THE ROANOKE NEWS THURSDAY, SEPT. 9, 1897. PUBLISH KD EVERY THURSDAY. JOHN W. SLEDGE, Editor ani Proprietor. D. E. STAINBACK, Associate Editor. Antered at t uu Ulice ill Httduii us Stxtmtl l.Y' MttttiT. BATK OF SUBHI BIPTION IN ADVANIK. tone Year (by Mail), Postage I'aiil $1."I 8n Mouths A Weekly Democratic juurnal devoted to the material, eilueatiniial, political anl agricultural interests ol Halifax and sur- rounding comities. ttif Advertising rates reasonalile and faruiahed ou application. Th I Cuban racket has thus far ens' Span $'JIMI. 11110,1)011 infold, and she isn't an far along in pilling the Cuban ilnwn as when she started. She could make money by trading Cuba off for a do;; qJ killlin the dot;. A Kentucky woman ba beeu lined 1:250 for k'iviuc; her daughter's beau too warm reception. She scalded hhu. Hill after all it may have been a lucky scald. for if he had married that L'iil his lumber id law uni;lit have kept hi id in hot water the rest of his life. Saws the San Francisco Chronicle Auy old island in (he 1'aeilic which Kni: land find unoccupied in these days she iuietly slips into her capacious jrrab b; The t'aliuyra fjroup is the latest to be gobbled in this cavalier way, despite the fact that Hawaii has owned the islands for more than thirty years. A story comes from a town ou the Kissiuiuiee river in Florida that liiiut niug killed a man in that town, aud three days after he was buiicd struck bis grave throwing the body out of the grave and tearing the coffin to pieces. This shows that the Kisaimmce country has remark ably peculiar lightuing or the champion lightning liar. Til K pension roll soon will reach the niilllioD mark, predicts the New York Press. Commissioner Evans has issued I Btatemeut showing that at the begiuning of the fiscal year the pensioners num bered just ilhit.j'JS, an increase in twelve months of lL',S5(l. In that time " Dew pension were granted aud .i, 1 T 1 Were restored to the rolls. There were 31,95(1 deaths iu the year. Til It New Orleans Picayune thinks that "when cotton spinning shall, as in a f'-w years it will, become a hading industry in the colton States, Northern while lemale cotton operatives will find it to their interest and may be even driven to come South to woikin mills, while cheaper ne gro labor will be carried North to work the mills there. The negro will work for lower wages than the whites can, and the result is goiug to be that Northern factories will be filled with negroes from the South." A critic of the piano has come out with the statement that the instrument in question is the greatest social nusisanee of the age, inasmuch as "it itm-rlv ruius rational conversation " He add-: "The unhappy visitor is doomed to uu dorgoa tinkle-tankle of the keys, which tails short, in soul and spirit, of the per lorinance of a street urchin on an old kettle. With piauofoite teachers ou every stair in town, the temptations to thecvilare nutneniuseniuuh For the sake of mercy, let us keep it out of the school " Will somo one please hand this critic over to the fool killer. A new study of human development has been published by a li r uin an h r. K Haho. He maintain that primitive man wis an omnivorous feeder upui whatever could be picked up, and that he then became sevcially a hunter, a fisher, a planter aud a herder, but thai thosi modus of gaining a livelihood were not taken up successively as at evolutionary series He finds barley to be the first cereal, and wheat the latest, cattle were first domesticated as drau.'ht inimals, especially to draw the plow, and their milk was not used as food unii loDi! afterward The wagon is assigned religious origin. It is believed to havi had four wheels derived from spindle wheels and to have first transported effigies of the