnruli ul' iiuothiT wil',' li-'l'nri: llannali, liU tiu-t piium', hail Iii'imi six wi't'li in Iiit (irave. Ii' maili' tin si in I ul' the fact thai he wan "in tin1 niiirki't uml M'i'niril uriri.-uil thai the hiilJi rn wi re sn lew, lie al- Irilmtiil this laet tu the (jeneral lack of lasle ami j i. lj;,. nn-ti t in the "wiinnii'ii folks" of the iireNi'iit tin v . They're u linieky h't nnyliuw," saiil Hiram, "an it eunus u' this I'.ml new wiinaien ulee. (lie iliy ulil Hiram ilr ne lv a mih- bor'n liuuse all "rk'neil up" in his Suii- day best anil with a blue statin necktie fiirinim; a marked contrast to (he hi.' red p'Miiiilin in his buttonhole, lie tarried lor a moment ut his neighbor's ejte utid Ininkly confessed that he was (!oin a .sparkin." The object ul thii amatory visilatinti was the Widow lireese, who lived "over Hebron way," uml with whom old Hir.iin was wholly uuaii'i:iinti d. Some one hud, in a spirit of l iihei malice or ini.-- chiel, made old II iraiu believe that the Widow, a robust, well to d ' Woman of about Gil, would be inclined to look with favor on II ir on's suit.. "An il won't b ; no harm done to pi ail see her anyway," said Hiram, as In Jrove away. It was nearly il irk when Hiram reap. p 'ared, far less buoyant I lull when h" went away. His neighbor was on the ki'Ut, and, hailing the old linn, he d; "Well, I'nele Hiram, did the Widow Hrcese relii-e you?" Not itim h she ilidu't," iitorted Hi- ram sturileuly. "I reluseil her. Vuu relii-ed hei? Why, what d.. you mem, I'nele Hiram? 1 ".Mean jess what I say. I refused the old old call vnooiiil !" 1 Why, I'nele Iliiaui, is that a re spectful wiy to -peak ii'iout a lady? ' A'kidyl' Humph, ureal lady old .lane is! You rail a worn in a 'lady' who sails into a feller wiih a bruoins'iel, an calls 'iiu '.m o!e I'mi' an sieh like names?'' ")id Mrs lli.ese do thai?" "She jest di'l. I uu'ss s1 e'd "t wtiio iluit I was roiiiin'fnr I d hard y inter deoM d n y-i If nil Ih i; in to state my biz acs- when lo' fl, w at me with a broom tii-k an ilteiiclied me Willi hot water it i sicked hirdawi; uti me an jawed the Wuist 1 ever heerd, I j ss waited till she irut through, an I Ion I up an told lor 'inl blank ll at 1 wouldn't have her il he. was the last woman on top ol the earth Yes, sir; 1 refused her jest that p int blank." Hetroil Free Press. A IMU IITI Tl, WITNKSS. When Hamlin (i.irland w is natlierin material for his life of (Irant ho spent i. day ir two in Atlanta, where he nut an lid V tri:ini.i tieio who slid that ho bail wiiuesseil , v i surrender lurlanil was interested and ii'iestiMiied him closely. You say you were present surreiiilcriil: "Kut I wuj, sub!" ' li l you ace lev pive up his sword?" "No, sir, I didn't! (liii rul lev pvo. up tin sword? Not him! I y tried tei take it linn him, but he nude a pjs at one er two er di in, i n dcy h i" off 1 teh you!" "An where was tjrant all thai tuuo.' "Oh he win liitlit d.u; a ill! K i he t,i 'em, he did: "Wi-ll, liojs, let In n ke Ilia weep n He e.m'i do iniic'i d uiue, kase he done whippet, anyhow!' " At lama Ciiiistiiuii ui. A ick nun It like m in w h' f ut 111 4 lllinn H i nl.iwn hither unit ihithrr h the wimU ol li"rM A ttnvi U t hy mil 01 (tat k. He t hmmihr h.y trlUili oi fvhinii a given fleMination hilt the KtlliM'tuM in the meter of totall) nncfrtaln elements No ttiu k, no ctmte, no ruthler. n e n.niiiv that ny bf ma hrttiit flmtMli'tltirl So with the tick man Hi rtiotdrTf1 rf ml tt e veiv itiK-Tatiel uucettmn No otiti tan in- U jh mlt d mi to iln lu work The Moinuh will not iliireM f.Mt; the livet will not niter ml lima itoHi.nt from the blood the kiilnev ml skin will mt excrete the ! No rruuliiT mmiiliiiiu 01 putifvtiiR pitcf i t om on. There i no cettainly except the rrlinlv rt( i fTi'rltit In nil rlv-m-mir tiiHnii. iMnHtatert con dition. in net itrtl in to rh uiRe the