11 V -. i Vvfl V ' i: ; 's i i 1 ,. THE ROANOKE NEWS THURSDAY, SEl'T. 30, 181)7. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY JOHN W. SLEDGE, Editor and Proprietor. E. E. STAINBAC2, Associate Editor. JLntereaat lust Uince at ftdrftm ii Second- Cltixs Mutter. BATES OF Sl'BSCRIPTION IN AHVAXCK. One Year (by Mail), Postage Paid $1.51) Six Months 75. A Weekly Democrat ie journal devoted to the material,- educational, political and agricultural interests of Kalitax aud sur rounding counties. Haf Advertising rates reasonable and trutshed on application. It is believed that Aruclie Hives Chin ler's next book is warm enough to insure its popularity in the Klondike. CanaiiIAN capital will ji.iy for the great Viotoria bridge to bo erected nt Montreal, but the structure will be built of American steel auj by American contractors. TllKRKare Tl.tMMI more women than men in the state of Massachusetts, aud this excess is all in persons over fourteen. A good state for old bachelors uutriuiniii ally ineliocd. It is near time that cnti-rprisini! per sons pave up trjin-; to wuilt the "English estate" scheme here, thinks the New Y ork Sun. The public is getting tired of it as a method of earning a dishonest pi nny. "Must the locomotive go?" inquires the Hartfold Couriant. It must, brother it must, answers the Chicago Times Herald; a locomotive which doesu't go is wortbjust half a cent a pound tor old iron. Hon. W. L. Wilson, president of the Washington aud Lee University, has received a cheek for $1,0WI from W. C. Whitney, of New York, to be applied to the ercetiou of the Tucker Memorial Hall, at the University. TtlBHE is a great curiosity liviug some where in Indiana It is a Fedetal sol lier of the late war who draws his peiisiou mouey when he is sick and unable to work, but will not touch it when he is well There is little danger of his example becoming epidemic. London newspapers have started a crusade agaiust the use of the long hat pin. Although at least two serious accidents have resulted iu this ou'i'ry in recent years from the use of these pins, dry goods dealers say they are essential to woman and her headgear. A L'uisana wuu.au supports herself comfortably by raising mint. All the large hotels aud restaurants in New Orleans are her customers, and dur ing the summer she makes enough mon ey to keep her during the winter. Her firm is said to he the only one is the country devoted entirely to mint. TllB Greenville K. fl dor says that this matter of ttavelling on passes and drawing mileage at the same time is not confined to Congressmen. There are Sheriffs in North Carolina who travel on passes to Rileigh to carry prisoners to the penitentiary or patients to the hospi tal and at the same time draw mileage and put it in their pockets. Governor l.rssm.t, has done just what every one has been expecting that he would do, suspended Major J W Wilson and Mr S Oilm Wilson as Rail road Commissioners, and has appointed in their stend L C. Caldwell, of Iredeil, and John II. Pearson, of Burke. The former is a populist and the latter is a democrat. Iu iuforiuing Mr. Caldwell of hi ap pointment and desigu iting him as chair man of the commission, the Governor iustructs him as to the course he shall pursue in making demand for the otliec, etc, showing that he kuows tint a law suit will result immediately Major Wilsw has not hesitated to say opeuly that he will light the case through the Supreme Cuurt of the 1' iitcd States, and it appears that Mr S (Itho Wilson is imbued with the saw p irpose lr. D. II. Abbott, the