0 JOHN- W. SLEDGE, l'ltOl'lUKTOU. .A. NEWSPAPER EOIR, THE PEOPLE TERMS:-i. i'J:it anmtm in advance VOL. XXXII WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, S KPT KM HE It 9, 1S97. NO. 202 ADVKllTKSKMKNTS. The Same... Old Sarsaparilla. That's Ayer'i. The same old sarsaparilla as it was made and sold by Dr. J. C. Ayer CO yearn ago. In the laboratory it is different. There modem appli ance lend speed to skill and experience. Hut the s.trsupa rilla in the name old nanuiparilln that made the record- &o year of cure. Why don't we tetter it Well, we're iinu h in the tuiidition of the Hishup mid the raspberry: " Ihmbtless, " he laid, "God might have made n better berry. Hut doubtless, also, He never did. " Why don't we tetter the sarsaparilla? Wc can't. We are using the mamo old plant that cured the Indians and the Spaniard, if has not been bettered. And since ire make Barsnpnrilla com pound out of sarsaparilla plant, we sec no way of improvement. Of course, if we were making some secret chemical compound we might.... P.ut we're not. We're making the same old sar saparilla to cure the same old diseases. You can tell it's the amm old .ara partita be cause it works the $ame old cure 9, It's the sovereign blood purifier, and ita Ayt rn. No. 8. Solid Onk r'rn1oo TaM, polished likn n i)iuio- Ikihmk maiuHve (traced Hii'l lln'y orimiuenteit. Jt measures i.jfl Inrlie when ulnmvtfind Oloetlong wliuanpieud. Special Price S3.95 (Orders promptly filled. ) The tFv la tmt "lie of over 1M0 barRiiiuH totw found in eur new enta lutfuu. It contain Hll kioin f Fund turo, Carpets. Unity rnrrimfos. He triirerutoin, Hti. Fuioy l.urnt. Iiitldititr. 8 rtiiK , Iron IWhIs, etc. You are pAfln loml dealori double our priees. Drop a runts I for our ffrrat nimiey-MvtriK CHfaloKUP whtrh we mall frtH of all ebsrtres. Deal wiih the maiiufaeiureniaod yini will make the bin umflt yuu aro nuw y&yiug jour local dealers- Julius Mines & Son, BALTIMORE, HO, HERE IS A SNAP. n m m m m fcThe early liiril You know the rest. MEYER IS 'Opening a large lot of sample BTKAW HATS, and Ml 10 EH which he is uot GIVING AWAY m n m m m m w 'J-v liut U aelliiiK ut hall'ol' llrst m-ll- STRAW HATS. m m by the thou-tand. F very bod v utile to have a niee hat ut hiuuII price. Also Hue line SUMMER DRESS GOODS Silks, Clieviots, Tuhle riini mk, CnrtAiui, Kiblions, Dnsw Trim niiDK, or anything you iisk for. Kult line GROCERIES UNO CONFECTIONERIES at pruwa lower Oun ever. Come in anil eimnine my utrnk. jjt price. Alw Hue line jg w TT Jfe JPRING J OPENING Special Display of- at I And Millinery Noveltiee. 1 o Be sure to atteud. 1 MRS. W. R. HART, wt 15 It Koanoke Rapiils.N. ('. T;-rr-:rr : li P. SALE WM. LINN, S Proprietor, Manager MANSION HOUSE. I BOTH OS I l U. HI U.I Ul . Hi li $2. v 7 1ERIC1R AND EUROPEAHPIiilS.landatti.otapersoo when seeing them ! Hula. Rtri. NQI1M1MT. VA. The Farewell Days. There's u murmur in the niaplen, a whis pur in the vines, A subtle sense of sorrow in the shadow of the pines; And t lie stream in music (lowing has the echo ot" a sigh, And ripples: "Summer's going. Good by good by!" The lily seems to tangui-di, the rose is ghostly white; The golden sunflower droops and dreams thmueh the enchanted night; The wind is siimiug louii'l the eaves, and ever with meh That thrill and still the listening leaves. it sings, "timid by good l v!" ?0 U A I NiT o'dH A L I F A X 5 IMA- Z 1 of the Estate, (WRITTEN FOR THE ROANOKE NEWS. FJ-RT 1. TTTiril no iirrlcuiiun In lid-rary V V iaTMiiili.