goddess of fertility. It Naves The Crimpy I'liililrcii. Seaview, Va. We have a splendid sale oo Chamberlain's Cough Keainly and our customers coinini: from far and Dear, speak ot it iu the highest terms. Many have said that their children would have died of croup if Cluimberlniu's Cough Hemeily hail not been given Kellaui & irren. The 2 j and 'ill cent liies. For sale by W. M Chen, WehU. J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A S llarri ti, KntM-t. Lewis Carpenter, of Yadkin county, who recently died, leaves I7.IHMI to the treasurer of (he Baptist convention, the iulerest to be used for Baptist State Mission work. KvffrvlMMlj. hays So. Cascuri'ln nl v Catl'iirtic. tlie most won derfiil medical iliscoM-n nl the aire, p eas ant and refrealoiiir to ihe tasie, m i iicntly uud positively on kidney, liver and iMiiveia, cleansinif Hie enlace svsfc in. dlsiicl colds, . cum lieadauhe, lever, liabilual constipation -y nd biliousness. Please buy and try a box of O. C. C. Unlay; 10, U5, 5U cents, tfoldand guaranteed to cure by all druvirista. The Telegram learns that several Greensboro oiiixeosgot on the wrong aide of tbe wheat market and that ono nan dropped liOU. Haifa Vegetable Sicilio Hair K newer baa restored gray hair to its nricioal color and prevented baldoesi in thousands ol mrtos. It win ao to io you. NORTH STATE CULLINGS. News Notes a. CulleJ from Our Stale fx changes Durham comity has b"gun to tuacad auiiziits public roads, using couvict labor. The Marion Courier ltcpublicau in politics, has suspended publication for lack of patronage. Kaleigh is very excited over the recei.t enforcement of laws which allow nothii g to be sold Sunday. It is claimed lhat the establishment of a dispensary at Fayetleville has largely decreased drunkenness A young colored woman named Kallie Tun: was j lilcd at Durham, Friday, ch i r n . 1 with infami idc The (invi ncr declines to honor tt e i iij 'li'it i n of the ti ivernor of (Jeorgia lor .1 mall nailed I'.. nicy Hodges. (Jovcmioi ll'issel! is invited to make the ii'Miess at the liiilhcifoid couiny fiir at l!iiihciioiill,.n Or ober 'JTth. At (ireenslioro a few ninht ami a thief stole the v.ili-e of J.C Caddell, iraveling e.nresp udciit ot tie int. teal u.'cor icr. I'lie a-sisiant I'oslmastir at Aulati.l.r bus be. i) arrested lor e'ijhc,ing ? I ,H( H i. suss gambling br .iiLibl on his down fall. Seaboard Air Line surveyors arc mak ing a preliminary survey for a branch line from lijsluniu In Denver ami perhaps to Newton. lialeigh is to h: IteW altcrilnoll paper, Ihe I lines, Ed-ii A Womble, and ('has. 1'. Coolc managing editor the city editor. Efforts are being made to secure the removal of Maj. das W. Wilson and Hon. S. Otho Wilson from the Hoard of Kail road Commissioners- Work on the First Presbyterian church at Raleigh has been resumed It is de cided that the main portion shall not be built until next year. Fire destroyed four bams and contents at Col. Bcnehan Cameron's farm at Stag ville, near Durham, on Thursday night causing a ?t 000 loss. There is a movement on foot to have the fence asoninl Capitol square removed It siad that nearly all the Stale i ffieials favor its being removed. All justices of the peace but two were up before the grand jury at the la-t lertu of Cabarrus court f.r failure to comply with section tin'.' of Slate Code. The Newborn .Journal savs that at rangements will be made by which trains will run through from Wilmington to Norfolk vii Newborn, over the Atlantic Coast Line. On Septniiber lllih the corner stone of the principal building of the Pieksford Sanitarium at Southern Pines will be laid. This is the h ispiial to be built for Colon d consumptives. It is said that such republicans as liieiitenant (iovernor lleynoldsaud Alter tiev li -neiai Walser are in favor of cut ting I i is" from tlie popiiii-is, aud for a straight light. A negro named Watson sawed bis way out "f the Ashe county jail and released all the oilier prisoners, lie attacked a deputy sheriff who pursued him and was shot and killed by the deputy. Prol'esser ('has. Harkerville of (he I'tiiversity has been elected Secretary of the American Association fir the ad ' vaneeiirnt of Science. There are ov.t I J.illltl members of the association. A reward of it HI) was offered bv lie j State for Alex lliluiore who is wanted in j Cumberland county for burglary. And I a fjoo reward is offered I'ortiilbert Ward a ruin who murdered a woman in Wayne, j W. P. Batehelur has retired, after IT I years eo itinuo'is services as cheit' elctk if ihe secretary of Stale A D. K. Wallace succeeds him and 1 II. Cenii r. Populist of Haru'tl, is made assistant clerk. According to returns of the Board ol E'i'ializition. Wake is the richest couritv in the Slate, its prip.rty being at 4 1 -OtIO.OIMI. Uuneoiube comes second Willi $!;!7: Mecklenburg third with --'Tii.l'iOl. The report for 1SII7 of the Bureau of L ibor Statistics will state that there ute employed iu North Carolina Colton mills 'Jl!,li07 persons In numbers Hasten coun ty leads, with l.XW women, IISS men and SSI children. The Winston Journal leirns that the Southern railway has p isted an or.h r that no emplovo shall be a relaiiveol ihe official under whom be is working, and that all promotions shall be based up D actual merit. The new boar I of direction of ihe penitentiary have euiploved hii expeit accountant to look into the books of ihe old boaid at a salary of jllltl per month. It is sal thai the new board expects to unoaith fraudulent entries. S'Mialor Duller publishes an article from State Senator Cannon, who M one of Governor, Russell's right hand mea, saying that SJ.oOO is being piid ou a lon lease for the penitentiary farm io Ausod, not worth MM a year. Mr. D. M. Hardy, of the Holds!. oro bar, has been appointed Judge Advo ate General of the North Carolina 1), vision of the United Sons of Confederate Veter ans. The organic itio i has for its objects the perpetuation of the true history of he Southern soldi' r Arkanaas ia luueb Heilel over the rich tinda of pem la long the Sti Frincia river. THEY SHOW CAUSE. The 'ho Wilsons. Memters of the Kiibui ('.iimmi.iiiD. 1'ile lluir Amu- In I he I'murnm'. Some days ago iovernor Hussell wn lc letters to Major .1, W. Wils, md Mr. S, Otho Wilson, citing to them to appeal before hiui uu September 1st and s,how cause why they should not be suspeudid from cilice for certain charges set forth against thcin. In accordance with this notice they wcnl before the Governor iih thcii conn scl aud made answet to the charges, sit forth in the Governor's letter. Major J. W. Wilson wrote his own answer, which we herewith give in part as follows : Kaleigh, liil, 1S97. To I'auicl I. liussell, Governor ot North Caroliu a, Sir: Your favor of the -"lb ciiitg mc to appear before you ou Wednesday. the first day of September, and reply in writing to certain rumors of charges from panics unknown to mc, and show cause why I should n it be remove 1 from t In responsible posit i. iu as Chairman of tht Railroad Collllllissioti, agreeable to section I of the Ai't creating this (.'omuiis. in, was duly nceived. Ill obedience tin Mo I bereAllll sill nut this my answer to cub charge m order as given iu yoiu loiter. It is drawn by myself, and possibly free from the elegant diction which a lawver would have imparted, but feel sure it will eairv conviction to au impartial lintel. l'V-t It is md true as alleged thai I am "the joint owner iih Col. A It. Andrews, Vice President of the Southern Railway and general political manager ol the same for Noilh Carolina in a ctttain piece ol hotel properly known as Round Knob." Second It is not true "I bat said hotel is worthless lor thai purpose except when designated aud pitroiiiz-'d by the South ern R.ii;road ('. in) any as an i.iting I ou.