ab, eir.ilic nprTitlion- of the avlem into a nalural. rrfful if. traiBMMoriiri mo ffteinthetittht direction Nothinf in th world will lo thii o tanidlv and eeilainl? lit liiTt-ff, t'.oliirn Midi il Diicovitv It dirertlv nuul.iti the vii-tliinff Hons It the Momarh and liver into natural, healthy omtatioit and ivea tlie. blood intkimt u1;inU pow r to manufacture atmnit iiu- of ntitr rich hhtod It cteaiei atihrliie. huilda un mticnlitr trrtiBlh and hatii"he nervunea ami neuTilgia. A it can he aimiUtrd br th weakeM Moniai h. it nonnhm nroteMiri trt ff liirwrirtT to naitra1lli eod liver oil in aevere comrh" and all w"lin dieaaea Th i4niffii whi recommend nmethini l a ' jui a t thinkint mor ol 1 Ll' Din citra pnmt nn trie jum m fowi ha af yout welfart ' kind WELL-TO-DO ROVERS. An I nure laraily 'lrawiins Ataul the Ijiuntry In Wapin.s. Hccently a ypsy-liko cavalcade paused for a brief sejo-irn in WVhint ill's sub urbs, lint- the occupants ol the earring s were not real ypdes. They were the Well bred family and attendant of Captain .lack llaydrii. form1 rly of Cio.inii.ili, on their northeastivard travels uw.iy from tlio warmer Smith Kroin hero they moved on into Pennsylvania. Years api ('aptain llaydeii made up his mind t sec this j;re,it c nintry in liis own way So be lilted up a caravan of his own ih siiin and plan, and ticpin a new life for health, stieneth, plea-urc and business Since then he has traveled thousands of miles by waoii. The c.stiiblishuient con sists of Captnin II, lydcu, .Mrs. Ilayden, two sins, two attendants and ten horses Captain llayd 'ti is the picture uf health a oml talker and ran over his story very Koid iialureilly. lie said to a reporter: "I have eovernl this country, except in;; the New IvicJ.itid States, pretty thor oughly. Winter and summer wo muve about, just the same, inanauin to p't into the esiremo S nithcrn States or Mexico diiriNL' i lie coldest months and working N rth with the sun I have never known what a day ul sickness is. I absolutely do not know what it is tu feel out uf sorts. At one time my wife suffered considerably from malaria and rheumatism, but this was when she re miinad at our homo in Cincinnati. A trip to the winds and fields, laround in cessant ,1ns f pure air, and she's now all ri:rht a .iiin, All our vehicles are easy running ail our buses piud, unit we cm in ike ni my miles inja day if uc casinu ri i'iiivs " A covered w.ioii i- the slccpine. apirtiiii iil of Mr. and Mis. Ilayden, when in camp. It contains a handsome b'd wiili the neatest linen and pillows, with lace and satin shams. Iu this w.uon there arc aUn a hand'ouic. cabinet fl.hd with tin- cli in. nv.iro and the wurd roSo of the piny. I'lie arrani-euient uf tho'd mis an 1 side windows is such that thorough ventilation is st cured "How iihout your euufort duriiio heavy riiu si"i,ns, C.iii.iiu?" i'e me uever Ineoiiveiiieiieed by oven the heavy downpours, lloth wul'ou and nls are w.itet proof, and we rest as dry punk. As for lielitnini!, I feel safer in tlie oi or tent th in I iv m d in a se, and I believe I mil so." U II It is the pliiue ol jeet uf your travel.-? I buy and sell It as the psies I knovV 1 eo II.) 1o ll'IMilos II lr cated in some cli, lull the health con siihratimi i- an imp irlaut one in the manner of life I lea I 0 ir espouses for fool lnl ourselves and horses, horeshoe- wear and tear, and repairs, lull, etc run about t'.W a week." 