-litiiritf I have a nim ill ti ry of Hue life in tell. I flmll talk nf a ie"iile who aetimllv liveil anil whose deeilHure reccpled in history, ami wlume in i niury i ctihrincil in the hearts ol tin ir uVsct'Uil.iiit.i, lliu prment inh.iti tuuiH ol' a fruit f ul euuiitry. I)eniriiii! In ni lliu usuul eusium of story tellers I shall j'vo Hue names ol persons and ilaei n, tiiiiny of whom ate ol national as well an local importan.'e ; and because of this historical feature will ask the indulgence i f a evoeiuus and D"' ! over critical reading public. I aiu an angel of commerce, traveling the South lor a Northern busiucsn firm, and iu meandering throuch Kistern North Carolina, I found myself one morning unavoidably detained ill the historic town of Halifax, a little village limited on one of the nind trunk lima ruuuing through the South aud also on j the suillllrru bank of the beaulifiil. though turbulent, Hoanoku rivir. It I was my first trip thniuch this part of I lie country, but when the brukesuian callid out, ''Halifax," I knew I was nppronel in" a place of importance, nut only in tin history of the a' ate, but of the uatinn as well, for while other seeiiuns hud re- viously inaugurated a w ir of resistance to British oppres-t 'lis, to the llaiif.ix Cod- fftm of Apri. 1770 was left ihe eruwi iog lury of beiii)! tlie first in nil tli colonies to declare fur atisoiuie nnlepeiil enca ot tbo Motln r t ouiiti v, See luon ' I history of N irili t'liiolioa mid it ai here the hrst Siaie t onus-, as III General Assemtily was llieu eallid, war held, before the permanent n niuval ol I (lie ollii lul uusiuess to I lie present Male In.. :. I I lapuai Aliliiion from the train at the depot was (iri'jted by the usual incorrigible ncro hotel porter, crying, "Hotel WaldofT" and ' lemme ka'ar yer utip. bona," and was taken by him down I lit one busiuiua alreet leading from tin I depot tu, and by tlie Court House, aud ueposiieu at Hie ouc ouiei 01 uie pmoe. 1'roceedinK to maku myself comforta ble, notwithstanding the unsought delay whiul) waa chaflnK me, I accepted the situation with the best pace possible and made up my uiind to take advantage i f the opportunity to see the old place and learn more of its individual aud personal history. It was my plcaauro to bear many stories of tlie former greatness of this ancieut and arristocratic but now decayed ex-oapital, and 6ome of the notes gathered there, will, I trust,1 prove ot mure than local interest After partaking of a dinner, the "best the market afforded," as my genial host assured me, I sauntered forth the situation to survey. The hotel above mentioned, is a modern brick structure and seems a little out of place among the surrounding buildings which, by their ancient and quaiut appearance, cannot fail to interest I for tb fiwt time. "flood by," the valleys echo, "Good by" the hills repeat; "Good by," from daisied meadows, from gardens violet -sweet; And liells in dells of twilight, beneath a iiitty sky, Seem singing in their ringing' "Good by --good by. Ami all the hills sing.' "lauget!" and all I he valleys: "Stay!" And all the Hardens: "Rest thee hereon jeweled beds of Mav!" Put a sigh is thrilling lilting the earth and weeping sky; And hue, with lips unwilling, kisses "Good by gn d by!" Frank U. Stanton, in Atlanta Const it ut ton- - JL. Near lij cliiinU llii- t'xuit House, orii- n'"i' crrcliil, 1 inn tulJ, brforu tliu war ill' I lio ltivnliilinn, nnil after Buffering many repairs is still an imposing build in;.', retaining the oiiinal style of Corin thian arehitecliire There seemed an unusual Xi in lln lit pervailing the towu, a iii'itley mixture of the ij nits lumw afore iiaihernl here and there in groups around itnproised tables of upturned dry gomls buxes, set beneath the shady trees ul ing the side of the