-e for theii passi nger trains," Third It is not true "that said hotel property has been unoccupied and unusid for any purpose f ir several years pa-l and brought in no revenue to me a- one of its owners " Fourth It is Dot Hue "lhat It Was 111 j possible to use, lease of rent said property unless some uudi rsianditig. agrciiii' iii or j c uilraet could be made with the SouiUrn Railroad Company to designate and palroniz: the said bold as a railroad tat ing house." hlih - It is n it i rue ii- alleg.d "tha, I with the other owner ot owners of said property have seelltid all agreement, UD- j deisiatiding i r contiael from ihe South-1 cm Kaiiroal Company t abandon uhir: eating houses and designate R uind Ku I' i a- nil eating hoii-e, and bv virtue of said arrangements wiih said railroad that 1 have hccli utile to lease said hotel properly I I O, ho Wilson, or hi luoiher ibrongh t he sai I Wilson f,,r r..!it." S.x 1 1 1 1 is untrue as fiinb.r alleged thai I haven son in the emploun nl ol I be Sum lit i n Kailrosd Company ut my n ijn si and lhat he was appointed over others i milled to the place by roiuohoo under ihe practice of the company and this Was d Uie tor Uiy acconiiiio.J.,1 loll al.d at nr. nipicst." I hereby denounce these alh giii tis as made to on by "many persons as talse and deniansj the proof. ' In i il l. li I will state that about ISM. Col. Andrews and myself built this hotel at a cost l.f about !fs.OIIII, U i-n il worthless as stated bill i. a most c iineiiiint and beautiful hotel with .'III rooms, dose's and baths on uu-h floor, and was leased and tun as a hotel for 'Vital years ml h no meals supplied to . issengirs 'I he properly had not been o Tiipicd ft years as charged but on ihe c mirary was leased up to last year at nn of .1011 p,r annum to a r.- sible party, with no uud. rsianditig o! any kind wi'h the Southern Railroad Company As lo tbe charges about my s,.n mlj say that he is no minor as charged, but ill -7 years old and is now one of the' oldest employes on the Division upon which he is shunted. About 1 years ago the agent at Morganlon resigned My Hon was bis chief clerk and in the v. ry line of promotion V E Mcli.e, tieti eral Superiiitcndeiii of the S. A I. was at lhat time Superiiiicudeiil of the Divi sion; be had previously promised my son us was told that he would promote him at the first opportunity. .Mr. Mcllce kepi his promise M-To- Hr for Fifty Out. f.imrnmfri tot-aeen haiot cure, tiiitife w-ik Oieii ttroi.jf. ltuoU pure. &oc il AU uruntisk Til It daikey and I he waleriuehui ire tun souls wnh bill a single llnmhl NEW A lV EKTISEM ENTS. Ma-ti1 mitl Merit NUintfliim thcc.intUlrnee of the people in HimhI'm SrHBparll!ii. I fa medicine cured you when nick f if ii itinks WDntlerful etiren every v liere, I htti Ih-viukI MqueHtion that medk'tueposjioiheH Ttirrit, ! Tbatlaluat the truth about Hood Bar- i aaparllla. We know it poaseaaea merit becauae it cures, not onca or twice or a hundreit timen, but In tbouaanda and thouMiidti of caaea. We know it cure, abaolulely, permanently, when all othera tail to do any good whatever. We repeat Hood's Sarsaparilla lathe beat -In tact the One True Blood PurtOer. Hood's Pilis bizrrr' ONE OF TWO WAYS. Tin- Ui.ttliK v v;i-s nvatcil lor nm- pnrj'ms, n.uiiclv, ;i I'tTt'iit.icIf i'-M the uri:nL, ami ; s i such it is nut ha'iV 1 any form ol ilit,-'c liy tin- i! t ah u ay-. Tin litst . a i I'tmu till -1 lie! iit'Un! ill tin- knitn.--. Tilt' i'.'- niiil a is Item rarcic- local lu.utu nl ! oth.'l ii.