1 hp f "W. SLEDGE, piiopiiii:tor. ! jvL. XXXII 1 J NEWSIPiFIEIR, F O IR, THE PEOPLE WHLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, S KPT EM HER 2, 1897. TEEMS:-f 50 l'KIt ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO. 19. ( 1 1 ADVKUTISUMKNTS. 4 T -SM. rt-.-.s.!L!V i Orautiful f yfi grow dull and dim 7 At ttie iwtft yrari atrnl away. Htitutifut, willowy lornu o ullm I.iMte Inirticis with every iliiy. But kIic still is queen aud hut U chirrul t npnre Whu wean youlli'i coiouul lcutl(ul tuir. Preserve Your Hair and you preserve your youth. I" A woman is as old as ehe looks," says tho world. No woman looks as old ns she is Jif hor hair has preserved its inormal bouuty. You can keep lhair from falling out, restoring jits normal color, or restore the normal oolor to gray or faded huir, by the use of jAyer's Hair Vigor. No. 8. P-.li.l Onk TtnPlon TnW. lt'trs Tht?finircmtfli'l LHiiroO'iiniccf- fil. braci'-l mni tlni'tv nt nniiit'iiton. it I b fool Iuuk wiitm hii'nl. Hit cial i'i ice, $3.95 (Ordcri promptly flll.d. ) The 1mivm is hut m:p of (hit I'-TO Ib.irxHUH to ho found t i Mir in w ci'H 1'irue. It i-ontHtt" nil ki'nl I Furni ture, CarHtrt, H.thy ' iiriiMn. I .r1nrHtn, it ., Ki it - I. r . ; nt'il'liiiir, H.'ttiiiT -, h'.n i.ii!.pw , u are imylim ."citl d'tile it 'tit Op our prlci'H. Drop poumi lr our nr. m f oiotifv m liuf cntH!otMii which wi I mall fn-e of all ch ttyin. Deal fh the I mtmilfiw'tiiriT aid y-u will inHke 1 hn bit nri. tit n you aru imw uying your a local dealers Julius Hines & Son, , BALTIflORK, MI. 1444444444444 i 1 HERE IS A SNAP. fca?Thc early bird Yon know the rest . MEYER IS Opening a large lot of sample STIiAW HATS, and SHOES wliiih lie in not GIVING AWAY liut is Hvlliug ut hull' of firnt st tl ing pi ice '4 :4 4 4 I STRAW HATS. n- 4 4 4 by tbi' ihotittand. KvitvIkmIv Utile to h ive a Hue luit .il snt.ill i iriee. Aim tine line tSUMMER DRESS GOODS S Silks, CheviittH, Table Damisk, I Curtaios, KiblMttiH, OrcHW Triui- I iniu, or auylbiii you unk tor. I Full line 4 m 4 4 4 m 4 4 4 'GROCERIES AND ! CONFECTIONERIES at price lower than ever. Cume inautl examine mv attHk. 4 4 4 4 : 7 "O ENFIELD. N. C. 1 PRING 'Z- OPENING I Spwlnl Display of f And Millinery Novelties. He sure to attend. " MRS. W. R. HART, jt 15 ly Koanoka Kapids.N. ('. - f. HALF., WM. LINN, Manager 1'roprietor. MANSION HOUSE. BOTB OK ERICIN MD EUROPEIH PUNS Uaioa Strati, NORFOLK, TA. S.i,lp,kt SAW HIS DEAD FRIEND'S FORM. A IlksTly ory liMuto Phillips. Ill Ik Surtrcra; liurl. JtMKC J. l'llilliH, OIU! Ill' till! JU'lUSul' tln'JIIiiiui' Mtuto Hiiprottii; I'.uirt, re rl. c iinl ri'LVnlly, tolil iitriino stoiy not Imi; nun of bin csK'rieiiiM with u "spunk." It w.h tul 1 at IlilMiori, III , li ii hum ! I'.r nmtiy ji'iirs, nl wlii.'h U situitwl n it far ft 1 1 1 tlx- uniMiinv pUr' wIht.' I lit- 'pirit I'r.un the ulliT w irlil up r -.1. Mmiy jimih iijjo In' l);nl n t'l i -ti'l who was to him in iI.mi iiIi.iii to I .1 v i 1 T.i'tli r ill 7 ilii'iinii'il iilmost I'Vi'ry ilinni' ul iK'ii'iuv, philosophy mid clliics. Tln-y puiJ one nnut hur rrcipicnt vi-ils. Tln ii holm's wore in lonis wvituI niiles di tatit. On ono ol ihcse visits tho juJo Dolii'cd that his I'riiMiil soonicil to lio in unusually robust health, anil he n inarki il uhout it. Ilu was much surprised to sen his friend tow suddeuly serious and sav, 1 I shall look you in the 1'aco aain bel'oru I die." "Nonsense!" replied the juIi "don't talk of dying! You are good for i dozen years yet. I'm more likely to die than you are." His friend smiled and hepin a more theerlul suljeet