street and in convenient coruers loaded with edibles prepared in plaulaiion style, such as tiatbecue. liied chicken, anulcnies. or turnovers, corn bread aud the inevitable weel cake, which is the glory of every darkey's dium r. These were presided over by ileal looking negro women, who served their customers as required anu vied with eaeli otlur as to who could provide the most inviting spread. On iuiuiry 1 learned that II was court week alsiihcilay appoiuted for holding a political convention, thecilorof which I was unable to dclermiuu Iruui the com plexion of the crowd assembled around the Court House. Quietly I wcuded by way to this dig uified structure and took in the sur louudius. These I shall not attempt to lescribe, it is a s.eue couiluou iu tin judicial halls of the rural districts of the South and particularly iu North Carolina inti'lttie. III. inn I- jl.iie .iliadjs nf Hit Imparled aristocrats! whose boues some ol hem rest iu the church yard aenss tin vay auJ who were w.mt to tread tbes lalls adtuiniitciiug jus.icj to refractory ties. Could you bin return and vie he cliauges of a few years yuu could bu rv with the iuspircd writer, "All n si is as glass and ull the glory of mau the flower of grass." Mine belli neither a legil or poliiiea inissiou felt uo iucllnatn u lo lln long iu the august preseuce uf the court lud reaching the outside I strolled leis urely along until I reached one of I hi oust unlreiin nil d streets of the town This little village uf perhaps IjDil inhab itants, previous to the late civil wir, w.i an important lon, nil nf lb o'lb.'-t it: the State, aud enjoyed many honors bui otvic and military. Here men high in the oouncils of State and oaiiou have lived and died and while they havi passed awuv their lives have left their impress on the whole community , Tli homes of some of theui are still poiuted out by those who venerate their memory Among these in a grove at the aoutli W09t of the towo is that of General Wni. I l, yjje, who by his stubborn resistance at the Court House, in Charlotte, of the advance of the army of Corowallis, won for that village the soubriquet of "Hor nets Neat" which that offiier bestowed upon it, He also figures in the history of the State as officiating as Grand Master of Masons in laying the ooroer stone of the Uuiverstty at Chapel Hill. The place has been kept up and of course changed, as it has loug since passed into the bands of stranger. On the next lot to this stands the Masonic Lodge. It is kept in good repair, but is among the oldest buildings as well as lodges in the Stale. At the ixtremc south of the town there is a large grove in which stands the wreck ot a houao built by Willie Jones, the patriot son of Hubert Jones, the Attorney General of North Carolina to His Majesty King George H, in 174'J He died while bis son Willie was at Katon College, Kngland. On his return ab ut the year 17li.i, he had the Grove House erected. The four fiont rooms wete brought I'mm bis father's limno called "Junes' Castle," in an ndjiitiiiiig ivunty All I lie building material having been brought from Kngland ill 1710 I'he outside walls lire still standing, though it haslong since fallen to ruin and the wild vim s arc tunning rampant over deeayeil trellis and through floors, windows mi l other places once made bright and joyous by the presence of mirth aud beauty. This old house is noted fr having boeii ut different times the headiiiiarli'ts of a part of three armies. In revolutionary days Lord Cornviallis was here entertained by .'Irs Junes, while the British army was en camped at Halifax on its fatal march from Wilmington to Vorktowu, and it w.in here