-.r:.M-v ( ii i ( aim:. I ' nlit'iilt iiy mnu lima nnluallliN kul ncys us lliv cltifl' c;iii-.c ol fila.Mi-i t n ml !.'. Si i tlie worn It, like ihe liLuldt r. us i rtalnl t'nr iiiic miiosi't ami ii' ivi itm .nit'.l I j nun h not haltlr to w.-akm-ss ir iIischm-, I'Xt'ept in l.Ufcaes It is Mttl.iteil ol and very i Ium- to the lmultlt r, tlien linc any pain, ,li-vai' or lattmvfiiu uce maui tVstetl in tlie klilliey-, back, hladiier 01 uiinaiy passage is olten, by mislake, at tributcd tti leiiialc weakness or womb trouble o 'some soil. The error is e;wsily niaileaiui may beaseaMly avdiib d, 'J'o tinit out correctly, net ytun urine anle tor tweut lour liiur-. a sciliiiunt n settlinj; iiitliiatcs kultuy 'r bl.nUr tnmltlt-. Ihe until ami the el i.Ktnliiinty ellet t i' Ir K ilrnei "s Sh amp Koot, t hi- real kidney, aud Wa'Mcr l emeily is soim rtvilieil. 1 1 you neetl a nieilu iiie yon -mouhl have the lipt. Al ilnii-ts It fly eeiitsan.l one dollar- on iiiav haea sample hotllr and pamphlet, both -enl liee by mail. Men tion the Roanoke New ami semi yoiu ;ul iir to Pi, Kilmer A to., Hti'haititini, N. The piupi itMoi til this paper r,uar- ,1'ltee til.' tillilirne i' thl I'lViT l"llt l.a.atll, S, iHI.I Sllleltl' lolir I III' I H N . ' 1 . oi.i ..( 1,0 it- , v .o,0 I o-.a. t.ii.e e i .. I ie ! ,e w - in I. i- r. ; lealos etil: m n tr-if, , 1 Oniive.!, -,o,- ,,r fi. I are cii.'O' oi '' 0 Keoloei .oel .s,oi,,;e tree Aeorrs., lei'loin KeineUy I o , l liieano or Neil 01 k H"M'"V is boasting of tin' most preen ei ii ba'iy in the country. Itefete it w i- live nionib- oM ii ln'oan lo talk, and a mouth later it could sp.-ak fluently li s a iii, of course. NEW At KUl'lSKMENTS. TheINFLUENGE of the Mother sh.ipes the course tit unborn u'cui; rati on s goes son ml i m; throncjh all the a;;es anil iters the cunfmcs of 1','cniity. W ith w lut care, there in! C should the I'.xiectant Moth er be i;uariii'il, ami lunv the I'lfnit lie fo uanl off daiiejcr ami make her life juvuus ami happy. MOTHER'S FRIEND allays all re i . , I neves me J leailache C r a in p s, fe anil N a u- sea.aiul so fully pre pares the system that Childbirth is ni.uie easy ami the tune of reinveiy i-hurt-eneil many say "Milliliter alter than lii iiiie i unfineiiient." It in sures safety to lite of both moth er ami iluUl. All nhi) used " Mother's Friend " .say tiiey will nev er be without it ai;.un. No other retuedv io'lim in.i.uc iiiciit ol it ; pain 'A eiitoner wh-'se wife lisp,! 'Melher's Krienil.' M-Ilia: ll she liatl to e i tliroueli tin- i.tili'.a acaoi, .iii,l there were 1 i.t fuur l,..u;ps t,. l.e oi.l unci, .mi! Ihe ensi wisfltonc .er liellli'. he H-'UOI liaii' llli'lu. ' l,Lo. l.AV TON, 1 la) '."II. I Ulin Seni liv VI oi.ot riH-i'int of I'rn e. f l.ivl I'VH POT-n.l-: I'.onk o. " HVI'fi'TAN I Mlll'lll.liS" liiaOcil free upon aiplieai i.,n eoniainoie val. 11.1I11H iiiforiiiataiii ami voluntary ti'sliiuonials ThC BRAOriELD REGULATOR CO , ATLANTA, Ga SOLD IV ALL ONUtaitTft. A I 5 Arriving!: liUUlUllllUUliirUU iiV ii it it it i .3 going at: CUTTHROAT prices. From cost down to half cost. Such & sacrifices necessary to Close out. Good for boll of us now. Carpet Samples representing a million dollar stock of Manufacturer. VI Enfield, N. C. 