ol conversation, but as the time value to s.iy fjoodliy he repeated his remark. "Ilu. member," he said "I have promised I will look you in the faee ujKiin before 1 die." Pays and weeks passed on, and ilude I'hillips soon foriint the speeeh, for he was not a man who plaeed mueh faiih in wiiiuinas, t-u aud the like. One slimmer Jay bis thoimhts were far away from deal h or uhusts. Ilo was riding with a friend over the suiiolh country roads of Montgomery eountv. They talked of ihe beautiful landscape, of (joldi n wheal, urerii waving oals and forest trees beyond. The Jud'e was driving. His eimpinion was in the midst of a remark when suddenly the judr"! dropped the lines. "Iiook!" he whispered. "There, over the dashboard'.'" he said. "1 see milhiii," said his cnmpanioii, "What do j oil mi nil?'' ,ludi:e 1'biliips sat us if spellbound, though his CHUipiiiion was unable In see iinyiliii' but the eiup'y air. Ib-lori him, I'm several minutes, there stood the linage of his ol I frien I wli i had sail, I shall look you in the face auiiu before 1 die." He was ther', life si. ; face, aims itnd shoulders, as if ho wen slan liuj on air, ju-l in trout of tlr dashboard. Judie I'hillips, d ICS II il often lell he story, but when beilihe says, "1 nevei saw u huiiiaii b iiu ue.re plaitry than I saw liiiu stnntlini; there before me aiei looking iu tnv faee." How loni; the vi-ion lasted lie could not tell, but at last it seemed to melt into air, and the jub.'e picked up the lines and drove on. His friend was inclined to lauh at him, and he himself tin le no attempt to account for the slranjie happeniti):. Bui early next tnornino he received a telegram announcing that nu the day before, ut the very time when he was taking: bis drive, his friend bad diid suddenly. Was it a warning? I ltd bis friend have a pretuotiitiou when he sai l, '1 shall look you in the faee ai;aiii'.' " .ludp I'hillips ciniiot explain the story. Its llai ration alleets him deeply, utid be probably has not told it to more than half a doi-'O person, though il occurred years n . He is not Spiritualist, and DO one would be readier than he ills countenance the cheap delusions which are sjtnetitn 'S e.illid Spirit u.ili-ui. 'Ilo only deduction which lie admits havniL' drawn from the weird iu idem is a nepi live one which he states in his lulntua Ij careful manner. "1 am not prepared to "ay," i his conetuiiii, "ih.ii the deal under some eireiioit iuees. utav not revi-e this world" l''r in llie St. Louis (jlubi llctuocrat. Blind-fold. A woman has no tikln to "it" it blind" in mai lers of life tl health. She has no nirht to shut hrr eyes I" the plain facts of her physical be i n if ind the eonse quencrs of neg lect. She has no fight to be wretch ed nt ill when he miil'it he hap py and ftee ftum e ... L A .1 Ut VrlA down by tne toitininu. dtaitmim w ness or dnense f their ( ate not doing Iheir full dutv to themselves, t hey re ant .-w.,... il,- im.Atis whieh enlightened set encc affoids them of btiii well and itrong ind capable. These special cnmniaino. mnn ..nu many women suffer nte no! necessary Or. Pierce's 1'avorite l'rrscriptinu positively cures even the most severe ad obstinate Cnu nni h.i"hatard medicine. It is not . Un " li is scientific remedy de vised by an educated and esperienced spe cialist f.ir the one purpose of curing the pecial diseases of women. Tens of thousands of women have been restored to perfect health by this wonderful "Prescription." In many instances they were actually liven up as hopeless by phjr iicians and family doctors I have taken Isilh vir