'he two sons and attendants sleep ill tho tent Usui as a iliuine Mum during the d iy I'wn l.irp) shepherd dus iiu.ird the camp at iiinlil The Captain is well read mi all suhiccts and his fami ly is a hriiihl one. lie was born in V,- and, but he came 1 1 this country at an iirly ae He said in conclusion: "If tu .re people kuew tlie teal pleasures of such a nomadic life, easy, restful, there would bo hundreds living in the way we do. House living is not in It. I would not dwell in a cottage it It was uiven ine free uf chari;e. (Jive me a life in the woods with plenty uf sprini; w iter." Washington Pathfinder. AMiU Nl'VIX WOOIMi, I was in whit is known as the 'A ig pint ilitn,'i 01 ( ni on 1 ouiiiy, liun.s see," said a travelling m an to a Star writ r, "when a young nun rode up in lr 'lit ul (lie rahin where 1 was stopping id spoke to a girl who was dipping wa T l'i urn a spring." " 'Howdy, Stt V " 'Howdy, Toui?' " 'Come, jump on (lie boss an' go I, Krwin with iiu'' "Whit I'm?' " Per get III irro d ' 1 ' It tit yo' liiin'i duie c.i'led me yii,' ' '1 know 1 hain't t ut I've I ecu to,. pestend with work. I uilos intcu lc I ii r niHiry ycr, tl ouh ' ''tint 1 h on I u( ni too - rtoie,,, slraled the eirl. " 'W ell, we'll jes' ii e on yon side ol Krwin toSiler Mag's in the cove an' I'll git yi r a dr, ss. " '."shu ly lotn. "Slio ly, Sal ' " 'What kin' ul dress?' " 'Hesl ihsr is in Lowe's sto'.' "Nut atiulller Wold Was sail' Sal dropped the bucket and jumped on the horse shouting lo her in it her, "Main, me an' Tom in guin' ter git married at Krwin. We'll be by here in the inoriiin' "Their mother siaried as if to cill her haek, hut the h ir-o was g illoping down the lane, and she went an I carried in (he bucket ot water without comment." Washington Star. Two Sons of Kxereise "My wile lias joined physical culluie class," remarked the judge. "All the exercise my wide takoa in If run up dry goods and millinery bills," replied the major. LITTLE THINGS. Hesfi5e Nut The Ha) 111' Small Ihin. In the uu'l rush of this busy, hustling stirring age, there is a great teudency tu ignore liiilu things the little motives and acts that go tu luako up our daily life, like the seconds that make the minutes, and in turn mark the hours The great mass uf humanity is in a wild and frenzied rush for something big They want to grasp it all at nunc. The mind and heart must be developed by degrees. All minds havu not the same c ipahilities, nor have all hearts the same moral prcecptioti or tender sympa thies. The mind must grow and the heart must be developed. This growth is necessarily slow, us all growth is. The child must learn its alphabet, letter by letter, before it can form words or read sentences. The biy must study his multiplication table and learu tuadd figures together, b'.foro lie can comprehend the lighter mathematics. The heart intM be made to understand right and wrong, to percieve the evils that fulluw bad actions, before il will be strong to insist temptation All this is a matter of little thinos. In character building it is the pa tiic ol the little virtues that makes beautiful and sirmiL' the whole life, and en ib'cs one to discharge tlie duties ami tlie respon sibilities that devolve upon him Man hull l.shisowu character, little by little, and upon that th ' world erects his reputation. His character can never be inj ired save by his own net. His reputation may be destroyed by the breath of scandal or the connivance uf enemies And this breath ul scandal and these aels of enemies are very little things. If I he little acts that go ti makeup the (.very-diiy life in secret and in the busy world are pure and bright, then the cheracter will he stud led all uver witli gems. WHERE THE ROADS FORK. This We Musi r.aeh One Medic self. nr We are nil happily horn with a reasnr. el'le il in-,ii nt of brain p iwer that is suscep tible lo development i,r detetiolatiou W he! her pirents are rich or poor, learned or ignorant, the history of mankind proves thai all human beings are ushered into existence with a mental cipit il that will increase or diminish as it is hu ll inded or w isted in the productive period The son of the rich man has inlvanlagi mis siirr lundiugs iu liis favor Hut tlii is . ll-et hy the len iency ol ullbieiice to shirk what is considered