'c 1 m. NEW AIV EKTISEM EM'S. A lvNKllLl,l),N-a To jffE FwflEfh Gvtvflv The season of last weeK under most iivoraoie auspices. Our large floor room, just increased by tho addition of 50 feet in length Our first class new auctioneer, Nat Smith, of Nashville, N. C, our polite and efficient corps of help, and the same experience, pluck and vim in the management of our house, leave nothing for our patrons to wish for to secure them the best attention and best prices. We are determined to maintain our Lead for High Prices and Big Sales, if close personal attention will count. We have no high price drummers on the road, and still relying on our farmer friends "to BLOW our horn" are determined to give them 1 uu iiti'itiru1 the benefit of our drummer's sala ries. Thankful for past liberal patron age, we urge you TO COME again and find the same courteous treat ment and diligent and earnest ser vice in YOUR BEHALF which we have HERETOFORE SHOWN. Yours very truly, BOYD & YOUNG. W. T. PARKER , liK.M.t'.K IN s Heavy AND Fancy Farm Implements. L'l'l I'nl'N'll SACKS II E SA l.T l'dlt 81.Hi I'EU SACK ttIfc,.l'orrei't tiricos anil jiolilc atlcntion to ail. inn! I ly. W. M. II AHI.ISTON ,V CO., Wholesale anil Ki't.lil lU'iilcr in CAurirrs, stoyks, aud .Mrtttrwwef.etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES W. M, HABLIhTONA CO., No. 20 N. Sycamore fit., Peternliuix, Va 111 ) 1 Fof SjLe Swift Creek rDairy and Stock Farm One In i ml red hcjul ol fxw lirt-tl tiTHl.lfwy lwt, llt'ilfin unit yiuiny; Iml hlnidcti IiIikhI ol iht- tiotc-il hiokt- l'our., Si. I.iimWrt. CtunnuisHie ninl nthi r wtrnuiH. H- il. r- (.'II (Ml to f0 (Mi, liulU I'i IXI to .i.i .10 M.iIi h ki il only Irotit my )h-mI cow!. Ki nifinlifr ll" ImiII i h: the hrnl .-"i my .tht! liit--tI tiji ru,(n t in nit km I lit- alway4 on haml. Writt tor what n ,.. t. B. BRASWELL, jc '.'I ly llatllclHini, N t'. iaaSl-Kl'IAI-lST anil AUTIIOIIITV on all 01 uses, All who are iitli-riii(j wiih anjr III.IIUI) THOl BI.K, would be to call on or iwlilrraa liy mail. Cnnaullation tree ami meilicinea coniMiumlei1 to unit each iiariic ularcaae. When writing to nie i eu cloae stamp lor reply. I'ltOF JAa. HAliVKY, 4J5 Church 8t (New No.) jB 17 ly. Norfolk, Va. jrocorios DISC '97 - 98 opened up Vices. j IV 'iX'ii tT'iVu iV iV .l u TASTELESS TDNIC ISJUSTASCOODFORAOULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50cts. C.Al TtA.llL.,NOT.lti. 15.13. .'aris Moilictnc To., si. Uniln. u,h lirHlrnu.i:-We ntd year, ffO bntdi of ilHVK X TASTK1.K V MX TONIC tl hnve louiftn ihre gr.itw nlrondy thin renr. In nil .mr ti- jkjui 4uutu. iuunt truly, AllNtV,CAlt AOO For Sali' ami Warrantt'ii l.y Dr. A. S.Harrison, I'lilicl.l, X. C. M. I- I) lie i to have Nice Visitipc Cards TIIEI'LACETOGETTIIKM IN THE LATEST STYLE IS AT THE OFFICE ok tiik Excelsior PriMin Company, WELDON, N. C, Letter llcails. 1'acket Heudn, Hill Hia'N, Euveliiiea, Sliiteiiii'iila, ilanil HiIIh, Friutraiunies, Ticketa, HhipjiinKTajB, Hum liilla; CH LL Am NEW Al'V EliilSEMKNTS. ar a &IL ML. y$ 'a W W W V$ 1 ; YfTT 1 111 Is Reserved for STAINBACK ' C. 5f' 5T- 5T- 2T- 5?". f. Who will occupy it next week and tell you of something to your advantage. ) A I I LIIJL W. I ). SM I I II Weldon, N. C. 111 1 Cunl''rics, Tul.acins, Ci - M 7 S WfflSMES, Bodies WlfES; Anion., my stuck !' Ii,,u,a I have n hand ,l,c cclchnUcd I. W H,r.,.A l'..ven,,r. A Mrris' "Old ,;rov, lnj Iv,v n;. I have also opem d up a barrel ol six year old A 1'1'LK KUAN Y ' PURE AND , MELLOW -, Wt, I'ur Mulicinal l'urpown.n-jj Also liuvc n hand lull aupply of imported and d.ueiic wioca. lU latter will he lull ml the nTrrstilRBcsfc V vaaii9a9 t, of Oarrclt .V; Co.'s winery at (.'lioekiiyollB. I have muue ol llic OLDKST AND HKST North Carolina Corn Whiskey, made hy Harrison i Co., the Le-st corn trhtekcy makers we have in uur Territory. I have od hand all kinds of pure whUkies and atu prepared to pve niy fii 'a Entire Satisfaction throunhout llalilai and ailjuiuin( w.uniicF. 'I'l'iinkin,. i lie public for put liberal pain pe, I will nay win joy Wild, n don't Tail to call to m th.Ol.U OlillilNAL DAVE SMITH, noT 6 JJ on WakiiKtoD Afeuu. 1 t &4r &4r $'r V. 3 ) nv iini Xl.Vl.'j 1 U.. 1 W 1 Healer III- A inn ars ami Farm Su.,,lics v,'i rally. A L 0 0 N e i 4

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