r.el.lrn Medical !?;.!.,..... r Ho- ,iler.i. ml Wa.Mi-r." wrllei Mrs M A. SV.SI. of fark K -ipi.U. Ilul.leiril Co.. ,a ' I !. had .lom.vh ti.ble K-h ".J lerrihlv rtistres.tea. I have been enreil of all I had .'oTere.1 ..l"d t.y fr four ye,r. pre. iVutotkinV''i''ealiucm hut bejan to lel Ihe good efleel .1 onee," Dr. Pierce'a thousand paie Hi Htrated book "The People'. Common Sense Med ical Advter"eontin. information of price less T,llie in wom-n A p.per-bound copy will he nt holntelv free on receipt of li ne cent stamps to py the co.l ol m.llltn tnlv Addre.. World's DupenMrT Medical Ael.tion. Buffalo. N V. for a haad.oma aieU koaaa copy end ji it.mpa ekW THEY WERE MARRIED. IhcOULajv Wantcll kN"lkc('.liaiiwJ A I.illlo. The Hpiare jawcd woman with pinkish ha'r laid her umbrella on the editor's disk and took her sent on a pile of damp proofs. "Hid a mail," she said, "a man with n grayish goatee and a sncakiu' manlier hand ill a tnariiae noliee this uiorniti' for publication?" "He did," said the editor; "here it is. Mr. Samson 1'eters to Mrs. Hiildab lloskins Is that ri.nht?" "The names is all i kin. It says Mr. Peters led Mrs. lloskins to the hymeneal altar, don't it'.'" "It dies." "I ihoiinlit so. I'm Mrs. lloskins. That is, 1 was last niht. I s'pose I'll have to be Mrs. 1'eters now. I want the style til' that inatriae noliee chanoed. "In what?" asked the editor. "I'll t;iv! yini my reasons first. You sec I've nl s ime tuouicy aud own a farm and two cotton (;itis. Anybody can see I don't need no husband. That S.imsnii Peters is tiiflin,' lazy, and no account e,.n,.iilly He ain't wulh shucks lie ain't no ninie lit to take care of him self than a babe. He'll be a dead ei" p 'lise on tny hand-, for he'll never pay fur his salt, and he owes inore'n eighty dollars that I'll have to pay. Hut I don't kcer how no count a man pts, some woman or other's hound to try and (.'it him. That sa.-sv wid w Albright been on his trail for four months, and one ihe Simpson e;.i!s has been makin eyes at him ccry Wednesday tobt at prayer meeiin' lie's a mighty pore, hunibl kiinl of a erect er to take in, but I knows my duty when it comes up before me. That widow and Ihe Sitniison eal cant never nil to crow over tin;. You jest seiatch out where it says Mr. I'eters led M lloskins to the by in 'ileal altar ami Bay that Mrs llu'dili lloskins annexed Samson I'etns last ni-tbt at 11 o'clock p, tiii: i:m or miuicow, tlod has proihised that a period shall he put i . i t t.c niL'ii "f sorrow: "tloi wi I wipe away teals horn all laces (Isa ll.VS). Can we wipe away our own tears? N'evtr. 11 any man dry his own tears, lie shall wee, I ;i l; .1 1 II ; lull II ti ill it t V OUI tuns our eyes shall lleVer lose the lifill t It all comes therefore, to a cousideraiion ol ihissoh inn tpiestion: hat shall put an end to this soi row? Shall we by fri- Vu it dii.wn our sorrows? Shall we bau ish our filets tiy pie-eh(:ainir our memo ry with lliiiii;' that die iu their using;? Or shall we say, "Thou living; tlod of all joy, thou only eaiist put an end to human woe. M ake my heart j;lad, and then my faee will shine; take the gjiiilt away from my conscience and my nature, and then tnv tears will cease to fl iw?" This is in terier work; this is a spiritual miracle this belongs to the r. i-n of (iod aud the ministry of uraco. We resign ourselves not pas-ivc ly and inurmiiriiii;, but active ly and lliankliilly to tied, that lie may make us "lad with his own joy. The Lord awaits our consent to the drying; of our tears. MltS. I'AUTINOTOX. A colored Mrs Partington lives (ieoreia, and she talks interestitig;ly. She is als ut seventy years old, am: makes a ureal show of reading; the Bible thoti.diitis well known she cannot read a lint , The otlnt in irnio she wis sealed Her lr nit poreti tfiiu a lare I.imtiy iituic open on her lap. Some one was passing;, and sulut her. "tiood tuorning;, Aunt Caroline " "Mawnin', sub, uiawnin ! lt'sri"hl previous weather, sun. "Yes, rather previous." "De clouds ham; so low, hit look lik dey 'bout ler have a collegii, tice wid tirth." "Yes, It does look SO." "Well, de Liwd'll take keer on us. H Hible say Me di-iempert de wiud t r d bom lambs. " "Is that the llilile you're reading;?' "Oil, yes, sub!" ' Why it's upside down! "Look 'leab, mi.tei!" sai I the old w man, iudieniutiv, "d n't you 'spo-e kuowed it? W hat d lluiice do it mak He Bible is so plain, yi u kiu if s read any way!" Consiituiion. iiir.ssATisi'iioo. She "How would ou like to try youi luck in the Klondyke?" He "Well, I should say not. We-re engaged. You have a million, I'm uot a pork." KltACSM KNTS. "I suppose you broke the news to your wife," said Snooper to Swaybaek "I tried Iu, but she hsistcl upon having the whole of it." Hatted alw.ys injuries the one who hirborsit tar more than it does the ono against whom it ia directed. HENRY CLAY. Ml Who lloarillis I'atliotio I'arou oll I ho Sor,ato Woro Mnvoj io Tears. John V. (Vyle writes of Henry Clay's irewell to the Senate in the September idies' Home Journal, regarding; it as lite most dramatic event witnessed in the idled States Senate. Almost from the iciiiiio words of the famous valedictory vast assemblage of people were in ats, and the "iireat t.ouiiuotier was Ireipicntly iiilertuptcd by the sobs of bis auditors. "The scene was indeed itu pressive as Mr. (.'lay pronouccd ihe con- ludini; words of his farewell to public !'e," says Mr. Coyle. "lie flood for moment ul'ler in reverential atlilude, while all about him strong; men, swayed by the iuag;iielic power of ihe ureat oritur, wept in silence. The bushed suspense of intense feeling; and alteiilioti lervaded the crowded assemblage as the fatuous statesman, with lowering; eyes, re-uuicd bis seat. Kor several moments the silence was unbroken; Senators sat as in the shadow uf some impending; calamity; men ol all parlies seemed equally overcome by the pathos and majesty ol the j;reat statesman's farewell. "As Mr. Clay rose to leave the chatti er alter adjourniueut, which discreetly followed his address, and after he bad rid farewell to all the other Senators, he encountered Mr. Calhoun. The eyes of the whole assemblage were fixed on these two old friends and old political antagonists. There was a pause in the ministration which awaited Mr Clay the moment of suspended anticipa tion was almost paiuful. l'or five years y had becu estranged, and (be only words which had passed between them had been those harshly spoken iu debate. Hut now, as they met the old time came over them. They remembered ouly the political companionship cf twenty years' standim;. The intervening; ditlereuctB which had chilled their licaris toward ach other were forg;otteii. The teats sprang to tlieir eyes. J ney shook cacti other cordially by ihe band, iuterchang:cd God bless you,1 and parted. The re leased suspense winch awattcu tuts leant scene found vent in shouts and cheers, which were taken up bv the crowds outside the Senate chamber, cxpeclin Mr. Clays appearance lie was sur rounded by the wailing itious iuiis on ins ay to his carriage, and throngrs followed Il I in even lo his hotel." A WAItXINO. " Willi mi, dear," exclaimed