the witiicUuis of Mrs. Jones ud her acuoinplislied sister were in dulged as recorded by Mrs. Kllctt in her Wotiicu ol the llevoluliou." "f lluriiigthe war between the States Geiieral McCrcu had his regiment of Confederates quartered there by invita lion of the ovtuer itnd at the close of the war, being unoccupied, it was taken poss- s-ioti of by pan of the Federal army. Willie J-iiies, Sr , left the place to Willie W. Jones who lived there, dying in 181(1. Jn additinu lo these on a slight clcva- liou called "Coii-titutwn 11 ill" stauds a small house said lo bu the one in which he Constitution adopted by the Congress f April 177ti was framed, and near by the old Colonial church, surrounded by its numerous dead, s line of the mouuiucnls dating back to the 17lh century. Then at a later peiiod when sweet peace had iread its wiugs over the American Col onics lunl that beloved aud honortd guest of the Nation the Marituu de Lafayette IT as luAiug a lour of the laud he had aided so much in its time of sore dis tress, it had been the privilege of this old towo to accord him a royal welcome The old "Mansion House" where he speul one night has given place to the modern brick hotel, but for years had been held iu veueration by the old time inhabitants and poiuted out as a place ol peculiar interest to visitors. Filled with these recollect ious and anxious to add anything pos-ible iu the ay of tradition an 1 folk lure I accosted venerable loikiug colored man whom I found seated iu au arm chair on the low porch of a small cottage which I had reached in my walk. His Beaming countenance aint intelligent expression indicated a well stored miud, and a few miuutes citi'ers.iii iu emiviiicel in; thai h 1 1 accidentally fallen iu with the one person whom of all others, b;sl suited my present purpose. "(ioo l m iruing, uncle," I said politely, have you live I here long?'' Knocking the ashes from a short stem pipe he replied : Who, me, tuirster? well think I My name is Hilly, sub, I'se beeu livin' here all my life," and slowly strok a suowy beard, grown unusually long for one of his t)pc, asked, "lias yer got a chaw terliicker, 'bout you sab, if you please ?" "No, unci -, have u it," I an.-Wi red but ban ling him a half dollar and iioiiii' the t-vuikle of appreciation aud sattsl'icliou iu his eye, asked: "Uncle till ie eau't you tell me some thing about I lio people who used to li here ?" Vjs, sab, dat I can, but, law boss, yer lest orter conic lielorc ole Sis Aggie Joues lie I, she c id er I ilo yer all about Genera A'asbiugton, md Mistr Lifayctlecuiuiu Jow ii here an' de big doius' dey had oVei tor uu "t'tuvu It iuse, wtiar ole ,'lais Willie .loo 's use tcr live " I had evidently reurrceled a favorite theme with the old liner and Wiirtniii; up he continued, " Yea, sah, dem was hi times she use tcr leil er 'bout. Why suh, she say ci how she wuj bead Cook de drove, an when hey hear dey wuz cumin' she jest tried tcr cook up whole plantation D.y wux eookiu whole week, an1 sich limes it dey did have eatiu' an' er dtiuUu', au' all quality dar to jiect 'em, why sah,deol sidebode is here yit and Sis Aggie sain how it fairly groaned under dem gud i- things au' she kop' one ole cut glass goblet an' 'kantcr lung as she libed, cause she had seen 'em driukiu' toasts and tnakin' speeches arter dinner au' tneui bered it well. An' Mister Lafayette he speut one uite down here at de hotel an' ole .Missus F.ppes she sunt one o' her cliiney cups an' sassers over dar an1 axed Miss Mary to let biiu drink his coffee outen it. Long et she libed she uster say, 'here's de cup dat Gioeral Lafayette drink his tea fruiu.' " "Well, Uncle Iiillie, who were the quality aal what bewuie of then ?" Thoughtfully scratching his head at the parting of snowy hair be inquired, "What, sub, all un 'cm '.' 