third uieuucr of the c iiuuiissi in, is in sympathy with his col leagues, and will not recognize the Gov ernor s appointees. The fight is on and will be carried lo the finish Suit has been or will be brought against I lid . aier Company at Greens boro by piivaie parlies whose pmpirly was destroyed by tire some months ago, the allegation being that insufficient pressure caused the loss (hie esse name about 13,(1110, the other about f 10 IHIO. It u a novel case, no such suit ever having been brought as far as the law looks show. It Haves The Croup) Children. Seaview, Va. We hsvo a splendid aale oo Chamberlaiu s Cough Keiedy and our customers coming from far and near, speak of it in the highest terms. Many have said that their children would nave died id croup it 1 hamherlain Cough Remedy had not been given Kellam & Qurren. The 23 and 50 cent ilea. For sale by W. M Cohen, Weldon J. N. Brown, Halifax, Dr. A S. Harri- aon, Enfield. Michigan contains 434 lakes and about 60,000 stream), and is considered a par adise for anglers. Yellow Jack killed. Cswarets Candy Catturtia kills Yel low Jack wherever they Ind him. Mo one who takea Cases rots regularly and systematically lain danger Iroui the dread lul disease, Cascsreta kill yellow fever Hi mww bcatela and prevents lew ones Irotn broedtug. 10c. ZJa. aOo. " d'taggisf. NORTH STATE CULLINGS. News Notes as CullcJ from Our Slate fx changes A so-called "divine healer" is now de ceiving the p- oplu of (ireeiisburo. Rev. J. E. Tuttle has accepted a call to the Baptist church at Clayton. There are 31") students present at li e Agricultural and Mecliauical enllige at Raleigh. Tom liXnu's P'tliii-'jl preaehinj iu New Y"rk d ies not seem to be a paying investment. Hon. V T. Crawlord aud Senator H itler will deliver addresses at the Ruth erford l'air. I 'rot'. Siedd.of Wake lias a book of I oetns, Forest College, from Cliff to Sea ir" in i p ss. A meeting Itasbico held at Seven Springs looking to the building of a rail r ad to I, itir iiige. S.hsImhv i. atllieti d with a sw tun of OOUIitelfeit tliekli s done ill pcWliT. Their origin is a mystery. The news from the gold beaiing n -giom of the Stale is tint there is great i itert st in u.inn g prop, nies. The wave ol pro-pcrily seems to have struck 1'itl County, where eleveii mar riage lieetise 'o'ere issued last week. More persons have been sentenced to d 'ath in this State during the past few tu nths than has been the e ise in ve.trs. The Newborn .Journal notes the sud den death id R. v. II. Ilii.fi.-ld. an earn est woiker und a preacher in the Ih-eiple ch'ireh. Kileigh's cotton mills are now running on what is known as " days to the w.i k. that is, extra lime for the tiit time iu three years. The Atlantic Coast Line has put on a new train to Norfolk leaving Goldshoro at 3 a. iu , daily and retutt.ing arrive at Goldsboro at S p tu. The -3th anniversary of the consecra tion of Bishop II. mil. the o!det colored Bihop in the world, is being celebrated in Fayetleville this week. Professor W. F. Ma-sev finds very little of the S in Jose Iruit seile in the state. In a few div he go, s I the extreme sotiilnvest to ex iiume tree s Winston Salem's newly irgauized W. C. T. I'. now hasa membership of -tio and this number promises to be largely increased during the next few dins. Seveial persons in Tennessee are send ing red I'll, s to this State for breeding p irposes. The gray fix is .pile plenti ful, but the rid fox is very rare here. E izibeth City has let a contract f r water works. The system will be owned by a foreign