a Wasl proti to g. itigton woiuan, whose husband is lo oversleep himself, "it is lime up The only response was a yawn. "William, dear, you'll have lo get up if yuu don't waul to be late in gelling. down towu." "Yes." She h it him a little while, aud, com tug uac tumid that he had relatiseu lino umber agaiu. Shaking him, she said "William!" "What is il?" "If yuu don t get up this iniuute. you'll be so rushed gelling away that juu won't have time to Gud fault with the breakfast." Washiuulon Star. Owins; to over crowding and bad ven tilation, the air of tho schoolroom is oil close and impure, and teachers and pupili freirieutlv sutler from lung and throat troubles. To all such we would say, try Chamberlain's Cough Heincdy. For c molls, colds, weak hums and bronchial troubles, no other rem dy can compare with it. Says A. C. 1'ieed, Superintend ent of Schools, Prairie Depot, Ohio Having some knowledge nl Ihe efficacy of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, I have no hesitation in reixouiuendiog it to all who suffer from coughs, lung troubles etc." For sale by W. M. Cohen, Weldnn .1 N Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harri son, Knlield iufii:ui:nt. "I sunn ise your d lujiter is just lik mine ruber rile a wheel than eat. "Not exactly, but she would rath ride a wl I than c ink." Teller. Salt-ltlienui mill F.i'eiwv Tie. Intense Itohiiur nnd siimrtilm, incl ili 'in liilliesedisi-ases. isitistiintlyiillayed lie ;mi) VIIllT t lllllllHTllllll s l-.vc Hint stiu i liniment. Mnnv very bad case h ie,, bi en lieriniinentlv rrfted liv it. It is eoioillv i ltii ent fur itcliinir Mies mm ,i feviirilo ivinedv for sore nuipl ih.iiineil lunula, chilblains, frost bite and chronic sore eyes. 2.) i ts. per box Dr. Ondi'i Condition Powder, are just what u horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vennifiiL'e. They are not food but medicine and the best in use to put horse ill mime cotulition. Price 25 cents per pncknire. For sale by W, M Cohen, Veldon;J. N. Brown, Halilax; Dr. A. S. Harrison, Knlield CASTORIA For Infant and Children, WOMAN. Inflections Of A lljjh.It.r. Suruc women wear corsets oil their brains. No woman can be sick very long; with out getting; religious. The only really happy animal is a gout. He can cat anything;. You can always judge a girl by the number of tiugs she docsu't wear. If women looked like fashion plates, the men would nil commit suicide. A man is known by the company lie keeps and a woman by her relatives. It is probable that none of the man sions in heaven will ever smell of soap suds. The older a child gets tho less sure its it her is what it is going to be when it ;mws up If the devil knows his business he won't bum them all: he will nag nt lb irst one There is only one thing worse than a man who whistles and that is a woman who hums. A girl can never decide which she en ys most taking a baby out walking or aving a good cry When a man is short he admits it, but girl makes the stripes on her skirt run ic other way. It's the same feeling that makes a man t on a horse race that makes a woman go to au auction, After she has spent a certain amount of time with a man a girl always considers wasted unless he has proposed to r. When a woman gels to thinking how would be if her husband had married some other woman she always feels so irry for him. Most every bachelor will admit to him self that he would once have married a if he bad been sure he wouldn't have to marry her family, A baby can keep a man awake all night and it's all right, but if a man keeps the ihy