1 "Yes, sir, till of them." "Well, den, ole Mars Willie Joues when he died he let" de Grove House tcr is son, young Mars, Willie. He lied wo darters, one on 'cm, Miss Marthy, married Col. Kppes, of Buckingham, ergimiy, an' de yuther, Miss Sally, married Guverner Burton. But de ole man lied so much luglish blood in him he tuk an' lei" all dis ter bis son. outig Mars Willie never got married so when he dii d his sisters got do property arter all. Den somehows, Miss Marthv Ippesau' her son, l)r. Willie Kppes, got all. He married Miss Tempo Jyner ioyner;an went ter liiicKingham ter ve, lien dar wujile Daniels an' ole Mars Jesse Byiium au' de I 'opes an' Mister Sterlin' Marshall and Cap'u Jim Simmons mi' Mister Tom Burgess, hi is des er uii'aclu sub, "How is that?" I askul. "Didu' er tie er hear tell er how i z tic wu, uat ek de doctors had ull giu him out tcr e, deid dey did) wouldn' let nobody j.o r see him an' uolhio'. "Well, did he die?" "No, sahree, you sec derc wun er man Mister Burgess wuz mighty good ter, un' i wanted ter sec him mighty bad, so de ictor said he wuz t'lviiie ter die enny- how, so be ill i ii t i7, well see him. Well, dis man win er t-inncr but he got right own side er dat bed au' sought de Lord t He said: Good Loid, inner mean man au' I knuw yer dunno tlie, but Tom Burgess is er good man an' wants ter ax yer ter spare his life, jis' kc enny de res' er desc fokes, jes' take er hole cuppen (cow-pen) fuH, but jes' please save Tom BurgcsB. Fore de L ud he did sail, an' de good Lord heerd him, an' Mr. Burgess got well, too." "That was fortunate fur Mr. Burgess." "Yes sub. but yer see de Lord allcrs ears pra'crs when yer goes ter Him right." "But where are all these people now ?" asked. "Dead, sah, deed dey is," he auswettd solemnly, shaking his head. "This must be quite an' old towu," I ventured. Deed 'lis, ho-s, i x ole i. some dem cities iude Bible, 1 reckiu. Over yonder to de ole graveyard deres some ov de headstones so ole you can sca'cely read what's on 'etu an' dats de curieses lookiti' ole church, 'tuinl ben used fer years, an' res Quatikey creek where do 'rora (Tuscarora) Injuus used ter march up an' down couiiu' ler de sclllemeut, aud den way youner io ue war ue uuu lied er big celebration knsc de town wuz cr handled years ole, dem wuz big times oo Iu my owu recollee.ions, fact is since wasgrowed up an' settled. You see, dar wuz .Mars June Daniel, who wuz jes come home fruiu Wes' Pint an' be look so gran' in his fine close with biass but tons on 'fin, dat it put all de boys in dc notion to wear brass buttons, too. D dey goes to work an gets up a company au' dey marches and drills, an' he ps an' e ps twell yonder thought dey wuz wine right oil ter war, somcwhurs, but ley all lelt so gr.iu' an' proud ov dey line close dat dey wauled ter show 'em ft, so dey put out a miration dey wuz wine ler have or big time, case detown wuz so ole So dat day dey jes' marched an' peradi-d tin' had tie tine marshals wid sashes au' horses, au' Mars June head un m all lien derc wuz de sneak in' au e bau' it playin' au' er big dinner null fer everybody in de county Den di re wuz de ladies iu do keiridges an' de praiiciu' horses, widde silver harness, uoddiu uey Head.