corporation and the town will pay an annual reulal of $ lo for each hydrant. The Shelby Aurora says that Mr. Robert A. II ambright, a hard working mm with large family, had one of his h inds torn to pieces iu a cottou gin at 0 rover. John II. Johnsou ol Raleigh has inveuted an automatic railroad switch ard obtained a patent thereon. He has received many letters of linpiiry regard ing his ioveutiou. There are now thirty companies in the state guard and one iudepeodint com puny. There are no less than eighty nine applications on file for permission to form companies. Secretary J T. U. Hoover says that by the mid-lie of ( Mob r the slue factory and tannery of State Fanners' Alliance, at llilshoM, will be in operation. The employes have beeu secured. The Telegram says the proposed re moval of the Bouford silk mill fr m Greensboro has been postpontd tor the present and it is possible that the mill iy be retained at Greensboro. The ma n building at the Presbyterian phanage.at Barium Springs, is complete, u a cost of $14,000, aud there is JtillO cash on hand, says an exchange. There are eighty orphans at the place. Mr. Alex. Mi Rio and others have or ganized a company to erect a cotton null at lied Bluff The company will com mence business with a capital stock of $30,000 and it is expected tobegiuwork on the buildings at once. The water in Haw River is very low, owing lo prolonged dry spell, and as a eonseiiuenee the cotton mills dependant upon the rivirlor their miiro motive power are able to run liitle more than half tune Alamance Gleaner. The effort at llendersiinville to secure evidence against the men who lynched Hub Bracked, the negro rapist, is so far a conspicuous tsiluro All per ms who are examined swear they know nothing Yet the lynchers were not masked. At Weavervillc, Buncombe county, Friday evening, Mrs Annie Miles, who was convalescing from an attack of typhoid fever, was given a dose of carbolic aeid by the nurse by mistake for the regular med icine, and died in a short time. Mrs, Miles was 27 years old and leaves a liu-band and two children. Save The Children. When children aro attacked with cough, cold aud croup, Dr. Bull'i Cough Syrup will prove a quick and ure cure. Mr. Elmer E. Baker, Blandon, Pa., writes: "We have used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for cough, cold and croup, aud found it the ben cough medicine aud cure for theae affections. We never run out of It, but always keep It on hand." Dr. Hull's Coiyh flvrup Is solj everywhere for 25 ceuti. Insiat on having it. Kkstivk.! O Kentucky! 1 love thy classic shades. Where tlit the fairy figures Ol dark eyed s aitlteru maids. Where the mockingbirds are singing Mid the flowers newly born. Where the corn is full of kernels. And the Coli.tieU full of com! Mil. Mll.l.KIt, ot li i'kley county, W. Va., isn't catching the Klondike fever. He has ju-t sold his apple crop to u Northern firm for $'-' 3ti per barrel, amounting iu the aggregate lo ?2n,0n0. h is to be shipped to England. This crop was grown on thirty-four acres of mountain land, assessed at less than three dollars uu acre. A Horr six thousand people have al ready started for the Klondike digging-, states the New York World, and most of them are still ou the way. Practically the movements towards the Yukon coun try for this season is over, tor the experts unite iu say ing that it is daiigernu- fo'ly for any one lo attempt the journey till next spring. l'll B only woman's face that ha" ever adortu d I inled States paper money is that of Martha Washington ONE OF TWO WAYS. The MuiItl.T w;ii'v.t'ril I'nr oiu- purposr, n.inu'Iy, n rtv.