awake ten minutes oil the women t ul k s i n the house call him a brute. Dr. Kings Sen- Dlscinery l-'or Tonsil iiipliou. This is the best medicine in ihe worlp lor all tonus ol I ooohs and t olds and toi Consumption. Kvcry bottle is guar anteed. It will cure and not disappoint It has no eiiual lor Whooping Cough, Asthma, llav l'ever, Ptieuniouia, Bron chilis, La Grippe, Cold in the Head and lor Coiisiunpiion. It is safe lor all gi s, pleasent to l ike, and, above all, a sure cure. It is always well to take Ur, Kino's New Life Pills in collection with Dr. Kind's New Discovery, as they rog ulatcaiid tone the stomach and bowel We uuaraulce perfect satisfaction or turn money. Free trial bottles at W.M. Cohen's Drug Store. Regular -l.e.ill cents and I till WHAT 1I,KASKH A WOMAN It pleases her to be called a sensible little woman. It pleases her to be called a well drea s -d woman. It pleases her to be told that eh fascinating It pleases her to lie told that she tin proves a man by her companionship It pleases her to depend on some man and pretend she is ruling him. It pleases her lo be treated courteous and with respect and to be talked reasonably. It pleases her to be treated sensibly and honestly, to be consulted and ques tinned, ami not to be treated as a butterfly with no bead or heart. It pi. ases her to be loved and admired by a man who is strong enough to rule and subdue her aud make bis way her way, to b ad her and take care of her A Valuable I'rcscrlptlon. Kditor Morrison of Worthington, Ind "Sun, writes: "lou have a valuabli proscription iu hlcclri i Bitters, and 1 in cheerfully recommend it lor LotiBUpa- tiou aud Sick Headache, nd as a general system Ionic it has no equal. .'Irs, Annie Stehlo, 'JlVJ,") Cottage Grove Ave. Chicaie, was all run down could not eat nor digest food, had a backache which never left her and felt tired and weary, but six bottles uf F.leetric Bitters lestored h-r health and reucwed her strength. Price fifty cents and tl Oil per bottles at W. M. Cohen's Dtug Store. Tho diligent fostering of I candid nihil of mind, even in trifles, is a niattir of high moment both to character and opiuion, llowson. The youth win starts out by being afraid to speak what he thinks will usually nnd by b ting afraid to think what he wishes. Maiden. It is with narruw-souled people as wilh narrow-necked bottles the less they have in them tho more noise they make in pouring it out. Pope. Labor rids us of three evils itk sotueuess, vice and povotty. Voltaire. In business three things ire neccssiry knowledge, temper ind time. Fel thatu. Whatever makes men good Christians makes them good cititens. Daniel Webster. Labor to koop tlive io jour heart that littli' gp irk of celestial 6 re called conscience WashiQgtoa. A COLLISION." Hull an a Train llaio a lu.vlo llurt. No One Near a station on the Southern between here and Raleigh, an excursion train Thursday had a collision with a bull, a art ami a negro man, io which, however, no one was hurt. The train was going into the station and had blowed for a crossing just above the place, .luit as the engiuecr rounded a curve leading to it he saw the obstruction on the track, lie put on his airbrake, but could not stop. The whole lay out was knocked some twenty feet or more, but by the lime passengers reached the spot the little speckled bull was up and grazing rass, while the old negro man was scratching his head and trying to restore bis thinking cap to its normal condition. A gentleman from Greensboro was the first to accost him. Asked as to how be attie to be on the