unnecessary lab ir, whether it be of a meutal or phys ical nature. The mental capital uf tlie poo' young man is us sound and good us that of Ids brother born to tlie purple If we will hut look into (lie m illet it is very plainly lo be seen tint wealth of itself will not aid our mental progress. In the battle ul life there is, properly speakiiii', but two paths the tight and the wioug I'liere are many sinuous by ways leading lo and from those main highways which reach to happiness or misery as w.e select. Where do the roads fork? is the ipiesiion we must answer, each for liiuiscll. When the glorious poriat of a in oily career is opened to the youthful dchuiiitil in life but one path does he see or wiih lor. The forees that will lead him to prosperity and success iu tlu ir fullest sense are marshal led li, lure him as he paten on life's vista. X i l .duilieat wi.l he given lo I 11 nighls ol meanness ,-r dislionesty. It is when lie is successfully smiled in the right palh iliat most cate Is essential Small suc cesses make us careless Too often w In n on the light path the hiiedn allureuunts of the byways uf life excite youthful curiosity to the danger point. We are too anxious to explore the recesses fhese alley ways are eulercd; sumtiuics we retain In the m iiu path disgusted with their emlilai un d mockery uf pi, as lire. (Ilium may be temped to examine iiime closely; v, ry often they go so fai ihii r Iiimi i- piinful. They have lieei ensiiar. d by lliegi ded gliileriind blatant UluMi'lllus ,,f silpetlielal life. It i- lu re thai the reels lurk. There is a chance still lo fvttiru lo (lie p(l, ill 1 1 lea l to snhst Ii ippiness. Will w i accept the opp iituniiy by forsaking usehss li.iluls which our pailly eii eh lined senses now den;, in eeas iry to existence? Il is l i he hoped .; if nm life will heiici I rt h oulv have arnlicial pi, isiiies for us. i will take yeara to sec his an I a Inner sliugol,. Kll, self to oveie one the ctislaung mastery giinedby nur baser pissi insiii civiug ih'in away. I ', p on the imiiii highway. Some ul (he by ways of life lead back to it bill in ( oftheiii c m erge into tbo broad pull so easily trodden lo mis, ry and per dillon. Ituekli'iri Arnica ahc. Tbo Kest Salve in the world for Cuts bruises, Sores, doers, Salt Kheliin. l'ever Snrses, Totter, Chapped Hands Chtlhlal is, Corns, and ill Skin Kruptions mid posiiively eiireH Piles, i:r no pay re ipiired li is giHrnnlod to' give perfivt saiisfaeiion or money refunded. Price 25 oent per box Kursale at W, M. Luhen'i Drug Stars. WANTED HIS NAME CHANGED. KLkern Was Mure Than He (jmll Stan j. A man who was bald with the excep tion of a s nail red I'ringu which reached around the hack uf his head from car to ear was waiting for the lawyer when tho latter came into Ids uHiee, says the Wash ington Slur. "I want to c insult you nun rather un- u-ual ease," lie said after greetings had been cxehinged. "What I caniu to find out is this cm a pors ui's nauiu bo changed?'' "Certainly. All he lias tu do is to show some goo 1 and sufficient reason lur a lupting another tiaine, ami it call be Very eisily arranged " "I know tint, llul can it be done with- 0 it (hi! knowledge or consent uf tlie p irty niO't interes'ed'.'" " vVhy uf course uot " ' 1 was air lid you would say that. l!ut maybe wli 'ii ymi hear all the circu'U- tances " " Itut there are n i eireumsinnees which vill permit you to change a man's name without his knowledge. There are lots in iiu things you can do behind a friend's back, but 1 am glad to say this is n it one ol them." "Hut this person isn't a man." The same thing upplicatu a woman?" "Itut it's not a w mi in eith" I. It's my M months old bihy. The trouble is that we're having loo much educitiun in our n 'ighborhoo i. I honestly believe that what I am trying to do is for tho baby's own good. My wife and I were anxious to give him a name that would h ive a substantial s mud an 1 at the same time he u-sci,itid with classical tradition, So we. hit upon "Ciceto 1 " "That's a very g iod name." "Your remark shows how easy it is to lie deceive 1. We liked it first rule until our el lest girl got into the high school, t oe d iy she c un .'