-purlr I'm llir nunc, ami a Mich il is mt luthlt' t-'.uiv luim ul tli-t-a-f !y one ol' t wo w.tys. The tiiM w av i-. Mum imjHTlW't anion ot' the kiiln.ys. Tlic sec ond way is from careless local trcameiit ol other diseases. i ini;r v u si;. I'lihea-tliy iinne from unhealthy k ni ne v is the chief eai.M' ot hlaihier tmulilfs. So tlu wonili. like the hhnhle-. ;is mutei! lor tine pur po.se ami it' ii'M doetoretl too much is not liaMe to weakness or disease, except in rare eases It is situated hack ot and very close to the hlnddcr, then lore any pain, .!ie.i't or ia. on ciiu nee mani listed in the kidneys, h.n k, hlaihhr or uriiiiuy p:isaL'e is often, hy mistake, at trihuted lo female weak lies, or womb trotiM-1 of somr sort. The error is easily made and may he as tasily avoided. To find out eoirectly, t-et vonr nunc anle fur tueiily Inn r htnii. a stihim ut ol .-t tiling indieato kitlney or hhuhlrr tn-uhh-. The mild and the extraordinary effect of lr. Kilmer's Su.tmp I. out, the irtat kidney, and bladder remedy is soon retlied. If you need a niedu tne oii sliouhl haw the lesf. At druits fifty cent and one dol lar. Yon may have a sample t-otth and pamphlet, both sent free hy mail. Men tion the l;.an"ke NYu-. and -end youi ad dress to Iir. Kilmer fit, li.rhan ton, N". '. The proprietor iif this paper guar antee the genuineness .it' tin- ofl't r. Tu rcvi'iit aiTi li'tits Irnm t; iin.' hut Niii.'irii I' .ills it lias hi'rti -iiiroi'sti'.l that i win' calilf lie sti- i'iiili''l ai'tiis. tin' nv.T just ah v.' i'ii' w nor wliii-li (ii r-'His in il itiiT'T ol' t: -itii; uvit tnilit t'atcli linM of ami Wiirk tlifiusi'lvi" a-li'Tt' nr ImI.I on till a-si-tainf ra-m1 Tn niakt' tin1 eaMe ii-'lul at iiilit it i- (ir""'si'l tu ilil tliii river at tliat pnint witli cli'i'trii' lights NKW A I KKTISKMKNTS. W t :i Mi. mI's Sar:itt- Talk r i! i,"Snl.'4 ri!k,"iuul h x that tin- nit'ili- i. c has fij.-w i! ii ht ic mntitlcnct' hsu1 jm' num.' :o ;i . r fxtcnt t dan ntvor.i t'ii any ni r ; -i ; r:- f try nu'ilk-ine. Tin. & umipiV I" y ii pnsitssfH rt.u.'l merit p." ! ut-- ijmittT curt'? tlmn any other. Il U n 'I wlmt we nny, hut wtiut Houil -t S,ir'.iitiiri!l:i does, hat tells ; the story. All mlveri i..t tuent of Hood s Sarsapanlla, like II-mkI's Sarsaparilla it- self, are honest. We have never deeeived the puhlie, and t with its mijivrlmive medicinal merit, is why the pen pit) have biding confidence in il, and buy InlOOd'S Sarsaparilla Almost to ttii cxi'liiHion of all othrM. Try IL i rri'lian iliilily li I' I HrnM l'o.. hiwrll. Man. aj it l'll aro tlif only iilli tn t.ikf HOOd S PlllS uitli il.KKl Saruii.nrill.i. ; TOTIORjm I h.ive Hut day levied ukmi the fiillnw uitf diM-nl-ed re.il estate to satil'y the ! taxes turn due and unpaid tor the vtur 1 -!H and will sell at puhlie outery at the enurt house d.Hir in the town of Halifax, county i of' Hulttax and State ol' North Carolina at I I o'clock M ou Monday the It h dav of October l!7- Tax j Description. and t'ot, (itHiCilliani, tru- llu, residence J l Spear, .iah tract i .hi James C. Ashe, . Shwhtnu t, 4 HI J II. FENNKIi. Tax Collector tor il.ililax town-hip. n ROANOKK U.Vl'IDS, X. ('. CoffMCTOiis Builders. Furnishers of Sales Jnsco SBiiliiiiMiKtiaHS-: ;CarPet Samples -MuDuhcturersof- ind RUgS,tfi Coffins & Caskets1 and dealers in UNDERTAKER'S SUPPLIES. We foil them from 2 to $10. Our coffins and cankels will compare favora bly in W'ir.inansliip and finish with those of any factory in the United States