-, au ue tiau sum gen- lermeiis riditi betugil em, an tryin ur see who could get de uios smiles turn d port v g ils. D u derc wuz d. daucc dat into. Sis Aguic h id conic over ler help Mi: 1 1 iv I op" g't ready ler de bull, stie wuz dc widdei Binforil, you kno', and d mairied Mister nolle rope and cmue here lo keep dc hotel I tell you to dem days a ball supper wuz sumihiu'. D house wuz all drc-scd up in ecdur, an' d table wuz sot au' all wuz ready. Dal table wuz a sight, great high eakos, white us snow, p) in nis pyramids) dey called 'em, all decked up wid candy tieuils, an roses an cupid-, an nran: opened an trimmed wid pieces ut box au' 'feciionarii's ol every sort you could think ut, sides all du meats an d driukiu', I tell you we wuz kept tin dat day. Miss Mary always did kuu how ter talk ler a half er dozen folks i once, au' she jes' had things fin d righ Well arter awlnle dey got ready fer di d.aieo. Pen di re wuz Pomp. Didu you never hear of Pomp? Why of Mars Nn k Long jes raised Pomp li r ter play de fiddle Dey used to lake him wid 'cm ter de While Sulphur Springs way up in Fcarginny an' stay all de summer, an' when dey got back, Pouip he could put on more airs an' Mars Nick hissi lf, but when he'd draw his bow across de fiddle an' call out 'partners fer de fust kertillion,' dere wux some ole scamperiu in dat ballroom, Whowuzde belle? Why diro wuz so many puny gals dere an' dey all looked so white an' line in dere ball dresses dat all il"y needed wuz wings to make 'em look like angels a-flyia' through de air But Miss Kllen she wuz de one Mars June wuz payin' de mos' perten lion to, an' when she looked at him wid deui big brown eyes o tiers, why you oould see he'd er followed her ter de ends of du earth. What became of dera? Why dey win married not long arter dat an went out ter Ued luver ter live on his big plantation, lou kno dey wuz all ei rich t z cream in dem days, an' dey tayed out dere '(well be came home to go in tbo war. Ue got to be a Genntl to no wuz killed, louder s his grave over yonder, pointing to the old church yard in the distance. Don derc wuz Miss Mary Long Daniel she use ter live here, she married Gen Gordon from l'Vrginny an' went dere ter live, lie wuz killed in dc war, too, but I hearn tell as her sons is monstrous smart, Murs Armstcud Gordon writes fur up papers an makes speeches iu New i ork an' writes books, an' her yuther son, mars James, lias gut to be cr big man too, but den dey mother wuz of de fus quality an' dey orter be smart." "What became o' de military company? Well, dey went ill de war, too. You sec dey lied been drill i n so long au' looked so lino I 'spec' us how dey jes' had er War ter givu 'em siiinpin' ter do. But, po' fellers', dey soon got ei mi!! an' 1 tell you dem lew dat wuz hi wuz glad er null ter g. I home utter Lee sum n lered." ell, you all seem to have a quiet time now, I nelc Hilly. "Yussuh.yoii see 'taint never been de nine since dat war, an now ole Mars an ole Missus an' ull dc cliillun are gone an' Sis Aggie gone, loo, an' l'.-o ies' here aitin' 'twell de Marster sec lit ter take me. "How long did Sis Aggie live?" Why she lived a good long time arter eiloiu cum an' she loved her white fokes ' i z good i z ever, Sj when she did dey took an' buried her over derc wid fatiibly. Want to see all dem ole laves? Well come over in de umrnin', boss, an' we'll go down derc and look at em au de ole church, too. I he old man stalk bad been discon nected and somewhat incoihereut, but 1 had enjoyed it and determined to avail myself of his invitation, with what result 1 will give you at another time. By this time the shades of evening weru gather ing so I made my way back to the hotel. (CIlNn.t llKII in oi: it NEXT.) APHORISMS. I ensure is the tax a m;vn pays to the public lor being eminent. Swift. Flattery is a Burt of bail money to hieh our vanity gives currency. Locke. To be good anil disagreeable is high treason against the royally of virtue. Hannah Moore. 