. home and iul'oriiied us that we w. re mispronouncing the baby's niiiu ll isn't 'Si-sero,' she tells us; it's 'Kiekero.' " "That's the pronunciation usually taught now ." "So 1 le nnod upon in -nir v. And if you'll t ike tie-else ltm to go to any expense to change I he name tu Thomas or .1 jlin or Jeremiah or most anything that won't sound as if we had taken an Indian pi su to raise." A Iteinarlialile fure Of Miroiiir Diar rhoea. In lMi, when I served my country a a plivale in Coinpiny A, lliih lVnu lylvania Volunteers, 1 cuitr icted ehrouu liirrhoea, deal uf iroiihle e"ver 'since I have tried u it'll different medicines mid several prominent doctors without any permanent relief. Not long ago a friend sent hie a imple bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and I'iarrhoea llemedy, and alter that 1 bought and took a 'ltl-eeut hot 1 1 and now I cm sty that I am entirely cured. I cannot he tlianktul euougli to you for this great llemedy, and rceoui end it lo all sull ling veterans II in nibt write n'o. Yours gratefully, Henry Meiulicrger, Alleiitowii, ra. I'.,r sale by W. M. Cuh-n, Wldon, .1. N ltiown, Halifax, I r. A. S. Hairi son, Kulield. HEADED OFF BY 'PHONE lien's Tit Tu The Mulern Vounix Man Wh.i lla A Rival. ".lust my infernal luck," growled one of out most eligible bachelors as he threw himself on a couch and looked daggers at h's closest friend as though lie wore til d speiisc r of fate, siys the 1 lei roit Free Press. "If i f ilow w in t to get married and fulfill his pr t T destiny in life, for tune trips hiiu up and mikes a fuel ll i m. You know that I've popped to three or four girls and in every case 1' Doen lust too i no. i on may put llilonu no that if I ever in irry a worn iu she wi do the proposing aud make all the n humility arrangeliieuis." ' Seorol allot her f.iiliirt?" "Yes, lost by ail eyebrow, as usual You recall that divine creature I pointed out to you irotu the club window tlie o: lor day. Tint little Itii ldins ami 1 have both been sweet on her rivals, I suppose yni , uld siv. I called when she is visiiing cully last evening to pu lliv tale to l.' (.-(, Vs. I-!',. WJi ing in v courage up to the slicking piint .ml trying lo sop irate her trim tin other people there she was called hy on of the servants. She came back looking ii ro-y and sweel that I pushed millers, piloted her to a side veianda and teld b with alt the gush ami seniiuienlalism of some callow youth, hi w 1 loved her, Ilow I could not live without her She never looked more beautiful than when sin (old how sorry she was to cause roe pain but she had just accepted Mr. ltuddins ' by telephone, it was to talk with hiiu that she had been called I look my hat and got out of the house the best 1 could. The impudent little rascal; be knew I was gaing tin re, for 1 told him uiysell, ami I went early lor the express purpose uf beading him off. No other man would have hail the cold nerve to propose by telephone. If any girl want nit' after tliis she knows whole to find me." tall. sl , " ' WHAT TO EAT. Siime SeNtlc Sudffesliuii l'oslel In I'vcrv I That Shtiiill iiusehiill. Aralstouitc, writing in that excellent gaslronutuie journal, What Tu Kal, makes a few sensible suggestions in re gard to the diet I hat ought lo be posted in every household. He says that the healthiest and purest lives come fretu those who do not eat meat before tlie ago of 1,1. Putaloes, sliced thin and fried, arc in digestible. While tasting delicious, they ullord no real nourishment and cause