track, did he hear the train, &c , he said: "Yes, boss, I hecrd de bell aud de whistle; I hecrd it plain." "Then why did you not stop what made you go on the track?" Well, you sec boss, it's dis way. Dis here little bull I wuz a driven is a queer bull, he is. J'if you pulls him or fools wid him,iryiu' to stop him, be is jistasapt to go as stop, or as apt to stop us to go on. I knowed dis and do truth is I wuz afeercd to do anything, so I jist let him iilun, and I dun played de foul too." A protninenl railroad man was standing by and heard the conversation. "Y'ou say you heard the bell and the whistle of the engine?" he asked. "Yes, sir, boss I did dat." "And you let the bull go right ahead onto the track?" ''.Yes, sir." "Well, you remember this, old man, aud if you ever eome iuto a court house and swear differently the devil will urc get you." "Cum purty nigh gettin' me dis time, pears to me, said the old lellow. Greensboro Record. rottOVI.lt l-ll'TY VI'. Alt i Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over filly years by millions of mothers lor children, while teething, with perfect success. It southes tho child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sulferer immediately. Sold by druggists in e cry part ol the world. -. cents bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth er kind. (iOOl) ItY. "I ftud it impossible to express myself stammered the swell yuuth from the city 'Wever mind the express. Au ac commodation train leaves io tweuty tain utcs," answered the fair country maiden Itiicklen's Arnica Salve. The Rest Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, I'lcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sorses, Tetter, ('happed Hand: Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guarantcd to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at W. M Cohen's Drug Store. C LKAU KKPLY. "How did you make out io that qieeulation of yours, Blowly?" "None ol your busiuess." "Sorry that you lost, old man." last A Cure lor HI I Ions to lie. Resource, Screven Co , Ga. I have beeu subject to attacks of bilious colic (or several years. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ia the only sure relief. It acts liko a charm. One dose of it gives relief when ill other remedies fail. G. D. Sharp. For sale by W. M. Cohen, Wcldon, I. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A. S. Harri son, Ku field. AN OLD MAVS NOTION. "It's a woman, not man, yuu see in the nioou," shouted the female orator. "I guess shcii 'bout right," interrupted i patriae!) in tho back part of the hill, 'tbst's th tcm the bhtmcd thing' o changeable." APYKRT1SKMKNTS. POWDER Absolutely Pure CelehraM for its grout leavening strength and henlthftilnms. Assure, the food against alum and all forma of adulteration com mon to the cheap brand. BOYALBAKINU POWDKBCO., MEW VOUK' N KW A DVKRTISKM KNTS. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the word REGULATOR is not on a package it is not Simmons Liver Regulator. Nothing else is the same. It cannot be and never has been put up by any one except J. H. ZEILIfi & CO. And it can be easily told by their Trade Mark THE RED Z. 1CIII ii WORKS, .t... .... xk Pumps, Pipe 8t Pipe Ba!fT. 8. Injectors. Itring on your cotton .lob Work in fust class st vie. Never Leak lehine work. W. A.. COPELAHD, Rocky Mount Iron Works,-. ,, :, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. THALMAH MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 213 E. Baltimore St., BALTIMORE, MI). Manufacturers of FINE RUBBER STAMPS. STENCILS. SEALS. Printing Presses