1' ire and sworil arc tint slow engines destruction in comparision with the of babbler Steele. No man ever offended his owu con science, but first or last it was revenged upon him for it. .South. Men aro never so ridiculous for th qualities they have as for those they affect to have . Chanon. The greatest part of mankind employ their first years to make their last mis erable. Uruyere. A good word is an easy obligation; but nut to speak ill requires only our silence. which costs us nothing. Tillolsou. For drunkenness, drink cold water; for health, rise early; to he happy, he honest; to please all, mind your own business, - Franklin. CONDEMNED. When an innocent man is comlcmnrd fcf tny crime lie doesn't lose hope His Un yers appeal lioni one court to another. Tks tars, hmiml In nave nun, it ne can y, -A OA be saved, it is the WSfgr Kline v ay mini a i (rood noeior wntn his patient seems M condemned to death I bv disease. 1 Hut doctors mate mistakes some times; they lose heart too soon. After they have I tried everything they know and tlie patient is no better, they think there is nothiiiK more to be done. They don't always get at the mot of the disease. They freunently i give a patient up to die of con ftuniittion. and are afterwards surprised to see him gel strong and well again. Mr w H nuti.-im of ArliiiL-ton. riulni Co., Mo wnlts " Mv huslMtnti ttmk tour UttlM of Ur Tierce' C.oliW-ii Mfihoal lhscmxrv when he was ia he thmtutit 1 .ilmost mto consumption, ami we werr very lli:ttiW)nt that Mich a nic.ii. ni could be thinul. I wish ;tll persons tnmUol with couh would take it I.oiijr imty the' Golden JleilKal Di-K-overv' Hid ' l-'avonte t'rewnptiniu' be made. I shall aiwiivs reeomimtiii miuX f raise these medicines." All lnnp and bronchial diseases are eurcd by Dr. Tierce's tndden Medical Discovery, because it supplies the svstem with healthy hlood. It nuts the vital forces into action and tills the circulation with the lifr-ffivnuj red corpuscles which builds up solid, mus cular flesh and healthv nerve force. As a medical author. Dr. Pierce holds an eminent place in his profession. His great thousand nave illustrated book, The Iso lde's Common S tise Medical Adviser" one of the st.unUid medical woiks of the Kniilish language. Ncmly 7nir copies we ie sold at Ji V each. A paper bound eopv will be sent ahwlutrlv ft ft for the cost ol mailing ontv, 11 one ceni num ; or, cloth bound for ti sUmtis. VYm Id' Dis pensary MidieaJ Association, HufUlo, N.Y. The man who liieN ninl I'nult with the iireuehitii, i ol'len tho oo who is lining lent tnwanl the preneher's nippnrt. ADVKltl'lSKMKNTS. POVDEH Absolutely Pure Celehratwl for iUgreatloavening strongtli and heulthftilneHS. Assures the food aaiust alum and all forms of adulteration coui mnfi In thn nliAnn hrttnita. afTv W7 D It .6. .-v a BUITAL IU1IHG POWOBK CO., RKVT YOlUtfl NKW ADVKHTISKMENTS. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the word REGULATOR is not on a package it is not Simmons Liver Regulator. Nothing else is the same. It cannot be and never has been put up by any one except J. H. ZEILIFJ & CO. And it can be easily told by their Trade Mark THE RED Z. FURNITURE! - AT in i ' IJ We ure luriited now ut our new uuiuUth, from Main stmt. We call your alti-ntion whir!) is tlie wonder of the ajje. Are you more left. We will rinse them out at H!