and prices j!iiraiiti'i d to be the lowest. B$,AII orders filled st abort mtico. sep 9 fiui. 1 La cur the ou'y i'ur states that pi-udticcd a-phaltum were California, Colorado, T-'Xas, sinl Utah. Inlian Terrilorv aKn Cnntrilmtcd smu;1. N ! X Al LliriMOIKMS. Baby f.line! Every mother feels an i title -set ihublc dread of the pain and danger attend ant upon the most critical pe riod of her life. Becoming a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the s u f f c r i n g an d the ordeal make d a n s: c r of its anticipation one of misery. MOTHER'S FRIENDS th! ac!diti11 of is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf fering incident to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy ate no longer de spondent oi ejootitv; nervousness nausea and other distressing con ditions aic ended, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour ate obviated by the use of Mother's Friend. .' i. ,r iU .. lo uvmiii. 1.00 PFR BOTTLE at all Drug Storfi, or aeut by inual ou receipt of price. BOOKS l'on,,i"in- inval'iaM Information of -p.- iiiti'rest to nil ttntiM-n, will lie gent rrttt in any ftititrens, upon avi'lifatum, l,jr Tht 11K4HH1.I I) KKI.IHTIIK CO., Atlanta, fta. TASTELESS IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULT3. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. CAT. ATI A. Il 1.8., NOT. 10, IBM. ;rri -Motltrln- Co., n Umis, Mn. t;. fi'l iticn: ftnlil y.'ttr. ?V limilt of ;H'.- TATKI,Kf ( HIM. Tt'Mr mnl li.iv.i i -ijht ilirfc irv-s nlrt'ii-Jy this ynt. In nil mr ii.-rn ti.'- i I U ytMM, in ilruK bti,!n'-, tmvn ."' r wiij tin an if If tiirUt-tivc mi,h nuiV(.nalMli. ,a4,Uuu iu juur 'luiiic iwur irtilv. AliNi,Y,CAttH JtC i' Sule iiml Wurranteti bj Dr. A. S.Harrison, Kt.l'klil, N. C. ll Arriving ! li ii u i it it it it ii J it'it itit'ifJ it iilt a Agoing at-f: CUT THROAT prices. From cost down to half cost. Such n sacrifices necessary to Close out. Good for both f us now. representing & a million dollar slock of Manufacturer. 0 0 QlfE is TONIC II smiiiiir stoc J.J.WHITAKER n Enfield, HJCL. NKW AOVKHTISKMKNTS I IlN FIELD, N- ( To TV Fwh QlET'ft: The season of '97-'98 opened up last week under most favorable auspices. Our laree floor room, iust increased KJUr nisi- uicisa new a,uubiuiit;ci, Nat Smith, of Nashville, N. C, our polite and efficient corps of help, and the same experience, pluck and vim in the management of our house, leave nothing for our patrons to wish lor to secure them the best attention and best prices. We are determined to maintain our Lead for High Prices and Big Sales, if close personal attention will count. We have no high price drummers on the road, and still relying on our farmer friends "to BLOW our horn" are determined to give them in iiniiii'.i: the benefit of our drummer's sala ries. Thankful for past liberal patron age, we urge you TO COME again and find the same courteous treat ment and diligent and earnest ser vice in YOUR BEHALF which we have HERETOFORE SHOWN. Yours very truly, BOYD & YOUNG. noorE ,,,,, Ijf tlr Of'ijf if ii iCltil ii jlvV it it 33H0CKY MOUNT, I C.