a derangement of the liver. .Cake clogs the stomach. All rich pastry is poison to the liver. Soft cara mels and cream arc also bad for any one with a liver at all rebellious. When you get uld, luok out fur your foud. Ho yuu ever notice that grand father's face is uot us jolty as it used to be? His strength of mind also seems slowly disappearing, though ho is getting fleshier every day. He needs a change of fond. Probably be lias been eating buckwheat cakes and syrup, white bread and butter, sugar, fat meats, etc. (jive him lean meat mid li-h, cracked wheat potatoes, barley cakes, rye bread and out hem corn cakes. Try it, and in stead uf moping and sitting around the muse all day you will tinej liuu running iroiind lively us a cricket. .Maybe, on tlie coutrary, lie is growing thin and pale. Then he needs buck wheat and molasses, fat meals, mashed potatoes in milk, northern corn, cracked wheat and fish, oatmeal porridgo aud fruits cveiy morning. All rules have their exceptions, and i' diet described for the mass may not answer for exceptional cases, but the fol- owing directions are iroud for tho nia- ority: Milk is the simplest and most natural 'nod. If ymi cannot drink it, your stoin icli is iu a diseased condition. Cheese is a good substitute, il tuild, Ircsti and mide from pure cream. Persons who live mostly un vegetables have the best nerves aud tho best couitilcxiuns. lied pcpp.r is an excellent condiment. Its effect upon tlie liver is remarkable. Malaria, iir rmiitent fever or congestive hills catiuot endure the presence uf red pepper, l ure rcl pepper (known us cayenne) should lie on every table. II health is caused largely by improp er food which is in a bad couditiou when it is eaten . 'Let me give you a pointer," Mid M. I". (iregg, a popular conductor on the Missouiil'acitie r.iiiroad. "lo you know that Chamberlain' Colic, Choleia and Iharrhoca llemedy cures you when you have tlie stoiu I 'll ache? Well, it does,' And afier giving (his frendly hit of advice the jolly conductor passed on dowu the ile. It is a fact thousands of rail road and traveling men never take a t ri i without ii bottle of this Hcniedy, which is the best cure lor bowel disotdcrs in tht world, "."i and .'ill cent hi tiles. Pur sale hv W. M. Cohen, Weldon .1. X. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. ll irri son, F.utield. I'AITH l HIS LAM). A (ieorgia farmer, being persuaded there was gold un his land, refused many flue offers for it, neglected his crops and went to digging lor Hie precious metal 1 ear alter year lie dug, getting no nearer to gold as time weut on. He was bant up but he had faith, un he kept at it, in and out of season. "How long have you been prospectiu, lie was asked one day. 'Nigh un tu live years now," be replied "And yuu ve -truck no gold yet.' "Xo," be aaitl, "haven't .struck none yil, hut," he added, with conviction, "!' a-cotnio' (er it , fer the darned ditt gittin' mighty yallerl ' Atlanta Cutisti mi itn. CASTOI1IA, We shall oilier there' oilier here. he more apt tu if we do not "know each forget etc OABTOniA. Tkt fie- IIBl tl(UI vntrML Xo poctrv would I"' written if bint hr! lo t; j, iti" a..d let 1'iogs Jo ail the singing: AH KIlflSK.MKXTS. POWDER Absolutely Pur Celf hnited for ita great leavening st rength and hcaltlil'uliitws. Assured the ttssl a miiisi Alum and all form of ailulteration com mon to the cheap brands. ROYAL BAK1NU POWDER CO., MRW VtlKH N'KW ADVKRTISKM KNTS. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the word RUGULA TOR is not on a package it is not Simmons Liver Regulator. Nothing else is the same. It cannot be and never has been put up by any one except J. H. ZEILIN & CO. And it can be easily told by their Trade Mark THE RED Z. Fnmps, Pipe & Pipe Pittinics. IB?"!'