(e. $1 loiiiier in ire, We take pleasure Trouble to show uods. Mail orders promptly intended to. For barguius cull at KEEN'S, ! till Old Market Square, 3 Doors from Mainatreet. THALMAN MANUFACTURING- COMPANY, 21SE. Baltimore St., P.ALTIMOKK, MI). Manufacturers of TINE RUBBER STAMPS. STENCILS, SEALS. Printing Tresses and I'rintcr'sNuiiplies. Also Artistic Joh Printing, anil en gravers of Wedding and Hall Invitations, Send for our beautiful illustrated catalogue of 2.V2 pages, printed in five colors. We ileal in novelties, novelties, tlild ami amusing. 8M!U Agents Wiintcd. sep241y. CHAS. M. WALSH, SIE.tll MAIM'.I.K ami (IIIASITi: WOliKS Petersburg, Vu. -s MONUMENTS, llemlstones, Tombs, etc. JflrAlso Iron Fencing, Vases itoTTjfl etc., for cemetery ami other lMril purposes at lowest prices. ifc lif SATISFACTION' (U'A ItANTKF D. Work Delivered At Any Depot. oct Illy. CHARLES C. ALLEY, CONFECTIONER, PETEESBURG 'VJL. Mr. W. W. Warreu represents the firm ulnrly. oct!91y. THE - v GRANT SPECIAL linili j i-t i lie w iy u w ii 1 1 1 it. 1 - tn-iiiile, uuiintiieeil hijli crailt! wheel. LICHT RUNNING AND A THINC OF BEAUTY. All t'olnri unit nil styles for Inen, lailles iilnl eliil'llell. Jut m. iihiiiI h u tiii-vele jnu wouM i my Jlllll Inr el.-ewhire. rample , wheel mi exluliiiiiin ut .1. 1. Jud- ' kin, (irueerj. H. L. GRANT Aent. ; BlBBRiupCsrallLiiiiBWorh MHMiir.ieturi'rsiif m.l'K lill'ilK HYDRAULIC R0SEN0AIE CEMENT tiunrmihv.l Mlwnlntely hyilnniMe. He tpiute trices di-lncrt'd .it nuy point m Hie South. All 'eineul It'Ntt d. Hint sireiiulh, miitoriuit y hi color. hiirniiiK ami griinhiiK immntei'd. Willi- tor priccN I', t). mldrcs Itl.l'K KllMiK HPKlNdH, VA. Teh-Ktstih Hlu Kidw V o 1 - VKOFESSIO.XA I. VA 11DS. JANKN M Uri.l.KN, WAl.TKR I, DANIKL M ULLKN A I) A N I K L, ATTORKKIS AT LAW, Wki.ihis, N. C. I metteeln theeimrliiiif llHllrm AiiilNorthtm oiiKlnttl) Hie Hiipn'me milt Keiteral eoiirU. "lllllli lIlHilV 111 HIIIMrlhlll tiirill ( Hrtlllll. Hikiieli ouiee HI llanlfti, U.,ulwu every Mnn HJ. Jin 7 If REAMER'S Howard House, JAMKK ISKAMKK, l'rup. Hnwurd & Baltimore ut , Hultimore, Md TEKMS 2 Vet Duy. sep 1(1 ly. jyt. T. T. HOSS, 0l DENTIST Weldon, N. C. ISTOffice over Emry & Pierce'eatorc 1018-ly. FURNITUREI - No. llil ohl Markt-t Square, two doors to our $17 50 solid oak lied room suits, in need of a woven wire cot? (July a few each. Hammock chair now reduced to to show you through our stock. No 8-20-1 y ESTAltLlSlllilllN 1MI5. The truth is the foundation nf our Success. We make Claims, our WORK fulfils them. Ita? Let us Estimate for J'ou.H Designs Sent to any address FREE. Iu writing give age of deceased and some ltin it as to price. All work warranted STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS and SATIS FACTORY. and will visit Weldon and its vicinity reg j. Xj. Judkins' Grocery 1WELDON, N. C I still carry a full line of fioo Staple aud Fauey Groeeries, -FRUlTS CONFECTIONERIES. Crockery, Glass Tin, and wooden ware and muMt everything that is kept iu a tirst class riHcry store. I aUo return thanks to my t'rieuds lor thir patronage of the last, and solicit a eonti nuance of the same, with guarantee to plea.se. Aud wishing t hem a happy and prosp-rotis new year That they may Long to live And well to do And aUer death lie happy too. Respectfully, J. L. JUDKINS. dee 111 ly. F. 1. Stainback WELDON, N.C. -Dealer In- General Merchandise Agent for tlieeelelirateil ZFKil.EK KU08. anil HAY HTATK SlIllKH. lluve nlw) aililed hi my Htixk niee Una CLOTHING! for MEN, YOUTH'S and CHII.PKKN. A full line ol Solid Walnut Caslets Coffins, Always on baud. Burial robs fiirninhed for Lailieji and (.leutleinen also fluid injec tions given to dead bodies and disinfec tants used when desired. A KICK HEARSE AT YOUR DISPOSAL. P. N. STAINBACK. T)R. W.J. WARD.Jfe- Sorteoi Dentist, ENFIELD, N. C. IOffloaow Hiutuwo'i Dn, Rtart. s I f

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