and I'riuter'stSupplies. Also Artistic Job Printing, and en gravers of Wedding and Ball Invitations. Send for our beautiful illustrated catalogue of 2.V3 pages, printed in the colors. Wedeul in novelties, novelties. Odd and nmusim;. JfljuAiteuts Wanted. nep241y. CH AS. M. WALSH, STKAM MAKP.LK and liUANITF. WORKS Petersburg, Va. -MONUMENTS,'- Headstones, Tombs, etc. (flSuAlxn Iron I'cneing, Vases etc., for cemetery and other purposes at lowest prices. WSLSATISPACTKIN' (lUAUANTKED. Work Delivered cat 11 ly. CHARLES C. ALLEY, CONFECTIONER r PETBESBUBG V-A.. W. Warren represent the firm and will visit Weldon and iU vicinity reg oct 19 ly. Mr. W ularly. THE 1 i ". GRANT : : special SJS nmv qqr : UI1LI UUU 1 os A?iS3'Nv. i) Built just the way you want it. I p-to-date, cuaranlced hiuh grade wheel. LICHT RUNNINC AND A THINC OF BEAUTY. All Colors aud all Btyles for men ladies aud children. JOt Just as good as a bicycle you would . I pay SI (III for elsewhere. Sample " wheel on exhibition at .1. 1. Juu- ' kins' Grocery. H. L. GRANT. ' Agent. ' I . .... . . . RIDGEWAY HIGH SCHOOL. Fall Sessiou of 1KSI7 begins Al'OUST Ituth. Tuition, Board, Washing, Lights and Fnel $65 to $75. Musie. with use of instrument, Jl". Vtk.No extra charge for Latin, Creek, Frcneli or tMKik keeping. Send lor cata logue. JOHN CRAHAM, aug ." tin. liidgcway, N. C. BlneRidge CementLime Worts Maiinfiieliirersol III.I K ItllH.IC HYDRAULIC ROSENDIIE CEMENT (iiiHMnU't't, nlw. tliitt ly hyilmtil.c We quote urii't tl il v tin tl nl Hiiv liii.. hi ilu1 SimiUi. All ( vim-til Itii il, ainl ".irvHtfUi, unifii; iniiy in color, Imrtmin h t il ifrnuliini kuhihiii-is. Write lot i.rk'v I'. o. H.l.lrcss IIU'K KllM.K S.'KISUM, VA. It'U'atrHOn 101 1 KI.WM. V 'iJ' ' VnOFKSSlOXA I VA RltS. J A KM M. m-M.KN, W ALT IB I. DAN1IL IU N I I U M ATTORXKYS AT LAW, I incllce In thrronrtfiof HtillfHt undNorthtmt n imltn theHupfvnu'iint. Feileml HturU. Cof tiitim mftilc In llrwirlnof North ('aroHna. tL A Urmnnh oftit e at Ulir, N. C.upen every Hon flT Jn7 1y DH. T. T. HOSSS, DENTIST WeUon, N. C. Mrofflce over Euiry & riarce'iatora. 10-l-ly. BICYCLE REPAIR .. J :,NCA SpECAlTY w gins for repairs before the rush. All kinds Tire fluid, Cabinet Work, and general ESTABLISHED IN 1865. The truth is the foundation of our 8ucces. We make Claims, our WORK fulfill them. taTLet us Estimate for you. JO Designs Sent to any address FREE. In writing give age of deceused and aonie lim it as to price. All work warranted STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS and SATIS FACTORY. At Any Depot. -J- T-i. Judkins' Grocery IWELDON, N. C I still carry a full line of fine Staple aud Faucy Groceries, w-FRUITS. CONFECTIONERIES. Crockery, (.lass Tin, and woodenware and most everything that ia kept io a first class grocery store. I also return thanka to my friends for thir patronage of the past, aud solicit a contiiiuuuce of the same, with guarantee to please. And wishing them a happy and prosperous new year. That they may Long to live And well to do And alter death Be happy too. Respectfully, J. L. JUDKINS. dec 11) ly. P. N. Stainback, WELDON, N.C. Dealer In General Merchandise Agent for the celebrated ZEIOLER BROS. aud HAY STATE SHOES. Have also idded to my stock a nice line CLOTHING. for MEN, YOUTH'S and CHILDREN. A mil line o( Solid Walnut Castets Coffins, Always on hand, rturial Mlies furnished lor l.udice and Ueatlemen also fluid injec tions given to dead bodies and duunfec. Units used when desired. A NICE HEARSE AT YOUR DISPOSAL. P. N. BTAINBACK. JJR W.J. WARD,)(c ENFIELD, K. 0. uOffio over Hal