. S. Injectors, Bring on your cotton uins for repairs before the rush. All kinds .lob Work in limt class st; le. Never Leak Tire Fluid, Cabinet Work, and general iiiaeliinc work. W. J. COPELA1TD, rRocky Mount Iron Works,--: j, .;,:,, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. THALMAN MANUFACTURING COMrSl 31SE. Haiti re St., Manufacturers of FINE RU BBE R STAM PS , STENCILS, SEALS, rnnting l're.sses ami rrintcr sSupplieH. Also Artistic Job Printing, and en gravers of Wedding and Hall Invitations. .Send for our beautiful illustrated catalogue of'J.VJ pages, printed in live colors. Weileiil in novelties, novelties. Oild unit amusing. 0?. Audit Wanted. Hep 24 ly. CHAS. M. WALSH, SI'KAM MAKIil.i: untHilf ANITK WOKKS Petersburg, Va. MONUMENTS, Headstones, Tombs, etc. iVIJuAlso Iron Feneinu, Vases for ceineterv ami other purposes at lowest prices. Hsft.SATlSr' ACTION (iUAKANTKED. Work Delivered cat 11 ly. CHARLES 0. ALLEY, CONFECTIONER , Mr. W. W. Wurren representa the firm and will visit Weldon and its vicinity rex ularly. octl91y. THE- 1 ! i . GRANT : : special ONLY $35. i'- 1, sj,!aK:s'.. Uuilt just the way vou want it. lp- to-date, cuarantccd high catle wheel LICHTRUNNINC AND A THING OF BEAUTY. All Colors and all styles for men, ladies and children, jm Just as good as a bicycle you would a ii pay Kill lor elsewhere. Sample , wheel on exhibition at .1. L Jud- - -kins' t.rocery. H. L. GRANT' !? Agent." RIDGEWAY HIGH SCHOOL. i1 ii tufJrVti. jrifii ittiil-il&itMilti'lntl Fall Session of lt'17 biKins Al (il'ST:imli. Tuition, Itoard, Washing, logins anil Fuel $65 to $75. Mumi iih up of inurnment, $15. ?l,No t xtnt .-lunge lor lntin, lireek, French or hook kwpin. Send lor eiiltt loKiie JOHN GRAHAM, uk5 ltn. ladni wjiv, n. c. Blae RiAne CementLime Worts VauiilKt Hirers ol III. I K llllsiK HYDRAULIC ROSENDWE CEMENT iiiittrnl 1 Hlwolulcly hyilmulle. Wp i, uitle rl. ,.. -telivertsl ul s,iy pollil ill lite inli All iVmrli! met -tn imlli. iitolOiiniiy 01 eelor. IttinifliK nntl Kroelina KiiHutiileeil Wnle lor Iint-e, l . t,. HOtUssa nl.l l K!KK SI'KlNliH VA. Telemra Hltin Hitltrn. V. t. 1'ROFKSSIOXA 1. CA KI8. UMKaU.MliLl.RK, WAI.TKR I. DANIEL Mu' L L I N a 11 A N I I U ATTORXKYSATLAW, Welpon, N. C. I ,eUe III triernimior Itsllhi smlNorthlm o- .nil In the Supreme aiut Federal cotiru. tio ' .'Inn. matte In alliMtijiof North ifeistlltt Rtaneh ofttce at llallnii, N. O.,onen every Mm lm ly jjit. t.t. nos, DENTIST Weldon, N. C. tdroffica over Emry A Pierca'islora. lfl-19-ly. BICYCLE REPAIR INC A SPECIALTY liAI.TIMOHK, MI). ESTAHL1SIIKII1N 1HIJ5. Tlie truth is tlie foundation of our Success. We make Claims, our WORK fulfils them. loyi.ct us Estimate for yon. JW Designs Kent to any adtlress FREE- In writing give age of deceased and some lira it as to price. All work warranted ST1UCTLY FIIWT-CI.ASS and SATIS FACTOliY. At Any Depot. Judkins Grocery ;WE1.IK)X, N. c I still carry a full line of fine Staple and Fancy (iroceriee, "FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crocki-ry, C.liws Tin, and woodeuware and most everything that is kept in first class grocery store. I also return thanks Ui my friends for their patronage of the past, and solicit a continuant of the same, with gnurautee to pleuse. And wishing I he. n a happy ami prosperous new year. That I hey may Long to live And well todo Ami alter death Ke happy too. Respectfully, J. L. JUDKINS. dec IS ly. F. li. UUf WELDON, N.C. Peuter In General Merchandise Ageut for theelebratel ZFUil.EU BH08. and HAY STATE HHOKS. Have also added to my stock a nice line CLOTHING! for MEN, YOI TH'S and CHILDREN. A full line of Always on hand. Burial robes furnished for Lathee and Gentlemen also fluid injec tions given to dead bodies and disinfec tants used when desired. A NICE HEARSE AT YOL'R DI8P06A1 I. N. 8TAINBACK. DR W.J. WARD.fc ENFIELD, N. a Moacvr Kmilmm' On flt-w.

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