-f:: Is Still In 1 Lead. Htf-We secure the II 10 II KST TOBACCO. Every customer's wauls are luct, il pissihle, a nil every mediJ attention aud tiiurlesy rendered, (iood prices obtained every day. Bring us jour tobacco and we will send) ou home linppy. C. C. COOPER J si p :w it. TV, WE LEAD Owns i ThyU to II Follow, Hut "They N. ver Tou.hed Me." S. Meyer, is the My ijuarleiip of Stores I )' iUartetle because llieie are just futir i f th in, and every one crowded with new aFall and Winter GOODS and our customers sin. in; llieir praise, ('nine j. -in in the ptiite.ssi n and irsile with S. ME i uiR, ii'gt., Mrlle will buy yur cotton Ity virtue of a judgment retolered at May If rm lf-!i7 of the Htip-rinr Court of Halifax county whereiu Vey Itms. nie l'lsinlilts ami Jolm A. Collins as adminis trator of J. Ii. Home & others uro Helen (UuU, 1 shall as commissioner of said Court sell to t lie hi ghest bidder for cask st the Court House door in the Town ol Huli. fai on Monday the 4lh dny of Oct. HU7, thitt tract of land siinatiil in Halllai county near the town of Ktitielil, boumled hy the lauds of W. W. Taylor, T. I.. Whit aker, Joseph W. Jenkins and Vielifwr A Davis, containing forty six acres more or lets, the same beinji the laud purchased hy aaidJ. K. Hume Irom hpier YMiiiaker, and hy ieii.1 WluUker I rum T. N. Hill Trustee, r'or purticuian, see hotis 711 at pates 4U:l, iu UeKister's ottloe of tl all lax county, Moselev to If ill, Tmsti-s J M. OK1.Z.VKD, Commissioner. ii'iJ-sVsS..C.JJept 2tlrt7. . -l-lt. 111 1 A 1 50 feetJ!iie"? i) U'U J'U i'iI if W TTTlliP J " &it&iti&itWit&iV,itWisil I'lUCKS, for all grades of' ltucly Mouui, N ('. 7i Original Hustler of - - Enfield, N . C. and oilier eoiinirv prmluee. Foi SjLe BY Swift Creek :Dairy and Stock Farm One hundred heml nt tnlt mIb ri tered Jersey (.slw Hellers ai d younn hulls iiiemieii niiaxi ni the note l Stoke i'oiris, St. Lambert. ConunasMie mihI nihr r.i,u Heifers VU (SI to I .Ml IS ; Hulls f 15.00 lo f uiisi males xepi only Iroin my rest cows. Heiiieinlier llie ho I is half the herd so buy and lireesl iid I'olami China win always on hand. Write fnr what you want. , b. HKASWELL. je i ly Battlelwro, N. C. NKW A)VKKTISKMKNTS. in Hi I have a lianilfiii. r. cheaper and letter line limn evir of (iKNEIlAL MKR CUAM'bK (Vine and see the NKW Til INtH we are offering in Irp Ci"i i.- m il li"iiii-iii. Shoes For ill ! The cell bra'ed K A 1 1 1.E S 1 1 1 K, ti"i"' ship iitnl o in el -l.jpes. THE STANDARD Has the lijit name beciu-e il is ill ' standard of the Wnrld. I sell tl em. Clothing! Clothing.: Full line samples from llie well knewu 'lalilisliti enl cf Watmrriak. r i Hrnwn cli tliii'i; lo order cheaper than 50U fit reidy made uiis.- Kill L'oaranl. ul ..r iinsale. Call and exaimtie full line fall saruplis now on llu I'ltiiiti. A. L, STAINBAGK, Weldon, N. C. vv Weldon, N. C. -lealcr Id- I Li i n 1 Coufeclioneiics, Tobaccos, Ciyars und Farm Supplies generally. MT-SALB0I- has Win recenily fitted up with elepant fumiture and is supplied with the OLDEST, IIK.sr and MOST CIIUICK WHISKIES, BODIES WD VIlflES Among my stock of linuors I hive ol hand the celebrated I. W. llsrpcr, Davenport i Morria' "Old lirovei," and IviV "Motuicello." I have also opened up a barrel ot six year old Al'l'LE BRANDY PURE AND MELLOW a.for Medicinal l'urposes. Also have on hand full supply of latter will tm louud the of Garrett & Co.'s winery st Chockayotte. 1 have some of tho OLDEST AND BEST North Carolina Corn Whiskeyr tusde by Harrison k Co., the boat corn whiskey makers we have in our Territory. I have on hand all kinds of pure whiskies and am prepared to give my frittJs- Entire Satisfaction throughout Halifax aid adjoiuiuir eoiiolief. -Thanking the publio for paM liberal patronage, I will sa win a joa visil Weldon don't fail to call to see the OLD ORIGINAL DAVE SMITH, B0Tft,J 00 VVisbiiigtoi Avenue. rv U 55a i & 9L bet ter . Ilest material, best nor'ainis. SEWING MACHINE n I M UM L1JJ imported and duuicatic wines. Aniorg ids 1 ). m nil, r 12 o